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Extracts from New Zealand Gazette.

(From Gazette, 1888, pages 1132 and 1153.) Clerk of Court, Receiver of Gold Revenue, and Mining Registrar appointed.

Department of Justice, Wellington, 15th October, 1888. HIS Excellency the Governor has been pleased to appoint Constable Patrick Bowman to be Clerk of the Resident Magistrate’s and Warden’s Courts, and Receiver of Gold Revenue and Mining Registrar, at Waikaia, and to be Clerk of the Licensing Committee for the District of Waikaia, on and from the 9th October instant, vice Constable P. Maher. Geo. FISHER, (In the absence of the Minister of Justice.)

Licensing Districts defined. (L.s.) Wm. F. DRUMMOND JERVOIS, Governor. A PROCLAMATION. WHEREAS by the sixth section of “ The Licensing Act, 1881,” it is enacted that the Governor shall, as soon as conveniently may be after the commencement of the said Act, by Proclamation in the Gazette, from time to time define districts to be licensing districts under the said Act, and from time to time may alter and redefine the boundaries of the same : Now, therefore, I, William Francis Drummond Jervoi9, the Governor of the Colony of New Zealand, do hereby, in pursuance and exercise of the power and author it}' vested in me by the said Act, alter and redefine the boundaries of the Alfredton Licensing District, which shall, from and after the second day of November proximo, be those described in the First Schedule hereto; and do hereby proclaim and define the part of the colony mentioned and described in the Second Schedule hereto to be, from and after the said

second day of November proximo, an ordinary licensing district for the purposes of the said Act. FIRST SCHEDULE. Wairarapa North Courty. Alfredton Licensing District. —All that area in the County of Wairarapa North bounded towards the north-east generally by the County of Paliiatua; towards the south-east and south-west by the Licensing Districts of Castlepoint and Masterton respectively, as described in the A ’eiv Zealand Gazette No. 23, of the 7th April, 1887; and towards the northwest by the County of Horowhenua. SECOND SCHEDULE. Pahiatua County. Pahiatua County Licensing District. —All that area known as the County of Pahiatua, as described in the Schedule to

“ The Counties Act Amendment Act, 1888,” exclusive of the Town District of Pahiatua, as described in the New Zealand Gazette No. 41, of the sth August, 188 G. Given under the hand of His Excellency Sir William Francis Drummond Jervois, Lieutenant-General in Her Majesty’s Army, Knight Grand Cross of the Most Distinguished Order of Saint Michael and Saint George, Companion of the Most Honourable Order of the Bath, Governor and Commander-in-Cliief in and over Her Majesty’s Colony of New Zealand and its Dependencies, and Vice-Admiral of the same ; and issued under the Seal of the said Colony, at the Government House, at Wellington, this twenty-ninth day of October, in the year of our Lord one thousand eight hundred and eighty-eight. T. W. IIISLOP. God save the Queen!

By Authority: George Didsbury, Government Printer, Wellington.—lßßß.

Name of Person. Name of House. Description of License. Locality. Why cancelled or refused. By whom. William Berwick Palace Hotel Publicans’ license George Street, Dunedin Refused, applicant having been convicted and fined for selling liquors during prohibited hours, and for permitting gambling in his licensed house; also for permitting a barmaid to serve in the bar after n o clock p.m. while he held a temporary license for the house Dunedin Licensing Committee. ary Dempsie Travellers’ Rest Hotel Publicans' license Taita, Wellington District Refused, the applicant being a married woman living with her husbai.d, William Evans Dempsie, who was sentenced at Nelson, on the ist June, i8«8, to fourteen days’ labour for being illegally on premises, and whose publican s license was subsequently cancelled by the Nelson Licensing Committee. (See “ Police Gazette,” 1S88, pages 130 and 163.) Epuni Licensing Committee.


1 Gaol. , Name. Where tried. When. Offence. Sentence. Native of Trade. Born. Height, Complexion. Hair. Eyes. 1 Nose. Mouth. Chin. Remarks and Previous Convictions. Lyttelton ... John Fisher Christchurch Oct. 3,1887 housebreaking and larceny 15 months’ labour ... N. Zealand labourer ... 1868 ft. in. S 3 dark black brown medium medium full This description is inserted in lieu of the description which appears in “Gazette” of the 10th ultimo, page 196, as the year in which the discharged prisoner was born was incorrectly given.


