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Extracts from New Zealand Gazette.

(From Gazette , 1881, pages 1192, 1193, 1222, and 1225.) Conditions for Trout-fishing in Maitai and Waimka Riters, Nelson.

James Prendergast, Administrator of the Government. In pursuance of the powers and authorities vested in him by “The Salmon and Trout Act, 18t>7,” His Excellency the Administrator of the Government of the Colony of New Zealand doth hereby make the following regulations for the Provincial District of Nelson : Regulations. 1. These regulations shall come into force on the Ist day of October, 1881. 2. Any holder of a license, as hereinafter mentioned, may fish with rod and line for trout in the Maitai and Waimea Rivers, and their affluents, from the Ist day of October, 1881, until the 31st day of March, 1882, but only between the hours of 5 o’clock in the morning and 10 o’clock in the evening.

3. Licenses to fish with rod and line in the said waters will be issued under the hand of the Secretary of the Nelson Acclimatisation Society, and for every license a fee of ten shillings will be charged. 4. No license shall authorize any person other than the person named therein to fish, and that only with rod and line. 5. Any person fishing without a license, or any person who shall on demand of any person holding and showing a license, or on the demand of any police officer or constable, fail to produce and show to such person, police officer, or constable his license, shall be liable to a penalty not exceeding twenty pounds. 6. All trout not exceeding seven inches in length taken by any person fishing as aforesaid shall be immediately returned alive to the water ; and any person convicied of infringing this regulalion shall bo liable to a penalty not exceeding twenty pounds sterling, and his license shall thereupon become void. 7. Except as aforesaid, no person shall fish or use any net or other engine, instrument, or device for taking fish in any river or stream within the Provincial District of Nelson; and all persons offending against this regulalion shall be liable to a penalty not exceeding fifty pounds. 8. Any person who puts, throws, or places, or allows to be put thrown, or placed, into any river or stream within the said Provincial District of N elson, any dynamite or other explosive sub'tance, or any matter or liquid deleterious to fish, shall be liable to a penalty not exceeding one hundred pounds. As witness the hand of His Excellency the Administrator of the Government, this twenty-second day of September, one thousand eight hundred and eightyone. Thomas Dick.

Conditions for Trout-fishing in Canterbury.

James Prendergast, Administrator of the Government.

In pursuance of the powers and authorities vested in him by “The Salmon and Trout Act, 1867,” His Excellency the Administrator of the Government of the Colony of New Zealand doth hereby make the following regulations for that part of the Provincial District of Canterbury lying to the north of the Rangitata River: — Regulations. 1. These regulations shall come into force on the Ist day of October, 1881. 2. Licenses to fish for trout in all the rivers, streams, and lakes in the Provincial District of Canterbury north of the Kangitata River will be issued under the hand of the Secretary of the Canterbury Acclimatisation Society at Christchurch, and for every such license a fee of twenty shillings will be charged ; provided that it shall not be obligatory upon the said Secretary to issue a license in case he shall have sufficient good reason for refusing the same. 3. Every such license shall entitle the person named therein to fish in any of the said rivers, streams, and lakes, from the Ist day of October, 1881, until the 31st day of March, 1882, between the hours of 5 a.m. and 10 p.m. only, but no such license shall confer any right of entry upon the land of any person without his consent. 4. Every such license shall entitle the person named therein to fish with rod and line only, and any person who shall use any ground-bait, or any net (except a landing net), or other engine, instrument, or device, or shall use or employ either of the methods known as “cross-line fishing,” or “stroke-hauling,” or any other unsportsmanlike device, or shall use as bait salmonroe or any bait prepared with any chemical or medicated dressing whatever, for taking fish in any of the said rivers, streams, or lakes, shall be liable to a penalty not exceeding £SO; and every such net, or other engine, instrument, or device used contrary to these regulations shall be forfeited. 5. Any person fishing without a license, and any person who shall, on the demand of any person holding and showing a license, or on the demand of any police officer or constable, or of any officer of the said Acclimatisation Society, fail to produce and show to such person, police officer, constable, or officer his license, shall be liable to a penalty not exceeding £2O. 6. Every trout not exceeding eight inches iu length taken by any person shall be immediately returned alive into the water from which the same is taken, and any person infringing this regulation shall be liable to a penully not exceeding £2O. 7. Any person who shall put, throw, or place, or allow to be put, thrown, or placed, into any river, stream, or lake in the said Provincial District of Canterbury, any poisonous, deleterious, or noxious material, with intent to destroy any fish therein, shall be liable to a penalty not. exceeding £IOO. 8. If any person shall be convicted of any offence against these regulations, the convicting Magistrate or Justices may, over and above any penalty inflicted, also declare the license of

