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Miscellaneous Information.

Appointments as Constables. Ist September, 1899. Collins, Francis Joseph, No. 911. Burrell, Arthur, No. 912. Rowe, Edward John, No. 913. Nelson, James Archibald, No. 914. Kemp, Thomas Simpson Charles, No. 915. Mahoney, Denis, No. 916. Woodley, Charles, No. 917. Tuck, Sydney Howard, No. 918. Lane, William, No. 919. • Middleton, Clarence Tyrrell, No. 920. Lander, John, No. 921. Egan, Herbert John, No. 922. Finlay, John, No. 923. Skinner, Arthur, No. 924.

Land permanently reserved. (Vide New Zealand Gazette, 1899, page 1597.) (See also Police Gazette, 1899, page 147.)

Maratoto (Auckland). —Section 5, in the Town of Maratoto, containing 1 rood 16 perches, has been permanently reserved for police purposes.

Public Works Stores-supply Contracts, 1898.

The Under-Secretary of the Public Works Department notifies that the contractors in the several districts whose contracts were extended to the 30th instant for the supply of stores to this department have again been approached with a view to their contracts being further extended to the 31st December next, and the following contractors have agreed to an extension of their contracts for this period, as under:—

Auckland — Class 6 .. .. .. J. Wilson and Co. Classes 7 and 8 .. .. J. J. Craig. Wellington— Classes 1 (exclusive of galvanised iron of New Zealand manufacture), 3,4, and 9.. Brisooe, Macneil, and Co. Class 2 .. .. .. Cameron and Christie. Class 7 .. .. .. J. J. Craig. Christchurch — Class 7 .. .. .. J. J. Craig. Dunedin — Class 6 .. .. .. Milburn Lime and Cement Company. Class 7 .. .. .. J. J. Craig. Invercargill— Classes 1 (exclusive of galvanised iron of New Zealand manufacture), 2,3, 4,6, 8, and 9 .. .. .. A. Briscoe and Co. Class 6 .. .. .. Milburn Lime and Cement Company. Class 7 .. .. .. J. J. Craig. Greymouth— Classes 1 (exclusive of galvanised iron of New Zealand manufacture), 2,3, 4, and 6 D. McLean. Class 5 .. .. .. J. Holmes. Class 7 .. .. .. J. J. Craig. Class 9 .. .. .. C. Hansen. All the other stores-supply contracts that were extended to the 30th instant have now lapsed, and all stores hitherto purchased under such contracts are being obtained, as far as possible, under the Stores Contract of the Working Railways Department for the present.

Admissions or Statements by Suspected or Accused Persons. The following memorandum from W. R. Haselden, Esq., S.M., on the subject of admissions or statements made by suspected or accused persons is circulated for the information and guidance of the Force : There are few occasions in which the constable is more likely to meet with criticism, and perhaps censure, than when called on to relate in the witness-box some conversation he has had with an accused person. That which is quite permissible, if done with due caution and method, is highly reprehensible if done without safeguards. Suppose, for instance, a case of murder, where the perpetrator is at large, and the police, though not possessing sufficient evidence to arrest any individual, yet have their suspicions pointed to one person, and require to know where he was at the time of the murder, it would be wrong for a constable to visit the suspect in a casual way, engage him

in conversation, ask him, as if a matter of little importance, where he was on such a night, and afterwards seek to fix guilt upon him by showing that he made a false statement as to his whereabouts on the night in question; but if an officer of police, making himself known to the suspect as such, and deliberately informing him that he was required to give an account of his movements on such an evening, takes down in writing the suspect’s statement, and obtains his signature thereto, after reading aloud what was written, then no objection could be made to such evidence. If, again, a person is arrested for crime, and a constable converses with him while in custody, casual remarks made by the accused, though to be noted by the constable, and made use of in another way, although legally admissible as evidence against the accused, are generally the subject of such judicial comment as to render the evidence worse than useless. Such remarks often lead to the discovery by the police of valuable evidence which has its own proper weight and effect, but the remarks themselves are looked upon as a dangerous class of evidence. But, unless invited to do so by the prisoner, constables should not converse with prisoners; and if the prisoner desires to converse with a constable, such constable should strictly obey the regulations laid down with regard to such communications. If a person is found in possession of stolen goods, it is permissible for a constable or any one else to ask him for an account of how he came by them, but this is rather an exception to the rule, because the law throws upon the person found in the possession of recently stolen goods the onus of satisfactorily accounting for their possession. One mam principle to keep in view is that the police are not to question arrested persons at all, and are not to question suspected persons merely for the purpose of relating on oath what they said ; in other words, they must not bolster up a weak case by attempting to extract admissions from the suspect. If, for instance, four persons were arrested for a crime, and the authorities considered it advisable to induce one to become an informer, the interrogation of one of the accused, and the holding-out a hope of pardon, has too long been sanctioned by authority to be questioned now, but the statement made by such informer would not be given in evidence; it would furnish material from which the police could probably obtain material evidence, and the informer’s own evidence would probably be corroborated by circumstances which the information supplied by the informer would put the police on the trail of. In civil matters it frequently happens that evidence is tendered to show that one of the parties has, in a casual conversation with a third person, made statements at variance with the evidence given by him in the action. Such evidence, though legally admissible, is generally discountenanced by Judges, and little attention paid to it. The reason is that casual conversations are frequently misapprehended—the omission of a single word may alter the sense ; and a further reason is that, in casual conversations about their

own affairs, men do frequently omit the whole truth, and are not to be held bound by every expression they may let fall in an unguarded moment. The same reasons apply to remarks casually made by persons suspected of crime, or who may afterwards be charged therewith ; but all such remarks should be carefully noted as before mentioned. The public and juries are inclined to resent anything like bias or unfair dealing on the part of the police ; they want freedom and justice first, and punishment of crime next. It is essential to the efficiency of the Police Force as a whole that they should have the moral support of the well-disposed portion of the community—and that is, of the great majority of the community—and this is only to be retained by a judicial attitude on the part of the police. Anything like undue zeal to gain a conviction defeats its own purpose. A constable should give his evidence in a calm, decided way, as clearly as possible, never losing his temper when provoked by counsel, and with a frankness that invites confidence. The difficulty in dealing with the question of admissions and confessions made to the police arises from the fact that neither the Legislature nor the Courts have been able to lay down any absolute rules on the subject. In Reg. v. Kerr, Park, J., thought it not improper for a policeman to interrogate a prisoner; but the practice is reprobated by most Judges, and in one case, where it appeared that the constable was in the habit of interrogating prisoners in his custody, Patteson, J., threatened to cause him to be dismissed from his office. Mr. Justice Richmond and other New Zealand Judges have sternly condemned such interrogations, though unable to rule the evidence inadmissible in law, and have warned juries to pay little attention to the evidence. The late Mr. Justice Johnston made the following observations : “ It is not the duty of a constable to prevent a person whom he has apprehended from making statements which may tell against him ; but it is no part of his duty—on the contrary, it is improper for him—to use any language or do any act which will tend to make the accused believe it will either be better for him if he do, or worse for him if he

do not, make a statement concerning the charge, The safest as well as the fairest course is that the constable should tell the prisoner immediately on his apprehension what he is charged with, or, if there be a warrant, should read the warrant to him. If the prisoner then make any statement voluntarily, the constable ought not to stop him, but, on the contrary, ought to pay close attention. If the constable should ask any questions thereupon, the subsequent statements would not thereby be rendered inadmissible if no inducement or threat were used; but it is unadvisable that the constable should ask questions (except for mere explanation of what the prisoner has already said) without cautioning the prisoner that anything he says may be used against him at his trial. It is most desirable that the constable should at once, or at the earliest practicable moment, write down anything which the prisoner has said, and it should be the whole of the statement, and not merely a detatched portion of it.” (N.Z. J.P., par. 56.)


