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Extracts from New Zealand Gazette.

(From Gazette, 1886, pages 1246, 1248, 1249, 1250, 1281, 1285, and 1286.)

Inspectors of Weights and Measures, Counties of Tauranga and Whakatane, appointed.

Colonial Secretary’s Office, Wellington, 23rd September, 1886. HIS Excellency the Governor has been pleased to appoint

Sergeant Patrick Barry Cahill

to be an Inspector of Weights and Measures for the County of Tauranga and for the Borough of Tauranga ; and also to appoint

Constable Alfred John Sisam to be an Inspector of Weights and Measures for the County of Whakatane.


Clerks of Licensing Committees appointed.

Department of Justice, Wellington, 23rd September, 1886. HIS Excellency tlie Governor has been pleased to appoint Constable Andrew Christie to be Clerk of the Licensing Committees for the Districts of Clinton Riding and Clinton Town ; and Constable Charles Young to be Clerk of the Licensing Committee for the District of St. Batlian’s, vice Constable W. Bell. Jos. A. TOLE.

Despatch.—Extradition Treaty with the Republic of the Equator.

Colonial Secretary’s Office, Wellington, 27tli September, 18S6. THE following despatch, received from Her Majesty’s Principal Secretary of State for the Colonies, is published for general information. P. A. BUCKLEY.

Downing Street, 13th. July, 1886. Sir, — I have the honour to transmit to you, for information and publication in the colony under your Government, a copy of a treaty for the mutual extradition of fugitive criminals between Great Britain and the Republic of the Equator, signed on the 20th day of September, 1880, the ratifications of which were exchanged on the 19th February last, and which, by Order of Her Majesty in Council of the 26th June, came into operation on the 2nd instant. I have, &c., Granville. The Officer Administering the Government of New Zealand.

At the Court at Windsor, the 26tli day of June, 1886, Present : The Queen’s Most Excellent Majesty,

Lord President, Lord Steward, Earl of Rosebery, Mr. Fowler. Whereas by the Extradition Acts, 1870 and 1873, it was, amongst other things, enacted that, where an arrangement has been made with any foreign State with respect to the surrender to such State of any fugitive criminals, Her Majesty may, by Order in Council, direct that the said Acts shall apply in the case of such foreign State; and that Her Majesty may, by the same or any subsequent order, limit the operation of the order, and restrict the same to fugitive criminals who are in or suspected of being in the part of Her Majesty’s dominions specified in the order, and render the operation thereof subject to such conditions, exceptions, and qualifications as may be deemed expedient; and that if, by any law made after the passing of the Act of 1870 by the Legislature of any British possession, provision is made for carrying into effect within such possession the surrender of fugitive criminals who are in or suspected of being in such British possession, Her Majesty may, by the Order in Council applying the said Acts in the case of any foreign State, or by any subsequent order, suspend the operation within any such British possession of the said Acts, or of any part thereof, so far as it relates to such foreign State, and so long as such law continues in force there and no longer :

And whereas in accordance with section 18 of “ The Extradition Act, 1870,” the Legislature of the Dominion of Canada has, by laws passed in the years 1877 and 1882, and respectively styled “ The Extradition Act, 1877,” and “ An Act to amend the Extradition Act, 1877,” made provision for carrying into effect within the Dominion the surrender of fugitive criminals who are in or are suspected of being in the Dominion:

And whereas a treaty was concluded on the twentieth day of September, one thousand eight hundred and eighty, between Her Majesty and the President of the Republic of the Equator, for the mutual extradition of fugitive criminals, which treaty is in the terms following : Her Majesty the Queen of the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Ireland, and His Excellency the President of the Republic of Ecuador, having judged it expedient, with a view to the better administration of justice and to the prevention of crime within their respective territories and jurisdictions, that persons charged with or convicted of the crimes hereinafter enumerated, and being fugitives from justice, should, under certain circumstances, be reciprocally delivered up; Her Britannip Majesty and the President of

Ecuador have named as their Plenipotentiaries, to conclude a treaty for this purpose, that is to say,—Her Majesty the Queen of the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Ireland : Frederick Douglas Hamilton, Esquire, her Minister Resident at Ecuador; And His Excellency the President of Ecuador: General Cornelio E. Vernaza, Minister of Foreign Affairs and of the Interior;

Who, after having communicated to each other their respective full powers, found in good and due form, have agreed upon and concluded the following articles

Article I,

It is agreed that Her Britannic Majesty’s Government and that of Ecuador shall, on requisition made in their name by their respective diplomatic agents, deliver up to each other reciprocally any persons who, being accused or convicted of any of the crimes hereinafter specified, committed within the jurisdiction of the requiring party, shall be found within the territories of the other party : 1. Murder, or attempt or conspiracy to murder. 2. Manslaughter. 3. Counterfeiting or altering money, or uttering counterfeit or altered money. 4. Forgery, counterfeiting, or altering, or uttering what is counterfeited or altered. 5. Embezzlement or larceny. 6. Obtaining money or goods by false pretences.

7. Crimes against bankruptcy law. 8. Fraud by a bailee, banker, agent, factor, trustee, or director or member or public officer of any company, made criminal by any law for the time being in force. 9. Rape. 10. Abduction. 11. Child-stealing. 12. Burglary or housebreaking. 13. Arson. 14. Robbery with violence. 15. Threats by letter or otherwise with intent to extort. 16. Piracy by law of nations. 17. Sinking or destroying a vessel at sea, or attempting or conspiring to do so. 18. Assaults on board a ship on the high seas with intent to destroy life or to do grievous bodily harm. 19. Revolt or conspiracy to revolt by two or more persons on board a ship on the high seas against the authority of the captain or master. Provided that the surrender shall be made only when, in the case of a person accused, the commission of the crime shall be so established as that the laws of the country where the fugitive or person so accused shall be found would justify his apprehension and commitment for trial if the crime had been there committed ; and, in the case of a person alleged to have been convicted, on such evidence as, according to the laws of the country where he is found, would prove that he had been convicted.

