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Extract from Victoria Police Gazette.

(From Gazette, 1889, page 419.)

William Ross is charged on warrant with false pretences on Alfred Brown, storekeeper, Tarwin Lower, on the sth instant. Description: Native of New Zealand, (supposed) twenty-six years of age, sft. 9in. or sft. lOin. high, medium build, sandy complexion, fairish brown to sandy beard whiskers and moustache, beard appeared to be clipped short under chin, whiskers curly under ears, grey or blue eyes, awkward slovenly gait; wore bluish sac-coat, brown-moleskin trousers, brown soft-felt hat, and red-cotton handkerchief tied in a sailors’ knot round neck, heavy boots. He is an inveterate talker, a heavy smoker, a good scholar, and writes a good hand. Did not carry a swag when he disappeared. Supposed to have gone to New Zealand on the 6th or 10th instant. Has friends in New Zealand. Offender owed the complainant an account of £3 Bs. l£d., and in payment of it gave a forged cheque for £l4 65., and received back £5 17s. cash and complainant’s cheque for £5, which he cashed in Melbourne on the 6th instant. Stated he was once a telegraph operator in New Zealand, and that his father was an auctioneer in Invercargill. There is no doubt but the offender knows Invercargill, as he talked of it and its people to a man in South Gippsland, who had spent some time in that town.—o. 10648, 20th December, 1889.

By Authority: Gkoror Didsbury, Government Printer, Well ington.—lß9o.

Name. Offence. Where and when tried. Sentence. By whom arrested. 1889. # Charles Newton . . Horse-stealing Supreme Court, Christchurch, 2 Dec. 12 months’ labour Ch. Detec. M. O’Connor. Isaac Fisher Assault with intent to com2 years’ labour Sergt. M. D. Stagpoole. George Tillet mit rape Horse-stealing ... 4 years’ penal servitude ... Larceny (2 charges) >> it ,, 4 years’ penal servitude on | - Const. John Black. J Robbery under arms, with each charge 4 years’ penal servitude on Harry E. Stirling, violence (3 charges) False pretences (appeal • ,, 7 Oct. each charge (concurrent) 12 mouths’labour Ch. Detec. M. O’Connor. alias Weiss Norman Boutillier ... case) Breaking into ancV stealing Supreme Court, Wellington, 2 Dec. Acquitted Const. T. O’Rourke. William Irvine front a dwelling Periury ... Bill ignored Private prosecution. Thomas Bores GamMaliciously shooting a cow Acquitted ) Detee. Austin Kirby ‘- and Detee. William brill Ditto Maliciously wounding a cow ,, ,, 4 Dec. Nolle prosequi entered Shooting with intent to do ,, ,, ,, Acquitted j Campbell. Frank Masters, alias grievous bodily harm Assault with intent to com- ,, 3 Dee. 5 years’ penal servitude ... Detec. William Campbell. Smith, alias Johnston, &c. W ill i a in Gil mo u r, mit rape Attempted rape ... ,, 4 Dec. 2 years’ labour Const. J. J. Tiioliy. alias Murray Const. Robert Darby. Joseph Ward Assault ... ,, ,, 1 & 5 Dec. 1 month’s labour Walter Tricker, alias False pretences ... ,, ,, 5 Dec. Acquitted Appeared on summons. John Henry Marshall Priscilla Croft, alias Stealing from the person ... Supreme Court, Dunedin, 3 Dec. 9 months’ labour ... Const. William Gleeson, Wiseman Sergt. Paul Shirley. William Pollock Attempted rape ... ,, ,, ,, Acquitted Fran, is Nicholson ... Attempted suicide ,, Const. C. O’Sullivan. William Arthur Corneford Charles Lesurer Larceny... 2 years’ labour Sergt. John Fleming. 6 months’ labour Act.-Detec. W. Maddern. Alfred Heurickson ... ,, Acquitted 6 months’labour ... Detee. J. A. McGrath. John Ross Indecent assault... ,, ,, John Rodger HenderAssault and robbery ,, ,, 4 Dec. 4 years’ penal servitude Foster Hunt Indecent assault (2 charges) # Acquitted 4 years’penal servitude ... Const. James Dealr. Alexander Findlay ... Assault and robbery ,, ,, 5 Dee. Alice Clayton ,, ,, ,, Acquitted Detec. J. A. McGrath. George styles Forgery and uttering ,, ,, 6 Deo. 4 years’ penal servitude ... 