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Extracts from New Zealand Gazette.

(From Gazette, 1902, pages 336, 337, 344, 417, and 420.)

Fixing Shooting-season for Deer, License Fee, dx., Marlborough District.

RANFURLY, Governor,

IN exercise of the powers vested in me by “ The Animals Protection Act, 1880,” and the Acts amending the same, I, Uchter John Mark, Earl of Ranfurly, the Governor of the Colony of New Zealand, do hereby notify that reddeer stags and fallow-deer bucks may be taken or killed within the Marlborough District, comprising the Counties of Marlborough and Sounds, from the twenty-second day of February, one thousand nine hundred and two, to the twenty-first day of April, one thousand nine hundred and two, both inclusive (subject, nevertheless, to the restrictions in the said Acts mentioned); and Ido further notify that licenses to take or kill such game within the said district shall be issued on the payment of the sum of twenty shillings each, and that no licensee shall be allowed to kill more than six stags or bucks, and that the Chief Postmaster at Blenheim is hereby appointed to issue the said licenses; and, further, that the said Chief Postmaster shall not issue more than one such license to the same person. As witness the hand of His Excellency the Governor, this seventh day of February, one thousand nine hundred and two.

J. G. WARD, Colonial Secretary.

Fixing Shooting-season for Deer, License Fee, dx., Nelson District. RANFUBLY, Governor. IN exercise of the powers vested in me by “ The Animals Protection Act, 1880,” and the Acts amending the same, I, Uchter John Mark, Earl of Ranfurly, the Governor of the Colony of New Zealand, do hereby notify that reddeer stags and fallow-deer bucks may be taken or killed within the Nelson District, comprising the Counties of Waimea, Buller, and Collingwood, from the twenty-second day of February, one thousand nine hundred and two, to the twenty-first day of April, one thousand nine hundred and two, both inclusive (subject, nevertheless, to the restrictions in the said Acts mentioned) : And Ido further notify that licenses to take or kill such game within the said district shall be issued on payment of the sum of twenty shillings each, and that no licensee shall be allowed to kill more that six bucks or stags, and that licenses to sell such game shall be issued on payment of the sum of five pounds each; and the Chief Postmasters at Nelson and Westport are hereby appointed to issue the said licenses : and, further, that the said Chief Postmasters shall not issue more than one such license to the same person. As witness the hand of His Excellency the Governor, this seventh day of February, one thousand nine hundred and two. J. G. WARD, Colonial Secretary.

Regulations for Deer-shooting, Otago,

RANFURLY, Governor.

IN pursuance and exercise of the powers conferred by “ The Animals Protection Act, 1880,” and the Acts amending the same, I, Uchter John Mark, Earl of Ranfurly, the Governor of the Colony of New Zealand, do hereby notify that deer (bucks or stags only) may be shot and killed within the boundaries of the Otago Acclimatisation Society’s district, subject to the following regulations and restrictions, namely:—


1. Licenses to shoot and kill deer (bucks or stags only) in the Otago Acclimatisation Society’s district, except within the area hereinafter described, will be issued under the hand of the Chief Postmaster at Dunedin, on the recommendation of the Secretary of the Otago Acclimatisation Society. For every such license to kill red deer a fee of £3 sterling will be charged; and no holder of any such license as aforesaid shall kill more than four stags under or by virtue of such license, and no stag with less than eight points shall be killed. And for every such license to kill fallow deer a fee of £2 sterling will be charged; and no holder of any such license as aforesaid shall kill more than four bucks under or by virtue of such license. An additional license to kill red deer may be issued to any person at a fee of £5, and no holder of such additional license shall kill more than four stags under or by virtue of such license, and no stag with less than eight points shall be killed. The said Chief Postmaster is hereby appointed and authorised to issue and sign the said licenses. 2. Every such license shall entitle the person named therein to kill fallow deer (bucks only), as provided in Regulation No. 1, from the 15th March, 1902, to the 30th April, 1902, and red deer (stags only), as provided in Regulation No. 1, from the Ist April, 1902, to the 31st May, 1902. Ball cartridge only to be used. 3. No doe, hind, or fawn will be allowed to be killed on any pretext whatever, and no dogs will be allowed to accompany either the licensee or any attendant he may have with him. 4. The licensee must give notice to the said Chief Postmaster of the date on which it is his intention to stalk deer; such notice to be posted, or delivered, or telegraphed three clear days before such date. 5. Nothing herein contained shall extend to authorising any person to sell any deer or portion thereof. 6. No deer shall be shot within an area containing about 24,800 acres in one block, being parts of the Mid-Hawea, Longslip, Lower Hawea, and Lindis Districts, plans of which area will be issued by the Secretary of the Otago Acclimatisation Society to persons to whom licenses to shoot deer are granted. As witness the hand of His Excellency the Governor) this seventh day of February, one thousand nine hundred and two. J. G. WARD, Colonial Secretary.

Regulations for Deer-shooting, Waitaki.

RANFURLY, Governor,

IN pursuance and exercise of the powers conferred by “ The Animals Protection Act, 1880,” and “ The Animals Protection Act Amendment Act, 1881,” I, Uchter John Mark, Earl of Ranfurly, the Governor of the Colony of New Zealand, do hereby notify that deer (bucks or stags only) may be shot and killed within the boundaries of the Waitaki and Waimate Acclimatisation Society’s district, subject to the following regulations and restrictions, namely:— Regulations. 1. Licenses to shoot and kill deer (bucks or stags only) in the Waitaki and Waimate Acclimatisation Society’s district will be issued under the hand of the Chief Postmaster at Oamaru, on the recommendation of the Secretary of the Waitaki and Waimate Acclimatisation Society. For every such license to kill red deer a fee of £3 sterling will be charged; and no holder of any such license as aforesaid shall kill more than four stags under or by virtue of such license, and no stag with less than eight points shall be killed. And for every such license to kill fallow deer a fee of £2 sterling will be charged ; and no holder of any such license as aforesaid shall kill more than four bucks under or by virtue of such license, and no buck with less than eight points shall be killed. An additional license to kill red deer may be issued to any person at a fee of £5, and no holder of such additional license shall kill more than four stags under or by virtue of such license, and no stag with less than eight points shall be killed.