The following list of Sergeants, Constables, and Detectives, showing the dates of appointment to their respective ranks, is published for general information:— Sergeants-Major. Reg. No. Date. Name. 57 Dec. 15, 1884 ... Mason, William Thomas. 6 Jan. 1, 1886 ... Ramsay, David. Sergeants. 3 Feb. 1, 1863 ... O’Grady, Thomas. 44 July 4, 1865 ... Barlow, John. 4a Sept. 21, 1869 ... Bell, John. 29 June 1, 1872 ... Fraser, Charles. 13 June 6, 1872 ... O’Neill, Patrick. 76 Jan. 1, 1874 ... White, Edward Sterling. 65 Nov. 19, 1874 ... McDonald, Alexander. 26 Aug. 21, 1875 ... O’Malley, James. 71 Oct. 1, 1875 ... Mulville, William Nugents 72 Dec. 13, 1875 ... Rutledge, Charles. 110 Oct. 17, 1876 ... Geerin, Michael James. 20 Dec. 1, 1876 ... Clarke, Andrew. 105 Dec. 1, 1876 ... Shirley, Paul. 5 Mar. 15, 1877 ... Greene, Bernard. 124 July 1, 1877 ... Fleming, John. 130 May 30, 1879 ... Gilbert, William. 193 Aug. 26, 1879 ... McGrath, Patrick 123 Sept. 17, 1879 ... Brown, William. 269 June 1, 1885 ... Lyons, William. 175 Jan. 2, 1886 ... Briggs, John. 248 Mar. 1, 1886 ... Black, Patrick. 117 May 1, 1886 ... Conn, Christopher. 146 Dec. 1, 1886 ... Green, Henry. 101 July 1, 1887 ... Stagpoole, Martin Dudley 87 April 1, 1889 ... Kelly, Joseph Swinbourne,. 306 Jan. 1, 1894 ... Bernard, John Stanhope. 210 Jan. 1, 1894 ... Mackay, Edward. 284 Jan. 1, 1894 ... Mitchell, Alfred James. 268 Feb. 1, 1897 ... Dwyer, John. 59 Jan. 1, 1898 ... Brennan, William. 67 Jan. 1, 1898 ... Walker, William. 85 Jan. 1, 1898 ... Stapleton, Richard. 195 Jan. 1, 1898 ... Darby, Robert. 209 Jan. 1, 1898 ... Phair, William John. 187 Jan. 1, 1898 ... Mackenzie, John Campbell.. 202 Jan. 1, 1898 ... Warring, William. 244 Jan. 1, 1898 ... King, Thomas. 235 Jan. 1, 1898 ... Bourke, Thomas. 88 Jan. 1, 1898 ... Murray, William. 231 Jan. 1, 1898 ... Siddells, James. 128 Jan. 1, 1898 ... Treanor, James. 270 Jan. 1, 1898 ... Bowman, Patrick. 290 Jan. 1, 1898 ... O’Donovan, John. 424 Jan. 1, 1898 ... Wright, Arthur Hobbins. 199 Aug. 1, 1898 ... Johnston, James. 265 Aug. 1, 1898 ... Higgins, William Henry. 119 Sept. 14, 1898 ... Gordon, Douglass. 109 Oct. 1, 1898 ... Haddrell, Walter Henry. 275 Oct. 7, 1898 ... Dougan, John. 240 Jan. 1, 1899 ... Rogers, Martin. 169 April 1, 1899 ... Smart, William Wilson. 93 May 1, 1899 ... Moon, Alfred Morton. 118 May 1, 1899 ... Forbes, John Watson. Acting Sergeant, with Pay as Constable. 45 July 4,1867 (constable) Donnelly, James.


Beg; No. Date. Name. 9 July 10, 1862 ... Tuohy, James Joseph. 22 Feb. 28, 1865 ... McGill, Patrick. 36 April 1, 1866 ... Jeffries, John. 39 June 23, 1866 ... McDonald, Charles. 46 Nov. 6, 1867 ... Farmer, John. 50 Mar. 10, 1868 ... Wild, Frederick. 55 Oct. 2, 1868 ... Whelan, Thomas. 58 Nov. 12, 1868 ... Sturmer, Edward. 60 Dec. 8, 1868 ... Addison, James. 68 May 3, 1870 ... Crozier, Alexander. 69 May 3, 1870 ... Roche, Michael. 77 Nov. 24, 1870 ... Willoughby, William. 79 Dec. 20, 1870 ... Hutchison, Joshua. 80 Jan. 24, 1871 ... McCabe, John. 82 Jan. 26, 1871 ... Salmon, Henry. 83 Jan. 27, 1871 ... Clarke, Henry. 84 Jan. 27, 1871 ... Hinton, John. 86 Feb. 15, 1871 ... White, Thomas. 99 Dec. 6, 1871 ... Quinn, Patrick. 100 Feb. 21, 1872 ... Ryan, William Henry. 11l Nov. 1, 1872 ... Hobson, Abraham. 113 Mar. 29, 1873 ... Foreman, George. 114 Mar. 30, 1873 ... Finnerty, James. 120 May 29, 1873 ... Cooper, Charles. 122 June 10, 1873 ... Rist, William James. 127 Oct. 14, 1873 ... Dunne, Patrick John. 133 Jan. 26, 1874 ... Law, Edward Henderson. 135 Feb. 2, 1874 ... Mulholland, Hugh. 136 Feb. 17, 1874 ... McGorman, John. 138 April 10, 1874 ... Stewart, George. 142 June 10, 1874 ... O’Reilly, Charles. 144 July 27, 1874 ... Bleasel, Charles. 147 Aug. 28, 1874 ... Field, Henry. 151 Oct. 8, 1874 ... Joyce, William. 152 Oct. 10, 1874 ... Cartmill, David. 155 Nov. 19, 1874 ... Scott, Nixon. 160 Feb. 23, 1875 ... Kelly, William. 161 Mar. 4, 1875 ... Pratt, James. 162 Mar. 2, 1875 ... Nolan, Patrick. 164 April 5, 1875 ... Fretwell, Henry. 165 May 10, 1875 ... Harvey, Thomas. 166 May 13, 1875 ... Moar, James William. 168 May 25, 1875 ... Lynch, John. 172 Sept. 9, 1875 ... Pool, William. 173 Oct. 5, 1875 ... Graham, Thomas. 174 Oct. 7, 1875 ... Stanley, Joseph. 176 Oct. 19, 1875 ... McClellan, William John. 178 Dec. 1, 1875 ... Greene, Michael. 182 Dec. 20, 1875 ... Coulahan, James. 184 Feb. 28, 1876 ... Donovan, Michael. 186 Mar. 8, 1876 ... Johnston, Henry. 188 May 16, 1876 ... Joyce, Michael. 192 June 17, 1876 Gillespie, John. 196 Aug. 11, 1876 ... Weatherley, Janies. 197 Aug. 22, 1876 ... Abrams, Jonas Ambrose. 201 Nov. 4, 1876 ... McGilp, Alexander. 203 Nov. 27, 1876 ... McDonnell, Luke. 205 Mar. 1, 1877 ... Carlyon, Percy Frederick. 213 June 8, 1877 ... Mackey, Josiah Gilbert. 214 June 15, 1877 ... Bowden, Charles. 215 July 1, 1877 ... Knapp, Charles. 220 Aug. 3, 1877 ... Cullen, Francis. 221 Aug. 16, 1877 ... O’Brien, Matthew. 228 Sept. 24, 1877 ... Nash, John. 232 Oct. 11, 1877 ... Ryan, Patrick. 237 Jan. 29, 1878 ... Power, John. 238 Feb. 13, 1878 ... Walker, William. 239 Feb. 16, 1878 ... Brennan, John Malaclii. 241 Feb. 19, 1878 ... Walton, John. 246 May 11, 1878 ... Latimer, David. 250 July 1, 1878 ... Walker, Maxwell. 252 July 13, 1878 ... Cavanagh, John. 276 Jan. 6, 1879 ... Sheehan, Bartholomew. 278 Jan. 14, 1879 ... O’Connor, James. 280 Jan. 17, 1879 ... Egan, Eugene. 281 Jan. 29, 1879 ... Cruickshank, Alexander. 282 Feb. 3, 1879 ... McCormack, Patrick. 286 Mar. 12, 1879 ... Cahill, Timothy. 287 Mar. 23, 1879 ... Hayes, John. 288 Mar. 28, 1879 ... O’Sullivan, Cornelius. 291 April 3, 1879 ... O’Brien, Michael. 292 April 14, 1879 ... Hastings, Michael. 294 May 13, 1879 ... Brosnahan, Denis. 296 May 14, 1879 ... Collerton,William Thomas. 299 June 4, 1879 ... Sefton, William. 300 June 5, 1879 ... Hendrey, Charles William.

Constables — continued.