the offender to be forfeited, and thereupon his license shall become void. As witness the hand of His Excellency the Administrator of the Government, this twenty-second day of September, one thousand eight hundred and eightyone. Thomas Dick.

Conditions tor Trout-fishing in Otago,

Arthur Gordon, Governor. In pursuance of the powers and authorities vested in him by “The Salmon and Trout Act, li-67,” Bis Excellency the Governor doth hereby make the following regulations for the District of Otago : ' 1. Any holder of a license may fish with rod and line for trout in all the streams and lakes within and forming the boundaries of the following district (except the Water of Leith), from the first day of October, one thousand eight hundred and eighty-one, to the thirty first, day of March, one thousand eight hundred and eighty-two, both inclusive, viz.:— All that area in the Provincial District of Olago, bounded on the East, and South by the ocean, from Shag Point to the mouth of the Mataura River; on the West, South-west, and vouth by the Mataura River and the Counties of Southland and Wallace; on the North-west by the ocean ; and on the North, Northwest,and North-east by the Counties of Westland and Waiiaki. 2. Any holder of a license may fish with rod and line for trout in the Water of Leith, in the months of November, December, January, and February next ensuing. 3. Licenses to fisb with rod and line in the above-described district will be issued under the hand of the Secretary of the Otago Acclimatisation Society at Dunedin, and for every license a fee of twenty shillings will be charged. 4. No license shall authorize any person other than the person named therein to fish, and that only with rod and line, and between the hours of four o’clock in the morning and ten o’clock in the evening. 5. Any person fishing without a license, or any person who shall on demand of any person holding and showing a license, or on the demand of any ranger, police officer, or constable, fail to produce and show to such person, ranger, police officer, or constable his license, shall be liable to a penalty not exceeding twenty pounds. 6. All trout not exceeding seven inches in length taken by any person fishing as aforesaid shall be immediately returned alive to the water, and any person convicted of infringing this regulation

shall be liable to a penalty not exceeding twenty pounds sterling, and his license shall thereupon become void. 7. Except as aforesaid, no person shall fish or use any net or other engine, instrument, or device for taking fish in any lake, river, or st ream within the above-described district, and all persons offending against this regulation shall be liable to a penalty not exceeding fifty pounds. J 8 Any person who puts, throws, or places, or allows to be put, thrown, or placed, into any lake, river, or stream in the said district, any dynamite or other explosive substance, or any matter or liquid deleterious to fish, shall be liable to a penalty not. exceeding one hundred pounds. 9. These regulations shall come into force as from the first day of October, one thousand eight hundred and eighty-one. As witness the hand of Ilis Excellency file Governor, llus eighth day of September, one thousand eight hundred and eighty-one. Thomas Dick.

Inspectors of Weights and Measures Appointed. Colonial Secretary’s Office, Wellington. 22nd September, 1881. HiS EXCELLENCY the Administrator of the Government has been pleased to appoint Sergeant Joseph Barrett to be an Inspector of Weights and Measures for the County of Bidler and Borough of Westport, vice Sergeant Boyle, resigned ; Sergeant-Major William Aventon Kiely to be an Inspector of Weights and Measures for the County of Grey and Borough of Greymouth, vice Sergeant Moller, transferred. Thomas Dick.