The said Chief Postmaster is hereby appointed and autho rised to issue and sign the said licenses. 2. Every such license shall entitle the person named therein to kill fallow deer (bucks only), as provided in Regulation No. 1, from the 15th March, 1902, to the 30th April, 1902, and red deer (stags only), as provided in Regulation No. 1, from the Ist April, 1902, to the 31st May, 1902. Ball cartridge only to be used. 3. No doe, hind, or fawn will be allowed to be killed on any pretext whatever, and no dogs will be allowed to accpm-

pany either the licensee or any attendant he may have with him. 4. The licensee must give notice to the said Chief Postmaster of the date on which it is his intention to stalk deer; such notice to be posted, or delivered, or telegraphed three clear days before such date. 5. Nothing herein contained shall extend to authorising any person to sell any deer or portion thereof. As witness the hand of His Excellency the Governor, this seventh day of February, one thousand nine hundred and two. J. G. WARD, Colonial Secretary.

Rules of the Hobson Acclimatisation Society.

Colonial Secretary’s Office, Wellington, Bth February, 1902. HIS Excellency the Governor directs it to be notified that a copy of the rules of the Hobson Acclimatisation Society, duly signed, has been deposited in this office ; and the said society is therefore deemed to be a duly registered acclimatisation society under “ The Animals Protection Act, 1880.” J. G. WARD.

Shooting - season for Deer, License Fee, die., County of Wairarapa South.

RANFURLY, Governor

IN exercise of the powers vested in me by “ The Animals Protection Act, 1880,” and the Acts amending the same, I, IJchter John Mark, Earl of Ranfurly, the Governor of the Colony of New Zealand, do hereby notify that red deer (stags only) may be taken or killed within the County of Wairarapa South (excepting therefrom the area described in the Schedule hereto) from the first day of March to the thirtieth day of April, one thousand nine hundred and two, both inclusive (subject, nevertheless, to the restrictions in the said Acts mentioned) ; and I do further notify that licenses to take or kill such game within the said district shall be issued on payment of the sum of twenty shillings

each; and the Chief Postmaster at Wellington, and the Postmasters at Masterton, Carterton, Greytown North, Featherston, and Martinborough, are hereby appointed to issue the said licenses; and that the said Chief Postmaster and Postmasters shall not issue more than one such license to the same person ; and I do further notify that the said licenses to take or kill such game within the said district shall be issued subject to the following conditions—namely, that no stag shall be killed carrying antlers with less than ten points, and that no licensee shall be allowed to kill more than five stags.


All that area of land in the Huangarua Survey District, in the County of Wairarapa South, being Sections 29 to 41, inclusive, 59, 71, 72, 75, 79, 83, 90, 93, 97, 98, and part of Sections 70, 74, 78, 82, 86, 89, 92, 91, 94, 95, 96, 87, and 84, now in the occupation of Mr. John Martin and Mr. Featherston Johnston, and known as the Puruatanga Estate or Station. As witness the hand of His Excellency the Governor, this seventh day of February, one thousand nine hundred and two. J. G. WARD, Colonial Secretary.

Inspector of Weights and Measures, City of Nelson and Counties of Waimea and Collingwood, appointed. Colonial Secretary’s Office, Wellington, 15th February, 1902. HIS Excellency the Governor has been pleased to appoint Constable Thomas Simpson Charles Kemp to be an Inspector of Weights and Measures, under “ The Weights and Measures Act, 1868,” and the Acts amending the same, for the City of Nelson and the Counties of Waimea and Collingwood. C. H. MILLS, For Colonial Secretary.

Note.—Those marked D are to be used in districts, and are not forwarded to the Commissioner’s office.

By Authority : John Mackay, Government Printer, Wellington.

No. of Form. Nature of Form. * To be forwarded to Commissioner’s Office. No. of Form. Nature of Form. To be forwarded to Commissioner’s Office. 1 Pay-sheet, large size. Infant Life Protection 2 Pay-sheet, small size. Act— 3 Forage return Monthly. 60a Application for license as 4 Half-yearly return of horses Half-yearly. an infant home keener 5 Report of horses considered When necessary. (A). unfit 60b Report on application for 6 Return of horses purchased At date of purchase. home-keeper’s license. 8 Return of defaulters Monthly. 61 Notice of a child being re9 Defaulter-sheet .. When necessary. ceived. 9a Record of merit and service „ 62 Notice of removal or death 10 Parchment discharge Issued from Commisof a child. sioner’s office. 63 Warrant for the removal 11a Schedule of paid accounts, When rendering acof a child (E). with vouchers attached counts. 64 Order by a Justice of the 11b Schedule of claims forPeace (J). warded for direct pay64a Home-keeper’s license (B). ment. — Book-record of infants re12 Certificate of appointments Issued by Storekeeper. ceived into infants’ home (mounted) (D). 13 Certificate of appointments „ 65 Return showing actual and (foot) authorised strength Monthly, with “ State.” 15 Form of oath. 66 Descriptive return on enrol16 Leave of absence .. When necessary. ment When necessary. 17a Crime report „ 17b Supplementary crime reArms Act — port. 67 Memorandum form to Post17b Return of warrants issued Quarterly. master. and remaining unexecuted 68 Memorandum form from 18 Half-yearly return of arms 31st March and 30bh licensing officer. and accoutrements Sept., to Storekeeper. 69 Return of licenses for19 District monthly distribuMonthly. warded to Postmaster for Monthly. tion state issue to dealers 19a Half-yearly distribution re-Half-yearly. 69a Ordinary license. turn — Record-book, Form C, for 23 Contraot for prisoners’ raWhen necessary. licensed dealers. tions 24 Tender for forage „ 70 Return of members entitled 25 Tender for farriery „ to long-service medals Quarterly. 26 Return of sick Monthly. 71 Acquittance-roll of lodging27 Lock-up ration return Attached to voucher for allowance granted to marMonthly. rations. ried men 31 Return of charges When necessary. 72 Return of married men of 32 Delivery and receipt vouch- „ over three years’ service. ers (A and B) 73 Pay-list. 34 Inquest reports .. „ 74 Schedule of pay-sheets. 35 Report of inquest on fire .. „ 75 Comparative return of of36 Missing-friend notice „ fences Monthly. D 38 Report upon licensed houses. 76 Voucher for travelling alD 39 Report upon application for lowances and expenses. new license. 76a Sub-vouchers (in books of D 41 Surveillance returns. fifty each). D 42 Watch-house recognisance. D 43 Notice of recognisance. Police, Provident Fund — D 44 Detective “ Stop ” notice. 77 Lodgment slips. D 45 Route. 78 Schedule of amounts deD 46 Transfer return. ducted. D 47 Report for Coroner. 78a Schedule of fines deducted. D 48 Inventory of money aud property taken from prison79 Acquittance - roll of allowers. ances for plain-clothes D 49 Morning state. duty and clerks. D 50 Charge-sheet. 80 Memorandum, fcap. folio. D 51 Application for a summons. 81 Memorandum, fcap. 4to. D 52 City sectional report. 82 Particulars of person com53 Return of cases tried After each sitting of mitted for trial and adSupreme or District mitted to bail. Court. 83 Acquittance-roll of bicycle53a Statement of fees and fines When necessary. allowances. 55a Names and aliases. 84 Return of prisoners dis55b Memorandum form. charged from gaol. 57 Guarantee form. 85 Cab hire certificates. 58 Request under “ Fugitive 86 Requisition for uniform Offenders Act, 1881.” clothing. 59 Prisoners for trial. 87 Ditto ( duplicate). 59a Report upon fires. 88 Clothing issue-sheet. 60 Return of children not at89 Requisition for articles on tending school. payment. 90 Ditto (duplicate).