12 months’ probation, and Coust. John Hawksworth. Peter Alexander Supreme Court, Nelson, 4 Dec. Thompson Charles Sydney ClifEmbezzlement (3 charges) to pay £10 towards costs of prosecution, and to enter into his own recognisance in the sum of £100 to be of good behaviour for 12 months 2 years’ labour Const. John Jeffries. ford Herman Ditto Embezzlement (2 charges); ,, Nolle prosequi entered ,, ,, William Thompscn ... larceny as a bailee (-1 charges) Attempted sodomy .. 5 Dec. Acquitted 7 years’ penal servitude on ,, Robert Kelly. iinniel Bailey Orchard Forgery and uttering (9 Supreme Court, Auckland, 9 Dee. ,, Alexander MeGilp. Wilson Perry charges) Burglary each charge (concurrent) Acquitted 12 months’ labour „ John Cavanagh. Act.-Detec. P. Herbert. Edward Kauginia Breaking into and stealing ,, ,, ,, John Driscoll from a dwelling Indecent assault... Acquitted ... ... | 6 months’ labour Detee. Edward Hughes. William Knox, alias Breaking into and stealing ,, ,, ,, ,, ,, John Johnston George Harvey, alias from a shop Larceny as a bailee 12 months’ labour ... „ Bridges James Niceols Unlawfully wounding ,, 3 months’ labour ... Const. Luke McDonnell. Thomas Robinson ... Malicious injury to property ,, 10 Dec. Alfred Jaggs l.areeny... recommitted to the Indus- ,, George Foreman. John Pearson, alias trial School from whence he was licensed until he is 15 years old 6 months’ labour ... ,, John Haddock. Frank Bartholomew John Giles ... Attempted rape ... ,, ,, 4 years’ penal servitude 4 months’labour ... Sergt. Andrew Clarke. James Nathaniel Unlawfully wounding ,, Howard Lawrence McDonnell Arson ,, ,, 11 Dec. Acquitted 3 years’ penal servitude ... j Const. A. J. Mitchell. Breaking into and stealing it it it Thomas Armstrong .. from a dwelling Indecent assault ... 5 years’ penal servitude ... 8 months'labour ... District-Const. J. P. Ward William Frank Baker Larceny... ” 12 Dec. Const. George Foreman. Neil Campbell Malcolm Cattle-stealing ... Acquitted Detee. Edward Hughes. Ching Ah Pang, alias Larceny... ,, ,, ,, 3 months’ labour ... AVong Gong Patrick Kavanagh ... 18 months’ labour... ,, W. L. Chrystal. Joseph Reilly ’’ 13 & 14 Dec. Acquitted 2 years’labour Const. P. J. McGovern. Robert McCracken ... Cattle-stealing Anthony Brockliss ... Forgery and uttering ,, ,, lfi Dec. 12 months’ labour... ") Detec. W. L. Chrystal j and Const. W. Kelly. False pretences ... ” 12 months’ labour (concurrent) Kenneth Malcolm ... Larceny... Acquitted Act.-Detec. P. Herbert Neil Campbell Malcolm and Const. G. Foreman. Const. George Foreman. George Easton ) John Cowan ( Maliciously setting lire to ,, „ 17 Dec. ,, Appeared on summons. Joseph Hewitt I growing fern Michael Guilfoyle ... J Detec. Edward Hughes. Mary Malcolm Forgery and uttering (3 „ 18 Dec. 12 months’ probation Kenneth Malcolm ... charges) Larceny... Acquitted Act.-Detec. P. Herbert Neil Campbell Malcolm Supreme Court, Invercargill, 10 Dec. 3 months’ labour ... and Const. G. Foreman. Const. George Foreman. Matthew Cross, alias Stealing from a dwelling ... 12 months’ labour Act.-Detec. W. Maddern. Wells Robert Francis ShanAssault ... 9 months’ probation, and to Sergt.-Major D. Ramsay. non Const. Patrick Joyce. Martin Silk... Larceny... ,, ... ... ... pay 3s. per week during James Valli... that time towards the cost of prosecution Ditto ,, John McIntyre. John Sterling Assault ... Nolle prosequi entered 1 Appeared on summons.


