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Among the Clubs : Reports on Activities.

IN order to make room for other matters of interest to Y.F.C. members it has been decided to publish the full list of clubs with the names and addresses of secretaries quarterly in future instead of monthly.

Because of seasonal activities throughout the Dominion, more particularly in the South Island, a number of clubs have been in recess and in consequence have held no meetings recently, so that only a comparatively small number of reports are to hand. Club secretaries are urged to. forward reports through the usual channels as soon as possible after each meeting. Western Southland. Wyndham.— on Physical Fitness Week. Election of new Secretary. Report on Invercargill District Committee meeting. Lecture by Mr. Dunbar entitled “ A Few Points in Banking.” Farewell to J. F. Winter, late Club Secretary, who has obtained a Y.F.C. scholarship to Lincoln College. Wairarapa. Ballance. Arrangements for judging competitions and fat-lamb entries at Pahiatua Show. Address by Mr. S. T. Tinney, Pahiatua, on “ Farm Law.” The speaker dealt fully with the procedure in' buying, leasing, and selling a property, and also with mortgages, bank overdrafts, &c. Carterton. Decided to take part in the parade during the local Physical Fitness Week and to enter a team of eight in the tug-o-war. Nominations were accepted for the provincial stock-judging competitions. Lecture by Mr. E. P. Neilsen, Supervisor, Wellington Pig Council, on “ Pigs and Pig Farming.” — Business meeting. Discussion re activities, &c. Masterton.— Discussion re Physical Fitness Week; members to take part in procession, &c. Arrangements for the provincial stock-judging competitions in April. Lantern lecture by Mr. L. J. . Dumbleton, Entomologist, Department of Scientific and Industrial Research, Nelson, on “ Parasitic Control of Insect Pests.” Manawatu. Apiti. Election of stewards for Apiti Y.F.C. Show ; decided to conduct a stock-judging competition in conjunction with the show. Address by Mr. G. S. Robinson, District Secretary, on the Physical Fitness Week and the part to be taken by the Y.F.C. in the Pageant of Youth to be held at Palmerston North; — Discussion on National Fitness Campaign ; club to hold a sports meeting to select teams to take part in district events. Club “ membership drive ” to be undertaken. Mr. H. de 0. Chamberlain, Department of Agriculture, addressed members on “ The Physical Fitness Campaign.” '. ’ . ? ; Feilding. Business meeting. Arrangements for impromptu speeches, and also for club dance. Filzherbert.— Discussions on physical fitness campaign. Mr. G. S. Robinson, Department of Agriculture, spoke on the Physical Fitness Week and the local and district activities in connection with it. Three motion pictures were exhibited.

Kairanga.— Arrangements for club social. Mr. G. S. Robinson, Department of Agriculture, outlined the activities being undertaken in connection with the Physical Fitness ‘Week. An address was given by Mr. R. Struthers on The Farmer and the Law.” The address created great interest, and keen discussion followed.

Levin.— Selection of team for stock-judging competition at Shannon. Talkie films dealing with agricultural subjects were exhibited by Mr. H. de O. Chamberlain, Department of Agriculture. Orona Downs.— Challenge Cup donated to sports club for Y.F.C. relay race. Arrangements for visit to Foxton wool-pack factory, and a cricket match with Rongotea Club. " Shannon.— Business meeting. Decided to support the Linton sports-day. Four teams selected for stock-judging at Shannon sports, as follows : (a) A. J. Smith, C. Watson, G. Third ; (6) N. Guerin, A. Cooper, D. Campbell ; (c) M. Lange, W. Jagger, I. Falconer ; (d) J. Allerby, I). Aitcheson, J. Bowler. Pohangina Valley. Address by Mr. H. de O. Chamberlain, Department of Agriculture, on the Phvsical Fitness Week.

