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Among the Clubs: Reports on Activities.

Western Southland.

Dipton.— Lantern lecture by Mr. W. R. Harris on “ Top-dressing.”

Lochiel.— Evening devoted to speeches by members, the subject being, “ What I would do if I were ' Boss ’ of the Farm.” At the previous meeting Mr. W. R. Harris gave a lecture on “ Winter Feeding of Stock.”

Thornbury. Lantern lecture by Mr. J. Danskin, Government Veterinarian, on “Stock Diseases.” At the previous meeting a debate was held with a visiting team from Woodlands Club, the subject being “ That Military Training should be Compulsory.” This debate was the first one to be held in a contest for a cup donated by the Southland W.D.F.U., and was won by Woodlands Club, -which took the affirmative. The speakers were L. Middlemiss, D. Campbell, M. Clark, and K. Hargest (Woodlands) ; O. Fallow, J. McLean, J. Mitchell, and J. J. Ronald (Thornbury) . Woodlands.— description of the debate between the Thornbury and Woodlands Clubs, won by the latter, was given by L. Middlemiss. A report on the Dunedin Educational Week was given by T. Taylor, who represented the club. The main speaker for the evening was Mr. W. R. Harris, who gave a lantern lecture on “ Phosphates.” At the previous meeting Mr. W. Bell gave an address on " Compulsory Military Training.” Wyndham.— Address by Mr. W. L. Harbord, Department of Agriculture, on “ How to. Conduct a Meeting.” At the previous meeting Mr. E. A. Nicol, Bluff, gave a lecture on " Whaling.” Eastern Southland. Crookston.— Arrangements made for a debate with the Waikaka Club. I. Adam and A. Smith, who represented the club at the Dunedin Educational Week, gave talks on their experiences. At previous meetings Mr. C. V. Dayus, Department of Agriculture, gave a lantern lecture on “ The Care of Breeding-ewes,” and Mr. W. Faithful, Department of Agriculture, gave a talk on “ Hay and Ensilage Making.” Moa Arrangements for further football matches with Roxburgh and Crookston Clubs. Lecture by Mr. John Hodgkin on “ The Balancing of Rations for Winter Feeding of Sheep.”

South Otago.

Clinton. Lecture by Mr. G. McDonald, Veterinarian, on “ Internal Parasites of Horses and . Sheep, their Control and Treatment.” At the previous meeting an address was given by Mr. S. D. Blomfield on “ The Ingredients of Different Kinds of Fertilizers.” Lawrence. Discussion regarding broadcast talk over 4YA. It was decided that the subject of the talk should be “ The History and Development of Farming in the South Tuapeka District,” and that G. Crump should be the speaker. Milton. Talk by Mr. J. Gray entitled “ World Affairs.” Stirling. — Address by Mr. N. McDonald, Supervisor to the Otago - Southland Pig Council, on “ The Production of Porker and Baconer Pigs for Export.” The . speaker also gave a short talk on his recent trip through the North Island. Otago Central. Alexandra. Mr, A. C. Cameron, Dunedin, exhibited some interesting films, and also delivered an address on The Marketing of New Zealand Produce in England,” including the daily routine at Smithfield Market, &c. He showed his audience some of the advertisements displayed in England for New Zealand butter and cheese. Arrangements were made at this meeting for the district football tournament. Arrowtown. Club debate, the subject being “ Grass Farming v. Mixed Farming.” Speakers were C. Allan, M. Hansen, J. Beaton, and A. Robins (grass farming), and H. Grant, T. Toll, J. Grant, and J. Brown (mixed farming). The judge, Mr. W. P. Saunders, gave the award to the former team. At the conclusion of the debate an interesting discussion on “Horses v. Tractors” took place. At the previous meeting the Chairman,H. W. Perriam, gave talks on " Electric Fences ” and " Early Days in Central Otago.”

— Evening devoted to impromptu speeches, and a report by lan Kingston, ■ who attended the Dunedin Educational Week.

Upper Clutha. —-Lecture by Mr. A. Forrester on “ Hogget Mortality and other Seasonal Diseases.”