Naval i raining School, Ivoiiimarama, to be Discontinued. Education Department, Wellington, 27th September, 1831. In pursuance of the powers conferred upon me by section 47 of The Naval Training Schools Act, 1874,” I, Thomas Dick, the Minister appointed for the purposes of such Act, do hereby declare that, from and after the 31st March, 1882, the Naval training f chool established at Kohimarama, in the Provincial District of Auckland, ahull cease to be a Naval Training School. . Thomas Dick.

By Authority: Geobge Didsbuby, Government Printer, Wellington.— lßtU,

Gaol. Name. Where Tried. When. Offence. Sentence. Native of Trade. Born. Height. Complexion. Hair. Eyes. Nose. Mouth. Chin. Remarks and Previous Convictions. Dunedin ... John Strain, alias Dunedin ... July s, 1880 larceny 18 months' labour ... Scotland... tailor 1838 ft. 5 in. 65 sallow black hazel sharp, medium medium Three previous convictions. Andrew Anderson pointed Dunedin ... John Christie, alias Dunedin ... Nov. 1,1880 larceny (2 charges) 12 months’ labour ... Scotland... labourer ... 1848 S fresh dark brown hazel medium medium medium Ten previous convictions. JC, wreath. C lifford, alias Lee and crucifix on arms. Dunedin ... Harry Rickards Dunedin ... Jan. 17, 1881 larceny (2 charges) 6 months’ labour ... tailor 1832 0 fresh light brown hazel large medium medium Twelve previous convictions. Dunedin ... Alexander halls ... Dunedin ... Aug. 16, 1SS1 larceny 1 month’s labour ... labourer ... 1 85.3 5 0 fresh black hazel medium medium medium Scar on right cheek. Dunedin ... Harry Mills Dunedin Sept. 2,1881 larceny 14 days’ labour Victoria ... labourer ... 1862 5 7 sallow black hazel medium medium medium Dunedin ... Daniel Mcllrov Dunedin May 25, 188 1 obscene exposure ... 4 months’ labour ... Ireland ... labourer ... 1836 5 6 pale light brown grey large medium medium Blind of left eye. Dunedin ... Joseph Mitchell Dunedin ... lune 17, 18S1 vagrancy 3 months’ labour ... labourer ... 1852 5 5 fresh black hazel medium medium medium Four previous convictions. Dunedin ... Richard Pearce Dunedin ... June 22, 1881 vagrancy 3 months’ labour ... Ireland ... shoemaker .846 5 fresh black hazel medium medium medium One previous conviction. Lump on top of head. Dunedin ... James Lyons Dunedin Sept. 12,1881 illegally on premises 7 days’ labour England ... labourer ... 1838 s 6 sallow black hazel medium medium medium Dunedin ... Alice McNamara ... Dunedin ... June 15, 1881 vagrancy 3 months’ labour ... Ireland ... prostitute 1858 5 2 fresh light brown grey medium medium medium Seven previous convictions. Dunedin ... Mary Henry Dunedin ... lune 21, i83i vagrancy 3 months’ labour ... Scotland... 1834 1851 5 2 pale grey grey medium medium medium Nineteen previous convictions. Dunedin ... Lllen Adams Dunedin June 25, 1881 vagrancy 3 months’ labour ... Ireland ... prostitute 5 3 fresh light brown grey medium medium medium Seventeen previous convictions. Dunedin ... Eliza Harding Dunedin Tune 21, 18S1 habitual drunkenness 3 months’ labour ... Ireland ... prostitute 1848 5. 