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Extracts from New Zealand Gazette.

(From Gazette, 1895, pages 3,4, 9, 39, 80, 81, 84, and 85.) Extending the Close Season for Seals. GLASGOW, Governor. ORDER IN COUNCIL.

At the Government House, at Wellington, this twenty-first day of December, 1894.

Present: His Excellency the Governor in Council

WHEREAS by “ The Sea-fisheries Act, 1894 ” (hereinafter termed “ the said Act ”), it is, among other things, enacted that the Governor in Council may from time to time make regulations (which shall have general force and effect throughout the colony, or particular force and effect only in any waters or places specified therein) for prescribing, among other things, a close season for seals : And whereas it is further provided by the said Act that every person who, during any close season for seals, takes any seals is liable for every such offence to a penalty not exceeding five hundred pounds, and in addition thereto is liable to a further penalty, not exceeding twenty pounds, in respect of every seal so taken : Now, therefore, His Excellency the Governor of the Colony of New Zealand, in pursuance and exercise of the powers conferred by the said Act, and acting by and with the advice and consent of the Executive Council of the said colony, doth hereby make the regulations set forth in the Schedule hereto; and with the like advice and consent doth order that such regulations shall have force and effect throughout the Colony of New Zealand, and in all salt, fresh, and brackish waters of the colony, and on all shores of such waters or any part thereof.

SCHEDULE Regulations.

1. The months of January, February, March, April, May, and June, 1895, are hereby prescribed as a close season for seals.

2. Every person who, during the close season prescribed as aforesaid, takes any seals is liable to a penalty of not less than £25, nor more than £SOO, and in addition thereto is liable to a further penalty of not less than £l, nor more than £2O, in respect of every seal so taken. The taking of seals means and includes the killing, catching, dredging for, raising, or hunting of any seal, or any attempt so to do. 3. No person shall buy, sell, expose for sale, consign for sale, buy for sale, or have in possession any seal, or any skins, oil, or blubber from any seal, in any manner in contravention of the said Act or of these regulations ; and every person so doing is liable for every such offence to a penalty of not less than £1 nor more than £2O.

J. F. ANDREWS, Acting Clerk of the Executive Council

Prescribing Close Season for Oysters in Queen Charlotte Sound and Tory Channel. GLASGOW, Governor. ORDER IN COUNCIL. At the Government House, at Wellington, this twenty-first day of December, 1894.

Present: His Excellency the Governor in Council. WHEREAS by “The Sea-fisheries Act, 1894,” it is enacted that the Governor in Council may from time to time make regulations, which shall have general

force and effect throughout the colony, or particular force and effect only in any waters or places specified therein, for, amongst other things, prescribing in any place a close season for oysters over any term not exceeding three years, and, before the expiration of such term, further extending the same: ; And whereas it is desirable to prescribe a close season for oysters in Queen Charlotte Sound and Tory Channel: ! Now, therefore, His Excellency the Governor of the Colony (j)f New Zealand, in exercise and pursuance of the powers Conferred upon him by the said Act, and by and with the advice and consent of the Executive Council of the said eolony, doth hereby make the following regulation : Regulation. The period from the Ist December, 1894, to the 30th November, 1897, is hereby prescribed a close season for oysters in Queen Charlotte Sound and Tory Channel, and in all bays and inlets therein. During such close season it 4hall be unlawful for any person to take any oysters in such sound, channel, bays, and inlets. J. F. ANDREWS, Acting Clerk of the Executive Council.

Constituting Districts under “The Factories Act , 1894. ” GLASGOW, Governor. ORDER IN COUNCIL. At the Government House, at Wellington, this fifteenth day of January, 1895. Present: His Excellency the Governor in Council. WHEREAS by “The Factories Act, 1894 ” (hereinafter termed “ the said Act ”), it is enacted that the Governor may from time to time divide New Zealand, or any portion thereof, into such districts as he shall think fit, and notice of the constitution of every such district shall be given in the Gazette as occasion requires : Now, therefore, I, David, Earl of Glasgow, the Governor of the Colony of New Zealand, in pursuance and exercise of the power and authority conferred upon me by the said Act, do hereby divide the portions of the said colony enumerated in the Schedule hereto into districts for the purposes of the said Act, the descriptions and boundaries whereof shall be those set forth in the Schedule hereto ; and I do hereby declare that for the purposes of the said Act each of such districts shall be known by the name set over the description of each such district respectively. SCHEDULE. North Island District. All that area being the North Island of the Colony of New Zealand and the islands adjacent thereto. Middle Island District. All that area being the Middle Island of the Colony of New Zealand and the islands adjacent thereto. Stewart Island District. All that area being Stewart Island, in the Colony of New Zealand, and the islands adjacent thereto. ALEX. WILLIS, Clerk of the Executive Council.