Palmerston South. Three members who attended the Dunedin Educational Week gave reports of their experiences. At this meeting a presentation was made to a club member who was about to be married. At the previous meeting, a debate was held in preparation for the debate with Hampden Club ; the subject was “ Mixed Farming v. Specialized Farming.” South Taieri. The District Secretary, Mr. S. H. Saxby, Department of Agriculture, addressed the members, and pointed out that the Department was arranging for the exhibition of a series of “ talkie ” films throughout Otago, and indicated the type of pictures that would be shown. He also referred to the Y.F.C. column in the Otago Daily Times, which is available for the dissemination of club news. He invited members to send in short paragraphs of interest, and stated that preliminary notices of club meetings could be written up for the column if secretaries would supply him with the information the week before the notice was to appear. Members of the Farmers' Union then joined the meeting, and Mr. Saxby gave a lecture on “ The Purchase of Farm Seeds.” North Otago. Duntroon. Lecture by Mr. C. R. Stringer on “ The History of Fertilizers.” Enfield. — Discussion regarding annual social ; fancy - dress ball proposed. Donation towards Far East Relief Fund. Letter from Toe H re Christmas Treat for Otekaike Special Boys’ School. Lecture by Mr. J. T. Kibblewhite on “ Shelter-belts and Plantations.” Five Forks. -Club debate on the subject “Is Modern Civilization a Failure ?” Speakers : A. Heron, P. Cooney, and A. Ellis (affirmative), and J. Rutherford, T. Hogg, and W. Kingan (negative). The negative side won by a narrow margin, T. Hogg and W. Kingan being adjudged the best speakers. Mr. Austin acted as judge.

Tok ahi. Lecture by Mr. C. R. Stringer on “ Fertilizers and Topdressing.”

Upper Waitaki. -Lecture by Mr. J. T. Kibblewhite on “ Tree Planting.”

Waitaki-Hilderthorpe.— Lantern lecture by Mr. B. B. Blackmore on “ Champion Cattle of Australia, United States of America, and Great Britain.” At the

previous meeting a lecture was given by Mr. C. R. Stringer on The History of Fertilizers.”' South Canterbury. Arno. — An address by Mr. A. M. Patterson entitled “ Do’s and Dont’s in Agriculture.” At the previous meeting two debates were held, the subjects being as follows : For the juniors, “ Does Agriculture offer as Good an Opportunity to Young Men as other Employment ? ” the result being a tie ; for the seniors, “ Should the New Zealand Government encourage Immigration from other Parts of .the British Empire at the Present Time ? ” the affirmative supporters being the winners. Messrs. H. Meredith and I. Ross acted as judges for the junior and senior debates respectively. Geraldine. Final arrangements for dance ; lively discussion on ? a paper entitled “ Ewe Management,” obtained through the W.E.A. box scheme. At the previous meeting an interesting talk was given by H. Worner, a club member, on “ The Electric-light Bulb.” Hunter. Arrangements for debate with the Waihaorunga Club. A club debate was held, the subject being That an Extension of Secondary Industries in New Zealand is Desirable.” The speakers for the affirmative, D. Gregan, J. Geaney, and M. F. Scott, were • adjudged the winners. Mr. A. M. Patterson acted as judge, and gave members some very helpful advice. At a later meeting Mr. A. Grant, Department of Agriculture, gave an address on “ England and Scotland,” describing the surface features, the climatic conditions, and the methods and habits of the rural people of both countries. Maungati. Club debate, “ That the Young Farmer of To-day has Greater Opportunities than his Grandfather.” The affirmative supporters were adjudged the winners, Mr. B. E. Evans and Mr. Cookson acting as judges. At the previous meeting an address was given by Mr. R. B. Steele, of the Canterbury Education Board, on Trees and Shelter-belts on Farms.”

Pleasant Point. Arrangements for club field-day. Decided to donate ios. 6d. for two special prizes at the forthcoming flower show. Impromptu speech competition held ; a list of subjects, mainly on farming topics, was prepared and numbered. As each member’s name was drawn from a hat he chose a number, and then spoke for two minutes on the subject corresponding. The competition, which proved very entertaining, was won by W. Skinner. At .the previous meeting a lecture was given by Mr. E. J. Lukey, Government Veterinarian, on “ Diseases of Sheep.”

