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Extracts from New Zealand Gazette.

(From Gazette, 1900, pages 637, 649, and 675.)

Extending the Close Season for Seals. RANFURLY, Governor. ORDER IN COUNCIL. At the Government House, at Wellington, this twentyseventh day of March, 1900. Present: His Excellency the Governor in Council. WHEREAS by “The Sea-fisheries Act, 1894” (hereinafter termed “the said Act”), it is, among other things, enacted that the Governor in Council may from time to time make regulations (which shall have general force and effect throughout the colony, or particular force and

effect only in any waters and places specified therein) for prescribing, among other things, a close season for seals, and for extending any close season so prescribed : And whereas it is further provided by the said Act that every person who, during any close season for seals, takes any seals is liable for every such offence to a penalty not exceeding five hundred pounds, and in addition thereto is liable to a further penalty, not exceeding twenty pounds, in respect of every seal so taken : And whereas by Order in Council dated the twenty-first day of December, one thousand eight hundred and ninetyfour, the months of January, February, March, April, May, and June, one thousand eight hundred and ninety-five, were prescribed a close season for seals : And whereas by Order in Council dated the twenty-eighth day of February, one thousand eight hundred and ninetynine, the said close season for seals was extended up to the thirtieth day of June, one thousand nine hundred : And whereas it is desirable to further extend such close season for seals: Now, therefore, His Excellency the Governor of the Colony of New Zealand, in pursuance and exercise of the powers conferred by the said Act, and acting by and with the advice and consent of the Executive Council of the said colony, doth hereby make the regulations set forth in the Schedule hereto; and with the like advice and consent doth order that such regulations shall have force and effect throughout the Colony of New Zealand, and in all salt, fresh, and brackish waters of the colony, and on all shores of such waters or any part thereof.



1. The close season for seals prescribed by regulations made by Order in Council dated the 21st day of December, 1894, and published in the New Zealand Gazette No. 1, of the 4th day of January, 1895, and which was, by Order in Council dated the 28th day of February, 1899, extended up to the 30th day of June, 1900, is hereby further extended up to the 30th day of June, 1901. 2. Every person who, during the close season prescribed as aforesaid, takes any seal is liable to a penalty of not less than £25 nor more than £SOO, and in addition thereto is liable to a further penalty of not less than £1 nor more than £2O in respect of every seal so taken. The taking of seals means and includes the killing, catching, dredging for, raising, or hunting of any seal, or any attempt so to do. 3. No person shall buy, sell, expose for sale, consign for sale, buy for sale, or have in possession any seal, or any skins, oil, or blubber from any seal, in any manner in contravention of the said Act or of these regulations; and every person so doing is liable for every such offence to a penalty of not less than £1 nor more than £2O. ALEX. WILLIS, Clerk of tbe Executive Council.

Clerks of Courts appointed. Department of Justice, Wellington, 27th March. 1900. HIS Excellency the Governor has been pleased to appoint Constable William Patrick Patton to be Clerk of the Magistrate’s Court at Lower Hutt, from the 14th day of March instant, vice Sergeant A. Cruickshank, transferred; and Constable William David Lawrence Thompson to be Clerk of the Magistrate’s Court at Upper Hutt, from the 12th day of March, vice Constable W. P. Patton, transferred. james McGowan.

Probation Officer appointed. Department of Justice (Prisons Branch), Wellington, 27th March, 1900. aIS Excellency the Governor has been pleased to appoint

Sergeant Paul Shirley to be Probation Officer under “ The First Offenders’ Probation Act, 1886,” for the Borough of Greymouth. james McGowan.

Inspector of Factories appointed. Department of Labour, Wellington, 26th March, 1900. HIS Excellency the Governor has been pleased to appoint the under-mentioned person to be an Inspector under “ The Factories Act, 1894,” and to assign to him the district set opposite his name, viz.: — Name. District. Constable William David The North Island of the Lawrence Thompson Colony of New Zealand, and the islands adjacent thereto. R. J. SEDDON, Minister of Labour.

Declaring it unlawful to take Oysters in the Auckland Oyster-fishery. RANFURLY, Governor.