Inspector of Weights and Measures, Stratford, appointed. Colonial Secretary’s Office, Wellington, 22nd December, 1894. HIS Excellency the Governor has been pleased to appoint Constable John O’Donovan io be an Inspector of Weights and Measures, under “The Weights and Measures Act, 1868,” and the Acts amending the same, for the County of Stratford. P. A. BUCKLEY.

Police Gaoler appointed. Department of Justice (Prisons Branch), Wellington, sth January, 1895. HIS Excellency the Governor has been pleased to appoint Constable George Amos Tapp (jo be Police Gaoler at Raglan, vice Constable J. Ryan, (transferred. P. A. BUCKLEY, For Minister of Justice.

Clerk of Magistrate's Court appointed. Department of Justice, Wellington, 12th January, 1895. HIS Excellency the Governor has been pleased to appoint Constable George Amos Tapp to be uxerK of the Magistrate’s Court at Raglan from the Ist instant, vice Constable J. Ryan transferred. W. P. REEVES, For Minister of Justice.

Inspectors of Factories appointed,

Department of Labour, Wellington, 16th January, 1895. HIS Excellency the Governor has been pleased to appoint the under-mentioned persons to be Inspectors under “ The Factories Act, 1894,” and to assign to them the districts set opposite their names, viz.:— Name. District. James Mackay .. .. .. North, Middle, and Stewart Islands of the Colony of New Zealand, and the islands adjacent thereto. James Shanaghan .. .. .. North and Middle Islands of the Colony of New Zealand, and the islands adjacent thereto. Grace Neill.. .. .. .. North and Middle Islands of the Colony of New Zealand, and the islands adjacent thereto. Henry Maxwell .. .. .. Middle Island of the Colony of New Zealand, and the islands adjacent thereto. John Lomas .. .. .. Middle Island of the Colony of New Zealand, and the islands adjacent thereto. Hubert Ferguson .. .. .. North Island of the Colony of New Zealand, and the islands adjacent thereto. Constable Patrick Bowman .. .. Middle Island of the Colony of New Zealand, and the islands adjacent thereto. Constable James Pratt .. .. Middle Island of the Colony of New Zealand, and the islands adjacent thereto. Sergeant James Slattery .. .. North Island of the Colony of New Zealand, and the islands adjacent thereto. Constable Patrick Scully .. .. Middle Island ol the Colony of New Zealand, and the islands adjacent thereto. Constable Henry Beattie .. .. Middle Island of the Colony of New Zealand, and the islands adjacent thereto. Sergeant Patrick McGrath .. .. Middle Island of the Colony of New Zealand, and the islands adjacent thereto. Sergeant-major Michael Scanlon .. Middle Island of the Colony of New Zealand, and the islands adjacent thereto. Constable Andrew Christie .. .. Middle Island of the Colony of New Zealand, and the islands adjacent thereto. Constable James Gleeson .. .. North Island of the Colony of New Zealand, and the islands adjacent thereto. Sergeant Henry McArdle .. .. North Island of the Colony of New Zealand, and the islands adjacent thereto. Constable Alfred Marton Moon .. North Island of the Colony of New Zealand, and the islands adjacent thereto. Constable Charles Bowden .. .. North Island of the Colony of New Zealand, and the islands adjacent thereto. Constable Cornelius O’Sullivan .. Middle Island of the Colony of New Zealand, and the islands adjacent thereto. Constable Walter Henry Haddrell .. Middle Island of the Colony of New Zealand, and the islands adjacent thereto. Constable William James Rist .. North Island of the Colony of New Zealand, and the islands adjacent thereto. Constable Patrick John Dunne .. North Island of the Colony of New Zealand, and the islands adjacent thereto. Constable Henry Salmon .. .. North Island of the Colony of New Zealand, and the islands adjacent thereto. Constable Matthew O’Brien .. .. North Island of the Colony of New Zealand, and the islands adjacent thereto. Constable Alexander Crozier .. .. North Island of the Colony of New Zealand, and the islands adjacent thereto. Constable Charles Bleasel .. .. North Island of the Colony of New Zealand, and the islands adjacent thereto. Constable George Foreman .. .. North Island of the Colony of New Zealand, and the islands adjacent thereto. Sergeant Edmond Villars .. .. North Island of the Colony of New Zealand, and the islands adjacent thereto. Constable Hans Peter Rasmussen .. Middle Island of the Colony of New Zealand, and the islands adjacent thereto. Constable Daniel Bogue .. .. Middle Island of the Colony of New Zealand, and the islands adjacent thereto. Constable Denis Brosnahan .. .. North Island of the Colony of New Zealand, and the islands adjacent thereto. Constable Florence O’Donovan .. North Island of the Colony of New Zealand, and the islands adjacent thereto. Sergeant William Emerson .. .. Middle Island of the Colony of New Zealand, and the islands adjacent thereto. Sergeant William Gilbert .. .. Middle Island of the Colony of New Zealand, and the islands adjacent thereto. Constable James Treanor .. .. North Island of the Colony of New Zealand, and the islands adjacent thereto. Constable William Hector McKinnon .. North Island of the Colony of New Zealand, and the islands adjacent thereto. Constable William Jones .. .. North Island of the Colony of New Zealand, and the islands adjacent thereto. Constable Frank Stanley Parker .. Middle Island of the Colony of New Zealand, and the islands adjacent thereto. Constable William Joyce .. .. North Island of the Colony of New Zealand, and the islands adjacent thereto. Constable Thomas Bourke .. .. Middle Island of the Colony of New Zealand, and the islands adjacent thereto. Constable Thomas Leitch .. .. North Island of the Colony of Now Zealand, and the islands adjacent thereto. W. P. REEVES.