Lyttelton ... George R. Dawson ... Christchurch July 16,1888 larceny 3 months’ labour ... Queensland labourer ... 1863 8 fresh brown grey large large large medium Small scar on right eyebrow. Lyttelton ... John Hart Christchurch Sept. 18, 1888 illegally on premises 1 month’s labour ... Essex labourer ... 1833 S sallow grey brown medium medium One pi evious conviction. Lyttelton ... Thomas Rooney Timaru April 19, 1887 forgery and uttering 2 years’ labour Co. Kerry labourer ... 185S S 74 dark brown blue medium medium medium Scar on left temple; mark of cut on nose and near right i-ye. Lyttelton ... William Henry Irwin, Invercargill April 19, 1887 housebreaking 2 years’ labour Liverpool seaman ... 1S44 5 3 fresh dark brown hazel large medium medium London waterman’s coat-of-arms tatalias John, alias tooed on right arm; scar on back of lames Irving left hand. Lyttelton... William Winter Christchurch May 29, 18SS disobeying a mainte6 months’ labour ... London ... labourer ... 1838 s 3 fresh brown grey medium small small nance-order Marks from sores on left arm; a small Lyttelton ... Henry Everest Christchurch Sept. 17, 1888 assault 6 weeks’labour Kent labourer ... 1829 10J sandy brown blue large large medium (coarse) medium blue pimple near left eye. Lyttelton ... Richard Mackie Christchurch Sept. 28, 1888 stealing a dog 1 month’s labour in deSydney ... shepherd ... 1863 6! sandy sandy blue large narrow One previous conviction. Christchurch fault of payment of costs and expenses large medium bearded Addington John Gilmour June 30,1888 fraudulent bankruptcy 4 months’ labour ... Scotland ... merchant... 183s s 9 fresh brown, turnblue Addington Francis Innis Christchurch July 17, 1888 fraudulent bankruptcy 3 months’ labour ... Scotland brewer ... 1832 1836 5 7 fresh grey It. blue large large bearded Addington Henry J. Fish Christchurch Oct. 8, 1888 assault 7 days’ labour England ... pictureframer 5 4 1 resh brown grey medium large bearaed Addington Thomas Clark Christchurch Oct. 17,1888 larceny 187.3 8 fresh light brown brown medium small small Addington Margaret Josephine Christchurch Mar. 4, 1887 larcenv One previous conviction. Lame in left Lloyd, alias Fanny April 4, 1887 forgery 2 years’ labour [-Sydney ... governess t866 0 fresh dark brown small small small Addington Millysen leg. . . . Mary Ann White Christchurch July 16, 1888 habitual drunkenness 3 months’ labour ... England ... charwoman 18-,9 5 ll sallow dark brown grey medium large medium Forty-five previous convictions. Addington Emily Russell Christchurch Oct. 8, 18S8 England ... matron ... ■854 2i fresh brown blue medium medium double Six previous convictions. Addington lames Bagnall Christchurch Oct. 13, 1888 larceny 3 months’ probation 6 months’ probation England ... clerk 1832 5 04 fresh brown brown large medium medium One previous conviction. Addington Arthur McMahon Christchurch Oct. 22, 1888 Oct. 25, 1888 larceny Ireland ... carpenter 1856 c3 fresh black light br. medium medium long Addington James Buckley Christchurch failing to comply with severely cautioned, Ireland ... labourer ... 