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Extracts from New Zealand Gazette.

(From Gazette, 1891, pages 227, 229, 232, 233, and 241.)

Licensing District abolished and redefined. (1.5.) ONSLOW, Governor. A PROCLAMATION. VT7HEREAS by “ The Licensing Act, 1881,” and “ The V V Licensing Act Amendment Act, 1882,” it is enacted that the Governor shall from time to time define districts to be licensing districts under the said Acts, and from time to time may alter and redefine the boundaries of the same, and may abolish any district: Now, therefore, I, William Hillier, Earl of Onslow, the Governor of the Colony of New Zealand, in pursuance and exercise of the power and authority vested in me by the said Acts, do hereby abolish, from and after the thirteenth day of February instant, the Licensing District of Gordon; and do hereby alter and redefine the boundaries of the Gore Licensing District, which shall, from and after the said thirteenth day of February instant, be those described in the Schedule hereto.

SCHEDULE. Gore Licensing District,

All that area known as the Borough of Gore, as described in the New Zealand Gazette No. 63, Bth November, 1890. Given under the hand of His Excellency the Right Honourable William Hillier, Earl of Onslow, of Onslow in the County of Salop; ViscountCranley,

of Cranley in the County of Surrey; Baron Onslow, of Onslow in the County of .Salop, and of West Clandon in the County of Surrey; Baron Cranley, of Imbercourt; Baronet; Knight Grand Cross of the Most Distinguished Order of Saint Michael and Saint George; Governor and Commander -in - Chief in and over Her Majesty’s Colony of New Zealand and its Dependencies, and Vice - Admiral of the same; and issued under the Seal of the said Colony, at tho Government House, at Wellington, this fifth day of February, in the year of our Lord one thousand eight hundred and ninety-one.


God save the Queen ! i-ff «• Licensing Districts abolished and defined. (1.5.) ONSLOW, Governor. A PROCLAMATION. WHEREAS by “The Licensing Act, 1881,” and “The Licensing Act Amendment Act, 1882,” it is enacted that the Governor shall from time to time define districts to be licensing districts under the said Acts, and from time to time may alter and redefine the boundaries of the same, and may abolish any district: Now, therefore, I, William Hillier, Earl of Onslow, the Governor of the Colony of New Zealand, in pursuance and exercise of the power and authority vested in me by the said Acts, do hereby abolish, from and after the thirteenth day of February instant, the Licensing Districts of Ngaire and Waitara, and do hereby alter and redefine tho boundaries of the Licensing Districts of Moa, Waimate, Hawera, and Waverley, which shall, from and after the said thirteenth day of February instant, be those described in the First Schedule hereto ; and do hereby proclaim and define the part of the colony mentioned and described in the Second Schedule hereto to bo, from and after the said thirteenth day of February instant, ordinary licensing districts for the purposes of the said Act.


Moa Licensing District

Ann that area in the County of Taranaki bounded towards the north-west by the sea; towards the north-east by the Town District of Raleigh (Waitara) and the County of Clifton ; towards the south and the south-east by the County of Stratford; and towards tho west generally by the Omata Riding of the said Taranaki County. Waimate Licensing District. All that area known as the Riding of Waimate, in the County of Hawera, as described in the New Zealand Gazette No. 07, 22nd November, 1890, exclusive of the Town District of Manaia. Hawera Licensing District. All that area known as the Riding of Hawera, in the County of Hawera, as described in the New Zealand Gazette No. 60, 30th October, 1890, exclusive of the Town District of Normanby. Waverley Licensing District.

All that area in the County of Patea bounded towards the north by the County of Stratford ; towards the east and the south-east by the County of Waitotara ; towards the southwest by the sea; and towards the west generally by the Patea River.