Rongotea.— films on agricultural subjects exhibited by Mr. G. S. Robinson, Department of Agriculture. ' Whakarongo.- Discussion re district picnics and other activities connected with Physical Fitness Week. Lecture by Mr. H. de O. Chamberlain, Department of Agriculture, on “ Manures.” Mr. Chamberlain also addressed the meeting on the Physical Fitness Week. Woodville. Report on dance. Discussion re Physical Fitness Week. Mr. G. S. Robinson, District Secretary, gave an outline of the district activities .connected with the physical fitness campaign. It was decided to enter teams in all sections, and also to send a team to Shannon to take part in the stock-judging competition. Wanganui. Marton. Arrangements finalized for ■ the stockjudging competition at Marton A. and P. Show. Address by Mr. Isaac Andrew, of Marton, on “ Judging Sheep.” During the month an inter-club debate was held with the Hunterville Club, the subject being “ That Farming To-day is more Difficult than it was Fifty Years Ago.” The Marton team was awarded the decision by a very small margin. South Taranaki. Hawera.— Club debate, the subject being “That Horses are Superior to Tractors for any Class of Haulage.” The speakers were as follow Affirmative : S. Johnston (leader), G. Ogle, D. Gray, I. Dunlop. Negative: J. Johnson, G. Kavanagh, D. Badcock, A. Johnson. Mr, P. 0. Veale acted as judge, and gave the decision to the team supporting the negative. Points awarded were : Negative, 321 ; affirmative, 293. J. Johnson was adjudged the best individual speaker. Pukengahu.— Cricket match to be held with the Eltham Club. Arrangements for a presentation to a member who was recently married. Address by Mr. C. A. Wilkinson, M.P., on his trip to England at the time of the Coronation, May, 1937. The speaker described his tour from the time he left Auckland on the “ Awatea.” At Sydney he boarded a Dutch steamer for Singapore, where he inspected the defences, &c. He arrived in England, and saw the actual coronation in Westminster Abbey. After attending several Court functions he left England to tour Holland, Germany, Czechoslovakia, and France. Mr. Wilkinson gave interesting descriptions of all the places he visited, and also touched upon their main industries. Practically every club member attended this meeting, and about forty visitors, being members of the Farmers’ Union and Women’s Division, were also present at the lecture.

Whakamara.— An illustrated talk on “ Liver Fluke in Sheep ” and the “ Hydated Tape-worm ” was given by the club Secretary, I. Buckerell. North Taranaki. Inglewood. -Field-day at Inglewood, An attendance of more than two hundred and fifty was recorded, including farmers and . others interested. Opening speeches were made by the Mayor, and the President of the Inglewood Jersey Cattle Club. Demonstrations were given by Mr. Sorenson on “ Castrating ” and Types of Baconers.” Other demonstrations were given on horses and cattle. 1 Karawaka. Final arrangements for a field-day. Teams selected to represent the club in the Y.F.C. stock-judging competitions at the Taranaki A. and P. Show at New Plymouth. Address by Mr. R. B. Wood, M.R.C.V.S., on the “ Live-stock Embargo.” The speaker also touched briefly on hydatids, stressing the necessity for every care being taken to carry out the recent regulations in connection with the campaign to eradicate hydatid disease. Mangamahoe. Report of District Executive meeting at New Plymouth. Lecture by Mr. A. G. Elliott, Department of Agriculture, on “ Diseases and Grubs in Crops and Pastures.” Mr, Elliott also spoke on “ Pasture Management.” Okau-Tongaporutu.— on club dance ; profit shown of £6 10s. Decided ,to enter four teams in the Y.F.C. stock-judging competition at the New Plymouth A. and P. Show. Address by the club Secretary, Owen Collins, on “ Rotorua and Surrounding Districts.” Discussion on forthcoming district tour. Four teams selected for the cow and pig judging at the New Plymouth A. and P. Show. The District Secretary, Mr. G. A. Blake, Department of Agriculture, outlined the arrangements for the district tour, and also spoke of the various judging contests to be held at the show. Mr. A. G. Elliott, Department of Agriculture, also spoke concerning the tour, giving members some idea of what they would see at various points throughout the trip. , Southern Hawke’s Bay. Norsewood.— meeting. Arrangements finalized for entries in the bacon-pig class at the Danncvirke A. and P. Show. Takapau. Discussion on the suggestion of the Advisory President that Y.F.C. members should be encouraged to take a greater interest in the Territorials. Lecture by Mr. A. C. Morton, of Massey College on “The Points of a Ram.” r

