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Extracts from New Zealand Gazette.

(From Gazette, 1886, pages 208, 210, 211, 212, 236, and 237.) Fixing Shooting Season for Deer, License-fee, &c., Nelson District.


IN exercise of the powers vested in me by “ The Animals Protection Act, 18S0,” and “The Animals Protection Act Amendment Act, 1881,” I, William Francis Drummond Jervois, the Governor of the Colony of New Zealand, do hereby notify that deer (bucks or stags only) may be taken or killed within the Nelson District, consisting of the Counties of Waimea, Buller, and Collingwood, from the twentieth day of February, one thousand eight hundred and eighty-six, to the twentieth day of March, one thousand eight hundred and eighty-six, both inclusive (subject nevertheless to the restrictions in the said Acts mentioned). And I do further notify that licenses to take or kill such game within the said district shall be issued on payment of the sum of twenty shillings each, and that licenses to sell such game shall be issued on payment of the sum of five pounds each ; and the Chief Postmaster at Nelson is hereby appointed to issue the said licenses. As witness the hand of His Excellency the Governor, this thirteenth day of February, one thousand eight hundred and eighty-six. P. A. BUCKLEY.

Time for Trout-fishing in Provincial District of Nelson



WHEREAS His Excellency the Governor of the Colony did, by warrant under his hand dated the sixteenth day of September, one thousand eight hundred and eightyfive, make certain regulations for trout-fishing in the Provincial District of Nelson: And whereas one of the said regulations authorizes fishing for trout from the first day of October, one thousand eight hundred and eighty-five, to the twenty-eighth day of February, one thousand eight hundred and eighty-six, and it is expedient that the said period should be further extended:

Now, therefore, His Excellency the Governor, in pursuance of the powers and authorities vested in him by “ The Salmon and Trout Act, 1867,” doth hereby extend the time within which trout may be caught within the Provincial District of Nelson to the thirty-first day of March, one thousand eight hundred and eighty-six. As witness the hand of His Excellency the Governor, this seventeenth day of February, one thousand eight hundred and eighty-six.


Land temporarily reserved. THE following land has been temporarily reserved from sale, and set apart for police and telegraph purposes, viz.:— All that piece or parcel of land containing by admeasurement 7 acres 2 rood 37 perches, more or less, being called or known as Section No. 5 of Block IV., Maketu Survey District, Provincial District of Auckland. Bounded towards the North by the Otumakoro Greek and the Tapati No. 7 Block, 571 links and 72 links ; towards the East by Section No. 7, 1004 links ; towards the South-east by a road, 106-5 links ; again towards the East by a road, 446 links; towards the South-west generally by a road, 91 links, 330 links, 184 links, 101 links, 167 links, 56 links, 310 links, 279 links, and 1095 links: be all the aforesaid linkages more or less. All that piece or parcel of land in the Southland Land District, containing by admeasurement 1 acre, more or less, being Sections Nos. 4,5, 16, and 17 of Block 11., Township of Hirstfield. Bounded towards the North-west by Sections Nos. 18 and 3of said block, 500 links; towards the Northeast by Stafford Street, 200 links ; towards the South-east by Sections Nos. 6 and 15 of said block, 500 links ; and towards the South-west by Surrey Street, 200 links.

Inspector of Weights and Measures, Hauraki District , County of Thames, appointed.

Colonial Secretary’s Office, Wellington, 13th February, 1886. HIS Excellency the Governor has been pleased to appoint Constable Alfred Stanton to be an Inspector of Weights and Measures for the District of Hauraki, vice Sergeant McGrath, resigned. P. A. BUCKLEY.

Clerk of Courts appointed.

Department of Justice, Wellington, Bth February, 1886. HIS Excellency the Governor has been pleased to appoint

Sergeant Florence O’Donovan to be Clerk of the Resident Magistrate’s Court and Principal Clerk of the Warden’s Court at Havelock, from the 15th instant, vice T. M. Lawlor, transferred.

Jos. A. TOLE.

Receiver of Gold Revenue and Mining Registrar appointed.

Mines Department, Wellington, Bth February, 1886. HIS Excellency the Governor has been pleased to appoint Sergeant Florence O’Donovan to be a Receiver of Gold Revenue and Mining Registrar, under “ The Mines Act, 1877,” at Havelock, in the Marlborough Gold-mining District, as from the 15th February, 1886. Jos. A. TOLE, (For the Minister of Mines.)

Police Gaoler appointed.

Prisons Department, Wellington, 15th February, 1886. HIS Excellency the Governor has been pleased to appoint Sergeant Percy Frederick Carlyon to he Gaoler of the Police Gaol at Woodville, vice Constable Motley, transferred

P. A. BUCKLEY, (For the Minister of Justice.)

Land temporarily reserved.