1849 5 sandy sandy It. blue medium large bearded A small wart on left cheek, near nose. Addington Emelia Withington ... the conditions of his probation license and ordered to recommence his term of probation 2 months’ probation medium Christchurch Oct. 19, 1888 larceny Sydney ... servant ... 1869 si fair auburn blue large large Napier Richard Pool Waipawa ... Aug. 25,1888 obscene language ... 2 months' labour medium resisting a constable fined £1 and costs, or (England labourer ... • 857 8 fair brown grey medium medium Napier David Monteith 7 days’ labour Anchor tattooed on back of left hand, 3 Woodville ... Oct. 3,1888 assaulting a constable 14 days’ labour Scotland ... labourer .. 1856 - 6 fair dark brown blue medium medium medium Bridget Connor and ring on second finger; square, Napier Woodville ... Oct. 8, 1888 wilful damage to profined £2 and costs, Ireland ... married ... 1864 s 5 dark dark brown brown medium medium medium trowel, and hammer on right arm. Napier Thomas James McMaperty and £2 damages, or Seven previous convictions. Waipawa ... Sept. 26,1888 having no visible means of support 1 month’s labour ... Ireland ,. carpenter l8l4 s 6 fresh grey grey medium medium medium nus, alias Thomas Mack, alias J.McKev Heart and anchor tattooed on right arm, Shortland... Luke McDonnell Paeroa Oct. St >888 having no visible 14 days’labour N. Zealand labourer ... 1855 34 fresh dark hazel medium medium medium N.Plymouth means of support and star on left arm. Leonard Alexander Langley N. Plymouth Oct. 25, 1888 arson acquitted at Supreme N. Zealand baker 1864 S 7i fair dark brown brown medium medium medium Scar on left cheek near mouth, and on left forearm. Timaru ... Edward Addison Waimate ... Aug. 29,1888 larceny 2 months’ labour ... London ... hospital1834 s 34 pale auburn hazel large medium medium Previously convicted. D tattooed on left Timaru ... MartinO’Halloran,a/;/jj warder side; a small wait under right eye. Had been in the army. Timaru .. Oct. is, 1888 damaging property... 7 days’ labour in deIreland ... labourer ... 1830 5 54 pale grey grey medium medium medium Repeatedly convicted. Invercargill Joseph O Connor, alias George Wilson, &c. fault of paying fine Patrick Roche John B. Vernon Arrowtown... Aug. 20, 1888 larceny 2 months’ labour N. Zealand labourer ... 1869 s tc4 fair, light brown grey large medium medium Scar on left leg. Emblems of Faith, Hope, and Charity, Invercargill Invercaigil! Oct. is, 1888 attempt to murder ... committed for trial... North Wales sailor 18C0 5 S fair brown blue medium medium medium rose, shamrock, and thistle tattooed on right arm; English and American flags, heart with “ JV 81 ” in centre, on left arm. Small forehead. Admitted to bail.


