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N.Z. Federation of Young Farmers’ Clubs

Edited by num I<IHI<<MII I Mt nun I tn 111

S. Freeman,

Dominion Organizing Secretary I 8191111 illlilll 1111111 ill ■ 11111111111111111111119 i 11111111111111111111 mill Ml 11111111111111111111111111111111111111 II 111 i[a|

Tree Planting In North Otago

A. HELLIWELL, Enfield Club.

THIS article is intended to deal particularly with the problems which confront the average farmer. Before tree planting operations can be started due consideration must be given to the circumstances in which the plantation is to be established.

It is necessary to plan ahead before any steps are taken to select a site so that the maximum amount of benefit can be obtained from the area which is used. On flat farms, in many cases, trees can be planted on existing fence lines to suit the particular farm situation. On the other hand, with hill country one has often to plant to suit the conformation of the ground. Having selected a suitable piece of ground, the area should be protected, by a good stock-proof fence, and if the locality is infested with rabbits it is essential to complete the fence with rabbit-proof netting. The cost of fencing is admittedly high, but fencng is absolutely necessary to establish a prosperous plantation. Method of Planting The method of planting most commonly adopted in North Otago is called pit planting, which consists of digging holes some time before planting out the young trees. One disadvantage of pit planting is that until the trees become rooted into the solid surrounding ground, they are liable to be blown out of position in a strong wind during or after heavy rain. Should this occur, it is necessary to ram back into place any trees which have been disturbed.

As regards the best time to transplant young trees, no hard and fast rules can be laid down, but May and June are the most suitable months because the young trees have had sufficient time to develop a good rooting system before the strong equinoctial gales in spring.- In districts which suffer from hard frosts in the winter months, spring planting is to be recommended. There are many people who have neither the time nor the inclination to grow their own seedlings, but those who can find that to have a nursery of their own is more interesting and convenient. Seedlings can be grown in the garden in a light, loamy soil, deeply cultivated and allowed to become firm before the seeds are sown. Care must be taken to distribute the seeds evenly and at a uniform depth to secure a good strike. ' The seed bed must be watched and weed growth kept down to allow healthy and vigorous growth of the young trees. Forestry experts advise that trees should be “wrenched” to encourage the growth of fibrous roots, which enable the tree to establish itself more easily after being transplanted. Wrenching is usually done one month before the trees are shifted. I have seen a plantation of pinus insignis trees which were not wrenched but were transplanted direct from the garden to a plantation in a very exposed position. Every effort was made to establish tap-root growth. Practically no replacements were required. The trees are now 15. years old and have withstood all winds. On the other hand, trees which were “wrenched” have developed a sun

face rooting system and are more easily blown over. Most Common Trees The most common forest trees used on the farm, are the pinus insignus, macrocarpa, and members of the eucalyptus family. The pinus insignis undoubtedly is the most popular. It is easily grown, and provides good shelter and useful timber. Pinus insignis trees planted as a shelter belt are definitely improved if a row of Cupressus Lawsoniana is planted on the windward side of the belt, the Cupressus effectively filling the space left by the growth of the pinus insignis. Both the macrocarpa and eucalyptusu are harder to grow than pinus insignis, but as a compensation provide better timber for farm use. During the first year , one should go round the plantation and trim away the grass from the young trees so that they are not smothered. Failures should be replaced by healthy trees, if possible of the same age as the original ones. During the first few years, one should watch for trees with two leading stems. If any are found one should be cut out, leaving the other to develop as the leading shoot. I would suggest that those who are interested in establishing the less known varieties of forest trees should ask farmers who have had experience with them. All farmers should consider the growing of more trees on their properties, but unless fencing and care can be arranged for they would be better to let the question lapse until such time as the necessary care and attention can be provided.

Y.F.C. Courts at Waikato Winter Show

W. T. BROWN, Assistant District Secretary, Waikato.

A T THE suggestion of the Auckland AT THE suggestion of the Auckland 2k Provincial Council of Young Farmers’ Clubs it was arranged that each district within the Council’s area should endeavour to stage a display at the Waikato Winter Show. The displays took the form of courts on the balcony of the Bledisloe Hall, and, although the clubs were given very short notice, four districts competed and the displays were very good. Rotorua Clubs, with 90 points, secured first prize, and will therefore hold the shield presented by Messrs. Kempthorne, Prosser, and Co., Auckland, for 12 months. The court dis-

played all types of farm produce grown in the district, and was interspaced with various sporting trophies, which showed off the various fruits and farm produce to advantage. The King Country Clubs were second with 75 points, the Bay of Plenty Clubs third with 70 points, and • the Waikato Clubs, with 60 points,. were highly commended. All clubs and club members who assisted to make the courts a success are to be congratulated, and the experience gained will be of considerable value as a guide to securing the premier position in years to come.

Which is The Best Cow?

Y.F.C. Dairy Cow Judging Competition

THIS competition, which closes on 23rd September, presents an opportunity to Young Farmers of testing their knowledge of dairy cows. Competitors are required to place the six cows—the photographs of which appear on the opposite page—in order of merit, giving briefly their reasons. A fee of Is per entry'will be charged, and the whole of the money will be divided in prizes. The judges will be accredited breeders with show-ring experience. The competition is sponsored by the committee of the Levin Young Farmers’ Club, which is guaranteeing £7 10s in prize-money to ensure its success. Conditions The conditions are as follows: — (1) The competition is open to all Young Farmers (whether club members or not) between the ages of 14 and 30 years. (2) The cows are to be judged from the photographs, and should be placed in order of merit, giving reasons for the placing. (3) Competitors must fill in their placings on the special form, which will be supplied on application.

(4) Applications, must be made to. the Organising Secretary, Y.F.C., Department of Agriculture, Private Bag, Wellington, on the application form below, and should be accompanied by Is entry fee. Judging forms will be posted to competitors on receipt of the application.

(5) The closing date for judging will be September 23, 1939, and judging forms should be posted not later than that date. Any forms bearing a later post-mark will not be accepted. (6) All money received in entry fees is divided as prizes. - (7) The judges’ decision will be final.

Final Debate for Bay of Plenty Shield

A. V. ALLO, District Secretary, Western Bay of Plenty.

MORE than 300 Young Farmers and their friends attended the final debate'for the Bay of Plenty Shield, which was held at the Paengaroa Hall on May 25. Mr. E. Blackmore (Paengaroa Y.F.C.) presided, and welcomed the visitors. The subject for debate was: “That Democracy is a Failure,” and the competing teams were Waimana, representing the Eastern Bay of Plenty, and Paengaroa, representing the Western Bay of Plenty. Waimana took the affirmative side of the debate and Paengaroa the negative.

Debating was very keen, and a distinct improvement in the standard was evident. The judge, Mr. Gifford, Tauranga, commented particularly on the amount of preparation that had been done, and expressed his pleasure at the very high standard of the contest. ' . After a hard fight the Waimana Club was given the verdict by . the close margin of three points, and thus won the shield for the second year in succession. The teams were as follows: — Waimana.— Woolfield (leader), R. White. L. McDonald. H. White. Paengaroa.P. Hickson (leader), E. Pinker, V. Benner, A. Walter.

After the contest the shield was presented to the winning team by Mr. D. S. Ross, District Chairman, who made an appeal for the support of all farmers present. He also stressed the value of club and inter-club debates, and outlined the proposed series of debates to be held at the Y.F.C. Rally at Ruakura in July. Mr. Woolfield, in accepting the shield, also stated how valuable the debating contests were and how much pleasure could' be derived from such pursuits. The evening closed with a dance, after supper had been served by members of the Paengaroa Club.

First Field Day of Dargaville Y.F.C.