THE following land has been temporarily reserved from sale, and set apart for police purposes, namely:—

All that piece or parcel of land in the Provincial District of Otago, containing by admeasurement 1 acre 1 rood, more or less, situate in the Town of Kurow, and being Sections Nos. 3,4, 5,6, and 7 of Block 11. of said town. Bounded towards the North-west by Section No. 2 of said block, 250 links; towards the North-east by road reserve, 500 links; towards the South-east by Section No. 8 of the said block, 250 links; and towards the South-west by Main Street, 500 links : be all the aforesaid linkages more or less.

Officer under “ The Salmon and Trout Act, 1867,” appointed, Otago.

Colonial Secretary’s Office, Wellington, 22nd February, 1886. HIS Excellency the Governor has been pleased to appoint Constable Michael Hastings to be an Officer under “ The Salmon and Trout Act, 1867,” for the Management and Protection of Salmon and Trout within the Provincial District of Otago. P. A. BUCKLEY.

Ranger under “ The Animals Protection Act, 1880,” appointed, Otago.

Colonial Secretary’s Office, Wellington, 22nd February, 1886. HIS Excellency the Governor has been pleased to appoint Constable Michael Hastings to be a Ranger under “The Animals Protection Act, 1880,” for the District of Otago. P. A. BUCKLEY.

Clerics of Licensing Committees appointed,

Department of Justice, Wellington, 24th February, 1886. HIS Excellency the Governor has been pleased to appoint Sergeant Percy Frederick Carlyon to be Clerk of the Licensing Committees for the Districts of Woodville and Woodville Town, from the 9th instant, vice Constable Motley, transferred ; and Sergeant Florence O’Donovan to be Clerk of the Licensing Committees for the Districts of Havelock and Pelorus, from the 15th instant, vice T. M. Lawlor, transferred. P. A. BUCKLEY, (In the absence of the Minister of Justice.)

