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Extract from Victoria Police Gazette.

From Gazette , 1882, pages 115, 129, and 130.) Julius Scherff, alias H. F. Mueller, and believed to be identical with H. F. Hansen, is charged on warrant with obtaining £2O by false representations from Karl Van Damme, tobacconist, Sandhurst, on the 3rd instant. Description: German, speaks English fluently, forty to forty-five years of age, 5 feet 10 inches high, slight build, sunburnt, but fair complexion, sandy whiskers, beard and moustache turning grey, whiskers neatly cut; wore brown sac-coat, wide light trousers, and drab felt hat; carries a riding-whip, and is of gentlemanly appearance and address. He is supposed to have come from Queensland recently, and to have committed similar frauds there.—O. 2430. —l7th April, 1882.—Julius Scherff, for obtaining money by false pretences from Karl Van Damme and others, is likely to make for New Zealand, and, should he do so, will in all probability resort to the same mode there of obtaining money. —O. 2430.—30th April, 1882.

£IOO Reward. —A warrant has been issued against Peter Emil Wceke, for stealing, on or about the 20th February, 1882, a bill of exchange for £420, the property of Messrs. C. C. Brochner and Co., of High Street, Hull, corn merchants, with whom he was cashier until he absconded on the 4th March. The following is a descciption of Weeke: About forty-five years of age, but looks older, about 5 feet 7 or 8 inches high, he stoops and is rather bow-legged, features pointed, very near and weaksighted, has generally worn spectacles, hair very thin, whiskers and beard longer than in portrait filed at the Detective Office, which was taken twelve years ago, moustache, all turning grey; has a wen on the corner of one eye —thought to be the right one, also scars behind the ears and whiskers, owing to recent application of blisters. The above reward will be given to any person who may give such information as will lead to Weeke’s apprehension, and a further sum will be paid if such apprehension shall lead to the recovery of funds or property, of which he has abstracted a large quantity. — Rollitt and Sons, Solicitors, Hull, and 12, Mark Lane, London, E.C. —O. 2789. —2rd May, 1882.

By Authority : Gbobsb Didsbcby, Government Printer, Wellington.—lßß2,

Name. Offence. Where and When Tried. Sentence. By Whom Arrested. 1832. Const. Francis McAnultv Benjamin Bousfield Assault occasioning grievDistrict Court, Palmerston N 28 Feb. 2 months’ labour ... ous bodily harm „ Thomas Bourke. Thomas Gaffney, alias Stealing from a shop ,, Timaru 16 Mar. 2 years’labour John Smith, alias Appeared on summons. James Smith Assault with intent to do Supreme Court, Lawrence 21 „ Bill ignored Patrick Butler, alias grievous bodily harm Attempted rape ... 21 Acquitted 8ergt.-Major S. Moore. Const. A. J. Bamford. Silas Gibson Wilful and malicious injury District Court, Reefton 23 3 years’ penal servitude ... Oswald S. Brodie to property Attempted suicide ,, Wanganui 27 » Bound over to keep the peace for 12 months in £106, and two sureties of Sergt. Adam Bissett. £30 each Joseph Thompson ... William Henry Maxwell Rolles Patterson yy yy 27 1 month’s imprisonment ... Const. Foster Leek. Larceny ... » 27 » Acquitted Detec. L. D. Benjamin. Cutting and wounding ,, Invercargill 28 3 months’ labour ... Const. Patrick Maher. Ellen Price ... yy yy 28 Acquitted ... . . ,, Patrick Bowman. Matthew Macready ... Attempted suicide ,, Oamaru 31 3 months’ labour ... ,, C. McCanghran. Elizabeth McKenzie Keeping a house of ill-fame Supremo Court, Wellington 31 Acquitted ,, Andrew Christie. John Bourke Attempted rape on a girl 3 April Bill ignored ,, Patrick Fleming. Margaret Credon Lucy under 12 years of age Larceny ... 