WHEREAS it is amongst other things enacted by section fifteen of “ The Sea-fisheries Act, 1894,” that the Governor may from time to time declare any bay, estuary, or tidal waters in the colony to be an oyster-fishery, and prescribe the subdivisions thereof wherein it shall be lawful and unlawful to take oysters : And whereas by Warrant under the hand of the Governor, dated the twenty-fourth day of March, one thousand eight hundred and ninety-eight, and published in the New Zealand Gazette of the thirty-first day of the same month, the Auckland Oyster-fishery was constituted, and divided into subdivisions: And whereas it is desirable that it should be declared unlawful to take oysters in all the subdivisions of the said oyster-fishery: Now, therefore, His Excellency the Governor of the Colony of New Zealand, in pursuance and exercise of the hereinbefore-recited power and authority, doth hereby declare and prescribe that it shall be unlawful to take oysters in all the subdivisions of the said Auckland Oyster-fishery. Ae witness the hand of His Excellency the Governor, this thirtieth day of March, one thousand nine hundred. JAMES McGOWAN. [Note. —The Auckland Oyster-fishery extends from the easternmost point of Dream Head to the in rthernmost point of the soutli head of Tairua Harbour, and includes all the islands between those points and the Great Harrier Island.]

Declaring it lawful to take Oysters in the Middle Subdivision , and unlawful to take Oysters in the Southern and Northern Subdivisions, of the Northern Oyster-fishery. RANFURLY, Governor. WHEREAS it is amongst other things enacted by section fifteen of “ The Sea-fisheries Act, 1894,” that the Governor may from time to time declare any bay, estuary, or tidal waters in the colony to be an oyster-fishery, and prescribe the subdivisions thereof wherein it shall be lawful and unlawful to take oysters: And whereas by Warrant under the hand of the Governor, dated the twenty-fourth day of March, one thousand eight hundred and ninety-eight, and published in the New Zealand Gazette of the thirty-first day of the same month, the Northern Oyster-fishery was constituted, and divided into subdivisions: And whereas it is desirable that it should be declared lawful to take oysters in the Middle Subdivision of the Northern Oyster-fishery, and unlawful to take oysters in the Southern and Northern Subdivisions : Now, therefore, His Excellency the Governor of the Colony of New Zealand, in pursuance and exercise of the hereinbefore-recited power and authority, doth hereby declare and prescribe that it shall be lawful to take oysters in the Middle Subdivision of the Northern Oyster-fishery, and unlawful to take oysters in the Southern and Northern Subdivisions. As witness the hand of His Excellency the Governor, this thirtieth day of March, one thousand nine hundred. JAMES McGOWAN. [Note.— The Northern Oyster-fishery extends from the south head of Whangururu Harbour to the North Cape; the Middle Subdivision extends from Ti Point, on the south side of entrance to River Waitangi, in Hay of Islands, to a point on high-water mark of tho sea due east of Trig. Station No. 3, Mataka, near Cape Wiwiki.]

