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Extracts from New Zealand Gazette.

(From Gazette, 1892, pages 514, 517, 519, 520, 522, 541, 542, 544, and 545.) Licensing District altered.

(L.s.) JAMES PRENDERGAST, Administrator of the Government A PROCLAMATION.

TTyHEREAS by the sixth section of “ The Licensing Act, VY 1881,” it is enacted that the Governor shall, as soon as conveniently may be after the commencement of the said Act, by Proclamation in the Gazette, from time to time define districts to be licensing districts under the said Act, and from time to time may alter and redefine the boundaries of the same : And whereas it is expedient to alter and redefine the boundaries of the District of Hampden : Now, therefore, I, James Prendergast, the Administrator of the Government of the Colony of New Zealand, do hereby, in pursuance and exercise of the power and authority vested in me by the said Act, alter and redefine the boundaries of

the said district, which shall be those described in the Schedule hereto, such alteration to take effect upon the first day of April, one thousand eight hundred and ninety-two.

SCHEDULE. Inangahua County

Hampden. —All that area known as the Hampden Riding of the County of Inangaliua, as described in the Nciu Zealand Gazette No. 63, of the 28th November, 1876. Given under the hand of His Excellency Sir James Prendergast, Knight, Chief Justice, the Administrator of the Government of Her Majesty’s Colony of New Zealand; and issued under the Seal of the said Colony, at the Government House, at Wellington, this twenty-second day of March, in the year of our Lord one thousand eight hundred and ninety-two.


God save the Queen !

Certain Goods deemed specially dangerous under “ The Dangerous Goods Act, 1882.”

JAMES PRENDERGAST, Administrator of the Government ORDER IN COUNCIL.

At the Government House, at Wellington, this sixteenth day of March, 1892.

Present: His Excellency the Administrator of the Government in Council. IN pursuance and exercise of the powers and authorities vested in him by “ The Dangerous Goods Act, 1882,” His Excellency the Administrator of the Government of the Colony of New Zealand, by and with the advice and consent of the Executive Council of the said colony, doth hereby order and declare that the following goods, namely, gelatinedynamite, geligmite, and also all fuses and detonators for igniting and discharging the above-named explosives, shall be deemed “ specially dangerous ” within the meaning of the said Act.

And in further pursuance and exercise of the said powers and authorities, and by and with the like advice and consent as aforesaid, His said Excellency doth hereby declare that the provisions of this Order in Council shall extend to the whole of the Colony of New Zealand.

Alex. WILLIS, Clerk of the Executive Council

Special Licensing District abolished

JAMES PRENDERGAST, Administrator of the Government,

ORDER IN COUNCIL. At the Government House, at Wellington, this twentysecond day of March, 1892. Present: His Excellency the Administrator of the Government in Council. IN pursuance and exercise of all powers enabling him in this behalf under “ The Licensing Act, 1881,” and by and with the advice and consent of the Executive Council of the Colony of New Zealand, His Excellency the Administrator of the Government of the said colony doth hereby abolish the Special Licensing District of Owen, situate within the County of Inangahua, and which was proclaimed to be a special licensing district under the said Act, such abolition to take effect upon the thirty-first day of March instant. Alex. WILLIS, Clerk of the Executive Council.

Shooting Season for Imported and Native Game, Licensefee, cCc., Rangitikei District.

JAMES PRENDERGAST, Administrator of the Government,

IN exercise of the powers vested in me by “The Animals Protection Act, 1880,” and the Acts amending the same, I, James Prendergast, the Administrator of the Government of the Colony of New Zealand, do hereby notify that cockplieasants and quail may be taken or killed in the County of Rangitikei from the first day of May, one thousand eight hundred and ninety-two, to the thirty-first day of July, one thousand eight hundred and ninety-two, both inclusive (subject nevertheless to the restrictions in the said Acts mentioned). And I do further notify that licenses to take

or kill suck game within the said district shall be issued on payment of the sum of ten shillings each, and that licenses to sell game and native game shall be issued on payment of the sum of five pounds each; and the Postmasters at Marton and Bulls are hereby appointed to sign and issue the said licenses.

And I do further declare that native game, excepting tui, huia, white heron, and crested grebe, may be taken or killed within the above-mentioned district from the fifteenth day of April, one thousand eight hundred and ninety-two, to the thirty-first day of July, one thousand eight hundred and ninety-two, both days inclusive. As witness the hand of His Excellency the Administrator of the Government, this fifteenth day of March, one thousand eight hundred and ninetytwo. P. A. BUCKLEY, Colonial Secretary.