Southburn-Ly'alldale. Arrangements for annual dance. Club debate, That a Young Farmer of To-day has Greater

Opportunities than his Grandfather ” speakers : K. Caird, P. Parry, W. Kinross, and R. Parry (affirmative) ; and T. Toohey, A. Copland, and J. Stowell, jun. (negative). At previous meetings lectures were given by Mr. C. C. Leitch, Department of Agriculture, on " Grass and Clover Certification ; Mr. Grant, Department of Agriculture, on “ Sugarbeet Growing ; and Mr. A. Copland, Public Works Department, on “ Irrigation.” Mid-Canterbury. Hinds.- —Lecture by Mr. T. K. Ewer, Veterinary Research Officer, Ashburton, on “ Diseases in Sheep.” Mayfield. — Short talks by members as follows : E. H. Mulligan, on “ Gorse Control ” ; K. Moore, on “ Rugging of Sheep ” ; A. McLay, on “ Snow, and the Difficulties in Feeding Stock ” ; H. Oakley, on “ Top-dressing ” ; R. M. Mulligan, on “ Tonics for Sheep ” ; G. Rushton, on “ Header Harvesters ” ; D. B. Mulligan, on “ Eradication of Twitch.” A debate was also held, the subject being “ Road v. Rail Transport.” The speakers were T. R. Mulligan and K. Moore (road) ; and W. L. Doyle and D. B. Mulligan (rail). The road-transport supporters were declared the winners by one vote. . Methven.— Address by Mr. R. J. Low on his recent trip to Australia. Christchurch. Darfield. — Arrangements for football match with Ellesmere Club and fat-lamb judging at the Courtenay A. and P. Show. Team to be sent to take part in stock-judging at Christchurch Show. Debate with Farmers’ Union, the subject being “ That the Young Farmers of To-day have Fewer Opportunities than the Young Farmers of 1910.” Speakers : H. Evans, J. Green, H. Bedford, and R. Fechneg (Y.F.C.), and G. Buttle, F. Crompton, J. Symes, and J. Pullen (Farmers’ Union). The Farmers’ Union team won by one point.

Dunsandel. — Address by Dr. Frankel on “ Russia.”

Ellesmere. —Accepted challenge from Darfield Club to a debate. Arrangements for football match with Darfield. Donated ios. 6d. to Ellesmere A. and P. Association in appreciation of use of room for club meetings. Two members who took part in the Canterbury Y.F.C. tour of the North Island, R. Lilley and K. McGill, gave talks on their experiences. Address by Mr. W. Mclntosh on “ The Pig Industry and the Pig-club Movement.”

Ladbrooks. Arrangements for football match with Springston Club,, annual ball, &c. Talks by Messrs. Black and Thomson, of the Agronomy Division, on “ The Work of the Agronomy Division ” and “ The Production of Pure Seed

Potatoes ” respectively. At the previous meeting two club members, A. Coleman and Alex Webley, spoke on “ Ploughing Problems ” and “ Some Experiences at Sea.”

Little River.-— Lecture by Mr. C. W. Humm on “ Herd-testing and Topdressing ; their Influence on Herdproduction.”

Springston- Address by Dr. I. W. Weston, Lincoln College, on “ The History and Economic Development of the Springs County.” At the following meeting a debate with the Farmers’ Union was held, the subject being “That Pastoral Farming is better than Mixed or Agricultural Farming.” R. Harris and I. Oldman (for the Y.F.C.) took the affirmative, and were adjudged the winners against Messrs. A. E. Payne and F. Tyson (for the Farmers’ Union).

Teddington.— Talks by club members P. de Pass spoke on the short course at Lincoln College, and T. E. Streeter and D. Miller gave their experiences while on the Canterbury Y.F.C. North Island tour.

North Canterbury.

Amuri. Lantern lecture by Mr. A. S. Nash, Department of Agriculture, on “ Liming in Canterbury.”