By Authority : John Mackay, Government Printer, Wellington

Gaol, and Name of Prisoner. Where tried. When. Offence. Sentence. 1 Native of Trade. Born. Height. Complexion. Hair. Eyes. Nose. Remarks, and Previous Convictions. Auckland — labourer (t. in. blue Thomas Chappell Auckland 20/12/99 obscene language 3 months E. India .. 1853 5 7£ fresh .. fair medium 5 p.c. Very stout build ; scar on nose and cheek. (See Police Gazette, 1899, page 98 ) John Thomas Sheldon Paeroa 14/12/99 default of maintenance 1 month N. Zealand labourer 1870 5 9J fresh .. dark brown blue .. medium Scar on left arm and right wrist; finger- and toenails disfigured. Arrested 21st February, 1900. William Andrew darken.. Coromandel 7/3/00 theft 14 days N. Zealand labourer 1879 5 51 fresh .. dark brown blue medium Coronet on left arm; scar centre of forehead. John James Chappell, alias Parker Whangarei .. 12/11/99 theft 6 months Auckland .. labourer 1880 5 6 fresh, freckled light brown grey .. medium 5 p.c. Slight build ; Maori head, &c., on right arm ; two flags on right hand ; dagger, &c., on left arm ; arrow on left hand. (See Police Gazette, 1898, page 141.) 4 p.c. Slight build; ESTHER, &c., on chest; ESTHER, &c., on left arm ; EMD, &c., on right arm. Photographed at Auckland, 3/2/99. (See Police Gazette, 1899, page 149.) John Joseph Dover, alias Cain Whangarei .. 22/2/00 theft (2 charges) 1 mo. on each (concurrent) England .. marine engineer and fitter 1858 5 G£ fresh .. light brown dk. blue prominent Henry Jones H.M.S. “Tauranga ” 4/1/00 ship-desertion 90 days England .. signalman .. 1876 5 5^ fresh .. light brown hazel .. prominent Slight build ; bracelet on left wrist. Discharged to “ Ringdove.” Alfred Richard Coates Auckland 17/3/00 ship-desertion remanded England .. seaman 1879 5 7J fresh .. light brown grey .. medium Scar above each eye ; heart, &c., on right arm; half-bracelet on left wrist; ring on two left fingers. Handed to naval authorities. Annie Fraser Auckland 21/3/00 theft convicted and discharged N. Zealand domestic servant 1881 5 0 fresh .. light brown grey • • small Slight build. Edward John Message Auckland 1/3/00 default of maintenance order made .. N. Zealand carpenter .. 1877 5 5\ fresh .. black brown .. pointed .. Scar on left wnst, one on first and second left finger. Isaac Keighley .. Auckland 23/2/00 rogue and vagabond .. 1 month England .. cabinetmaker 1835 5 5J fresh .. dark brown blue medium 10 p.c. Blind right eye. (See Police Gazette , 1889, page 149) Thomas Fitzpatrick Auckland 29/7/98 indecent assault 2 years N. Zealand seaman • 1874 5 3J fresh .. light brown bluegrey medium Stout build ; one upper front tooth out; two flags, &c., on right arm ; harp on left arm. Photographed at Auckland, 21/3/00. John William Foster Auckland 29/5/99 housebreaking (8 chgs) 12 mo’s on each (concurrent) Christch’ch baker and ex-railway-porter 1879 5 sallow .. dark brown, curly grey • • rominent Mole under right ear ; top off left little finger; scars on left hand. Photographed at Auckland, 22/3/00. Paul Charlton Purchase .. Auckland 29/5/99 theft 12 months S. Africa .. gum-digger 1861 5 6| fjresh .. black grey .. medium 5 p.c. Right arm off. (See Police Gazette, 1895, page 69.) 7 p.c. Slight build ; all upper front teeth out. (See Police Gazette, 1892, page 34.) Elizabeth Ellen Lund Auckland 9/3/00 drunk and disorderly .. 14 days • England .. prostitute .. 1858 5 0 fair fair blue medium Michael Kiely Auckland 31/1/00 assault 2 months Ireland blacksmith 1859 5 H dark .. black dark br. broad 8 p.c. Emblem, &c., on right arm; policeman’s head, &c., on left arm; crucifix on right leg. Photographed at Auckland, 21/9/89. (See Police Gazette, 1893, page 123.) George Millard Walker .. Auckland 15/3/00 breaking and entering remanded to Hawera England .. butcher 1841 5 7 fresh .. dark brown blue large Right thumb off. John Davie Auckland 23/3/00 vagrancy discharged N. Zealand confectioner 1873 5 4 fair dark brown blue medium Slight build ; two moles on neck. Charles Buckley Auckland 10/3/00 habitual drunkenness.. 14 days England .. gum-digger 1857 5 4 swarthy dark brown brown .. pug 10 p.c. Nude female on left arm ; crucifix on right arm. (See Police Gazette, 1899, page 160.) James, alias Charles, Bobinson, alias Wilkinson, alias Chas. Robinson Trowling Auckland 29/5/99 attempt to steal 12 months j England .. marine engineer 1847 5 11 swarthy dark brown blue large 16 p.c. No teeth in upper jaw ; blue mark on left cheek; second left finger off at second joint. Photographed at Auckland, 12/10/91. (See Police Gazette, 1898, page 191.) George McCauley Auckland 5/3/00 assaulting police 21 days •• ; See Police Gazette, 1900, page 19. Frederick Stein Gossett .. Auckland 29/8/98 1 theft (2 charges) i 2 years N. Zealand labourer 1 1881 5 8 copper.. black dark br. pug 1 p.c. Scar on left forefinger. Photographed at Auckland, 22/3/00.


