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W. M. Singleton,

Director of the Dairy Division

The old regulations under which the dairy industry has hitherto been guided, so far as export is concerned, were gazetted in 1899. Dr. J. A. Ruddick was then Dairy Commissioner for New Zealand, and was ably assisted in the drafting of the regulations by Mr. R. Evatt, then Chief Clerk of the Agriculture Department Mr. J. D. Ritchie, then Secretary for Agriculture, also took a close part in the matter generally. Those regulations referred almost entirely to the registration of dairy factories, and to the branding and storing of dairyproduce. The drafting was well done, and the regulations, so far as they went, have, in effect, been carried forward to a considerable extent into the new Dairy-produce General Regulations gazetted on 25th November last.

During the twenty-seven years which have elapsed since the issue of the regulations of 1899 the dairy industry has expanded enormously in New Zealand. The tonnage of butter and cheese exported has increased from 7,608 tons in 1899 to 131,237 tons in 1925. The advent of the farm separator and the milking-machine ; the manufacture of milk-powder, casein, milk-sugar, and whey butter ; the pasteurization of cream and milk for butter and cheese making ; the extension of the grading of cream, and the necessity for ensuring more exact methods of testing for -butterfat at some dairy factories ; the extension of cold storage for butter, and of cool storage for cheese-these, and other developments, together with the recognized need for more improved methods respecting cleanliness and sanitation at a number of milkingsheds, made it essential that a more specific guide should be issued to assist those connected with the industry. There is really little embodied in the new regulations immediately affecting dairy companies and suppliers which is not in practice at many of our well equipped and managed dairy factories and dairy farms. From this viewpoint the issue of the regulations is mainly an official endorsement of present good practice. The principal factor which made it wise to issue these regulations at the present juncture was the necessity for some additional definitions and authorities in connection with cream-grading and the testing of milk and cream at dairy factories. The dairying community pressed the Government for legislation respecting these matters, and, having obtained that legislation, regulations were required accordingly. This being the case, together with the fact that the then existing regulations were so old and circumscribed, it was deemed advisable to review the whole position, and include the cream grading and testing for butterfat regulations with such others as would bring the general position up to the present requirements. . Hitherto the Dairy Division has relied very largely on certain provisions of the Dairy Industry Act rather than on regulations under that Act. From that point of view the regulations cannot be stronger

than the Act which they are under, and instead of being accepted as conferring further powers they should be accepted as an interpretation of certain sections of the Act. . It will be generally conceded that in its administration of the Act the Dairy Division has hitherto been moderate. Prosecutions or other arbitrary action on the part of the Division have been conspicuous by their absence. This has been due to. the co-operation and good will which the Division has been accorded by those in the dairy industry. It is hoped and expected that the same spirit of co-operation, in conjunction with continued moderation on the part of the Division in administration of the new regulations, will perpetuate the good feeling which has obtained hitherto. For further publicity and convenient record purposes it has been deemed advisable to publish in the Journal the full text of the new regulations (only omitting most of the various appended “ forms ” referred to therein) as follows :