3 Acquitted Detee. W. L. Chrystal. John Smith, alias Attempted rape ... >y yy 3 ,, Bill ignored Const John Bird. ,, Patrick Fleming. James Robert Hsury Embezzlement ... yy yy 3 James Anderson Receiving stolen property Forgery... yy yy 3 ,, 2 years’ labour Detec. L. D. Benjamin. Julias Ctesar Huys- » 3 » ” » Robert Samuel HickAttempted rape on a girl yy yy 4 yy Acquitted ... ... „ W. L. Chrystal. ling Ellen Fuller under 12 years of age Arson 5 5 years’ penal servitude ... Const. Maurice O'Connor. John Charles O’DoStealing from the person ... yy yy 6 ,, Acquitted Detec. L. D. Benjamin. noghuo Patrick O’Shaunesy Aggravated assault ,, Christchurch 3 Bound over to appear at Const. Robert Neill. and John Keller next sessions. Prosecutor did not appear ,, William Rouse. Matthew McAllura, Stealing from the person... jj yy 3 18 months’ labour alias Smith Edward Thomas Breach of “Regulation of 3 To come up for sentence Appeared on summons. when called upon Sergt. William Gilbert. William Hart Rape yy yy 3 8 years’ penal servitude and 60 strokes Charles James Emmett Indecent assault ... 3 jj 3 years’ penal servitude and Const. Thomas Whitly. 20 strokes Arthur Sutton Indecent assault oil a child “ yy yy 3 » 1 labour and 30 „ William Hill. Alexander Johnston, False pretences ... >y yy 3 Acquitted „ Maurice O’Connor. alias Adam Johnston, alias Frank Mansfield Alfred Simpson Conspiring to defraud yy yy 3 yy >> )) James Wyvill yy yy 3 *i 3 years’ penal servitude ... J> M John O'Brien Stealing from a dwelling ... yy yy 3 jj >> » Same 3 Nolle prosequi ,, William Waring. John Gilpin Assault occasioning bodily harm Arson » 3 2 years’labour James Wright 3 Discharged ) Sergt. W. T. Mason and 3 Detee. John Neill. Eliza Harris Infanticide ,, Dunedin 3 Acquitted Detec. John Neill. Hugh Murray 3 ,, Robert Bain. Gilbert McCaul 3 7 years’ penal servitude .. Sergt. John Rooney. John Elder ... House-breaking and larceny 3 2 years’labour Const. Walter B. Young. Robert Findlay Attempted suicide 3 Bill ignored Sergt. J. O’Connor. Arthur Taine 3 Prosecution abandoned ... Appeared on summons. Maggie Duncan Forgsry and uttering 3 2 months’ imprisonment ... Act.-Sergt. R. Moore. Frederick Gilbert ... Forgery and uttering (2 ,, »» 3 3 years’ penal servitude on Detec. Terence O’Brien. charges) each charge (concurrent) ,, J. M. Walker. William Dobson WalAssault and robbery yy yy 4 ,, 12 months’ labour ker James II . Adams 4 Acquitted ” J. W. Ede. Frank Oliver Larceny ... 4 6 months’ labour ... Same Larceny as a bailee 4 ” Nolle prosequi entered Const. James Kennedy. Philip McBarran > > >> 4 Acquitted James Henderson ... Forgery and uttering 5 12 months’ labour ,, Christopher Conn. John Jackson, alias Assault with intent to rob >i y y 5 Acquitted ,, William O’Neill. Patrick Synott, John Connell, and William Riordon 6 Appeai'ed on summons. Philip Wa’ldmann ... Arson and attempted arson » 12 ” Found guilty. Sentence deferred pending appeal Detee. Alex. Henderson. Charles D. Hitchcock Libel 21 Found guilty. Bound over Appeared on summons. to come up for sentence when called upon George Bennett ... Stealing from a dwelling ... „ Auckland 3 Adjourned until next sesConst. M. O’Connor. James Bloomfield ... Breaking and entering (2 3 7 years’ penal servitude on Sergt. John Fleming. each charge (concurrent) Const. John Strathern. Thomas William BoulForgery and uttering (2 ,, ,, 3 10 years’ penal servitude on ton charges) and larceny as a bailee each charge 2 years’labour James McCauley, alias Stealing from a dwelling ... „ yy 3 yy y> yy McCullogh Margaret Phillips, „ 3 Acquitted yy y> alias Mary Watt Frederick Zaue Larceny (4 charges) „ 3 „ 2 years’ labour on each ,, John S. Bernard. charge (concurrent) ,, Nicholas Marsh. Te Ropiha, alias Pilea Horse-stealing yy yy 3 jj 6 years'penal servitude We Hare ... Horsestealing and maliyy yy 3 jj 5 years’ penal servitude on ,, Piri Kaite. ciously wounding a horse each charge (concurrent) ,, Maxwell Walker. Robbery with violence yy yy 4 jj 2 years’labour ,, 4 jj 3 years’ penal servitude ... Sergt. Andrew Clarke. 