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Extracts from New Zealand Gazette.

(From Gazette, 1883, pages 515, 516, and 519 ) Special Licensing District constituted.

Wh. F. DRUMMOND JERYOIS, Governor. ORDER IN COUNCIL. At the Government House, at Wellington, this eighteenth day of April, 1883. Present: The Honourable the Minister of Lands presiding in Council.

In pursuance and exercise of the powers and authorities vested in him in that behalf by “The Licensing Act, 1881,” and “The Licensing Act Amendment Act, 1882,” His Excellency the Governor, by and with the advice and consent of the Executive Council of the Colony of New Zealand, doth hereby proclaim and define the District of Thermal Springs, as described in the Schedule hereto, to be a special licensing district under the aforesaid Acts.

SCHEDULE. Thermal Springs,

All that piece or parcel of land situated in the Horohoro and Tarawera Survey Districts, Provincial District of Auckland, containing by admeasurement about 3,200 acres, moi’e or less, and being called or known as Te Pukeroa-o-Ruawhata Block. Bounded towards the North-east by Rotorua Lake, from the mouth of the Utuliina to the mouth of the Puarenga Stream ; thence towards the East and South-east by the Puarenga Stream aforesaid to Rua-kio-koko; thence towards the South-west and South by lines, 6960 links and 8614 links, to Ngatautara Pa; and thence towards the West by a line, 2395 links, to Te Rere and the Utuhina Stream to the point of commencement: be all the aforesaid linkages more or less. FORSTER GORING, Clerk of the Executive Council.

Prison Officers appointed.

Prisons Department, Wellington, 17th April, 1883. His Excellency the Governor has been pleased to make the following appointments :

Constable Patrick Herbert to be Police Gaoler at Grahamstown, vice Sergeant-Major Kiely; and Constable James McAlister and Mrs. McAlister to be Police Gaoler and Matron respectively at Oamaru, vice Constable Hackett and Mrs. Hackett.


Fixing Shooting Season for Native and Imported Game License Fee, Sfc., Lake District.


In exercise of the powers vested in me by “The Animals Protection Act, 1880,” and “The Animals Protection Act Amendment Act, 1881,” I, William Francis Drummond Jervois, the Governor of the Colony of New Zealand, do hereby notify that hares and Californian quail may he taken or killed within the Lake District, being all that area comprised in the Lake County, from the first day of May, one thousand eight hundred and eighty-three, to the thirty-first day of July, one thousand eight hundred and eighty-three, both inclusive (subject nevertheless to the restrictions in the said Acts mentioned). And I do further notify that licenses to take or kill such game within the said district shall be issued on payment of the sum of twenty shillings each, and that licenses to sell such game shall be issued on payment of the sum of five pounds each ; and the Postmaster at Queenstown is hereby appointed to issue the

said licenses. And I do further notify that native game (excepting tuis) may be taken or killed within the said district from the second day of April, one thousand eight hundred and eighty-three, to the thirty-first day of July, one thousand eight hundred and eighty-three, both inclusive. As witness the hand of His Excellency the Governor, this eighteenth day of April, one thousand eight hundred and eighty-three.


Cleric of Licensing Committee appointed.

Department of Justice, Wellington, 23rd April, 1883. HIS Excellency the Governor has been pleased to appoint Sergeant William Emerson to he the Clerk of the Licensing Committee for the District of Waitoa, vice Constable 11. Graham.