By Authority: George Didsbury, Government Printer, Wellington.—lßß6

Name. Offence. Where and when tried. Sentence. By whom arrested. 1885. Jean Joseph, alias Housebreaking ... Supreme Court, Napier, 7 Dec. Bill ignored Sergt. James O’Malley. Jean Paul, alias Marco Paul Victor... j, 3 3 4 years’ penal servitude ... 3 years’ penal servitude (concurrent! Const. Edward Barry. Larceny ” » ,, James Siddells. Louis Victor de ClisHousebreaking ... »» » 2 years’labour Chas. Ocean ThompIndecent assault... „ „ Bill ignored ,, John Forster. William Anderson ... Arson Jan. 3 years’ penal servitude ... Sergt. James O’Malley. Kingi Karauria Perjury ... J) „ 8 Acquitted Committed by Besident Magistrate at W airoa Ohi Hine Kino Eemoving a survey pole on a trignometrical station ,, 3j Nolle prosequi entered Ditto. Hori Tanguru ” Dec. Acquitted Appeared on summons. Enoka te Aoroa Ditto „ „ 9 Invercargill, 8 12 months’ labour on each charge (concurrent) Const. Henry Fretwell. Eobert Helles Forgery and uttering (2 charges) ” Dec. James Patrick Casey Forgery and uttering ,, ,, 8 and 9 Dec. 3 years’ penal servitude ... ,, Samuel Stacey. Detec. James W. Ede. Bridget Campbell ... Arson Bound over in two sureties of £100 each to appear at the next sittings of Supreme Court. Two juries before whom the case was tried could not agree to a verdict James Doleman Administering a noxious thing with intent to procure abortion ” Gisborne, 14 Dec. 5 years’ penal servitude ... Appeared on summons. Wi Piripi Manu Horse-stealing ... ,, j, j_3 6 months’ labour Const. John Farmer. Larcenv... ,, 3, 3, Nolle prosequi entered ,, David Shaw. William Henry Holland Ditto Forgery and uttering » ” 2 years’ labour Larceny as a bailee » » 99 12 months’ labour (concurrent) J) 99 Thomas Wilson Larceny ... ,, Timaru, ,, Bill ignored 2 years’labour ,, George E. Bowers. John Hill ... Horse-stealing ... ,, 99 Detec. Maurice O’Connor. George Vaile False pretences ... ,, 3, 3, Acquitted Appeared on summons. James Willis Forgery and uttering ,, j, ,, 18 months’ labour Const. Bartho. Sheehan. Albert Hoskins Stealing from a dwelling ... j, „ 15 Dec. ,, Wm. Willoughby. Sergt. Francis H. Morice. Henry Palmer Unlawfully wounding a cow ” 1886. ” Herbert Allendale, alias John Williams Escaping from custody ... 9 Wellington, 5 Jan. 2 years’ penal servitude, commencing at the expiration of previous sentences Gaoler P. S. Garvey and Gaol- warders J. P. Swan and D. Eeardon. Frederick Middleton, alias Harvey, alias » ” *» '» Ditto Ditto. Gordon Cornelius Tall, alias Larceny , ,, Acquitted Const. J. Kennedy. Humphries Eichard Wickham ... ” ” ” ” 2 years’ labour Detec. W. L. Chrystal and Const. G. Stewart. Ah Get Fraudulent bankruptcy ... ,, „ 5 and 6 Jan. 12 months’ labour Detec. William Campbell. Bridget Wickham ... Eeceiving stolen property and larcenv ” ,, 6 and 7 Jan. Acquitted Detec. W. L. Chrystal and Const. G. Stewart. George Barrett Burglary... }J Christchurch, 5 Jan. 12 months’ labour Chief-Dect. Thomas Neil. John Hill... Larceny as a bailee of horses ” ” 99 5 years’ penal servitude concurrent with previous sentence Detec. Maurice O’Connor. William Harrison ... Arson , 3 years’ penal servitude ... Const. Thomas Drake, Wm. Tyrone Ferrar... Embezzlement ... ,, ,, Acquitted Percy Hampson Stealing from the person ... „ ,, Bill ignored ,, P. Kenny. George Stubbs Eape 3, ,3 Acquitted ,, John Martyn. Emma Juncker Abandoning her infant child 3 3 3, 33 1 day’s imprisonment ,, William Lawlor. Henry Fitzsimmons... Attempted rape ... ,, ,, 33 Acquitted 12 months’labour... Sergt.-M. W. T. Mason, Sarah Hazlehurst Larceny... ,, 3, ,, Const. C. H. Colborne. James Dungan, alias Stealing from a dwelling ... ,, ,, 3 years’ penal servitude ... „ Andrew Morgan. Malcolm Christian Frank Daly... Embezzlement ... 3, ,, Jan. Acquitted Sergt. J. W. Ellison. John Stead... Bestiality ,, Dunedin, 5 Bill ignored Const. Thomas King. Stephen Stamp HutEmbracery » » » Detec. Eobert Bain. Eobert Dickson Embezzlement ... 3 years’ penal servitude ... 5 years’ penal servitude on each charge (concurrent) Joseph Bland Embezzlement (2 charges) ” ” •» ’’ Frederick HenryKessler John Martin Larceny as a bailee ,, ,, ,, Acquitted 4 years’ penal servitude on each charge 1 month’s labour ,, Embezzlement (3 charges) » 5) » Dectec. Alex. Henderson. Larceny... Eeceiving stolen property 33 Const. Bern. McLaughlin. Alice Clayton ,, 3, 3, 6 months’labour ... Walter Ernest Harris ,, ,, 33 ,, Sergt. Ewen Macdonell. Thomas Noonan Indecent assault... ,, „ 6 Jan. Acquitted Margaret Brown Murder ... 3, „ 8 Jan. 33 „ Michael J. Geerin, Charles Anderson ... Unlawfully wounding ,3 ,, 3, 3 months’ labour ... Henry Cracknell ,, ,3 3, 3, Charles Eowland Conspiring to cheat ,, „ 9 Jan. 2 years’labour Detec. Alex. Henderson. William Wilson, alias Tracey William Hanlon » » » » » Unlawfully wounding Auckland, 6 months’ labour ... Const. Frederick Wild. Frederick Harris, alias Johnson Horse-stealing and larceny ” ” ” 12 months’ labour on each charge (concurrent) 9 months’ labour ... „ A. McKnight. Hoani Tengiha Cattle-stealing ... ,, j, jj Sergt. Eobert J. Gillies. Const. William Kelly. George Eawson Larceny... ,, ,, „ 6 months’ labour ... John Meehan Attempted rape ... » » 6 months’ labour and 25 Matukaroa... Housebreaking and larceny 3 , ,, 5 and 6 9> Jan. Acquitted ,, William Goughian, Consts. Charles O’Keilly and Alexander McGilp. Eitete Poi ... Horse-stealing (2 charges) and housebreaking and larceny John Wilson Douglas Parsonage > Forcible entry 3, „ 6 Jan. Bill ignored Appeared on summons. Arthur Slaney ) Edward Downing Arson ,, ,, ,, 3 3 Const. Douglas Gordon, William Bennett Forgery (2 charges) „ 3, Jan. 18 months’ labour Detec. Eobert E. Jones. Eichard Bowden Malicious injury to property !„ 7 Bound over in two sureties of £25 to come up for sentence at next sittings of court Const. Frank Hansen. Thomas Dodd Ditto ,3 Ditto John Considine Eobbery with violence ,, „ ,, 12 months’ labour ,, Thomas Kelso.