REGULATIONS. Interpretation. 1. (i.) These regulations may be cited as “ The Dairy-produce Genera? Regulations.” (2.) For the purposes of these regulations, unless the context otherwise requires,— “ Approved ” means approved by the Director in writing : “ Cream-grader ” means any Cream-grader certificated in accordance with these regulations : ' “ Director ” means the Director of the Dairy Division of the Department of Agriculture : “Dried milk” means the substance produced when whole milk, skimmilk, butter-milk, or a mixture of cream, whole milk, skim-milk, butter- ■ milk, sugar of milk, or any two or more of these substances, is evaporated . or dried : “ Factory ” used without the word “ dairy” prefixed means a manufacturing dairy used or intended for the manufacturing of cheese, other than a ■ manufacturing dairy registered as a private dairy : “ Grader ” used without the word “ cream ” prefixed means any Dairyproduce Grader appointed under the said Act : . “ Inspector ” means. any Inspector appointed under the said Act: " Manufacturing dairy ” includes any premises of the descriptions enumerated in subclause (1) of clause 7 of these regulations : ‘‘ Occupier.” of a supplying dairy includes every person having for the time being the management or control thereof : ■ Supplying dairy means any dairy within the meaning of the said Act used in connection with the supply of milk or cream to a manufacturing dairy : .‘‘Whey butter ” means butter manufactured from whey cream : “ Whey cream ” means cream extracted from whey, and includes any mixture, of milk, or cream extracted from milk, with cream extracted from whey : (3.) These regulations, with the exception of clause 31 hereof, shall not apply to a dairy, or to the butter or cheese manufactured at a dairy, of which the supply of milk and cream is derived from an average number in any month of not more than fifty cows and. which is not registered under these regulations : Provided that no butter or cheese is manufactured at such dairy except butter and cheese which is produced entirely from milk or cream derived from cows on that dairy and which is not manufactured for export and is not exported : save that every such dairy in which any dairy-produce is manufactured for sale shall be deemed to be a supplying dairy for the purposes of clauses 14, 15, 16, and 17 of these regulations.

Requirements as to Use of Manufacturing Dairies. 2. Subject to the provisions of subclause (3) of clause 1 hereof, it shall not be lawful for any person to manufacture, receive or deposit for subsequent manufacture, or pack or seal into airtight packages, any dairy-produce, or to mix or blend any butter, except in accordance with these regulations and in a manufacturing dairy duly registered. ■ 3. In particular it shall not be lawful for any person —(a) To manufacture butter other than whey butter except in a manufacturing dairy registered as a. creamery or private dairy ; (b) to manufacture cheese except in a manufacturing dairy registered as a factory or private dairy ; (c) to manufacture whey butter, condensed or preserved milk, casein, dried milk, or sugar of milk except in a. manufacturing dairy registered as a whey-butter factory, condensed- orpreservedmilk factory, casein-factory, dried-milk factory, or sugar-of-milk factory respectively ; (d) to pack or seal butter into airtight tins or other airtight packages except in a. manufacturing dairy registered as a tinning-house ; (0) to mix or blend butter into milled butter except in a manufacturing dairy registered as a packing-house : Except that—(i) The separation of butterfat from milk may be carried on (a) at any supplying dairy in respect only of the milk produced on that , dairy, or (b) at any manufacturing dairy registered as a skimming-station ; (ii) the preparation for transport to a casein-factory of the curd from milk of any kind may be carried on at a manufacturing dairy registered as a precipitating-station ; (iii) milk or cream produced on any supplying dairy may be deposited on such dairy. 4. It shall not be lawful for any person—(a) To use a manufacturing dairy registered only as a skimming-station for subjecting dairy-produce to any other process of manufacture than' the separation of butterfat from milk ; (6) to use a. manufacturing dairy registered only as a cream-receiving depot for any purpose for which a manufacturing dairy may be used other than for the receipt or deposit: of cream for subsequent removal without being subjected to any process of manufacture while at such cream-receiving depot : (c) to use a manufacturing dairy registered only as a precipitating-station for subjecting dairy-produce to any other process of manufacture than the preparation for transport to a casein-factory of the curd from milk of any kind. 5. It shall not be lawful for the owner of any manufacturing dairy to receivecream for subsequent removal (without being subjected to any process of manufacture prior to such removal) except in a manufacturing dairy registered as a cream-receiving depot, creamery, factory, or private dairy. 6. Any person intending to build, or to make substantial structural alterations to, a dairy of any of the classes enumerated in paragraph (a), (&), (d), (e), (/), (g), (h), (A), or (m) of subclause (1) of clause 7 hereof shall submit a description and plan of the proposed building or alterations to the Director, and shall not commence the erection of the building or the -making of the alterations until the Director has notified him in writing that the Minister has approved of the description and plan. No person erecting any such building or making any such alterationsshall make any material departure from the - description and plan as approved by the Minister, either before or during the erection or alteration of the building" or at any later time, without previous written notice from the Director that theMinister has consented thereto. Registration of Manufacturing Dairies. 7. (1.) Manufacturing dairies shall be registered as belonging to one or moreof the following classes : (a) creamery ; (b) factory ; (c) private dairy ; (d) wheybutter factory; (a) condensed- or preserved-milk ■ factory; (/) casein-factory; (g) dried-milk factory; (Ji) sugar-of-milk factory; (?) tinning-house; (7) packinghouse ; (A) skimming-station ; (Z) cream-receiving depot; - (m) precipitatingstation. (2.) The same premises may be registered as belonging to more than one. of the foregoing classes. Where premises are registered as belonging to more than, one class a separate certificate shall be issued in respect of each registration. 8. (1.) No premises shall be registered as a creamery unless, in the opinion and to the satisfaction of the Director, they—(a) Are equipped with all the necessary appliances for the manufacturing of butter and for completely controlling the temperature of the produce at each stage of the process ; and (b) are provided, with good drainage and an efficient water-supply. -