Gaol. Name. Where tried. When. Offence. Sentence. Native of Trade. Born. X. .5? Complexion. Hair. Eyes. Nose. Mouth. Chin. Remarks and Previous Convictions. Auckland ... Frank Sylvia Kaipara July 31, 1888 sly grog-selling 2 months' labour ... Portugal... seaman ... 1851 ft. in. 5 Cl dark black brown medium medium medium RQSF.RTl, tattooed on left upper arm; scar beiOw right torefinger. John Leonard Auckland ... Dec. 19,1887 being a rogue and a 12 months’ labour ... England ... labourer ... 1834 S 3 swarthy dark brown brown crooked medium medium Seventy-three previous convictions. Auckland ... Mary Barry, alias Min* Auckland ... July 17,1888 habitual drunkenness 3 months’ labour ... Scotland... 1854 5 fresh dark brown blue medium medium medium Three previous convictions. Auckland... nie Bennett Frank alias Francis VVhorskey Kawakawa... Sept, ii, 1888 insulting language (2 charges) 6 months’ imprisonmenton each charge, in default of sureties Scotland... coal-miner i860 5 43 fresh dark brown dk. blue thick set medium medium Six previous convictions. Lisps slightly ; dark mark on left shoulder-blade; tat-too-mark below left thumb; several scars on head. Auckland... John Scarborough Auckland ... May 12,1888 exposing his person 6 months’ labour America ... lumper ... 1842 S ni black black, woolly dark br. broad very large large A negro. Scar on breast and on back of right hand. Auckland... James Fitzpatrick Helensville... Sept. 3i, 1888 illegally on premises 1 month’s labour ... Ireland ... gum-digger 5 7i fair grey grey broad medium medium Two previous co victions. Scotch dancing girl tattooed on right fotearm, and Scotch dancing girl holding a wand over her head on left forearm. Auckland... Henry Montgomery ... Auckland ... Oct. 20, l888 larceny 6 months’ probation Auckland schoolboy 1S76 s 0 sallow dark brown brown broad medium medium A small mole on left cheek-bone; boilscar on nape of neck. Auckland ... Patrick Carroll Auckland ... July 25,1887 having no visible means of support 3 months’ labour ... ( Australia labourer ... 1863 s 6 sandylight brown blue medium medium medium Six previous convictions. Sight of left eye defective. Sept, s, 18S7 larceny 18 months’ labour ... j Auckland ... Walter Bowdodge.afiai Auckland ... Sept, s, 1887 larceny (concurrent) 18 months’ labour ... England ... barman ... 1869 5 1 fair dark brown It. grey prominent full medium Birth-mark on outside of left forearm. Auckland... Bowdidge Charles Aicken Auckland ... Sept, s, 1887 uttering 18 months’ labour ... England ... bank clerk 1862 5 61 fresh light blue lrg. erkd , inclined medium medium A small mole on right cheek. Auckland... Robert Montgomery Auckland ... Oct. 13, :8S8 being a rogue and 10 days* labour England ... seaman ... 1869 5 4l fresh light brown brown to left prominent full medium A mole on muscle of outside of left arm. Auckland ... Auckland ... Auckland ... Hamilton Ellen Hermiston Martha McManus Jane McManus Auckland ... Auckland ... Auckland ... July 23,1888 Oct. 16, 1888 Oct. 20, 1888 habitual drunkenness damaging property... damaging property... 3 months’ labour ... 7 days’ labour 7 days’ labour England ... Auckland Auckland 1856 1871 1869 4 s .s III 2 4 pale f resh fair dark brown dark brown dark brown dark br. hazel hazel medium medium medium medium medium medium medium medium medium Seven previous convictions. Five previous convictions. Four previous convictions. HM ta.ttooed on left arm. Auckland... John Considine Auckland ... May 19,1888 larceny 6 months’ labour ... U. States labourer ... 