Northern Hawke’s Bay. Nuhaka.— Paper read by C. Clayton (club member) on “ Treating Dogs for Influenza.” Address by Mr. M. R. Show on his recent trip to Australia. A fieldday was held at Mr. T. W. G. Tombleson’s homestead, Tahanui, and took the form of a Romney sheep judging contest for a cup presented by Mr. Tombleson. This was won by R. Powdrell (Wairoa Y.F.C.), W. Brownlie (Wairoa Y.F.C.) being second, and A. Jane (Nuhaka Y.F.C.) third. Three members of the Wairoa Club were present at the gathering. Wairoa. — Business meeting. Discussion on following : Physical Fitness Week Mercantile firms to be challenged to a cricket match ; Meeanee Y.F.C. sports meeting ; debating team for Ruakura ; Rugby football match v. Manawatu ; Hastings Educational Week. Poverty Bay. Gisborne.— by Mr. S. R. Philips on his recent trip abroad. Visiting members from the Tolaga Bay Y.F.C. gave talks as follows : M. Robinson, “ The Management of a Model Pig Farm,” and J. O’Connell, “ The Preparation for an Adequate Watersupply.” At previously unreported meetings Mr. K. Kilby, of the Smithfield meat-market, gave an address on “ Smithfield and the New Zealand Meat Trade,” and Mr. La Marr, engineer in charge of boring operations at Totangi, gave an interesting talk on “ Oil Boring.” Te Karaka.— talks by club members as follows : “ Dairying in South Africa ” (J. Bayley) ; “Subterranean Clover” (E. Newton); “Drinkingwater for Dairy Stock ” (J. McKenzie) ; “ Blow-flies ” (J. Dymock) ; “ Experiments in Pollinating Corn ” (R. Bright); “Ruakura Farm” (E. Tattersfield); “ A Model Piggery in England ” (A. Bayley) ; “ Fencing (A. D. N. Manuel); The Apiary (A. Maclean). Taumarunui. Taumarunui.— Final arrangements for visit to Ohura A.P.H. and T. Association. Mr. C. Walker, Department of Agriculture, exhibited talkie films on subjects of agricultural interest, including “Worm Infestation of Pigs.”

Eastern Bay of Plenty. Edgecumbe.— Business meeting. Selection of a debating team ; discussion on radio talks, the projected district tour, and the stock-judging competitions at the Whakatane A. and P. Show. Opotiki. Discussion re stock-judging competitions, and report of the District Committee meeting. A five-minute talk was given by each club member present on “ How to Improve the Club.” Taneatua. Business meeting. Subjects selected for debating contests. Suggested that members should attain a combined field-day to be held at Waimana, at which teams for stock-judging competitions (dairy cow and baconer pig) would be selected to represent the Eastern Bay of Plenty against teams from Rotorua and Western Bay of Plenty. Western Bay of Plenty. Katikati.— to be held on show night. A short talk was given by the club Secretary (R. Walford) on the Y.F.C. rally held in Tauranga on 11th February. Following this, all members present made impromptu speeches, that given by L. Court being voted the best. The Advisory President, Mr. H. Capamagian, gave a realistic account of his experiences in the riot that occurred in Auckland in 1932. — Arrangements for cricket practice in order to select a team. Mr. A. Greig, Orchard Instructor, Department of Agriculture, gave a lecture on “ The Home Orchard.” Paengaroa.— to make a donation of £2 towards the prize-money in the Y.F.C. dairy cowjudging competitions to be held at the Te Puke A. and P. Show. The following were selected to act as junior judges for the various stock sections at the show : L. Ashe (draught horses) ; A. Walter (Shorthorn cattle) ; E. Pinker (Friesian cattle) ; G. Mortensen (Red Poll cattle); W. Conway (sheep) ; D. W. Gulliver (pigs). It was decided to hold a picnic sports meeting in March, the committee to bring down a programme for the next meeting. Interesting lecture by Mr. A. E. Spratt (advisory member) on “ Fat-lamb Raising.” Waihi. Arrangements for visit to Te Aroha Dairy Co. A talk on “ Debating ” was given by Mr. Smith, Headmaster, Waihi District High School, followed by general discussion.