Article 11.

In the dominions of Her Britannic Majesty, other than the foreign or colonial possessions of Her Majesty, the manner of proceeding shall be as follows : 1. In the case of a person accused, —

The requisition for the surrender shall be made to Her Britannic Majesty’s Principal Secretary of State for Foreign Affairs by some person recognized by the Secretary of State as a diplomatic representative of the Republic of Ecuador, accompanied by a warrant or other equivalent judicial document for the arrest of the accused, issued by a Judge or Magistrate duly authorized to take cognizance of the acts charged against him in Ecuador, together with duly-autlien-ticated depositions or statements taken on oath before such Judge or Magistrate, clearly setting forth the said acts, and a description of the person claimed, and any particulars which may serve to identify him. The said Secretary of State shall transmit such documents to Her Britannic Majesty’s Principal Secretary of State for the Home Department, who shall then, by order under his hand and seal, signify to some Police Magistrate in London that such requisition has been made, and require him, if there be due cause, to issue his warrant for the apprehension of the fugitive.

On the receipt of such order from the Secretary of State, and on the production of such evidence as would, in the opinion of the Magistrate, justify the issue of the warrant if the crime had been committed in the United Kingdom, he shall issue his warrant accordingly. When the fugitive shall have been apprehended in virtue of such warrant, he shall be brought before the Police Magistrate who issued it, or some other Police Magistrate in London. If the evidence to be then produced shall be such as to justify, according to the law of England, the committal for trial of the prisoner if the crime of which he is accused had been committed in England, the Police Magistrate shall

commit him to prison to await the warrant of the Secretary of State for his surrender; sending immediately to the Secretary of State a certificate of the committal and a report upon the case. After the expiration of a period from the committal of the prisoner, which shall never be less than fifteen clays, the Secretary of State shall, by order under his hand and seal, order the fugitive criminal to be surrendered to such person as may be duly authorized to receive him on the part of the Government of Ecuador.

2. In the case of a person convicted, — The course of proceeding shall be the same as in the case of a person accused, except that the warrant to be transmitted by the recognized diplomatic representative, in support of his requisition, shall clearly set forth the crime of which the person claimed has been convicted, and state the fact, place, and date of his conviction. The evidence to be produced before the Police Magistrate shall be such as would, according to the law of England, prove that the prisoner was convicted of the crime charged. After the Police Magistrate shall have committed the accused or convicted person to prison to await the order of a Secretary of State for his surrender, such person shall have the right to apply for a writ of habeas corpus. If he should so apply, his surrender must be deferred until after the decision of the Court upon the return to the writ, and even then can only take place if the decision is adverse to the applicant. In the latter case the Court may at once order his delivery to the person authorized to receive him, without the order of a Secretary of State for his surrender, or commit him to prison to await such order. A like proceeding shall be observed towards criminals in prison in Ecuador.

Article 111.

In the Republic of Ecuador the manner of proceeding shall be as follows :

1. In the case of a person accused, — The requisition for the surrender shall be made to the Minister for Foreign Affairs of Ecuador by the Minister or other Diplomatic Agent of Her Britannic Majesty, accompanied by a warrant for the arrest of the accused, issued by a Judge or Magistrate duly authorized to take cognizance of the acts charged against him in Great Britain, together with dulyauthenticated depositions or statements taken on oath before such Judge or Magistrate, clearly setting forth the said acts, and a description of the person claimed, and any other particulars which may serve to identify him. The said documents shall be transmitted to the Minister Secretary of State for the Interior Department, who shall then, by order under his hand and sea), signify to some Police Magistrate that such requisition has been made, and require him, if there be due cause, to issue his warrant for the apprehension of the fugitive. On the receipt of such order from the Minister Secretary of State, and on the production of such evidence as would justify the issue of the warrant if the crime had been committed in Ecuador, lie shall issue his warrant accordingly. When the fugitive shall have been apprehended in virtue of such warrant he shall be brought before the Police Magistrate who issued it, or some other authority of the same class. If the evidence to be then produced shall be such as to justify, according to the law of Ecuador, the committal for tiial of the prisoner if the crime of which lie is accused had been committed in Ecuador, the Police Magistrate shall commit him to prison to await the warrant of the Secretary of State for his surrender, sending immediately to the Secretary of State a certificate of the committal and a report upon the case. After the expiration of a period from the committal of the prisoner, which shall never be less than fifteen days, the Secretary of State shall, by order under his hand and seal, order the fugitive criminal to be surrendered to such person as may he duly authorized to receive him on the part of the Government of Her Majesty. 2. In the case of a person convicted, — The course of proceeding shall be the same as in the case of a person accused, except that the warrant to be transmitted by the Minister or other Diplomatic Agent in support of his requisition shall clearly set forth the crime of which the person claimed has been convicted, and state the fact, place, and date of his conviction. The evidence to be produced before the Magistrate charged with the investigation of the case shall he such as would, according to the law's of Ecuador, prove that the prisoner was convicted of the crime changed.

Article IV

A fugitive criminal may, however, be apprehended under a warrant issued by any Police Magistrate or other competent authority in either country, on such information or complaint, and such evidence, or after such proceedings as would, in the opinion of the person issuing the warrant, justify the issue of a warrant if the crime had been committed or the prisoner convicted in that part of the

dominions of the two Contracting Parties in which he exercises jurisdiction: Provided, however, that in the United Kingdom the accused shall, in such case, be sent as speedily as possible before a Police Magistrate in London, and that he shall be discharged if within thirty days a requisition shall not have been made for his surrender by the Diplomatic Agent of his country, in the manner directed by Articles 11. and 111. of this treaty. The same rule shall apply to the cases of persons accused or convicted of any of the crimes specified in this treaty, committed on the high seas, on board any vessel of either country, which may come into any port of the other.