List of Police Returns and Forms, Ist March, 1902.

Gaol, and Name of Prisoner. Where tried. When. Offence. Sentence. Native of Trade. Born. Height Complexion. Hair. Eyes. Nose. Remarks, and Previous Convictions. uckland— ft. in. dark br. small Taiamai Auckland .. 3/2/02 attempted suicide to come up when called on N. Zealand domestic .. 1866 5 0* copper.. black Scar on upper lip ; skull injured. Bailed. William Power .. Cambridge .. 22/11/01 horse-stealing corn’d for trial N. Zealand farmer 1883 5 10 fresh .. dark brown grey .. thin, proJames Edward Power Cambridge .. 22/11/01 horse-stealing corn’d for trial N. Zealand farmer 1877 5 8f fresh .. dark brown grey .. thin, prominent Scar on right side of forehead; mole on left elbow. Bailed, Adam Joseph Auckland 8/1/02 rape acquitted N. Zealand gum-digger 1867 5 9* copper.. black, turning grey dark br. pug A Maori. Strong build; bone injured on back of right hand. Alfred Ashenden Auckland 4/11/01 theft 3 months England .. gum-digger 1862 5 8* fresh .. fair It. blue medium 26 p.o. Scar on nose. John, alias John James, Auokland 7/11/01 default of maintenance 2 months N. Zealand seaman 1865 5 2i fresh .. light brown It. grey medium 1 p.o. Second left finger orippled ; lower front tooth out. Arrested 4th December, 1901. James Roach Auckland 4/12/01 drunkenness .. fine, or 48 hours N. Zealand carter 1879 5 fresh .. dark brown blue .. large 2 p.c. Three dots on left forearm. consorting with prosti2 months John Anderson .. Auckland .. 4/1/02 tutes theft 1 month Sweden .. seaman 1875 5 6i fresh .. fair blue .. large Stout build; H. BANCROFT, &c., on right arm; S. between left finger and thumb ; anchor on left hand. Edward Cash Auckland 1/2/02 lunacy remanded N. Zealand fireman 1883 5 fair, light brown grey .. large Sent to lunatic asylum. freokled Scar on left eyebrow and bridge of nose. John Galbraith .. Auckland 22/1/02 obscene language fine, or 14 days Scotland .. cook and steward labourer 1862 5 6 fresh .. brown blue .. large Harry Shaw, alias Schaw, alias Holmes, alias “ GerAuckland 2/9/01 rogue and vagabond .. 6 months Germany .. 1854 5 5J fresh .. dark brown It. hazel crooked to left 6 p.c. H.H. (in square) below left thumb ; top off left forefinger ; anchor below right thumb. man Harry,” &c. John, alias Kenneth, Monaghan, alias Sydney Auckland 26/11/01 breach of by-laws fine, or 7 days .. . , Arrested 1st February, 1902. (See Police Gazette, 1902, page 49.) Wright John Wilson, alias “Hoppy” Auckland 17/10/01 rogue and vagabond .. 4 months England .. labourer 1843 5 fresh .. light brown dk. grey medium 76 p.c. Sinews of right foot contracted. Francis Edward Molloy, Auckland 3/2/02 drunkenness .. fine, or 7 days N. Zealand saddler 1859 5 5} fair, light brown grey .. large 11 p.c. Maltese cross on right arm ; small circle on alias Michael, alias Frank, alias Edward, freckled left arm. Molloy William Baker, alias “Ballarat Bill,” alias Auckland 11/11/01 vagrancy 3 months Victoria .. herbalist .. 1842 5 10* dark .. dark brown, turning grey It. hazel crooked .. 17 p.c. Stout build; mole between shoulders; scar across left eye, nose, and cheek; ruptured left Becker side. Edward Lock Auckland 28/1/02 assault fine, or 14 days England .. fireman 1877 5 5§ swarthy brown hazel .. medium T. KINGHAM and LOVE on right arm; cross on right hand ; anohor on left hand. Jennie, alias Jane, Kerr .. Auokland 4/2/02 drunkenness .. .. fine, or 7days Scotland .. prostitute .. 1878 5 0 fresh .. brown, turnhazel .. medium See Police Gazette , 1902, page 30. John Thomas Bennett, alias White, alias Dyson, alias Wyatt, &c. Wanganui .. Auckland 14/3/99 20/11/99 false pretence false pretence 2 years 3 years England .. labourer 1852 5 3* fresh .. ing grey light brown grey .. medium 17 p.c. Two lower front teeth out ; J.B.M.B. 1861 on right arm ; star on right hand ; ROB ROY on left arm; bald. Photographed at Auckland, 10/2/88. Harata Paretiti .. Gisborne 25/4/01 manslaughter 12 months N. Zealand 1845 5 2 dark .. black dark br. broad HIRINI on left arm ; lip and chin tattooed ; cross on right wrist. Henry Marins Christian Boyson Auckland 17/1/02 theft 1 month •• •• Photographed at Auokland, 10/2/02. (See Police Gazette , 1902, page 30.) Max Pifer Auckland 17/1/02 wife-desertion 1 month Germany .. seaman 1873 5 3 fresh .. brown blue broad Heart with M.P. in centre on left arm ; ruptured on right side. Andrew Pyke,afias Ambrose Auckland 17/1/02 theft 1 month England .. seaman 1880 5 74 fresh .. dark brown grey .. thick Scar on left cheek and on left hand. Pegg Albert Victor McAskie, alias Auckland 3/2/02 endeavouring to introfine, or 14 days .. .. , , 3 p.c. Photographed at Auckland, 10/1/02. (See McCaskie, alias McGusduce into prison toPolice Gazette , 1902, page 49.) key, alias McCaskey bacco and matches