Name. Offence. Where and when tried. Sentence. By whom arrested. 1886. Const. Thomas Kelso. Jeremiah Driscoll ... Bobbery with violence Supreme Court, Auckland, 7 Jan. 12 months’ labour John WiJliam Henry Larceny... 9 months’ labour ... „ James VV. jyioar. Subritzky Detec. Eichard Doolan. Edward Lewis Forgery... ,, ,, 8 Jan. 6 months’ labour ... Stephen March Cutting and wounding Fined £5 Appeared on summons. Thomas Murray Forgery and uttering , J9 f9 Bill ignored 6 months’labour ... Const. Charles O'Eeiily. William Murray Detec. J. J. Tuohy. Harry J ohnstone, Stealing from a warehouse Acquitted alias G-lassen ,, Bobert B. Jones.' 1 Arthur John Fisher... Uttering counterfeit coin (3 charges) ” 4 months’imprisonment ... Arthur Dewson Cutting and wounding District Court, Palmerston N., 28 Jan. 6 months’ labour ... Sergt. John McMahon. William Higgins, alias James Price, alias Inflicting grevious bodily harm 3 years’ penal servitude ... Const. Henry H. Carr. John O’Brien Const. Alexander Crozier. John Boyle... Perjury ... ,, Wanganui, 24 Feb. 3 months’ labour ... Joseph Webb, alias Larceny as a bailee Acquitted Appeared on summons. Weakley Detec. James W. Ede. Ah Pee Stealing gold from a tail- ,, Invercargill, 25 Feb. Acquitted George Tomlinson ... Assault ... 99 99 99 Fined 10s. and ordered to pay £20 as compensation to prosecutor. Appeared on summons.


Gaol. Name. Where Tried. When. Offence. Sentence. Native of Trade. CP 0 3 Height. Complexion. Hair. Eyes. Nose. Mouth. Chin. Remarks and Previous Convictions. Dunedin ... Mary E. Grant Dunedin Dec. 19, 1885 insufficient lawful 6 weeks’ labour Ireland ... prostitute 18S7 5 1 fresh fair blue medium medium medium One previous conviction. Eliza Harding means of support Dunedin ... Dunedin Oct. 30, 1885 insufficient lawful 3 months’ labour ... Ireland ... prostitute 1848 fresh grey grey medium medium medium Forty-four previous convictions. means of support Dunedin ... John Martin Dunedin Jan. 5j 1880 larceny 1 month’s labour ... Malta seaman ... 1S33 5 7i swarthy black, turnbrown large medium medium Scar on bridge of nose; slightly bald; ing grey tree and man and woman on right upper arm ; crucifix, ship, and woman Dunedin ... Andrew Gordon on right forearm ; man, woman, coatDunedin Jan. 23,1886 embezzlement (4 14 days’ labour on Scotland.. farm1865 5 7i fresh brown hazel medium medium medium of-arms, and liberty on left arm. charges) each charge (concurrent) 28 days’ labour labourer Dunedin ... Thomas Wright Outram Jan. 9,1886 obscene language (2 Ireland ... farm1845 5 8i fresh fair grey long medium medium One previous conviction. Right leg Andrew Murray charges) labourer broken above ankle; sandy beard and moustache. Dunedin ... Dunedin Oct. 6, 1879 rape 15 years’ penal serviScotland ... draper 1830 3 S fresh light brown grey medium medium medium Bald ; scar on right side of neck. Transtude ferred to lunatic asylum. Dunedin ... John Carroll Palmerston Tan. 28, 1886 illegally on premises 14 days’ labour 7 days’ labour on Ireland ... shepherd... 1836 D It fresh grey grey medium medium medium Transferred to lunatic asylum. Wairoa ... Aparama Wairoa Jan. 28, 1886 larceny (2 charges),., N. Zealand labourer ... i860 5 9i copper black brown large, flat medium medium A small red spot over right eye. each charge (concurrent) Gisborne ... George T. Hulsten ... Gisborne ... Jan. 28, 1886 obscene language, &c. 8 days’ labour England ... labourer ... 1832 5 3 fair red grey medium medium medium