By Authority: Geobgb Didsbtjbt, Government Printer, Wellington.—lßß3,

Gaol. Name. Where Tried. When. Offence. Sentence. Native of Trade. Born. Height. Complexion. Hair. Eyes. Nose. Mouth. Chin. Remarks and Previous Convictions. Auckland ... John McFarlane ... Kopuru Mar. s, 1883 vagrancy 1 month’s labour ... Scotland... labourer ... 1857 ft. 5 in. 7 fair fair blue medium medium Auckland... Susan Duneen Auckland ... Mar. 7, 1883 vagrancy 1 month’s labour ... Ireland ... 1820 5 3, sallow grey brown medium medium Auckland... Samuel Holt Auckland ... Mar. 29, 18S3 assaulting his wife ... 6 mo s imprisonment England... carpenter 1843 5 5* fresh brown blue medium medium Admitted to bail. in default of bail Auckland... Felix Kersten Auckland ... Mar. 31, 1883 larceny 7 days’ labour Germany steward ... 1853 S 2i sallow dark brown grey medium medium medium American coat-of arms on left arm. Gisborne ... Kahia Gisborne ... Mar. 7, 1883 larceny 30 days’ labour IN. Zealand 1862 S 10* dark black brown medium medium Hokitika ... Gavin Shanks Hokitika ... Sept. 16,18S2 unshipping prohibited goods unshipping prohibited goods 6 mo s imprisonment Scotland... seaman ... i860 s 9 fair light brown blue medium medium medium Good-looking. Hokitika ... Peter Nelson Hokitika ... Sept. 16,1882 6 mo’s imprisonment Norway ... seaman ... 1852 s 8* fair fair blue sharp, slightly small medium Bald; speaks English. Hokitika ... Louisa Pett, alias O’Brien John White Kumara Mar. 8,1883 vagrancy 1 month’s labour ... Ireland ... matron ... 1829 s 5 fresh black dk.grey crooked crooked large broad Ten previous convictions. Freckled. Hokitika ... Ahaura Feb. 9,1883 assaulting a constable 2 months’ labour ... Ireland ... miner 1847 5 Si sallow brown blue long small medium One previous conviction. Scar on nose near eyebrows; scar on left temple; crucifix, bracelet, cross, and anchor, 6 months’ labour ... England... Hokitika ... Ada Clifford Hokitika ... Nov. 1, 1882 vagrancy prostitute 1859 4 II dark brown brown pug small medium Two previous convictions. Three marks 14 days’ labour Ireland ... fair light Reefton ... Alexander McDowell Reefton Mar. 2J, 1883 vagrancy carrier ... 1848 5 9i grey pug medium medium Four previous convictions. Right little finger crooked. RETURN OF PRISONERS REPORTED AS DISCHARGED FROM GAOLS DURING THE FORTNIGHT ENDED 21ST APRIL, 1883. Dunedin ... George J. Baxter ... Tapanui Nov. 15, 1882 false pretences 6 months’ labour ... England... labourer ... 1830 5 11 fresh dark brown hazel large medium medium Three previous convictions. Scar on Dunedin ... Joseph Antonio Dunedin ... Jan. is, 1SS3 larceny (2 charges) 3 months’ labour ... Portugal... cook 1855 S 3 swarthy dark brown grey medium medium medium nose. Curly hair. Dunedin ... Stephen O’Shea ... Lawrence ... Jan. 22,1883 vagrancy 3 mo’s imprisonment f Ireland ... fresh illegally on premises 3 mo’s imprisonment (concurrent) 2 months’ labour ... labourer ... 1794 S 3 grey grey large medium medium Two previous convictions. fresh Dunedin ... John Doyle Cromwell ... Feb. 23, 1883 assault Ireland ... carpenter 1839 S dark brown hazel medium medium medium One previous conviction. Pockpitted; large scar on right side of forehead; Dunedin ... Robert Kent Dunedin ... Mar. 12, 1883 obscene language ... 1 month’s labour ... England ... labourer ... 