Gaol, and Name of Prisoner. Where tried. When. ! Offence. Sentence. Native of Trade. Born. Height. Complexion. Hair. Eyes. Nose. Remarks, and Previous Convictions. Auckland — continued . Edward Ryan .. Auckland 20/3/00: obscene language 7 days Ireland farm-labour’r 1842 5' 5f fresh .. dark brown grey .. large Scar on nose. James Thomas Trueman .. Auckland 28/7 /99 breach of by-laws(2 chgs) 1 day •• • • 6 p.c. (See Police Gazette , 1900, page 27.) John McNaughton Auckland 26/3/00 drunk and disorderly .. 48 hours Sydney .. shipwright 1843 5 &i sallow .. black blue .. medium 7 p.c. Stout build. James McConnell Auckland 15/3/00 drunk and disorderly .. 14 days 5 p.c. (See Police Gazette, 1900, page 19.) Isaac Carn Auckland 30/8/97, assault 3 years England .. gum-digger 1845 5 7i fresh .. black brown .. large Stout build; right collarbone out; five upper front escaping 3 months teeth out; two right fingers crippled. PhotoFrank Smith, alias Dillon Auckland 1/3/00 idle and disorderly (cumulative) 1 month Ireland labourer 1834 5 3 fresh .. grey blue .. medium graphed at Auckland, 21/3/00. 45 p.c. Defective vision. (See Police Gazette , 1899, Samuel Evison .. Paeroa 1/3/00 drunk in possession of 1 month England .. carpenter .. 1860 5 6f fresh .. dark brown brown .. medium page 15.) Flesh lump top of head. (See Police Gazette , 1895, Henry Bosser loaded revolver page 142.) 5 p.c. Stout build ; bald ; anchor on left and star on Auckland 19/3/00 j indecency 14 days Jersey gum-digger 1850 5 3| fresh .. dark brown grey .. medium right thumb ; lame left leg. (See Police Gazette, Thomas McDonald Auckland 26/3/00 drunk and disorderly .. 7 days .. 1896, page 96.) 18 p.c. (See Police Gazette, 1900, page 39.) Li)yHambley,aZiasHandley Auckland 2/1/00 rogue and vagabond .. 3 months Sydney .. prostitute .. 1878 5 2 fair light brown grey .. medium 7 p.c. (See Police Gazette, 1898, page 19l!) Napier — John Goodwin .. Dannevirke .. 6/3/00, obscene language 14 days England .. shearer 1862 5 10$ sandy .. reddish bro’n hazel .. wide 1 p.c. Bald ; two upper front teeth out; left little * nostrils finger injured ; small tuft of hair on nose. (See Alexander Matheson Waipawa 24/2/00 drunkenness .. 1 month Scotland .. ship’s car1860 5 7 fresh .. brown grey .. broad, Police Gazette, 1897, page 86.) Strong build ; AM on right arm; left wrist has been Albert Le Quesne, alias Austin Hastings 17/2/00 theft penter pointed broken. (See Police Gazette, 1899, page 215.) 6 weeks N. Zealand clerk 1871 5 fair light brown blue .. long, Large projecting ears ; pink mark on left calf; moles broad at on back and belly. (See Police Gazette, 1899, page William Pratley Woodville .. 12/3/00 indecent exposure 21 days England .. labourer 1853 5 5 dark .. dark brown, grey .. point medium, 216.) An upper front tooth out; wen above right ear ; top Port Awanui — Richard Hoskins New Plymouth — Port Awanui 9/3/00 theft 7 days N. Zealand labourer 1852 5 8 fair turning grey, curly light brown grey . bent long, crooked of third right finger injured. Discharged 14th March, 1900. Henait. Paparua N. Plymouth 21/3/00 theft 12 mo. probat’n N. Zealand labourer 1845 5 6i copper.. black, turnbrown .. flat KOKAR and cross on right arm ; TUROA, KOPHI, Wanganui — ing grey P on left arm ; PAPARIRI on left leg. (See Police Gazette, 1898, page 183.) Ellen Mullins Mangaweka 2/2/00 obscene language 2 months Ireland matron 1857 5 2 sallow .. brown, turngrey .. medium Mary Maggie Mason PalmerstonN. 20/2/00 vagrancy 1 month England .. prostitute .. 1852 5 fresh .. ing grey grey blue sharp Emily Selfe, alias Mary Watts Palmerston N. 20/2/00 vagrancy 1 month England .. prostitute .. 1854 5 2 fresh .. fair blue .. medium Several p.c. John Dowd, alias O’Dowd PalmerstonN. 30/12/99 vagrancy 3 months .. .. Repeatedly convicted. (See Police Gazette, 1900, James O’Brien ., Poxton 6/3/00 drunkenness .. 24 hours Scotland .. seaman 1861 5 2* fresh .. light brown blue medium page 9.) Two scars on breast; female and flag on left arm ; Henry Adams Poxton obscene language 14 days crucifix on right arm. Sentences concurrent. 5/3/00 .theft 14 days N. Zealand labourer 1883 "3 8 fresh .. light brown grey .. medium Scars on lip and chin ; birth-mark on both thighs. Bernard Newcombe PalmerstonN 15/3/00 vagrancy 14 days labourer 1866 5 6 fresh .. dark brown hazel .. medium 1 p.c. Mole on back. Pat t ie Ryan Foxton 15/3/00 theft from the person .. 14 days England .. seaman 1876 5 H sallow .. dark brown It. blue large Clasped hands and P over R on right arm ; star on left arm.