Reg. No. Date. Name. 801 June 10, 1879 ... Bern, William. 308 June 10, 1879 ... Jones, William. 304 June 10, 1879 ... McDonnell, John. 308 June 18, 1879 ... McClelland, Robert. 309 June 21, 1879 ... Scully, Alexander. 309 a June 24, 1879 ... Minogue, Patrick. 310 June 25, 1879 ... Leahy, Michael. 311 July 2, 1879 ... Hastie, George. 314 a July 15, 1879 ... Kelly, Robert. 315 July 21, 1879 ... Patterson, Adam. 319 Aug. 18,1879 ... Gleeson, James. 327 Jan. 5, 1880 ... Folley, William. 329 Jan. 19, 1880 ... Franklin, James. 330 Jan. 28, 1880 ... Madden, John. 332 Jan. 29, 1880 ... Bogue, Daniel. 333 a Feb. 3, 1880 ... Cox, Michael. 334 Feb. 3, 1880 ... Howard, Thomas 335 Feb. 3, 1880 ... Millar, Nathaniel. 338 Feb. 17, 1880 ... Bree, James. 343 April 19, 1880 ... Kennedy, James. 346 Aug. 28, 1880 • ... Lemm, Robert William. 347 Sept. 6, 1880 ... Simpson, William James. 348 Sept. 14, 1880 ... Ryan, John. 349 Nov. 3, 1880 ... Wilson, Frederick Arthur. 351 July 2, 1881 ... Kelso, Stephen Maitland. 354 July 30, 1881 ... Hanson, John. 355 Aug. 4, 1881 ... McDonough, John. 357 Aug. 20, 1881 ... Bird, John. 362 Sept. 8, 1881 ... Eccleton, Joseph. 364 Sept. 9, 1881 ... McAnerin, William Henry. 367 Sept. 13, 1881 ... Herlihy, Patrick Jeremiah. 371 Sept. 21, 1881 ... O’Brien, Benjamin. 372 Sept. 21, 1881 ... Remer, Alfred Edward. 373 Sept. 22, 1881 ... Dale, James. 374 Sept. 22, 1881 ... Morgan, Andrew. 375 Sept. 24, 1881 ... Cameron, John. 378 Sept. 27, 1881 ... Roche, Maurice. 379 Sept. 27, 1881 ... McChesney, George. 380 Sept. 28, 1881 ... Fouhy, William. 381 Sept. 28, 1881 ... Keaney, Joseph. 382 Sept. 28, 1881 ... Dillon, John. 383 Oct. 1, 1881 ... Carr, Henry Hyde. 385 Oct. 5, 1881 ... Drake, Thomas Johnson. 386 Oct. 11, 1881 ... Bennett, Albert. 388 Oct. 21, 1881 ... McKinnon,William Hector. 391 Oct. 21, 1881 ... Bird, Edward Punjab. 394 Oct. 21, 1881 ... May, Joseph George. 396 Oct. 22, 1881 ... Twomey, John. 397 Oct. 26, 1881 ... Carroll, Lawrence. 398 Oct. 29, 1881 ... Christie, William. 400 Nov. 10, 1881 ... Flewellen, Samuel. 402 Nov. 14, 1881 ... Lloyd, David. 404 Jan. 23, 1882 ... Hughes, Edwin Charles. 408 April 18, 1882 ... Costin, Patrick. 409 April 21, 1882 ... Tapp, George Amos. 410 May 2, 1882 ... Stacey, Samuel. 412 May 13, 1882 ... Leece, James Danvers. 413 May 18, 1882 ... McGill, William. 415 June 2, 1882 ... Parker, Frank Stanley. 416 June 5, 1882 ... Norwood, Samuel Percival. 417 June 7, 1882 ... Daubney, Charles Lot. 418 June 13, 1882 ... Drury, Patrick. 420 June 20, 1882 ... Gray, Archibald. 422 July 29, 1882 ... Rasmussen, Hans Peter. 425 Aug. 18, 1882 ... Chisholm, Hugh. 426 Sept. 27, 1882 ... Mackle, Francis. 427 Oct. 19, 1882 ... Ferguson, John Alfred. 428 Dec. 2, 1882 ... Crawford, Robert. 431 Dec. 14, 1882 ... Smith,Frederick Charles. 432 Jan. 15, 1883 ... Hilliard, William. 433 Feb. 1,1883 . ... Griffith, Thomas. 436 June 14, 1883 ... Barrett, William Hunter. 437 June 18, 1883 ... Dew, Samuel Joseph. 438 July 2, 1883 ... Carroll, Laurence. 439 July 3, 1883 ... Sheary, James. 440 July 3, 1883 ... McCormack, Thos. Joseph. 441 July 7, 1883 ... Bradshaw, Thomas Lionel. 443 July 12, 1883 ... Marsh, Nicholas. 445 July 30, 1883 ... Rowles, Denis. 447 Aug. 1, 1883 ... Donovan, Timothy. 448 Aug. 1, 1883 ... Weathered, John Joseph. ! 449 Aug. 2, 1883 ... Joyce, Patrick. ! 450 Aug. 2, 1883 ... Martin, Edwin. 451 Aug. 7, 1883 ... Williams, Walter. ' 452 Sept. 1, 1883 ... Mclntyre, John. 453 Sept. 10, 1883 ... O’Rourke, Timothy.

Constables— continued.

Reg. No. Date. Name. 455 Nov. 15, 1888 ... Hobson, John Meade. 458 May 21, 1884 ... Beddek, Thomas Henry Hellyer. 460 Aug. 18, 1884 ... Koster, John Jacob. 462 Sept. 30, 1884 ... West, Joseph. 463 Oct. 3, 1884 ... Christie, Andrew. 465 Oct. 23, 1884 ... Browne, James Ulysses. 469 Feb. 6, 1885 ... Macßae, Duncan. 472 a June 18, 1885 ... Burrows, John. 473 June 22, 1885 ... Mullany, Luke. 475 June 29, 1885 ... Stanton, Alfred. 477 July 28, 1885 ... Mathieson, William. 482 Nov. 10, 1885 ... Kennedy, John. 483 Nov. 13, 1885 ... McGovern, Patrick John. 486 Jan. 29, 1886 ... Pardy, William John. 487 Feb. 13, 1886 ... Carmody, Patrick. 488 July 14, 1886 ... Ramsay, William. 489 Sept. 6, 1886 ... Rutledge, Barrett. 493 Nov. 12, 1886 ... Breen, Timothy. 494 Nov. 15, 1886 ... Baskiville, Walter Joseph. 504 Feb. 12, 1887 ... Hickman, Thomas. 505 Mar. 26, 1887 ... McGrath, Patrick. 507 May 23, 1887 ... Young, Walter Bond. 509 July 6, 1887 ... Gough, Patrick. 510 July 14, 1887 ... Grey, William George. 512 Sept. 26, 1887 ... McKeefry, Michael. 514 Oct. 1, 1887 ... Willis, Hubert. 516 Oct. 11, 1887 ... Tarrant, Benjamin. 518 Mar: 1, 1888 ... Grey, Charles. 521 May 26, 1888 ... Redican, Michael. 522 June 8, 1888 ... Johnston, Thomas John. 524 Sept. 1, 1888 ... Cameron, James. 526 Sept. 1, 1888 ... Creeks, Thomas Elliott. 528 Sept. 20, 1888 ... Davy, Charley. 529 Sept. 23, 1888 ... Healey, Frederick John. 530 Oct. 9, 1888 ... Watt, John. 531 Dec. 1, 1888 ... Moore, Frederick Augustus. 534 Jan. 9, 1889 ... Shearman, John. 535 Jan. 21, 1889 ... Patton, William Patrick. 537 Feb. 18, 1889 ... Boddam, Tudor Welby Balfour. 538 Feb. 22, 1889 ... Beattie, Henry. 541 April 6, 1889 ... Oliver, Thomas. 542 April 28, 1889 ... Brookes, Wallace Abercrombie. 544 May 1, 1889 ... Johnston, John Jackson. 546 June 14, 1889 ... Worthington, Henry. 547 June 17, 1889 ... Stewart, David. 548 Aug. 19, 1889 ... Gordon, Alex. Frederick. 549 Sept. 1, 1889 ... Isemonger, Anthony. 550 Sept. 20, 1889 ... Sefton, John. 552 Oct. 7, 1889 ... Madden, Michael. 554 Nov. 1, 1889 ... O’Halloran, Michael. 556 Nov. 15, 1889 ... O’Connor, Michael. 557 Nov. 18, 1889 ... Dales, James Bennett. 559 Nov. 25, 1889 ... Williams, George Albert. 565 Dec. 17, 1889 ... Montgomery, Alexander. 566 Dec. 28, 1889 ... Murphy, Michael. 567 Jan. 1, 1890 ... Stanyer, Charles. 568 Jan. 3, 1890 ... Barrett, Thomas. 570 Mar. 13, 1890 ... Hutton, David Dearlove. 577 June 21, 1890 ... Black, James. 579 June 28, 1890 ... Mayne, Thomas. 580 July 22, 1890 ... Harris, George Henry. 581 July 27, 1890 ... Roe, Peter. 582 Aug. 23, 1890 ... Godfrey, Theodore Augustine. 584 Sept. 13, 1890 ... O’Connell, Patrick Denis. 585 Sept. 16, 1890 ... Shepherd, Richard William 587 Sept. 20, 1890 ... Copland, John. 588 Sept. 20, 1890 ... Moore, Charles John. 589 Sept. 20, 1890 ... Brophy, Edward. 591 Sept. 27, 1890 ... Miller, William Hope. 592 Oct. 6, 1890 ... Lawler, John. 593 Nov. 18, 1890 ... Bonner, Charles. 596 Dec. 8, 1890 ... McConachie, John Mellis. 599 Jan. 6, 1891 ... Ward, Charles Cleal. 600 Jan. 12, 1891 ... Riordan, James. 601 Jan. 21, 1891 ... Treacy, Denis. 607 Aug. 3, 1891 ... Hattie, Alexander. 608 Aug. 11, 1891 ... Hunt, Henry George. 609 Aug. 13, 1891 ... Wilson, Gavin. 611 Oct. 10, 1891 ... Keep, George. 612 Oct. 12, 1891 ... Abbott, Norman Dow. 614 Oct. 17, 1891 ... Cullinane, John. 619 Jan. 12, 1892 ... Forster, John.