3i ,, 4 jj Acquitted Const. C- Hammond. James It. Kershaw ... Breach of Arms Act » 4 » Imprisoned until the rising „ Henry Tatton. John Sheppard Stowel] William McLean Forgery and uttering Attempted rape ... yy » yy yy 4 4 yy Bill ignored 3 years’ penal servitude „ Jonas A. Abrams. „ John Strathern. Grove Yowles Cattle-stealing ... yy yy 4 Acquitted ... Same » 5 18 •• 2 years’ labour ... ( Acquitted ... f ,, William Murray. Same ” (3 charges) 18 » Nolle prosequi entered )


Name. Offence. Where and When Tried. Sentence. By Whom Arrested. Rachael Volan Bigamy ... Supreme Court, Auckland 1882. 5 April 12 months’ labour Const, John Strathern. Thomas Sims, alias Simpson, alias Rickard O. Brigstock Forgery and uttering ... 5 ,, 3 months’ labour ... ChaiTes A. Martin .. Receiving stolen property it >) 0 ,, 9 months’ labour ... Sergt. Richard Gamble. Michael Ryan Indecent assault... 0 ,, 6 months’ labour ... Detcc. George Jeffery. Mikaere te Papa Manslaughter it '» 15 ,. Penal servitude for life Const. George Hastie. Joseph Merrick Arson 17 ,, Acquitted Detec. Samuel Brennan. Elizabeth Dnrrah Bigamy ... District Court, Blenheim 18 „ 12 months’ labour Const. John Strathern. Alexander Fowler ... False pretences ... Stealing in a dwelling 5 „ 18 months’ labour ,, Percy Groom. Frederick Jackson Supremo Court, Hokitika 13 „ Detec. Patrick Quiun. Humphries John Burns Unlawfully wounding ,, Wanganui 25 ,, 12 months’labour Const. Alfred Stanton. Frederick Dreyer Ii.decent assault ... 25 „ Acquitted Sergt. Adam Bissett. John Dawson Forgery and uttering 25 „ 15 months'labour Detec. L. D. Benjamin. Alexander McKenzie Personation , . 25 ,, Bill ignored 18 months’labour Appeared on summons. Rohou Horse-stealing ... Embezzlement .. 2(1 „ Const. John Coyle. Charles Todd 2(1 „ Acquitted 9 months’ labour .. ,, John Burrow. Patrick Gaughran ... ' SS 26 „ ,, John Coyle. Same Larceny as a bailee 26 „ Iiaraipi te Puke Uttering a forgery 27 „ 6 months’ labour ... ,, Alfred J. Mitchell. William Dodds Forgery... 37 ,, 12 months’ labour Detec. George Jeffrey. Reuben Bason Inflicting grievous bodily harm Assault with intent to do » 28 „ 2 years’labour William Imrie District Court, Queenstown 23 „ Acquitted Sergt. P. F. Carlyon. John Hennighan grievous bodily harm Breaking out of a lock-up Supreme Court, New Plymouth 1 May 9 months’ labour ... Detec. George Jeffrey. Same Horse-stealing ... 1 „ Acquitted Sergt. P. B. Cahill. Tom Richardson 1 >, Const. John Burrow. Patrick Conway 1 ,, Bill ignored ... 9 months’ labour ... James Neary Larceny... 2 Jf ,, Alexander Crozier. Mary Jane O'Sullivan Concealment of birth 2 12 months’ labour Sergt. John Donovan. John William Freeman False pretences ... 2 „ Bill ignored ,, John Duffin. A party of Constabulary. Wiremu Hiroki Murder ... ,, ,, 3 and 4 „ Death Same House-breaking ... ,, „ 3 and 4 „ Nolle prosequi entered Te Oti Maliciously wounding 5 „ Acquitted ,, James Young Henry 5 „ 1 month’s labour ... Sergt. A. M. Moon, Joseph Gardner Pannell Titokowaru and Te Indecent assault ... » 6 „ Acquitted Const. W. H. Ryan. Obstruction under the West 3 „ Nolle prosequi entered A party of Constabulary. liangi Puahoaho Edward Spademan ... Coast Settlements Acts Horse-stealing ... 