Despatch.—Amending Article IX. of Extradition Treaty unth Uruguay.

Colonial Secretary’s Office, Wellington, 21st March, 1892. THE following despatch, received from Her Majesty’s Principal Secretary of State for the Colonies, is published for general information. P. A. BUCKLEY.


Downing Street, 17th December, 1891. My Lord, —-With reference to my predecessor’s circular despatch of the 16th of March, 1885,* I have the honour to transmit to you, for publication in the colony under your government, a copy of an Order of Her Majesty the Queen in Council, dated the 24th of November, 1891, for giving effect to the protocol between Her Majesty and the President of the Oriental Republic of the Uruguay, concluded at Monte Video on the 20th of March, 1891, the ratifications of which were exchanged at Monte Video on the 17th of July, 1891, for the extension of the period stipulated in Article IX. of the treaty of the 26th March, 1884, for the mutual extradition of fugitive criminals.

I have, &c., Knutsford

The Officer Administering the Government of New Zealand.

Extract from Order of Her Majesty in Council, dated 24th November, 1891. * * * * * * *

The period of thirty days fixed by Article IX. of the Treaty for the Extradition of Criminals in force between the Oriental Republic of the Uruguay and Great Britain, for the provisional arrest of persons charged with any of the crimes or offences specified in the said treaty, being thoroughly recognised as insufficient, both Governments agree that the said period shall henceforth be fixed at sixty days. * # sk # * * *

* Published in New Zealand Gazette No. 33, of the 4th June, 1885, page 724.

Extending Time for Fishing for Trout, dc., in the Canterbury, South Canterbury, and Geraldine Acclimatisation Districts.

JAMES PRENDERGAST, Administrator of the Government ORDER IN COUNCIL.

At the Government House, at Wellington, this thirty-first day of March, 1892.


His Excellency the Administrator of the Government

in Council. WHEREAS regulations for fishing for trout, perch, and tench in all the waters of the Canterbury, South Canterbury, and Geraldine Acclimatisation Districts were made by Orders in Council under “ The Fisheries Conservation Act, 1884 ” (hereinafter ca*lled “ the said Act ”), the said Orders in Council being dated the nineteenth day of September, one thousand eight hundred and ninety, the tenth day of September, one thousand eight hundred and ninety-one, and the twenty-third day of September, one thousand eight hundred and ninety-one, respectively : And whereas it is desirable that the period during which it is lawful to fish for trout provided by the said regulations should be extended until the fifteenth day of April, one thousand eight hundred and ninety-two: Now, therefore, His Excellency the Administrator of the Government of the Colony of New Zealand, in pursuance and exercise of the power and authorities conferred by the said Act, and of all other powers enabling him in that behalf, and acting by and with the advice and consent of the Executive Council of the said colony, doth hereby order and

declare that the period during which it shall be lawful to fish for trout provided by the hereinbefore recited regulations shall be and the same is hereby extended until the fifteenth day of April, one thousand eight hundred and ninety-two, and that licenses to fish for trout for the period ended the thirty-first day of March, one thousand eight hundred and ninety-two, issued thereunder, shall entitle the persons to whom they were issued to fish for trout until the said fifteenth day of April, one thousand eight hundred and ninety-two.

Alex. WILLIS, Clerk of the Executive Council

Shooting Season for Native Game only, County of Ashburton.

JAMES PRENDERGAST, Administrator of the Government

IN exercise of the powers vested in me by “ The Animals Protection Act, 1880,” and the Acts amending the same, I, James Prendergast, the Administrator of the Government of the Colony of New Zealand, do hereby notify that native game, excepting tui, huia, white heron, and crested grebe, may be taken or killed within the County of Ashburton from the first day of April, one thousand eight hundred and ninety-two, to the thirty-first day of July, one thousand eight hundred and ninety-two, both inclusive (subject nevertheless to the restrictions in the said Acts mentioned). And I do further notify that licenses to sell native game shall be issued on the payment of the sum of five pounds each ; and the Postmaster at Ashburton is hereby appointed to sign and issue the said licenses.