Lyttelton ... Walter Love Ashburton ... Dec. 10, 138s disorderly conduct... 2 months’ labour 2 months’ labour butcher ... 1836 6 fresh dark blue medium small small Lyttelton ... Charles White Ashburton ... Dec. 10, i88s larceny baker 1853 3± sallow brown grey large medium medium Mark of cut on right cheek. Lyttelton ... Frederick Frail Lyttelton ... Tan. 13, i886 larceny fireman ... 1857 fresh brown hazel large medium medium Lyttelton ... Robert Nesbitt Kaiapoi Nov. 14. 1885 disobeying a mainte3 months’ labour Co. Armagh dealer 1843 5 44 fresh dark brown dk. blue wide large full Four previous convictions. Lyttelton ... William Scott Ashburton ... Jan. 22, 1886 nance order obscene language ... 1 month’s labour County labourer ... 1840 5i fresh dark brown blue large medium medium Previously convicted. D on left breast; Lyttelton ... William Hulst Lyttelton ... Nov. 21, I88S obscene language ... 3 months’ labour Waterford labourer ... 1848 9 f resh brown blue long medium medium scar on.forehead. One previous conviction. Right leg off. Addington Ann Prouse Timaru Nov. 17, 1885 having no visible 3 months’ labour Co. Kerry laundress 1849 5 fair dark brown blue large large medium Blind of left eye; scars on nose, foreAddington Ellen Finnigan Timaru Nov. 17, 1885 means of support having no visible 3 months’ labour Co. Kerry general ’•833 5 3 fair fair blue large large small head, and left cheek. Addington Mary Ann Douglas ... Christchurch Feb. 13, 1886 means of support larceny habitual drunkenness 7 days’ labour 14 days’ labour servant matron ... 1836 - 0 fresh brown dk. blue large large small Four previous convictions. Addington Eliza Chappel, alias Trengrove .John Atkins Christchurch Feb. 8, 1886 London ... cordwainer 1849 5 Si dark dark brown hazel medium medium medium One previous conviction. Nelson Motueka ... Tan. 19,1886 8, 1886 abusive language ... 1 month’s labour labourer ... 1S43 5 4H ruddy grey hazel large medium medium Bald ; JA on right forearm. Nelson Michael Murphy Nelson Feb. having no visible 14 days’ labour Ireland ... labourer ... 1842 S 74 swarthy grey It. hazel snub medium round Two previous convictions. Scat on top Wellington Edward Coughlin Wellington Jan. 12, 18S6 means of support assault 28 days’ labour England ... fireman ... 1851 5 7i dark brown blue medium medium medium of head; round face. Crucifix on right arm; ship on left arm ; Wellington William Arnold Wellington Jan. 13, 1886 larceny 28 days’ labour Wales ... labourer ... 1826 5 54 fresh dark brown blue flat, large medium woman on left leg. One previous conviction. Crucifix on Wellington Caroline Cameron Wellington Jan. 11, 1886 having no visible 1 month’s labour Ireland ... prostitute 1846 5 54 dark dark, turnIt. grey broken medium medium medium left arm ; bullet-wound on left thigh; scar on left shin. Six previous convictions. Wellington Carrie Davies Wellington Feb. 8, 1886 means of support obscene language ... 7 days’ labour prostitute 1870 4 0 fresh ing grey fair blue P,ug medium medium Wellington Cornelius Tall Wellington Jan. 15, 1886 obscene language ... 30 days’ labour England ... labourer ... 185s 5 44 pale light brown grey thick set small full Several previous convictions. Crucifix Wellington John Jorden Masterton ... Feb. 4, i885 larceny labourer ... 1S36 S 9i fresh brown blue medium medium medium and IH RI on left arm ; mark of abscess on back, opposite kidneys. Wellington John McCann Wellington Jan. 2, 1877 rape 32 years’ penal serviIreland ... labourer ... 1827 5 5 fair grey blue medium large medium Bald on top of head ; D under left arm ; Wellington W ellingfon Alexander Henry King Peter Hughes Wellington Wellington Feb. [Fob. 11, 1886 11, 1886 larceny wilful damage tude and 60 lashes 7 daj's’ labour 7 days’labour Adelaide ... England ... fireman ... 1S71 1848 4 104 84 sallow fair brown fair dk. blue blue straight turned up medium full pointed full several marks from cupping under right ribs; left ankle has been broken ; walks lame. Wellington Hon, alias Ataria te Gisborne ... Dec. 8, 18S4 horse-stealing 18 months’ labour N. Zealand labourer ... 1868 5 8 copper black brown flat large medium Wellington August Auckland Wellington Feb. 8, 1886 resisting police 14 days’ labour Sweden ... sailor 1S63 s ei fair fair blue small medium medium Flags and heart on left arm; American Wanganui Harry Bennett Vowles Wanganui ... Sept. IS, 1885 embezzlement 6 months’ labour England ... clerk 1864 5 9 fair light brown blue sharp medium medium flags and l J AE on right arm. Scar below right knee and on back of Wanganui John Neary Feilding Feb. 6, 1886 unlawfully trespass7 days’ labour N.Plymouth labourer ... 1864 s s sallow dark brown hazel medium medium medium both hands; mole on both sides. Mark of cut on right thumb and forefinger. Three previous convictions. Wanganui John Day Wanganui Feb. 9, 18S6 10, 1886 ing habitual drunkenness 7 days’imprisonment England ... labourer ... 1831 5 84 fresh brown blue pointed medium bearded Wanganui Robert Belfit Feilding Feb. obscene language ... 7 days’ labour England ... labourer ... 1863 5 84 fresh light brown blue medium medium medium Mark of cut on left knee.