E. H. ARNOLD, District Secretary, Dargaville

THE FIRST field day arranged by the recently formed district committee was held at the Paparoa Showgrounds, the function taking the form of stock judging demonstrations, followed by Young Farmers’ judging competitions. Opening the proceedings in the presence of some 37 members of the Arapohue, Marohemo, and Ruawai Clubs and interested farmers, Mr. P. W. Hill, district vice-chairman, welcomed those present, and stated that he firmly believed that this function would be the forerunner of many other valuable and instructive -eld days. Mr. F. Cullen, well-known breeder of Jerseys at Maungaturoto, said he welcomed the opportunity of assisting such a valuable movement among the young farmers of the district. It was necessary, he said, that all farmers,

including the future farmers, should take advantage of all the knowledge now available to the farming community, : and that new ideas should be tried out where practicable. Following his demonstration on the points of a dairy cow, members of the Young Farmers’ Clubs took part in a judging competition, using three pedigree Jersey cows made available

by Mr. H. Marras, Marohemo, a keen and successful Jersey breeder. After an enjoyable lunch arranged by Mr. J. Sutherland, Mr. J. Whyte, Parahi, Matakohe, demonstrated on the Clydesdale horse. Numerous questions of horse breeding were asked the demonstrator. This was then followed by a judging competition,

using three horses made available by Mr. J. Sutherland, Paparoa. The winners of the judging competitions were:— Dairy Cow.— Barnes-Walker, Ruawai Club, 1; C. . Fergus, Marohemo Club, 2; J. Whyte, Ruawai Club, 3. Clydesdale Horse.T. Montgomery, Arapohue Club, 1; A. Aiken, Arapohue Club, 2; J. Whyte, Ruawai Club, 3. The special prize donated by Mr. L. E. Ambury, Ruawai, for the Young Farmer gaining most points in both classes was awarded to E. BarnesWalker, Ruawai Club, who was first in the dairy cow and fourth in the Clydesdale horse classes. At the conclusion of the day when the prize-winners were announced and the prizes presented votes of thanks were passed to Messrs. Cullen and Whyte for their demonstrations, and to Messrs. Marras and Sutherland who provided the stock. Empire Y.F.C. Visitors INVITATIONS have been extended to Y.F.C. and kindred organisations in Great Britain, Canada, South Africa, New South Wales, Victoria, Western Australia and South Australia to send representatives to visit New Zealand as the guests of the N.Z. Federation for approximately six weeks during the Centennial celebrations. The visitors will be conducted through the principal farming districts of the Dominion, and opportunity will be afforded for contact with New Zealand clubs and club members.

Amuri Club's Field Day

T. H. BELTON, Hon. Secretary, Amuri Club.

T TNDER the auspices of the Amuri UNDER the auspices Club, a most Young Farmers’ Club, a most successful field day was held recently on Mr. M. Bethell’s property, “Pahau Pastures,” Culverden, on Saturday, 22nd April. There was a large attendance of farmers and members. The party assembled at the homestead at 1.30 p.m., where Mr. R. Bethell welcomed the guests. An inspection was made of the calf feeding pens and a manure distributor. Mr. Bethell then conducted the party over the property by car. Numerous stops were made at points of interest, and Mr. Bethell gave a full and interesting account of his management. At the slaughter-house Dr. W. G. Todd, Rotherham, gave an address on

“Hydatids,” and Mr. Bethell demonstrated the precautions that should be taken in the disposal of offal. While the party was inspecting a paddock of certified Italian ryegrass and Montgomery red clover Mr. A. S. Nash,

Instructor in Agriculture, Rangiora, gave an address on the certification'' of seeds. . Afternoon tea was served at the homestead, bringing a very interesting and instructive field day to a close.

On behalf of those present Mr. K. Dunbar (club chairman) thanked Mr. M. Bethell for his hospitality, Mr. R. Bethell for arranging and carrying out the programme, and Dr. Todd and Mr. Nash for their addresses.

Dannevirke Club Holds Combined Field Day

K. BATEMAN, Hon. Secretary, Dannevirke Club.

AVERY successful combined field day was held on the Dannevirke Showgrounds on Tuesday, May 30.

There was an attendance of more than 300, and the weather was ideal. During the day the following demonstrations were carried out:—

Setting of the plough: Thos. Yardley, Palmerston North; points of a dairy cow, T. Ranford, Ashhurst; points of a draught horse, V. Bird, Foxton; Romney and Southdown sheep, W. R. R. Hewitt, Massey College, Palmerston North.

Sheep judging competitions and dog trials were also held for members of the Young Farmers’ Club. Mr. J. S.

Tait. Dannevirke. acted as judge in the dog trials, and the results were:— D. Simmons’ Lad. 35 points .... , 1 W. Toogood’s Nell, 33J points ... 2 T. Morrison’s Lad, 33 points 3 The sheep judging results were: — Romney Hoggets. N. Buchanan, 1; E. H. Hooper-Smith, 2; W. Simmons, 3. Southdown Hoggets.—W. Simmons, 1: W. Robinson, 2; E. H. Hooper-Smith, 3. One of the main attractions of the day ■ was an . exhibition dog trial run by' J. S. Tait, who used four. dogs. This event was considered by experts as an outstanding exhibition of control. During the day firms dealing in farm machinery staged;, an exhibition of modern, equipment for farm use. Mr. W. McLaren, of Masterton, past president of the . N.Z. Federation of Young Farmers’ Clubs,. was present and officially opened the field day. The combined committee is more than satisfied with their first effort, and it is intended to make this an annual event.

Among the Clubs: Reports on Activities

Western Southland. (District Secretary, A. Stuart, Department of Agriculture, Invercargill.) Dipton (Secretary, J. R. Palmer, Dipton R.D., Southland). Drummond (Secretary, J. R. Hubber, Oreti, R.D., Winton, Southland). —Club debate, “Horses v. Tractors.” At the previous meeting Mr. E. S. Thomas gave an address on “Opportunities Afforded to Members of the Young Farmers’ Club Movement.” Lochiel (Secretary, J. S. Forbes, Invercar-gill-Otahuti R.D.. Southland). —Five-minute speeches were given by members on “What has been of the Greatest Benefit to Agriculture in New Zealand during the past Twenty-five Years?” Open class; J. Clark, 1; J. McThomson, 2; W. Clark, 3. Junior Class (18 years and under) : A. Diack, ,1. Messrs. -C. Buxton - and Simpson were the judges. Mr. Buxton afterwards addressed members on “The Importance of Miniature Rifle Clubs in Relation to Defence.” Thornbury (Secretary, K. E. McKenzie, Wrights Bush-Gladfleld R.D., Sec. 5, Invercar.—Committee appointed to draw up programmes for rest of year. Meetings to be held, fortnightly.' Mr. J, K. Kilby, London, addressed the meeting on "The Marketing of Meat at Smithfield,” illustrated by lantern slides of carcasses exhibited by Mr. W. R. Harris. A report on the Otago-Southland council meeting was given by D. Fallow. Woodlands (Secretary, L. Middlemiss, Woodlands, Southland).Club debate, “That Democracy' is better than Dictatorship”; speakers, A. Campbell, A. Clay, and T. Taylor (affirmative) ; L. Middlemiss, H. Clay, J. Henderson, and C. O’Rourke (negative). Many interesting points were raised, including a summary of the world’s history. . ■