Horohoro. Discussion of proposed tour of the land-development scheme at Ruatoki, Te Kaka, Tikitiki, and Mohaka. The following took part in the discussion : C. C. Kingston, W. Corby, J. Gordon, and Mr. C. S. Dalgleish, District Secretary. A fieldday was held, taking the form of a lecture and demonstration by Mr. A. M. W. Greig, Orchard Instructor, Department of Agriculture, on the “ Treatment of Soil; How to Plant; Suitable Trees to Plant ; Pests, Diseases, Sprays, Pruning, and Manuring.” Waikato. Huntly West. Business meeting. Discussion re finance. Teams selected for forthcoming debate. Decided to purchase a table-tennis set. Arrangements for a visit to Horotiu freezing- and for an inter-club cricket match v. Otorohanga Y.F.C. Selection of assistant stewards for the various sections at the Te Awamutu A. and P. Show ; twelve appointed. The Advisory President, Mr. W. G. Neill, gave an interesting address on “ Methods of Controlling Mammitis, using the Brown Thymol and Bacteria Test.” The visit to Horotiu took place on 14th February, the party being shown through the freezing-works by the manager, Mr. Souter, who afterwards gave an instructive talk on the prevention and cure of diseases prevalent in pigs. The chief grader exhibited some pig carcasses, explaining the system of grading, and showing the type of carcass desirable for the present market. The New Zealand Dairy Co.’s casein, tin, and box factories at Frankton were then visited. The party numbered twenty-seven. Te Kowhai.— Business meeting. Minutes of Auckland Council meeting read and discussed. Arrangements for lectures for next meeting, &c. Auckland. Mangatawhiri.— for a visit to a woolstore at Newmarket. Report by A. E. Webb (delegate) on the Auckland Council meeting held at Ruakura. Mr. C. Walker, Department of Agriculture, exhibited two talkie films on “ Farming Methods in Other Countries,” and two silent films dealing with “ Worm Infestation in Pigs.” Dargaville. Marohemo. —Mr. E. H. Arnold, District Secretary, outlined a proposed winter tour of Hauraki Plains, Waikato, and Bay of Plenty. Mr. Arnold also gave a lecture, with the aid of diagram, on “ The Principles underlying the Breeding of Live-stock and Plants.” Kaitaia. Kaitaia.— Mr. H. M. Thomson, a delegate from the, Mangonui A. and P. Association, gave an outline of the National bacon-pig championship ; a class for pigs entering this championship to be reserved at the Mangonui A. and P. Show. A bacon-pig judging competition for Y.F.C. members also scheduled at the show. Several members were appointed as stewards to take charge of various classes in the show. An interesting talk on “ Bloat 'n Cattle ” was given by Mr. G. Bell, and Mr. H. M. Thompson enlarged on the subject. Mr. E. Moss, Department of Agriculture, spoke on strain trails of grasses and clovers and the manorial experiments carried out on all different soil types in the district, and was asked numerous questions pertaining to lime and fertilizers, members generally taking part freely in the discussion. Mr. Moss, who is leaving the district, was the recipient of a travelling shaving outfit, which was presented by the Chairman on behalf of the club. - The Advisory President, Mr. E. W. Hansen, expressed the regret felt by all members at losing Mr. Moss’s valuable services. Mr. Thompson endorsed Mr. Hansen’s remarks. Oruru. — to be forwarded to the District Secretary, Mr. E. Moss, Department of Agriculture, Kaitaia, expressing appreciation for all that he has done for the Oruru Club and for the Y.F.C. movement in the Northland. Club debate, the subject being “ The Wholesale Development of Land v. Development as Funds Permit.” The speakers were G. P. Adamson and W. R. Forsyth (wholesale development) ; R. Maria and 0. F. Packard (development as funds permit). The decision was given in favour of the latter. The previous meeting was devoted entirely to business matters, including a decision that the club should pay the expenses of delegates to district meeting, the rate to be fixed at 3d. per mile. Umawera.— on “ Seasonal Work for the Month.” Vote of thanks passed to Mr. E. Moss, Department of Agriculture, for his work as District Secretary. Address by Mr. McKenzie, of Broadwood, on “ The Care of Horses.” The speaker dealt with his subject under six headings—handling, care, feeding, watering, covering, and breaking in.

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New Zealand Journal of Agriculture, Volume 58, Issue 3, 20 March 1939, Page 279

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Among the Clubs: Reports on Activities. New Zealand Journal of Agriculture, Volume 58, Issue 3, 20 March 1939, Page 279

Among the Clubs: Reports on Activities. New Zealand Journal of Agriculture, Volume 58, Issue 3, 20 March 1939, Page 279

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