By Authority ; Samuel Costall, Government Printer, Wellington.

1 Gaul. 1 Name. Where tried. When. Offence. Sentence. Native of Trade. Born. Height Complexion. Hair. Eyes. Nose. Where Photographed, and Date. Remarks, and Previous Convictions. ft. in. Auckland ... Mary Hamilton, aliai Auckland Dec. i, 1894 habitual drunkenness 1 month ... Ireland ... 1862 5 3 swarthy dark brown brown medium ... 43 P.c. (See Police Gazette, 1893, page Walsh Dec. mischief ... 7 days ... 172.) Auckland ... Philip Allen Pukekohe 29, 1S94 ... ... ... ... See Police Gazette, 1895, page 6. Auckland ... Christopher Joseph H.M.S. Dec. 14,1894 breaking ship 21 days ... Ireland ... signalman 1876 5 73 fair dark brown bluelarge Female and anchor on rightarm ; crossed Lewis “ Ringdove grey flags, &c., on left arm ; mole on chest Auckland ... Herbert Chester Auckland Mar. 13, 1894 false pretences 12 chgs) 12 months ... England ... butter 1859 6 o3 fresh light brown blue medium Auckl’d, 3.1.95 and right thigh. merchant ar.d little right fingers. Gone to Wellington. Large month ; square shoulders. Auckland ... Alfred Goodhue Auckland Mar. 13.1894 receiving 12 months ... Wanganui... labourer 1869 5 9i fresh dark brown grey prominent Auckl’d, 3.1.95 Auckland ... Harry Thompson, alias Auckland Mar. 13, 1894 breaking and entering 12 months ... Denmark ... butcher 1874 5 63 fair light brown blue broad Auckl’d, 3.1.9s Large mouth ; stout build ; long scar on 2 months ... Rotorua ... 1866 63 Auckland ... Hutana ... Cambridge ... Mar. 9, 1894 theft groom 5 copper black dark br. flat Auckland Mar. 13, 1894 cattle-stealing 12 months Ireland labourer 1851 • 3 Auckland ... Joseph Smith ... Dargaville ... Dec. 22, 1894 mischief fine, or 14 days ... 5 fresh dark brown dk. blue large ... Scar below right thumb and big toe. Auckland ... James Fowler Auckland ... Dec. 6, 1894 assault fine, or 1 month ... Auckland ... labourer 1864 5 7i swarthy dark brown brown broad Auckl’d, 11. 11.90 8 p.c. Large mouth. (See Police Gazette, Auckland ... Alfred Clune Auckland ... Jan. 9, 189.1 robbery discharged Waikato ... labourer 1866 5 9 fresh dark brown dk.grey medium 1892, page 115.) 4 P-c. Cutter on left wrist; anchor near left thumb; SIN on left fingers; anchor on rightarm. (See Police Gazette, i88g, Auckland ... Edmund Lionel Wilson Auckland Jan. 9.1895 robbery discharged ... Auckland ... labourer 1870 5 8 sallow black dark br. medium Auckl’d, 18.7.93 page 217.) 8 p.c. Stout build; star on each arm; right forefinger off. (See Police Gazette, 1893, page 130.) Clasped hands on chest; sailor, ship,&c., Auckland ... ThomasCharles Webster Auckland Jan. 9. 1895 robbery ... discharged Auckland ... labourer 1877 5 73 pale black bluemedium grey on right arm; ABTW, &c., on left Auckland ... Cornelius Brown, alias Auckland Jan. 9> 1895 robbery discharged ... Auckland ... labourer 1867 5 8 fresh black, curly brown thick, pug arm • 6 p.c. MAY over .1, &c., on left arm; Joseph May Auckland ... part of flag on right hand ; diamond on left hand ; anchor on each arm. (See Police Gazette, 1894, pages 152 and 170, Auckland ... Simon Peter Cundy Auckland Jan. 9, 1895 robbery discharged bootmaker 1859 5 73 fresh light brown grey medium SM, star, BC, See., on left arm; anchor Millar, alias Samuel Miller Dec. 10, 1894 theft 1 month ... England ... 