Wyndham (Secretary, Andrew Howe, Box 40, Wyndham, Southland).—Arranging of club programme. Report on the District Committee meeting. Arrangements for debating competition. Discussion on how to improve the attendance at club meetings and also the membership of the club. Three-minute talks by every member present on subjects of their own selection. At the previous meeting an address on “The Marketing of Farm Produce” was given by Mr. L. Harper. Eastern Southland. (District Secretary, W. Faithful, Department of Agriculture, Gore.) Balfour (Secretary, J. S. George, BalfourGlencoe R.D., Balfour, Southland). —Club debate, “That -Tractors are Superior to Horses.” Mr. Witting acted as judged Crookston ■ (Secretary, D. Rea, Crookston R.D., Southland). Arrangements for a debate. Address by Mr. J. A. Hodgkin, of the Moa Flat Club, on “Weather and Weather Forecasting.”, At the previous meeting Mr. H. Duff, Moa Flat Club, gave a talk on “Life at Lincoln College.” Five Rivers - (Secretary, B. Selbie, Eyre Creek, Five Rivers, Southland) .—Debate with Lumsden Farmers’ Union, “Horses v. Tractors.” Speakers, Messrs. I. Wills, W. , Heenan, G. Muir', R. Currie (Farmers’ Union), A. Rouse, M. Reitcheson, B. Selbie, and A. Drummond (Y.F.C.). The club team, spoke in support of tractors, and won by a narrow margin. Maitland (Secretary, W. R. Thayer, GoreWaikaka R.D., Southland).Team selected for Eastern Southland debating contest. A lecture on “Cobalt” was given by Mr. Sandys-Wunch. At the previous meeting a club debate was held, the subject being “That the Young Farmer of Today has Greater Opportunities than

his Grandfather.” Leaders were H. P. Mclntyre and R. S. White. ,'Moa Flat (Secretary, H. Love, Moa Flat, Heriot, Southland). ' Otama (Secretary, L. G. McKay, Otama R.D., Gore, Southland).-Members notified of stock - judging at Lincoln, and the Educational "Week at Dunedin. Club field day to be arranged. Team selected for inter-club debates. A report on the North Island tour was given by Mr. J. Brand, who took part, and an address on “The Early History of Otama” was given by, the advisory president, Mr. Donald Bruce. ' Waikaka (Secretary, C. H. Kerse, Box 1, Waikaka, Southland). , South Otago. (District Secretary, A. F. Greenall, Department of Agriculture, Balclutha.) Clinton (Secretary, Robt. Roy, Clinton, Otago).-Business meeting. Club syllabus drawn up. After all business had been discussed the evening closed with a few musical items. . Lawrence (Secretary, R. T. Geeves, Waitahuna Otago).“Magazine Night.” Four members ’ selected to attend the Dunedin Educational Week. . Milton (Secretary, D. Tweedie, C/- Mr. D. Clark, sen., Moneymore R.D.,-Milton, Otago). Programme for the year drawn up. Debate to be held with the Lawrence Club. , Lecture by Mr. M. G. McDonald, M.R.C.V.S., on “Parasites in Animals.” Stirling • (Secretary, L. G. Bell, Stirling, Otago).—Lecture by Mr. H. C. Grace on “The Pasteurisation of Milk.” - Warepa (Secretary, E. S. Cross, Warepa, Otago).—Report .on club ball; profit of £2 4s 4d. Lecture by Mr. G. McDonald, Veterinarian. on “Internal Parasites of • Horses and Sheep.”

Central Otago.

(District Secretary, G. G. Calder, Department of Agriculture, Alexandra.) - Alexandra (Secretary, L. C. Kinraid, "Earnscleugh,” Alexandra).— ' Discussion re football match, appointment of new trustees. The club entertained .1 members of the local Junior Home-makers' Club at a social evening, dancing, games, etc. Arrowtown (Secretary, R. W. Brown,'.“lslay,” Lower Shotover, Central Otago). Manuherikia (Secretary, D. Armitage, Lauder R.D., Becks, Central Otago). Roxburgh (Secretary, L. George, Roxburgh, Central Otago).—Social evening in conjunction with the Roxburgh Haeremai Club. Travel films exhibited by Mr. S. R. Whyte, Hon. Secretary, Otago-Southland Council. Upper Clutha (Secretary, T. G. Anderson, Box 13, Pembroke, Central .—Lecture by Mr. G. G. Calder, Department of Agriculture, on “Science and. its Relation to Agriculture.” ... Dunedin. (District Secretary, S. H. Saxby, Department of Agriculture, Dunedin.) ,Middlemarch (Secretary, J. Howell, “Stonehurst,” Middlemarch, Otago). Palmerston South (Secretary, N. Hitchcock, Palmerston, Otago).Exhibition of sound and silent films by Mr. S. H. Saxby, Department of Agriculture, “Seed Germination,” “Reproduction in Mammals,” “Hereditary,” etc. South Taieri (Secretary, A. M. McKenzie, Berwick, Otago).Final arrangements- for ploughing match and dance. Discussion re debate with West Taieri Club. West Taieri (Secretary, D. Doherty, Outram, Otago).—Exhibition of sound and silent films by. Mr. S. H. Saxby, Department of Agriculture. North Otago. (District Secretary, T. A. Sellwood, Department of Agriculture, Oamaru.) Duntroon (Secretary, K. C. Williamson, Duntroon, Otago).—Business meeting.: Arrangements for a trip to Waitaki High School, Enfield (Secretary, D. S. Anderson, C/- Mr. W. Malcolm, Sec. 4aD, Oamaru R.D.), Five Forks (Secretary, I. D. Kingan, 15D,' R.D., Oamaru).Exhibition of sound films on agricultural and general subjects. The meeting was an open one, and there was an attendance of 55. Hampden (Secretary, J. C. Nicholson, Hampden, .—Exhibition of sound films on agricultural, and general subjects. Papakaio (Secretary, J. S. Gibson, Papakaio, Otago).—Exhibition of sound films on agricultural and general subjects. Tokorahi (Secretary, T. McLean, Island Cliff, Section 9C, R.D., Tokorahi, Otago).Exhibition of sound films on agricultural and general subjects. Upper Waitaki (Secretary, G. A. McLean, Hakataramea, Otago).—Lecture by Mr. T. ASellwood, Department of Agriculture, on “Linen Flax.” Waitaki-Hilderthorpe (Secretary, B. A. Paton, Pukeuri, Otago).Exhibition of sound films on agricultural and general - subjects. South ‘ Canterbury. (District Secretary, C. C. Leitch, Department of Agriculture, Timaru.) Albury (Secretary, M. Stevens. “Fairford.” Ma-Wara, South Canterbury).Debate with members of the ’ Farmers’ Union, the subject being “That the Young Farmers of Today have better opportunities of Success than their Fathers.” ■ The club team spoke in sunport of the negative, gaining 199 points against 236 points scored by the Farmers’ Union. Mr. B. L. Elphick acted as judge. At meetings recently reported a lantern lecture on “Liming”

