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Extracts from New Zealand Gazette.

(From Gazette , 1899, pages 1840, 1841, 1867, and 1870.) Inspector of Abattoirs, dr., Patetere and Taotaoroa Ridings of Piako County, appointed. Colonial Secretary’s Office. Wellington, 20th September, 1899. HIS Excellency the Governor has been pleased to appoint Constable Alexander McGilp to be an Inspector of Abattoirs and Slaughterhouses and of Cattle intended for Slaughter, under “ The Abattoirs and Slaughterhouses Act, 1894,” for the Patetere and Taotaoroa Hidings of the County of Piako. J. CARROLL.

Inspector of Factories appointed. Department of Labour, Wellington, 22nd September, 1899. HIS Excellency the Governor has been pleased to appoint the under-mentioned person to be an Inspector under “ The Factories Act, 1894,” and to assign to him the district set opposite his name, viz.:— Name. District. Constable William John The North Island of the CoButler lony of New Zealand, and the islands adjacent thereto. R. J. SEDDON, Minister of Labour.

Additional Regulations for Right of taking Sponges RANFURLY, Governor.

VYJHEREAS by Warrant dated the tw'enty-fourth day V V of May, one thousand eight hundred and ninetynine, and published in New Zealand Gazette, No. 46, of the first day of June in the same year, certain regulations for the exclusive right of taking sponges were made by the Governor : And whereas it is advisable to make additional regulations : Now, therefore, in pursuance and exercise of the power and authority conferred upon me by section twenty-one of “ The Sea fisheries Act, 1894,” subsection one of section three of “ The Sea fisheries Act Amendment Act, 1895,” and of an Order in Council dated the twelfth day of April, one thousand eight hundred and ninety nine, made under section three of “ The Sea-fisheries Act Amendment Act, 1896,” and published in the New Zealand Gazette, No. 32, of the thirteenth day of the same month, declaring sponges and sponge-beds to be subject to the provisions of sections eighteen to twenty-two of “ The Sea fisheries Act, 1894,” I, Uchter John Mark, Earl of Ranfurly, the Governor of the Colony of New Zealand, do hereby make the following additional regulations for granting licenses for the exclusive right of taking sponges from sponge-beds in-New Zealand: —

Regulations. 8. Licenses shall be granted by the Governor, who shall have power to fix the rental to be charged, and to make any special conditions in any license that he may deem advisable. As witness the hand of His Excellency the Governor, this twenty-eighth day of September, one thousand eight hundred and ninety-nine. WM. HALL-JONES.

Animals Protection Acts.—Declaring Reserve for Native and Imported Game, Otago. RANFURLY, Governor.

PURSUANT to the powers conferred upon him by “The Animals Protection Act, 1880,” His Excellency the Governor of the Colony of New Zealand doth hereby notify that neither native game nor imported game shall be taken or killed within the area described in the Schedule hereto.

SCHEDULE. Sanctuary for Game

All that area in the Otago Land District, situated in Greenvale Survey District, bounded towards the north by public road from Section No. 2, Block XII. (P.R.), to the bridge over the Pomahaka River; thence by a line across that river: towards the east generally by the left bank of the said Pomahaka River to a point bearing north 45° west from the north-eastern corner of Section No. 15, Block XIII.; thence by a right line to the north-eastern corner of said Section No. 15; thence by a public road and Sections Nos. 18, 10, and 9, Block XIII., and the western boundary-line of the last-mentioned section produced to the right bank of the Pomahaka River : thence towards the south-west generally by the right bank of the Pomahaka River to the confluence of Leithen Burn with the said Pomahaka River; thence by the right bank of Leithen Burn to a point opposite the eastern boundary-line of the reserve situated between the Leithen Burn and the south-eastern part of Section No. 2, Block XII. (P.R.) ; thence by a line across the said Leithen Burn and by the aforesaid reserve to the road forming part of the southern boundary of Section No. 2, Block XII. aforesaid, to the place of commencement. As witness the hand of His Excellency the Governor, this twenty-ninth day of September, one thousand eight hundred and ninety-nine. J. CARROLL.