2 fresh dark brown grey medium medium medium Fifteen previous convictions. Dunedin ... Mary Maule Dunedin ... Aug. r, 18S1 soliciting prostitution 1 month’s labour ... medium Seven previous convictions. contempt of Court... t4 days’ labour > Scotland prostitute 1S43 5 I fresh black hazel medium medium Dunedin ... (cumulative) ) Twenty-four previous convictions. Scar Margaret Williams Dunedin ... Sept. 10,18S1 obscene language ... 14 days’labour England ... prostitute ISS3 5 3 fresh black grey medium medium medium Dunedin ... on right cheek. Martha Rose, alias Dunedin ... Sept. 13, iSSj obscene language ... 7 days’labour England ... married ... 1838 0 fresh black hazel medium medium medium Rhodes, alias Stevens Dunedin ... Annie Robinson Dunedin Sept. 16,1881 obscene language ... 7 days’ labour England ... married ... 1S48 5 pale black grey medium medium medium Wanganui Richard Perry Wanganui... Aug. 20,1881 vagrancy 1 month’s labour ... England ... labourer ... 1850 5 fresh dark brown hazel medium medium medium Vacant expression. Naseby Hock Sun Naseby Aug. 13, 18S1 larceny 1 month’s labour ... miner 18.37 5 olive black hazel medium medium medium Wellington George Richard Blenheim ... June 13,1881 larceny 3 months’ labour ... England ... moulder ... 18.34 5 5a fresh dark brown hazel large, medium medium Large pimple on nose. Wellington Okey Catherine O’Brien... Wellington July 18, 1881 larceny 2 months’ labour ... Ireland ... prostitute 1863 4 10 fresh brown blue small large medium One previous conviction. Wellington John Windsor Wellington Aug. 22, 1881 assaulting police ... 28 days’ labour 28 days’labour medium I Three previous convictions. Left hand obscene language ... J Ireland hawker ... 1848 5 5 fair brown blue medium medium and wrist amputated; right arm Wellington William Burns ) broken at wrist. Wellington Sept. 14,1881 breach of Merchant 7 days’ labour Ireland ... sailor 1855 5 5* sallow iron grey ... grey small small small Wellington William Blender ... Shipping Act Featherston May 30, i88t larceny 4 months’ labour ... Germany engineer... >830 5 I4 fresh dark hazel small small small Auckland... Mary Storey Auckland ... Aug. 30,1881 vagrancy 14 days’ labour N.S. Wales 1849 5 2 ~ fresh light brown hazel medium medium medium Thirty-three previous convictions. Auckland... Auckland... Robert Coulson William Gleeson ... Auckland ... June 14,1S81 assault 3 months' labour ... N. Zealand 1 856 4 IOi 71 sallow light browr. It. hazel medium medium medium Five blue dots on right arm; cross on left arm; large lump on both legs. Waiuku June it, 1S81 larceny 3 months’ labour ... Ireland ... farmer ... 1839 5 sallow brown grey medium medium medium Auckland... John Connor Auckland ... June 18, iS8t larceny 3 months’ labour ... Ireland ... labourer ... 1829 5 4i sallow dark brown grey medium medium medium Twelve previous convictions. Large Auckland... Michael Breen scar on left hand. Auckland ... April 12,1881 assault .„ 6 months’ labour ... Victoria ... butcher ... 