1856 s 6\ fresh black grey medium medium medium squints. Dunedin .., Frank Seymour Dunedin ... April 16,1883 false pretences 7 days’ labour England... clerk 1861 s 7 fresh brown grey medium medium medium One previous conviction. Dunedin ... Jane Mason Dunedin ... Oct. 18, 1882 larceny 6 months’ labour ... England... prostitute 1835 5 1 fresh dark brown grey medium medium medium Twelve previous convictions. Large Ireland ... prostitute 1857 fresh burn-mark under lip and on neck; Dunedin ... Mary Connolly Dunedin ... June S. 1882 vagrancy 12 months’ labour ... S 4 brown grey medium medium medium Dunedin ... Amelia Mary Shaw Nasebv Dec. 13, 1882 vagrancy (2 charges) 4 months’ labour ... Victoria ... 1853 S 3 fresh black hazel medium medium medium Dunedin ... Jemima Duncan ... Dunedin ... April 7,1883 disorderly conduct... 7 days’ labour 1 month’s labour ... Dunedin... prostitute 1862 4 11 fresh dark brown hazel medium medium medium Wanganui John Bygrove Foxton Mar. 10, 1883 obscene language Ireland ... labourer ... 1843 5 Si dark brown, curly blue small small medium Crucifix on right arm; two dancing girls on left arm; half bracelet on left and resisting police turning grey Wellington Joseph Batten Wellington Mar. 30, 1883 larceny 14 days’ labour England... cook 1864 5 si fair light blue small small small wrist. Scar on right hand and left leg. Wellington Henry Ellis Wellington Mar. 20,1883 obscene language ... 1 mo's imprisonment N. Zealand labourer... 1854 S 0,3 dark dark brown hazel medium medium medium Three previous convictions. in default of bail fresh Addington Annie McKenna .. Christchurch May 30, 18S2 larceny 14 days’ labour Scotland... servant ... 1R61 S 4, black blue medium medium medium Several upper front teeth out. Addington Elizabeth Lynch, Christchurch April 6,1883 obscene language ... 7 days’ labour Ireland ... servant ... 1047 S ii fresh dark brown hazel large large medium Repeatedly convicted. alias McKay fresh Addington Henry Hamblin Christchurch Jan. is, 1883 vagrancy 3 months’ labour ... England ... labourer ... 1847 5 4* brown blind medium medium medium Repeatedly convicted. Addington George Smith Christchurch Jan. 17, 1833 assaulting his wife ... 3 months’ labour ..., England... farmer ... 1828 s si swarthy black blue large large bearded Scar above left knee; upper front teeth Addington Ellen Danby, alias Christchurch Nov. 11, 1S82 larcenv 6 months’ labour ... Ireland ... prostitute 1850 s 3 fresh black dk. blue medium medium medium Six previous convictions. Parkson, alias Parkinson fresh Addington Sarah Hazelhurst ... Lyttelton ... Christchurch April 13,1883 breach of the peace 7 days’ labour England ... matron ... 1855 s ii brown blue medium medium heavy Addington Annie Wharton April 16,1883 breach of Contagious 7 days’ labour England... prostitute 1845 4 9i bloated black hazel pug medium heavy Repeatedly convicted. Diseases Act fresh Addington Elizabeth alias MarLyttelton ... Mar. 21,1S83 vagrancy i month’s labour ... Ireland ... matron ... 1840 5 4 black brown medium medium medium Two previous convictions. garet McGuire Waimate ... Timaru ... Luke O’Brien Mar. is, 1883 cruelty to a horse ... fined £5, or 14 days’ ) labourer ... 1862 dark black labour y Ireland... 5 6 hazel medium medium round Anchor and five-pointed star on left Mar. 17, 1883 larceny 14 days’ labour (cumulative) 14 days’ labour ) shoemaker dark arm; scar on left knee. Timaru ... William Smith, alias Timaru April 4, 1883 larceny Dunedin... 1353 S 7 black dark br. medium large round Two previous convictions. Unfinished William Percy letters on right arm; half ring on both Smith middle fingers.