Name. Offence. AVhere and when tried. Sentence. By whom arrested. IS 1839. Peter Birrell Forgery (3 charges); appeal Supreme Court, Tirnaru, 31 Aug. 2 years’ labour on each Sergt. Thos. Livingstone. Edward Hassell case Horse-stealing ., 10 Doc. charge (concurrent) 6 months’labour j Const. T.H. U. Beddeck Sergt. William Gilbert. „ Larceny ti months’ labour (concurWilliam Giles Tomlin Perjury ... rent) Acquitted Edward Pickett Breach of Corrupt Practices 21 hours’ labour ... Appeared on summons. Walter John Clave, Prevention Act by dual voting Carnally knowing a girl „ ., 11 Dec. 12 months’ labour Const. J. J. H. Pascoe. alias Henry Clave Ditto between the age of 13 and 14 years Indecent assault ... Acquitted ,, Joseph Stanley. John Tozer... Larceny (2 charges) Thomas Chute Sen d i n g a th reateni ng let ter ,, ,, ... Sergt. William Gilbert. Walter James Hutton (3 charges) Unlawfully and maliciously Supreme Court, Napier, 10 Dec. Bill ignored ,, John Cullen. Joseph Edward Hopwounding Horse-stealing ... 2 years’ probation Const. AA r . T. Collerton. kins, alias Moyle Henry Havelock Haw12 months’ probation, and thorn, alias D. Wilson David Robertson Maliciously killing horses 9’ '9 9> to pay 1310 towards the cost of prosecution Bill ignored ,, John Ryan, Appeared on summons. W i i 1 i a m Frederick Being accessory to malici91 99 Knight Denis Staneslaus ously killing horses Larceny... Acquitted McCarthy Ditto Illegally pawning „ ., 12 Dec. 6 months’ labour ... j-Const. Robert Cargill. Frederick Hankin, Forgery and uttering ,, ,. 10 Dec. 2 years’labour Dotec. Martin Grace. alias John Henry AVatson John William Watson Uttering a forged ehequo... !, 11 Dec. 12 months’labour... 99 Mary Kyle ... Manslaughter Nolle prosequi entered 2 months’ labour ... 99 99 Richard D. Jones Concealment of birth ,, 12 Dec. Appeared on summons. Libel (3 charges); iirivate 99 ;» No indictments presented ... James Taylor, alias prosecution Larceny... Supreme Court, Blenheim, 11 Dec. 12 months’labour... Const. James Bree. Thompson, alias Scottie


Gaol. Name. Where tried. When. Offence. Sentence. Native of Trade. Born S b£ 4) r Complexion. Hair. Eyes. Nose. Mouth. Chin. Remarks and Previous Convictions. Lyttelton ... Daniel Marks Christchurch Oct. 3, 1887 receiving stolen pro3 years’ penal serviFrankfort, tailor 1S44 ft 3 in. oi swarthy brown blue small, large medium One previous conviction. Flesh-ball on perty tude Germany pointed medium upper right leg. Lyttelton ... James Kearney Lyttelton ... Dec. 17, 1889 stowaway 7 days’ labour in deMelbourne labourer ... 1854 5 Ci fresh brown blue medium medium fault of paying £t 2s. fine and costs Lyttelton ... John Smyth ... Lyttelton ... Dec. 17, 1889 stowaway 7 days’ labour in deAuckland labourer ... iSCj 7i fresh dark brown blue medium medium medium fault of paying £t 2s. fine and costs Lyttelton ... Christchurch Jan. 4, 1887 forgery and uttering 4 years’ penal serviLondon ... steward ... 1864 83 fresh dark brown blue long small narrow 1 no previous convictions. W art on Sydney Thompson, alias Frederick Brown tude second knuckle aud scar on third finger of right hand ; tep of left little finger split; scar on corner of left eyebrow. Lyttelton ... Christchurch Sept. 26, 1S87 lateen v 6 months’ labour ... > England clerk broken medium Billson, alias Bilstren, alias Bilson, Oct. 3, 1887 larceny 3 years’ penal servitude (concurrent) 2 years’ labour 1845 5 Si f resh grey grey medium 1 hirteen previous convictions. ] Victoria ... medium Lyttelton ... George Alexander Christchurch July 2, 1888 burglary pattern1869 C li pale dark brown dk. blue medium small Scar over right eye, on right cheek, and maker on left arm; anchor tattooed on left arm ; tattoo-mark on right arm. Lyttelton ... Patrick Connolly Lyttelton ... Feb. 25, 1889 having no visible 1 month’s labour ... Northamp>847 5 Si fresh grey grey medium medium medium means of support 7 davs’ labour ton labourer ... medium John Tait ... Annie Phillips Oxford Dec. 19, [889 obscene language ... Hortfordsh. 