was . given by Mr. D. , G. s Wraight, an address on “Bush Farming in the North Island” was given ,by. Mr,. J. E. Stevens. and a, club debate was held, “It. is More Desirable to Live in the Country than in the Town.” Arno (Secretary, T. Rolfe, Waihao Forks, Waikakahi, R.M.D., ; Waimate, South Canterbury).Club debate : Jun.or, “That the Advent of the . White Man has been of Benefit. to the Maori.” Speakers, R. Lindsay,. T. Rolfe, R. Corbett (affirmative) ; G. McKenzie, C. Lindsay, M. Olerenshaw (negative).' The debate was won by the negative. Senior, “That it would be in , the Interests ■of Mankind if all the Governments of the World were handed over to the Women.” Speakers, C. Verity and C. Olerenshaw (affirmative) ; I. Ross and B. Moyle (negative). This debate was won by the negative 'also. ■ Cannngton-Cave (Secretary, R. McKenzie, Cave, South Canterbury).—Report on South Canterbury District Committee meeting. Club debates,, as follows: —‘That Blade-shearing is Superior to Machine-shearing” and “That the Tractor will eventually take the place of Horses on the Farm.” The affirmative won the former debate by 26 points to 23, and the latter debate resulted in a draw. Fairiie (Secretary, P. F. Carter, Sherwood Down, R.D., Fairlie, South Canterbury).—Club debate held under Oxford Union rules on a subject dealing with ‘Collective Farming.” C. Goulter opened for the affirmative and B. J. O’Neill led the negative. All members present took part. Geraldine (Secretary, J. A. Thatcher, Orari Bridge, Geraldine, South Canterbury).—Competitors selected to take part in the South Island stock-judging competitions at Lincoln. Movie films on “Caterpillar Tractors” exhibited and explained by Mr. M. Mahan. At the previous meeting films on “Beauty Spots in the South Island” were exhibited. ■'Hunter (Secretary, J. D. Gregan, Hunter R.D., Waimate, South Canterbury).Members notified of short course at Lincoln and the South Island stock-judging competitions. .Decided to place on record the success of the club members, W. Clark and I. Cooper, who gained first and second places respectively in the recent district oat-stacking competition. Address by the Rev. Malcolm Wilson, entitled “England and its People.” ' Maungati; (Secretary, D. B. Neale, Maungati R.D., Waimate, South Canterbury). Milford (Secretary, G. D. Crossman, Milford, Temuka, South Canterbury) .—Discussion re ploughing demonstration. Arrangements for debates. Movie films on “Caterpillar Tractors” exhibited and explained by Mr. M. Mahan. A visit was made to the fish hatchery and Temuka flour mill; Mr. Pellet (the ranger) • showed members round the hatchery, explaining the various operations in connection with it; the party were then conducted around the flour mill, and finally entertained by Mr. Smart (the managing director) to afternoon tea. At a previously unreported meeting the question of various trips was discussed, and Mr. Bolderston gave an interesting talk on his “Life at Sea,” dealing especially with the war period. Morven (Secretary, L. G. Paul, Waikakahi R.D., Waimate, South Canterbury). Pleasant Point (Secretary, S. F. Jackson, Pleasant Point, South Canterbury). Southburn-Lyalldale (Secretary, K. Caird, Southburn R.D., Timaru).Discussion on District Committee meeting. Impromptu speeches, each member present taking part. At the previous meeting Mr. D. G. Wraight gave a lantern lecture on “Lime Requirements of Soils.” Waihaorunga (Secretary, H. A. Brown, C/Mr.‘ T. Armstrong, Pentland Hills R.D., Waimate, South Canterbury).—-Evening devoted to impromptu speeches on farming topics, all members part’cipating; speakers were allowed five minutes each, and the remaining members were given time for discussion. At the previous meeting a lecture and demonstration on “First Aid” was given by Dr. Wylie. It was decided to hold fortnightly euchre parties and dances in aid of the club funds.

..'A/ Mid-Canterbury. ‘ (District Secretary, R. Inch, Department', of ..Agriculture,. Ashburton.) ..-.cq) ’ 1 Ashburton (Secretary, J. J. Burrowes'j-Chert-sey, Ashburton). Werry spoke on ‘'The Judging of a . good Beef ;Cow-and. of-g. good Milking BCowdD».:A..;'. Bennett .gave a talk : on “Establishing-a Bush Farm in 1914.” ’.T’: Hinds (Secretary, W. S. Keeley, -“Stonehaven,” Box 8, Hinds, Ashburton).Arrange/ ments for debate at Methven. - Report,..on; flock ewe competition. Illustrated lectures on C.Y.C. by . Colonel Nicholl. . . Mayfield (Secretary, F. R. Morrow, Mayfield, R.D., Ashburton).Selection of team to, compete -in South Island stock-judging competitions, at Lincoln. Arrangements for a debate, , Mr. T. K. Ewer, Veterinarian, Department, of Agriculture, gave a lecture on “Veterinary Science and the Farmer of the Future.” The .speaker dealt with past research and also the possible future assistance to the farmer from (a) the geneticist, (b) the chemist and dietitian, and (c) the bactereologist. At the previous meeting Mr. R. Inch, Department of Agriculture, spoke on ‘Trees,” dealing with shelter, ornamental and timber species. ’Methven (Secretary, T. A. Richards, Box 74, Methven, Canterbury) .—Discussion on South Island stock-judging competitions at Lincoln, as many members as possible to compete. Members each gave a five-minute talk on a subject of their own selection, L. Bush and C. Wightman tied for first place. Messrs. R. Tuck. and A. G. Gerard acted as judges. Christchurch. (District Secretary, R. G. Jolly, Department of Agriculture, Christchurch.) Darfield (Secretary, B. .E. Jarman, Box 5, Darfield, Canterbury) .—Arrangements for debates " with Barfield Farmers’ Union and also with the Methven Club. Names of several members forwarded to Courtenay A. -and P. Association as competent junior judges. Address by Mr. H. J. Buttle on “Experience ■ Oyer-, seas.” , ev.: Dunsandel (Secretary, A. T. Wright, Dunsandel, Canterbury).—Circular re recruiting discussed. Challenge to be issued to Ellesmere Club to a football match. " Ellesmere (Secretary, D. Hurford, Doyleston, R.M.D., via Christchurch). —Address on Y.F.C. Affairs by Mr. .S. Freeman. Dominion .Organising Secretary : Mr. Freeman also ■ exhibited some sound films on .subjects of general interest. ■" Hororata (Secretary, J. Williams, Hororata, Canterbury). Ladbrooks (Secretary, L. Carpenter, Prebbleton, . Canterbury). ■Little River (Secretary, R. J. Chapman, Little River, Canterbury). - Springston (Secretary,. C. Bailey, Springston, R.D., Canterbury).- reported on the recent District Committee meeting.- Invitation accepted from the Springston Girls’ Club; to a card evening. Mr. W. J. Parett, Springston, gave an account' of his recent' “Trip Abroad to China, Japan, and Australia. Teddington (Secretary, P. A. de Pass, Ataahii, Christchurch).Address by Mr. Bruce Duncan on “Barley from the Malster’s Point of View.” West Melton (Secretary, G. G. Calder, Halkett, R.M.D., Canterbury).— for first annual ball. Appointment of junior judges to be nominated by the Courtenay A. and P. Association for inclusion in the official list of judges. . Offer of £1 donation received from the local branch of the Farmers’ Union for competition amongst members at the Courtenay-Paparaua ploughing match. North Canterbury. , ! (District Secretary, A. S. Nash. Department Of Agriculture, Rangiora.) J • Amberley (Secretary, G. Wornall, Amberley; Nth. Canterbury) .—Business meeting: '- Invitations from Amberley Farmers’ Union to a social