Gaol. Name. Where Tried. When. Offence. Sentence. Native of Trade. Born. Height. Complexion. Hair. Eyes. Nose. Mouth. Chin. Remarks and Previous Convictions. Timaru ... Timaru Jane Currie Thomas Newell Timaru Timaru April 14,1883 April 19,1883 habitual drunkenness placing stones on a 7 days’ labour committed for trial... Ireland ... N. Zealand married ... bootmaker 1849 1869 ft. 5 5 in. 3i 2 sallow sallow black dark ... hazel grey medium medium medium medium round round One previous conviction. Admitted to bail. Picton Thomas Peyton Blenheim ... Mar. 15,1883 illegally on premises 4 weeks’ labour Ireland ... labourer ... 1S43 5 fresh dark, turning grey brown hazel straight small round Nelson Francis James HodgNelson April 17,1883 larceny committed for trial... N. Zealand bank clerk 1859 S 7 dark grey small small round Admitted to bail. An unfinished triangle on left arm. Invercargill son Alfred Harper Invercargill June 22,1882 cutting and wounding 12 months’ labour ... England ... sailor 1858 S 6 fair fair hazel large large round Mark of cut on right eyebrow; mole on left cheek; two crosses on right arm; medium five dots on right hand. Invercargill William De La Invercargill Mar. 38,1883 habitual drunkenness 14 days’ labour England... draper ... 1844 5 3 sallow dark brown grey medium medium Eight previous convictions. Cut on right eyebrow; right collar - bone Roach medium broken. Invercargill Thomas Keefe Invercargill April 16,1883 obscene language ... 7 days’ labour Ireland ... labourer ... 1859 5 7 fresh dark brown grey medium medium Star on right hand; tree on left arm; blue dot on left hand. Oamaru ... Martin Anderson ... Oamaru Mar. 30,1883 refusing to work on board ship refusing to work on board ship obscene language ... 14 days’labour Norway ... seaman ... 1835 5 sallow fair grey medium medium medium Crucifix, cross, and anchor, &c., on left Oamaru ... Oamaru ... Luil Berg Martin Shea Oamaru Oamaru Mar. 30,1883 April 12,1883 14 days’ labour 7 days’ labour Norway ... Ireland ... seaman ... labourer ... 1856 1830 5 5 63 5 sallow swarthy light brown black, turning grey dark brown grey hazel medium medium medium medium medium medium Anchor and cross, LB on right arm, LB on right hand; anchor on left hand. Oamaru ... John Vaughan Oamaru Mar. 24,18S3 disobeying a maintenance order manslaughter 1 month’s labour ... Ireland ... labourer ... 1840 5 lo| sallow grey long medium medium One previous conviction. Squints with left eye. Hokitika ... Frederick Symonds Hokitika ... Mar. 18,1880 4 years’ penal servitude England... miner 1843 5 fair light brown grey large medium broad medium square medium medium medium Three previous convictions. Rings on wrists; man and ship on right forearm ; round-shouldered ; scarcely any whiskers; formerly a sailor. Hokitika ... Reefton ... Clyde Lyttelton ... Lyttelton ... Tulia Bramston Matthew Brown ... Ah Quang Peter Hagland Hugh O’Neil Kumara Reefton Clyde Christchurch Christchurch Mar. 12, 1883 Mar. 24, 1883 Nov. 16, 1882 Jan. xo, 1883 Feb. 12,1883 larceny vagrancy mining without a license larceny disobeying an order of Court obscene language ... 1 month’s labour ... 21 days’ labour 1 month’s labour ... 3 months’ labour ... 2 months’ labour ... England... America... China Sweden ... Scotland... prostitute sawyer ... miner labourer ... labourer ... 1832 1840 1833 1850 1844 5 S 5 S 3 3 10 6 3* sallow dark olive fresh fresh black grey black dark brown dark brown dark br. blue black It. grey small, dk. grey crooked straight medium long straight small large medium medium small One previous conviction. Repeatedly convicted. Previously convicted. Previously convicted. Top off right middle finger. Lyttelton ... George Beals Lyttelton ... Mar. 13, 1883 1 months’ labour ... England ... seaman ... 1833 S 7* fresh light brown It. blue prominent small medium Anchor and heart oh right arm ; bracelets on wrists; heart on left hand. Lyttelton ... Lyttelton ... Samuel Noble William Andrews ... Lyttelton ... Lyttelton ... Mar. 27, 1883 April 7,1883 ship-desertion larceny 1 month’s labour ... 7 days’ labour England ... England ... seaman ... seaman ... 