1S4I Si swarthy dark brown hazel long medium Lyttelton ... Lyttelton ... Nov. 29, 1889 having no visible i month’s labour ... Dublin ... married ... 1864 4 9 dark brown grey medium medium medium Lhree previous convictions. means of support London ... Lyttelton .. Elizabeth Wigg, alias Christchurch Dec. 23, 1889 habitual drunkenness 7 days’ labour matron ... 1S56 S Si fresh brown blue medium medium medium Twelve previous convictions. Lyttelton ... Matthew Keane, alias O'Connor Christchurch May July 15, 1885 6, 1S85 larceny horse-stealing 6 months’ labour ... 3 years’ penal servi- }■ Co. Kerrv labourer ... 1859 _ 9 fresh brown grey pointed wide pointed Two previous convictions. tude t cumulative) J Lyttelton ... William Henry GreenChristchurch Dec. 2, 1889 larceny i month’s labour ... Christch ch labourer ... 1871 4 m3 fresh brown grey small medium medium Lyttelton ... ing Christchurch Dec. 4, 1889 having no visible t month’s labour ... Auckland labourer ... 1865 - Si fair light brown blue medium medium medium Fourteen previous convictions. Two Fames O’Brien, alias means of support moles on right shoulder-blade; first 6 months’ labour ... Boston, LLS. draper medium medium joint off right thumb. Lyttelton ... John Considine, alias Christchurch Aug. I t 1889 larceny 1838 5 q3 fresh dark brown blue large Several previous convictions. A large Geldershiue, alias sore on left leg ; lame. Lyttelton ... James Thompson Charles Rawnsley Lyttelton ... Juiy 31, 1S89 disobeying a main6 month's labour ... Yorkshire labourer ... *840 6 sallow brown blue medium medium medium Thirteen previous convictions. tenance-order i month’s labour ... Victoria ... sharp Lyttelton ... Lyttelton ... Dec. 6, 1889 secreting tobacco on jockey and 1862 4i sallow dark brown brown long large Several previous convictions. Scar on Jeremiah [Driscoll, prison works London .. labourer medium medium back and on right shoulder. Lyttelton ... Henry Earl ... Lyttelton ... Dec. -50, 1889 obscene language ... 7 davs' labour seaman ... 1S54 5 0 fair fair blue medium HF.E, 1834, flag, and sailor holding flag tattooed on left arm ; bracelet on left wrist; crossed flags on left hand; woman, anchor, and mermaid on right Lyttelton ... Peter Peterson Lyttelton ... Dec. 30, 1889 obstructing police ... 7 davs’ labour in deNorway ... seaman ... iS<59 - l fair fair blue thick medium medium E tattooed on right arm ; IE and anchor fault of paying £i 2s. fine and costs on left hand. Charles Gray... Marton Sept. 6, iSSg larceny 3 months’ labour -v Bathurst, 1843 straight medium medium vagrancy i month’s labour ... L New sawyer ... .3 6 f resh brown, turngrey Sept. 12, 1889 larceny 4 months' labour ... ( South ing grey (concurrent) ) Wales Wanganui Duncan McEwen Palmerston Nov. 27,1889 larceny ( month’s labour ... N. Zealand groom 1872 s fresh light brown brown medium medium square Scar on left shin. North Isle of Wanganui Alfred Jacobs Foxton Dec. 16, ,889 obscene language ... 14 days’ labour seaman ... 1841 7 tanned dark brown blue large, medium medium Brigand AJ tattooed on right forearm ; White crooked American coat-of-arms, man-of-war's man, heart, anchor, horse, and AJ on lett forearm. Wanganui )ohn Hawley, alias Wanganui ... Dec. 20,1889 vagrancy 7 days'labour England ... labourer ... 182S 5 6 sallow grey grey large, medium medium Previously convicted. Smith, alias George Hope broken Marto.i Dec. 17, 1889 threatening language 14 days’labour England ... labourer ... 1835 - 3 sallow brown hazel medium medium medium Four previous convictions. Wanganui John Murphy Palmerston North Wanganui ... Dec. 6, 1889 vagrancy i month’s labour ... Ireland ... labourer ... 