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Among the Clubs: Reports on Activities.

Western Southland.

Lochiel: — Address by Mr. Kemp on " Farming in the Orkney Islands.” Thornbury.— Lecture by Mr. A. Stuart, Department, of Agriculture, on “The Identification of Grasses and Clovers.” At the previous meeting an address ’ on debating was given by Mr. R. Buchan. At the meeting before that, club members gave short addresses as follows : " Moose and Wapiti ” (G. Buchanan) ; “ Mastitis ” (J. Ronald) ; Balance (J. McLean). A challenge to a debate with the Woodlands Club was accepted, the subject to be " That an Immigration Scheme would Greatly Benefit New Zealand.” Woodlands. — Talk by Mr. E. S. W. Thomas on “ Some Aspects of Psychology affecting Young Farmers.” A club member, K. Maxwell, gave an account of the educational week at Waitaki.

Eastern Southland.

Crookston. — Arrangements made for a debating contest with Moa Flat Club. At a meeting held on 14th June members of the W.D.F.U., the Moa Flat Club, and residents of the district were present, making the total attendance up to 69. Mr. F. L. Nicholson, of Balclutha, gave an interesting address on his recent tour abroad, illustrating his talk by moving pictures. A field-day was held at Gore and Mataura, there being an attendance of 18. Members were shown through the Mataura Freezing-works and the paper-mills. At Gore an inspection was made of Messrs. Wright Stephenson’s seed-cleaning plant, Mr. W. Faithful, Department of Agriculture, being in charge of the party. Otama.— Talk by Mr. H. Quillan, of Gore, on the R.S.A. trip to Australia and the Anzac Day ceremonies in Sydney. J. Brand, a club member, reported on the educational week at Waitaki.

South Otago.

Clinton. — Arrangements made for a social and dance ; lecture by Mr. A. F. Greenall, Department of Agriculture, on ” The Growing of Swedes.”Stirling.— Short talk by Mr. A. F. Greenall on the field-day held in April ; lecture by Mr. A. Grant, Department of Agriculture, Timaru, on " Sugar-beet.”

Central Otago.

Upper Clutha. — Meeting held at Mr. J. Rowley’s residence. Each member was

given a bulletin at the previous meeting and had to give a short talk on the particular subject of his bulletin. A short talk was given by Mr. Barret on his trip from New Zealand to England.. Upper Manuherikia. — A successful ball was held on 20th May in the Lauder Hall. Songs by B. Kane and 1. Hamilton were greatly appreciated by : the audience. The " lucky spot ” waltz was won by Miss'P. Pitches and Mr. J. Moran. The club chairman, Mr. J. C. Wilson, welcomed the guests on behalf of the club, and gave an interesting outline of the club’s work. He expressed pleasure at the presence of Mr. G. G. Calder, the District Secretary, who gave a resume of the aims and objects of the organization. At the monthly meeting keen interest was shown in the impromptu speeches, covering a wide range of farming topics. ■


Palmerston South.— Lecture by Mr. S. R. Craig, Inspector of Stock, on “ Two of the Common Ailments met with on Farms—namely, Abortion and Mammitis.” Mr. Craig explained the symptoms, causes, &c., and suggested cures, also giving precautions to be taken against the diseases. West Taieri. — The members joined the Women’s Division and the Farmers’ Union to bid bon voyage to Mr. and Mrs. A. Trent on the eve of their trip to Great Britain.

North Otago.

Five Forks.— Lecture on Trees and Tree-planting ”by Mr. Kibblewhite. At the previous meeting a lecture was given by Mr. Simpson, Oamaru, on " The Export of Frozen Meat.” Hampden. -Lecture by Mr. T. A. Sellwood, Department of Agriculture, oh “ The Growing of Mangels.” At the previous meeting Mr. Congalton gave an interesting address on his experiences in fat-lamb raising. Upper Waitaki.— Arrangements were completed for a club dance. An address was given by Mr. J. McKenzie on his trip abroad, dealing particularly with farming conditions in England. Tokarahi. —■ A series of short, impromptu debates were held, the subjects being as follows : The best kinds to grow of (1). wheat, (2) oats ; the best kinds to breed of (1) ' cattle, (2) sheep ; (3) the best method of wintering hoggets. Two members each took a subject, and some very interesting points were brought out, the evening proving very profitable. Waitaki-Hilderthorpe. — Lecture by. Mr. R. B. Paton on " Wheat-growing.”