As witness the hand of His Excellency the Administrator of the Government, this twenty-fifth day of March, one thousand eight hundred and ninetytwo. P. A. BUCKLEY, Colonial Secretary,

Shooting Season for Native Game, Geraldine County


JAMES PRENDERGAST, Administrator of the Government,

IN exercise of the powers vested in me by “ The Animals Protection Act, 1880,” and the Acts amending the same, I, James Prendergast, the Administrator of the Government of the Colony of New Zealand, do hereby notify that native game, excepting tui, huia, white heron, and crested grebe, may be taken or killed within the Geraldine County District, consisting of that part of the County of Geraldine lying north of the Opihi River, from the first day of April, one thousand eight hundred and ninety-two, to the thirty-first day of July, one thousand eight hundred and ninetv-two, both inclusive (subject nevertheless to the restrictions in the said Acts mentioned). And I do further notify that licenses to sell native game shall be issued on payment of the sum of five pounds each ; and the Postmaster at Temuka is hereby appointed to sign and issue the said licenses.

As witness the hand of His Excellency the Administrator of the Government, this twenty-sixth day of March, one thousand eight hundred and ninetytwo. P. A. BUCKLEY, Colonial Secretary.

Inspector of Weights and Measures appointed, Wairarapa.

Colonial Secretary’s Office, Wellington, 25th March, 1892. HIS Excellency the Administrator of the Government has been pleased to appoint

Sergeant Henry McArdle to be Inspector of Weights and Measures, under “ The Weights and Measures Act, 1868,” for the Counties of Wairarapa North, Wairarapa South, and Pahiatua, and for the Boroughs of Masterton, Greytown, and Carterton, vice Sergeant Hamann.


Appointment of Agent at Palmerston North to the Public Trustee. Public Trust Office, Wellington, 2Gth March, 1892. IT is hereby notified for general information that William Manning, Sergeant of Police, has been appointed to be Agent to the Public Trustee, at Palmerston North, from the 28tli day of March, 1892, inclusive, vice J. H. Hankins, Esq., Solicitor, resigned, J. K. WARBURTON, Public Trustee,

By Authority: Geohge Didsbuby, Government Printer, Wellington.— lß92.