1830 below left thumb. (See Police Gazelle, Auckland ... Mary Brown, alias Auckland 5 5i pale and grey grey medium 17 P-c. Daniels fine, or 7 days Scotland ... wrinkled Auckland ... James Reynolds, alias Otahuhu Jan. S, 1895 theft ... tinker 18.54 5 23 fresh dark brown brown broad, flat 2 p.c. Star on right wrist; anchor below William Stuart Auckland ... Francis Shardlow Whangarei ... Dec. 12,1894 obscene language 1 month England ... labourer 1863 s 93 fresh light brown blue large Large mouth; wart on left cheek ; porJuly 14,1894 6 months ... England ... tions of three left fingers off; two upper front teeth out. Auckland ... Margaret Williams, alias Auckland illegally on premises... 1858 5 • 3 sallow black and grey mediu in Repeatedly convicted. Opium Mag it, 1895 committed for trial Ireland grey Auckland ... Samuel Given ... Auckland Jan. perjury cabman 1869 5 73 sandy fair, curly It. hazel medium Stout build; indistinct blue mark on left committed for trial England ... Auckland ... Albert Dryland Auckland Jan. 12,1895 perjury cabman 1870 5 53 fresh dark brown dk. grey medium Blood-pimple under left eye; scar on left communicating with N. Zealand N.Plymouth Edward Marshall N. Plymouth Oct. 2, 1894 3 months ... labourer 1863 6 13 sallow sandy blue long 7 p.c. Right elbow has been fractured. N. Plymouth prisoners Ireland N.Plymouth Thomas Stewart Dec. it, 1S94 default of maintenance 1 month ... labourer 1871 5 10 fair black hazel medium 1 p.c. Large vaccination-mark on right N.Plymouth William Lewis Harlin, Hawera Dec. 3, 1894 vagrancy 1 month Ireland shoemaker 1824 5 73 fair grey hazel medium 3 p.c. Bald head. alias William Lewis committed for trial N. Zealand Gisborne ... Patrick Sheehan, alias Gisborne Jan. 4, 189.5 larceny labourer 1874 5 9 sallow dark brown blue long 1 p.c. Bailed. Mooney breaking an den taring committed for trial Napier Charles Allen Greymouth ... Sept. 29, 1894 default of maintenance 1 month ... N. Zealand labourer 1868 5 8 fair lightbrown blue long, Stout build; wide mouth; wart on left Hastings 3 months Scotland ... pointed wrist; high cheekbones; thin lips. Napier Annie Mary Watson, Oct. 6, 1894 theft ... servant 1872 S 23 fresh dark brown blue straight Napier, 17.11.94 alias \V atts Waipawa Nov. N. Zealand labourer Napier John McAlister 6, 1894 vagrancy 2 months ... 1874 5 73 dark black, curly brown large, Napier, 17.11.94 Several p.c. Flags and coat of arms on Scotland ... labourer broken right arm; dark marks on back of hands; cut on forehead. Wen behind left ear; slightly bowNapier Kenneth Mathieson Waipawa Dec. 6, 1894 vagrancy 1 month 1849 S 3 fresh black with blue Roman England ... tailor grey legged; scar on nose. Napier John Hawker, alias Hastings Dec. 31, 1894 vagrancy 7 days ... 1826 5 53 fresh grey grey large, W’ganui, 22.11.90 Repeatedly convicted. Very few teeth; HC, DRINK CHAPS, &c., on left Cavill, alias William hooked Dyson, &c. Thomas Maher ... driver Napier Waipawa ... Nov. 29, 1894 assault 5 weeks ... Ireland ... 1S49 5 23 fresh black, turngrey aquiline Strong build; scar on nose; redmarks ing grey on legs.