Constables — continued.

Reg. No. Date. Name. 620 Jan. 27, 1892 ... Fry, Joseph James. AV 621 Mar. 8, 1892 ... Hodgson,RichardTliomftS. 622 April 5, 1892 ... Jackson, David. 623 April 14, 1892 ... Emerson, Albert Tivy. 625 Aug. 4, 1892 ... McPhee, Archibald. 628 Aug. 30, 1892 ... Kelly, Charles William. 629 Aug. 31, 1892 ... Wildermoth, Mich. Joseph. 630 Sept. 2, 1892 ... Lowry, William Robert. 7 634 Oct. 27, 1892 ... Cairns, James. 637 Nov. 2, 1892 ... Moore, Patrick. 640 Dec. 28, 1892 ... Foley, John Timothy. 643 Feb. 15, 1893 ... Crawford, Alexander. 644 Mar. 17, 1893 ... Eales, Edwin. 645 Mar. 28, 1893 ... Eade, Edward. 646 May 1, 1893 ... Lawrence, William James. 647 June 26,1893 ... Evenden, Thomas Alfred./ 648 June 29,1893 ... Smith, James. 649 July 6, 1893 ... O’Grady, Thomas. 650 July 6, 1893 ... • Hogan, John James. 652 July 12, 1893 ... Bosworth,EdwardThomas: 653 July 13, 1893 ... Quinn, William John. 654 July 27, 1893 ... Heather, Alfred George. 656 Aug. 3, 1893 ... Lynd, Andrew. 658 Aug. 5, 1893 ... Warneford, Charles Henry: 659 Nov. 11, 1893 ... Willis, Jos. Chas. Stevens.’ 661 Dec. 9, 1893 ... Fitzgerald, Patrick James: 663 Dec. 12, 1893 ... Miller, Robert. 665 Dec. 12, 1893 ... McGlone, Robert Vincent. 666 Dec. 12, 1893 ... Connell, John. 667 Dec. 13, 1893 ... Mcllventy, Wm. Bernard.' 668 Dec. 21, 1893 ... Butler, William John. / 672 May 7, 1894 ... Oliphant, Robert. 673 May 12, 1894 ... Griffiths, James Coghlan. ' 674 May 15, 1894 ... McGuire, John Patrick Hackett. 677 May 20, 1894 ... Cassells, John James. 681 July 6, 1894 ... Toomey, Jeremiah. 682 July 23, 1894 ... Bradley, Frederick. 683 Aug. 4, 1894 ... Cassin, Mark. 684 Sept. 24, 1894 ... Rowell, Alfred Ernest. 685 Oct. 4, 1894 ... Price, Thomas Henry. 687 Nov. 7, 1894 ... Poland, James Henry. 688 Dec. 12, 1894 ... McGilligan, Bartholomew. 689 Jan. 7, 1895 ... Broberg, Charles Robert. 691 Feb. 1, 1895 ... Ferguson, James. 692 Feb. 7, 1895 ... Tonkin, Walter. 693 Feb. 7, 1895 ... Andrew, James. : 694 Feb. 7, 1895 ... Hannafin, David. 695 Feb. 8, 1895 ... Howell, Edward Thomas. 696 Feb. 18, 1895 ... Wainhouse, John Thomas. 697 Feb. 18, 1895 ... Mcllveney, James. 698 Mar. 4, 1895 ... Fla veil, Samuel. 699 Mar. 4, 1895 ... Crean, Patrick. 700 Mar. 8, 1895 ... Moffatt, James. 701 Mar. 8, 1895 ... Whitehouse, Edwin James. 702 Mar. 9, 1895 ... Hammond,Thos.Frederick 705 April 23, 1895 ... Hay, Peter Stewart. 706 May 1, 1895 ... Hammond, Alfred. 707 June 10, 1895 ... Moffitt, Henry Edward. 708 June 20, 1895 ... Simpson, James Kerr. 713 Nov. 2, 1895 ... Kennedy, Henry Patrick. 714 Nov. 10, 1895 ... Cox, Fane Strange. 716 Nov. 12, 1895 ... Aldridge, Charles Edward. 717 Nov. 12, 1895 ... Rings, George Ludwig. 719 Nov. 14, 1895 ... Miller, William. 720 Nov. 14, 1895 ... Wohlmann, Ward George. 721 Nov. 16, 1895 ... Trehey, Edmond Charles--723 Dec. 1, 1895 ... Bennett, Herbert John. 726 Jan. 15, 1896 ... McAuliffe, Michael. 727 Jan. 15, 1896 ... Eccles, William. 728 Jan. 16, 1896 ... McCrorie, Hugh. 730 Feb. 8, 1896 ... Findlay, Charles. 731 April 8, 1896 ... Pearce, George. 732 April 8, 1896 ... Cullinane, Thomas. 734 April 8, 1896 ... Cotter, Patrick. 736 April 14, 1896 ... Nixon, George Holbrook. 737 April 17, 1896 ... DeNorville, Thos. Edward. 738 April 17, 1896 ... Ryan, Thomas. 739 April 18, 1896 ... Miller, John Paton. 740 April 18, 1896 ... Harvey, Peter. 741 April 18, 1896 ... Fitzgerald, John. 742 April 20, 1896 ... Baker, William. 743 April 20, 1896 ... Cowan, John Thomas. 744 April 20, 1896 ... Matthews, William Arthur. •745 April 22, 1896 ... Thompson, William David \ Laurence.