By Authority: John Mackay, Government Printer, Wellington

Gaol, and Name of Prisoner. Where tried. When. Offence. Sentence. Native of Trade. Born. Height. Complexion. Hair. Eyes. Nose. Remarks, and Previous Convictions. Auckland — Te Poukohe, alias William Whakatane .. 19/6/99 theft .. .. 3 months N. Zealand labourer 1878 ft. in. 5 6 copper.. black dark br. flat 2 p.c. Stout build; burn-scar on neck and Tawhi James Herbert Whittle .. Auckland 19/7/99 theft 2 months Sydney .. labourer 1854 5 4f fresh .. light brown blue .. thick right elbow; brown mark on throat. Photographed at Auckland, 18/9/95. 6 p.c. Scar on chin and right arm; four upper front teeth out; mole below throat and on chest. (See Police Gazette, 1881, page 165.) Two upper front teeth out; mole on right William Wellington Scott Auckland 5/8/99 mischief fine, or 14 days Ireland boarding1857 5 9f fresh .. dark brown It. grey medium Adolphus Thomas Langlois Auckland 19/9/99 default of costs theft 1 month 2 months’ probation Otago house keeper carter 1874 5 4 fresh .. dark brown brown .. medium cheek; small birth-mark on right arm. Scar over left eye and on back of head; George Taylor .. Thames 20/7/99 theft 2 months Chris tch’ch miner 1875 5 8f fair auburn dark br. medium. an upper front tooth out; left thumb stiff. Stout build; round back; scar below Lottie Morris Auckland 21/8/99 riotous behaviour 1 month Auckland.. prostitute .. 1879 5 3£ fair dark brown brown .. P u g right thumb. 2 p.c. Left eye almost blind ; an upper Mary Richards .. Auckland 21/8/99 habitual drunkenness.. 1 month front tooth out. (See Police Gazette, 1898, page 101.) See Police Gazette, 1899, page 188. Henry John, alias George, Auckland 21/6/99 theft 3 months England clerk 1858 5 3 fresh .. light brown blue large 14 p.c. Stout build. Photographed at Atkins, alias J. Milward, alias George Dalton, &c. Jesse Harry Mason Auckland 14/9/99 theft fine, or 7 days N. Zealand signwriter 1860 5 7 i dark .. . light brown hazel .. Roman Auckland, 30/11/93. 3 p.c. Bald top of head ; scar under left John Martin Auckland 1/8/99 default of maintenance 1 month Auckland .. painter 1859 5 6£ fresh .. grey dark br. medium ear and on left middle finger. 1 p.c. Stout build ; scar on chest and on Edward Richard Black, Auckland .. 21/11/98 (2 charges) theft 12 months N. Zealand wood-hawk’r 1881 5 4* fresh .. light brown grey .. medium right arm. (See Police Gazette, 1892, page 98.) 2 p.c. Slight build; heart, LK (in wreath), alias James Wilson Thomas Macnelly Auckland 16/9/99 breaking and entering stowaway 12 months fine, or 7 days Tasmania.. seaman 1859 5 4 dark .. black brown .. large EB, and LK on left arm; scar below lower lip. Photographed at Auckland, 13/9/99. Stout build; two lower front teeth out; Adam McKeown, alias Henry Joseph McKeon Mary Ann Dixon, alias Lily Auckland 23/9/99 23/8/99 drunk and disorderly .. drunkenness .. fine, or 48 hours fine, or 24 hours .. woman’s bead, &c.,on left arm; balletgirl, &c.. on right arm ; flags on chest. See Police Gazette, 1899, page 118. Auckland 23/6/99 inoiting a prisoner to resist indecency drunkenness .. 1 month 1 month fine, or 24 hours .. See Police Gazette, 1899, page 128. Pew Joseph Albert Neary Whangarei .. 23/9/99 14/8/99 vagrancy drunkenness .. assault 3 months fine, or 7 days 6 months, or sureties N. Zealand farmer 1865 5 4J fresh .. black dk. grey medium Two upper front teeth out; scar on nose John, alias George, Smith, Auckland 27/7/99 drunkenness .. fine, or 24 hours .. 2 months fine, or 48 hours 2 years and left cheek ; half-ring tattooed on third left finger; left collarbone been dislocated. Conviction quashed. See Police Gazette, 1899, page 180. alias Gordon Thomson Mary Esther Ramsbottom, Auckland 27/9/99 7/3/98 theft drunkenness manslaughter England .. prostitute .. 1879 5 2i fresh .. light brown hazel .. medium 1 p.c. Scar on forehead ; front teeth false. alias Ramsay theft discharged (See Police Gazette, 1897, page 167.)