Oust.— Discussion regarding field-day and dog-trials. Captain Mclntosh (Kaiapoi) and Mr. R. Myers (Oxford) gave a brief outline of the C.V.C., and stressed the need for recruits. An interesting talk on “ The Training of Dogs ” was given by Mr. Leslie, a club member. At the previous meeting Dr. M. J. Franklin, Lincoln. College, gave a lecture on “ Parasites in Sheep.” Committee elected to work in conjunction with the Farmers’ Union and W.D.F.U. to arrange for the annual ball. Hawarden. — Arrangements for dance. Members present drew from a hat subjects dealing with some phase of farmmanagement, each to prepare a fiveminute talk for the next meeting. Lantern lecture by Mr. A. S. Nash, Department of Agriculture, on “ Lime and Liming.” Scargill-Omihi. Arrangements for club ball. •• A film depicting modern tractors and machinery was exhibited before an audience of club members and farmer friends. Marlborough. Blenheim. Talks by club members — A. Middlemiss, F. Lucas, and J. Neal (“ The Wellington Educational Week ”), and W. Walsh (“Canterbury Ploughing Matches”). At the previous meeting Mr. G. C. Wastney gave an interesting talk on a wireless transmitter and receiver. Ward. — Club debate, “ Blade Shearing v. Machine Shearing,” the speakers being G. McNabb, D. Johnston, W. Bowers, and R. Sharpe (for the blades), and L. Butt,

A. Wooding, D. F. Matthews, and J. Hickman (for the machines). The debate resulted in a win for the blades supporters by one point.


Dovedale. — A post-mortem examination of the recent debate between Dovedale Club and the Farmers’ Union (reported in these pages in the August issue of the Journal} was conducted by Mr. E. J. Thompson, who judged the debate. This proved of great value to members. At a previous meeting Mr. Fowler gave a talk entitled “ The Combined Forces Tattoo,” dealing with his recent trip to Australia with the New Zealand Contingent of exservicemen. . A club field-day was held on Mr. C. Silcock’s property at Thorpe, taking the form of dog trials and dog show. In the trials, the heading event was won by I. Win’s “ Glen,” and the huntaway by R. Silcock’s “ Jock.” In the show for smooth-coated dogs, the male class was' won by K. Burnett’s “ Jock, and the female class by P. Burnett’s “ Alert. The Championship Cup in the trials was won by I. Win. A successful social and dance was held in the evening. M outer e. Arrangements for a debate with the Farmers’ Union. Club members who attended the Wellington Educational Week gave talks on their impressions and experiences. C. Newport, a club member, gave a lecture on his tour of the North Island. At the previous meeting Mr. Davies, of the Cawthron Institute, gave a talk on the work of the Institute.


Apiti. — Lantern lecture by Mr. L. W. Gorman, Plant Research Institute, on “ Strains in Pasture Plants.” Colyton. —Practice debate to select a team to take part in the district debating contest.. Mr. G. Crossley, Palmerston North, gave some very helpful advice on debating, and at the conclusion selected the team. Arrangements were made for a concert and dance. Fitzherbert. Debate in the Linton Hall between the Kairanga and Fitzherbert Clubs. After summing up, the judge, Mr. Edwards, Palmerston North, declared Fitzherbert the winners by 233 points to 199. Halcombe. — Team selected for debate with Kimbolton Club. Mr. Belgrave gave a talk on “ The Plough,” dealing mainly with the construction of a plough and how to set it correctly. Johnsonville. — The organizing Secretary, Mr. S. Freeman, addressed the members on the organization generally, and exhibited some interesting “ talkie ” films. A successful dance was recently held by this club, the profit of £6 17s. being made up to the sum of £7 and forwarded to the Hawke’s Bay Flood Relief Fund. Kairanga.— Discussion regarding euchre evening and dance. Debate between