Gaol, and Name of Prisoner. Where tried. When. Offence. Sentence. Native of Trade. Born. 43 A u 'o a Complexion. Hair. Eyes. Nose. Remarks, and Previous Convictions. Auckland— continued. ft. in. Charles Flanagan Auckland 3/2/02 obscene language fine, or 14 days N. Zealand plumber 1876 5 9J fresh .. fair dk. blue medium Mole on right arm; nail of second right finger injured. Thomas Day Auckland 3/2/02 theft 12 mo. probat’n •• •• •• •• •• •• •• •• Stout build. (See Police Gazette, 1902, page 31.) Joseph Albert Neary, alias Albert Neary Auckland 3/2/02 assault acquitted N. Zealand farmer 1865 5 4* fresh .. black dk. grey medium 3 p.o. Scar on nose and left cheek ; ring on third left finger. Harold Fagan .. Auckland 3/2/02 housebreaking acquitted N. Zealand butcher 1884 5 11 fresh .. brown blue-gr’y short, prominent Female and dagger on right arm; snake, star, &o., on left arm; part of bracelet on left wrist; five dots between left finger and thumb. Edward Bailey .. Auckland 3/2/02 assault acquitted •• •• •• •• •• •• •• 1 p.c. (See Police Gazette, 1902, page 30.) John Bowes Monkman Auckland 10/2/02 wife-desertion discharged .. England .. hawker 1871 5 8f sallow .. brown blue .. prominent Two flags, eagle, &c., on left arm; heart, &c., on right arm. Margaret Barnsley, sen. .. Auckland 10/2/02 causing bodily harm .. discharged .. Ireland domestio .. 1863 5 2 sallow.. black brown .. medium Margaret Barnsley, jun. .. Auokland 10/2/02 causing bodily harm .. discharged N. Zealand domestic .. 1885 5 2* sallow.. brown brown .. PUg Eliza McGinn .. Auckland 10/2/02 vagrancy discharged .. Ireland prostitute .. 1842 5 2* florid .. dark brown blue .. medium 78 p.c. Gone to Salvation Army Home. Joseph Russell .. Auckland 5/2/02 breaking and entering remanded England .. tinsmith .. 1848 5 2f sallow .. grey dk. blue large Second right finger has been injured. Ellsworth Stevens Auckland 3/2/02 theft acquitted •• • • .. • • .. • • .. .. See Police Gazette, 1902, page 31. Jakov Cebalo Boro Auckland 3/2/02 theft in a dwelling bill ignored .. Austria gum-digger 1875 5 6 sallow.. dark brown grey .. medium Soar on both wrists and left side of forehead. Rudolph Huntley Rosewarne Gisborne— Auckland 14/2/02 false pretence discharged N. Zealand metallurgist 1879 5 7f dark .. black It. grey with brown speckles medium James Henley .. Gisborne 5/2/02 theft 3 mo. probation Ireland .. labourer .. 1860 K 6* fresh .. fair blue .. medium Thomas Kennedy Gisborne 4/2/02 obscene language 7 days England .. sailor 1858 5 H dark .. grey blue .. medium Wairoa— John McLean Wairoa 12/12/01 theft fine, or 21 days N. Zealand labourer 1885 5 7 dark .. black grey .. medium Half-caste Maori. Fine and costs paid. William Johnston, alias Joseph Rountree Wairoa 7/2/02 laying totalisator odds fine, or 2 mo’s N. Zealand butoher and spieler 1876 5 10 fair brown grey .. long Fine paid. Napier— John Francis O’Dowd, alias Dowd Napier 4/11/01 vagrancy 3 months Ireland .. labourer 1862 5 6* sandy .. brown blue .. medium Repeatedly convicted. Scars on forehead, left eyebrow, and nose ; very eccentrio. Photographed at Wellington, 5/3/92. (See Police Gazette, 1895, page 197.) Numerous p.c. Pointed chin ; wrinkled features. (See Police Gazette, 1901, page 99.) Fanny Preston, alias Mary McMahon, alias Janet Napier 9/12/01 habitual drunkenness.. 2 months England .. •• 1859 5 1 fair light brown blue-gr’y sharp McPherson George, alias Christian, Dennison Dannevirke .. 10/8/01 drunkenness .. rogue and vagabond .. 3 months 3 months Denmark .. labourer 1864 5 5 fair light brown It. hazel long Repeatedly convicted. Scars on nose. Sentences cumulative. (See Police Gazette, 1899, page 151.) Thomas Williams Dannevirke .. 5/2/02 drunkenness .. fine, or 48 hours Ireland .. sailor 1857 5 6 dark .. dark brown brown .. medium Scars on nose and eyebrows; crucifixion, &c., on right arm. William Charles May Hawera 3/2/02 default of maintenance remanded N. Zealand labourer 1871 5 2* fresh .. light brown blue .. rather pug Eight-pointed star on left arm; mole behind right ear; bad teeth. Several p.c. Squints; boil-marks on right leg; broken nose. (See Police Gazette, 1897, page 17.) Thomas Carter, alias George Jones Hastings 11/1/02 theft 1 month England .. labourer 1855 5 3f fair fair blue .. large