1S60 1S64 S 5 2l 8 1 fresh fresh black black hazel grey medium small, medium small medium medium Scar on right hip. Mark of cut under right eye. Lyttelton ... Henry Lloyd Lyttelton ... Jan. 22,1883 refusal of duty on board ship larceny obscene language ... 12 weeks’ labour ... England... seaman ... 1857 5 6* fresh black brown small medium medium Left arm contracted. Lyttelton ... Lyttelton ... Thomas Rickens ... Richard Sparks Christchurch Lyttelton ... Nov. 11, 1882 April 10,1883 6 months’ labour ... 7 days’ labour England ... England... labourer ... seaman ... 1831 1856 5 5 fresh fair black fair . ■ light br. dk. grey large small large small medium medium Mark of cut on left cheek-bone. “ R. H. Sparks,” two flags, &c., on right arm; woman, two flags, &c., on left 6i 4| 83 medium medium medium medium arm ; star on right hand. Lyttelton ... Lyttelton ... Lyttelton ... Lyttelton ... John Smith Charles Price Joseph Bush James Stewart Lyttelton ... Lyttelton ... Lyttelton ... Lyttelton ... April 10,1883 April 12,1883 April 6,1883 April 6,1883 obscene language ... ship-desertion disobeying orders on board ship disobeying orders on board ship absent from ship without leave larceny 7 days’ labour 7 days’ labour 14 days’ labour 14 days’ labour Scotland... England ... Germany Scotland... seaman ... ship steward seaman ... seaman ... 1864 1843 '837 1862 5 S S s fresh fresh fair fresh light brown dark brown sandy light brown It. blue light br. It. blue brown small prominent large broad large medium medium medium Mark of stab on right side of chest. HP, star, and anchor on left arm. Britannia on left arm. Lyttelton ... Michael Power Lyttelton ... Mar. 30 1883 1 month’s labour ... Ireland ... seaman ... 1847 s 6 fresh light brown It. blue pointed medium medium Auckland... William Wear Mongonui... Feb. 27,1SS3 6 weeks’ labour England... engineer ... 1841 s fair grey grey medium medium medium Crucifix on right arm; anchor on left arm; rings on two fingers of left hand medium and on one of right hand. Auckland ... William Elder Auckland ... Jan. 13,1883 larceny (3 charges) 3 months’ labour ... Scotland... slater 1833 s 4* fresh brown blue broken medium Nine previous convictions. Wart beAuckland... Edward Piercy Auckland ... Feb. 14, 1SS3 larceny 2 months’ labour ... N. Zealand sailor 1836 5 S3 copper dark brown brown medium medium medium A half-caste. JANE, heart, and cross on left arm ; FRP on right arm. Auckland ... Auckland... Thomas Kennedy ... Tames Dilworth.a/iar Auckland ... Auckland ... Mar. 14,1883 Mar. 31, 1883 damaging property obscene language ... 1 month’s labour ... 14 days’ labour Victoria ... Ireland ... boatman ... labourer ... 1852 1826 5 5 7 9 fresh sallow sandy grey hazel grey medium medium medium medium medium medium Seven previous convictions. Freckled. Two previous convictions. Two Ds on Auckland... Auckland... Thomas Jackson Anne Hogan William H. Crossley, Auckland ... Auckland .. April 12,1883 Feb. 19,1883 vagrancy vagrancy 7 days’ labour 2 months’ labour ... Ireland ... Ireland ... telegraphist 1841 1837 5 5 2 8J swarthy fresh dark brown light brown brown hazel medium medium medium medium medium medium Eight previous convictions. Thirteen previous convictions. Auckland... Auckland... alias Harry Clifford Mary Brown Edward Williams, alias Peter Newton, alias William Auckland ... Whangarei Sept. 4,1882 Mar. 20, 1883 vagrancy vagrancy 9 months’ labour ... 1 month’s labour ... Ireland ... Australia groom 1833 1855 S 5 23 si fresh fresh black brown brown blue medium medium medium medium medium medium Forty-five previous convictions. Four previous convictions. Right arm has been broken; cataract in right eye; squints. Walsh, alias Charlie Jones, &c.


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New Zealand Police Gazette, Volume VII, Issue 9, 2 May 1883, Page 78

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Extracts from New Zealand Gazette. New Zealand Police Gazette, Volume VII, Issue 9, 2 May 1883, Page 78

Extracts from New Zealand Gazette. New Zealand Police Gazette, Volume VII, Issue 9, 2 May 1883, Page 78

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