SECOND SCHEDULE. Tikorangi Licensing District. All that area known as the Riding of Tikorangi, in the County of Clifton, as described in the New Zealand Gazette No. 4, 9th January, 1885. Mokau Licensing District. All that area known as the Ridings of Mokau and Ngatimaru, in the County of Clifton, as described in the New Zealand Gazette No. 45, 18th July, 1889. Raleigh Licensing District. All that area known as the Town District of Raleigh (Waitara), as established under “The Town Districts Act, 1881,” and mentioned in the First Schedule thereto. Manaia Licensing District. All that area known as the Town District of Manaia, as described in the Nero Zealand Gazette No. 50, 25th May, 1882. Normanby Licensing District.

All that area known as the Town District of Normanby, as described in the New Zealand Gazette No. 27, 16th March, 1882.

Eltham Licensing District

All that area known as the Ridings of Eltham andMokoia, in the County of Hawera, as described in the New Zealand Gazette No. 60, 30th October, 1890.

Stratford North Licensing District

All that area known as the Ridings of North and East, in the County of Stratford, as the same are described in the New Zealand Gazette No. 67, 22nd November, 1890.

Stratford South Licensing District

All that area known as South Riding of the County of Stratford, as described in the New Zealand Gazette No. 67, 22nd November, 1890.

Stratford West Licensing District

All that area known as West Riding of the County of Stratford, as described in the New Zealand Gazette No. 67, 22nd November, 1890.

Stratford Town Licensing District,

All that area known as the Town District of Stratford, as described in the New Zealand Gazette No. 68, 3rd December, 1885.

Given under the hand of His Excellency the Right Honourable William Hillier, Earl of Onslow, of Onslow in the County of Salop; Viscount Cranley, of Cranley in the County of Surrey; Baron Onslow, of Onslow in the County of Salop, and of West Clandon in the County of Surrey ; Baron Cranley, of Imbercourt; Baronet; Kmgnt Grand Cross of the Most Distinguished Order of Saint Michael and Saint George ; Governor and Com-mander-in-Chief in and over Her Majesty’s Colony of New Zealand and its Dependencies, and ViceAdmiral of the same; and issued under the Seal of the said Colony, at Napier, this eleventh day of February, in the year of our Lord one thousand eight hundred and ninety-one.


God save the Queen !

Shooting Season for Native Game to commence Ist April. ONSLOW, Governor. IN exercise of the powers vested in me by “ The Animals . Protection Act, 1880,” and the Acts amending the same, I, William Hillier, Earl of Onslow, the Governor of the Colony of New Zealand, do hereby declare that Native game, excepting tuis, white heron, and crested grebe, may be taken or killed within the said colony—except on or around Lake Takapuna, in the .County of Waitemata ; in the Borough of Greymoutli ; on or around the Wairau Lagoons and Grassmere Lake, in the County of Marlborough; and on the Lyell Creek, County of Kaikoura, between Lyell Bridge and the sea—from the first day of April, one thousand eight hundred and ninety-one, to the thirty-first day of July, one thousand eight hundred and ninety-one, both days inclusive. As witness the hand of His Excellency the Governor, this ninth day of February, one thousand eight hundred and ninetv-one. P. A. BUCKLEY.

Fixing Shooting Season for Deer , License-fee, dc., Wairarapa.

ONSLOW, Governor,

IN exercise of the powers vested in me by “ The Animals Protection Act, 1880,” and “The Animals Protection Act Amendment Act, 1881,” I, William Hillier, Earl of Onslow, the Governor of the Colony of New Zealand, do hereby notify that red deer (stags only) may be taken or killed within the Counties of Wairarapa North and Wairarapa South, from the twentieth day of February, one thousand eight hundred and ninety-one, to the thirtieth day of April, one thousand eight hundred and niney-one, both inclusive (subject, nevertheless, to the restrictions in the said Acts mentioned) ; and I do further notify that licenses to take or kill such game within the said district shall be issued on the payment of the sum of twenty shillings each, and that licenses to sell such game shall be issued on payment of five pounds each ; and the Chief Postmaster at Wellington, and the Postmasters at Masterton, Carterton, Greytown, and Featherston are hereby appointed to issue the said licenses. As witness the hand of His Excellency the Governor, this ninth day of February, one thousand eight hundred and ninety-one.