Article V.

If the fugitive criminal who has been committed to prison be not surrendered and conveyed away within two months after such committal, or within two months after the decision of the Court upon the return to a writ of habeas corpus in the United Kingdom, he shall be discharged from custody, unless sufficient cause be shown to the contrary.

Article VI

When any person shall have been surrendered by either of the High Contracting Parties to the other, such person shall not, until he has been restored, or had an opportunity of returning to the country from whence he was surrendered, be triable or tried for any offence committed in the other country prior to the surrender, other than the particular offence on account of which he was surrendered.

Article VII

In any case where an individual convicted or accused in Ecuador of any of the crimes described in the present treaty, and who shall have taken refuge in the United Kingdom, shall have obtained naturalisation there, such naturalisation shall not prevent the search for, arrest, and surrender of such individual to the Ecuatorian authorities, in conformity with the said treaty. In like manner the surrender shall take place on the part of Ecuador in any case where an individual accused or convicted in England of any of the same crimes who shall have taken refuge in Ecuador shall have obtained naturalisation there.

Article VIII,

No accused or convicted person shall be surrendered if the offence in respect of which his surrender is demanded shall be deemed by the party upon whom it is made to be one of a political character, or if he prove, to the satisfaction of the Police Magistrate, or of the Court before which he is brought on habeas corpus, or to the Secretary of State, that the requisition for his surrender has, in fact, been made with a view to try or to punish him for an offence of a political character.

Article IX,

Warrants, depositions, or statements on oath, issued or taken in the dominions of either of the two High Contracting Parties, and copies thereof, and certificates of or judicial documents stating the fact of conviction, shall be received in evidence in proceedings in the dominions of the other if purporting to be signed or certified by a Judge, Magistrate, or officer of the country where they were issued or taken. Provided such warrants, depositions, statements, copies, certificates, and judicial documents are authenticated by the oath of some witness, or by being sealed with the official seal of the Minister of Justice or some other Minister of State.

Article X

The surrender shall not take place if, since the commission of the acts charged, the accusation, or the conviction, exemption from prosecution or punishment has been acquired by lapse of time, according to the laws of the country where the accused shall have taken refuge.

Article XI

If the individual claimed by one of the two Contracting Parties, in pursuance of the present treaty, should be also claimed by one or several ether Powers, on account of other crimes committed upon their territory, his surrender shall, in preference, be granted in compliance with that demand which is earliest in date.

Article XII

If the individual claimed should be under prosecution, or in custody, for a crime or offence committed in the country where he may have taken refuge, his surrender may be deferred until he shall have been set at liberty in due course of law.

In case he should be proceeded against or detained in such country on account of obligations contracted towards private individuals, his surrender shall nevertheless take place, the injured party retaining his right to prosecute liis claims before the competent authority.

Article XIII.

Every article found in the possession of the individual claimed at the time of his arrest shall be seized, in order to be delivered up with his person at the time when the surrender shall be made. Such delivery shall not be limited to the property or articles obtained by stealing or by fraudulent bankruptcy, but shall extend to everything that may serve as proof of the crime. It shall take place even when the surrender, after having been ordered, shall be prevented from taking place by reason of the escape or death of the individual claimed.

Article XIV

Each of the two Contracting Parties shall defray the expenses occasioned by the arrest within its territories, the detention, and the conveyance to its frontier, of the persons whom it may consent to surrender in pursuance of the present treaty.

Article XV,

The stipulations of the present treaty shall be applicable to the foreign or colonial possessions of the two High Contracting Parties. The requisition for the surrender of a fugitive criminal who has taken refuge in a foreign or colonial possession of either party shall be made to the Governor or chief authority of such possession by the Chief Consular Officer of the other at the seat of Government; or, if the fugitive has escaped from a foreign or colonial possession of the party on whose behalf the requisition is made, by the Governor or chief authority of such possession. Such requisitions may be disposed of, subject always, as nearly as may be, to the provisions of this treaty by the respective Governors or chief authorities, who however, shall be at liberty either to grant the surrender, or to refer the matter to tlieir Government.

Her Britannic Majesty shall, however, be at liberty to make special arrangements in the British colonies and foreign possessions for the surrender of Ecuatorian criminals who may take refuge within such colony, on the basis, as nearly as may be, of the provisions of the present treaty.

Article XVI.

The present treaty shall come into operation, two months after the exchange of the ratifications. Due notice shall in each country be given of the clay. Either party may at any time terminate the treaty on giving to the other six months’ notice of its intention.

Article XYII. The present treaty shall be ratified, and the ratifications shall be exchanged at the capital of Ecuador within eight months after the approbation of the Legislative Power according to the laws of each country. In witness whereof the respective Plenipotentiaries have signed the same in duplicate, and have affixed thereto the seal of their arms. Done at Quito, capital of the Republic of Ecuador, the twentieth day of September, one thousand eight hundred and eighty. And whereas the ratifications of the said treaty were exchanged at Quito, on the nineteenth day of February, one thousand eight hundred and eighty-six : Now, therefore, Her Majesty, by and with the advice of her Privy Council, and in virtue of the authority committed to her by the said recited Acts, doth order, and it is hereby ordered, that from and after the second day of July, one thousand eight hundred and eighty-six, the said Acts shall apply in the case of the Equator, and of the said treaty with the Republic of the Equator. Provided always, and it is hereby further ordered, that the operation of the said Acts shall be suspended within the Dominion of Canada so far as relates to the Republic of the Equator and to the said treaty, and so long as the provisions of the Canadian Acts aforesaid continue in force, and no longer. C. L. Peel.

Cleric of Licensing Committee appointed.

Department of Justice, Wellington, 2nd October, 1886. HIS Excellency the Governor lias been pleased to appoint Constable James Siddells to be Clerk of the Licensing Committee for the District of Ormondville. Jos. A. TOLE.

Probation Officers appointed.