Gaol, and Name of Prisoner. Where tried. When. Offence. Sentence. Native of Trade. Born. Height. Complexion. Hair. Eyes. Nose. Remarks, and Previous Convictions. Auckland— continued . James Nathan Troy, alias James Thompson Auckland 7/3/98 breaking and entering 2 years Sydney labourer 1854 ft. 5 in. 6* sallow dark brown blue .'. large 21 p.c. Two patches of white hair back of head; left wrist been broken. Photographed at Auckland, 13/8/92. Pehiriri Whangarei .. 29/8/99 theft 1 month N. Zealand labourer 1864 5 7 copper.. black dark br. broad 6 p.c. Stout build; scar on right arm. (See Police Gazette, 1894, page 170.) Charles Elphick Brock Auckland 30/6/99 theft 3 months England .. clerk 1862 5 5* fresh .. black It. grey medium 3 p.c. Defective vision ; two small moles on left arm. Photographed at Auckland, 13/9/99. Michael Anderson, alias Mercer 29/9/99 theft discharged Norway .. seaman 1851 5 5 fresh .. brown, turnblue .. large 2 p.c. Flags, cannon, and MA on right Charles Smith ing grey arm; MA and star on left arm. (See Police Gazette, 1898, page 191, as Chas. Smith.) Emma Skiventon Auckland 29/9/99 obscene language 48 hours N. Zealand prostitute .. 1867 4 9 sallow dark brown hazel .. large 2 p.c. for drunkenness. Right leg ulcerated. Annie Roberts, alias Brown Auckland 18/9/99 indecency fine, or 14 days .. Tasmania.. cook 1841 5 2 pale white grey .. medium Slight build. John Henry Bell Auckland 18/9/99 indecency fine, or 14 days .. Scotland .. engineer .. 1858 5 9* fresh .. grey bluelarge Large mouth ; Britannia on right arm ; grey vase of flowers on left arm. Edward King Onehunga . • 25/9/99 indecent language 7 days Ireland bootmaker .. 1859 5 1£ fresh .. dark brown dark br. medium Scar back of head ; scars on neck. Alexander McNaughton, Auckland 18/9/99 drunk and disorderly .. fine, or 14 days .. N. Zealand labourer 1865 5 5* fresh .. dark brown blue .. medium 16 p.c. Two upper front teeth out; anchor alias Alfred Norton fresh .. and T on right arm. Daniel Henry McBrierty .. Onehunga .. 30/8/99 laying poison.. fine, or 1 month .. Ireland 1823 5 5| grey, thin .. grey .. large 1 p.c. Slight build ; scar over left eye ; all left fingers crippled. (See Police Gazette, 1895, page 118.) Robert Sullivan .. Auckland 2/9/99 obscene language 1 month •• * ’ * See Police Gazette, 1899, page 54. Rotorua — Kehi .. Rotorua 19/9/99 theft 48 hours N. Zealand labourer 1874 5 7 copper.. black brown .. medium Napier — 1 p.c. (See Police Gazette, 1899, page 119.) David Douglas .. Dannevirke .. 28/7/99 resisting police drunkenness .. fine, or 2 months .. fine, or 48 hours • • • • Henry Lutrell Hooper Napier 23/9/99 procuring liquor, being fine, or 7 days N. Zealand carpenter .. 1868 5 6* fresh .. brown bluemedium Stout build; boil-marks on left arm and prohibited grey back of neck ; scar under chin. New Plymouth — fresh .. brown .. large, thick 1 p.c. Small scar on jaw ; two anchors John Frederick Lund N. Plymouth 12/4/99 theft 6 months Sweden .. carpenter .. 1853 5 6* brown, turning grey and cable on left hand; T. F. LUND SODERHAM, 1854, on left arm ; left knee has been broken. Annie James Dallas N. Plymouth 22/9/99 drunkenness .. 48 hours Scotland .. wife 1880 4 10* fair fair It. blue long Scar of abscess under left jaw. Richard Irwin Kernaban.. N. Plymouth 28/9/99 breaking and entering” • acquitted Ireland clerk 1872 5 91 pale dark brown grey .. medium Slight build. John Bernard Pope N. Plymouth 28/9/99 breaking and entering acquitted N. Zealand butcher 1875 5 6f fresh .. dark brown brown .. small Scar on left side of head ; scar from bite on right thigh ; stout build. Wanganui — See Police Gazette, 1899, page 204. Michael Bernard MoNaWanganui .. 22/8/99 drunkenness .. 24 hours mara, alias Wm. Leslie MoNamara resisting police 24 hours obscene language 1 month