Gaol, and Name of Prisoner. Where tried. When. Offence. Sentence. Native of Trade. Bor u. Height Complexion. Hair. Eyes. Nose. Remarks, and Previous Convictions. Napier — continued. ft. in. Body Clifford Waipawa 11/1/02 drunk and disorderly .. 1 month Ireland labourer 1842 5 114 fresh .. grey blue .. medium Almost bald ; bad teeth. John Thatcher, alias MeDannevirke .. 11/1/02 drunkenness .. 7 days Ireland labourer 1841 5 7 fresh .. brown hazel .. medium 2 p.c. First joint of left forefinger off; scar on chin ; Cluskey, alias Fletcher obscene language 1 month bald ; freckled. Sentences concurrent. (See Police refusing to quit licensed acquitted Gazette, 1897, page 119.) John Kelly premises Gisborne 12/11/01 habitual drunkenness.. 3 months Isle of Man cook 1857 5 5 dark .. black, turnhazel .. broken .. Repeatedly convicted. Defect in sight of left eye; Norman George Cox Napier 10/2/02 theft (2 charges) 2 yrs. probation ing grey very deaf. (See Police Gazette, 1900, page 157.) See Police Gazette, 1902, page 20. William Johnson Napier 10/2/02 assault no bill N. Zealand groom and 1882 5 k fair, brown blue .. medium Scar on top of left shoulder. (See Police Gazette, Frances Middleton Napier 12/2/02 drunkenness .. fine, or 48 hours England .. jockey 1845 5 24 sallow pale .. grey hazel .. straight .. 1901, page 257.) 16 p.c. Scar on forehead. (See Police Gazette, 1901, Thomas Bewley .. Napier 7/2/02 drunkenness .. remanded England .. carpenter .. 1841 5 8§ fair grey blue .. medium pages 78 and 178 ) Elephantiasis in both legs. A remittance-man. New Plymouth— William Holmes Hawera 5/2/02 indecent assault acquitted N. Zealand labourer 1879 5 104 sandy .. sandy blue .. sharp Scars on right leg and right foot. Wanganui— Herbert Hill Feilding 24/1/02 breach of Licensing Act 3 days N. Zealand bootmaker.. 1874 5 4 fresh .. dark brown hazel .. medium Two scars on forehead; eczema on legs. Sentences William Cochrane Wanganui .. breach of Licensing Act 14 days concurrent. 12/2/02 drunkenness .. 24 hours England .. labourer 1861 5 5f sunbur’t dark brown hazel .. large, bent Bracelet and ballet-girl on right arm. Raetihi — to left Charles Williams Wanganui .. 30/1/02 supplying lia uor to fine, or 1 month England .. labourer 1854 5 5 dark .. black brown .. medium Charles Mears .. Natives (2 charges) Raetihi 12/2/02 obscene language fine, or 14 days Cape of labourer 1871 5 10 fair brown grey .. medium Strong build. Fine paid. Wellington— Good Hope John Seamore Wellington .. 13/11/99 attempt to commit un3 years N. Zealand miner and 1876 5 44 fresh .. brown brown .. medium Coat-of-arms on right arm; right forefinger off; woman’s head on left arm. Photographed at Weinatural offence labourer George Alexander, alias Frederick MoGlashen, Wellington .. 13/11/99 theft 3 years N. Zealand draper 1859 5 5 dark .. brown grey .. medium lington, 24/5/01. 10 p.c. Photographed at Napier, 6/7/95. (See Police Gazette, 1899, page 204.) alias Charles Griffin, alias Henry Small Arthur Speed, alias James Wellington .. 29/8/98 arson 2 years N. Zealand labourer 1883 5 5 fresh .. dark brown grey, medium Several p.c. Two first sentences concurrent. PhotoJackson, alias Marshall Napier 26/2/00 theft 2 years small graphed at Napier, 14/10/99. "(See Police Gazette, Sinclair Smith, alias George, alias Harry, Fuller Wellington .. theft (4 charges) 2 years 1899, page 1.) 15/4/01 false pretences 12 months N.- Zealand butcher 1871 5 6f fair fair blue medium Several p.c. Photographed at Lyttelton, 5/3/92. (See Police Gazette, 1901, page 45.) James Herbert Evans, alias Wellington .. 20/4/01 false pretenoes 12 months Scotland .. clerk 1870 5 10 fresh .. brown grey .. large, Scar on right shin. Sentences concurrent. PhotoBurnham false pretences (10 chgs) 3 mo’s on each regular graphed at Wellington, 25/7/01. Charles Lister .. theft 3 months Wellington .. 16/4/01 false pretences 12 months England .. tailor’s cutt’r 1866 5 54 fair grey blue large Bald front part of head. Photographed at WellingAlfred Burrell Wellington .. 26/4/01 breaking and entering 12 months England .. labourer 1864 5 64 dark .. brown dark br. medium ton, 2/5/01. Several small scars on forehead. Thomas Kane Wellington .. 6/12/01 obscene language 2 months Ireland labourer 1872 5 11 dark .. dark brown brown .. small 1 p.c. Sentences concurrent. (See Police Gazette, drunkenness .. 24 hours 1901, page 258.) Alexander Howie resisting police 1 month Wellington .. 6/1/02 receiving 1 month Scotland .. seaman 1878 5 24 fair reddish blue .. sharp Scar on left cheek. Otto Radske Greytown .. 8/1/02 theft 1 month Germany .. seaman 1869 5 3f fresh .. light brown brown .. medium 1 p.c. (See Police Gazette , 1901, page 209.) Morgan Evans .. Wellington .. 27/1/02 false pretences 14 days New Jersey cook 1859 5 64 dark .. dark,turning brown medium Large emblem on right arm; girl skipping on left arm ; first joint off second left finger. Henry William Price grey Pahiatua 20/1/02 breach of the peace .. 21 days England .. labourer 1860 5 9 fair light brown grey .. medium 2 p.c.