Fixing Shooting Season for Deer, License-fee, Nelson District. ONSLOW, Governor. IN exercise of the powers vested in me by “ The Animals Protection Act, 1880,” and “ The Animals Protection Act Amendment Act, 1881,” I, William Hillier, Earl of Onslow, the Governor of the Colony of New Zealand, do hereby notify that deer (bucks or stags only) may be taken or killed within the Nelson District, comprising the Counties of Waimea, Bulier, and Collingwood, from the twenty-first day of February, one thousand eight hundred and ninetyone, to the thirty-first day of March, one thousand eight hundred and ninety-one, both inclusive (subject nevertheless to the restrictions in the said Acts mentioned); and I do further notify that licenses to take or kill such game within the said district shall be issued on payment of the sum of twenty shillings each, and that licenses to sell such game shall be issued on payment of five pounds each; and the Chief Postmaster at Nelson and the Postmaster at Westport are hereby appointed to issue the said licenses. As witness the hand of His Excellency the Governor, this ninth day of February, one thousand eight hundred and ninety-one.


Clerk of Licensing Committees appointed

Department of Justice, Wellington, 3rd February, 1891. HIS Excellency the Governor has been pleased to appoint

Constable William Bulford to be Clerk of the Licensing Committees for the Districts of Whangape and Pirongia


Clerks of Courts appointed.

Department of Justice, Wellington, 9th February, 1891. HIS Excellency the Governor has been pleased to appoint Sergeant William Henry Scott to be Clerk of the Resident Magistrate’s Court at Oxford, and Constable Thomas Nestor to be Clerk of the Resident Magistrate’s Court at Amberley, vice M. Lynskev, from the 16th instant. W. P. REEVES.

Despatch.—lnquiry for the Heirs of the late James Randall

Colonial Secretary’s Office, Wellington, 10th February, 1891. THE following despatch, received from Her Majesty’s Principal Secretary of State for the Colonies, is nublisbed as requested therein. P. A. BUCKLEY.

(New Zealand.—No. 63.)

London, Downing Street, 26th December, 1890. My Lord,— l havo the honour to transmit to you, for communication to your Government, a copy of a note which has been received from the Mexican Charge d’Affaires respecting the estate of the late James Randall, a British subject, who has died intestate in Lower California.

I shall be obliged if your Ministers will cause the edict which accompanies the Mexican Charge d’Affaires’ letter to be made public in the colony under your government in such a manner as they may think desirable, with the view of attracting the notice of the supposed heirs.

I have, &c., Knutsford.

Governor the Right Hon. the Earl of Onslow


Mexican Legation, 175, Cromwell Road, London, S.W., 10th December, 1890. My Lord,— The English subject, James Randall, having died intestate at La Ensenada de Todos Santos, Lower California, the Civil Judge of that place has issued a summons citing the heirs of the said Mr. Randall, who are supposed to be in Australia, to appear in person or through their representatives within eight months from the 18th October, date of the summons, in order to make good their rights. As there is no Mexican Consul in Australia, and having been instructed to obtain the publication of the summons in that British colony, I venture to address myself to your Excellency, and to ask, if there is no objection to such a course, that the accompanying copy and translation of the summons by the Judge of Lower California may be transmitted to the Secretary of State for the Colonies, in order that it may be sent by the Colonial Office, if thought right, to the proper authorities in Australia for publication, and in order that that summons may thus come to the knowledge of the heirs of the late James Randall.

With anticipated thanks, &c., P. M. del Campo, Charge d’Afltaires. His Excellency the Marquis of Salisbury.