Gaol, and Name of Prisoner. Where tried. When. Offence. Sentence. Native of Trade. Born. •+3 A Q W Complexion. Hair. Eyes. Nose. Remarks, and Previous Convictions. Wanganui — continued. George Smithson Wanganui .. 26/9/99 conspiring to defraud .. acquitted at S.C. .. England .. labourer 1835 ft. in. 5 4 fresh .. dark grey .. grey .. medium Scars from horse-bites on both arms ; John Fletcher Smithson .. Wanganui .. 26/9/99 conspiring to defraud .. acquitted at S.C. .. Victoria .. labourer 1874 5 8 sallow.. dark brown hazel .. long wart on left eyebrow. Stutters; dent between eyebrows; thick Zoe, alias Sue, Beavan .. Wanganui .. 12/9/99 obscene language (2 chs) 7 days N. S. Wales prostitute .. 1877 5 0| pale brown brown .. large lips; burn-scar on right arm. Very large mouth ; large square chin. Annie Cahill Wanganui .. 26/9/99 assault acquitted at S.C. ., N. S. Wales prostitute .. 1859 5 li fresh .. grey brown .. medium Wellington — Strong build ; sailor and woman on right James Fraser Otaki 26/5/99 assault 2 months N. Zealand labourer 1875 5 8£ dark .. dark brown grey .. large John Foster Otaki 26/5/99 theft assault 2 months 2 months N. Zealand tinker 1880 5 6 fair, light brown grey .. medium arm ; heart, MB, 1894, ; crown, flags, &c., on left arm. Ballet-girl on left arm ; star on left hand. Thomas Reardon Wellington .. 28/7/99 theft assault 2 months 1 month England .. fireman 1870 5 74 freckled dark .. dark brown brown .. medium 4 p.c. Photographed at Wellington, 5/7/92. Thomas Trudgeon Wellington .. 21/8/99 18/8/99 theft assault 1 month 1 month (See Police Gazette, 1896, page 89.) See Police Gazette, 1899, page 189. Samuel Moore .. Wellington .. 21/8/99 theft 1 month Ireland seaman 1861 5 8 fresh .. brown, turnbrown .. medium Two sailors, JACK, &c., on right arm. Thomas Teece .. Wellington .. 21/8/99 theft 1 month England .. fireman 1870 5 6 fresh .. mg grey dark brown brown .. medium head, G. VALE, and bracelet Constantine Hatzakis Wellington .. 22/9/99 attemoted murder committed for trial Island of seaman 1861 5 04 dark .. black brown .. medium on right arm; sailor’s head, wreath, &c., on left arm. Pockmark near left eye ; partly bald. Thomas Grant .. Wellington .. 22/9/99 assault 7 days Marmara Wales fireman 1872 5 5 dark .. brown brown .. small Bailed. Scar over left eye and left side of nose; clasped hands, heart, and TRUE LOVE on left arm. Toti Honi Levin 19/9/99 theft 7 days N. Zealand labourer 1879 5 5 copper.. black brown .. flat Thomas Barnes .. Otaki 20/9/99 obscene language 7 days N. Zealand labourer 1866 5 11 fresh .. brown brown .. large Fingers of right hand stiff and bent. Peter Olsen, alias James Moore Thomas Monnock Wellington .. 30/6/99 vagrancy 3 months •• See Police Gazette, 1899, page 152. Wellington .. 30/6/99 theft 3 months N. Zealand baker 1874 5 9f fresh .. light brown grey .. medium Long scar on left leg. John Willis Wellington .. 30/6/99 vagrancy 3 months .. •• •• •• See Police Gazette-, 1899, page 70. Sarah Giles Levin 25/9/99 attempted murder discharged England .. 1852 4 8 fair grey brown .. medium Margaret Bassett Wellington .. 25/9/99 assault committed for trial Scotland .. housekeeper 1869 5 6f fair dark brown blue .. medium Two moles on front of neck. Bailed. Wairoa — James Curtis Wairoa 16/9/99 drunkenness .. 3 days Victoria .. labourer 1846 5 10 dark .. brown grey .. large Westport— short, flat Harriet Healey .. Westport 19/9/99 lunacy •. N. Zealand servant 1881 5 2 sallow.. brown grey .. Committed to asylum.