evening, and from the W.D.F.U. to their birthday dance. Arrangements for the club’s annual dance, ' Amuri (Secretary, T. Harold Belton, Waiau, North Canterbury). Cheviot (Secretary, A. C. Mowat, Leamington. Cheviot, Nth. Canterbury).— for short talks by members at next meeting. Address* by Mr. A. S. Nash, District Secretary, on “The Young Farmers’ Club Movement." Talk by , Mr. C. Mackenzie on “The Tour to the West Coast by members of the Scargill-Omihi Club;" Oust (Secretary, A. Mclntosh. Horrelville, Rangiora, R.M.D., Nth. Canterbury). Hawarden (Secretary, A. B. Dalzell, Mason’s Flat, Hawarden, Nth. Canterbury).—lnvitation to Amur! Club’s field day. Arrangements for combining with the.W.D.F.U. in their annual ball. - • Oxford (Secretary, W. lan Cray, Oxford, Nth. Canterbury). Scargiil-Omihi (Secretary, T. G. Maxwell, Motunau, Nth. Canterbury). Westland. (District Secretary, A. D. Mercer, Department of Agriculture, Greymouth.) Murchison (Secretary, J. Boland, Longford, Murchison). Nelson. (District, Secretary, D. Merry, Department of Agriculture, Nelson.) - Dovedale (Secretary, P. J. Burnett, R.M.D., Wakefield, Nelson).Annual club dog trials; details given elsewhere in a separate paragraph. s i Mcrtueka (Secretary, A. E. Wratt, “The Grange,”' Motueka, Nelson). , Motupiko (Secretary, G. V. Nicholls, Korere, Nelson). Moutere (Secretary, B. L. Benseman, Neudorf, R.M.D., Upper Moutere, Nelson).Business meeting. An officer of the Defence Department to be asked to give an address at the next meeting. Final arrangements for debate with Dovedale Club. At the meeting talks were given by members on their ' meeting ; with the Wairarapa touring members in Nelson. Marlborough. (District Secretary, D. R. Wilkie, Department of Agriculture, Blenheim.) Blenheim (Secretary, T. M. Walsh, . Blenheim),.—R. Litchfield, J. Cresswell, . and M. Walsh elected to join with Seddon and Flaxbourne representatives to form the “show parade" executive. Club to challenge the winner of a debate between Seddon and Flaxbourne clubs. Address by Mr. J. B. Laidlaw, advisory president, on “Dog Trials and the Breeding and . Working of Dogs.” A club debate was held at the previous meeting, . the subject being “Agricultural Farming v. Grassland Farming.” The team supporting grassland farming were declared the winners. Flaxbourne (Secretary, R. Sharpe, Ward. Marlborough,) .—The proposed Y.F.C. Centennial tree-planting . scheme was discussed. Lecture by A. Neal on “The Bren Gun.’’ Seddon (Secretary, R. S. Dysart, Seddon. Marlborough). Wairarapa. (District Secretary, N. Lamont, Department of Agriculture, Masterton.) Aifredton (Secretary, N. C. Napier, “Strath Eden,” Eketahuna). ■ Ballance (Secretary, H. C. Wilton, Ballance R.D., Pahiatua). —Farewell evening to Mr. I. H. Bremner, who was leaving to be married, and later taking up a position as farm manager at Greytown. Mr. Bremner was presented, on behalf of the. settlers of Ballance, Mangahao, and .Mako Mako, with a handsome chiming clock. ' The evening was spent in: dancing interspersed with musical items. Mr. I. H.

Bremner was one of the foundation members of the Ballance Club, and has been club chairman for a number of years. Carterton (Secretary, Mr. Knutson.'Dalefield, Carterton).Arrangements for a ping-pong match with the Masterton Club and also for club birthday dance. Mr. M. J. Scott, Superintendent of the Pig Industry, presented three short films on “Genetics” and “Disease in Swine” and answered a number of questions. Local farmers were also present. Eketahuna (Secretary, E. M. Wright, Nireaha. Eketahuna). Featherston (Secretary, J. W. Feast. Western Lake Road. Featherston). — with Masterton Club, the subject being “That a Dairy Farm Requires more Managerial Ability than a Sheep Farm." Speakers, G. Blatchford, J. McKay, and D. McGregor (Masterton) : D. Benton. N. Nix, and D. Pearce (Featherston). The judge, Mr. R. Donald, Featherston, awarded the contest to the Masterton team. At a later meeting arrangements were made for the annual club ball, and Mr. M. J. Scott, Superintendent of the Pig Industry, exhibited films on “Diseases in Swine,” etc. An interesting talk was also given by Des. McKenna on his tour of the South Island with the Wairarapa Y.F.C. party. Greytown (Secretary, V. H. Gates, Grey.—Arrangements for field day. Lecture by Mr. N. Lamont, Department of Agriculture, on “Food Values of Pastures and Stock.” Mangatainoka (Secretary, H. McG. Rentoull, C/- Mr. G. 0. Anderson, Hinemoa, Pahiatua). Martinborough (Secretary, Mr. H. R. Ronalds, “Fairlie,” Martinborough).Question evening on “Lambing Troubles.” Mr. Armstrong, Veterinarian, in attendance.Masterton (Secretary, C. A. Mackay, “Hillsworth,”. Wangaehu, Masterton). —Discussion re district essay competition. Invitation to Tinui Club’s annual dance. Arrangements to visit Wallaceville Laboratory. Presentation to Owen Wyeth, shortly to be married. Short talks on the Wairarapa members’ tour of the South Island, given by D. McGregor, C. Welsh, K. McGillivray, I). McLachlan, and C. Mackay.

Pongaroa (Secretary, T. E. Hall, Pongaroa, via Masterton). Tinui (Secretary, R. Spooner, Whareama, Masterton). Manawatu. (District Secretary, H. de 0. Chamberlain, Department of Agriculture, Palmerston • .. North.) Apiti (Secretary, H. Mclntyre, Ridge Road, R.D., Apiti, Feilding).— E. E. Elphick, Government Veterinarian, gave an address on matters of interest to farmers. Bunnythorpe (Secretary, MacGregor Donald, Newbury Line, R.D., Palmerston North). — dealing with ‘‘Stumping” and ■‘Germination of Seeds” exhibited by Mr. L. Earl, Department of Agriculture. ' Colyton (Secretary, C. Burr, Spur Road, R.D.. Feilding).Arrangements for annual concert and dance. Mr. Kenneth Krammer, a geologist employed by an American oil company at present conducting a geological survey in New Zealand, gave an address on “Geology as Applied to the Search for Oil.” The speaker answered many questions in connection with the search for oil in New Zealand and also relative:to the oilfields in U.S.A. At the previous meeting a club debate was held, all members present taking part. A team consisting of C. Burr, L. Thurston, and N. Williamson was selected to debate against the Waituna Club. Feilding (Secretary, R. W. Durrant, Box 34, Feilding).—Report on annual dance, showing a profit of £7 6s 6d. Messrs. A. W. Hudson (Massey College) and Bruce McLeod gave an interesting combined lecture on “Mole Drain-' ing.” Fjtzherbert (Secretary, J. D. Woodley, Aokautere. Palmerston North). Haicombe (Secretary, G. Buchanan, Mt, Biggs, R.D., Feilding).Team selected for Viles Shield debate. Mr. E. M. P. Swainson, of Feilding, exhibited a film taken during his trip to Great Britain, Europe, and America.