Name. Offence. Where and when tried. Sentence. Ah Jew Sung, alias Gue Sung Attempting to steal gold Dist. Ct., Grey mouth. 1892. 19 Jan. 1A months’ labour. Elizabeth Kennedy, altos Irwin ... Larceny ... /.. 18 months’ labour. Joseph Valentine Bourke Escaping from custody „ Palmerston N., 27 Jan. Acquitted. 18 months’ labour. Frederick T. Fitzgerald ... False pretences n „ 9 Feb. Thomas Bateman Breaking into and stealing Sup. Ct„ Timaru, from a dwelling William Edward Cowley... Ditto ... 15 months’ labour. Henry Septimus Decimus Homes Arson... n „ 4 years’ penal servitude. John O’Neill Forgery and uttering (3 charges) Sup. Ct., Invercargill, „ 2 years’ labour on each charge (concurrent). „ Larceny „ „ „ Acquitted. William Henry Ellis tl „ Ellen Lewis Thomas Evans Pepperill, alias Shelton ... Forgery and uttering... " " 3 years’ penal servitude. 6 months’ labour. William Weston, alias Whiston ... Larceny „ „ „ Henry Charles Mellish ... Larceny of sealskins ... „ „ 12,10 Feb. 1 Sentences deferred, pendThomas Thompson „ „ 1 ing decision of Court of Andrew Newton ... „ .. 13,17 Feb. ) Appeal. Harata Takarure... Attempted suicide Sup. Ct., Gisborne, 22 Feb. To come up when called James Murphy ... Alfred Doble Patrick Fitzgerald Housebreaking Larceny as a bailee ... Horse-stealing " 6 months’ labour. Acquitted. 12 months’ labour. William McKenna „ Alfred William Croft Embezzlement (5 charges) ... „ „ „ 4 years’ penal servitude on Frederick Laing ... each charge (concurrent). Larceny „ Nelson, 23 Feb. 6 months’ probation. Amelia Jane Gillingham... Keeping a disorderly house ... Dist. Ct., 24 Feb. No bill presented. ) 12 months’ labour on each Robert Dixon Fergan Larceny Sup. Ct., Christchurch, ‘22 Feb. John Lindsay Embezzlement „ ,, \ charge (concurrent). Forgery and uttering... „ „ „ 12 months’ probation. William Mardon ... Embezzlement (2 charges) ... „ „ n 6 months’ labour on each Norah Kyne Unlawfully wounding charge (concurrent). „ „ „ To come up for sentence John Charles Dawson, alias John C. Jo wett when called upon. Larceny as a bailee ... „ „ „ 3 years’ penal servitude. 12 months’ labour. Michael Corcoran William Carter ... ... ... ) Larceny from the person " " ” Charles Cockroft... John Aldous ... ... ... ) Indecent assault " " " Acquitted. Rose Adams, alias Mary Doyle, alias Jackson Larceny from the person „ „ 23 Feb. Patrick Harkin ... Larceny „ „ „ 3 months’ labour. Geo.Wm.Wright, alias Alf. Francis Holmes Larceny (confidence-trick) „ „ „ 12 months’ labour. John Davies Sheep-stealing „ „ „ Acquitted. Emanuel Font Arson... „ „ John Livingston ... Unlawfully wounding Sup. Ct., Napier, 29 Feb. Acquitted. 12 months’ labour on each James Duncan Forgery and uttering) 2 charges) „ „ Ernest Walter Hallett Larceny in a dwelling charge (concurrent). „ „ „ To find surety for good behaviour. Frederick Shellam Indecent assault „ 1 Mar. 1 month and 12 strokes. „ Attempting to carnally know a „ „ Nolle prosequi entered. girl under 12 years Edwin alias Edward Arnold Louis, alias Ola, alias Lawrence Hoff Assault and robbery ... „ « ” 6 years’ penal servitude. Michael Sullivan... Wirernu Mapihi ... Julia Mullane Clias. Niukey, alias Liukey, alias Johnson Manslaughter Larceny in a dwelling Larceny Larceny from a dwelling Unlawfully wounding - Sup. Ct., Wellington, 2 Mar. 3 Mar. 7 Mar. 4 years’ penal servitude. 12 months’ labour. To find sureties for 12 months’ good behaviour. 4 years’ penal servitude. Nolle prosequi entered. 3 years' penal servitude. » .. Arthur Floyd, alias William Anderson, alias George Morgan, alias Price Frederick Thompson, alias Tatton Forgery „ „ „ 12 months’ labour. Herbert Ayres Forgery and uttering (2 charges) „ „ „ 4 years’ penal servitude on John Nelson Larceny front the person each charge (concurrent). 3 months’ labour. Alfred Fryer, alias Fraser Larceny „ „ „ 12 months’ labour. William George Rains William Martin ... Manslaughter Larceny " " " Bill ignored. John Dowd „ 8 Mar. G months’ labour. “ Podge” Read, alias Charles Brown, alias Robinson Wilful damage " « " James Hutchins ... Larceny „ „ 9 Mar. 12 months’ labour. Murder 10,15 Mar. ( Fresh trial ordered for the Charles Smith ... ... ... j " ” 30th May next, two juries l having disagreed. Assault with intent to rob Thomas Reardon... „ „ 14 Mar. 12 months' labour. Janies Madden Assault with intent to do grievous bodily harm " " » Acquitted. William McPhee ... Housebreaking Sup. Ct., Dunedin, 7 Mar. 12 months’ labour. William Stewart Lee ,... George Harrington Forgery and uttering... « " 2 years’ labour. 12 months' probation. 12 months’ labour, in addi- „ Jown Cowper Jowett, alias John Charles False pretences „ „ „ Dawson, alias John McIntyre Ah Foo, alias Fuk, alias Fock tion to 3 years’ penal servitude at Christchurch. Sheep-stealing " ” 10 Mar. Acquitted. Thomas Healey ... William Charles Spencer, alias Lee Forgery and uttering... Sup. Ct., Oamaru, 15 Mar. 2 years’ labour, concurrent with a similar sentence at Dunedin. Kima te Ohinemuri ... ... 1 Kerei Kaihau ... ... ... j Removing a survey-mark Sup. Ct., Auckland, 8 Mar. 12 months' imprisonment. John James Sloan Hunt... Pawning Volunteer uniform „ „ 6 months’ probation. and rifle Charles Hazard ... Sheep-stealing „ 9 Mar. 12 months’ labour. Duncan Munro ... Murder „ „ Com. to lunatic asylum. Tukairangi Mohi... Housebreaking and larceny ... „ „ G months’ labour. Walter Shotter ... Assault and robbery ... „ „ 10 Mar. 2 years’ labour. Frank Sherman Bridgetts Larceny „ 12 months’ probation. Alfred Frederick Fitzroy Etheridge Embezzlement Forgery Larceny Embezzlement "" „ 4 y^’ P- s -[ (concurrent). Nolle prosequi entered. Margaret Turner... Larceny „ „ Acquitted. 3 years’ penal servitude. Francis Small ... ... James Dawson Assault and robbery ... ;; - 12 months’ labour. Alexander Miller... Thomas Slater Jones Arson... „ 11 Mar. Walter Webb Attempted suicide Sup. Ct., Hokitika, 15 Mar. 12 hours' imprisonment. 18 months’ labour on encli Walter Henry Nelley Larceny; embezzlement; for- „ gery and uttering charge (concurrent). Nolle prosequi entered on other similar charges.