1862 5 5 sallow light brown dk. hazel medium medium medium One previous conviction. Mole on right jaw; scar on right cheek and left hand; blue dot on left wrist. Auckland... Kavin Mason Auckland ... Sept. 8, 1881 vagrancy 7 days’ labour Ireland ... labourer ... i860 5 4 sallow dark brown hazel medium medium medium One previous conviction. Natural mark Auckland... William Wilson ... on right collar-bone and on stomach ; H on left arm; scar on left leg. Whangarei Aug. 20, 1881 vagrancy i mo’s imprisonment England ... sailor 1855 5 1\ sallow brown blue medium medium medium One previous conviction. Bracelet on right wrist; SR and heart pierced by two arrows on back of right hand; Auckland... Martin Dwyer burn-marks on breast. Auckland ... Sept. 6,1881 larceny 14 days’ labour Ireland ... labourer ... 1829 55 sallow grey blue medium medium medium Fourteen previous convictions. Scar on right eye, on right cheek, and across Auckland... William Crossley, alias Harry Clifford Thames April 14,1881 larceny 6 months’ labour ... Ireland ... telegraphist 1857 5 8$ fresh light brown hazel medium medium medium Nine previous convictions. Auckland... Edmund Hanson ... Auckland ... Sept. 14,1881 damaging constable’s 7 days’ labour N. Zealand carpenter 1853 5 8 sallow brown brown medium medium medium Three previous convictions. Auckland... Mary Anne Tobias Auckland ... June 24, 1881 threatening language 3 months’ labour in default of bail 4 weeks’labour England... 1853 5 0 fair brown grey medium medium medium Six previous convictions. Auckland... Joseph Edwards ... Auckland ... Sept. 2,18S1 breach of Merchant England ... sailor 1831 5 5i sallow dark brown brown medium medium medium Female and wreck on right arm ; crown, Auckland... George Wilson Shipping Act J LE, and two flags on left arm. Auckland ... Sept. 23,18S1 larceny 48 hours’ labour 3 months’ labour ... Germany sailor 1846 5 fresh fair hazel medium medium Scar on right foot. Napier Daniel Mann Napier June 14,1881 vagrancy Scotland... labourer ... 1841 5 lolj dark dark, mixed brown large medium medium Two previous convictions. Arms brown Napier William Gainev Napier June 21, 1881 vagrancy 3 months’ labour ... Ireland ... labourer ... 1825 5 fresh with grey brown grey medium medium colour. Ten previous convictions. Rawhira Napier June 1, 1881 June 13, 1881 larceny 4 months’ labour ... N. Zealand labourer ... 1856 6 ■a copper black brown medium medium 1 on left wrist. Lyttelton ... Hiran Miller Lyttelton ... embezzling cargo ... 3 months’ labour ... England ... sailor 1831 5 6 fresh dark brown grey small HM on breast. Lyttelton ... Albert Nelson Lyttelton ... lune 13, 1881 embezzling cargo ... 3 months’ labour ... Sweden ... sailor 1858 5 6 sallow light brown grey medium receding Full-rigged ship on breast. Lyttelton ... William Grigor Lyttelton ... June 13,1881 embezzling cargo ... 3 months’ labour ... Scotland... sailor 1855 5 7 fresh brown dk.grey small small broad Ship on right arm; bracelet on right wrist; crucifixion, woman, Highlander, &c., on left arm.