Prisons Department, Wellington, 6tli October, 1886. HIS Excellency the Governor has been pleased to appoint the officers described in the first column of the

Schedule hereto to be Probation Officers under “ The First Offenders Probation Act, 1886,” and has assigned to such officers respectively the parts of the colony mentioned in the second column of the said Schedule and set opposite to their respective descriptions therein as districts wherein to exercise their functions as such Probation Officers respectively.

Jos. A. TOLE

By Authority: Geobge Didsbukt, Government Printer, Wellington—lß66

Officer. District. The Gaoler at Mount Eden, The Boroughs of Auckland, Auckland Parnell, Newton, NewThe Senior Officer or Member market, and Devonport. The Borough of Onehunga. of the Police Force at Oneliunga The Senior Officer or Member The Town District of Papaof the Police Force at kura. Papakura The Gaoler at the Thames .. The Borough of the Thames. The Gaoler at Tauranga The Borough of Tauranga. The Gaoler at Opotiki The Town District of Opotiki. The Senior Officer or Member The Town District of Whaof the Police Force at ngarei. Whangarei The Senior Officer or Member The Town District of Helensof the Police Force at ville. Helensville The Senior Officer or Member The Town District of Dargaof the Police Force at ville. Dargaville The Senior Officer or Member The Borough of Hamilton. of the Police Force at Hamilton The Senior Officer or Member The Borough of Cambridge. of the Police Force at Cambridge The Senior Officer or Member The Borough of Alexandra of the Police Force at North. Alexandra North The Senior Officer or Member The Town District of Te Awaof the Police Force at mutu. Te Awamutu The Senior Officer or Member The Town District of Ngaof the Police Force at Ngaruawahia.. ruawahia The Gaoler at New Plymouth The Borough of New PlyThe Senior Officer or Member mouth. The Town District of Waiof the Police Force at tara. Waitara The Senior Officer or Member The Town District of Opuof the Police Force at nake. Opunake The Gaoler at Napier The Borough of Napier. The Gaoler at Waipawa The Town District of WaiThe Gaoler at Woodville pawa. The Town District of WoodThe Senior Officer or Member ville. The Borough of Hastings. of the Police Force at Hastings The Gaoler at Clyde (Wairoa) The Town District of Clyde The Senior Officer or Member (Wairoa). The Town District of Ormondof the Police Force at ville. Ormondville The Gaoler at Gisborne The Borough of Gisborne. The Gaoler at Wellington .. The Borough of Wellington The Senior Officer or Member and the Town Districts of Kaiwara and Jobnsonville. The Town District of Lower of the Police Force at Hutt. Lower Hutt The Senior Officer or Member The Town District of Feaof the Police Force at therston. Featherston The Senior Officer or Member The Town District of Carterof the Police Force at Carton. terton The Senior Officer or Member The Borough of Greytown. of the Police Force at Greytown The Senior Officer or Member The Borough of Masterton. of the Police Force at Masterton The Gaoler at Wanganui .. The Borough of Wanganui, The Senior Officer or Member The Borough of Marton. of the Police Force at Marton

Officer. District. The Senior Officer or Member The Town District of Bull’s. of the Police Force at Bull’s The Senior Officer or Member The Borough of Feilding. of the Police Force at Feilding The Senior Officer or Member The Town District of Halof the Police Force at Halcombe. combe The Senior Officer or Member The Town District of Foxton. of the Police Force at Foxton The Senior Officer or Member The Borough of Palmerston of the Police Force at North. Palmerston North The Senior Officer or Member The Borough of Hawera. - of the Police Force at Hawera The Senior Officer or Member The Borough of Patea. of the Police Force at Patea The Senior Officer or Member The Town District of Maof the Police Force at naia. Manaia The Senior Officer or Member The Town District of Waverof the Police Force at ley. Waverley The Gaoler at Nelson The Borough of Nelson. The Gaoler at Westport The Borough of Westport. The Senior Officer or Member The Borough of Blenheim. of the Police Force at Blenheim The Gaoler at Picton The Borough of Picton. The Senior Officer or Member The Town District of Haveof the Police Force at lock. Havelock The Senior Officer or Member The Town District of Amberof the Police Force at ley. Amberley The Gaoler at Addington, The Boroughs of Christchurch, Christchurch St. Albans, and Sydenham. The Senior Officer or Member The Town District of Southof the Police Force at bridge. Southbridge The Gaoler at Lyttelton The Borough of Lyttelton. The Senior Officer or Member The Borough of Kaiapoi. of the Police Force at Kaiapoi The Senior Officer or Member The Borough of Bangiora. of the Police Force at Bangiora The Senior Officer or Member The Borough of Akaroa. of the Police Force at Akaroa The Gaoler at Timaru The Borough of Timaru. The Gaoler at Waimate The Borough of Waimate. The Senior Officer or Member The Town District of Temuka. of the Police Force at Temuka The Senior Officer or Member The Town District of Geralof the Police Force at dine. Geraldine The Gaoler at Oamaru The Borough of Oamaru. The Senior Officer or Member The Borough of Palmerston of the Police Force at South. Palmerston South The Senior Officer or Member The Borough of Hampden. of the Police Force at Hampden The Senior Officer or Member The Borough of Hawksbury. of the Police Force at Hawksbury