Gaol, and Name of Prisoner. Where tried. When. Offence. Sentence. Native of Trade. Born. Height Complexion. Hair. | Eyes. Nose. Remarks, and Previous Convictions. Wellington— continued. 1872 ft. in. fair Carl Carlson Levin 11/11/01 disorderly behaviour .. obscene language 1 month 2 months Norway .. seaman 5| light brown blue .. thick 1 p.c. Sentences cumulative. (See Police Gazette, 1901, page 247.) Thomas Gervin .. Masterton .. 12/12/01 theft 2 months N. Zealand seaman 1861 5 8 dark .. dark blue .. long 1 p.c. (See Police Gazette, 1901, page 209.) William Roberts.. Wellington .. 31/1/02 drunkenness .. assault 24 hours 14 days • • •• See Police Gazette, 1902, page 50. * Nicholas, alias Joseph, Fitzgerald Masterton .. 16/1/02 indecent language 1 month Ireland labourer 1850 5 9£ fresh .. brown, turning grey blue medium 3 p.c. (See Police Gazette, 1898, page 126.) James Hudson .. Wellington .. 21/1/02 drunkenness .. assault obscene language 24 hours 1 month 1 month Isle of Man seaman 1875 5 10i fresh .. dark grey .. medium Anchor on back of left hand. Discharged to ship. George Styles Wellington .. 3/1/02 6/2/02 default of sureties shooting with intent .. 6 months to oome up when oalled on N. Zealand farmer 1846 5 4f dark .. brown, turning grey * * medium 1 p.c. A.M.L.G.S. and wreath with roses on left arm. Sureties found. (See Police Gazette, 1881, page 78.) Robert William Thompson Wellington .. 3/2/02 stowaway 7 days 1875 fresh .. hazel .. See Police Gazette, 1902, page 31. Robert McQuaid Wellington .. 3/2/02 stowaway 7 days Dunedin .. groom 5 4 dark brown medium Scar on right cheek. Bertie Grenville .. Wellington .. 6/2/02 theft 12 mo. probat’n England .. . . 1878 5 4 fresh .. light brown grey .. medium See Police Gazette, 1899, pages 237 and 247. Edward Jackson Wellington .. 5/2/02 receiving stolen property remanded England .. clerk 1861 5 H dark ,, dark brown brown .. large Anchor on right forearm. Oscar Miller Wellington .. 7/2/02 false pretences remanded Norway .. seaman 1873 5 9f sallow.. light brown blue .. long, thin Bailed. Andrew Peterson Wellington .. 13/2/02 cattle-stealing 18 mo. probat’n Bom at sea labourer 1849 5 dark .. black, turning grey brown .. large Gross-eyed ; strong build. Walter Clifford .. Wellington .. 14/2/02 theft 12mo’sproba’n England .. engineer 1872 5 8* fair light brown blue .. medium Two upper front teeth missing. Lizzie Grigg Wellington .. 5/11/01 drunkenness .. 3 months N. Zealand prostitute .. 1867 4 y* dark .. dark brown blue medium, sharp medium See Police Gazette, 1901, pages 189 and 248. Alice Stewart Wellington .. 6/1/02 drunkenness .. vagrancy 24 hours 1 month America .. •• 1870 5 sallow .. dark brown brown .. Picton — Edward Brown .. Blenheim 12/2/02 lunatic discharged .. N. Zealand labourer 1862 6 0 fresh .. dark hazel .. medium Hokitika — William Fabling Napier 16/12/01 default of maintenance 1 month England .. miner 1852 5 pale turning grey blue .. medium Stout build ; bald. Arrested 8th January, 1902. Timothy Begley, alias Bigley Ahaura 12/12/01 illegally on premises .. 2 months Ireland labourer 1860 5 8 sallow .. brown It. blue large Several p.c. (See Police Gazette, 1901, page 69.) Lyttelton — It. blue James S. Guilford Timaru 5/11/01 rogue and vagabond .. 3 months England .. engineer 1876 5 7 fair light brown medium Scar on left arm and on second right finger. Photographed at Invercargill, 29/10/00. (See Police Gazette, 1900, page 286.) Peter Thomson .. Christchurch 6/11/01 obscene language 3 months Scotland .. fisherman .. 1836 5 5£ fresh .. grey grey .. medium Numerous p.c. Mary Sutherland Christchurch 6/11/01 vagrancy 3 months N. Zealand servant 1876 4 10 dark .. dark brown grey .. medium 2 p.c. Weak intellect. Christina Lawson Christchurch 6/1/02 drunkenness .. 1 month •• •• Numerous p.c. (See Police Gazette, 1902, page 22.) Annie Smith, alias Jennie Christchurch 23/1/02 drunkenness .. 14 days Numerous p.c. (See Police Gazette, 1902, page 33.) Wilson Christchurch John McKenzie, alias Wiles 7/11/01 vagranoy 3 months N. Zealand labourer 1870 5 Si dark .. black, curly brown , . medium 2 p.c. Photographed at Lyttelton, 27/1/02. (See Police Gazette, 1901, page 101.) Michael Kirwain Christchurch 8/11/01 vagrancy 3 months N. Zealand clerk 1872 5 .. light brown blue .. short Several pimples on face. Photographed at Lyttelton, 24/1/02. James C. Wyley Christchurch 8/11/01 vagrancy 3 months . .. N. Zealand labourer 1876 5 6 dark .. black brown .. medium J.W. on left arm; burn-mark on cheek. Photographed at Lyttelton, 27/1/02.