three members of the Linton Club and three members of the Kairanga Club, the subject being “ That . Women of To-day should take Part in the Industrial Life of the World.” The judge, Mr. G. Crossley, gave his decision as a draw. Some interesting films on farm tractors were exhibited by Mr. T. Kidd. Kimbolton - Kiwitea. Debating team selected to meet Halcombe Club. Lecture by Messrs. A. F. Clarke and A. C. Morton, Massey College, on “ Wool.” Levin. Club field - day arranged. Lecture by Mr. Bradfield on “ Sheltertrees.” Orona Downs. — Lantern lecture by Mr. E. E. Elphick, Government Veterinarian, on “ Stock Troubles and Ailments.” Otaki - Te Horo. — Lantern lecture by Mr. E. Bruce Levy, Director of Grasslands Division, Plant Research Bureau, on “ Impressions of Agriculture Overseas.” Members of the Farmers’ Union and Rahui Supplies Association were invited to this meeting, and an attendance of approximately seventy was recorded. Pohangina Valley. Arrangements for dance and field - day. Selection of debating team. Trial debate, “ That Farming To-day is more Difficult than it was Fifty Years Ago.” Speakers :A. MacDonald, D. Turnbull, and J. Howell (affirmative), and J. Linklater, M. Fitzherbert, and R. Smart (negative). The debate was won by the affirmative. Rangiwahia. Lecture by Mr. G. S. Robinson, Department of Agriculture, on " Certified Seeds.” Shannon. — Address by Mr. C. Joy on “ Experiences at Sea.” Woodville. A. F. Curry, Woodville, gave an instructive talk on “ The Handling of a Young Dog.” At a later meeting a debate was held between teams representing the Pohangina Valley and Woodville Clubs. The debate was won by the Pohangina Valley team.


Ballance. Lantern lecture by Mr. N. Lamont, Department of Agriculture, on “ Common Pests ” ; slides were shown depicting the life-cycles of the white butterfly, diamond-back moth, and grassgrub. Arrangements were made for a dance to wind up the series of club euchre parties. Carterton. — Arrangements for debate with * Martinborough Club, and also a dance. Lantern lecture by Mr. N. Lamont, Department of Agriculture, on “ Common Pests.” At the previous meeting a club debate was held, the subject being “ Town v. Country Life.” Speakers : A. Fisher, P. Swinn, and F. Ward (town), and J. Milne, C. Bliss, and N. Palmer (country). The town supporters won by a small margin. Mr. E. Fisher acted as judge. A fieldday was also held at the Wairarapa Training-farm, the manager, Mr. N.

Blatchford giving demonstrations on the handling of a young horse and the setting and working of a plough. The farm pastures were also inspected. Eketahuna. A - very successful “ Question Evening,” was held, practically all mfembers taking part in discussion. Greytown. — Field-day at Masterton. Visits to W.F.C.A. granary and mealmill, and Messrs. Wright, Stephenson’s seed-dressing plant in the morning ;in the afternoon the members visited the property of Mr. L. T. Daniell and were given a demonstration of an electric fence. Mr. Daniell’s up-to-date cowshed was also inspected. Martinborough Arrangements for field-day and also debate with the Carterton Club. Lantern lecture by Mr. N. Lamont on “ Some Common Insect Pests.” Master ton. — Final arrangements for annual ball. Lecture by Mr. M. Davey, Department of Agriculture, on “ The Establishment and Maintenance of a x Homestead Orchard.” Mr. Davey dealt with the planning of the orchard, the selection of trees, pruning, pests, spraying, &c. Pongaroa. — Arrangements for a dance. Lecture by J. Mitchell, a club member, on “ Soil Fertility,” dealing with topdressing, manuring, soil deterioration, &c. The lecture was considered by the members to be one of the most interesting and instructive that they had heard. Tinui. — Lecture by Mr. M. Davey, Department of Agriculture, on “ The Establishment and Maintenance of a Homestead Orchard.”

Southern Hawke’s Bay.