Gaol. Name. Where tried. When. Offence. Sentence. Native of Trade. Born. 1 bfl V Complexion. Hair. Eyes. Nose. Where Photographed, and Date. Remarks, and PreviousConvictions. Napier Edward Harman ... Hastings ... Oct. ti, 1894 vagrancy ... 3 months N. Zealand iabou rer 1868 5 9 fresh fair, curly brown medium Well’n, 10.10.90 Previously convicted. Pink scar at corner of right eye ; mole on right side of neck and under right jaw; lame on Napier Dec. threatening to commit chemist right foot. John Arthur Eaken Napier 19, 1894 6 mo’s, or surety Ireland i86t 5 10 fair light brown blue straight Mole on right cheek; several toe-nails Nov. suicide crushed ; scar on right eyebtow; large Wanganui... Thomas McCluskey ... Palmerston N. S, 1894 obscene language 1 month ... Ireland labourer 1864 5 8 black hazel medium I p.c. Wanganui... Dec. resisting police 1 month James Mackay, alias Marton 3'. 1894 theft 14 days N. Zealand plumber 1849 5 8 fresh brown blue medium Numerous p.c. Anchor, JM, and J on Murphy, alias Robert Bruce Peter McCoy left arm. Wanganui... Wanganui ... Jan. S. 189s obscene language 48 hours ... Scotland ... sailor 1861 3 84 florid brown blue medium Wellington Patrick Scott, alias Wellington ... Oct. 12,1894 theft 3 months Ireland labourerand 1863 5 34 dark black brown thick Thomas Williams Wellington ... Jan. barman Wellington John Leitch ... 4, 1895 vagrancy 7 days England ... labourer 1851 3 74 fresh ■ black and brown medium Scar over each eye ; left little finger William Hodge Wellington ... Dec. crooked. Wellington 7, 1894 obscene language 1 month Scotland ... seaman i860 3 7i fresh light brown brown medium Burn and crown on right arm; long scar Wellington James Bassett, alias Masterton ... Dec. on forehead. 5. 1S94 vagrancy 1 month England ... labourer 1835 3 84 fresh fair blue medium 4 p.c. Cross-eyed; freckled. (See Police Wellington Henry Phillips Wellington ... Jan. Gazette, 1893, page 84.1 Bracelet on right arm : anchor on right William Thomas 4, 189s manslaughter committed for trial Wales labourer 1863 3 9 fresh brown brown medium hand ; WT, anchor, &c., on left arm ; star on left hand. 1 See Police Gazette, Wellington Thomas Scott, alias Masterton ... Jan. 2, 1895 theft 7 days Ireland fireman 1859 94 dark dark brown broken 1893, page 207.) Bailed. 4 p.c. Emblems, JG, stars and stripes, James McGovern star, and anchor on right arm. (See Wellington Wellington Henry McLaughlin John Evans Palmerston N. Jan. Nov. 4. 1895 attempted larceny ... committed for trial Jersey driver 1871 5 5 dark dark hazel large Well’n, 7.2.91 Police Gazette, 1894, page 209. ) Several p.c. Scar on forehead; birthmark near right ear. (See Police Gazette, 1892, page 183.) Bailed. Masterton ... 10, 1894 theft 3 months Wales labourer '833 3 9i fresh grey blue flat 2 p.c. All upper front teeth missing; Wellington Eliza Blaine scars on nose and forehead. (See Police Gazette, 1891, page 120.) Wellington ... Oct. 1, 1894 drunkenness ... 