(2.) No premises shall be registered as a factory unless, in the opinion and to the satisfaction of the Director, they(a) Are equipped with all the necessary appliances for the manufacturing of cheese on the factory system; (&) include curing-room accommodation and suitable shelving for at least fourteen days’ make of cheese ; and (c) are provided with good drainage and an efficient water-supply. (3.) No premises shall be registered as a whey-butter factory unless they are, in the opinion and to the satisfaction of the Director, equipped with machinery for completely controlling temperatures. (4.) No premises shall be registered as a manufacturing dairy of any class unless, in the opinion and to the satisfaction of the Director, they are sanitary, and in all other respects reasonably suitable for use as a manufacturing dairy of the class in which registration is desired. (5.) Premises for the manufacture of butter or cheese which are not sufficiently equipped with appliances, drainage, and water-supply to warrant their registration as a creamery, or factory may be registered as a private dairy. 9. (1.) The owner of any premises who desires to have them registered as a manufacturing dairy under these regulations shall make application in writing to the Director, in or to the effect of form No. 1 in the Schedule hereto, and shall in such application specify the class or classes of manufacturing dairy to which it is desired that the premises shall be registered as belonging, and shall give particulars of the proposed Brand which he wishes to be registered for use on dairy-produce manufactured in. the said premises. ■ (2.) Upon being satisfied that the statements in the application are true and that all the requirements of these regulations are complied with in respect of such premises and brand, the Director shall register the premises as a manufacturing ■dairy of the class or classes specified in the application, and with a distinctive number, and shall register the brand, and shall issue to the owner a certificate or certificates of registration in the form No. 2 in the Schedule hereto. (3.) In every case registration of premises shall be deemed to be registration thereof as a manufacturing dairy only of the class or classes specified in the application for registration. 10. (1.) The Director may decline any application for registration on the ground that the proposed brand is identical with any existing brand, or resembles any existing brand so nearly as to cause risk of confusion, or is for any other reason undesirable for use as a . brand for dairy-produce. (2.) On the application in writing of the owner and with the approval of the Director the registration of any brand may be revoked and another brand registered in lieu thereof, and the Director shall thereupon make the necessary alterations in the certificate of registration and in the register. (3.) On the registration of any premises where the manufacture of butter or cheese is not carried on the Director may, in his discretion, dispense with the registration of a brand. . • 11. (1.) The Director shall cause a register to be kept of every certificate of registration of any premises and brand from time to time in force, and every cancellation of a certificate shall a't once be recorded in the register. (2.) A copy certified by the Director of any entry in the register shall be prima facie evidence of such entry and of the facts appearing therein, and a certificate under the hand of the Director of the absence of an entry in the register shall be prima facie evidence of the facts stated in such certificate. (3.) Every certificate of registration shall continue in force until cancelled under the provisions in that behalf hereinafter contained. (4.) A certificate of registration issued under any regulations heretofore in force shall enure as if it were a certificate issued hereunder of registration as a manufacturing dairy of such class or classes as, having regard to the purport of such certificate, the Director may decide. 12. (1.) So long as the certificate continues in force, but no longer, the dairy named therein shall be deemed to be a registered manufacturing dairy of the class specified in the certificate, and the owner named therein shall be deemed to be the registered owner of . the dairy. ■ . .(2.) In the event of the registered owner ceasing to be the owner of the dairy the Director, upon being satisfied as to the facts, may write on the certificate the words '“ Transferred to [Full name and address of the new owner}, and transfer recorded, this day of ,19 , ” and . sign such writing, and shall thereupon record the transfer in his register accordingly, whereupon the new owner shall be deemed to be the registered owner.