South Canterbury.

Arno. Two very interesting debates took place at a meeting on ist June. The subject, “ That Road Transport is more Beneficial to the Farming Community than. Rail Transport,” was debated by the junior members—-N. Nelmes, D. McDonald, and H. Olerenshaw (affirmative), G. McKenzie, L. McLachlan, and T. Dyer (negative). The latter were adjudged the winners. The senior members debated the subject “ That Guaranteed Prices are better than Open Markets.” I. Ross, G. Thomas, and H. McKenzie (affirmative) were adjudged the winners, and the negative side was taken by C. Verity; Arch. Falloon, and C. Olerenshaw. The debates were capably judged by Mr. H. H. Meredith. At a later meeting talking-picture- films on matters of farming interest were exhibited. Fairlie. Club debate on the subject “ That Horses are more Economical than Tractors.” ' The following members took part : Affirmative, B. O’Neill, A. Whatman, and B. Ellis ; negative, C. Goulter, H. Munro, and A. C. Gallagher. Geraldine. — Lantern lecture by Mr. C. C. Leitch, Department of Agriculture, on " The Diseases of Potatoes.” Hunter. — It was decided to hold fortnightly meetings, lectures to be arranged for every second meeting, and the alternate evenings to be used for debates, - impromptu speeches, &c. An address on Seeds was given by Mr. Marshall, of Timaru. At the second meeting the chairman extended a welcome to Mr. J. T. Anstey, and congratulated him on his successes at Lincoln College. Mr. Anstey is a Y.F.C. Scholarship holder at Lincoln College. Mr. Anstey gave his fellow club members ■ an interesting and detailed account of life at Lincoln College, and answered questions asked by the various members. Mr. Anstey was accorded a hearty vote of thanks. Maungati. Debate on the subject “ Is Agricultural Farming more Profitable than Pastoral Farming.” Three members were in each team. The team favouring pastoral farming. won the decision by 99 points to 93. Pleasant Point. — Lecture on " Wool ” by Mr. Collins, of Messrs. Dalgety and Co. The desirable types of wool were described, and advice given in connection with shearing, shirting, rolling, classing, pressing, and other work in preparation for marketing the clip. The interest taken in the lecture was shown by the number of questions asked at the conclusion.

Southburn -Ly alldale. A sound - film dealing with matters of farming interest was screened. Waihaorunga.— lecture was given by Mr. A. B. Struthers on “ Farm Law and the Necessity for Insurance.” At a previous meeting an address was given by Mr. A. M. Paterson, Timaru, on “ Interesting Topics in relation to Agriculture, Past and Present.” A field-day was held on the 28th May on Holme Station, Pareora. Visiting members from other clubs totalled about 50, while the farmers and general public in attendance brought the grand total up to approximately 400. Mr. A. S. Elworthy made the opening speech, and demonstrations included the following : Southdowns (Mr. Alan Grant, Waimate) ; Romneys (Mr. Hannah, Lincoln College) ; English Leicesters (Mr. Sidey, Lincoln College).


Mayfield.— Arrangements were made for a dance; address by Mr. Barker, Farmers’ Union Organizer.

— Lecture by Mr. Haydon on ” The Argentine, and the Sheep of that Country.” '


Ellesmere. Address by Mr. J. W. Calder, Lincoln College, on “ Changes in Farming.” It was decided to accept the challenge from the Darfield Club to a debate in the near future. Ladbrooks. — Appointment of speakers to represent club in debate against Springston Club; address on “ Farm Accountancy ” by Dr. Weston, of Lincoln College. Members of Springston Club attended this meeting. Springston.— Debate with Ladbrooks Club on the subject “ That Baled Hay is Superior to Stacked Hay.” The speakers were as follows : (Ladbrooks) D. Partridge, W. Wood, M. Meyer; (Springston) R. Harris, C. Tyson, K. Moore. The judge, Professor Hudson, of Lincoln College, adjudged the Springston team the winners.

North Canterbury.