[Translation.] Edict. James Randall, a British subject, having died intestate in this city, and, as it appears from the information that he left heirs in Australia, the Judge of First Instance, Pedro Rendon, who has charge of the case, ordered, under date of the 18th October of the present year, that all persons who may consider themselves as having rights to the estate be convoked by edicts, summoning those resident in Australia to present themselves at this Court within eight months to establish their claim, with the understanding that, such not being done, procedure will follow according to law. And for its publication the present edict is issued at La Ensenada do Todos Santos, Lower California, Republic of Mexico, the 25th October, 1890.

J. M. Cadena, Secretary.

By Authority: Geobgk Dipsbttry, Government Printer, Wellington.—lWl

Gaol. 1 Name. Where tried. When. Offence. 1 Sentence. Native of Trade Born. Height Complexion. Hair. Eyes. Nose. Mouth. Where Photographed, and Date. Remarks and Previous Convictions. ft. in. Auckland ... Fet>. 2, 1S91 larceny ios.,or4S hours’labour Auckland gum-digger 187ft dark dark brown dark hr. medium medium A 1. on left forearm. Auckland... Alexander Calder Auckland ... F'eb. 2, 1891 larceny ios.,or4.8 hours'labour Auckland labourer ... 187ft 5 3 fair dark brown grey small large Man’s head on right arm; AC on left Auckland... William Clarke, alias lohn [os. Freeman Whangarei Jan. s, 1891 no lawful means of support 1 month’s labour ... N. Zealand bushmau ... 1861 .3 6* fresh light brown dk.grey large medium Two upper front teeth out. Auckland... Thos. \\ alker Dickson, alias Thomas Saims Aratapu Jan. s, 1891 drunk and disorderly £2, or 1 month’slabour Scotland ... bushman ... 1854 .3 si fresh dark brown tt. grey medium medium 1 p.c. Emblem of Britannia on right arm; banners of war on left arm. Auckland... Robert Carr, alias John Harris Auckland ... Aug. 6, 1890 larceny 0 months’ labour ... England ... labourer ... 1849 .3 6 sallow dark brown blue broad medium Auckland, 24.5.88 12 p.c. Lame left leg. Auckland .. John Brown Dargaville ... Aug. 29,1890 drunk and disorderly obscene language ... 14 days labour 6 months’ labour (concurrent) England ... bushman ... 1840 .3 3* fresh grey grey thick, flat medium 8 p.c. (See Police Gazelle, 1889, page 167.) Auckland ... John Leonard Auckland ... Aug. 29, 1800 larceny 6 months’ labour England ... labourer .. 1835 .3 3 swarlhj dark brown brown crooked medium 81 p.c. Auckland... Bridget Weston Auckland ... Aug. 29, 1890 larcenv 6 months’ labour ... Ireland ... 1835 5 2 fresh dark brow 11 grey medium medium 38 p.c. Auckland... Lewis VVaglau Auckland ... Jan. 23, 1891 assault [4 days’labour England ... seaman ... 1S00 5 2 fresh light brown brown large, crooked medium 2 p.c. Coat-of-armson chest; baliet-girl on left arm; figure of Britannia on right arm, &c. Auckland... John Trengrove • Auckland ... Jan. 30, 1891 drunk and disorderly damaging police uniform 7 days labour 7 days’ labour (concurrent) England ... seaman ... 18(16 5 r> f resh dark brown brown medium medium Dancing-girl, JT, emblem of faith hope and charity, and sailor’s head on left arm; royal arms, angel, and tree on right arm, &c. Auckiand... Ellen Lawson Auckland ... Feb. 5,1891 obscene language ... 4 hours’labour Ireland ... ship’s steward 1840 5 2± ruddy dark brown ha7.el broad medium Auckland ... John William Bible ... Auckland ... Jan. 7, 1891 begging 1 months labour ... England ... 1S64 .3 ei fresh dark brown blue medium medium 1 p.c. Top off forefinger right hand. Auckland... Joseph Reilly Whakatane Nov. 7,1890 obscene language ... default of costs 3 months’ labour 1 month’s labour (concurrent Nova Scotia labourer ... 1858 S 7$ sallow black hazel flat medium 20 p.C. Auckland ... John Symonds, alias Symons Auckland ... Sept, i, 1890 receiving stolen property 6 months’ labour N. America seaman ... 