Gaol, and N ame of Prisoner. Where tried. When. Offence. Sentence. Native of Trade. a u o « ‘8 ! a Complexion. Hair. Eyes. Nose. Remarks, ancl Previous Convictions. W anganui — continued . England .. ft. in. James Lee .. .. 1 Foxton 15/3/00 theft from the person .. 14 days seaman 1869 5 64 fresh .. brown blue .. pug Scar on head; sailor and “Mary Donovan” on left arm; sailor and woman, &c., on right arm. Arthur Birklav .. Foxton 15/3/00 theft from the person .. 14 days England .. seaman •• 1 p c. (See Police Gazette , 1900, page 82.) George Lineham Palmerston N. 21/2/00 vagrancy 1 month England .. labourer 1840 5 6* fresh .. gi*y grey .. medium Scars on right groin, left forefinger, aud thumb. Wellington — England .. 1874 James Barker, alias Haslem Wellington .. 23/12/99' false pretences 3 months grocer 5 6i fresh .. brown blue medium 1 p.c. (See Police Gazette , 1899, page 38.) William Forsyth Wellington .. 22/2/00 attempted theft 1 month Scotland .. labourer 1847 5 3 fresh .. grey brown .. large Lame on left leg ; woman on right arm ; cross and WG on left arm. Michael Hanratty Greyfcown 8/3/00 damage 14 days Ireland surgeon 1836 5 61 fair grey blue medium, oblique Several p.c. (See Police Gazette , 1898, page 184.) Francis James Williams .. Nelson 28/9/99 theft 18/10/99 theft 2 months 6 months N. Zealand seaman 1880 5 es fresh .. brown grey .. small 1 p.c. Sentences concurrent. (See Police Gazette , 1898, page 95.) Benjamin Morgan Masterton .. 23/3/00 theft 7 days N. Zealand labourer 1865 5 3i fresh .. brown grey .. medium Right leg off close to body. Leonard Sayer .. Masterton .. 23/3/00 theft 7 days N. Zealand labourer 1881 5 9 fair light brown grey .. medium Boil-mark back of neck ; scar on back of head. Allen John Gibson Wellington .. 1/3/00 theft 1 month Sydney .. blacksmith 1864 5 7 4 fresh .. brown brown .. large 8 p.c. (See Police Gazette, 1899, page 236.) James Charles Power Wellington .. 8/3/97 1 breaking and entering 5 years N. Zealand labourer 1869 5 84 fresh .. dark brown grey • • medium 4 p.c. (See Police Gazette, 1896, pages 63.) Archibald William Phipson Wellington .. 28/8/99 theft 8 months England .. surveyor and architect 1876 5 9 fresh .. brown brown .. large Two upper teeth missing ; mouth slightly sunken. George Cranby .. Wellington .. 5/6/99 forgery 12 months Born at sea labourer 1872 5 84 fair light brown blue medium Sear on left eyebrow. George Coleman .. Wellington .. 29/8/98; forgery and uttering .. 2 years Australia .. engineer 1872 6 03 dark .. brown brown .. medium 2 p.c. (See Police Gazette, 1898, page 126.) William Henry Vennell .. Wellington .. 