Gaol. Name. Where tried. When. Offence. Sentence. Native of T rade Born. Height i Complexion Hair. j Eyes. Nose. Where Photographed, I and Date. Remarks and Previous Convictions. ft. in. Auckland ... Henry Hardwicke Auckland Nov. io, 1S91 disobeying mainte3 months Hamburg ... seaman 1845 5 4i fresh grey It. blue medium 3 p.c. H below right thumb. nance-orders Auckland ... Harry McDowell T'e Awamutu Feb. 17, 1S92 larceny 1 month N. Zealand labourer 1874 5 52 fresh dark brown brown pointed Auckland ... William alias Ross Auckland Mar. 4,1892 drunkenness ios., or 24 hours ... England ... gum-digger 1853 5 4$ fresh light brown grey broad 1 aylor resisting police 23s., or 7 days Auckland ... Mary Jane Green Auckland Jan. 18, 1892 wilful damage 2 months Auckland ... See Police Gazette, 1S92, page 13. obscene language 2 months Auckland ... Eliza Lestrnnge Auckland 1 )ec. 23, :8oi drunkenness 3 months Ireland 184s 4 I I pale black blue 95 p.c. Auckland ... Charles R. V. Anderson Kopuru Feb. 23, 1892 obscene language t month Sweden gum-digger ■855 5 - swarthy dark brown dk. blue pointed Crucifix on right arm; C R WANDERSON on left arm; three upper front fair teeth out. Auckland ... James Jones Kopuru Feb. 23, 189: obscene language ( month Wales gum-digger 1842 5 43 grey brown large Long scar on left side of nose; burnPatrick Daley obscene language 1 month o3 fresh Auckland .. Kopuru Feb. 23, 1892 England ... gum-digger 1866 5 red dk. blue medium English arms and ship on right arm ; Auckland ... James Watson Auckland breaking and entering Ireland fresh Sept. 5,1889 5 years labourer 1846 43 dark brown grey crooked A tickl’d, 22.5.02 Auckland ... Gustav Adolf Pedersen Auckland June 1, 1891 burglary 12 months Norway seaman 180 1 5 2i fresh light brown blue Auckl’d, 22.3.92 In’cargill, 22.3.90 Auckland ... John Henry i aylor, Auckland June 1, 1891 larceny 12 months New Brunssteward 1863 5 10$ black woolly brown large alias Cammiloca wick and figure of Britannia on right arm; British arms, flag, and sailor on left arm. (See Police Gazette, 1890, pages 33, 108.) 9 p.c. British and Egyptian arms and Auckland ... David Dures, alias Donald, alias Dures Auckland June 2, 1890 breaking and entering (2 months Scotland ... carpenter 1836 5 7$ fresh dark brown grey medium Auckl’d, 23.5.90 and receiving crucifix on right arm; banners, flags, Russell Sept. r, 1890 breaking and entering 2 years and eagle on left arm. (concurrent) fair Auckland ... Minnie alias Juliet Auckland Mar. 24. 1802 drunkenness and 8s., or 24 hours N. S. Wales prostitute 1870 5 I light brown blue medium 3 P-c. (Sec Police Gazette, 1891, page 99.) Brown obscene language dark Napier Michael William Brady Woodville ... Feb. i(5, 1892 false pretences 28 days ... England ... plasterer 1859 5 Si 73 black brown, deep set sli’tly pug Mole on right cheek : scar over left knee; cut on right brow; scar on nose; legs slightly paralysed. 7 p.c. Crucifix, anchor, pagoda, &c., on fresh Napier John alias Thos. Boyle Hastings Mar. 9, 1892 illegally on premises... 7 days Ireland labourer 1827 5 white blue long William Hearn indecent language .. 