Amberley.— Lecture on “ Diseases of Stock ” by Mr. E. L. Siddall, Government Veterinarian.

Oust. — Address by Mr. A. M. Carpenter entitled ” Travels Abroad ” ; combined meeting with W.D.F.U. and Farmers’ Union.

Oxford,. — Final arrangements were made for the annual ball. A discussion took place on programme of lectures, &c.


Dovedale. — The Farmers’ Union (Dovedale Branch) accepted the club’s challenge to debate the subject “ That Modern Science is a Menace to Humanity,” the

debate to be aranged at an early date. An interesting lecture was given by Mr. D. Merry, Department of Agriculture, on “ Modern Fertilizers : Their Manufacture and Application.”

Motueka.— Lecture by Mr. D. Merry, Department of Agriculture, on " The Importance of Strain in Grasses and Clovers.”

Motupiko. — Field-day on the property of Mr. F. R. Berryman, Motupiko. Mr. G. Blair, Inspector of Stock, Nelson, detailed common ailments and diseases of farm animals, together with the necessary treatments. This was followed by a post-mortem examination of a hogget, showing internal parasites, the methods of control being dealt with. Mr. D. Merry, Instructor in Agriculture, described the effectiveness of borax in the control of the physiological disease of turnips and swedes, known as “ brown heart” or “ mottled heart.” Samples of affected roots were exhibited. Attention was also drawn to a field dominant in subterranean clover, and the value of this clover as a pasture plant was stressed. Following a number of questions on the various topics under demonstration, Mr. G. Grant, the club chairman, conveyed the thanks of the club to all who had contributed to the undoubted success of the club’s first field-day.

Moutere. -Discussion, regarding the forthcoming educational work in Wellington (commencing 27th June) ; six members signified their intention of attending. A demonstration of soldering was arranged for. the next meeting of the club. A field-day was held on 23rd June, over 40 members and farmer friends visiting the property of Mr. C. A. Newport, Braeburn, for. the. purpose of inspecting the grass and clover plot trials laid down as a demonstration area by the Department of Agriculture. Mr. P. T. Driver, President, Moutere Farmers’ Union, introduced Mr. D. Merry, Instructor . in Agriculture, Nelson, who conducted the party over the area and described the sowings on the respective plots. The superiority of certified lines of grasses and clovers over ordinary uncertified commercial lines was ■ demonstrated. The success of Montgomeryshire red clover was 4. also apparent.' The visitors were shown an adjacent block devoted to a fertilizer trial, after which Mr. Newport conducted the party over portions of his farm, detailing the results following liming and • top-dressing and the successful establishment of subterranean clover. An area planted in pampas-grass also attracted interest. Mr. Driver, on behalf of those present, thanked Messrs. Newport and Merry for the instructive afternoon, . and stressed the value . of such practical demonstrations to the farming community. The day was brought to a pleasant con-

elusion by the hospitality of Mrs. Newport, assisted by members of the Women’s Division, in providing afternoon tea.


Apiti.— Talks by Mr. J. Pentney and F. Viles on their impressions of the Manawatu Club’s camping tour; twominute talks by members on “ The Amenities of Town Life v. Country ” for the purpose of choosing suitable members for the forthcoming debating competition.

Kairanga.— Lecture by Mr. E. P. Neilsen on “ Pig-recording Clubs.” It was considered that a pig club could be formed in the district in the near future. At the previous meeting a lecture was given by Mr. H. A. Seifert on “ The Grazing of Sheep on Dairy-farms.”

Kimbolton. Talks by Messrs. A. Cowan and A. Viles, of Apiti Club (both members of the New Zealand touring team), on their Australian tour.

Otaki - Te Horo. — Talk by Mr. C. C. Holmes on “ Debates, and How They should be Conducted.” This was followed by a debate, “ Tractor v. Horses,” those favouring the horses being the winners.

Pohangina Valley.— A debate on the subject “ That a Combination of Cropping and Pasture is more Profitable than All-pasture Farming ” was won by the affirmative. A lecture was given by Mr. J. F. Kilgour, of Apiti, on “ Practical Forestry.”

Rangiotu.— Lecture by Mr. G. S. Robinson, Department of Agriculture, on “ Lucerne-growing on Heavy Soils and on Sandy Country.”