1/1/00 naval desertion 90 davs England .. seaman 1878 5 74 fresh .. dark brown It. grey large Scar on left side of forehead. Philip Bond Wellington .. 1/1/00 naval desertion 90 days England .. stoker 1877 5 54 dark . .. dark brown grey .. medium Dot on right wrist; anchor on left hand ; part of bracelet on left wrist. William Eager .. Wellington .. 1/1/00 naval desertion 90 days England .. seaman 1877 5 6§ fresh .. brown hazel .. regular .. Girl and ship on right arm ; sailor, cross, and bracelet on left arm. Charles Matthews Masterton .. 28/3/00 theft acquitted England .. shepherd .. 1877 5 64 fair light brown brown .. medium Right shin lias been broken. Walter William Glass Otaki 1/3/00 theft 1 month N. Zealand labourer 1876 5 7i fair brown blue medium Scar on right side of chin. Alexander Finlay Wellington .. 19/3/00 assault 14 days Scotland .. shoemaker .. 1859 5 H florid .. brown brown .. pug 4 p.c. (See Police Gazette, 1899, page 71.) Margaret Finlay Wellington .. 8/3/00 theft 14 days Norway .. charwoman 1842 4 9 fair grey light br. medium Picton — John Galvin Blenheim 15/3/00 drunkenness .. fine, or 7 days Ireland butcher 1856 5 83 fair light brown blue medium Several p.c. Scar on forehead; female and wreath on right arm. (See Police Gazette, 1899, page 163.) David Gregg Blenheim 15/3/00 drunkenness .. fine, or 7 days Ireland labourer 1861 5 Ilf dark .. dark brown hazel .. medium Scar on left arm; stout build. (See Police Gazette, 1896, page 90.) Hokitika — James McMullin Lyttelton — Hokitika 15/3/00 default of fine (2 chgs) 1 week on each Ireland labourer . 1835 5 6f fresh .. grey grey .. medium Stout build ; ruptured. Sentences concurrent. John William Proud Lyttelton 20/3/00 assault 1 month England .. fireman 1877 5 7f fresh .. dark,turning blue .. medium Sydney Nettleford Christchurch 23/2/00 trespass on racecourse 1 month N. Zealand clerk 1877 5 7f fresh .. grey dark grey .. medium Scar on right cheek. Thomas Turner .. Christchurch 9/3/00 theft 14 days N. Zealand gardener .. 1867 5 6 fresh .. brown, turning grey blue large, crooked Scar on lip ; pimply skin ; bald on top of head. Richard Maloney Christchurch 24/2/00 drunkenness assaulting police 48 hours 1 month (concurrent) 6 months Australia .. labourer 1864 5 5§ copper.. black black .. large An Australian aboriginal. A growth on edge of left ear. Edward Hughes Lyttelton 26/9/99 illegally on premises .. Ireland seaman 1867 5 6f fair fair grey .. medium 3 p.c. E. HUGHES, 1888, on right arm ; anchor on left hand.