1845 3! swarthy dark brow 11 brown crooked medium Auckland, 3.2.91 14 p.c. Auckland ... William Thompson, alias David Dunn Auckland ... Sept. 1,1890 larceny 6 months labour ... Ireland ... gum-digger 1859 5 5 fresh black It. grey medium medium Scar on bridge of nose. Emma Crowther Auckland ... Jan. 30, 1891 habitualdrunkenness 6 weeks’ labour England ... blacksmith 1864 4 9i dark black dk.grey medium medium II p.c. Auckland ... John James Murphy ... Auckland ... Jan. 12,1891 larceny (3 charges , .. 1 month's labour on each (concurrent) Ireland ... ■837 5 3 fair grey blue small large .3 P CAuckland... Josephine alias Dorothy Harkins Auckland ... Feb. 6,1891 disorderly conduct... 7 days’ labour Auckland labourer ... 1868 4 “i pale dark brown blue medium medium I p.c. Auckland... Barnabas Heath Auckland ... Feb. 6,1891 disorderly conduct ... 7 days’ labour Auckland 1871 .3 7 f resh light brown light br. prominent medium I). HARKINS on upper right arm : imAuckland ... Joseph Reilly Auckland ... Feb. 7, 1891 damaging property... 7 days’ labour Nova Scotia labourer ... 1858 sallow black hazel flat medium 22 p.C. Oswald Edward Bridges Auckland ... fan. 14. 1891 default of costs 1 month’s labour ... England ... baker 1803 .3 8 pale light brown brown medium large Left hip out of joint; lame. Auckland... Patrick Cavanagh, alias Kavanagh, alias N olan Auckland ... Dec. 9,1889 larceny from the person 18 months' labour ... Ireland ... labourer ... 1845 5 0 pale black light br. pointed large 9 p.c. Albert Wingate Thames Jan. 30,1891 obscene language ... 1 week’s labour NL Zealand labourer ... ■875 4 8 fair fair blue medium medium Shortland... George Turner Thames Jan. 21, 1891 drunk and disorderly resisting police obscene language ... 24 hours' labour 3 weeks’ labour 3 weeks' labour (concurrent) N. Zealand labourer ... 1851 .3 2* swarthy dark brown blue large, bottle large Several p.c. N. Plymouth Whakaneke N. Plymouth April 17, 1890 larceny 12 months' labour ... N. Zealand labourer ... 1850 .3 ;l copper black brown broad medium KOWAKA on right arm. N. Plymouth Ranui N. Plymouth April 17, 1890 larceny 12 months’ labour ... N. Zealand labourer ... 1832 .3 93 copper grey brown medium medium KOM ERE FPARA1 on right arm; TIMIHI, anchor, and IF on left arm ; RIRIA on left thigh. N. Plymouth Joseph Jackson, alias Warrington, alias Joseph Silvester, alias t'homas Smith, alias Joseph Silverton Palmerston North Aug. 6, 1890 larceny as a bailee ... false pretences 3 months’ labour 3 months’ labour (cumulative) England ... carpenter... 1826 .3 9l fresh grey grey sharp medium Previously convicted. (See Gazette, 1889, page 45-) Wanganui William Sloane Wanganui ... beb. 6, 1891 drunkenness being a rogue and a vagabond 24 hours’labour 7 days' labour (cumulative Scotland ... miner 1830 5 8 fresh grey blue medium medium Probably identical with W. Sloan. (.See Police Gazette, 1887, page 107.) Wanganui Alice Kennedy Feilding ... Jan. 27, 1891 vagrancy living in a house of ill-tame 14 days' labour 14 days’ labour (concurrent) N. Zealand matron ... 1870 •S 2 pale brown grey sharp medium Wart on left side of nose. Gone to Wellington. VVairoa ... Alfred lohn James ... W'airoa Jan. 28, i89t abusive language ... 14 days’ labour or fine England ... butcher ... 184s .3 7i florid brown blue medium medium Fine paid. Napier Rawhiria Gisborne ... May 25, 1890 having a picklock in his possession escaping from legal custody 3 months’ labour 3 months’ labour (cumulative) N. Zealand labourer ... 1863 5 5 copper black brown medium large KOHOHF.PA on right arm; R1KIRANGI on left breast; R on left forearm ; K on left wrist; N. KIUT on back of left hand. Napier John Moore Napier Sept. S, 1890 larceny 6 months' labour ... England ... labourer ... 1853 .3 7* fair light dark large medium Middle finger left hand contracted : squints with right eye; peculiar counNapier William Bayne Danevirke ... Jan. 29, 1891 wife-desertion remanded N. Zealand butcher ... i860 5 7 fresh reddish brn., curly blue, large large medium Wart on back of neck and right temple; reddish moustache; slightly freckled. Napier George Union Napier beb. 3, 1891 drunkenness obscene laneuaee ... 48 hours' labour 7 days' labour England ... sailor ‘8.35 .3 8$ dark dark brown hazel medium medium Small mole on left cheek-bone.