Gaol. Name. Where Tried. When. Offence. Sentence. Native of Trade. Born. H eight, j Complexion. Hair. Eyes. Nose. Mouth. Chin. Remarks and Previous Convictions. Wanganui Annie Hislop Wanganui., Jan. 18, 1886 having no visible 1 month’s labour ... Ireland ... barmaid ... 1859 ft. in. 5 2 sallow dark bi-own hazel medium medium medium Burn-mark on right cheek and on inside Wanganui Emma Meredith Wanganui ... Feb. 13,1886 indecent language ... 7 days’ labour England ... charwoman 1844 ■ 5 2 sallow brown, turnblue medium medium full Two previous convictions. N .Plymouth Iwi Opunake ... Jan. 9, 1886 larceny 1 month’s labour ... N. Zealand labourer ... 1864 5 6i copper black brown medium medium medium IK on left arm ; mole on left shoulder; scar across breast. N .Plymouth N. Plymouth John Roberts Albert Gavey N. Plymouth N. Plymouth Feb. April 3,1886 30, 1885 assault forgery 7 days’ labour 12 months’ labour ... England ... Ireland ... farmer labourer ... 1845 1866 s 5 4 4 sallow fresh brown black ... blue grey medium medium medium medium medium medium Scar on right thigh ; humpbacked. Scar on right thigh and on left cheek; two anchors on left arm. Napier Napier Thomas Watson Frederick Lawrence ... Waipawa ... Napier Jan. Jan. g, 1886 26, 1886 damaging property... playing with dice at 1 month’s labour ... 14 days’labour Ireland ... England ... compositor bookmaker 1832 1824 S s oh 4 fair fair grey turning grey hazel grey medium medium medium medium medium medium Flag and heart on right arm. Napier Napier James Low William Clements Napier Jan. 13, 1886 illegally on premises 1 month’s labour ... England ... shoemaker 1859 s 7 dark brown grey medium medium medium Napier Jan. 18, 1886 disorderly conduct ... fined £2 and costs, ox14 days’ labour New labourer ... 1861 5 fresh brown grey medium medium medium resisting and assault14 days’ labour Zealand ing a constable (cumulative) Napier John Ryan Napier Nov. 19. 1885 damaging property... assaulting a constable fined £5 and costs, or 2 months’ labour fined £10 and costs, or 3 months’ labour ► Ireland ... sailor 1856 s 8 fair brown brown medium medium medium Napier John Happy Napier Jan. 20, 1886 indecent behaviour... (concurrent! 1 month’s labour ... ' reland ... blacksmith 1843 s 6 fresh grey blue medium medium medium Two previous convictions. Two stars and a haif moon on breast. Napier Napier Napier Sarah Mcjurey ThomasCuneen James Thorne Hastings ... Porangahau Napier Auckland ... Jan. Nov. Feb. Dec. 1, 1886 12, 1885 IS, 1885 29, 1885 obscene language ... illegally on premises larceny larceny (4 charges)... 14 days’ labour 3 months’ labour ... 7 days’ labour 6 weeks’labour Ireland ... Ireland ... N. Zealand Ireland ... married ... labourer ... labourer ... married ... 1841 1838 1866 i860 s s s 5 4 10 7 4i sallow fresh dark fresh turning grey sandy brown dark brown grey grey brown dark br. medium medium medium medium medium medium medium medium medium medium medium medium Auckland... John Driscoll Auckland ... Sept. 4, 1885 illegally on premises indecent assault 3 months labour ... 6 months’ labour ... "i New ' Zealand England ... blacksmith 1869 s 6 fresh black brown prominent medium medium Auckland... Henry Williams Auckland ... Feb. 4, 1886 larceny (concurrent) 7 days’ labour seaman and labourer 1857 s 3i fresh dark brown hazel medium medium medium Star on back of left hand; tip off thumb and first and second fingers of left hand; blind of left eye; an upper front tooth out. Auckland ... Charles E. Stewart, Auckland ... Aug. 28,1885 false pretences ... 