Gaol, and N ame of Prisoner. Where tried. When. Offence. Sentence. Native of Trade. Born. Height Complexion. Hair. Eyes. Nose. Remarks, and Previous Convictions. Lyttelton —continued John McCarthy .. Lyttelton 25/1/02 deserting ship 14 days ft. in. 1 p.c. (See Police Gazette , 1902, page 51.) Gilbert Lennox .. . , Christchurch 13/2/99 sheep-stealing 4 years N. Zealand farmer 1871 5 8$ fair fair grey .. large Scar over right eyebrow. Photographed at LyttelRobert Lennox .. Christchurch 13/2/99 sheep-stealing 4 years N. Zealand farmer 1875 5 9i fresh .. brown grey .. medium ton, 6/2/02. Photographed at Lyttelton, 6/2/02. Victor Simmonds Christchurch 18/4/01 breaking and entering, 12 months N. Zealand labourer 1885 4 11 fresh .. light brown grey .. medium A Burnham boy. Two scars and four dots on left William Matheson Christchurch 18/4/01 &c. breaking and entering, &c. vagrancy 12 months N. Zealand labourer 1888 5 2 fair fair hazel .. slightly arm ; scar and dot on right arm. Blue mark on second left finger. John McKenzie, alias MorChristchurch 9/11/01 3 months N. Zealand spieler 1869 5 6* blotched dark brown blue .. pug thick 13 p.c. Cast in left eye; scar on left side of head. rison, alias Williams James O’Donnell Kaiapoi 10/12/01 procuring liquor for 2 months Ireland labourer 1838 5 4$ fresh .. grey blue .. medium (See Police Gazette , 1901, page 152.) 3 p.c. Norman G. Hall, alias Christchurch 11/11/01 prohibited person theft 3 months Denmark .. tailor 1856 5 7i pale brown, turnblue .. long, 7 p.c. (See Police Gazette, 1901, page 58.) G. E. Smith William McConnell Lyttelton 14/1/02 assault fine, or 1 month Scotland .. fireman 1870 5 41 fair ing grey brown blue .. straight pug Joint off first right finger ; left little finger broken; Patrick Manning Lyttelton 15/1/02 deserting ship 1 month Newfoundland Sweden .. seaman 1881 5 10 fresh .. brown grey .. sharp tombstone on left arm. Karl Jensen , , Lyttelton 15/1/02 deserting ship 1 month seaman 1880 5 7 fair brown blue large, pug Woman and clasped hands on right arm. Eliza Beagrie Christchurch 29/1/02 drunkenness .. 7 days . . .. , # . . Numerous p.c. (See Police Gazette, 1902, page 32.) Margaret Isles, Thomas Edwin S. Wardle alias Christchurch 30/1/02 drunkenness .. 7 days •• •• Numerous p.c. (See Police Gazette, 1902, page 32.) Christchurch 31/1/02 indecency 14 days England .. clerk 1870 5 n fresh .. brown brown .. sharp Anchor, &c., on left arm ; boat on right arm ; webMary Wynne Lyttelton 1/2/02 stowaway fine, or 7 days N. Zealand prostitute .. 1872 5 i dark .. brown brown .. medium toes on right foot; two moles on neck. Left wrist broken. Stephen Bray . . Waimate 23/1/02 drunkenness .. fine, or 1 month Ireland labourer 1881 5 9 fresh .. brown blue medium Fines paid. Edward Mills, alias Francis Christchurch 14/8/01 assault wilful damage default of surety for fine, or 2 mo’s fine, or 14 days 6 months England .. labourer 1875 5 4 fair brown brown .. sharp 1 p.c. William Warner, alias Christchurch 3/2/02 maintenance theft fine, or 14 days England .. labourer 1829 5 9f fresh .. brown, turnblue crooked .. Numerous p.c. Gregory John Ward Lyttelton 10/2/02 refusing duty 7 days Scotland .. fireman 1878 5 3 dark .. ing grey dark brown .. medium Woman on left arm. Ernest Schofield Lyttelton 10/2/02 refusing duty 7 days England .. fireman 1883 5 3f dark .. dark brown .. medium Scar on left arm. Arthur North Lyttelton 10/2/02 refusing duty 7 days England .. fireman 1882 5 5 fair fair blue medium Alfred Fraser Lyttelton 10/2/02 refusing duty 7 days England .. fireman 1879 5 64 dark .. dark brown .. medium Star and heart on left arm. John Leighton .. Lyttelton 10/2/02 refusing duty 7 days England .. fireman 1874 5 6 dark .. dark brown .. medium Woman on right arm ; coat-of-arms on left arm. William Cook Lyttelton 10/2/02 refusing duty 7 days England .. fireman 1872 5 2 dark .. dark brown .. Three spots on left arm. James Parker Lyttelton 10/2/02 refusing duty 7 days England .. fireman 1877 5 3§ fair brown grey .. medium P.P. and scar on left arm. Alfred Wilson Lyttelton 10/2/02 refusing duty 7 days England .. fireman 1867 5 7 fair brown blue medium Robert Mannister Lyttelton 10/2/02 refusing duty 7 days England .. fireman 1872 5 74 dark .. brown brown .. medium Woman on both arms. William Fry Lyttelton 10/2/02 refusing duty 7 days England .. fireman 1876 5 64 dark .. brown brown .. medium ILET and heart on right arm ; dot and W.F. on left arm. Heart and hands on right arm. Robert McCallam Lyttelton 10/2/02 refusing duty 7 days England .. fireman 1878 5 9f fresh .. brown blue .. medium James Hamill Rangiora 11/2/02 theft fine, or 1 month N. Zealand baker 1862 5 64 fair fair blue .. small Fine paid. Giibert Chalmers Lyttelton 11/2/02 ship-desertion 21 days Scotland .. seaman 1883 5 % dark .. brown ,. brown .. large Timaru — James Gill Geraldine .. 28/1/02 found on licensed prefine, or 14 days N. Zealand labourer .. 1863 5 91 fresh .. brown blue 14 p.c. (See Police Gazette, 1901, page 275.) mises being prohibited