Gaol. Name. Where tried. 1 When. 1 Offence. Sentence. Native of 1 Trade. Born. Height Complexion. Hair. 1 Eyes. Nose. Mouth. Where Photographed, , and Date. Remarksand Previous Convictions. Wellington John Neill Masterton ... Jan. 30, 1S91 no lawful means of 7 days’ labour England ... labourer ... 1837 ft. 5 n. 6* fresh grey brown crooked medium 2 dots on left arm ; nose broken. Wellington Philip Juno Masterton ... Jan. 30, 1891 obscene language ... 7 days’ labour Jersey blacksmith 1S50 5 4 dark brown grey medium medium Deep cut on end of middle finger right hand. 2 p.c. A on right arm. Sept. 1, 1800 robbery with violence 6 months’ labour Wellington labourer ... 1872 5 7* pale brown brown smalt small Well’n, 6.8.90 Wellington Timothy Horan, alia > Carterton ... Sept. 2, 1890 drunkenness 48 hours’labour Ireland ... labourer ... 1856 5 ei sandy brown blue medium medium Several p.c. Scars on nose and forehead. Moran being a rogue and a 6 months labour vagabond (concurrent ,1 fresh medium medium Wellington John Thomas Mitchell Wellington Jan. 9, 189s larceny (2 charges)... 1 month's labour on each (concurrent) Dublin ... fireman ... 1S61 5 9 brown grey Anchor on right arm; star on right shoulder; A on left arm; anchor, small cross, and heaiton left shoulder. Wellington Janies Fainveather ... Wellington Feb. 2, 1891 obstructing police ... 7 days’labour Aberdeen... sailor 1857 5 e3 dark dark brown large Little iinger of left hand frostbitten ; basket of flowers and coat-of-arms on left arm ; anchor on back of left hand ; bust of female, flowers, sailor dancing ' [fresh medium on cask, and bracelet on right arm. Wellington lan. 12, 1891 larceny 1 month's labour Napier ... labourer ... 1871 5 7 fair and red brow n medium First joint off left thumb ; arms freckled. Wellington Thomas Baldwin Wellington Jan. 17, 1891 disobedience of orders 4 weeks’labour Waterford fireman ... 1849 5 7 dark brown blue large medium 2 cuts on forehead: T B on back of left on board ship small small thumb. Wellington Wellington Jan. 17, 1891 disobedience of orders 4 weeks’ labour Rotterdam fireman ... 1858 5 9 fair brown grey Cut under left eye; scar close to left ear; on hoard ship crown Over heart on right arm. Wellington Janies Robertson Wellington Jan. 17, 1891 disobedience of orders 4 weeks’ labour Rotterdam fireman ... '855 5 6* fresh brown blue large small Wart over left eye. Wellington on board ship disobedience 01 orders 4 weeks’ labour Germany... fireman ... 1S59 5 7* fair light grey medium large Cut under left eye: wart on middle Wellington Carl Schiel Jan. 17,1891 on board ship - medium finger right hand; 1873, anchor, and WS on right arm. Aug. 30, 1800 larceny 6 months’ labour N. Zealand labourer ... 1867 S 73 sallow black dark br. large Nelson, 24.9.00 4 p.c. (See Police Gazette, 1889, page 230.) Repeatedly convicted. Scar on forehead Nelson William Thomas ChapNelson |an. 27, 1891 unlawfully in a dwell14 days’labour England ... labourer ... 1853 tj swarthy dark brow n dk. hazel straight medium pel, alias William ing by night and on right cheek : 2 toes of right foot America ... bushman ... 1878 blue large off; small wart on right eyelid : lame. Westport . Mathew Brown Westport ... Jan. 8,1891 drunkenness 1 month’s labour 5 IO dark grey large 3 P-c. Okarito ... Joseph Warnebold ... Okarito Jan. 0, 1891 larceny (2 charges)... 30 days’ labour and Victoria ... labourer ... 1872 5 0 fresh dark brown grey medium medium 14 days labour (concurrent) fireman ... medium . medium Lyttelton .. Henry Francis Ford ... Lyttelton ... Jan. 5, 1891 combining to neglect 30 days’labour London ... 