6 months’ labour ... England ... labourer ... 1842 s Si fresh light brown hazel medium medium medium Repeatedly convicted. Auckland ... alias McBrierty Arthur Crawford Auckland ... Dec. 12, 1885 having no visible means of support robbery with violence 2 months’ labour ... England ... labourer ... 1859 s ih pale dark brown dk. grey small, medium medium Two previous convictions. Auckland... Albert Wright Auckland ... Oct. 1, 1883 3 years’ penal servitude England ... boatman ... 1861 5 ej fresh light brown hazel medium medium medium One previous conviction. Anchor, three dots, and bracelet on right arm; horse’s medium head and AW on left arm; scar on left foot; “ M. McCormack ” on left arm ; lame in right leg. Auckland ... Sydney Barnes Auckland ... jan. 30,1886 assaulting a constable 14 days’ labour England ... butcher ... 1862 5 7 fresh black It. hazel large large Dot tattooed on left arm; marks of small-pox on right arm. Auckland ... Frederick Blake Auckland ... Jan. IS, 1886 larceny 1 month’s labour ... England ... fireman ... 1869 s si dark black brown long, medium medium One previous conviction. Auckland... Mortis Hamed, alias .Auckland ... Feb. 1,1886 indecent language ... 14 days’ labour Persia ... confectioner 1867 s 43 dark black dark br. large medium medium Small-pox marks on both arms. Auckland... Ahmed Timothy Donovan Auckland ... Feb. 8, 18S6 obscene language ... 7 days’ labour Ireland ... miner 1825 s id fresh black, turnbrown prominent large medium “ Pagoda ” on both forearms. Auckland ... Benjamin Sutherland Auckland ... Jan. 17, 1883 stealing from a ship 4 years’ penal serviScotland... labourer ... 1857 s II fresh dark brown blue medium medium medium Scar on left thumb; left arm pai-tially paralyzed. Auckland ... Louis Meyer Hamilton ... Jan. 16, 1886 fraudulent represen1 month’s labour on Switzerland 1869 s 6i sallow dark brown blue prominent large medium tations (2 charges) each charge (conAuckland ... Alice McDowell Auckland ... Feb. e, 1S86 indecent language ... current) 7 days’ labour Ireland ... laundress 1851 s 3i fair brown grey medium medium medium Anchor, half moon, three stars, and WJYVN on left hand. Auckland... John Shiers Auckland ... Nov. 37,1SS5 larceny 3 months’ labour ... England ... labourer ... 1830 5 9 swarthy grey brown large lai-ge large Several previous convictions. JS and SS on right arm; HS and flower on left arm. Repeatedly convicted. Auckland ... Joseph Fry, alias AdolOnehunga ... Jan. C, 1886 larceny ... 6 weeks’labour Switzerland labourer ... 1858 S 4i fresh light brown grey small, medium medium Auckland ... phus Gloor Thomas McManus ... Auckland ... Jan. 18,1886 assaulting a constable 1 month’s labour ... N. Zealand labourer ... 1864 5 6 sallow black dk.grey medium medium medium Ring tattooed on middle finger of right Auckland... Finlay Clarke Mercury Bay Jan. 19,1886 obscene language ... 1 month’s labour ... Scotland ... fisherman 1842 S C 3 sandy, freckled light brown blue medium medium medium Cross, sun, moon, and seven stars on left arm ; “ From rocks and sands and barren lands” on right arm. Auckland... Oswald Hertzog Auckland ... July 6, 1885 false pretences 9 months’ labour ... Germany,.. cabinet18.31 5 si fair fair blue medium medium medium Scar on right wrist. Auckland ... John Riddle, alias J. C. Allen Auckland .. July 6, 1885 larceny 9 months’ labour Ireland ... ironmonger 1859 S 10 sallow light brown grey ■ medium medium medium