Gaol, and Name of Prisoner. Where tried. When. Offence. Sentence. Native of Trade. Born. Height Complexion. Hair. Eyes. Nose. Kemarks, and Previous Convictions. Oamaru — ft. in. John Young Oamaru 4/2/02 drunkenness .. .. 7 days .. England .. sailmaker .. 1869 5 4 fair .. fair grey .. medium Partly deaf. Dunedin— Daniel Ropper .. Invercargill.. 14/2/93 rape 12 years Ireland .. labourer 1862 5 5i fair auburn blue .. broad Scar on right side of head ; burn-mark on right side of face; scar on right arm. Photographed at Dunedin, 10/2/02. Percy Henry Day Dunedin 26/11/00 theft (3 charges) 18 mo’s on each Calcutta .. broker 1871 5 9 dark .. light brown dark br. thiok Scar on corner of each eye. Sentences concurrent. Photographed at Dunedin, 29/1/02. Duncan Henry Atcheson McGregor, alias Henry Alfred Atcheson MeOamaru Dunedin 2/9/01 9/9/01 theft .. .. theft 14 days 6 months Sydney .. hospital attendant 1876 5 8f sallow .. black hazel .. medium Nose split at the point; small scar on joint of right thumb. Sentences concurrent. Photographed at Dunedin, 10/2/02. Gregor Dunedin Prank Sheenan .. 11/9/01 rogue and vagabond .. 6 months Tasmania.. groom 1870 5 7 fresh .. brown blue .. prominent 7 p.c. Small scar on left cheek. Photographed at Lyttelton, 13/5/97. (See Police Gazette, 1901, page 45.) 40 p.c. (See Police Gazette, 1901, page 276.) Margaret Williams, alias “ Opium Mag ” Jane Rivers Dunedin 15/11/01 drunkenness .. 3 months England .. prostitute .. 1840 5 3 dark .. black grey .. medium Dunedin 16/11/01 vagrancy 3 months Scotland .. prostitute .. 1853 5 0 fresh .. brown grey .. medium 9 p.c. (See Police Gazette, 1891, page 33.) Patrick Maloney Milton 14/1/02 assault 1 month N. Zealand labourer 1867 5 7 sallow .. light blue .. long 2 p.c. (See Police Gazette , 1898, page 201.) Henry William, alias WilDunedin 16/1/02 drunkenness .. 1 month England ., labourer 1840 5 91 fresh .. turning grey grey .. large 47 p.c. (See Police Gazette , 1901, page 219.) liam Henry, Pearson, alias Tippin William Walsham Dunedin 20/1/02 theft fine, or 14 days Australia .. bootmaker .. 1863 5 6 fresh .. light brown blue .. large 2 p.c. (See Police Gazette, 1901, page 132.) Scar on thumb and first left finger. James Ryan Dunedin 27/1/02 contempt of Court 7 days N. Zealand labourer 1875 5 44 fresh .. dark brown grey .. medium Alice Goodsir Dunedin 27/1/02 drunkenness .. fine, or 7 days N. Zealand dressmaker 1874 5 44 fair light brown brown .. medium, pointed 2 p.c. (See Police Gazette, 1901, page 280.) Mary Ellen Tradiok Dunedin 5/2/02 drunkenness .. procuring liquor 24 hours 7 days Jersey matron 1864 5 2 pale .. black brown .. large 3 p.c. Sentences concurrent. (See Police Gazette, 1901, page 302.) Thomas Lynoh .. Port Chalmers 6/2/02 breach of the peace assault fine, or 24 hours fine, or 24 hours England .. fireman 1875 5 8 sallow .. light brown blue .. long Second left finger off. Sentences cumulative. Thomas Flynn .. Port Chalmers 6/2/02 assault fine, or 24 hours Scotland .. fireman 1871 5 11 sallow .. dark brown brown .. medium Ring of blue and red ink on second left finger; shamrock, rose, and thistle, &c., on left arm. Lizzie Donaldson Dunedin 6/2/02 vagrancy discharged Victoria .. prostitute .. 1866 5 1 dark .. dark brown hazel .. medium 3 p.c. (See Police Gazette, 1901, page 190.) Catherine Moore Dunedin 8/2/02 drunkenness .. fine, or 24 hours Ireland prostitute .. 1841 5 2 swarthy grey brown .. medium 12 p.c. (See Police Gazette, 1900, page 183.) Thomas Dwyer, alias Dyer Dunedin 10/2/02 drunkenness .. fine, or 48 hours England .. blacksmith 1851 5 61 fresh .. dark brown .. broad 3 p.o. (See Police Gazette, 1900, page 42.) Invercargill— Colin Gordon, alias Langrish Invercargill.. 10/6/01 20/6/01 obscene language theft 3 months 6 months N. Zealand labourer 1877 5 7| fair fair light br. large Large mouth ; broad chin. William James Richmond Invercargill.. 3/9/01 indecent assault 6 months Ireland labourer 1851 5 51 fair dark, turning It. blue small Broad chin ; second left finger deformed. Charles, alias John, Williams Lumsden 14/11/01 theft 3 months Wales labourer 1832 5 * swarthy grey light brown, turning grey grey .. large and broad 4 p.c. Large mouth ; mole on forehead; bald ; hard of hearing. Photographed at Invercargill, 9/2/91. George Cheal Invercargill.. 29/1/02 drunkenness .. 7 days England .. labourer 1854 5 5 fair fair blue .. medium, inclined to left longish .. Numerous p.c. First joint of first right finger deformed ; cut on forehead and left eyebrow. Patrick Troy Invercargill.. 1/2/02 drunkenness .. 48 hours Ireland .. labourer 1858 5 n fair fair blue .. 12 p.c. Birth-mark on right thigh. John Kelly, alias Murphy Invercargill.. 4/2/02 drunkenness .. 24 hours Ireland labourer 1837 5 0| sallow.. grey blue .. large Numerous p.c. Large mouth; little right finger crooked. John Byrne Invercargill.. 14/2/02 drunkenness .. 48 hours Ireland labourer 1828 5 6 fresh .. grey blue .. small 1 p.c. First joint off left thumb; piece off left side of nose.


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New Zealand Police Gazette, Volume XXVI, Issue 5, 26 February 1902, Page 58

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Extracts from New Zealand Gazette. New Zealand Police Gazette, Volume XXVI, Issue 5, 26 February 1902, Page 58

Extracts from New Zealand Gazette. New Zealand Police Gazette, Volume XXVI, Issue 5, 26 February 1902, Page 58

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