1867 5 r.J dark black, curly dark Half-caste negro. Woman, harp, shamduty on board ship Co. Kerry prostitute medium medium rock, and ERIN GO BRAGrl on left arm; LOUISA MEARS on upper right arm. Lyttelton ... Ellen Parkinson, alias Christchurch Jan. ■ 3, iS9t habitual dr unken ness 1 month’s labour ... 1850 s 2 fresh black dk. blue Lyttelton, 7.1.90 39 P-c. Lyttelton ... Danby Frederick Porter, alias Christchurch Jan. 21, 1891 drunkenness 24 hours’ labour Kent labourer ... 185S 5 84 fresh dark brown bl ue tong medium Lyttelton, 18.9.89 2 p.c. {See Police Gazette, 1889, page :go.) Barren 1 obstructing police ... 7 days’ labour assault 7 days’ labour (.cumulative) ship’s cook medium Lyttelton ... Charles Hall Lyttelton ... lan. 22, 1891 stowaway £2 5S., or 14 days’ London ... iSC-2 5 74 dark black blue medium Woman, kangaroo, and sugar-cane on labour Melbourne broad, flat right arm. Lyttelton ... Charles Wilson Lyttelton ... Jan. 23 1891 larcenv 14 days’ labour seaman ... 1871 5 33 dark black, woolly dark large Negro. 3 spots on left hand. Lyttelton .. Agnes Slater, alias Christchurch Jan. 2i, 1891 drunkenness 7 days’labour Cornwall... prostitute 1835 5 3 ruddy dark brown brown medium large 6 p.c. Scar on upper lip. Porter assaulting police 7 days’ labour assault 48 hours’ labour (cumulative) Lyttelton ... Robert Johnston Christchurch Nov. 10, 1890 assault 2 months’ labour County labourer ... 1867 5 fait fair blue medium medium Lyttelton, I7-9-0O 6 p.c. (See Police Gazette, 1889, page 157.) obscene language ... 1 month’s labour Fermanagh (cumulative) Lyttelton ... Neil McNeil Ashburton ... Jan. 28, 1891 obscene language ... 7 days’ labour Scotland... labourer... 1851 7 fresh dark brown blue large. medium 1 p.c. Varicose veins on right leg. Jan. 31, 1891 escaping from cus7 days’ labour crooked tody (cumulative) medium Timarn Thomas Wood Timaru lan. 19, 1891 habitual drunkenness 21 days’ labour England ... bricklayer 1840 6 fresh dark grey aquiline Several p.c. Timaru iohn Patrick Timaru jan. 26, 1891 illegally on premises 14 days’ labour Scotland ... baker 1831 5 6 dark grey blue aquiline medium Several p.c. Timaru Patrick Shea Temuka Jan. 28, 1891 breach of the peace... 14 days’ labour Co. Kerry labourer .. 1855 5 5 fair fair blue medium medium 'Timaru lames Liddell Timaru jan. 12, 1891 gross indecency 1 month’s labour ... Scotland ... seaman ... 1803 5 9 fresh dark grey medium medium Timaru jane Tivithick Timaru jan. 12, 1891 gross indecency 1 month’s labour ... Cornwall... servant ... 1842 S 0 fresh light brown brown large medium Oamaru ... john Dawson Oamaru lan. 30,i8gr vagrancy 7 days’labour Scotland ... labourer ... 1831 74 dark dark dark medium medium Dunedin ... William Watson Dunedin Feb. 3,1891 drunkenness 24 hours’ labour England ... seaman ... 1809 s 74 fresh dark brown blue medium medium Scar over right eye; anchor on right breach of the peace... 48 hours’ labour wrist ; heart and wreath on right arm. (cumulative ) N. Zealand farmDunedin ... James Ruthven Mosgiel Feb. 11,1891 breach of the Railway ss. t or 48 hours’ iin1874 s 3i fresh brown grey medium medium by-laws prison meut N. Zealand labourer Dunedin ... Henry Poppelton Mosgiel Feb. 11,1891' breach of the Railway 5s., or 48 hours’ imjockey 1S73 s 9 fresh brown grey medium medium 3 p.c. Mole on right loin. by-laws prisonment 3 years' penal servitude 6 months' labour ... Dunedin ... William Tipson Invercargill Dec. n, 1888 larceny England ... labourer ... 1S61 5 6 fresh dark brown grey medium medium 6 p.c. (See Police Gazette, 1887,page 179. ) Dunedin ... Edward Simcot Dunedin Sept. 1, 1890 breaking into and Ireland ... labourer ... 1870 s 44 dark dark brown hazel medium small 2 anchors on left arm ; cast in right eye. stealing in a sbon