1861 .3 >4 fresh brown blue medium medium medium Five previous convictions. Wanganui James Robinson Dec. 27, 1889 soliciting alms 7 days’labour Ireland ... labourer ... 1847 s 7 sallow grey brown medium medium medium Star, “J.R.,8oth Regiment,” and RTF tattooed on right forearm. Peter Nelscm .. Wanganui ... Dec. 28, 1889 threatening language 7 days’ labour Denmark labourer ... ■843 4i sallow grey blue large medium medium Nelson Takaka Dec. 3, 1889 obscene language ... i month’s labour ... England ... sailor and 1870 Si fair light brown It grey thiu, small small F and several blue marks tattooed on left Albert Victor Ansill labourer pointed arm and on back of hand, and anchor on left middle finger ; scar on right eyebrow ; slight impediment in speech.


Gaol. Name. Where tried. When. Offence. 1 Sentence. Native of Trade. Born Height. Complexion. Hair. Eyes. Nose. Mouth. 1 Chin. Remarks and Previous Convictions. N. Plymouth Andrew O'Brien Hawera Oct. 30,1889 assault I 1 2 months’ labour and. Ireland ... labourer ... i860 t 5 s3 fair brown grey large medium medium Previously convicted. Sailor tattooet 4 months’ imprisonon right arm ; right foot broken. ment in default of ■ N. Plymouth Robert Carson Hawera ... Nov. 22, 1889 obscene language ... 7 days’ labour ( Several previous convictions. Severa being an idle and dis1 month's labour ... ?■ England labourer ... 1848 S 65 dark black hazel broken medium medium* warts on back; scar on right knee and orderly person (cumulative) J 1 on left thigh. Gisborne ... Walter Watson Tolago Bay Nov. 2,1889 larceny committed for trial... N. Zealand labourer ... tS67 S nl fresh brown | blue medium medium ; medium | Admitted to bail. Gisborne ... Janies Scott ... Gisborne ... Dec. 23, 1889 illegally on premises 7 days’labour Scotland ... labourer ... 1838 5 8| fresh brown grey medium medium j medium ; tour previous convictions. Wellington Prank Smith... Lower Hutt Dec. 13,1889 larceny 14 days’labour Queenstown labourer ... ■ 873 5 2 pale dark grey pug large j large Otago Wellington Mary Ellen McDonough Wellington Nov. 27, 1889 habitual drunkenness 1 month’s labour ... England ... prostitute 1872 4 10 fresh light brown blue pug large medium Nine previous convictions. Wellington Elizabeth Begarie, alias Wellington Nov. 28,1889 vagrancy 1 month’s labour ... England ... prostitute 1858 5 0 f resh brown j blue i pug, . large large Jl hree previous convictions. Souter oblique Wellington Peter Connelly, alias Wellington July 22, 1889 failing to support his 6 months’ labour ... Ireland ... labourer ... 1853 5 74 sallow brown, turn1 blue j small medium medium Previously convicted. Smith illegitimate child ing grey Wellington Richard O’Donnell ... Wellington July 2, 188S breaking and entering 3 years’labour N. Zealand labourer ... 1S67 5 6 dark black | brown large, large medium A Maori; scar on left wrist; mole on oblique left side of nose and on back of neck. Wellington Samuel Trudgeon Wellington Nov. 1,1889 larceny 1 month’s labour ... J larceny 2 months’ labour ... j N.Zealand kitchen-boy 1874 5 3 fair light brown blue small medium medium Wellington Joseph Ward... Wellington Dec. 2,1889 assault I month’s labour ... England ... pianoforte 1857 S 7i fresh brown large, large large large tuner Wellington Charles Edward DoWellington Dec. 2,1889 assault 1 month’s labour ... England ... labourer ... 