13. The certificate may be cancelled by the Director in any of the following events : (a) If the registered owner so requests ; or (&) if the Director is satisfied that the owner has not used his registered premises and brand for a, period of not less than six months immediately preceding ; or (c) if during any period of twelve months the owner has been at least thrice convicted of any offence or offences under the said Act or any regulations made thereunder ; or (d) if the owner fails or neglects to remedy within the time specified in the notice any defect in the sanitary condition in or about the dairy or its appliances when required by an Inspector so to do by notice in the form .No. 3 in the 'Schedule hereto.

Milking-machines. 14. The owner and occupier of every supplying dairy shall, with respect to every milking-machine used in such supplying dairy, comply with the following provisions ; provided that nothing in this clause shall be held to make compulsory the installation of a vacuum-tank or relea.ser : (fl.) The releaser and vacuumtank shall be either in the open air or in an apartment (hereinafter called the releaser-room) other than that used for milking (hereinafter called the milkingshed), and if the releaser-room is under the same roof as the milking-shed there shall be between the releaser-room and the milking-shed a complete and draughtproof partition, or, in the alternative, a passage walled on both sides throughout the width and height of the releaser-room, open to the outer air at both ends, and not less than two feet wide throughout. (&.) No internal-combustion or steam engine shall be in the same room as the releaser or cream-separator. ' (c.) An adequate water-supply, and a suitable plant for the boiling of sufficient water for thoroughly cleaning the milking-machine and its appurtenances, shall be installed, and maintained near the machine, (d.) The body of the vacuum-tank shall be in two parts, or, in the alternative, the diameter of the cover shall be as nearly as possible equal to that of the tank. (<?.) The releaser and vacuum-rank shall be coupled together by short removable connections. (/.) The connections to the vacuum-tank, from, the vacuum-pump, releaser, and milking-shed vacuum-pipe respectively, shall be as straight as possible, and, if it is reasonably practicable, shall be independent of each other, (g.) The milk-pipe ’shall be of brass, tinned on the inside, and no iron piping, whether galvanized or not, shall be used in the vacuum or releaser system. (A.) The vacuum-pump, vacuum-tank, and releaser shall be so installed and maintained that all lines of pipes shall be as straight as possible, (?’.), The milk-pipe and vacuum-pipes shall have a sufficient fall, which shall be provided and maintained so as to be as regular as possible, for the purpose of proper drainage. ■ ' • Care of Milk and Cream. 15. (i.) All separation of cream from milk at any manufacturing dairy or at any supplying dairy shall be done in a room that is well lighted and ventilated, and provided with a substantial floor and drain, both made of concrete or other material impervious to moisture and having a smooth surface capable, of being readily cleansed. (2.) In every supplying dairy in which the separator-room or milk-collecting room is under the same roof with an engine-room there shall be a passage, walled on both sides throughout the width and height of the separator-room or milkcollecting room, open to the outer air at both ends, and not less than two feet wide throughout, between the engine-room and the separator-room or milk-. collecting room. (3.) The owner of every manufacturing dairy shall comply with the requirements of this clause so far as they relate' to manufacturing dairies,’ and the owner and occupier of every supplying dairy shall comply with the requirements of this clause so far as they relate to supplying dairies. 16. (1.) Milk intended for delivery to a manufacturing dairy shall, immediately after milking, be removed from the milking-shed or stockyard, and once at least carefully strained through some apparatus sufficient for the purpose, and then cooled to a temperature of not more than 65 degrees Fahrenheit by being run over a water cooler or by setting the containers in cold water., (2.) Cream intended for delivery to a manufacturing dairy shall, immediately after having been separated, be cooled to a temperature of not more than 65 degrees Fahrenheit by being run over a water cooler or by setting ’ the containers in cold water. - ■ • (3.) The occupier of every supplying dairy shall comply with the requirements of the preceding subclauses of this clause in respect of all such milk and cream produced on the supplying dairy of which he is the occupier.