• £ Complexion. Where Remarks and Previous Convictions. (iaol. Name. Where tried. When. Offence. Sentence. Native of Trade. Born. to '5 Hair. Eyes. Nose. Mouth. Photographed, and Date. ft. in. Dunedin ... Myra Smith Dunedin Nov. 6, 1890 ill-treating and ne3 months’ labour on England ... baby1844 4 3 sallow black, turnbrown large medium glecting children (2 charges) riotous behaviour ... each (concurrent) farming ing grey Dunedin ... Jessie Harvey, alias Dunedin Nov. IS, 1890 3 months’ labour ... Scotland ... prostitute 1865 5 0 fresh black hazel flat large isp.c. Crooked neck. Lawrence.. McKeeven Peter Bain Lawrence ... Jan. 26, 1891 obscene language ... 14 days’labour Scotland... miner 1840 5 2i fresh black, curly, hazel long mediu m Several p.c. Scar on right cheek-bone. Lawrence... John Fleming Lawrence ... Feb. 3, 1S91 obscene language ... 7 days’labour Newfoundlabourer ... 1857 5 8 fresh turning grey brown grey long medium Scar on (left shin, right knee, back of land head, under left eye, and near right cheek-bone. Invercargill John Williams Invercargill Dec. 13, 1890 destroying property 2 months’ labour ... Ceylon ... labourer ... i860 S "J black black dark br. broad medium 2 p.c. Scar on left shoulder several scars on shins.


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Bibliographic details

New Zealand Police Gazette, Volume XV, Issue 4, 25 February 1891, Page 38

Word Count

Extracts from New Zealand Gazette. New Zealand Police Gazette, Volume XV, Issue 4, 25 February 1891, Page 38

Extracts from New Zealand Gazette. New Zealand Police Gazette, Volume XV, Issue 4, 25 February 1891, Page 38

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