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N.Z. Federation of Young Farmers’ Clubs

Edited by

S. Freeman,

Dominion Organizing Secretary

Dominion Executive Committee Meeting

A MEETING of the Dominion Exexcutive Committee of the N.Z. Federation of Young Farmers’ Clubs was held in Wellington on February 20. In the absence of the Dominion President the Chairman of the Auckland Council, Mr. D. S. Ross, presided. In opening the meeting he referred to the value and importance of such gatherings, especially in maintaining contacts. He expressed disappointment at the small attendance, and regret that the Canterbury delegates were unable to be present. Report of Organising Secretary A comprehensive report on the movement was given by the Organising Secretary. Figures were detailed for the various District and Council areas, and revealed a total of 172 clubs still active, with an aggregate membership of approximately 4500. The report stated that at the start of the war 208 clubs were functioning, with a total active membership of approximately 6000. Three new clubs had been formed, but 16 clubs had been disbanded, and a further 23 had found it necessary to go into recess for the duration of the war. The remaining 172 clubs were carrying- on under the handicap of petrol restrictions and depleted membership, but in spite of this the majority of them were still doing good work. The need for a “drive” in recruiting younger, members was stressed, but, all things being considered, it was contended that the movement was still in a comparatively strong position. The chairman said the report indicated a very healthy state of affairs. He pointed out, however, that with more and more members going into Territorial camps and also overseas, the position might later be greatly altered. ,

Scholarships and Bursaries As the two sub-committees (one for each Island) set up at the annual general meeting had been unable to meet, it was decided that the members of the North Island sub-committee present, with the addition of Mr. Whyte (representing the South Island), should go into committee after the meeting to formulate some basis for the scholarships and bursaries suggested by the Minister of Agriculture. Finance A statement of accounts showed a credit balance of £537 8s Id. Various accounts were passed for payment, and an allocation of £IOO was voted to each of the four councils.. Councils were advised that economy would possibly need to be exercised, particularly in the event of future Government grants not being available. Land Settlement A report was read compiled by' Mr. J. D. Gregan, a member of the deputation which waited on the .Minister of Lands in connection, with the Land Settlement Scheme discussed at the annual general meeting by the South Canterbury District Committee. The report indicated that the deputation had been favourably received, and that consideration of the scheme had been promised. The Minister had pointed out, however, that no special privilege could be granted to any one section of the community in . the settlement of Crown lands. No further communication had so far been received. The question of settling Y.F.C. members on the land was freely discussed, and it was suggested that, while little could be done at the present, the position should be carefully . watched with a

view to moving on behalf of Y.F.C. members when any land settlement policy was mooted. It was considered that concerted effort with other interested bodies, such as the New Zealand Farmers’ Union, would be of value, and finally a small sub-commit-tee was set up to keep in touch with developments and to bring down recommendations from time to time. Histories of Districts Among the remits dealt with was one from the Auckland Council recommending that all clubs should endeavour to compile short histories of their respective districts as a means of preserving such records while the necessary information is still available. The value of such records was stressed in discussion, and the remit was carried. A Y.F.C. Experimental Projects A scheme was submitted embodying co-operation by the Y.F.C. . organisation as a whole in the experimental work of the Department ‘of Agriculture. The scheme had been outlined by the ■ Department’s Field Crop Experimentalist, and involved the carrying out l of a comparatively large number of small-scale trials as an adjunct to the experimental work of the Fields Division. It was pointed out that the work is of national importance, and would provide an opportunity for younger members not yet eligible for military service to assist in solving some of the more pressing agricultural problems. The types of trials suggested were enumerated, and it was stated that, if the scheme Were acceptable to the Federation, seed and manure, with

fully .detailed instructions, would be forwarded to all members interested.