1854 5 Si fresh brown hazel medium medium medium Previously convicted. rant, alias Durant Wellington Christina Lawson Wellington July 25,1889 having no visible 6 months’ labour ... Scotland ... prostitute 1S5S .S 2 fresh dark brown blue pug large medium Repeatedly convicted. Pockpitted. means of support Wellington Maud Clements Wellington Dec. 2,1889 having no visible t month’s labour ... England ... prostitute 1866 S 0 sallow brown grey sharp medium medium Three previous convictions. means of support Wellington Annie 1 hompson Wellington Dec. 3,1SS9 having no visible 1 month’s labour ... Ireland ... prostitute 1866 5 4 dark dark brown blue large llarge medium Seven previous convictions. means of support Wellington Elizabeth Adams Wellington Dec. 3, 1889 being the occupier of i month s labour ... Dublin prostitute 1866 fair fair blue small small small a house frequented by persons having no visible means of Wellington Sarah Tindal Wellington Dec. 3, 1S89 having no visible 1 month’s labour .. Ireland .. prostitute 1865 5 si fresh brown blue PVg small small Two previous convictions. ■ means of support Wellington Timothy Horan, alias Greytown ... Oct. 4,1889 soliciting alms 1 month’s labour ... Moran assaulting police 3 months' labour ... [-Ireland labourer ... 1855 5 63 brown bine medium medium medium Fourteen previous convictions. Scar on (cumulative) J forehead and on nose. Wellington John Smith ... Masterton ... Dec. 2:, 1889 wilful damage 14 days’ labour England ... cattle-driver 1823 6 0 fait grey medium small large Scar on thumb. Wellington Clement George HardWellington jan. 4, 1888 false pretences 3 years’ penal serviEngland ... mariner ... 1S53 5 8t sallow brown brown medium medium medium 1'our previous convictions. in g tude Wellington Robert \V hitchurch ... Wellington Nov. 5,1889 larcenv 2 months’ labour .. Wales carpenter 1849 5 4 dark brown sharp medium medium Four previous convictions. Female, church, and bracelet tattooed on right arm ; female, flower-pot, and anchor on left arm ; female and eagle on breast; Maltese cross on left hand; heart, anchor, arid cross on right band. Picton John England Heaver Picton Dec. 23, 1889 disorderly behaviour 7 days' labour in deHereford, miller 1854 S !* medium medium medium One previous conviction. Scar on left fault of paying £ 2 England cheek ; upper teeth protrude; bald. as. fine and costs Napier Peter Jensen ... Napier Oct. 29, 1889 larceny (2 charges).. 2 months’ labour ... Denmark labourer ... 1846 S 44 dark black brown medium medium medium Four previous convictions. Mark of cut on point of nose. Napier _ ,, _ _ Cornelius b. Corrigan Napier Nov. 25, tS8g larceny 1 month’s labour ... Australia... woolsorter 1852 S 8 sl’tly bent medium Two prev ious convictions. Bald. Napier Lilly Stewart... Napier Dec. 23, 1889 obscene language ... 7 days’ labour Australia... prostitute 1870 5 3 4 dark blue medium medium medium Napier William Miller, alias Moylon Pahiatua ... Dec. 20, 1889 obscene language ... 14 days’ labour Ireland ... labourer ... 1838 5 8 fresh grey grey medium medium medium Nine previous convictions. Napier Charles Benson, alias Gisborne ... Oct. 3, 1889 larceny 3 months’ labour ... England ... photo1865 s s fresh brown large, large medium medium Walter Shotter Napier John Stewart, alias D. Waipawa ... Dec. 26,1889 obscene language ... 7 days’ labour Scotland ... labourer .. i8st S 73 ait* dark brown grey medium medium medium One previous conviction. Anchor tatMonteith tooed on back of left hand, ring on second finger of same hand, and trowel and hammer on right arm. Oamaru ... Robert Bennett Oamaru Dec. 21, 1889 cruelty to animals ... fined £2 and costs, or Cork ploughman 1863 5 4 fair red blue medium J medium bearded Stoops when walking; left collar-bone 7 days’ labour & seaman has been broken. Dunedin ... | Douglas Semple Dunedin ... Dec. 4, 1889 disobeying orders on 4 weeks’ labour Scotland ... seaman ... 1864 fair I light brown blue medium small small, Top of left thumb injured ; woman in i board ship pointed 1 kilts bearing Scotch flag, and woman i bearing English. flag, tattooed on right Dunedin ... I James Cameron ... 1 Dunedin ... Dec. 4,1889 disobeying orders on 4 weeks’ labour ... j Scotland... seaman ... 1864 5 3 dark brown ... hazel 1 medium j medium medium Two anchors and heart tattooed on left board ship 1 forearm, andlstar near left thumb.