Constables — continued. Beg. No. Date. Name. 748 April 24, 1896 ... Lanigan, Richard. 749 April 27, 1896 ... Hyde, Alfred Hammond. 761 May 1, 1896 ... Jackson, John Matthew. 752 May 14, 1896 ... Connolly, Daniel. 758 May 18, 1896 ... Henry, James. 754 May 20, 1896 ... Williams, Joseph Swindell. 755 May 28, 1896 ... Brownlee, Robert. 756 June 19, 1896 ... Mackenzie,Douglas Morton 758 June 22, 1896 ... Hollis, John Walter. 759 July 2, 1896 ... Dalton, Charles. 760 July 3, 1896 ... O’Connell,FrancisWilliam. 761 July 4, 1896 ... Bird, Arthur Sydney. 762 July 9, 1896 ... Phelan, Andrew. 764 Oct. 27, 1896 ... Russell, George Thomas. 765 Feb. 8, 1897 ... Raynes, Joseph Andus. 766 Feb. 8, 1897 ... Hickey, Timothy. 767 Feb. 8, 1897 ... McGlone, Charles Henry. 768 Feb. 8, 1897 ... Douthett, Andrew George. 769 Feb. 8, 1897 ... Murray, Edwin. 770 Feb. 8, 1897 ... Hampton, William John. 771 Feb. 8, 1897 ... Kidd, Samuel. 772 Feb. 8, 1897 ... McKenzie, Donald. 773 Feb. 9, 1897 ... Stackpoole, Patrick. 774 Feb. 9, 1897 ... Fahey, John. 775 Feb. 9, 1897 ... McLeod, John. 777 Feb. 11, 1897 ... Keenan, Thomas. 778 Feb. 11, 1897 ... Hooker, Archie. 779 Feb. 11, 1897 ... Cahill, James. 780 Feb. 11, 1897 ... Rock, James. 781 Feb. 13, 1897 ... Bingham, Ernest. 783 Feb. 15, 1897 ... McDonnell, Andrew. 784 Feb. 15, 1897 ... Connor, Gerald. 785 Feb. 17, 1897 ... Wilton, Thomas James. 786 Feb. 18, 1897 ••• Cain, Thomas. 787 Feb. 18, 1897 ... Fraser, Donald Charles. 789 Feb. 18, 1897 ... Johnson, Edward Michael. 790 Feb. 18, 1897 ... McNamara, John. 793 Mar. 19, 1897 ... O’Halloran, Lot Edward. 794 Mar. 19, 1897 ... Cameron, Allan. 795 Mar. 20, 1897 ... Hill, William Edward. 797 April 7, 1897 ... O’Halloran, James. 799 May 17, 1897 ... McLeod, Donalfl. 800 May 24, 1897 ... McNeely, William. 801 May 24; 1897 ... Waterman, Frederick Adolphus. 802 May 24, 1897 ... Pratt, Charles Henry. 803 May 25, 1897 ... Reidy, John. 805 June 21, 1897 ... Potter, Arthur Albert. 807 July 5, 1897 ... Fraser, John. 808 Sept. 1, 1897 ... Dwan, Thomas. 809 Oct. 1, 1897 ... Russell, Alexander. 811 Oct. 5, 1897 ... Dick, Frank. 812 Nov. 6, 1897 ... Lewin, Frank. 813 Nov. 10, 1897 ... Campbell, William James. 814 Nov. 10, 1897 ... Surgenor, Thomas. 815 Nov. 15, 1897 ... Davis, Arthur Robert. 816 Nov. 16, 1897 ... Whatman, William James. 817 Nov. 18, 1897 ... Bevan, George Frederick. 818 Nov. 24, 1897 ... Taylor, Vyvyan Richard. 820 Nov. 29, 1897 ... Cassidy, Patrick. 822 Dec. 11, 1897 ... Gaffney, Michael. 823 Dec. 13, 1897 ... Clarkson, John Peter. 825 Dec. 20, 1897 ... Glass, John Vallance. 826 Dec. 20, 1897 ... Duddy, Patrick. 827 Dec. 22, 1897 ... Heffernan, James. 828 Dec. 23, 1897 ... Jones, Alfred Blastings. 829 Dec. 24, 1897 ... Joyce, Edmond Michael. 830 Dec. 27, 1897 ... McDonald, James. 831 Dec. 30, 1897 ... Mathew, James Alexander. 832 Dec. 31, 1897 ... McKelvey, Edward James O’Keefe. ■834 Jan. 8, 1898 ... Thompson, Samuel. 835 Jan. 12, 1898 ... McQuarrie, George Alex. 837 Jan. 17, 1898 ... Steevens, Charles James. 838 Feb. 14, 1898 ... Read, Lewis. 842 Mar. 1, 1898 ... Martin, John Peter. 843 Mar. 7, 1898 ... Moore, Alexander. 845 Mar. 31, 1898 ... Storey, Dawson Robert. 846 April 21, 1898 ... Parsons, Basil John. 848 June 2, 1898 ... McCarthy, William. 854 June 9, 1898 ... Melville, John Insell. 855 June 21, 1898 ... Cruicksliank, Jas. Arthur. 849 July 18, 1898 ... O’Sullivan, John. 851 July 25, 1898 ... Evans, Harry. 853 July 28, 1898 ... Mellsop, Charles Hey wood 856 Aug. 26, 1898 ... Luke, William Duncan.

Constables — continued. Beg. No. Date. Name 857 Sept. 1, 1898 ... Maher, John. 858 Sept. 1, 1898 ... McGrath, Patrick Nicholas 859 Sept. 5, 1898 . ... Lipscombe, Joseph. 860 Sept. 5, 1898 ... Armour, Hugh Douglas. 861 Sept. 9, 1898 ... Kerr, James. 862 Sept. 12, 1898 ... Payne, John William. 863 Sept. 12, 1898 ... Sinclair, Donald George. 864 Sept. 19, 1898 ... Brown, Philip Joseph. 865 Sept. 19, 1898 ... Till, Stephen. 866 Sept. 27, 1898 ... Ward,Alfred Edgar Sidney. 867 Oct. 18, 1898 ... Harvey, John James. 868 Oct. 19, 1898 ... Perniskie, Valentine. 869 Oct. 24, 1898 ... Cockery, Leonard John. 872 Nov. 21, 1898 ... Fairliall, Thomas. 873 Nov. 21, 1898 ... Scott, Walter. 874 • Nov. 24, 1898 ... Skinner, John William. 875 Nov. 25, 1898 ... Tonkinson,Charles Walter. 876 Feb. 8, 1899 ... Marshall, William. 877 Feb. 8, 1899 ... Lomax, Henry Perry. 878 Feb. 8, 1899 ... Morris, John Thomas. 879 Feb. 8, 1899 ... Murphy, Daniel. 880 Feb. 8, 1899 ... Brown, Alfred. 881 Feb. 8, 1899 ... Ryan, George Martin. 883 Feb. 16, 1899 ... Butler, John. 884 Feb. 16, 1899 ... Murray, Peter McGregor. 885 Feb. 16, 1899 ... Fitzpatrick, James. 886 April 28, 1899 ... Collett, Edward Carnarvon 887 April 28, 1899 ... Hickey, Daniel Aloysius. 888 April 28, 1899 ... Doyle, Myles. 889 April 28, 1899 ... Fry, George Hamilton. 890 April 28, 1899 ... Worsley, William. 891 April 28, 1899 ... McCarthy, Philip John. 892 April 28, 1899 ... Drummond, William. 893 April 28, 1899 ... Fanthorpe, Alfred Edward. 894 April 28, 1899 ... Hammond, Frederick. 895 April 28, 1899 ... Maher, Joseph. 896 April 28, 1899 ... Kidd, John Lewis. 897 April 28, 1899 ... White, David James. 898 April 28, 1899 ... Sims, Frederic Herbert. 899 July 1, 1899 ... O’Connor, Patrick. 900 July 1, 1899 ... Porteous, Edwin Jardin. 901 July 1, 1899 ... Tanner, Jesse. 902 July 1, 1899 ... Muggeridge, Amos. 903 July 1, 1899 ... Woods, Frederick. 904 July 1, 1899 ... Satherley, Allan. 905 July 1, 1899 ... Macartney, George. 906 July 1, 1899 ... Cummings, Denis Joseph. 907 July 1, 1899 ... Wade, Horton Charles David. 908 July 1, 1899 ... Hyland, David. 909 July 1, 1899 ... Williams, Henry Walter. 910 July 1, 1899 ... Buttimore, William. 911 Sept. 1, 1899 ... Collins, Francis Joseph. 912 Sept. 1, 1899 ... Burrell, Arthur. 913 Sept. 1, 1899 ... Rowe, Edward John. 914 Sept. 1, 1899 ... Nelson, James Archibald. 915 Sept. 1, 1899 ... Kemp, Thomas Simpson Charles. 916 Sept. 1, 1899 ... Mahoney, Denis. 917 Sept. 1, 1899 ... Woodley, Charles/ 918 Sept. 1, 1899 ... Tuck, Sidney Howard. 919 Sept. 1, 1899 ... Lane, William. 920 Sept. 1, 1899 ... Middleton,Clarence Tyrrell 921 Sept. 1, 1899 ... Lander, John. 922 Sept. 1, 1899 ... Egan, Herbert John. 923 Sept. 1, 1899 ... Finlay, John. 924 Sept. 1, 1899 ... Skinner, Arthur. Detectives. 108 Aug. 1, 1874 ... Henderson, Alexander. 73 Dec. 1, 1874 ... Grace, Martin. 208 May 7, 1877 ... Benjamin, Lionel Downman. 344 Dec. 1, 1881 ... Clirystal,Wm. Livingstone 316 May 1, 1884 ... Campbell, William. 429 June 1, 1885 ... McGrath, Joseph Albert. 245 May 1, 1889 ... Neill, Robert. 217 Mar. 31, 1890 ... Livingstone, Thomas. 350 May 1, 1890 ... Herbert, Patrick. 471 Mar. 1, 1893 ... Maddern, William. 563 July 1, 1897 ... Marsack, Richard. 613 July 1, 1897 ... Bailey, William Alfred. 502 Dec. 1, 1897 ... Fitzgerald, Garrett. 632 Dec. 1, 1897 ... Bishop, Frank Joseph. 636 Dec. 1, 1897 ... McMahon, Peter Thomas. 560 July 14, 1899 ... Cooney, John.