Gaol, and Name of Prisoner. Where tried. When. Offence. Sentence. Native of Trade. Born. 4^ A •Sf "o w Complexion. Hair. Eyes. Nose. Remarks, and Previous Convictions. Hokitika — ft. in. Bunions on both feet. James Grigg Reefton 6/9/99 indecent exposure 15 days Ireland labourer 1857 5 104 fair grey hazel .. medium William Hunt .. Reefton 7/9/99 indecent language 14 days N. Zealand miner 1870 5 9 sallow .. brown hazel ., medium Left arm has been broken; sharp features. Lyttelton — See Police Gazette, 1899, page 216. Elizabeth Adams Christchurch 5/9/99 drunkenness .. 14 days •• Kate Moore, aMasWilkinson Christchurch 5/9/99 drunkenness .. 14 days • • •• •• See Police Gazette, 1899, page 216. George Alexander Christchurch 18/9/99 exposing person committed for trial N. Zealand 1869 5 2i fresh .. dark brown It. grey long, pointed medium Round shoulders ; an imbecile. Bailed. Eric William Thompson .. Lyttelton 18/9/99 breaking and entering remanded N. Zealand 1887 4 n sallow .. brown blue Tattoo-spot on right hand. Bailed. Philip Francis Harry Allpress Timaru 19/9/99 attempted suicide to come up when called on Isle of Man flaxdresser 1864 5 5 fresh .. dark brown grey .. medium Three legs on left arm ; scars on each temple. William Kirk Christchurch 7/9/99 drunkenness .. 14 days N. Zealand labourer 1872 5 6§ dark .. dark brown dark br. medium 5 p.c. George Hawkins, alias William Wilson Christchurch 9/11/98 exposing person 12 months N. Zealand labourer 1863 5 5 dark .. light brown grey .. medium 1 p.c. Mole on right cheek; boil-marks on neck. Andrew Duck Lyttelton 18/9/99 obscene language drunk and disorderly .. resisting police 14 days fine, or 24 hours fine, or 7 days Russia sailmaker .. 1870 5 dark .. dark brown dark br. medium Emblem and ADAD on right arm ; star on right hand ; woman on left arm ; anchor on left hand. Discharged to ship. Edward Hughes Lyttelton 25/9/99 illegally on premises .. convicted and discharged 9 months *• See Police Gazette, 1899, page 217. John Henry Bott Christchurch 13/2/99 theft England .. clerk 1872 5 34 fair fair grey .. medium 1 p.c. Slight build. Alexander Stapleton Christchurch 25/9/99 theft 48 hours N. Zealand labourer 1883 5 34 fresh .. brown It. blue medium Ellen Martin Christchurch 22/9/99 breach of by-law fine, or 24 hours .. - See Police Gazette, 1899, page 87. Isabella Leckie .. Christchurch 23/9/99 drunkenness .. fine, or 7 days • • • • •• See Police Gazette, 1899, page 72. Henry Jones Lyttelton 29/9/99 drunk and disorderly .. fine, or 48 hours .. Calcutta .. seaman 1875 5 31 fresh .. brown brown ., medium Woman, flag, anchor, and clasped hands on right arm. Timaru— Anchor on right hand; coats-of-arms on right arm ; emblem on left arm. Charles Voigt Timaru 13/9/99 assault fine, or 7 days Germany .. seaman 1872 5 84 dark .. dark brown grey .. Oamaru — See Police Gazette, 1899, page 218. Michael Delaney Oamaru 7/9/99 drunkenness .. 14 days •• *♦ •• •• •• Mary Vincent Oamaru 15/9/99 drunkenness .. 48 hours England .. matron 1864 5 If fresh .. brown brown .. medium See Police Gazette, 1896, page 28. David Courtney .. Oamaru 25/9/99 drunkenness .. 48 hours •• •• •• •• •• •• •• See Police Gazette, 1899, page 174. Dunedin — John William Cole Dunedin 28/2/98 wounding 2 years England .. labourer 1831 5 5 fresh .. brown, turning grey grey .. large Anchor and scar on left hand. . Bald. Annie Pilet, alias Jackson, alias Mahon Dunedin 28/11/98 drunkenness .. theft from a dwelling .. 1 month 12 months Ireland matron 1866 5 0 dark .. brown blue short, pug 42 p.c. (See Police Gazette, 1898, page 109.)