Johnsonville (Secretary, G. Bryant, Ohariu Valley, Johnsonville). Kairanga (Secretary, I. Fraser, Box 9, Longburn). —Social evening, various members contributing items, followed by a short dance. Mr. H. de O. Chamberlain, Department of Agriculture, gave an address on “The Y.F.C. Movement in Great Britain” and a travel talk on “English Rural Districts." Kimbolton-Kiwitea (Secretary, C. F. Tappin; Kimbolton R.D., Feilding).—Arrangements for dance. Reports on Viles Shield debate and the Wellington Council meeting. Members who took part in the Manawatu tour of the South Island gave descriptions of their trip. Levin (Secretary, F. J. Rolston, Ihakara, Levin). —Arrangements for field day. Talks were given by R. Buchanan and V. C. Lewis on “The Judging of Sheep” and “The Judging of Cattle" • respectively. Opiki (Secretary, L. Young, Fitzherbert West, R.D.). Oroua Downs (Secretary, J. E. Dench, Oroua Downs) .—Arrangements for a lecture by a recruiting officer. Cup donated by the club to the Oroua Downs School for its calf club. Golf match to be held with Raumai. Arrangements for dance. Address by Mr. G. Buchanan on “The Identification of Grasses and Their Respective Merits in the Pasture.” At the previous meeting an address was given by Mr. Marsden on “Stock Diseases and Other Troubles on the Farm." Otaki-Te Horo (Secretary, F. S. Elliott, Otaki). —Debate with the Kairanga Club won by Kairanga by a small margin. Paraparaumu (Secretary, H. W. Holland, Box 35, Paraparaumu). Pohangina Valley (Secretary, A. Macdonald. —Discussion with members of the Farmers’ Union. Lecture by Mr. C. L. Turnbull, of the Free Ambulance, on "Rescusitation." Rangiotu (Secretary, I. Bond, Rangiotu R.D., Palmerston North). Rangiwahia (Secretary, K. O’Dwyer, Rangiwahia, via Feilding).—The meeting dealt mainly with the formation of a troop to be attached to the Queen Alexandra Mounted Rifles. This matter was left in the hands of the members interested. . Captain Barrington spoke on the “Recruiting Campaign” and Major Laws gave a talk on ’ the “Training and Equipment of a Troop of Mounted Rifles.” At the previous meeting Mr. L. Pemberton gave an address on “Bees Rongotea (Secretary, J. H. Gibbons, P. 8., Rongotea).— on dance. Selection of debating team. . Discussion re seven-a-side football. Address by Mr. M. H. Oram on “Public Speaking and Debating.” Shannon (Secretary, C. Watson, c/o Mr. G. G. Mitchell, Shannon). —Club adjourned during the meeting to the local blacksmith’s shop, where Mr. W. Clough gave a talk on “The . Setting of a Plough.” Tokomaru (Secretary, K. R. Whyte, Box 1, Tokomaru).Business meeting. Discussion re dance, election, of members, etc. Waituna (Secretary, I. H. Old, Cunninghams R.D., Feilding).—Arrangements for club debate. Talk by Mr. H. de O. Chamberlain, Department of Agriculture. Talks by R. and A. Meads on the Manawatu tour of the South Island. Whakarongo (Secretary, R. G. Scott, jun., Whakarongo R.D.).Debating team selected. Posters for club ball distributed. Talks by members as follows —“Motor Racing” (G. Spall) ; “Advantages of Baled Hay” (I. Tabor) ; "Gold Mining in Thames” (R. Berry). Woodville (Secretary, A. Compton, Hopelands, Woodville).Lecture on “Potato-growing,” by Mr. J. F. Gloyn, of the Rongotea Club. A friendly debate was also held with a team from Rongotea, who accompanied the lecturer. The subject was “That the Tractor Can Economically Supersede the Horse for General Farm Work.” The Woodville team were declared the winners. Wanganui. (District Secretary, A. R. Dingwall, Department of Agriculture, Wanganui). Bulls (Secretary, S. H. Last-Harris, Parewanui Road, Bulls) .—Field day, including dog trials, to be held. Address on the Hastings Educational Week by C. B. Anderson. Hunterville (Secretary, A. Cameron, Ongo Road, Hunterville). —Address by Mr. R. M. S.

Jones on “Lease and Tenure.” At previous unreported meetings a lecture was given .by Mr. Hill Motion, Veterinarian, on “Stock Management .in , Relation to Disease,” and Dr. Burnett delivered an address on “The History of Medicines and First Aid.” Mangaweka (Secretary, J. Reilly, Mangaweka).Discussion re proposed . debate. . Mr. C. Newport, Inspector of Stock, read and explained the Stock Art and gave a talk on “Hydatids and General Diseases in Stock.” Marton (Secretary, H. C. Kimpton, Box 40, Marton). Taihape (Secretary, R. 0. Batley, Moawhango, Taihape).—Discussion on the district essay competition and the recruiting campaign. Arrangements for a field day. Talk on “Practical Beekeeping,” by C. Fannin, a club member. Waimarino (Secretary, V. Whale, Rangitaua, Main Trunk). Westmere (Secretary, C. Goldstone, Brunswick, Wanganui).— re Wanganui Educational Week, preparations, etc. Address by Mr. G. Crawley on “The Early Days in Westmere and Brunswick.” : At the previous meeting Mr. I. Currie spoke on “The Functions of the Meat Producers’ Board”; he also gave some of his experiences in the district in the early days. South Tarhnaki. (District Secretary, J. E. Davis, Department of Agriculture, Hawera). Alton (Secretary, G. Garnett, Alton, Taranaki) . Eitham (Secretary, L. R. Sultzberger, Eltham). —Selector , chosen for ten-a-side football tournament. Lecture on “Democracy and Youth” by Mr. A. H. R. Amess, of the Stratford District High School. Hawera (C. G. Washer, South Road, Inaha, Hawera). Kaponga (J. J. Kissick, Box 68, Kaponga, Ta Lowgarth (J. F. Sultzberger, Lowgarth, Taranaki) „ , Pukengahu (G. L. Burgham, Wingrove Road, Pukengahu, Stratford). Waverley (W. P. Matthews. Box 26, Waverley). ■■ Whakamara-Mokoia (Secretary, J. Buckrell, Whakamara, Taranaki). Whenuakura (Secretary, J. Fairweather, Private Bag, Patea). North Taranaki. (District Secretary, G. A. Blake, Department of Agriculture, New Plymouth). Cardiff (Secretary, W. Brunton, Cardiff).— Team selected for 10-a-side football tournament. Arrangements for club programme. At the previous meeting Mr, S. Freeman, Dominion Organising Secretary, gave a talk on the Y.F.C. Movement and exhibited sound films of general interest. m Hillsborough-Tarurutangi . (Secretary, N. T. Sampson, Hillsborough, New Plymouth). Inglewood (Secretary, H. J. Clough, Inglewood). —Selection of two _ football teams, a seven-a-side and a ten-a-side. Talk by Mr. E. Rowan on “The Differences in Breeds of Sheep”; address by Mr. M. Sutton on “European Politics” ; and short address by H. Chard on the Hastings Education Week. Members of the club spent a day visiting four farms in South Taranaki: Mr. Ogle’s pig farm at Normanby, the Moore-Hunter Estate, Hawera: Mr. Gibbon’s farm at Kaponga, and Mr. S. G. Morgan’s Jersey stud at Mangatoki., The trip was arranged by the Eltham Club.. Karawaka (Secretary, L. V. Oliver, Lepper - ton, Taranaki). —Debate with the HillsboroughTarurutangi Club, the subject being “Dairying v. Mixed Farming." Speakers: R. Anderson, L. Copestake, D. A. Anderson, R. Dixon, N. Warren, and B. Sinclair (Hillsborough-Taruru-tangi) ; M. Loveridge, P. Blyde, N. Tate, G. Blyde, B. Brooking, and K. Lattimer (Karawaka). Mr. C. B. Lepper, the advisory president of the Karawaka Club, acted as judge, and awarded the decision to the Hillsborough-Ta-urutangi team, who supported mixed farming. Mangamahoe (Secretary, L. Mace, Kent Road, RD., New Plymouth).Competition to raise funds for the club; won by H. Rowlands. The advisory president, Mr. A. H. Jordan, gave a talk concerning the Wellington Council meeting.