Extracts from New Zealand Gazette. (From Gazette, 1899, pages 1592, 1599, and 1744.) Allowing Use of Set-nets for Whitebait in Ashley River. RANFURLY, Governor. ORDER IN COUNCIL. At the Government House, at Wellington, this twentyeighth day of August, 1899. Present: His Excellency the Governor in Council. WHEREAS by “ The Sea fisheries Act, 1894,” it is enacted that the Governor in Council may from time to time make regulations for the purposes therein mentioned, which shall have general force and effect throughout the colony, or particular force and effect only in any waters or places specified therein : And whereas it is expedient to make the regulations hereinafter set forth with respect to the indigenous fish known as “ whitebait,” inhabiting the waters of the colony herein mentioned: Now, therefore, His Excellency the Governor of the Colony of New Zealand, in pursuance and exercise of the powers conferred upon him by the said Act, and by and with the advice and consent of the Executive Council of the said colony, doth hereby make the following regulations, and, with the like advice and consent, doth order that these regulations shall have force and effect in the River Ashley and the waters thereof, and in its tributaries the Taranaki and Waikuku Creeks, all in the Provincial District of Canterbury, but they shall not apply to any other tributary of the said river. Regulations. 1. Whitebait-nets, having an opening of not more than three feet by one foot, may be used as set-nets. 2. No person shall use more than one set-net, and no person shall set or place his net within a distance of two chains from another set-net. 3. Any person committing a breach of either of these regulations shall be liable to a penalty of not less than one pound and not exceeding twenty pounds. ALEX. WILLIS, Clerk of the Executive Council.

Inspector of Weights and Measures, Borough of Cambridge, appointed. Colonial Secretary’s Office, Wellington, 26th August, 1899. HIS Excellency the Governor has been pleased to appoint Constable Alexander McGilp to be an Inspector of Weights and Measures under “The Weights and Measures Act, 1868,” and the Acts amending the same, for the Borough of Cambridge, vice Constable Timothy Cahill. J. CARROLL.

Clerks of Courts appointed. Department of Justice, Wellington, 28th August, 1899. HIS Excellency the Governor has been pleased to appoint

Constable Frederick Augustus Moore to be Clerk and Bailiff of the Magistrate’s Court at Rawene, from the 15th day of August, 1899, vice Constable A, McGilp, transferred; and Constable Thomas Whelan to be Clerk and Bailiff of the Magistrate’s Court at Waihi, from the 21st day of August, 1899. W. C. WALKER, For Minister of Justice.

Inspector of Sea-fishing appointed. Marine Department, Wellington, 4th September, 1899. H IS Excellency the Governor has been pleased, in pursuance of the power and authority vested in him by. subsection (2) of section 6 of “ The Sea-fisheries Act, 1894,” to appoint Andrew Clarke, of Thames, Police Sergeant, to be an Inspector of Seafishing under the above-mentioned Act. WM. HALL-JONES.

By Authority: John Mackay, Government Printer, Wellington.

Gaol, and Name of Prisoner. Where tried When. Offence. Sentence. Native of Trade. Born. Height Complexion. Hair. Eyes. Nose. Remarks, and Previous Convictions. Auckland — ft. in. fresh .. Very stout; long scar on left cheek and Margaret Moran Auckland 22/7/99 drunk and disorderly .. fine, or 48 hours .. Melbourne prostitute .. 1867 5 4 black dk. grey small obscene language 1 mon'h below lower lip. Max Levy Auckland 31/5/97 forging and uttering (2 3 years Germany .. clerk 1853 5 sallow .. black, turn dark br. Roman .. 8 p.c. in Melbourne and Sydney. A Jew. charges) mg grey Large mouth ; four upper front teeth out; swollen vein under right ear; round shoulders; right shoulder high. Gone to Sydney. Photographed at Auckland, 17/8/99. Annie Moody, alias Sutton Auckland 16/8/99 theft 7 days . . . * . . See Police Gazette , 1899, page 108. 26/8/99 habitual drunkenness.. 7 days John Dinan, alias Dignan Auckland 23/5/99 theft 3 months Photographed at Auckland, 19/5/86. (See 31/8/99 drunkenness .. fine, or 48 hours 1 month Police Gazette, 1899, page 128.) Martin Lestrange Auckland 24/7/99 theft See Police Gazette, 1899, page 160. James Thomas Trueman .. Auckland 3/5/99 breach of by-law fine, or 7 days Arrested 17th August, 1899. (See Police Gazette, 1899, page 128.) Alexander Jakobsen, alias Auckland 31/5/97 horse stealing and theft 3 years Denmark .. labourer 1870 5 5 fair fair blue medium 1 p.c. Eagle (inside two flags) on right Jacobson England .. 1864 arm. Photographed at Auckland, 12/8/99. Mary Hamilton, alias Walsh Auckland 18/8/99 habitual drunkenness.. fine, or 7 days 5 6 swarthy light brown blue large 58 p.c. Large mouth ; scar on nose. Christopher Emile, ahas Auckland 26/7/99 theft 1 month See Police Gazette, 1899, page 16. Prank Anderson William Earle .. Auckland 26/4/99 breach of Bankruptcy 4 months Scotland .. restaurant1855 5 54 fresh .. dark brown dark br. small Slight build ; large burn-scar on right Act (2 charges) keeper arm. Henry Fitzsimmons Auckland 28/7/99 vagrancy 1 month Ireland labourer 1843 5 fair grey It. blue medium 5 p.c. Stout build ; flesh-lump under right ear. Flora Nicholson Auckland 29/7/99 obscene language 1 month Scotland .. prostitute .. 1879 5 04 fair brown grey .. long 3 p.c. Profusely tattooed. Charles Samuel Lake Auckland 22/8/99 contempt of Court fine, or 7 days N. Zealand carter 1878 5 8i swarthy black hazel .. broad Stout build; large mouth ; impediment drunk and disorderly .. fine, or 48 hour3 in speech ; scar on chin and right temple ; cataract over left eye. Stout build ; large mouth ; orucifix, &c., David Arthur Lockhart .. Auckland 22/8/99 disobedience on ship .. fine, or 7 days England fireman 1870 5 6| pale light brown grey .. medium * on ohest; female bust on right arm; DL on left arm. William, alias Larry, Small Auckland 31/5/97 robbery with violence .. 3 years Tasmania.. bootmaker .. 1861 5 5| sallow .. black brown .. Roman 8 p.c. Slight build; round shoulders. Photographed at Auckland, 5/7/92. Tangi .. Auckland 28/8/99 sheep-stealing 12 months’ probat’n N. Zealand labourer 1881 0 6i copper.. black dark br. broad Large mouth ; scar on left little finger. Gone to Taupo. Rangihiroa Auckland 28/8/99 sheep-stealing 12 months’ probat’n N. Zealand labourer 1879 5 4* copper.. black dark br. fiat Stout build; flesh-lump near right ear; HI near left wrist; feet crippled. Gone to Taupo. Alice Gertrude Ward Auckland 28/8/99 forging and uttering .. 12 months’ probat’n Auckland .. 1881 i5 1 sallow .. light brown blue .. small Nuggety build; pimples on face; two upper teeth decayed. Gone to Rawene. James Robertson Mercer 3/5/99 breach of Gaming Act fine, or 1 month .. •• See Police Gazette, 1899, page 17. breach of Gaming Act fine, or 1 month breach of Gaming Act fine, or 14 days Margaret May McArthur Auckland 28/8/99 murder bill ignored N. Zealand domestic servant 1880 5 2 fresh .. dark brown blue small Slight build.