48 hours dark brown, right arm ; cross and man with two swords on left arm. Napier Napier Mar. 14, 1892 South sailor 1849 s 64 tawny blue large 1 p.c. Slightly bald ; scar on right palm John Fox disorderly conduct .. Australia dark turning grey and nose. Napier Hastings Dec. I?, iSOI 25s., or 7 days 3 months England ... ship’s 1833 5 62 dark brown brown large Part of anchor on left arm ; scar on left William Miller, alias obscene language drunkenness carpenter si fresh shin; two moles in front of right ear; most of upper teeth gone. Napier Napier Dec. 18, 1891 15s., or 7 days 3 months Ireland labourer 1841 s grey grey large 10 p.c. Nail of left middle finger injured; Moylan indecent language ... scar on right wrist and on lower lip. Napier Paul Christian Wilson Napier Dec. 24, 1891 disobeying a mainte3 months, or Denmark ... carpenter 184S 5 10$ fair light brown blue medium 1 p.c. Bald; scars on knees and one over John Burns nance-order sureties fresh light eyebrow; stout build. Wanganui... Wanganui ... 1 >ec. 1(5, 189: habitual drunkenness 3 months Ireland labourer 1836 .S 4 grey grey medium See Police Gazette, 1891, page 224. Wanganui... William J. Hamilton ... Wanganui ... Jan. 20, 1S92 vagrancv 2 months Ireland labourer 1856 5 6 fresh brown blue large W’ganui, 17.10.91 Wanganui... James O’Connor, alias Wanganui ... Feb. 19, 1892 obscene language 1 month ... See Police Gazette, 1892, page 6. O Connel freckled Wanganui... Hugh McFadgen Wanganui ... Mar. 9, 1892 drunkenness 48 hours Scotland ... labourer >853 5 4$ red grey medium 4 p.c. (See Police Gazette, 1889, page 139.) resisting police 7 davs fresh Wanganui... Mary Elizabeth Hughes Wanganui ... Mar. 17, 1892 drunkenness . 48 hours Ireland matron >853 5 2 brown grey broad 1 p.c. obscene language 7 davs fresh Wanganui... David Hogg Wanganui ... Mar. 25, 1892 breaking and entering whipping N. Zealand schoolboy 1880 4 4a light blue snub Wellington Eliza Begarie Wellington ... 1 tec. 15, 1891 larceny 3 months England ... prostitute i860 5 0 fresh brown brown pug sm’ll,sh’ip II p.c. Wellington James Madden Wellington ... Mar. 14, 1892 attempt to wound acquitted at S. C. .. Ireland ex-publican 1838 5 8 pale grey hazel Pockpitted ; large mouth. Wellington james Kerr Wellington ... Alar. iS, 1891 assault 2 months Glasgow ... plumber (8 4 0 5 43 fair grey grey large 10 p.c. Bald. default of sureties 12 months’ iniMichael Hanratty prisonment fair Wellington Greytown Feb. 18, 1892 wilful damage ( month Ireland surgeon 1836 5 6$ brown, turnblue medium, Several p.c. Scars on throat, arms, and Elizabeth Harris fresh ing grey oblique Wellington Wellington ... Feb. 18, 1892 obscene language ( month England ... prostitute 185& 4 ii light brown it. hazel medium \\ ellingto.n John Derham Lightbourne Wellington ... Dec. 22, 1891 vagrancy 3 months Scotland ... chemist 1856 5 Hi sallow dark brown blue sharp Well’n, 24.12.90 8 p.c. Absccss-scars on neck; scar on nose. Wellington Thomas Goddard Wellington ... Jan. 22, (892 larceny as a bailee ... 2 months London sailor 1869 s 6$ da rk dark brown brown large Well’n, 1.6.89 8 p.c. Two anchors and TG on right Wellington Maud Estall Wellington ... dark Dec. 24, 1891 vagrancy 3 months N. Zealand prostitute 1868 3 0 black dark hr. thin 2 p.C. \Y cllington John \\ illiam Sylvester Napier Dec. (, 1884 attempt to murder ... 10 years’ p.s. England ... shipwright 1832 5 7 fresh light brown blue large Two flags, thistle, harp, ship, Tree of Life, and rose-tree with woman’s face on right arm ; eagle on left arm ; star on right wrist; bracelets on each wrist. Wellington Amy Jackson, alias Wellington ... June 1, 1891 larceny 12 months N. Zealand prostitute 1873 4 11 sallow btowti hazel small Wellington Sent to Napier. Several p.c. Emily Brooks \\ cllington William Jones Picton Jan. 25, 1802 vagrancy 2 months N. Wales ... seaman 1864 5 5* f resh dark brown grey small Right leg deformed, has no calf.