3 „ 18 months’ labour Const. James A. Connell. Edwin Barry Attempted larceny from the a •> 8 ,, 3 months’ labour ... Sergt. P. B. Cahill and William Rickard person Horse-stealing ... 0 ,, 9 months’ labour ... Coust. J. A. Connell. Sergt. P. B. Cahill. George Lacey, alias Larceny... »> ,, 9 ., 2 years’ labour ... Const. P. H. Forster. Charles Williams William Gallagher ... Manslaughter „ .,»,10, &11 „ Acquitted Sergt. P. B. Cahill. James Johnston Perjury ... ;.. District Court, Westport „ Reefton 15 ,, 12 months’ labour ,, J. Barrett. Sydney Welch 15 ,, 12 months’labour ,, Charles L. Neville. John Cox ... Uttering a valueless coin ... 19 „ Acquitted


Gaol. Name. Where Tried. When. Offence. Sentence. Native of Trade. Born. Height. Complexion. Hair. | Eyes. Nose. Mouth. Chin. Remarks and Previous Convictions. Auckland... Archibald McKenzie Auckland ... April ii, 1882 larceny (3 charges) 21 days’ labour Scotland... labourer ... 1855 ft. in. S swarthy dark brown brown medium medium medium Two anchors and VA on left arm; female on right arm. Auckland... William Smith, alias Hyde, alias ClarkThames Feb. 3, 1882 larceny (2 charges) 3 months’ labour ... England ... labourer ... 1845 5 5 fresh brown grey medium medium medium Eight previous convictions. Wart on right wrist. son, alias Swaby, alias Hutchison April 3,1882 April 26,1882 1 month’s labour ... N. Zealand horse-br’ker 1862 5 9* copper black brown medium medium medium HINEHOU on left breast. vagrancy 7 days’ labour ... 3 years’ penal scrviN. Zealand 1849 5 3, sallow brown blue medium medium medium Twenty-five previous convictions. Auckland... Frederick 3. Duval Auckland ... Jan. s, 1880 forgery Normandy surgeon ... 1840 6 o£ fresh light brown blue medium medium medium Ten previous convictions. Bullettude fair medium medium wound on left chin ; mark of stab on left thigh. Auckland... George Cooper, alias Auckland ... Nov. 4, 18S1 larceny (2 charges) 6 months’ labour ... N. Zealand jockey ... 1S65 5 1 fresh grey medium Four previous convictions. Scar on calf sallow blue medium medium of right leg. Auckland... Albert Carroll Auckland ... Mar. 6, 1882 larceny 2 months’ labour ... Ireland ... shoemaker 1846 5 n brown medium Four previous convictions. Birth-mark black brown medium medium on right leg. Auckland... Herepete Pahu, alias Herepete Tamati Mongonui ... Mar. 7, 1882 larceny (2 charges) 2 months’ labour ... N. Zealand labourer ... 5 copper medium F'emale skipping arid NEW ZEALAND, on right arm; RAPATA, &c., on left arm: female on right blue medium medium breast; scar on right cheek. Auckland... William J. Yondle... Auckland ... April 8,1882 assault 1 mo’s imprisonment England ... butcher ... 1842 5 3$ fresh fair dark brown medium medium medium Auckland... Alfred Rabin Thames April S, 1882 damaging property 1 month’s labour ... England ... sailor i860 5 9 fresh grey hazel medium medium Ship in full sail on right arm ; lump under right ear ; scars on head. light brown medium medium Auckland... John Smith, alias Te Awamutu Oct. 25,1880 vagrancy 21 months’ labour ... England... clockmaker 1837 5 2 fresh Five previous convictions. Bulletsailor sallow brown hazel medium medium medium wound on left arm. Auckland... Karl Larsen Auckland ... April 20,1882 breach of Merchant 3 weeks’ labour Norway ... 