Gaol, and Name of Prisoner. Where tried. When. Offence. Sentence, Native of Trade. Born. Height Complexion. Hair. Eyes. Nose. Remarks, and Previous Convictions. Auckland — continued. ft. in. Thomas Brown, alias Browne Auckland ... 28/8/99 attempted suicide to come up when called on Ireland labourer 1846 5 Si sallow .. grey It. blue large ., 3 p.c. for drunkenness. Slight, build. George Boothby ,. ., Auckland 28/8/99 theft from the person .. acquitted at S.C. England .. builder and 1852 5 7§ fresh .. dark brown It. grey long, pro2 p.c. for drunkenness. Scar on upper Joseph Guy Auckland farmer minenb lip, on chest, and head. (See Police Gazette, 1897, page 7.) 17/8/99 theft 14 days England .. labourer 1849 6 i£ sallow .. dark brown It. hazel medium 8 p.c, (See Police Gazette , 1898, page 101.) Llewellyn Williams Auckland 28/8/99 mischief and assault (2 12 months’ probat’n Wales miner 1864 5 H dark .. black It. grey broad Bald top of head; MAUD on left arm. Alexandrina Kennedy charges) ,. Auckland 28/8/99 theft from a dwelling .. 12 months’ probat’n Auckland .. domestic ser1882 5 4 fair fair grey .. medium George Jones, alias Michael Tauranga 1/8/99 theft ' 1 month Ireland V&tl b labourer 1840 5 0 fair grey blue thick 11 p.c. Lame right leg ; scar on forehead Kelly and over left eye. (Sep Police Gazette , Cornelius Joseph Lynch .. Auckland 31/7/99 assault ., 1 month, and 6 Ireland labourer 1859 5 5i fresh .. dark brown dk. blue medium 1886, page 83.) 2 p.c. Right thumb-naildisfigured. Surety James Robert Logan months or surety found. (See Police Gazette, 1897, page 7.) Auckland 1/9/99 theft discharged England ., carpenter .. 1859 5 6f fresh .. dark brown It. blue thick Stout build ; scar on throat, on right foreJoseph Winter arm, and above right knee. Auckland 2/8/99 drunk and disorderly .. 1 month •• See Police Gazette, 1899, page 99. Owen Carroll Auckland 31/8/99 habitual drunkenness. . 48 hours Newfoundlabourer 1846 5 9 swarthy black, turndk. grey medium 8 p.c. Stout build; high cheekbones; land ing grey lower front teeth out j eagle and shield on left arm. 1 p.c. Stout build. A dangerous criminal. John Dell, alias Thomas Auckland 9/3/97 being possessed of house3 years Ireland labourer 1857 5 Sk dark .. black, turnhazel .. broad ,. Kenny 21/12/97 breaking instruments ing grey (For marks, see Police Gazette , 1896, assaulting a warder ., 2 months page 210, as Thomas Kenny.) John Johnson Auckland 28/8/99 obscene language 7 days England .. labourer 1876 5 6f fresh .. red it. grey thin . Pierced heart near left wrist ; scar on Edward John Welsh right wrist. Auckland 28/8/99 obscene language 7 days America .. actor 1864 5 pockpitted light brown blue broad Large mouth ; getting bald ; two upper front teeth out; scar on chin; eagle, &c., on right arm ; flags, TW..EW, &c., on left arm. Arrested 21st August, 1899. (See Police Timothy Hayes .. Auckland 12/6/99 breach of by-laws fine, or 2 days .. 3/5/99 breach of by-laws fine, or 7 days Gazette, 1899, page 84.) Richard Brassington 22/5/99 breach of by-laws fine, or 14 days Auckland 28/8/99 theft .. .. 12 months’ probat’n Ireland accountant 1860 5 9i fair fair large large Stout build; getting bald; dimpled chin; Napier— 6 months, or surety blue left eye crooked ; three scars on breast and one on left wrist. Francis Tregelles Napier 13/6/99 threatening .. England .. civil engineer 1870 5 5 fair light brown blue rather Faint burn-mark above left wrist; cut on John Sullivan .. Napier large left brow; mole under right arm and on left arm ; eccentric. Surety found. 21/8/99 disorderly behaviour fine, or. 24 hours .. Ireland sailor 1870 5 8| dark, dark brown brown .. large, sharp 5 p.c. Athletic build; cataract on right New Plymouth— sallow eye; squints with left eye; female acrobat with two flags on right arm. Wanganui .. ... (See Police Gazette, 1899, page 70.) George H. Ky croft 8/8/99 threatening behaviour fine, or 14 days England .. 1856 5 af fresh .. dark brown hazel .. medium Bald on top of head. George Tweedie .. N. Plymouth 29/8/99 lunacy remanded Scotland .. farmer 1868 5 sandy .. red blue small Small mole on back of neck; slight im- • pediment in speech. Tranferred to asylum.


Gaol, and Name of Prisoner. Where tried. When. Offence. Sentence. Native of Trade. Born. Height Complexion. Hair. Eyes. Nose. Eemarks, and Previous Convictions. Wanganui — John Burns. Wanganui .. 25/5/99 obscene language 3 months Ireland labourer 1836 ft. in. 5 4 fresh .. grey grey .. medium Repeatedly convicted. Leonard Styles .. Wanganui .. 29/7/99 theft 1 month England .. shoemaker.. 1852 5 2 sallow .. dark brown brown .. medium See Police Gazette, 1896, page 170. William Leslie McNamara, Palmerston N 31/7/99 drunkenness .. 24 hours Scotland .. carpenter .. 1864 5 3 fair light brown grey . - broken .. 12 p.c. (See Police Gazette, 1898, page 177.) alias Michael Bernard obscene language 14 days * McNamara, alias McKay John Gibson Wanganui .. 30/8/99 resisting police obscene language 7 days 24 hours ■ Scotland .. fireman 1855 5 H fresh .. grey It. blue medium Weeping willows and “ In memory of my mother ” on right arm. Wellington — Yong Chung Lunn, alias George Howe, alias Ab Wellington .. 7/6/97 breaking and entering 3 years China gardener 1852 5 3i olive .. black brown .. small 2 p.c. Round scar on belly ; scar on right temple and on right ear. Sum, ,&c. Edward Ryan,nZias O’Brien Wellington .. 7/6/97 breaking and entering 3 years N. Zealand labourer 1866 5 7i fresh .. brown brown .. broken .. 23 p.c. Photographed at Wellington, 19/10/89. (See Police Gazette, 1897, page 103.) John Dalton, alias Shorlall, alias McGregor, &c. Wellington .. 7/6/97 theft theft and false pretences 3 years 3 years Ireland labourer 1870 5 6 fair light brown brown .. medium 6 p.c. Photographed at Wellington, 10/8/89. (See Police Gazette, 1891, page 101.) Frederick McGlashan, alias Charles Griffin, alias Wellington .. 22/11/97 7/2/98 theft theft 3 months 2 years N. Zealand draper 1859 5 5 dark .. brown grey .. medium 8 p.c. Photographed at Napier, 6/7/95. (See Police Gazette, 1896, page 8.) Henry Small William Duncan Rennie .. Wellington .. 27/11/97 theft 3 months Scotland .. basketmaker 1849 5 fresh .. light brown grey .. broad 3 p.c. Ends off three right fingers; bad teeth. Photographed at Lyttelton, 6/10/90. (See Police Gazette, 1890, page 205.) Neil Benson, alias Bernhardt Bernstein, alias Wellington .. 7/2/98 7/2/98 breaking and entering burglary 2 years 2 years Sweden .. labourer 1851 5 7 swarthy dark brown hazel .. medium Neil Englehardt George Carter, alias Triggs Wellington .. 29/8/98 breaking and entering 15 months England .. labourer 1863 4 114 fair reddish blue medium 9 p.c. Photographed atWellington, 23/5/93. (See Police Gazette, 1898, page 126.) 3 p.c. (See Police Gazette, 1898, page 118.) Alexander Hogg, alias Ogg, Wellington .. 29/8/98 theft 15 months N. Zealand labourer 1876 5 6 fresh .. dark brown brown .. medium alias Johnston John Haan Wanganui .. 14/3/99 forgery 6 months N. Zealand labourer 1879 5 5f freckled red brown .. medium Three blue marks on right arm. William McPhee Wellington .. 1/4/99 theft .. 2 months . . .. See Police Gazette, 1899, page 86. Francis Marlborough Wellington .. 27/5/99 theft vagrancy 3 months 3 months Sweden .. seaman 1850 5 7| fair grey grey .. medium Two women on right arm; ship on left arm. George Forrest .. Wellington .. 22/7/99 cruelty to a horse 1 month N. Zealand butcher 1878 5 8 fresh .. light brown hazel .. medium Bird and part of boat on left arm; two rings on left hand. Alfred Hutchinson Carterton 14/7/99 theft 14 days N. Zealand labourer 1882 5 24 fresh .. light brown grey .. small, Scald-mark on right cheek. Discharged Wellington .. 28/8/99 breaking and entering committed for trial thick at Supreme Court. James Wells Wellington .. 11/8/99 theft 14 days N. Zealand labourer 1882 5 54 fresh, brown brown .. large JWR on right arm ; cross on left arm. Michael Noon Wellington .. 22/8/99 theft 6 months’ probation Australia ,. labourer 1870 5 1Q4 fair reddish grey .. medium Scar back of head. Henry Rice Wellington ., 28/8/99 theft 3 months’ probation N. Zealand blindmaker 1880 5 64 fresh .. brown grey .. thick William Forsyth Wellington .. 28/8/99 vagrancy remanded Scotland .. labourer 1847 . 5 3 fresh .. grey blue .. . large Two dots on right thumb ; cross and WG on left arm.