Complexion. Where Remarks and Previous Convictions. Gaol. Name. Where tried. When. Offence. Sentence. Native of Trade. Born. li? «3 X Hair. Eyes. Nose. Photographed, and Date. Wellington John Canning Wellington ... Mar. 14,1894 disobedience of orders 14 days Scotland ... sailor 1852 ft. in. S 8 dark dark dk. blue medium Cut over right eye; scars on nose and on Picton William Clark Picton Mar. 1 on board ship 11, 1S92 jindecent language ... 48 hours Scotland ... sailor 1S57 5 93 swarthy light brown grey large Scar on left forehead, wrist, and thumb; soies on left shin. disobedience of orders 4 days Picton John Allen Blenheim Mar. 21, lS93 on board ship lunacy from drink ... discharged Ireland stable1844 5 73 dark dark hazel straight 3 p.c. Right ear slit. Lyttelton ... William Binley Timaru Oct. 6,1891 forgery (3 charges) ... 6 months N. Zealand cordialmaker labourer 1863 S 7i fresh dark brown dk. blue medium Scar near left wrist, on right hand, thigh, and at corner of right eye. Lyttelton ... John Allen ... Southbridge... Dec. 16,1891 larceny (2 charges) ... 3 months **. Manchester 1839 5 4* fresh dark, turning grey large Lyttelton, 9.6.91 1 p.c. Large mouth. Lyttelton ... Ethel Smith ... Christchurch Feb. 24, 1892 keeping a brothel 58s., or 14 days Dunedin ... prostitute 1867 S c3 dark grey dark dark medium 2 p.c. Mark on front of neck. Lyttelton ... James Murphy Akaroa Feb. 17, 1892 larceny (2 charges) ... 1 month ... Victoria ... labourer 1870 S io3 fresh brown grey medium Lyttelton, 3.3.92 Cut on palm of right hand. Lyttelton ... James Green Akaroa Feb. 17, 1892 receiving stolen pro1 month Christch’ch labourer 1872 5 63 dark dark brown It. brown medium Lyttelton, 5.3.92 VF in wreath on left arm. Lyttelton ... Charles Stewart Gordon Christchurch Aug. 18, 1890 larceny (6 charges) ... 2 years Christch’ch clerk 1869 5 93 fair fair dk. grey medium Lyttelton, 5.3.92 2 p.c. Scars on nose and right breast; cast in tight eye. Lyttelton ... Albert Hoskins Geraldine ... Oct. 9, 1S91 larceny 6 months London saddler 1S3.S s 8 fair brown grey medium Lyttelton, 5.3.92 Lyttelton ... Richard Hartshorn, ufiar Christchurch Dec. 18, 1891 larceny 3 months England ... hawker 1849 s 43 fresh brown blue large Lyttelton, 9.6.91 Repeatedly convicted. Lyttelton ... Baker Edward Stevens Christchurch Feb. 15, 1S92 drunkenness 96 hours Norway ... labourer 1821 5 33 fair fair grey broad HTKS and woman on right arm ; anchor Lyttelton ... Frank O’Neill Christchurch Dec. 2t, 1891 exposing his person ... vagrancy 1 month 3 months Christch’cb butcher 1868 S 7 fresh brown grey medium Lyttelton, 5.3.92 5 p.c. Lyttelton ... George Fuller Christchurch Dec. 21, 1891 vagrancy 3 months Christch’ch blacksmith 1871 s s3 fair fair grey medium Lyttelton, 5.3.92 I p.c. Lyttelton ... David Nicol Lyttelton Mar. l6, 1892 gross indecency 7 days Glasgow ... fireman 1861 s 63 fresh dark brown blue medium Lyttelton ... Thomas Gorman Christchurch June I, 1891 wounding 12 months Ireland labourer 1853 s 63 dark black grey medium Lyttelton, 5.3.92 Scar on left thumb; scald on right arm ; Lyttelton ... Michael Burns Christchurch Oct. 16, 1891 larceny from the per6 months Christch’ch bootmaker 1867 5 6 fresh dark blue small Lyttelton, 5.3.92 2 p.c. Small anchor on each arm ; small Timaru William Thomas Timaru Mar. 10,1892 son obscene language 7 days Wales seaman 1861 s oj dark black grey medium LOVE, man, (lap, and bracelet on Jett arm ; vase and flowers on right arm. Timaru William John Wilson, Timaru Mar. 23, 1892 obscene language 48 hours Ireland labourer 1853 s 5 fresh light brown blue large, flat Several p c. Scar on top of head ; bulietalias Arthur Davis drunkenness ... ios., or 48 hours rigit thumb deformed. Oamaru ... George Robinson, alias Matthews, alias Oamaru Mar. 17, 1892 vagrancy 7 days ... England ... labourer 1851 5 S fresh brown grey broad, broken Several p.c. Cut-mark on left arm. Oaraaru ... William Barry Hampden ... Mar. 1 8, 1S92 larceny ... 