1S60 S (51 Three scars on right breast, and one on Shipping Act sallow light brown blue medium medium medium left ankle. Auckland... Nels Nelson Auckland ... April 20,1882 breach of Merchant 3 weeks’ labour , ... Norway ... sailor 1859 5 5! NG on left hand; anchor on right Shipping Act black dark flat large medium hand. Wairoa ... Ra Wairoa May 3,1882 obstructing a Govt. fined £5 and costs, or N. Zealand 1861 4 s copper Fine and costs paid. surveyor 2 months’ labour black medium medium medium Wairoa ... Mere Wairoa May 3,1882 obstructing a Govt. fined £5 and costs, or N. Zealand 1863 5 1 copper grey Fine and costs paid. surveyor 2 months’ labour black dark large medium medium Wairoa ... Te Ohuka Wairoa May 3, 1882 obstructing a Govt. fined £i and costs, or N. Zealand 1840 5 <5 copper fine and costs paid. surveyor 2 months’ labour RETURN OF PRISONERS REPORTED AS DISCHARGED FROM GAOLS DURING THE FORTNIGHT ENDED 20th MAY, 1882. Dunedin ... James Shearer Tapanui Mar. 10,1882 stealing from the per2 months’ labour ... Scotland... hammerman 1844 5 9 fresh dark brown grey medium medium medium Four previous convictions. Scotch thistle on back of right hand. Dunedin ... Alfred Smith, alias Dunedin ... May 8,1882 larceny 7 days’ labour Tasmania cabinet1842 S 6 fresh black grey large medium medium Left wrist has been broken. maker light brown medium medium medium George Humphreys Dunedin ... April 10,1882 vagrancy 1 month’s labour ... Victoria ... labourer ... 1857 5 9 fresh grey -• * Dunedin ... Archibald McIntyre Pt. Chalmers Jan. 17,1882 ship-desertion 14 days’ labour 'J assault assaulting police ... 12 weeks’ labour ... 14 days’ labour > Scotland seaman ... 1856 5 6 fresh dark brown hazel medium medium medium Basket of flowers on right arm. Dunedin ... May 12,1882 breach of the peace (.cumulative) 7 days’ labour Victoria ... labourer ... 1838 5 10 fresh dark brown grey medium medium medium Three scars on right arm. Dunedin ... April 18,1882 larceny 1 month’s labour ... England ... barmaid ... 1863 5 3 sallow black hazel medium medium medium Five previous convictions. Dunedin ... Feb. 20, 1882 vagrancy 3 months’ labour ... Ireland ... 1829 5 3 pale black grey medium medium medium Oamaru April 11,1882 vagrancy 1 month’s labour ... England... prostitute 1853 3 4 pale dark brown hazel medium medium medium Oamaru April 14,1882 vagrancy 1 month’s labour ... N. Zealand prostitute 1849 S 3 fresh black hazel medium medium medium Eleven previous convictions. Dunedin ... April 12,1882 soliciting prostitution 1 month’s labour ... Scotland... prostitute 1843 5 1 fresh black hazel medium medium medium Dunedin ... Mary O’Neill Dunedin ... May ii, 1882 obscene language ... 6 mo’s imprisonment Ireland ... married ... 1852 5 4 fresh black hazel medium medium medium Discharged on bail. in default of bail 5 7'} brown large medium Wellington Feb. 9,18S2 broaching cargo 3 months’ labour ... England... steward ... 184s 1820 sallow grey medium Two previous conv ictions. Wellington May 5,1882 vagrancy 7 days’ labour England ... labourer ... 5 Si dark dark grey medium medium medium Wellington John Carrier Wellington May s, 1882 vagrancy 7 days’ labour England... boatman... 1830 5 10 sallow iron grey ... blue large, large large Wellington Henrietta McKenzie Wellington April 13,1882 false pretences 1 month’s labour on each charge (concurrent) 4 months’ labour ... England’... laundress 1S56 5 2 fair fair It. hazel medium medium medium Wellington George Saunders ... Featherston Jan. 21, 1882 stealing from a dwellEngland ... labourer ... 1864 5 7l fair fair blue medium medium medium Mark of cut on left hand. Wellington Fritz von Schluter... Carterton ... July 25, 18S1 breach of Customs 12 months’ labour .. Germany publican ... 1840 5 71 fair brown blue large medium medium Regulations Act blue large JC indistinct on left arm. ! Masterton ... April 20,1882 larceny 1 month’s labour ... 14 days’ labour Ireland ... carpenter 1850 5 7) sandy auburn large large large Wellington May 6, 1882 larceny' England... cook 1859 5 3a sallow dark brown hazel large large One previous conviction. Wellington Annie alias Mary Brown Wellington May 8, 1882 vagrancy 14 days’ labour Ireland ... prostitute 1845 4 11 dark dark dark medium medium medium