Officer. District. The Gaoler at Ashburton The Borough of Ashburton. The Gaoler at Dunedin The Boroughs of Dunedin, South Dunedin, Maori Hill, Caversham, West Harbour, North-east Valley, Green Island, Mornington, Roslyn, and St. Kilda. The Senior Officer or Member The Borough of Port Chalof the Police Force at Port Chalmers mers. The Senior Officer or Member of the Police Force at Outram The Town District of Outram. The Senior Officer or Member of the Police Force at Milton The Borough of Milton. The Senior Officer or Member of the Police Force at Mosgiel The Borough of Mosgiel. The Senior Officer or Member of the Police Force at Balclutha The Borough of Balclutha. The Senior Officer or Member The Town District of Kaita of the Police Force at Kaitangata ngata. The Senior Officer or Member of the Police Force at Clinton The Town District of Clinton. The Senior Officer or Member of the Police Force at TaThe Borough of Tapanui. 111 The Gaoler at Lawrence The Borough of Lawrence. The Senior Officer or Member The Borough of Alexandra of the Police Force at Alexandra South South. The Senior Officer or Member of the Police Force at Roxburgh The Borough of Roxburgh. The Senior Officer or Member of the Police Force at Cromwell The Borough of Cromwell. The Gaoler at Arrowtown .. The Borough of Arrowtown. The Senior Officer or Member of the Police Force at Queenstown The Borough of Queenstown. The Gaoler at Naseby The Borough of Naseby. The Gaoler at Invercargill .. The Boroughs of Invercargill, North Invercargill, South Invercargill, Avenal, East Invercargill, and Gladstone. The Senior Officer or Member The Borough of Campbellof the Police Force at Campbelltown town. The Senior Officer or Member The Town District of Maof the Police Force at Mataura taura. The Senior Officer or Member of the Police Force at Gore The Borough of Gore. The Senior Officer or Member of the Police Force at Winton The Borough of Winton. The Senior Officer or Member of the Police Force at Riverton The Borough of Riverton. The Gaoler at Greymouth .. The Borough of Greymouth. The Gaoler at Hokitika The Borough of Hokitika. The Senior Officer or Member of the Police Force at Ross The Borough of Ross. The Senior Officer or Member of the Police Force at Kumara The Borough of Kumara.


Gaol. Name. W'hereTried. When. Offence. Sentence. Native of Trade. Born. a bp £ Complexion. Hair. Eyes. Nose. Mouth. Chin. Remarks and Previous Convictions. Christchurch July 21, 1886 larceny (2 charges)... 2 months’ labour ... Glasgow ... clerk 1856 ft. in. 5 bi fresh dark brown dark hr. long medium medium Two previous convictions. Christchurch Aug. 31, 1886 exposing his person 14 days’ labour N. Zealand jockey i860 5 florid brown hazel medium medium small Lyttelton ... John E. Heaver Chi'istchurch Sept. 7, 1S8G damaging property... 14 days’ labour Heits miller 1853 5 cl fresh light brown grey medium medium medium Scar on left cheek; upper teeth protruding. Lame; left leg has been broken below knee. Lyttelton ... Robert Marlow Akaroa Aug. 21, 1886 false pretences x month’s labour ... Leicestershire baker 1850 5 5i fresh brown grey large small medium Ashburton ... Aug. 17, 1886 Oct. 1, 1883 resisting police 1 month’s labour Limerick... labourer ... shoemaker 1841 S ii f resh black grey long large small Repeatedly convicted. Lyttelton ... Thomas McClelland ... Wellington receiving stolen goods 4 years’ penal servitude England ... 1853 5 7 fresh fair grey long large large Scar on right forearm. Has come to Wellington. Richard Chamberlain Christchurch June 28, 1886 obscene language ... 3 months’ labour ... Devonshire labourer .. 1866 5 6 fresh dark brown dk.grey small small medium Five previous convictions. Lyttelton ... Robert Heller Christchurch Oct. 1, 1883 forgery (4 charges)... 4 years’ penal sendVienna ... teacher ... 1851 5 a fresh _ black hazel medium large medium Has gone to Sydney. Lyttelton ... William Leroy Christchurch Tulv 30.18S6 having no visible 2 months’ labour ... Belfast ... labourer ... 1857 5 8 swarthy dark brown hazel large medium medium means of support fireman ... Lyttelton ... Aug. 25, 1886 Aug. 31, 1886 obscene language ... 1 month’s labour ... London ... 1833 7* fresh dark brown blue broad medium medium One previous conviction. Christchurch embezzlement 1 month’s labour ... London ... butcher ... 1864 5 2j i resh light brown blue medium medium medium Repeatedly convicted. Has gone to Dunedin. Lyttelton ... Edward Adams Dunedin July 7, 1884 housebreaking 3 years’ penal servitude England ... stationer ... 1840 5 4 k pale fair brown large small medium Lyttelton ... Tohn Morgan, alias Rakaia Aug. 2, 1886 illegally on premises 2 months' labour ... Wales labourer .. 