7 days Ireland sweep 1841 s 43 sallow brow n hazel large, Several p.c. Oamaru ... James Kleeber Oamaru Mar. 21, 1892 assault 41s., or 3 days 12 months N. Zealand labourer 1870 5 10 sallow brown blue medium Long features ; round shoulders. Dunedin ... Walter Spurling Dunedin lune I, 1891 false pretences England ... carpenter 1868 73 fresh light grey 5 p:c. Scar ott top of nose. Gone to Wellington. Dunedin ... Henry James, alias LeDunedin Sept. 28, 1891 larceny 6 months England ... cook 1S5S 5 53 fresh brown hazel large Dunedin ... William Coull Dunedin Oct. 8, 1891 embezzlement 6 months Scotland ... baker 1864 5 63 fresh, brown hazel medium, freckled thin Dunedin ... Isabella Falconer Dunedin Jan. 16, 1892 indecent language ... 2 months Scotland ... prostitute 1854 s 4 fresh light grey medium 35 P*c. See Police Ga%ette i 18921 page 27. Dunedin ... Annie Whitely Dunedin Feb. 16, 1892 drunkenness 1 month prostitute 1857 sallow brown blue medium Dunedin ... Fanny Barnetti, alias Dunedin Feb. 17, 1892 keeping a disorderly 1 month England ... s I sallow sandy small 24 p.c. i p.c. Dots on left hand and wrist. CW on right arm; AH and Faith, Hope, Dunedin ... Elizabeth Johnston Dunedin Feb. 23, 1892 drunkenness 1 month Scotland ... prostitute 1846 s I 4* grey Dunedin ... Hugh Hunter Dunedin Mar. 12, 1892 indecent behaviour ... 7 days N. Zealand painter 1867 5 fresh black blue Dunedin ... Charles Wakeham Pt. Chalmers Mar. 24,1893 obscene language 24 hours England ... engine1871 s s dark black dk. grey medium Dunedin ... Thomas Robinson Dunedin Feb. 29, 1892 drunkenness 48 hours England ... painter 1836 5 10 fresh brown grey medium 3 p.c. Bald. Sent to hospital. I nvercargill John Freeman Wvndham ... Mar. 7, 1892 obscene language breach of Animals’ 14 days 88s., or 12 days England ... chemist 1852 s 63 fair auburn hazel large Scar on left thumb and nail deformed ; large mouth. 3 p.c. Bracelet on each wrist. Invercargill Hector Morrison Riverton Mar. 19,1892 Protection Act obscene language 7 days Scotland ... labourer 1838 s 63 fair light grey medium Invercargill Denis Fox Invercargill ... Jan. 21, 1892 resisting police breach of the Seal 2 days /?2 s, or 2 months Victoria ... sailor 1858 5 83 fresh black hazel medium 2 p.c. Heart and DL in wreath on left Hokitika ... Walter Webb Hokitika Mar. IS, 1892 Fisheries Act attempted suicide 12 hours’ imprisonEngland ... labourer 1831 S 23 fresh brown grey medium 3 p.c. Upper front teeth decayed ; variHokitika ... Michael Cullen Westport Dec. 19, 1891 larceny ment 3 months Melbourne sailor 1863 S ioi fresh brown grey medium Hokitika, 18.3.92 Crucifix, two females, ANG, McE\U\, and American arms on right arm; anchor on right thumb; sailor, flag, and arms on left arm ; snake on breast ; scar on nose.


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New Zealand Police Gazette, Volume XVI, Issue 7, 6 April 1892, Page 53

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Extracts from New Zealand Gazette. New Zealand Police Gazette, Volume XVI, Issue 7, 6 April 1892, Page 53

Extracts from New Zealand Gazette. New Zealand Police Gazette, Volume XVI, Issue 7, 6 April 1892, Page 53

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