Gaol. 1 Name. Where Tried. When. Offence. Sentence. Native of Trade. Born. Height. Complexion. Hair. Eyes. Nose. Mouth. : Chin. Remarks and Previous Convictions. Auckland ... John Brady William Bibby Auckland ... Tu!v 6, 188^ larceny as a bailee ... 9 months’ labour ... Ireland ... carpenter 1832 ft. in. 5 85 swarthy grey hazel medium medium medium Several previous convictions. Auckland... Auckland ... tuiy 6, 1885 breaking and entering 9 months’ labour England ... labourer ... 1843 5 4 fresh sandy hazel medium medium medium Sixteen previous convictions. Auckland... Charles W. Langstone Auckland ... July 6, 1885 false pretences 9 months’ labour ... England ... veterinary 1849 5 Ah fair fair blue medium medium medium Auckland ... Thomas Kelly Dargaville ... Oct. 29, 1885 iarceny 4 months’ labour ... Australia... bushman... 1832 5 Si very black, turndark br. medium medium medium Scar on left side of nose; crucifix, JHS, Auckland... Huaraki Mercer Jan. 22, 1886 larceny 1 month’s labour ... 1 New bushman ... 1SG7 5 9 dark copper ing grey black dark br. broad large medium and anchor on left arm; star on back of left hand; TK on right arm. Admitted to bail.; eargill Richard Burke I nvercargill April 23, 1885 horse-stealing fraudulent bankcommitted for trial... 12 months’ labour ... J Zealand Galway ... labourer ... 1827 5 9 swarthy dark brown, hazel broad medium round Mark of boil on right side of neck and Invercargill Frederick Rowe Invercargill Jan. 25, 1886 ruptcy larceny 14 days’ labour Cornwall... upholsterer 1843 5 A\ sallow turning grey dark brown dark br. large medium small mark of cut on left hand. Two previous convictions. Scar on back Arrowtown James Wilson Queenstown Feb. 4, 1886 obscene language ... 14 days’ labour Scotland... labourer ... 1862 5 Ah florid sandy blue medium large medium of left hand. Dunedin ... Peter Lang Dunedin Jan. 26, 1886 larceny 14 days’labour Scotland ... labourer .. 1838 S « swarthy light brown, hazel medium medium medium Blue mark on bridge of nose; scar on Dunedin ... Samuel Wilson Pt. Chalmers Oct. 19, 1885 larceny 4 months’ labour ... England ... lumper ... 1844 S 5 fresh turning grey light brown grey medium medium medium left cheek and on right wrist; two upper front teeth out. Three previous convictions. Heavy Dunedin ... Dunedin ... Henry F. Smith, alias F. Love James Allen Dunedin Oamaru Dec. 14, 1885 Jan. 20, 1886 larceny as a bailee ... larceny insufficient lawful 1 month’s labour ... 1 month’s labour ... (cumulative) - 1 month’s labour ... j-England Scotland ... watchmaker cook and 1829 1821 5 7 5 9 fresh fresh dark brown, turning grey grey grey grey broken medium medium medium medium^ medium eyebrows ; two smaii moles on right side of chin; small mole 011 right cheek near nose. W Oman on left arm; scar on upper lip and under right eye; full dark-brown beard. Looks about thirty-seven years of age. Oamaru ... Patrick James McGarl Oamaru Jan. 29,1886 means of support larceny 12. days’labour Ireland ... baker labourer ... 1862 5 -is fresh brown grey medium medium medium One previous conviction. Mark of cut Gisborne ... Karawa Takina Gisborne ... Tan. 16,1886 obstructing police ... 30 days’ labour N. Zealand labourer ... 1866 5 9i copper black brown medium medium medium over both eyes; lump on forehead; bald spots on back of head; emblems of faith, hope, and charity on right arm. Gisborne ... John Smith Gisborne ... Jan. 22, 1886 having no visible 30 days’labour Ireland ... labourer ... 1830 S Ah fresh brown brown medium medium medium Two previous convictions. Crucifix tatGisborne ... George Campbell, alias Gisborne ... Feb. j, 1886 means of support false pretences 7 days’labour England ... gardener ... 1858 5 4$ sallow grey blue medium medium medium tooed on right arm. Hokitika ... Allright George Simpson Grey mouth Jan. 19,1886 obscene language ... 21 days’ labour Ireland ... expressdriver miner 1845 5 9 fresh brown blue straight medium medium One previous conviction. Hokitika ... William Hunt Kumara Nov. 11,1883 illegally on premises 3 months’ labour England ... 1836 s 3J pale light brown It. blue large large medium Bald. Hokitika ... Henry Boyle Greymouth Jan. 12, 1886 assault 1 month’s labour Ireland ... labourer ... 1853 5 Ci fresh fair blue medium medium small Large scar on palm of left hand. Hokitika ... George Grant Hokitika ... Oct. 19, 1883 stealing in a dwelling 4 months’ labour ... Scotland ... miner 1850 5 7i fresh brown brown medium medium small One previous conviction. Scar on bridge of nose. Opotiki .... John Hudson . Opotiki i Feb. 1, 1886 larceny 2 days’ labour N. Zealand cook 1873 4 1 sallow black dark br. flat medium medium


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New Zealand Police Gazette, Volume X, Issue 5, 3 March 1886, Page 40

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Extracts from New Zealand Gazette. New Zealand Police Gazette, Volume X, Issue 5, 3 March 1886, Page 40

Extracts from New Zealand Gazette. New Zealand Police Gazette, Volume X, Issue 5, 3 March 1886, Page 40

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