It was further suggested that the work should be under the control of the District Committees in each area, each club taking up the project to be responsible for two or three trials; which would be allotted to suitable members to carry out, The Department’s field officer in the district would pay one visit to each trial, and short, simple progress reports would be required from the members concerned. The matter was fully discussed and its possibilities examined, particularly in the direction of providing further interest in club work as - well as from the aspect of assistance to the Department. It was agreed that the proposition was a very valuable one, and the scheme was adopted by the meeting, it being urged that every effort should be made to make the project a success. Policy of Federation The policy of the Federation was discussed. and was referred to by the chairman as the most important item on the agenda. He reminded members of the decisions arrived at, following discussion on the same matter/ at the. annual general meeting. He stressed the present uncertainty, and suggested that plans made now might have to be reconsidered at’an early date. Clubs, he considered, should be encouraged to develop along the particular lines that suited their individual conditions, and the strong clubs should help the weak. In discussion, members agreed that an endeavour should be made to strengthen the clubs by enrolling more members at the lower end of the age scale, from 14 years of age upwards. It was considered that the Organising Secretary was carrying out good work by travelling among District Committees and clubs in the various areas, and should, as far as possible, continue to do so. , ■ Date of Annual Meeting The date of ■ the annual general meeting was left to the Chairman and Secretary to decide, a recommendation being made that the meeting be held about July 30. The chairman reminded delegates that the annual meeting would be held this year at Hamilton, and assured , them of a hearty wel-' come. • ■ .

Soothero Hawke's Bay Debating ■ ;, 'r'■ Contest ■--jlWWßjlii

By K. W. R. MITCHELL, Acting Secretary, Woodville Club.

CLUBS in the Southern' Hawke’s Bay district held their first. debating contest during the spring months. All clubs in the territory entered teams, which, considering such handicaps as the rush of seasonal work and the shortage of petrol, speaks volumes for the . enthusiasm of members. In this respect the palm must be awarded to Mangatainoka Club, whose team travelled the 40 miles of hill road to Pongaroa • during a severe storm, and even had to detour many miles because of road. blockages. Deservedly they won that contest in the first round, for which the . subject was: “That Farming Today is More Diffi-

.cult Than It Was Fifty Years Ago.” The other first-round winners were Dannevirke, who beat Norsewood, and Woodville, who beat Ballance. Woodville ' accounted for Mangatai - noka in the second round, the subject of debate being: “That the Best Net Returns May be Obtained by Eliminating the Plough.” The Dannevirke team travelled ri to Woodville for the final, the subject chosen for this contest being: “That the Breeding of High-producing Strains of Stock is More Important than Disease Control.” The Woodville team gained the judge’s decision by a.- small mar-

gin of points. Dannevirke was represented by A. Carswell (leader), W. Simmons, and R. McDonald, while the Woodville team consisted of K. W. R. Mitchell (leader), A. Compton, and A. B. Curry. The- general standard of debate was good, particularly when it is considered’that some clubs had had no previous ,experience, while the performance of the clubs in . the second and final rounds drew very complimentary remarks from the adjudicators.. Members generally enjoyed ■ the contest thoroughly, and are anticipating with pleasure an opportunity to stage another. • ' ,

Parents and Friends Evening

By R. S. HEISE, Secretary, Hawera Y.F.C.

MEMBERS of the Hawera Young Farmers’ Club entertained parents and friends at a social in the Tokaora Hall last month, the evening being spent playing Flag 500 and dancing. A one-act play was presented by members of 1 the Tokaora Women’s Division, and vocal solos were given by Miss Myra Wren, the accompaniment being played by Miss V. Beech. At the winning card tables were Mesdames W. J. Johnston and Mr. C. F. Marsh and Mr. W. J. Johnston and . Private Fearon. Mr. W. J. Johnston was in charge.

Music for dancing was supplied by members of the Y.F.C. Club, and a Monte Carlo was won by Miss D. Finlay and Mr. Judd. The winners of the singing Monte Carlo were Mr. D. Grantham and Miss G. Reynolds. Mr. Harvy White was M.C. . During the evening the chairman of the club, Mr. S. Johnstone, welcomed me visitors, and thanked all who had assisted, in making the function such an enjoyable one. Tribute was paid to the club secretary, Mr. Peter Heise, who had been untiring in his efforts to see that every

detail of the evening’s arrangements was complete. Supper was served by members of the club, assisted by willing helpers.’ Among those present were Mesdames G. F. Marsh, H. Tosland, •S. Johnstone, 1 C. H. Peacock. W. Johnston, K. F. Wren. G. Donald, S. Howell, S. Gunderson, and R. Wells, and Misses S. Thrush,. S. V. Washer, G. Pearce, E. Johnston, A. and B. .Marsh, N. M. Lavery. N. Johnson, D. and A. Finlay, K. Wren, E. McCoy, G. Reynolds. O. Scanlon, M. Wren, E. G. V. and E. Beech, A. and L. Bennett; J. Geary, E. Peacock, H. Tippett, Wills, T. White, and - others;