1837 “5 4 swarthy dark dark br. long medium medium John Morgan Jones, labourer ... Lyttelton ... Lyttelton ... Sept. 4,1886 July 27, 1886 disorderly conduct .. 1 month’s labour Co. Cork... 1836 7 pale dark brown hazel medium medium medium George Brown Christchurch unlawfully wounding committed for trial... Scotland ... boarding1843 5 71 swarthy dark brown blue large medium broad Admitted to bail. keeper Addington Maud Clements, alias Christchurch Aug. 24, 1886 obscene language ... 1 month’s labour ... Cornwall... prostitute 1866 5 0 dark dark brown dark br. small medium small Four previous convictions. 3 months’ labour ... County Waterford prostitute sallow blue medium Addington Mary Gough Christchurch June 25, 1886 habitual drunkenness 1827 5 5 grey medium short Repeatedly convicted. Addington Isabella Leckie Christchurch June 29,1886 habitual drunkenness 3 months’ labour Manchester prostitute 1853 4 ici sandy, freckled sandy grey medium medium medium Repeatedly convicted. Addington Joseph Lamb Ashburton ... July 16,1886 larceny (4 charges)... 2 months’ labour and Oxford, milk-boy ... 1S71 5 2& fresh brown dk. grey full medium medium Previously convicted. 2 weeks labour N. Zealand Addington Thomas Seatree Christchurch Sept. 27,1886 larceny 48 hours’ labour Cumberland hoardinghouse 1830 5 2$ fresh grey It. blue large medium medium Ring tattooed on second finger of left hand; bald. keeper Christchurch April 2,1886 habitual drunkenness 1 month’s labour ... Co. Down matron 1S39 =; 2l sallow dark brown dark br. medium medium medium Pvepeatedlv convicted. Charles Herbert Baker Christchurch Sept. 27, 1886 larceny 7 days’ labour Sydney ... milk-boy ... 1871 5 7'i dark dark brown brown large medium medium Anchor tattooed on left forearm; scar on forehead; second toe of right foot deformed. Addington Nicholas Smith Christchurch Sept. 27,1886 larceny 7 days’labour Melbourne coffee1869 5 Si fresh dark dk. grey medium medium medium Scar above left knee. roaster Addington August Dupins Christchurch Sept. 27,1886 larceny 7 days’ labour Westport hairdresser 1870 5 Si fresh dark dk. grey prominent wide medium A small cut-mark between third and 14 davs* labour fourth fingers of left hand ; scar near nail on third finger of right hand. Wellington David Kiddil Carterton ... Aug. 24,1886 larceny J fair fair blue medium disturbing a congre14 days’labour > Carterton bushman ... 1864 6 i4 large round Top off right forefinger. gation (cumulative - ) j dark brown Wellington Bessie Pethorpe, alias Wellington Sept. 7,1886 obscene language ... 14 days’ labour N. Zealand prostitute 1854 4 II dark brown Pug large large Wellington William Russell Masterton ... Sept. 9, 18S6 larceny 14 days’ labour England ... cook 1844 5 3 fresh brown dk. blue small medium medium Bracelet tattooed on each wrist and a dark basket of flowers on left arm. Wellington Charles Wood Masterton ... Aug. 24, 1886 larceny 1 month’s labour ... England ... cook 1852 5 6 dark brown medium medium medium One previous conviction. Sailor tattooed on right forearm ; crucifix on back of right arm ; two stars on back of right hand; ring on middle finger of right hand; flags and two cannons crossed on left arm; flowers on back of left Thomas Betts Wellington Sept, to, 1886 illegally on premises 14 days’ labour England ... labourer ... 1839 5 8 fresh light brown blue large medium round Four previous convictions. Wellington Charlotte Butterwili, W ellington Aug. 27, 1886 having no visible 4 weeks’ labour Ireland ... prostitute 1852 5 4 fresh fair blue pug large double Seven previous convictions. means of support fresh black blue medium large Wellington Francis Curry Wellington Sept. 18, 1886 obscene language ... 7 days labour England ... prostitute 1856 5 3 long, crooked Wellington Alfred Gregory Masterton ... Aug. 25,1886 obscene language ... 1 month’s labour England ... labourer ... 1829 s 10 fresh brown It. blue oblique large medium One previous conviction. Sailor and flags tattooed on left arm; cross swords on back of left hand; JC, heart, and arrows on right arm. Wellington Sept. 7, 1886 Sept, is, 1886 assault 2! days’ labour England ... sailor 1855 s 7i dark dark brown large medium medium Star on back of right hand. Wellington Mary Ann White Wellington having no visible 14 days’ labour America ... prostitute 1S61 s Si dark black dark br. large large large thirty previous convictions. means of support fair fair blue medium round VV ellington Louisa Connor Wellington Sept. is. 1886 having no visible 14 days’ labour N. Zealand prostitute 1S6S s 0 pug means of support