Rangiwahia.— Brief outlines of the Manawatu educational tour, by D. Hight and R. Hancock.

—Arrangements for dance ; brief talks on the educational tour by members who took part.


Ballance. Discussion regarding recreational and social activities ; talks by three members on their experiences while on tour of the North Island with the Wairarapa Club’s touring party.

Carterton.— lt was decided to send a bus-load of members through to Palmerston North to . support the. Manawatu Club in their Winter Show activity. A lecture was given by Mr. M. Davey on “ The Establishment and Maintenance of a Homestead Orchard.”

Eketahuna. — It was decided to send a football team to Palmerston North to take part in the Y.F.C. seven-a-side contests ; lecture on milk by Mr. J. C. Barnes.

Featherston.' —Interesting and instructive lecture by Dr. G. S. Sharp, on " First Aid on the Farm,” including the treatment of burns and resuscitation after drowning.

Martinborough.— Discussion on proposed dance; talks by Messrs. H. McKenzie and A. Fisher, of Carterton Club, on the highlights of their Australian trip as members of the New Zealand touring team. Pongaroa.— Talk by ,T. Hall, a club member, on The Grass Grub.” Tinui.— lnteresting talk by Rev. Mr. Dobb, on " Surveying.” A field-day was held on Mr. Hugh Morrison’s property, “ Awatoitoi)” on 10th June. Mr. Morrison demonstrated on “ Draining,” and “ The Development of Second-class Land by Subdivision and Rotational Grazing,” and also delivered an address on “ The Future of the Young Farmer.” Mr. Mulvaney gave talks and demonstrations on " Chilled Beef,” and “ The Utility Ewe.” There was a total attendance of 34-


Bulls. Lecture by Mr. Hill Motion on “ Sheep Diseases and Facial Eczema.” At the previous meeting Mr. F. C. Jurgens gave an address on “ Pasture z Management,” A successful field-day was held at Ngaio Station, where Mr. J. G. Wison gave an address. Mr. McLeod gave an address on " Chilled Beef,” and demonstrated on some Black Polled Angus heifers. He also gave a demonstration on a dressed carcass. During the day a sawing contest was held among club members, C. Anderson and E. Carter being the winners. Mr. Wilson presented them both with a sheath-knife. There were 21 present. Hunterville. — Address by Mr. R. M. S. Jones on “ Public Speaking and Debating.” At a previous meeting a lecture by Mr. A. R. Dingwall, Department of Agriculture, on “ Rye-grass ” created great . interest, the matter of palatability evoking considerable discussion. Marton. — General discussion regarding educational week,. &c. ; it was decided to give whole-hearted support to Manawatu activities at the Palmerston North Winter Show ; lecture by Mr. Hill Motion on “ Lambing and Calving Troubles.” , Westmere. — Lecture by Mr. A. J. Burtt on " Pasture Establishment.” At the previous meeting lectures were given by Mr. A. R. Dingwall, Department of Agriculture, on “ Pasture Management,” and Mr. W. S. Emmett, on “ Internal Parasites of Sheep,” and “ The Prevention and Control of Hydatids in Sheep and Dogs.” A number of club members, together with a party of Technical School boys, paid a visit to the New Zealand .championship sheep dog trials at Paparangi, where they were addressed by Mr. R. J. McDonald on " The Training and Working of Sheep Dogs.”

South Taranaki.

Alton. — Arrangements regarding a visit to the Renco Laboratory at Eltham ;

talks by members who had undertaken the Y.F.C. South Island tour. Hawera. Talk by Mr. H. G. Whitehead on " The Work of Bacteria in the Soil.” At the previous meeting a talk was given by Mr. P. O. Veale on " The Uses of Cobalt.” Kaponga. Address by Mr. Crawford on “ The Importance of Dairy Hygiene.” At a previous meeting J. Brassell, a club member, gave a talk on a field-day spent with the visiting United Kingdom young farmers.

Pukengahu.— Talks by Mr. T. T. Murray on “ Land Valuing,” and “ Cultivation on Farms.”

North Taranaki.