Mangorei (Secretary, E. 0. Balsam, Upper Mangorei, New Plymouth). Midhurst (Secretary, J. L. Hunt, Radnor Road, Midhurst). Okau-Tongaporutu (Secretary, K. Culvert, Ahititi, New Plymouth).—Business meeting; discussion on club affairs generally. Omata (Secretary, T. Walsh, Hurford Road, R.D., New Plymouth). Rahotu (Secretary, R. G. Dawson, Rahotu, Taranaki).Discussion on Territorial - recruiting campaign.. Team selected to compete in football tournament at Waitara. A review of the Wanganui Education Week was given by members who attended —N. J. Hopkins, J. D. Billing, R. G. Dawson, R. W. Morgan, L. H. Butler, and A. H. R. Billing. At the previous meeting an address was given on “Early Settlement and Dairying in Taranaki.” Tarata-Pukeho (Secretary, Mr. M. George, Purangi R.D., Inglewood). Tikorangi (Secretary, G. Jupp, Box 27, Tikorangi, New Plymouth).Business meeting. Discussion re projected Y.F.C. seven-a-side footfall tournament at Waitara. Arrangements for a debate with local Boys’ and Girls’ Agricultural Club. A table-tennis tournament was successfully carried out, the winner being Mr. A. Hopson, with Miss P. Hopson as runner-up. Toko (Secretary, W. H. Needham, Toko, Stratford). by Paul Cook, a member of the North Taranaki Y.F.C. party recently touring New South Wales. Urenui (Secretary, K. Phillips, Waitoitoi, New Plymouth). Wharehuia (Secretary, A. B. Thomson, Beaconfleld Road, Stratford). Southern Hawke’s Bay. (District Secretary, J. W. Palmer, Department of Agriculture, Hastings). Dannevirke (Secretary, K. Bateman, Box 38, Dannevirke). Hastings (Secretary, H. M. Campbell, Box 128, Hastings). debate: “That Hill Country in Hawke’s Bay is More Suitable for Sheepfarming than the Heretaunga Plains”; won by the affirmative. Address on “Home Defence” by Lieutenant Crossman. A field day was held at Mr. R. Nlmon’s Southdown stud,. Havelock North, able demonstration being given by Mr. . Nimon to an attendance of 25. Norsewood (Secretary, B. D. Anderson, R.D. Norsewood, HU.). Onga Onga (Secretary, Clive H. Masters, Onga Onga, H. 8.). Arrangements for a debate. Talk on “Road Safety,” by Mr. Lock, chief patrol officer, Hawke’s Bay Automobile Association. Takapau (Secretary, M. N. Tilley, Takapau, H.BJ. — by members who attended the Hastings Educational Week, as follows: —“A Trip Through the Esk Valley” (P. Tennent) ; “The Herald Printing Office” (F. Fox) ; “The Southern Cross Biscuit Factory” (L. Thomson) , A lecture was given by Mr. A. Laing, Government Veterinarian, on “Diseases in Stock.” A field day was held on Mr. de Stacpoole’s property. Demonstrations included the following “Plough-setting” (Mr. D. McMillan), “Fencing” (Mr. S. Thomsen), “Romneys” (Mr. C. H. St. Hill), “Conservation of Fodder” (Mr. J. W. Palmer), “Dorset Horns” (Mr. C. L. Crooks), “Dog Trials” (Mr. R. McDonald), “Herefords” (Mr. L. Stuckey), “Southdowns” (Mr. C. Edgecombe). Competitions and novelty events were also held. There was an . attendance of over 100. . Tikokino (Secretary, H. H. Eddy, Tikokino R.D., Waipawa). Waipukurau (Secretary, J. J.. Mackie,: Porangahau Road, Waipuku-au).Arrangements for social. Address by Mr. L. M. Manchton on “Farm Timber and the Planting of Different Species of Trees.” Northern Hawke’s Bay. (District Secretary,, R. P. Hill, Department of Agriculture, Hastings). Matapiro (Secretary, H. Pearce, Box 32, Hast—Short address by Mr. M. Connor, Omapare, regarding the Patangata ploughing match, dog trials, and horse events, especially urging members to enter for the Y.F.C. hogget classes. Lecture by Mr. Fulton, wool expert, N.Z. Loan and . Mercantile Agency Co., Ltd. Mr. Fulton illustrated his lecture by means of samples of wool, tops, etc. A very successful dance was held by the club at Sherenden. .

Meeanee (Secretary, J. H. McGrath, Meeanee, Napier). Nuhaka (Secretary, W. J. Alexander, Nuhaka, H. 8.). . Putorino (Secretary, E. Smyth, P.O. Raupunga, H. 8.). ■ :?li Wairoa (Secretary, W. G. Brownlie, Frasertown, Wairoa, H. 8.). Poverty Bay. (District Secretary, E. M. Bates, Department of Agriculture, Gisborne). Gisborne (Secretary, J. L. Munro, Box 47, Patutahi, Gisborne).Donations of supper re-' quirements for district committee’s ball.. Arrangements for debate , with Gisborne Young Business Men’s Club; sub-committee appointed to select debating team, etc. Lecture -by Mr. E. J. Simmons, Government Veterinarian, on "Diseases in Stock.” Address by Mr. E. M. Bates, Department of Agriculture, on "Manuring.” Matawai (Secretary, G. Korte, Matawai, Gisborne). Te Karaka (Secretary, J. H. Bayley, Te Karaka, Gisborne). Tolaga Bay (Secretary, D. G. Graili, Box 48, Tolaga Bay). , , . e Taumarunui. (District. Secretary, J. M. Hopkins, Department of Agriculture, Taumarunui). • Ohura (Secretary, C. J. Ryan, Niho Niho,. Ohura, Main Trunk).Election of new members'. Mr. J. M. Hopkins, District Secretary, spoke on the success of the Y.F.C. Court at the Taumarunui Winter Show. - Mr. N. J. B. Dougherty, advisory president, spoke on “The Conduct of Meetings,” dealing especially With the duties of the chairman, secretary, and treasurer. Taumarunui (Secretary, L. G. Smith, Patunga, Taumarunui).— on field day. Outline of club dance. Address by Mr. BrentonRule on “Taxation and Bookkeeping on the Farm." Te Kuiti. (District Secretary, K. M. Montgomery, Department of Agriculture, Te Kuiti). , • Aria (Secretary, W. Evans, Aria,. Te Kuiti). Otorohanga (Secretary, C. G. Murphy, Te Kuiti, Otorohanga).Report on club ball, profit of £4 5s Id. Club debate: “That the Young Farmer of Today has a Better Chance of Success than his Grandfather.” Speakers: C. Murphy, E. Muir, T. and M. Shields (affirmative) ; S. Tye. J. . Clarke, H. and L. Strawbridge (negative). The negative team won by 35 points to 25. A field day was held on the Waikato Land Settlement Society’s block at Kairanga; Mr. D. V. Bryant spoke on the workings of the society and also briefly discussed agriculture as he had recently seen it in Germany. Te Anga (Secretary, H. C. Goddard, R.D., Te Kuiti). Eastern Bay of Plenty. (District Secretary, C. R. Taylor. Department of Agriculture, Whakatane). Edgecumbe (Secretary, A. R. N. Briggs, Onepu R.MD., Whakatane).-Arrangements re football match with Waimana, also hay and ensilage competitions. Address by Captain Yeoman, Taneatua, on “The Necessity of Military Training in New Zealand.” Opotiki (Secretary, B. F. Gilmore, Box 4, Opotiki) .—Club member nominated as , representative on the A. and P. Association. Discussion on “Recruiting,” led by the advisory president. Friendly debate with Waimana Club: "That the Control of Disease is of Greater Economic Importance than the Breeding of High-producing Strains of Stock.” Won by Waimana, who took the negative. Taneatua (Secretary, W. Garlick, Taneatua). —Discussion on Centennial tree-planting scheme. Waimana (Secretary, D F. Woolfield, Waimana, Bay of Plenty).Discussion Centennial tree-planting scheme; address by Mr. F. Reynolds on his “Trip Abroad” and “The Coronation.” Western Bay of Plenty. (District Secretary, A. V. Allo, Department of Agriculture, Tauranga); ' Katikati (Secretary, T. J. Pamment, Katikati, Bay of Plenty).Final arrangements for

club ball; lecture on “Recruiting” by the advisory president, Mr. H. Capamagian. At the previous meeting R. Walford and B. Wright gave accounts of the Bay of Plenty Y.F.C. tour of North Auckland. A ping-pong tournament was held, I. B. Sutton being the winner and G. B. Walford runner-up.