Gaol. Name. Where Tried. When. Offence. Sentence. Native of Trade. Born. Height. Complexion. Hair. Eyes. Nose. Mouth. Chin. Remarks and Previous Convictions. Wellington James Wade Wellington Sept. 29, 1886 assaulting police 14 days’ labour N. Zealand coachpainter carpenter 1863 ft 5 111. 4i fresh brown grey medium medium medium Pahautanui Sept. 24, 1886 obscene language ... 7 days’labour Denmark 1840 s 4 dark brown blue oblique medium medium Charles Walker Wellington Sept. 17, 18S6 having- no visible 14 days labour England ... wool-classer lS2I s Ck fair grey blue large large large Two previous convictions. means of support 1 month’s labour Scotland ... 1S51 brown Rakaia Aug. 21, 1886 soliciting alms labourer ... s s fai r blue medium medium round Margaret Doherty Lawrence ... Aug. 26,1886 obscene language ... 1 month s labour ... Ireland ... prostitute 1864 5 3 fresh dark brown hazel medium medium medium Nine previous convictions. Pockpitted ; Joe Lye Lawrence ... Aug. 27, [886 assault 1 month’s labour ... China miner 1861 s 4i swarthy dark dark broad wide medium an upper front topth out. Mark of sore on right forearm and on Lawrence... James J. Chapman ... Lawrence .. Sept. 3, 1886 obscene language ... 1 month’s labour ... N. Zealand labourer ... 1859 s ro fresh dark brown grey medium medium bearded right shin ; thick lips. Anchor tattooed on left forearm and ring on third finger of left hand ; scar John Ryan Hawera Sept. 20, 1886 larceny 48 hours’labour Ireland ... labourer ... 185 1 5 6i sallow brown grey medium medium medium over left eye. N.Plymouth Henry Barlow Manaia Sept. 23, 1SS6 larceny 7 days imprisonment 1 New 1877 3k fair fair medium breaking and entering 7 days imprisonment !■ Zealand 4 grey medium medium A large scar on forehead. (concurrent ) ) John Strean Oamaru Sept. 8, 1886 vagrancy 3 weeks’ labour Scotland ... tailor 1847 5 8 dark black brown medium medium bearded Several previous convictions. Napier Napier Waipawa ... larceny (2 charges)... 9 months labour Ireland ... labourer ... 1843 5 7 dark brown brown medium medium medium William Ryan Taupo Aug. 3, 1886 larceny 3 months’ labour Scotland ... labourer ... 1S66 s 10 dark dark brown brown medium large medium One previous conviction. Scar over right Napier Florence Kelly Waipawa ... July 7, 1886 assault 1 month’s labour and 6 months imprisonment in default of 1 ... shoemaker [839 6 0 fair brown grey medium medium medium One previous conviction. sureties 1 obscene language ... i month’s labour (concurrent) 1 j fair Napier Frederick William Hastings ... Sept. 7, 1886 larceny 14 days’ labour Germany... labourer ... 1849 S 8 brown, turngrey medium medium medium 14 days’labour N. Zealand labourer 1862 dark ing grey Thomas Dormer Napier Sept. 20, 1886 resisting police 6 0 dark grey medium medium medium Napier John McLeod Napier Sept. 20, 1886 resisting police 14 days’ labour Scotland... shepherd ... 1855 5 dark dark brown medium medium medium Bald on top of head. Thomas Jowett Napier Sept. 27, 1886 indecency 7 days’ labour England ... wool-sorter 1831 5 8 fresh brown hazel medium medium medium Dunedin ... Flora Carter Dunedin Sept. 7, 1886 soliciting prostitution 14 days labour Scotland ... prostitute 1844 s 3 fresh light grey medium medium medium Twenty-one previous convictions. Teeth Dunedin ... George Lockhurst, Dunedin July 21, 1886 larceny 2 months’ labour Tasmania bootmaker i S^o 5 2 fresh fair grey medium medium medium out in front of both jaws. Nine previous convictions. alias Luckhurst Scotland... dark Dunedin ... Jane Hooper Dunedin Aug. 23, 1886 habitual drunkenness 1 month’s labour ... widow 1841 5 I black, turnbrown targe small small Two previous convictions. Ellen Sing Lee Lawrence ... assault 1 month’s labour ... Ireland ... married ... 1858 8 fresh light brown hazel medium medium medium Dunedin ... William Holst, alias Pt. Chalmers Sept. 9, 1886 having no visible 7 days’ labour Denmark labourer ... 1848 5 9 pale light brown grey large medium medium Two previous convictions. Has only H alst means of support 1 month’s labour ... Ireland ... labourer ... dark one leg; left wrist enlarged; scar on Dunedin ... Patrick O’Leary Dunedin Aug. 31, 1886 larceny 1862 5 5 dark brown blue medium medium medium Dunedin ... Annie Gardiner Dunedin Aug. 31, 1886 indecent language ... i month’s labour bngland ... married ... 1854 s 5 fresh dark brown hazel medium medium medium Dunedin ... Annie M. Horley Dunedin April 26, 1886 obscene language ... 6 months’ labour Ireland .. married ... 1848 5 3 fresh black grey medium medium medium Twenty-nine previous convictions. Dunedin ... John Howard Dunedin July 3, 1886 obscene language ... 3 months’ labour ... England ... labourer ... i860 5 7 fresh brown hazel medium medium medium Two previous convictions. Scar on right 7 days’ labour Scotland ... 1858 fresh light medium . cheek; large purple birth-mark on left side ; ruptured ; impediment in speech. Timaru Alexander Brown Waimate ... Sent. 17, 1886 damaging property... cook 2 grey medium medium Tattoo-marks on fingers of left hand. Timaru William Lilly Waimate ... Sept. 17, 1886 riotous behaviour ... 14 days labour N. Zealand labourer ... 1806 5 fresh fair grey large medium medium Scar on back of head. Timaru William Walker Waimate ... Sept. 17, 1886 damaging property... 14 days’labour Scotland... cook ■857 5 3 fresh fair blue straight medium small Scar over left eye; woman’s face tatr4 days’ labour Glasgow ... sailor 1843 tooed on left arm. Timaru John Scott Timaru Sept. 20,1886 habitual drunkenness s a fresh fair blue large medium medium Three previous convictions. Bracelet 2 months’ labour labourer ... 1870 sallow dark tattooed on each wrist. Timaru William Worth Timaru July 29, 18S6 Feb. 18, 1881 larceny England ... 5 Ai brown medium medium medium Scar on left leg and on left arm. Mount Cook James Mack Oamaru larceny 6 months’ labour J „ farmxSss Dunedin April 11, 1881 larceny 2 years’ labour i County s 2\ sallow dark brown hazel small, set small smal 1 Left little finger crooked; defect in Timaru June 10, 1881 horse-stealing 5 years penal serviJ- Limerick labourer speech; eccentric habits. Has gone tude (cumulative) J to Dunedin. Mount Cook John Moon Dunedin April 7, 1879 rape on a girl under 10 years’ penal serviEngland ... labourer ... 1858 5 s sallow dark brown grey medium medium medium Ship, crucifix, female’s head, J MOON, ten years of age tude and 60 lashes and compass tattooed on left arm; bracelet on left wrist; rose, sun, moon, stars, cross swords, cross Sags, heart, arrow, SM, two triangles, and clown 3 months’ labour cook fresh black, turnon right arm; slightly ruptured. Has gone to Si dney. Wanganui William B. Winning... Feilding June 30, 1886 stealing from the perScotland ... 1830 5 3i blue medium medium medium One previous conviction. son 14 days’labour mg grey Wanganui William Spooner Feilding Sept. 8, 1886 assault England ... carpenter 1843 5 3i fresh I brown grey medium medium medium