1875 5 10 sallow dark brown blue medium medium medium Ten previous convictions. Lame in left leg. Auckland ... James alias William O Brien Auckland ... May 19,1888 larceny (2 charges).. 0 months’ labour on each charge (concurrent) Auckland labourer ... 1S69 5 6J fresh, freckled dark brown grey broad large large Six previous convictions. Cross and dots tattooed on left forearm; large mole on right elbow; scar on right knee-cap. Auckland... Margaret Freak Auckland ... Jan. s, 1888 being a rogue and a 12 months’ labour ... Ireland ... l854 5 2 swarthy dark brown blue medium medium medium Four previous convictions. Flora Carter Dunedin ... July 16,1888 vagabond insufficient lawful 3 months' labour ... Scotland ... prostitute 1844 S 3 fresh light grey medium medium medium Twenty-five previous convictions. Upper Dunedin ... Dunedin ... Thomas Wilson Andrew Johnston, alias James Robertson, Oamaru Dunedin Aug. 17,1888 Sept. 19,1888 means of support habitual drunkenness larceny 2 months’ labour ... 1 month's labour ... Ireland ... Scotland... labourer ... wagonbuilder 1838 1853 s 5 Si Si sallow sallow grey brown brown brown broken large medium small bearded medium Two previous convictions. Three previous convictions. Several teeth out of both jaws; scar on left hipbone. alias Donald RobinDunedin ... sou Mcharlane Annie F. Davies Dunedin June 20, 1888 stealing from the per4 months’ labour ... Ireland ... 1838 * 3 fresh red grey medium medium small Four previous convictions. Dunedin ... Samuel Hill Palmerston Oct. 6, 1888 gambling 14 days’ labour Ireland ... labourer ... 1838 6 2 dark dark brown, turning grey blue medium medium medium Two previous convictions. Woman’s head tattooed on back of left hand, and eagle on back of right hand. Dunedin ... Thomas Hannon Dunedin Oct. is, 1888 damaging property... 7 days’ labour Ireland ... labourer ... 1850 5 5 swarthy black grey medium medium medium rhirteen previous convictions. Scar over Dunedin ... William Myall Dunedin .. Oct. 9,1888 obscene language ... 14 days' labour England ... labourer ... i860 * 9i pale light brown brown Roman medium medium An upper front tooth broken; a small black mark on left wrist. Dunedin ... Dunedin ... Robert McPherson ... Alexander McRae Dunedin Dunedin ... July 2, 1888 Oct. 18, 1888 larcenylarceny 4 months' labour ... 7 days’ labour ... Scotland ... America ... gardener... seaman ... 1819 1853 5 5 sh 10 fresh fresh grey dark brown grey grey medium long, medium medium medium medium Six previous convictions. Scar on inside of right shin ; round scar below left knee. Dunedin ... Dunedin ... Joseph Tibbies Mary McNaught Dunedin ... Dunedin ... Oct. t3, 18S8 Jan. 4, t888 larceny (2 charges)... larceny 14 days’ labour 7 days’ labour (concurrent) 12 months’ labour ... j- England Scotland... cook l8.ll lS45 5 s 4 5 sallow florid grey light brown hazel brown broad small, pug large medium broad | large Two previous convictions. Cross and dots tattooed on leftarm,and diamond on rightarm. A lasmanian convict. Two previous convictions. Round scar on left cheek; upper and lower front teeth nearly all out. Dunedin ... James C. McGrath ... Dunedin April 4, 1888 aiding and abetting assault with intent to rob 9 months’ labour ... Victoria ... labourer ... 1859 7 fresh fair grey medium medium medium Two previous convictions. Lobe of right ear split; two small warts on back of neck ; heart and two swords, in red and blue, tattooed on left forearm. Dunedin ... Benjamin Smith Dunedin ... Oct. 11,1888 ill-treating a horse... fined £z and costs, or 14 days’ labour N. Zealand labourer ... A . 1864 5 31 fresh light brown grey medium large medium Blind of light eye ; scar on inside of right arm.