3 months Ireland 1857 5 2 fresh red blue medium 9 p.c. Wellington Mary Valadore Wellington ... Oct. 1, 1894 drunkenness 3 months Born at sea prostitute 1848 5 6 sallow grey brown large Numerous previous convictions. Wellington Hannah McCarthy, alias Scully Carrie Corbett, alias Wellington ... Oct. St 1894 drunkenness ... 3 months Ireland prostitute 1862 5 2 sallow brown brown pug to p.c. Scar on upper lip. Wellington Wellington ... Oct. 6, 1894 drunkenness 3 months N. Zealand prostitute 1862 5 0 fresh light brown blue pug 2p.c. (See Police Gazette, 1889, page 113.) Wellington Elizabeth Adams .,. Wellington ... Oct. 8, 1894 drunkenness 3 months ... Scotland ... prostitute 1862 3 3 fair fair blue small ... Numerous previous convictions. Wellington Sarah Aldridge, alias Masteiton ... Dec. 5. 1894 vagrancy 1 month ... Australia ... prostitute 1842 5 2 sallow black blue medium Numerous previous convictions. Wellington Igoe wilful damage 1 month Richard Brooks Masterton ... Jan. 4, 1895 assault with intent to committed for trial England ... labourer 1854 5 71 freckled light brown grey medium Two moles on right cheek, and one on Picton Alice Cundy rob left cheek ; birth-mark on left leg. Bailed. Blenheim Dec. 29, 1894 attempted suicide ... committed for trial N. Zealand servant 1873 5 H fresh light brown hazel medium ... Bailed. Nelson Harold Maitland, alias Napier June >3t 1893 burglary 2 years N. Zealand labourer 1863 5 43 brown, turnblue short, Napier, 11.3.93 t p.c. Large mouth; left jawbone Hector Hacton ing grey thick broken; left middle finger enlarged; birth-mark on left shin. Gone to Nelson George Roberts Napier. Napier June >3. 1893 breaking and entering 2 years N. Zealand jockey 1873 3 ii dark dark brown dark br. medium Lyttelton, 1.11.92 1 p.c. (See Police Gazette, 1892, page 199.) Gone to Sydney, Athletic build; large mouth; woman. Nelson William Brown, alias Napier Feb. 12, 1894 forgery and uttering... J2 months New South blacksmith’s 1874 5 94 dark black, curly hazel, pug, large nostrils Napier, 3.2.94 Dixon Wales assistant full anchor, WB, &c., on left arm ; skull, Greymouth Sarah Larsen crossbones, and WD on right arm ; &c. Gone to Napier. Greymouth ... Dec. 29, 1894 obscene language 7 days Ireland matron 1856 5 5 fresh light brown blue medium Mole on right eyebrow and side of nose; Greymouth James Scott large mouth. Greymouth ... Jan. 4, 1895 absent from ship disobedience on ship... 48 hours 48 hours Scotland ... sailor 1853 s 3* fair dark brown It. blue medium Flower-pot, star, clasped hands, &c., on right arm ; crucifixion, flags, &c., on Hokitika ... Margaret Fletcher left arm ; ship on breast; &c. Grey mouth ... Dec. 13. 1894 drunkenness 1 month ... Ireland 1838 4 9 fresh grey grey short ... Repeatedly convicted. Three upper teeth out. Lyttelton ... John Thomas, alias Lytteltou Dec. 19, 1894 drunkenness fine, or 48 hours ... England ... boilermaker 1856 - 74 fair fair grey broken 6 p.c. Part of ship and H on right arm ; Goldridge obscene language 14 days part of bracelet on left wrist; rings on fingers, See.