Gaol. Name. ! Where Tided. 1 When. Offence. Sentence. Native of Trade. Born. X bfl *53 X Complexion. Hair. Eyes. Nose. Mouth. Chin. Remarks and Previous Convictions. Wanganui Jeremiah Corney Wanganui ... Sept. 9, 1886 threatening language 9 months’ imprisonment in default of England ... carpenter 1837 ft. in. 5 8 sallow brown blue medium medium medium Repeatedly convicted. Admitted to bail. bail to keep the Wanganui Richard Haywood Charles Debbs Feiiding •Sept. io, 1886 obscene language ... 14 days’ labour England ... labourer ... 1833 - Blenheim ... Sept. iS, 1886 exposing his person 14 days’ labour Scotland... fellmonger 1S34 5 7i sallow dark, turnIt. hazel medium medium medium Scar on left little finger; large bulletInvercargill Robert Mellis Invercargill Dec. 8, 1885 forgery (2 charges)... 12 months’ labour on Scotland ... clerk and 1857 5 9 fresh ing grey dark brown grey medium medium round wind on right thigh. Auckland ... Auckland ... Auckland... Alfred Butler Jessie Wingate Frederick Morgan each charge (concurrent) 1 month’s labour ... 14 days’ labour 28 days’ labour storeman right hand. Mercury Bay Auckland ... Auckland ... Aug. Aug. Aug. 21, 1886 8, 1SS6 26, 1886 obscene language ... habitual drunkenness larceny (2 charges)... N. Zealand Scotland ... England ... bushman ... seaman ... 1856 1841 1839 5 4 10 1 1 5 fresh ruddy pale dark brown grey grey blue blue grey medium medium medium medium medium medium medium medium medium Three previous convictions. Four previous convictions. Scar under left eye; American coat ofarms and moon tattooed on right arm ; Auckland ... Elizabeth Bickerton .. Auckland ... June 24, 1S86 larceny (3 charges)... 3 months’ labour ... Scotland ... 1854 _ crucifix on left arm. John Grogan Auckland ... July 1,1884 perjury 5 years’ penal serviIreland ... labourer ... 1847 5 64 sandy sandy blue medium medium Mole on back of neck. Auckland... Hugh Matheson tude, commuted to 3 years’ penal serviAuckland ... Aug. 25, 1 885 illegally on premises 1 month’s labour ... Australia... conjurer ... 1855 - 6 large medium James Marsh Auckland .. Feb. 16, 1886 assault 1 month’s labour and N. Zealand seaman ... 1864 5 74 fresh, red It. hazel medium medium Flag, MEP, and star tattooed on left 12 months’ imprisonment in default freckled arm; anchor and JM on right arm; bracelet on left wrist; star near right of sureties 10 keep thumb. Auckland... George Anderson Te Aroha ., Aug. 28, 1886 assaulting a constable the peace 1 month’s labour ... England ... platelayer 1858 5 54 sallow dark brown blue crooked medium medium Three previous convictions. HA tattooed on right arm; banner of war, two cannons, and MP on left arm; two scars on forehead, and one on top Auckland... Joseph Robinson Auckland ... Tune 28, 1886 habitual drunkenness 3 months’ labour ... Wales dealer 1838 5 of right shoulder. Auckland... James Reed Auckland ... Sept. 13, 1886 disobedience of orders 1 month's labour ... Scotland seaman ... i860 fresh dark brown light br. broad medium medium Auckland... Charles Spranz Auckland ... Sept. IS,1886 on board ship disorderly behaviour 14 days’ labour Germany... labourer ... 1840 7 f resh dark brown blue flat large medium scars on forehead. Slightly bald; scald-scar down right Auckland... Martin Johnson Auckland ... Sept. 15,1886 disorderly behaviour 14 days’labour Norway ... labourer ... 1852 5 44 swarthy dark brown hazel medium medium medium Three previous convictions. Blind of right eye; dancing-girl, eagle, and American ensign tattooed 0:1 right Auckland... Alexander Stewart ... Coromandel Sept. 23, 1886 indecent language, 7 days’ labour Scotland ... miner 1838 5 5 fresh dark brown blue flat, medium medium arm ; and IMI on right foot. Several small scars on forehead; scar &c. crooked, inclined on nose; hair very thin. Auckland... Edwin Hill Auckland ... Sept. 21, 1886 larceny 10 days’ labour waiter l8=5I 8 black to right Edward Anderson Auckland ... Sept. 30, 1886 larceny 24 hours’ labour Norway ... seaman ... 1863 5 3 fair fair grey medium medium medium Cast in left eye; left arm has been broken; EA and anchor tattooed on back of left hand; EA near right Auckland... Richard Martin, alias Barton Pukekohe ... Aug. 2, 1886 larceny (2 charges).,. 2 months’ labour on each charge (concurrent) 2 months’ labour ... Ireland ... labourer ... 1846 5 2§ sallow dark brown grey medium medium medium thumb. Four previous convictions. Auckland... Alice Stewart Auckland ... Aug. 3, 1886 escaping from lock Ireland ... 1S65 6 fresh, dark brown light br. medium medium medium Auckland ... Auckland... Kate Hinch Percy Freer Auckland ... A U £f. 4, 1886 hospital habitual drunkenness 2 months’ labour ... N. Zealand 1839 4 4 freckled sallow dark brown dk. blue medium medium medium Fourteen previous convictions. Auckland ... Feb. 8, 1886 doing an offensive act 12 months’imprisonN. Zealand oyster-man 1S67 6i swarthy black brown medium medium medium Two previous convictions. to the common aninent in default of noyance of Her sureties Greymouth Matthew Brown Greymouth.,. Sept. 6, 1886 Majesty’s subjects habitual drunkenness 14 days’ labour America ... seaman ... 1835 9 dark grey grey, aquiline medium medium Eleven previous convictions. A wart deep over and one under left eyebrow; two set females tattooed on right arm ; man and woman holding flags on left arm; unfinished ship and boat on left foreHokitika ... Arthur Davis Kumara Sept. 15, 1886 obscene language ... 7 days’ labour England ... blacksmith 185 r 44 fair light brown grey large small medium Bald: scar on crown of head; small scar on bridge of nose; an upper and lower tooth out of left jaw.


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New Zealand Police Gazette, Volume X, Issue 21, 13 October 1886, Page 192

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Extracts from New Zealand Gazette. New Zealand Police Gazette, Volume X, Issue 21, 13 October 1886, Page 192

Extracts from New Zealand Gazette. New Zealand Police Gazette, Volume X, Issue 21, 13 October 1886, Page 192

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