Gaol. 1 Name. Where tried. . When. Offence. Sentence. Native of Trade. Born. Height Complexion. Hair. Eyes. Nose. Mouth. Chin. Remarks and Previous Convictions. Wellington George Collingwood, Wellington Oct. 9, 1S8S committing an inde* 3 days’ labour {.England clerk 1859 ft. in. fair fair blue medium medium J alias Robert Fattercent act 7 days’ labour 5 s large son resisting police J Scotland... prostitute 1S41 S 4i sallow dark 1 and star and diamond on left arm; blue spot on forehead. Eight previous convictions. (concurrent) : month’s imprisonWellington Eleanor Watson Wellington Sept. 17,1S88 assault dark medium medium medium ment in default of sureties Thomas Temperley ... Wellington Oct. 4,1S88 habitual drunkenness 14 days’ labour England ... grocer 1857 S 5 pale dark brown dark br. medium large full Wellington Frederick Barnett ... Wellington Sept. 8,1888 wilful damage 6 weeks’ labour ... YVales clerk ... 1856 5 7 fresh brown blue medium medium medium Scar on left side of forehead; two scars on hand. Wellington John Kelly, alias Wellington Oct. 6, t888 habitual drunkenness 14 days’ labour Ireland .. labourer ... 1834 5 5 dark, dark brown grey large medium medium Wellington O’Shaughnessy Charles Frederick Masterton ... Aug. 22, 1888 assaulting police ... 2 months’ labour .. Germany... labourer ... 1853 S 4 swarthy fresh brown brown large, aquiline large large forehead; slightly bald; pockpitted. Mark from whitlow on left forefinger. Wellington William Thompson ... Masterton ... Aug. 24, 188S larceny 2 months’ labour ... Scotland... labourer ... 1833 5 8 swarthy grey blue large. medium medium One previous conviction. Sight of left oblique, eye defective; female, bird, and VVT 3 months’ labour ... sailor 1867 dark light brown broken Wellington Thomas Goddard Wellington July 26, 1888 having no visible England ... 5 61 brown large medium medium One previous conviction. Two anchors , means of support and 1 (7 tattooed on left arm, and TG Wellington Charles Smith Carterton ... Aug. 28, 1888 larceny 2 months’ labour ... Germany... sailor 1859 5 =1 fair fair blue small small small and anchor on right arm. Anchor tattooed on right arm, and hand 6 months’ labour ... England ... prostitute 1843 fresh brown, turnmedium and star on left hand; bald. Wanganui Marian K. Hammond Wanganui ... May S, 1S88 having no visible 4 10J grey medium medium Repeatedly convicted. Scar on forehead means of support fresh ing grey brown and on left arm; “G. Gaynor” tatWanganui Jennie Boon, alias May Mason Riri Wanganui ... Aug. 18,1888 larceny 2 months’ labour .. England ... nurse-girl 1873 5 3 blue medium medium medium Two previous convictions. Scar on upper lip. Wanganui Wanganui ... Aug. 20,1888 larceny 2 months’ labour ... 1 month’s labour ... N. Zealand 1848 4 10 copper black brown medium medium medium Wanganui Karo Wanganui ... Sept. 4, 1888 habitual drunkenness N. Zealand ... 1845 411 copper black brown medium medium medium Four previous convictions. Tattooed on chin. Repeatedly convicted. Wanganui Emma Meredith Wanganui... Sept. 7,1888 obscene language ... 1 month’s labour ... England ... prostitute 1844 5 2 sallow brown, turnblue medium medium full Wanganui Lars Hansen Wanganui... July 13,1888 having no visible 3 months’ labour ... Denmark labourer ... 1841 5 6 fresh brown It. blue small, large medium Repeatedly convicted. Scar on head. means of support fresh brown pointed Wanganui James Rowlands Wanganui... Aug. 20,1S88 larceny 2 months’ labour ... England ... seaman ... 1843 5 4 brown medium medium medium Scars on forehead, back of head, and neck ; boil-mark on left hip ; first joints of third fingers of both hands contracted. Two previous convictions. ]H tattooed Wanganui Thomas Garnish Wanganui... Sept. 10,1S88 disobeying a mainte1 month’s labour ... America ... labourer ... 1837 S 5 dark black, turnhazel medium medium medium • nance-order inggrey blue Wanganui Charles Warren Marton Oct. 8,1888 larceny 14 days’ labour England ... labourer ... 1833 5 3l ruddy light brown medium medium medium Part of right ear off; moles on back; light brown Wanganui Smyth Pritchard ... Bull’s Oct. 10,1888 larceny 14 days’labour Wales ... labourer ... 1851 5 5l fresh brown black broken medium bearded Anchor tattooed on right arm, dot on left arm, and ring 011 second finger of right hand. black Hokitika ... Ah Lem Greymouth... Sept, ig, 1888 larceny 1 month’s labour ... China miner 1853 5 H olive medium large short Scar between eyebrows; br.ld. Admitted to bail. Hokitika ... John Pozzi Hokitika Oct. 24, 1888 assault committed for trial... Switzerland miner 1838 S 3l sallow grey light br. blue medium medium medium Hokitika ... Michael Kiely Stafford Oct. 19, 1888 assault 7 days’ imprisonmen t N. Zealand miner 1869 5 7i fresh light brown medium medium medium Hack of left hand covered with warts; a white spot of hair on leit side of head. Hare-lip; no roof to mouth. Clyde Frederick Collings ... Pembroke ... Oct. 22, 1888 contempt of Court 7 days’ labour London ... miner 1848 S 4 sunblack It. hazel medium medium medium in refusing to be burnt sworn and give evidence Arrowtown John Wilson Thomson Arrowtown.,, Sept. 27, iSSS obscene language ... zS days’ labour Scotland... blacksmith 1838 S, ‘ fresh fair blue medium medium medium


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New Zealand Police Gazette, Volume XII, Issue 23, 7 November 1888, Page 211

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Extracts from New Zealand Gazette. New Zealand Police Gazette, Volume XII, Issue 23, 7 November 1888, Page 211

Extracts from New Zealand Gazette. New Zealand Police Gazette, Volume XII, Issue 23, 7 November 1888, Page 211

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