Gaol, and Name of Prisoner. Where tried. When. Offence. Sentence. I j Native of Trade. Born. Height. Complexion. Hair. 1 Eyes. Nose. Remarks, and Previous Convictions. Dunedin — continued. ft. in. Hugh McLeod .. Dunedin 23/8/99 vagrancy 1 month N. Zealand labourer 1852 5 7J fresh .. brown, turnblue large Scar on left arm ; scar on stomach. Mary Vaughan .. Dunedin 28/8/99 drunkenness .. vagrancy fine, or 48 hours .. 1 month ing grey .. See Police Gazette , 1899, page 57. Arnold Vouder Meden Dunedin 15/9/99 drunkenness .. discharged Germany .. clerk 1857 5 10* sallow .. dark,turning blue medium Scar over left eye. William Henry Burton .. Dunedin 16/9/99 drunkenness .. 14 days Canada hawker 1852 5 4| sallow .. grey dark brown dark br. large Scar over right eye. Edward Martin .. Dunedin 20/9/99 assault and robbery discharged Ireland labourer 1873 5 4 fresh .. fair hazel .. medium 27 p.c. (See Police Gazette, 1898, page 167.) William Summers Dunedin 20/9/99 assault and robbery .. discharged Dunedin .. labourer 1875 5 4 dark .. dark dark br. medium 1 p.c. (See .Powce Gazette, 1898, page 223.) James Cooney .. Dunedin 22/9/99 drunkenness .. fine, or 48 hours .. England .. seaman 1860 5 6f fair dark brown .. large American flag, eagle, anchor, &c., on right arm ; crucifix on left arm. Invercargill— 9 months Joseph Blee Invercargill.. 6/2/99 perjury See Police Gazette, 1899, pages 19 and 30. Oswald Sewell .. Invercargill.. 6/6/99 theft 4 months England .. clerk 1852 5 2 fair light brown grey .. medium Little right finger bent. Photographed at Invercargill, 28/9/99. Robert James Lindsay Wellington .. 31/5/99 disobeying order of Court 3 months , . See Police Gazette, 1899, page 112.


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New Zealand Police Gazette, Volume XXIII, Issue 21, 11 October 1899, Page 222

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Extracts from New Zealand Gazette. New Zealand Police Gazette, Volume XXIII, Issue 21, 11 October 1899, Page 222

Extracts from New Zealand Gazette. New Zealand Police Gazette, Volume XXIII, Issue 21, 11 October 1899, Page 222

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