(4-) (m) All cream intended for delivery to a manufacturing dairy shall from the time when it is separated to the time when it is deposited in such manufacturing dairy be at all times adequately protected from the sun. (&.) The occupier of every supplying dairy shall comply with the requirements of this subclause until the delivery of such cream to the owner of the manufacturing dairy or to some person on his behalf. (c.) The owner of every manufacturing dairy shall comply with the requirements of this subclause from the time of receipt of such cream by such owner or by any person on his behalf. (d.) Every person for the time being having the actual possession or custody of any such cream shall comply with the requirements of this subclause during the period of such possession or custody : Provided always that the liability imposed by this paragraph is without prejudice to the liability of any other person under paragraph (i) or paragraph (c) of this subclause.' Disinfectants on Teats and Utensils. 17. No occupier of any supplying dairy shall use or allow to be used on the teats of cows in milk or on dairy utensils any poisonous or markedly odorous disinfectants such as coal-tar derivatives. (To be continued.)


Horowhenua A. and P. Association : Levin, 25th and 26th January, 1927. Rangitikei A. and P. Association : Taihape, 26th and 27th January. Helensville A. and P. Association : Helensville, 29th January. Golden Bay A. and P. Association : Motupipi, Ist February. Fcilding A. and P. Association : Feilding, Ist and 2nd February. Woodville A. and P. Association : Woodville, 4th and sth February. Omaha and Pakiri A. and H. Association : Leigh, sth February. Kawakawa A. and P. Association : Kawakawa, sth February. Clevedon A. and P. Association : Clevedon, sth February. Te Puke A. and P. Association : Te Puke, 9th February. Dannevirke A. and P. Association : Dannevirke, 9th, 10th, and nth February. Pahiatua A. and P. Association : Pahiatua, 12th February. Rodney Agricultural Society: Warkworth, 12th February. Masterton A. and P. Association ; Solway, 15th and r6th February. Whakatane A. and P. Association : ' Whakatane, 16th February. Te Awamutu . A., P., and H. Association : Te Awamutu, 16th February. Buller A. and P. Association : Westport, 18th and 19th February. Marton A. and P. Association : Marton, 23rd February. North Kaipara Agricultural Association : Paparoa, 25th February! Franklin A. and P. Association : Pukekohe, 25th and 26th February. Waikato Central Agricultural Association : Cambridge, 2nd and 3rd March Mongonui County A. and P. Association : Kaitaia, sth March. Opotiki A. and P. Association : Opotiki, Bth March. Morrinsville A., P., and H. Society : Morrinsville, 9th March. Amuri A. and P. Association : Waiau, 9th March. Taranaki Metropolitan Agricultural Society : New Plymouth, 9th March. King country Central A. and P. Association : Te Kuiti, 10th March. Mayfield A. and P. Association: Mayfield, 19th March. Rotorua A. and P. Association : Rotorua, 23rd March. Methven A. and P. Association : Methven, 25th March. Temuka A. and P. Association : Geraldine, 7th April. Mackenzie County A. and P. Society: Fairlie, 18th April.' Association secretaries are invited to supply dates and location of their, shows for publication in this list.

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New Zealand Journal of Agriculture, Volume XXXIV, Issue 1, 20 January 1927, Page 57

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THE NEW DAIRY-PRODUCE REGULATIONS. New Zealand Journal of Agriculture, Volume XXXIV, Issue 1, 20 January 1927, Page 57

THE NEW DAIRY-PRODUCE REGULATIONS. New Zealand Journal of Agriculture, Volume XXXIV, Issue 1, 20 January 1927, Page 57

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