Gaol. Name. Where tried. When. Offence. Sentence. Native of Trade. Born. Height Complexion. Hair. Eyes. Nose. j Where j Photographed, and Date. Remarks and Previous Convictions. Lyttelton ... Daniel Boucher Christchurch Dec. 6, 1894 drunkenness fine, or 24 hours Ireland labourer 1838 s et fair brown blue thick Large mouth ; burn-marks on forehead ; Lyttelton ... Gilbert Mcllwraith Christchurch Dec. 6,1894 gross indecency gross indecency ... i month 1 month Ireland :.. labourer 1845 s el fresh brown blue medium eyelashes burnt off ; left leg swollen. 1 p.c. First joint off right thumb. Lyttelton ... John Cook ... Christchurch Oct. 9, 1894 larceny 3 months England ... labourer 1853 5 s dark dark grey large Lyttelton, 5.3.94 6 p.c. JC on right arm; anchor on left Lyttelton ... James Myers, Smith George Walls, alias Christchurch Oct. 9, 1894 false pretences ... 3 months ... Holland ... seaman 1854 5 s fresh dark brown blue medium Lyttelton ... alias Leeston Aug. 3. 1894 larceny (6 charges) ... 6 months Christch’rch labourer 1876 s 2 tair light brown grey medium Scar on first right finger; two scars on Lyttelton ... James Pearson Alfred Ford Christchurch Aug. 3, 1894 larceny (2 charges) ... 6 months Christch’ch labourer 1878 5 u fresh brown brown medium left knee. 3 P-c. Lyttelton ... Henry Rose, alias Christchurch Aug. 3, 1894 larceny (2 charges) ... 6 months Christch’ch painter 1876 5 2i fresh brown grey medium 2 p.c. Scar between two first right Lyttelton ... Joseph Wilson George Hunter Christchurch Aug. 3. 1894 larceny (2 charges) ... 6 months Christch’ch labourer 1879 5 2l fresh brown blue small, fingers; tattoo-spots on left arm. 2 p.c. Stout build. Lyttelton ... Alexander Malcolm ... Christchurch Dec. 8, 1S94 default of maintenance 1 month Christch’ch carpenter 1858 n 9l fresh dark brown blue broad medium i p.c. Nail of first light finger split; Lyttelton ... May Mitchell Christchurch Dec. 3L 1894 illegally on premises... 14 days Wales prostitute 1851 5 2i pale black dark thin, sharp scar on right side of forehead. 32 p.c. Slight build ; scar on forehead. Lyttelton ... Patrick Begley Ashburton ... Dec. 31. 1894 assault 14 days Ireland labourer 1856 s 4i fresh dark brown It. blue medium ... Scar between eyebrows. Oamaru ... Vesey Parkes Oamaru Jan. 11,1S95 obscene language 48 hours England ... prostitute 1841 5 S sallow turning grey blue long, Dunedin ... James John Duke Dunedin Dec. 3, 1894 attempted rape 1 month and 12 N. Zealand mine-boy 187S S ij dark dark brown brown pointed medium Dunedin ... Jane Whittaker Dunedin Dec. 3, 1894 drunkenness strokes i month Scotland ... prostitute 1844 5 3 fresh iron-grey grey large 9 p.c. Dunedin ... William Kerr Port Chalmers Dec. 3, 1894 obscene language 1 month England ... sailor 1858 S 21 fresh grey medium medium Monument on right arm; body covered Dunedin ... Robert Mellis Dunedin Dec. 12, 1S94 false pretence 1 month Scotland ... storekeeper 1857 s 9 fresh dark brown grey medium with tattooing. 2 p.c. Mark of cut on forehead and on Dunedin ... ' - Fanny Flynn, Annie Flynn Christian Vecht, alias Dunedin ... Dec. 28, 1894 vagrancy discharged Ireland prostitute 1847 s 4 fresh light brown hazel medium Dunedin, 6.1.90 right hand. (See Police Gazette, 1886, page 199) 8 p.c. Dunedin ... alias Mosgiel Dec. 29, 1894 trespass 7 davs Denmark ... labourer 1845 5 fresh brown grey medium 11 p.c. CH on left arm; scar on left Dunedin ... Chalig James Blue Dunedin Jan. 1, 1895 larceny discharged N. Zealand labourer 1876 5 61 sallow fair grey large ... cheek. 4 p.c. Large scar on right thigh. Shortland ... Frank Watt Thames Dec. 3> 1894 drunkenness 48 hours Scotland ... clerk 1848 5 10 fair fair blue medium Two flags (crossed) on left forearm. - larceny 4 weeks


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New Zealand Police Gazette, Volume XIX, Issue 2, 23 January 1895, Page 12

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Extracts from New Zealand Gazette. New Zealand Police Gazette, Volume XIX, Issue 2, 23 January 1895, Page 12

Extracts from New Zealand Gazette. New Zealand Police Gazette, Volume XIX, Issue 2, 23 January 1895, Page 12

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