Cardiff. — Field-day at Messrs. Duncan and Davies’ Nursery, New Plymouth. There was an attendance of 24, and the programme included an instructive demonstration on horticulture by Mr. Davies. Toko.— Field-day in Lepperton district, with members of Pukengahu Club, South Taranaki. Messrs. J. E. Davies (Hawera) and A. G. Elliott (New Plymouth), both of the Department of Agriculture, were present, and gave demonstrations and talks on the various farms visited. Members of the Farmers’ Union were also present.

Southern Hawke’s Bay.

Norsewood. — Debate on “ Tractor v. Horses.” M. Olsen and B. Anderson took the side of the horses, and J. C. Kilgour and D. Hartnett spoke for the tractor.

Poverty Bay.

Nuhaka. Arrangements made for dance. J. G. McTyre read a paper on “ The Skinning of a Beast and the Preparation of the Hide for Tanning.” A copy of a lecture delivered at Massey College by Mr. Grimmett on " Licks and Their Uses ” was read and discussed by club members. Tolaga Bay.— Talks by club members as follows : “ Preparing Wool for Sale in Stores ” (H. Irving) ; “ Rearing of Pigs ” (N. Sadler) ; “ Trip Organized by South Taranaki Clubs to the South Island ” (H. Ancell) ; “ The Sewing of Leather ” (C. O’Connell). W a i a p u. Arrangements regarding social; lecture by Mr. A. V. Singe on “ The Care of Hides and Skins.”

Te Kuiti.

Avia. — Accounts received in connection with dance, which was very successful ; discussion regarding the programme for current year. . . • Te Anga Central. Field-day on the property of Mr. E. Phillips, Marakopo. Mr. W. G. Bonner, Inspector of Stock,

gave a post-mortem examination of a cow. Twelve club members attended.

Bay of Plenty.

Edgecumbe.— Lecture by Mr. Pain, Awaheri, on “ First Aid on the Farm.”

Katikati- by members as follows : " The Recent South Island Tour ” (H. Capamagain) ; "A Trip Round the North Island ” (D. Thomas) ; " sth Mounted Rifles Annual Camp (G. T. Walford) ; “ The Spiral ” (J. N. Hooker). Tauranga.— Talk on " Debating ” by Mr. Angus, followed by. a practice debate in readiness for a debate in a fortnight’s time, the subject to, be " That Sheepfarming is a more Pleasant Occupation than Dairy-farming.” Waihi. — Arrangements for debate with Katikati Club. A club debate was held, the subject being " That Tours to other Districts are of more Value than Farm Schools.” The speakers were B. Thornton, K. Sutton, M. Wheatley, F. Pocock, W. Martin, D. Martin, A. Martin, T. F. Sutton, F. Sutton, and A. Sutton.


Ngakuru. Account received of the dance, which proved to be one of the most successful yet held in the district, both from a social and a financial viewpoint. The club is to be congratulated on its efforts, which were well rewarded. Putaruru.— Arrangements for field-day ; general business ; election of delegates to the District Committee, &c.


Te Aroha. — Lantern lecture on “ Modern Pig-keeping ” by H. M. Piersen, Department of Agriculture. Te Kowhai.— A paper on “ The Jersey ” read by I. A. Porter, a club member, which was freely discussed by those present.

North Auckland.

A r apohue.— Lantern lecture by Mr. E. H. Arnold, Department of Agriculture, on “ Cultivation.” At the following meeting Mr. J. C. Ambury gave an address on “ Sheep Management during the Winter Months.” Marohemo. — Field-day on property of Messrs. Snelling Bros., Maungaturoto. Mr. T. H. Hankin, Government Veterinarian, gave an interesting talk on Facial Eczema.” An affected sheep was killed and examined. Matarau. — An impromptu debate on the subject of “ Horse v. Tractor ” was staged, and proved of great interest, the members regarding it as excellent practice for future set debates.

Oruru.— An interesting and instructive talk on " Farm Book-keeping” was given by Mr. C. S. Puckey.

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New Zealand Journal of Agriculture, Volume 57, Issue 1, 20 July 1938, Page 77

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Among the Clubs: Reports on Activities. New Zealand Journal of Agriculture, Volume 57, Issue 1, 20 July 1938, Page 77

Among the Clubs: Reports on Activities. New Zealand Journal of Agriculture, Volume 57, Issue 1, 20 July 1938, Page 77

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