Gaol, and Name of Prisoner. Where tried. When. Offence. Sentence. Native of Trade. Born. -+3 A &C *<5 H Complexion. Hair. Eyes. Nose. Remarks, and Previous Convictions. W ellington— continued. • England .. ft. in. George Smith Wellington .. 26/8/99 assault 1 month fireman 1870 5 11 dark .. dark brown blue .. medium Discharged to ship. Henry McCormack Wellington .. 29/5/99 drunkenness .. 3 months Ireland labourer 1857 5 6 fresh .. brown blue .. medium 19 p.o. (See Police Gazette, 1898, page 192.) Ellen Blake Wellington .. 27/11/93 attempted murder life England .. •• 1852 5 2J sallow.. dark brown grey • • medium Sentence remitted. Mary Burnip, alias Bell .. Wellington .. 26/5/99 drunkenness .. 3 months Scotland .. servant 1860 4 11J dark .. dark brown blue .. medium Several p.c. Mole on right cheek. Annie Arwin, or Erwin .. Wellington .. 1/9/99 murder discharged declines to , , ab’ut 5 4 fair dark brown, light br. medium Scars under left ear. say 1851 turning grey Westport— commi tted to asylum N. Zealand Richard John Hopkins Westport 26/8/99 lunacy miner 1881 5 5 sallow.. dark brown .. medium Hokitika — Walter Gilmour.. Greymouth .. 31/7/99 assault 1 month England .. fireman 1880 5 54 sallow.. dark hazel .. medium Burn-marks left instep ; two large vacci-nation-marks left arm; scar on forehead. Lyttelton — 22/2/99 Victor, alias Rich., White, Wellington .. secreting articles for 6 months N. Zealand labourer 1863 5 9 fair dark brown hazel .. medium Several p.c. Scar over right eye ; mole on alias Alexander Hepprisoners (2 charges) left cheek ; moles on back. Gone to worth Alexander Martin, alias Timaru 22/6/99 vagrancy 2 months Wellington. See Police Gazette, 1899, page 153. James McClelland wilful damage 2 months David Edgington Rakaia 21/8/99 breaking and entering committed for trial England .. carpenter .. 1852 5 2i fresh .. brown blue .. large Stout build ; goitred neck. Bailed. William Guest .. H.M.S. 10/6/99 breaking out of ship and 90 days England .. marine 1872 5 84 sallow.. dark brown grey .. medium Woman, EL, and dagger on right arm; “Mildura” Lyttelton 11/8/99 drunkenness 14 days wreath and clasped” hands on left arm. Discharged to ship. Robert Simpson vagrancy •• • • •• •• •< •• See Police Gazette, 1899, page 190. John Nagle Lyttelton 26/5/99 wilful damage 3 months Ireland .. seaman 1849 5 4 fresh .. brown, turngrey .. medium Scar on nose; anchor, &c., on left wrist. William Howell .. Christchurch 18/8/99 insulting language fine, or 96 hours .. N. Zealand butcher 1853 5 64 fresh .. ing grey light brown hazel .. medium Scar on left forearm. Neil McNeil Kaiapoi 23/8/99 obscene language 24 hours Scotland .. labourer 1851 5 7 fresh .. dark brown blue .. large, 4 p.c. Varicose veins on right leg. PhotoChristchurch 29/5/99 illegally on premises .. 48 hours crooked graphed at Lyttelton, 10/8/91. Walter Galland .. theft ... 3 months N. Zealand draper 1876 5 9| fair fair light br. medium Photographed at Lyttelton, 26/8/99. Sylvester Fletcher Christchurch 19/5/99 theft 14 days Photographed at Lyttelton, 26/8/99. (See 29/5/99 breach of Probation Act 3 months Police Gazette, 1899, page 48.) William Connor, alias Christchurch 31/8/99 vagrancy committed to Ireland labourer 1852 5 74 fresh .. black light br. medium 4 p.c. Donovan, alias Peter McMillan asylum David Salmon .. Timaru 8/2/98 attempted rape 2 years England .. cook 1833 5 14 fresh .. brown, turnblue .. broad Sailor, cross swords, and EVELINE, &c., Timaru— 21/8/99 ing grey on right arm ; ship, flowers, &c., on left arm ; steamboat, &c., on breast. William Barker .. Timaru vagrancy 7 days •• • • •• • • • • See Police Gazette, 1899, page 190.


Gaol, and Name of Prisoner. Where tried. When. Offence. Sentence. Native of Trade. j Born. Height Complexion. Hair;. Eyes. Nose. Remarks, and Previous Convictions. Oamaru — John Murray Oamaru 31/7/99 disorderly behaviour .. obscene language 7 days 14 days N. Zealand j labourer 1875 ft. in. 5 7f fair dark brown grey .. long See Police Gazette, 1896, page 179. Dunedin — Thomas Dodd Dunedin 29/5/99 theft from a dwelling .. 3 months •• •• Photographed at Dunedin, 26/8/99. (See Police Gazette, 1899, page 73.) John Stewart Dunedin 27/6/99 unlawfully on licensed 4 weeks Ireland bootmaker .. 1874 5 0| pale dark brown light br. medium 4 p.c. (See Police Gazette, 1895, page 44.) 25/7/99 premises unlawfully on licensed 4 weeks Edward Jones Dunedin 17/8/99 premises breach of the peace fine, or 7 days England .. fireman 1877 5 8 fair red brown .. medium Mermaid on left arm. Frank Hodges .. Dunedin 21/8/99 indeoent act .. 48 hours Dunedin .. carter 1879 5 7£ fair fair blue .. medium Scar over left eye. Mary Jane Barry Dunedin 25/8/99 obscene language 7 days Dunedin .. •• 1881 5 3£ fair brown grey .. long Chin oval. Edward Dormer.. Patrick McCallion Dunedin . .. Dunedin 26/8/99 26/8/99 assault assault remanded remanded Dunedin .. Ireland labourer labourer 1879 1873 5 7 5 7f fair fresh .. brown It. bluegrey medium inclined to right medium Bailed. 8 p.c. Bailed. (See Police Gazette, 1896, page 197.) William Herbert Dunedin 26/8/99 assault remanded Dunedin .. saddler 1873 5 8 sallow dark brown brown .. inclined to left Scar near left temple. BailedJohn Taylor Dunedin 26/8/99 assault remanded Dunedin .. saddler 1874 5 5 fresh .. brown grey .. small Both little fingers contracted. William Wilson .. Dunedin 29/8/99 default of maintenance •• Scotland .. labourer 1875 5 8 sallow black dk. grey thin Remanded to Invercargill. Invercargill— Percy Arthur Ferguson, Invercargill.. 15/10/98 false pretence 6 months 6 months 6 months England .. trimmer 1871 5 6J dark .. dark grey .. broad 2 p.c. Scar below right knee ; mole on left arm. alias Percy Arthur Thoms Fanny Hall Invercargill.. 20/10/98 22/3/99 false pretence sly-grog selling Ireland .. boardinghouse keeper 1861 5 2J fair dark blue .. long 1 p.c. Gisborne— Kereama Piwaka Gisborne 14/8/99 obscene language 14 days N. Zealand labourer 1869 5 7% copper.. black brown .. flat TETE on right arm ; scar on left cheek.


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New Zealand Police Gazette, Volume XXIII, Issue 19, 13 September 1899, Page 196

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Miscellaneous Information. New Zealand Police Gazette, Volume XXIII, Issue 19, 13 September 1899, Page 196

Miscellaneous Information. New Zealand Police Gazette, Volume XXIII, Issue 19, 13 September 1899, Page 196

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