Omokoroa (Secretary, H. Emeny,, Omokoroa, Bay of Plenty). Paengaroa (Secretary, Cliff W. Riddell, Oto, R.D.. Te Puke). —Arrangements to entertain North Auckland Y.F.C. touring party. Presentation made by Mr. D. S. Ross .(chairman of the Auckland Council) to Mr. E. Blackmore, of Paengaroa Club, for the work he had done, to assist the Y.F.C. movement. Addresses on “Home Defence” by Captain Yeoman and Lieutenant Santon, of Taneatua. At the previous meeting an address on “Life-saving” was given by Mr. Porter.

Tauranga (Secretary, A. J. Voss, Tauranga,' R-. D.). Te Puke (Secretary, J. Phare, Te Puke, Bay of Plenty).— to enter a team in the seven-a-side football tournament. Discussion on Centennial tree-planting scheme. Lecture by Mr. A. V. Allo, Department of Agriculture, on “Lucerne”; the speaker dealt fully with the preparation of the ground, inoculation of seed, sowing, manuring, and general care of a lucerne stand. . . , Waihi (Secretary, A. W. Blackmore, Old Tauranga Road, Waihi). Rotorua. (District Secretary, C. S. Dalgleish, Department of Agriculture, Rotorua). Horo Hero (Secretary, T. D. Kingi, Atiamuri Road, R.D., Rotorua).—Report on club tour of the East Coast, under leadership of Sir • A., T.Ngata. Putaruru (Secretary, N. Farelly, Putaruru). Rotorua-Ngongataha (Secretary, E. W. Hunt, Malfroy Road, Rotorua). Waikato. (District Secretary, J. F. Shepherd, Department of Agriculture, Hamilton). Cambridge (Secretary, Eric Anderson, ' Hautapu, Cambridge. Huntiy West (Secretary, J. W. Furniss, Ruawaro, Huntiy). ' Kakepuku (Secretary, E. F. Hopping, Te Kawa, Waikato). M ata m ata (Secretary, S. K. Duxfleld, Station' Road, Matamata). ’ ■ ; Matangi (Secretary, C. McKendry, Newstead R D.. Waikato).Annual meeting; officers electAdvisory president, Dr. H. E. Annett; club chairman, P. Mead; secretary and treasurer, C. McKendry. Tauhei (Secretary, H. K. Williams, Tauhei, Morrinsville). —Opening address by Mr. Tavener, an advisory member. Talk bn “Club Rules” by Mr. W. T. Osborne, advisory president. Tahuna (Secretary, E. R. Elliott, Hoe-o-tai-nui. RD., Ohinewai). Te Aroha (Secretary, J. P. Hunt, Box 58, Te Aroha). Te Awamutu (Secretary. H. C. Wynyard,. Box 53, Te Awamutu).Field day to be held. / /(•ss. , 'v Mr. a. J. Sinclair on “ Conduct a Meeting.” Te Kowhai (Secretary, C. H. Weedon, Horotiu, Waikato). Auckland. (District Secretary, J. E. Bell, Department of Agriculture, Auckland). Clevedon (Secretary, W. Driver, Clevedon, —Election of social committee. Lecture on "Diseases of Stock” by Mr. H. W. Carbury, Government Veterinarian. At the previous meeting az lecture on “Citrus Fruits” was given by Dr. W. S. Hill,, of Otahuhu Technical High School, and an address by Mr. A. D. Bell, of Clevedon, on "How to Conduct a Meeting.” • ■ : Franklin (Secretary, R. W. Franke, Karaka, Runciman).

Harrisville (Secretary, S. K. Alexander, Tuakau) .—Election of advisory members ; arrangements for field day . and card party. General discussion on “Qualities in Hay and Ensilage,”■ all members present taking part., ' ... A field, day was held on Mr. J. Armstrong's property Tuakau. Mr. C. Hawke, Pukekohe East, demonstrated on “Bacon Type in Pigs.” A judging competition on pigs was held during the field day. There was total attendance of 54. Mangatawhiri (Secretary, G. Quick, c/o Mr. C. Peach, Maramarua). . Mauku (Secretary, A. Goossman, Mauku, Pukekohe). . Warkwortli. ; J, (District Secretary, P. S. Syme, Department of Agriculture, Warkworth). Port Albert (Secretary, J. Shepherd, Port' Albert, R.D., Wellsford). - Wellsford (Secretary, J. H. Beecher, Wellsford) . Whangarei. (District Secretary, E. B. Glanville, Department of Agriculture, Whangarei). Keri Keri (Secretary, D. R. Bowden, c/o Mr.' H. S. Benner, Keri Keri Central, North Auckland) . ■ Matarau (Secretary, W. A. Rushbrook, Matarau Road, R.D., Whangarei)—Business meeting, report on dance held to entertain visiting Bay of Plenty members and allocation of pro-! fits. Discussion on Auckland Council meeting. Maungakaramea. (Secretary, R. Porter, Maungakaramea, North Auckland). Maungatapere (Secretary, G. Symons, Maunu, North Auckland).Election of advisory mem-, bers and committee. Address on “How to Conduct a Meeting” by Mr. A. T. Brainsley, Whangarei. . > •' Dargaville. (District Secretary, E. H. Arnold, Department of Agriculture, Dargaville). ; Arapohue (Secretary, J. T. Studholme, Mititai, Dargaville),Address by Mr. R. Gibson, solicitor, on “Farm Laws.” The speaker dealt with (1) the Trespassing of Stock Act, etc.; (2) fencing laws; (3) land (titles, fixtures ing of land). Many questions on other points of interest were answered. Marohemo (Secretary, L. Maras, R.D,, Maungaturoto Railway, North Auckland). —Lecture by Mr. A. Ariel on “The Management of Run Cattle.” A field day was held at Maro- ; hemo, taking the form of a demonstration on mole-draining by Mr. H. ■ Woodyear Smith. Ruawai (Secretary, E. Barnes Walker, Parahi. Matakohe, North Auckland).Addresses by, Messrs. T. E. Walton and W. Craven on “The Ruawai Flats as They were Thirty Years Ago.” ■ . . . .., Tangiteroria (Secretary, J. H. Boyes, -Kirikopuni, North .—Discussion re Auckland Council meeting. Lecture by Mr. B. Coleman, of Tangowahine, on “Common Sheep in New Zealand.” , ■ '? Kaitaia. (District Secretary, A. M. Lee. Department or Agriculture, Whangarei). Broadwood (Secretary, D. Hawkins, R.D., Kokukoku, North —Discussion re Auckland Council meeting. Lecture by Mr? A. M. Lee, Department of Agriculture, on “Topdressing.” At the previous : meeting Mr. Lee) gave an address on “How to Conduct a Meeting." , ' ' Kaeo (Secretary, W. D. McGee, Box 44. Kaeo, North Auckland). Kaitaia (Secretary, T. W. Flinn, c/o Mr. R. D. Hanlon, Kaitaia). Oruru (Secretary, H. Frew, RD., Kaitaia).. Umawera (Secretary, B. Gray, R.D., Okaihau, North Auckland). \

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New Zealand Journal of Agriculture, Volume 59, Issue 2, 15 August 1939, Page 166

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N.Z. Federation of Young Farmers’ Clubs New Zealand Journal of Agriculture, Volume 59, Issue 2, 15 August 1939, Page 166

N.Z. Federation of Young Farmers’ Clubs New Zealand Journal of Agriculture, Volume 59, Issue 2, 15 August 1939, Page 166

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