Among the Clubs: Reports on Activities

AT this time of the year there is x normally a shortage of news from the clubs, many of them having gone into recess because .of seasonal farm activities. This applies particularly to the South Island, where harvesting and other operations make it necessary for clubs to close down during the summer months; the same applies to a lesser degree to clubs in the North Island, many of which close down for

one to two months for haymaking, shearing,, etc. At the present time, in addition to the foregoing, a number of clubs have found it necessary to go into temporary recess through so many members being absent in Territorial camps, which, combined with the number of members already serving in the overseas forces, has in many cases, seriously depleted active membership. Editor.

Western Southland. Orepuki. of annual meeting decided upon. New member enrolled.'- Address by Mr. Cottier on “Pure Seeds.” The speaker also gave a resume of the work at Lincoln College. South Otago. - ' Warepa. Annual meeting and election of officers.

South Canterbury.

Fairlie. Appreciation recorded of service rendered to the club by Mr. W. B. McConnell, who had resigned from the office of hon. 'secretary. Preliminary arrangements made, for sheep judging competition at the Mackenzie Highland Show. Date of annual meeting fixed. Address by Mr. W. Scott, advisory president, on “The Importance of Grass in Farming.” The speaker stressed the necessity for adequate topdressing, and answered a number of questions. Geraldine.— Arrangements for stock judging day. General talk by Canon Norris. Wairarapa. r Alfredton. — Annual meeting. Officers elected: Patron, Mr. A. A. Napier; advisory 1 members, Messrs. J. L. Heckler, J. McKay, and M. Hull; chairman, C. Algie; secretary, A. Algie. At the previous meeting it was decided to send fleeces to be judged at the Masterton A. and P. Show, the profits to go to the District Committee funds. Horowhenua. Levin. —Stock drive to be held in aid of local Queen Carnival. Talk by Mr. J. S. Moir on “Farm Accountancy.” Manawatu. . Bunnythorpe. • —■ Final arrangements for .tug-o’-war competition. Address by Mr. J. Hill-Motion. . M.R.C.V.S., on “Diseases in Dairy Cows.” Feilding.— Teams for club debate selected. Address by Mr. C. J. Hamblyn, Department of Agriculture, on “The Growing and Harvesting of Small Seeds for Local Use.” The following officers were elected at the annual meeting:—Advisory president, Mr. H. Brewster; chairman, I. D. Colquhoun; secretary and treasurer, T. M. Henson. Orona Downs.— Date of annual meeting decided. Arrangements for club picnic. Address by Mr. J. Hamblyn, Department of Agriculture, on “Grass.”

Waituna. Annual meeting. Officers elected:— president, Mr. N. V. Shannon; chairman, A. H. Sowerby; secretary and treasurer, S. H. Thomasen. Three new members welcomed. Arrangements made for club field day.

Whakarongo.— of annual meeting fixed. . Letters read from members on active service. Lantern lecture by Mr. J. Hill-Motion, M.R.C.V.S., on “Mastitis and Sterility.” A large number of local farmers were present by invitation. A field day was held on Mr. R. G. Scott’s farm, demonstrations including the following:—Dairy cows, Mr. T. Ranford; dairy bulls, Mr. T. Ranford; lucerne, Mr. R. G. Scott; pastures, Mr. L. Earl, Department of Agriculture.


Bulls. Movie films exhibited by Mr. K. W. Dalrymple, illustrating his travels through Alaska; head of moose, fox, and other animals were also shown to the members. At the previous meeting a lecture was given by Mr. D. S. Hart, of Feilding Agricultural College, on “Bone Structure of Animals and the Controlling of Bone-growth by Feeding.”


Cardiff. — Dance to be held for patriotic purposes. Address by Mr. G. A. Blake, Department of Agriculture, on “Liquid-Fertiliser.”

Pukengahu.— Arrangements finalised for club concert and dance for patriotic purposes. 1 Discussion re sending of parcels to club members on active service; subscription list opened to club members to raise money for the parcels. ■ .

North Taranaki.