Norsewood. — Arrangements for dance. Lecture by Mr. A. D. M. G. Laing, Government Veterinarian, on “ Mammitis and other Diseases.” Takapau. Arrangements for a debate. Combined meeting of the W.D.F.U. and Y.F.C. to listen to an instructive address by Miss Kohn, Dannevirke - District Nurse, on “ District Nursing.” Northern Hawke’s Bay. Nuhaka. Discussion regarding stockjudging at the forthcoming A. and P. Show. Club debate, “ Subterranean Clover v. White Clover.” C. Clayton and J. G. Mclntyre took the lead for the subterranean and white clover, respectively, the judge, Mr. Tod, giving the decision to the supporters of subterranean clover. Poverty Bay. Te Karaka. Discussion re sports programme. A. Manuel and R. Jackson spoke about their visit to Wellington for the Educational Week. Tolaga Bay.— Debate with a tean from the Tolaga Bay High School, th< subject being “ Root-crops v. Hay fo:

Supplementary Speakers for the Y.F.C. were J. Irving, M. Robison, and C. O’Connell.


Bulls.- —Field-day arranged. Lecture on “ Romney Sheep ” by Mr. H. B. J ohnston.

Marton. — Lecture by Mr. G. A. Harris on his experiences during his recent European tour. Field-day on Mr.’ J. Brice s property; judging competition on Romney sheep, and demonstration on Hereford cattle by Mr. W. H. Morton. Waimarino. Arrangements for fieldday and debate. Lecture by Mr. H. E. Frederick on “ The Construction and Working of a Threshing-mill.” At the previous meeting a lecture was given by Mr. J. H. j Claridge, Seed Certification Officer, Wellington, on “ Potato Varieties.”

Westmere. — Arrangements for field-day and also a dance. Lecture by Mr. C. J. Hamblyn, Department of Agriculture, on “ Subterranean Clover.” A field-day was held on Mr. B. Dawes’ property, Westmere. Mr. W. Harris, Inspector of Stock, spoke on “ Calving Difficulties,” and also conducted a postmortem examination of a cow.

South Taranaki.

Alton. Lecture . by . Mr. R. E. Alexander, Government Veterinarian, on The Microscope.” Debate, Is Country Life better than Town Life ?” The judge, Mr, A. Ivey, gave his decision to the town supporters. . Eltham.— Discussion on club affairs. Talk by Mr. H. D. Lambie on the recent tour of the South Island undertaken by Taranaki Club members. Mr. Lambie, who is ' Vice-President of the South Taranaki District Committee, was in charge of the touring party. This is a newly formed club with very good prospects. Haw er a. —-Short talk on farming subects by M. Bain, E. Gane, P. Heise, J. Kavanagh, J. Johnson, and W. Phillips, all club members. At previous neetings a talk was given by Mr. P. O. /eale, Club President, on “The Art of speech-making ” ; and a discussion was leld on a report on “ Land-settlement ” )y E. Gane and W. Phillips (club nembers). Kaponga. Return euchre match .rranged with Cardiff Club. Lecture by Ir. A. O’Sullivan on “ Pigs and their lanagement.” At the previous meeting Ir. F. Rodie gave a lecture on “ Sheep.”

North Taranaki.

Cardiff. — Challenge from Toko Club to jotball match accepted. Report on ichre matches with Kaponga and ukengahu Clubs, both, of which were