Gaol. Name. Where Tried. When. Offence. Sentence. Native of Trade. Born. Height. 1 Complexion. Hair. Eyes. Nose. Mouth. Chin. Remarks and Previous Convictions. Wanganui Richard O’Donnell Otaki Mar. is, 1882 larceny 2 months’ labour ... N. Zealand labourer ... 1864 ft. in. s si copper black brown large, medium medium crooked Maori; mole on left cheek; cut-mark Wanganui William McGregor Wanganui... April it, 1882 larceny 1 month’s labour ... 24 hours’ imprisonment on right wrist. May ii, 1882 illegally on premises \ Scotland carpenter 1837 S 8i dark black hazel medium medium bearded Anchor on right arm: mole on right cheek-bone; scar on left eyebrow, on Wanganui Lyttelton ... John Bateman Carl Kehde Patea Christchurch April 22,1882 Oct. 1,1877 larceny murder I month’s labour ... death commuted to penal servitude for England... Germany labourer ... builder and contractor 1833 1840 S 4 S 8 fresh pale light brown, turning grej brown blue grey medium broad medium medium medium narrow, pointed right side of head, and on right leg. Small mole above right hip. Bald on top of head ; large broad forehead ; irregular teeth ; mark of cut on • inside of left arm. Discharged by Lyttelton ... James Buchanan ... Kaikoura ... Feb. 16,1882 exposing his person 3 months’ labour ... Scotland... carpenter 1841 5 7i fresh dark brown grey crooked, inclined large medium special pardon on medical grounds. One previous conviction. Lyttelton ... Thiarach Jacob Lyttelton ... April 28,1882 ship-desertion 1 month’s labour ... Austria ... seaman ... 1849 5 7i fair to right large medium Mole on centre of back. Mark of cut near right eye; burn-mark Addington John Donnelly Ashburton... April 14,1882 illegally on premises 1 month’s labour ... Ireland ... labourer ... 1844 S 7i sandy brown blue medium medium Addington John Hinks, alias Christchurch Nov. is, 1881 larceny 6 months’ labour ... England ... watchmaker 1847 5 2 fair dark brown grey prominent medium long on left forearm. Four previous convictions. Addington Frank Burns, alias Crouse Southbridge Mar. 20,1882 obscene language, as8 weeks’ labour Ireland ... labourer ... 1836 S 9 pale grey blue medium medium medium Three previous convictions. Addington William Lockhart... Christchurch May 8, 1882 indecent exposure ... 7 days’ labour Ireland ... labourer ... 1832 S n pale dark brown grey medium medium medium Punctured scar over left eye, and at Addington Thomas Hardy Ashburton ... Christchurch Mar. 17, 1882 larceny 2 months’ labour ... Ireland ... cook 1827 S 7i sallow grey outer corner of left eye. BC on left side. Scar on back of left wrist. Repeatedly convicted. Addington Harry Arnold May 4, 1882 larceny 14 days’ labour England ... platelayer 1851 S 5* fair light brown blue Addington Caroline alias CatheSouthbridge Feb. 20, 1882 vagrancy 3 months’ labour ... England ... prostitute 1839 4 iof fresh grey grey medium medium medium Mary Ann Cook, alias Mary Milton Addington Johannes Zandstra... Coalgate ... April 21,1882 larceny 1 month’s labour ... Holland ... general dealer labourer ... 1852 S 4i fair brown blue !a tP’ a wide medium British ensign and female on left arm; Timaru ... James Clark William Gordon ... Geraldine ... Dec. 12, 1881 indecent assault ... 6 months’ labour ... England ... 1846 S 3 fair ring on left middle finger. Lawrence... Roxburgh ... May 11,1882 indecent exposure ... 7 days’ imprisonment Scotland... labourer ... 1858 S 7 reddish sandy grey long medium medium Left leg amputated below knee; wears Auckland... John Murphy Otahuhu ... Mar. 28, 1882 obscene language ... 6 weeks’ labour Ireland ... labourer ... 