Gaol. Name. Where Tried. When. Offence. 8—. . Native of Trade. Born. Height. Com. plexion. Hair. Eyes. Nose. Mouth. Chin. Remarks and Previous Convictions. Tune 13,1S81 embezzling cargo ... 3 months’ labour ... 2 months’ labour ... Wales sailor 18s 1 ft. 5 in. 6i sallow brown brown small small broad Speaks broken English. Lyttelton ... John Gierschouski... Christchurch July 35,1881 larceny Germany farmer ... 1838 5 0\ fresh light brown grey large large large Aug. 20, 1881 assault 1 month’s labour ... Scotland... labourer ... 1841 5 6| swarthy brown hazel long medium bearded Bracelet tattooed on wrists. July 5,1880 larceny iS months’ labour ... Ireland ... labourer ... 1839 5 9 pale brown blue medium medium medium Several previous convictions. Addington William Wyate Lyttelton ... Oct. 29,1880 embezzling cargo ... 12 months’ labour ... Canada ... seaman ... 1856 S 44 fresh dark brown dark br. medium medium medium Scar on forehead; one upper front tooth broken. Addington Henry F. Allen Christchurch June is, 1881 habitual drunkenness 3 months’ labour ... England ... dentist ... 1842 5 84 pale brown blue small small fuff, Repeatedly convicted. Addington William James NanChristchurch April 8,1881 larceny 6 months’ labour ... England... labourer ... 1855 5 C pale dark brown brown small small small Repeatedly convicted. karris, alias fames Major, alias YVm. medium medium medium Two previous convictions for forgery Addington Richard Luke, alias Christchurch April 9,1881 false pretences 6 months’ labour ... England ... clerk 1850 5 4t sandy, dark brown brown James Miles, alias John Jackson, alias freckled and uttering. fair brown broken medium Addington Daniel Ryan Christchurch June 16, 1881 larceny 3 months’ labour ... Ireland ... seaman and 1S44 s 5} blue medium Four previous convictions. labourer brown large, pointed medium medium Four previous convictions. Addington John Ray Christchurch June 16,1881 larceny 3 months’ labour ... England ... labourer ... 1839 5 5j pale blue large Addington Thomas Milne Christchurch June 16, 1881 larceny 3 months’ labour .. Ireland ... labourer ... 1824 5 44 fair grey blue medium square Bald; right forefinger disfigured ; had small small small been in the army. Addington Bridget I'errick Christchurch June 16,1881 vagrancv 3 months’ labour ... Ireland ... prostitute 1841 4 9 sallow grey brown Repeatedly convicted. Addington Alfred alias Richard Christchurch April 11,1881 stealing from the per6 months’ labour ... England ... seaman and 1829 s 84 pale light brown, blue medium medium round Six previous convictions. Shaw, alias Richard Armstrong Thomas Jardine ... son labourer turning grey Addington Christchurch June 24,1881 larceny 3 months’ labour ... England ... groom 1849 s 64 fresh black dk.grev broad medium short Two previous convictions. Slight cast medium in left eye; scar on left forefinger. Addington Christchurch Feb. 9, 18S1 larceny 4 months’ labour ... Ireland ... musician... 1840 5 6 fresh brown blue medium medium Repeatedly convicted. Addington hldward Hampton ... Christchurch Sept. 19,1881 larceny 7 days’ labour Ireland ... blacksmith 1858 s 7 fresh brown blue medium medium medium One previous conviction. Flower and barque on right arm; cross, heart, and anchor on left arm; cross on back of middle fingers. Tiraaru ... Patrick Clancy Timaru Sept. 16,1881 assault, occasioning acquitted at District Ireland ... shoemaker 1831 5 9 fresh grey blue medium medium round Court medium bearded Timaru ... William Gladstone Timaru Sept. 17,1881 indecent exposure ... 7 days’ labour England ... labourer ... 1830 S 10 fresh dark, mixed with grey brown brown medium N.Plymouth Daniel Wintle N. Plymouth Sept. 7,1881 larceny 7 days’labour England... locksmith 1846 s 7 \ fresh blue medium medium medium N.Plymouth William Barton April 14,1881 assault 6 months’ labour ... England ... sailor 1849 s 64 dark black black medium medium medium Scar under left knee-cap. Hokitika ... Edward Jacobs Hokitika ... Sept. 12,1881 larceny (2 charges) 7 days’ labour on each charge (concurrent) 7 days’ labour West Indies carpenter 1836 s 7i coloured black, curly brown large large broad Hokitika ... William Robertson Hokitika ... Sept. 13,1881 larceny Scotland... printer ... 1820 s 5 fresh grey grey large medium medium One previous conviction. Long features. Hokitika ... Margaret Smith ... June 20, 1881 vagrancy 3 months’ labour ... England... dressmaker 1844 5 i4 fresh dark brown brown large large medium One previous conviction. Invercargill John Charles Ray ... Winton July 16, 1881 maliciously destroy2 months’ labour ... Sydney ... labourer ... 184b s 8 fair light brown hazel large, sharp medium medium Mermaid on right arm; cross, whips, round fox s head and brush on left arm. Invercargill Edwin Hill Riverton ... Aug. 16,1881 larceny 1 month’s labour ... England... labourer ... 18S.S 5 9 fair fair grey large large Cut-mark on right temple and eyebrow near left eye, and on right knee. Invercargill William Morris Invercargill June 20,1881 obscene language ... 3 months’ labour ... Ireland ... labourer ... 1S60 5 6 fresh dark brown hazel short, medium round One previous conviction. Mark of cut pug on forehead, on right eyebrow, on right hand, and little finger of left hand.


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New Zealand Police Gazette, Volume V, Issue 20, 5 October 1881, Page 171

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Extracts from New Zealand Gazette. New Zealand Police Gazette, Volume V, Issue 20, 5 October 1881, Page 171

Extracts from New Zealand Gazette. New Zealand Police Gazette, Volume V, Issue 20, 5 October 1881, Page 171

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