won by Cardiff Club. Lecture by Mr. G. A. Blake, Department of Agriculture, on “ The Breeding and Management of Pigs.” ■ Karawaka. Lecture by Mr' D. Hull, Dairy Instructor, on “ Feed Flavours in Milk and Cream.” Okau - Tongaporutu. Discussion on club activities. Addresses by Messrs. G. A. Blake and A. G. Elliott, Department of Agriculture, on “ Fencing and Pig Lay-outs ” and “ Debates on Farming Subjects,” respectively; talk by Mr. J. B. Carr on “How to Conduct a Meeting.” Toko. — Arrangements for dance. Talk by Mr. Scherer on Experiences in America.” Urenui.— Field-day to be eld. Messrs. A. G. Elliott and G. A. Blake, Department of Agriculture, addressed the meeting. Mr. Blake explained the benefits of Y.F.C. stock - judging competitions, and Mr. Elliott spoke on the farm competitions in the Urenui district. This is a newly formed club with very good prospects. Te Kuiti. Te Anga Central.— Football match arranged with Otorohanga Club. R. E.Miln, club representative on the Auckland Council, spoke about the recent inaugural meeting of the Council. Mr. K. M. Montgomery, Department of Agriculture, spoke about club activities generally. Waikato. Te Kowhai.— Committee set up to organize a field-day. Mr. Knight, of the Herd-testing Association, gave interesting talks on “ Statistics in Connection with Disease and its Effects on the Dairying Industry ” and “ Sire Survey from a Butterfat Production Viewpoint.” Rotorua. Horohoro.— Report on recent tour to Waikato district. Discussion regarding holding of ploughing match, securing of suitable ground, &c. Putaruru.— Lecture by Mr. H. Wood-year-Smith on “ Soil Erosion.” Eastern Bay of Plenty. Edgecumbe.— Report on dance, which had proved successful both financially and otherwise. Debate at Taneatua with the Waimana Club, the subject being “ That All-the-year-round Dairying is more Profitable than Seasonal Dairying.” The debate resulted in a win for the Waimana team, which took the negative side. The Edgecumbe team was as follows : F. E. Beggs, R. Strachan, J. Murray, and J. Tollemache. Mr. M. Mead, Taneatua, acted as judge. Opotiki.— Selecting of team for district

debating contest.

W aimana.— Practice debate in preparation for second round of district debating contest. Subject “ That the Presentday Young Farmer has Greater Opportunities than his Grandfather. ” R. Woolfield was the leader on the affirmative side, and H. White on the negative. The judge, Mr. N. Macdonald, gave his decision as a draw. Western Bay of Plenty. — Arrangements for combined dance with the W.D.F.U. Debate to be arranged with the Katikati branch of the W.E.A. Lantern lecture by Mr. C. R. D. Taylor, Department of Agriculture., on “ Hay and Ensilage.” Omokoroa. — Lantern lecture by Mr. C. R. D. Taylor, Department of Agriculture, on “ Hay and Ensilage.” Paengavoa.— Arrangements for complimentary birthday party. Presentation to Mr. H. Mohr, who is leaving the district. Mr. Mohr was the club’s first secretary, and has proved himself a keen and conscientious member. Two practice debates were held, as follows : “ That Industry in New Zealand should be confined to the Production of Foodstuffs and Raw Materials for Overseas Markets,” and “ That Horses are Better than Tractors for Farm Work.” Mr. K. Chapple acted as judge. A field-day was held on Mr. Marcus Wilkins’ farm, Maniatutu Road, and took the form of an inspection' of shelter-belts, ensilage-pit, pumping-outfit, water-supply, lucerne-hay shed, and a demonstration by Mr. Wilkins on the making of concrete posts. Waihi.— Business meeting ; debates, &c., arranged. North Auckland. Broadwood.— Lecture by Mr. Beattie, Supervisor of the Northland Pig Council’ on “ Pigs and Pig-feeding.” —Members who attended the Y.F.C. Week at Ruakura Experimental Farm gave their impressions and experiences. At the previous meeting a lecture. was given by Mr. Beattie, Supervisor of the Northland Pig Council, on “ Better Pig Production.” Matavau. — Club debate, the subject being “ That Rearing your own Stock is better than buying Outside Blood.” At the previous meeting a lecture was given by Mr. T. H. Hankin, Government Veterinarian, on “Calving Troubles.” The difficulties met with at Calving and the troubles associated with the newly calved cow were dealt with explicitly and ' thoroughly. A good attendance was recorded. Oruvu.— Election of delegates to Council. Lecture on ‘ Pigs and their Management ” by Mr. Beattie, Supervisor of the Northland Pig Council. x \

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New Zealand Journal of Agriculture, Volume 57, Issue 3, 20 September 1938, Page 269

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Among the Clubs: Reports on Activities. New Zealand Journal of Agriculture, Volume 57, Issue 3, 20 September 1938, Page 269

Among the Clubs: Reports on Activities. New Zealand Journal of Agriculture, Volume 57, Issue 3, 20 September 1938, Page 269

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