Hillsborough-Tarurutangi.— Date of annual meeting fixed. Talk by Mr. R. P. ( Andersen on “Farms and Farming in Canterbury.”

Inglewood.— Business- meeting. The sum of £1 each was voted to three club members home on leave from N.Z.E.F.

Mangorei.— Annual meeting and election of officers. Impromptu speeches by members on (a) pig husbandry; (b) whether profitable to feed concentrates to pigs; (c) which is the'cheaper, to buy wooden posts or to make concrete ones? At the previous meeting Mr. H. Buttimore, of the St. John Ambulance Medical Corps, gave a talk and demonstration' on “First Aid.”

Northern Hawke’s Bay.

Attendance of 50 members and visitors. Club decided to'participate in the Y.F.C. experimental scheme. Letters read from members overseas on active service, R. J. Powdrell, P. A. Jessep, and’ R. E. Goodley. Lantern lecture by Mr. Bernard Teague, the second of his series, “Seeing New Zealand with a Camera.”

Te Kuiti.

Otorohanga.— Date fixed for annual meeting. Arrangements for annual ball. Two new members enrolled. Lantern lecture by Mr. K. M. Montgomery, Department of Agriculture, on “Land Cultivation” and “White Clover Strains.” Recent club activities included a social evening, with dancing, etc., more than 100 being . present (the music was provided by the club’s orchestra), and a picnic, which took the form of a sports meeting, the total attendance being 56. Winners of events were as follows: —O. Rowntree (high jump), J. Mark (440 yards and 100 yards). A shearing competition was

also staged, the winner being G. Evans. A club debate was also held at a recent meeting, the subject being “That Country Life is Better than City Life.” Teams were as follows:L. Huer, T. Shields. D. Hemara, and S. Long (affirmative); S. Smith. R. Pevrill, R. Chilcott, and H. Rothere (negative). The judge, Mr. Webber, awarded the decision to the negative team, and gave an interesting talk on debating.


Tahuna.— Annual meeting and election of officers. Discussion on previous year’s work and ways of expanding the club’s activities. Arrangements were made for ,an annual ball.


Franklin. Entries for baconer competition : received, as follows: —C. Upton, L. G. Shaw, W. I. Downes, D. Hoult, J. Appleby, C. Appleby, W. Pussel, R. Cossey, R. W. Franke, A. Franke, A. Dreadow, C. Wolfgram, A. Cochrane, and H. Kirton. An interesting lecture was given on “Pighousing, and the Care and Construction of Cowsheds, etc.”

Harrisville.- Arrangements for future activities. Impromptu speeches by G. Barrett,. E. Smith, D. Barnaby, A. Martick, P. Palmer, K. Barnaby, A. H. Wilcox, E. D. Williams, and W. A. Barnaby.

Hunua. Lecture by Mr. Alex Longwell on “Pig Judging and Accommodation.”

Western Bay of Plenty.

Kati Kati.— lmpromptu speeches given by all members present; the talks were of a very high standard.

Paengaroa.— Decided to forgo annual sports meeting and hold a dance instead. Movie films were shown by Mr. Lay of “A Tour of the South Island and of North Auckland.” Mr. Dunlop also exhibited a film taken in the main street ,of Te Puke. At the previous meeting a visitor from Nelson gave an account of his travels through Canada and California.

Pukehina. — lecture by . Mr. A. V. Allo, Department of Agriculture; on “The Development of Pumice Lands.”

Te Puke.— Report of dance. Lantern lecture by Mr. A. V. Allo, Department of Agriculture, on “The Development of Pumice Lands.” A field day was held on the property of Messrs. D. and S. Ross, Te Puke. Mr. D. Ross, the club’s advisory president (and also chairman of the Auckland Y.F.C. Council), conducted members over the extensive piggeries during the morning. In the afternoon Mr. A. V. Allo showed members over the pasture trials and demonstrated different < pasture strains, etc.

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New Zealand Journal of Agriculture, Volume 62, Issue 4, 15 April 1941, Page 289

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N.Z. Federation of Young Farmers’ Clubs New Zealand Journal of Agriculture, Volume 62, Issue 4, 15 April 1941, Page 289

N.Z. Federation of Young Farmers’ Clubs New Zealand Journal of Agriculture, Volume 62, Issue 4, 15 April 1941, Page 289

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