1843 5 8i fresh brown grey medium medium medium a cork leg. Thirteen previous convictions. D on Auckland... Francis Bartly Auckland ... April 28,1882 breach of Merchant Shipping Act 3 weeks’ labour Germany sailor 1851 s si sallow brown blue medium medium medium left side; slightly pockpitted. Crucifix, man, and woman on right arm ; female with flag, crucifix, &c., on left Auckland... Stewart Graham .... Aratapu ... Feb. 14,1882 larceny 3 months’ labour ... Scotland... labourer... 1843 s si fresh brown blue medium medium medium arm. Female’s head with “Mary” under; five-pointed star and four dots on left Auckland... Frederick StephenAuckland ... Dec. 8,1881 false pretences 6 months’ labour ... N. Zealand clerk ... 1851 5 8| dark black brown medium medium medium arm; scar on left temple. One previous conviction. A half-caste; Auckland... Daniel Geary Onehunga ... Oct. s, 1881 vagrancy 14 days’ labour Ireland ... labourer ... 1846 S 8 fresh brown FS, square and compass on left arm. Third finger of left hand stiff. One previous conviction. Mole on right Auckland... Arthur Duke Auckland ... Oct. 3, 1881 larceny 9 months’ labour ... Australia i860 S 1 sallow brown nazel medium medium medium Auckland... Himiona Popata ... Auckland ... Oct. 3,1881 breaking and entering 9 months’ labour ... 9 months’ labour ... 9 months’ labour ... N. Zealand labourer ... 1858 S II shoulder-blade. Large mole on back; HI on left arm. Auckland... Henare Popata Auckland ... Oct. 3, 1881 breaking and entering N. Zealand labourer ... 1853 5 7l copper Auckland... Panere Moengahau Auckland ... Oct. 3,1881 breaking and entering N. Zealand labourer ... i860 S 10 copper black Mole on right shoulder-blade. One previous conviction. Bald; boilAuckland... John Syms, alias Jones Harry W. Duval ... Mary McManus ... Thames April 20,1882 larceny 1 month’s labour ... England... labourer ... 1841 S 6i sallow dark brown grey medium medium medium Auckland... Auckland... Auckland ... Auckland ... July 28, 1881 May 8,1882 false pretences vagrancy 12 months’ labour ... fined 40s. and costs, England ... Australia draftsman 1857 1855 5 9i S 0 fresh sallow brown dark brown brown hazel medium medium medium medium medium medium marks on right side of belly. Two previous convictions. Eleven previous convictions. Fine and Auckland... William Ripley Auckland ... Jan. 3,1882 libel fined £50, or impriEngland... watchmaker 1813 S 6 sallow grey grey medium medium medium costs paid. Round-shouldered; left eyelid droops.' Napier ... William John LawNapier Feb. 17,1882 false pretences 3 months’ labour ... England... medical 185s 6 0 sallow brown grey long, thin small medium First joint of left forefinger off. Napier Priscilla Roades ... Waipawa ... May 12, 1882 larceny 7 days’ labour Tasmania married ... 1852 S 4 dark dark brown Hokitika ... Luke Moore Hokitika ... Aug. 1,1876 attempted rape on a girl under 12 years 6 years’ penal servitude on each charge Ireland. ... schoolteacher 1837 S 7l fresh grey blue short medium medium Left arm off. Hokitika ... Margaret Smith ... (3 charges) (concurrent), and 2 whippings Hokitika ... Feb. 20,1882 vagrancy 3 months’ labour ... England ... matron ... 1844 S II fresh dark brown brown large large medium One previous conviction.


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New Zealand Police Gazette, Volume VI, Issue 11, 31 May 1882, Page 85

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Extract from Victoria Police Gazette. New Zealand Police Gazette, Volume VI, Issue 11, 31 May 1882, Page 85

Extract from Victoria Police Gazette. New Zealand Police Gazette, Volume VI, Issue 11, 31 May 1882, Page 85

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