Gaol. Name. Where tried. When. Offence. Sentence. Native of Trade. Born. . 1 , Height. Complexion. Hair. Eyes. Nose. Mouth. cr Chin. Remarks and Previous Convictions. Dunedin ... John Cunningham Dunedin April i, 1889 stealing from the per12 months’ labour ... England ... fireman ... 1863 ft. in. 5 <>i fair light brown blue medium medium long Cross tattooed on right arm and JC on son left arm ; scar from scald on outside of left leg, and two blue marks on inside of same leg; scar from burn on inside of right leg; small scar on right eyebrow. Right thumb has been broken; lame in Dunedin ... Fong Tim Dunedin Nov. 2, 1889 vagrancy 2 months’ labour ... China tailor 1836 5 2 sallow black, turnbrown large, flat medium long ... ing grey Dunedin ... William Tweedle Dunedin Dec. 20, 1889 damaging property... 14 days’ labour America ... sailor 1841 5 8J fresh black, turnIt. blue large medium broad, Large scar across right side 0/ head; sailor fresh ing grey bearded Dunedin ... John H. Girling Dunedin Dec. 13, 1S89 larceny 21 days’labour America ... 1852 5 <5 light brown blue large. medium medium American coat-of-arms tattooed on left fresh dark brown broken medium arm, and bracelet with star in centre Dunedin ... Mary Baker, alias Polly Baker Clara Robinson Dunedin ... Dec. 23,1889 breach of the peace... fined £1, or 14 days’ labour fined £\, or 14 days’ labour England ... 1862 5 2 dark br. medium medium Five previous convictions. Dunedin ... Dunedin Dec. 23, 1889 breach of the peace... London ... servant ... 1871 5 4 fresh dark brown It. blue small, medium medium Birth-mark under chin. black pointed Dunedin ... William Baker Dunedin ... Dec. 23, 1889 larceny 14 days’labour England ... labourer ... 1847 5 8 5 H dark fresh hazel It. blue large fiat medium medium medium Fifteen previous convictions. Woman under wreath tattooed on right upper arm, sailor, &c., on right lower arm ; a small white scar on right cheek. red Dunedin ... Annie Tunney Dunedin Dec. 7, 1889 larceny 1 month’s labour ... Ireland ... 1863 medium Hokitika ... Timothy Bigley Kumara Dec. 10, 1889 inciting a prisoner to 14 days’ labour in deIreland ... labourer ... 1861 s 63 pale brown grey long large medium Previously convicted. A slight scar on resist fault of paying £3 bridge of nose; left little finger crook2s. fine and costs ed; second toe of left foot overlaps big Hokitika ... Alexander Lockwood... Reefton Dec. 11, 1889 riotous behaviour ... 48 hours’ labour N. Zealand labourer ... 1861 5 4S fresh sandy light br. small medium pointed Several previous convictions. Scar resisting police 14 days’labour under left eye; a small scar on right (concurrent fresh dark brown blue medium medium Auckland... Martin Theodore SoDargaville... Nov. 12,1889 disobedience of orders 6 weeks’ labour Iceland ... seaman ... 1S66 5 9 medium Unfinished boat, MTR, MTR tattooed cudson on board ship labourer ... swarthy medium on left forearm; MTR in square below left thumb; MS and small cross on back of left hand; MTS and star on back of right hand; rose on calf of right leg. Nine previous convictions. Auckland... Hugh Sullivan Auckland ... Nov. 5, 18S9 intended wife-deser-6 months’ imprisonOtahuhu ... 