Gaol, and Name of Prisoner. Where tried. When. Offence. Sentence. Native of Trade. Born. Height. Com- | plexion. Hair. Eyes. Nose. Kemarks, and Previous Convictions. Lyttelton — continued. ft. in. August Luhr Christchurch 15/3/00 theft 14 days Germany .. firoman 1870 5 6$ fair auburn brown .. medium 2 p.c. Photographed at Dunedin, 24/11/99. Mary McLaughlin, alias Christchurch 15/3/00 drunkenness .. 14 days Ireland matron 1852 5 4 fair brown brown .. medium 10 p.c. Portelli Sabina Murphy .. Christchurch 15/3/00 drunkenness.. 14 days Ireland servant 1862 4 10 dark .. fair blue medium 14 p.c. Nicholas Bassi .. Christchurch 14/8/99 forgery 9 months Austria insurance agent 1850 5 8* swarthy black blue large 2 p.c. Top off first right finger. Bernard Casey .. Lyttelton .. 27/3/00 drunkenness .. 96 hours Ireland fireman 1863 5 8* fresh .. brown grey .. large Emblem, stars, and bracelet on left arm ; American coat-of-arms, eagle, &c., on right arm ; scar on forehead. Joseph Purvis Lyttelton 31/3/00 drunkenness .. to pay costs of maintenance England .. seaman I860 5 10* dark .. brown brown .. large Costs paid. Eliza Beagarie .. Christchurch 2/2/00 drunkenness .. 2 months England .. prostitute .. 1858 5 0 fresh .. brown brown .. pug Several p.c. Robert C. Petersen Christchurch 12/2/00 housebreaking (2 digs) 3 mo’s on each N. Zealand labourer 1882 5 4* fresh .. brown grey .. medium Scar on It ft cheek; tuft of red hair on crown. Sent Burnham. Timaru - Albert Clements, alias Fleming Waimate 19/3/00 obscene languago 14 days N. Zealand labourer 1878 5 7 fair light brown grey .. medium 3 p.c. MS on loft hand. (See Police Gazette , 1899, page 122.) Oamaru — Lawrence R. Scully Kurow 28/2/00 theft 30 days N. Zealand labourer 1864 5 7* sandy .. auburn grey .. medium Upper front teeth missing. Henry Eversfield Dunedin— Christchurch 19/3/00 wilful damage refusing to quit fine, orl month on each England .. butcher 1848 5 10 fair fair brown .. medium 2 p.c. Very stout build. Fine paid. Thomas Barrett Dunedin 26/4/97 31/5/97 theft theft nreaking and entering, and theft 3 months 6 months 3 years Ireland labourer 1861 5 4 sallow .. black grey .. short, broken 13 p.c. Blind right eye. Sentences cumulative. (See Police Gazette, 1897, page 30.) Charles Smith .. Dunedin 13/3/99 29/5/99 theft theft theft from a dwelling .. 4 weeks 4 wee ks 12 months England .. bootmaker .. 1868 5 11* fresh .. light brown grey .. large 6p.o. Photographed at Dunedin, 16/3/00. (See Police Gazette, 1899, page 39.) Joseph Jackson .. Dunedin 29/5/99 forgery and uttering (2 charges) 12 mo’s on each Dunedin .. labourer 1875 5 2* fresh .. dark hazel .. medium Photographed at Dunedin, 16/3/00. Edward Connor .. Dunedin 24/1/00 assault 2 months America .. acrobat 1854 5 5* dark black dark .. broad 3 p.c. (See Police Gazette, 1895, page 152.) John Morris Dunedin 20/2/00 habitual drunkenness.. 1 month .. .. 4 p.o. Photographed at Dunedin, 19/12/99. (See Police Gazette, 1900, page 22.) Martha Smeaton Lawrence .. 24/2/00 indecent language 1 month N. Zealand 1864 5 3 sallow .. black hazel .. medium 1 p.c. Ellen Keegan Oamaru 21/2/00 drunkenness .. indecent language fine, or 24 hours 1 month Scotland .. prostitute .. 1852 5 ° fresh .. brown grey .. large 7 p.c. (See Police Gazette, 1894, page 202.) Jane Brown Dunedin 15/3/00 obscene language 7 days N. Zealand matron 1875 5 0 fair fair hazel .. long Scar on forehead. James Kelly Dunedin 22/3/00 attempted theft discharged .. Tasmania.. tailor 1865 5 6* sallow .. dark brown grey .. Roman .. Varicose veins on both legs ; birth-mark on breast. Joseph Valentine Hourigan Mosgiel 20/3/00 j refusing to quit licensed premises 22/3/00 obscene language 48 hours Ireland labourer 1864 5 8* fresh .. light brown grey .. medium John Claucy Dunedin 7 days Dunedin .. blacksmith 1872 5 9 dark .. black brown .. medium 1 p.c. (See Police Gazette, 1899, page 275.) Gisborne— Annie Tosland .. Gisborne 12/3/00 drunkenness .. 14 days England .. washerwoman 1862 4 9| fair brown blue large Several p.c.


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New Zealand Police Gazette, Volume XXIV, Issue 8, 11 April 1900, Page 88

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Extracts from New Zealand Gazette. New Zealand Police Gazette, Volume XXIV, Issue 8, 11 April 1900, Page 88

Extracts from New Zealand Gazette. New Zealand Police Gazette, Volume XXIV, Issue 8, 11 April 1900, Page 88

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