1849 black grey medium medium tion ment in default of sureties Auckland... Waiter Scott Paeroa Oct. 23, 1889 assault t month’s labour and 3months’ imprisonment in default of sureties 1 i dark brown medium Oct. 26, 1889 assault 2 months’ labour and 6 months’imprisonin default of sureties (concurrent) 1 month’s labour on 1-Auckland J carpenter... 1S52 5 7 i sandy fresh grey medium medium Scar on right foiearm. Auckland... Joseoh Whalen, alias Auckland ... Nov. 28,1889 assault (2 charges)... England ... gum-digger 1838 5 2* black grey medium medium medium One previous conviction. Anchor and Whelan each charge (con1 tattooed on left forearm; scar on illegally on premises current) oyster-boy pale dark brown It. grey medium medium bridge of nose. Auckland... James Dunn.o/im John Auckland ... Dec. 23, 1S89 7 davs’labour Ngarrawa1871 5 5 medium One previous conviction. JD and two Dunn hia crossed flags tattooed on inside of right forearm ; JD and wreath on left foreAuckland ... James Walsh Auckland ... Dec. 10,1889 illegally on premises 21 days’ labour Auckland labourer ... 1856 5 6 sallow black blue pug medium medium One previous conviction. Boil-scar on left forearm and on right shin ; knuckle of right forefinger out of joint; four plumber ... upper front teeth out. Auckland... William Nelson Auckland ... June 11, t888 larceny 2 years’ labour Scotland... 1S58 S 04 fresh dark brown grey medium medium medium One previous conviction. Top off third hazel finger of left hand. Auckland ... Harriett Reilly Auckland ... Oct. 1, 1889 larceny 3 months’ labour ... N. Zealand 1868 S 34 fair, freckled fresh light brown medium m edium medium Six previous convictions. Auckland... Richard Bingham Auckland ... Mar. 11,1889 false pretences (2 12 months’ labour on England ... commission 1830 5 64 dark brown hazel prominent medium medium One previous conviction. Bald; boilMason charges^ each charge (concurrent; 3 years’ penal serviagent. scar on each forearm. Auckland ... James Ingham Auckland ... Sept. 5, 1887 breaking and entering England ... labourer ... 1S38 S 3 swarthy dark brown It. hazel medium medium medium Eighteen previous convictions. Very tude dk. blue deaf. Auckland... Kate Hinch Auckland ... Oct. 3, 1889 liabi tual drunken ness 3 months’ labour ... N. Zealand 1839 4 4 sallow dark brown medium medium medium Auckland... Robert Johnston Auckland ... June 11, 1888 breaking and entering 2 years’labour I hames, 1874 4 loi fair light brown grey small small medium One previous conviction. Scar on left N.Z. shin. Auckland.. Eliza McGinn Auckland ... Oct. 5, 1889 habitual drunken ness 3 months' labour 21 days’labour Ireland ... 1840 5 24 sallow dark brown blue medium medium medium Forty-three previous convictions. Auckland... James Evans, alias Auckland ... Dec. 23, 1889 illegally on premises England ... labourer ... 1849 5 34 sandy dark brown, blue medium medium medium Eight previous convictions. Edwards curly


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New Zealand Police Gazette, Volume XIV, Issue 2, 15 January 1890, Page 13

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Extract from Victoria Police Gazette. New Zealand Police Gazette, Volume XIV, Issue 2, 15 January 1890, Page 13

Extract from Victoria Police Gazette. New Zealand Police Gazette, Volume XIV, Issue 2, 15 January 1890, Page 13

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