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W. M. SINGLETON, Director of the Dairy Division.

During the calendar year under review climatic conditions in the Dominion have been somewhat abnormal from the dairying point of view, an almost perfect dairying autumn and a mild winter generally being followed by an exceptionally dry period in late spring and early summer. The performances of purebred cows under certificate-of-record test have naturally been more or less affected according to the date at which they completed their lactation period, those finishing early in the spring having a distinct advantage over the later calvers. Nevertheless, the yield of the average cow under test has been well maintained, and so far as individual records are concerned it has been an exceptional year. Two cows, a Jersey and a Friesian, have received certificates on productions exceeding 1,000 lb. of butterfat, and of the twenty-three classes into which the breeds participating in the C.O.R. testing are as a whole subdivided no less than twelve of the previous class-leadership yields have been exceeded.


The total number of cows which have received first-class certificates since the commencement of the C.O.R. system now stands at 3,389. The highest number of certificates issued during 1923 went to the Jerseys, that breed being represented by 569 cows, of which 518 were on first performance. In total certificates this represents an increase of 172 certificates over the number issued to the breed for the previous year.’ The Friesians, with 162, show a slight decrease, while the other breeds represented stand about the same as for 1922. .. The following table gives particulars of certificates issued since the commencement of the svstcm :— . .



In the Friesian class-leaders only one change has been made from last year’s listBainfield 27th (see Journal for November last) going to the head of the senior four-year-olds in place of Buttercup

3rd of Ashlynn. When it is kept in mind, however, that the records for this breed range from 740’50 lb. butter-fat in the junior two-year-old class to 1,145-24 lb. fat for . the mature class-leader, it must be recognized that further changes in the list will be slower in coming than in the past. The table for 1923 is as follows : —

Friesian. Class-averages.

Six out of the seven classes into which the Friesian breed is divided show increases over the respective class-averages for the previous year. The only class showing a . decrease is the junior three-year-old. but it is to be remembered . that so small a classonly fifteen cows — is strongly affected in the average by individual records. The 1922 junior three-year-old class contained some outstanding individuals, while 1923 has been less marked in that respect. During, the year eight Friesians yielded over 800 lb. of butterfat, of which one exceeded 900 lb. and one 1,000 lb.

The total number of Friesians which gained certificates in 1923 was 162, while in the previous year the number was 168. To the end of 1923 the total number of certificates issued to Friesians was 1,042, and the average yield 463-88 lb. butterfat from 13,116-3 lb. milk in 343 days. For 1923 the 162 certificates issued were on an average yield of 14,752-3 lb. milk, containing 515-62 lb. butterfat, in an average milking-period of 350 days, an increase of 9-53 lb. butterfat over the previous year.

Friesian C.O.R. Brills.

A bull is classed as a C.O.R. bull when he has sired four or more certificated daughters, each from a different dam.. The Friesian C.O.R. bulls now total sixty-seven, fourteen new names having been added during the year under review. These sixty-seven bulls have a total of 490 C.O.R. daughters to their credit, which represents over

50 per cent, of the total certificates issued to the cows of the breed. Cliffside Laddie and King Segis Wild Rose Homestead have each added a daughter during the year, and remain at the head of the list with a strong tally of twenty C.O.R. daughters each. Following is a list of the bulls :—



During the year four out of the five classes into which the Jersey breed is subdivided have had the previous highest yield for the class exceeded. The only previous record which remains is chat of Mr. A. J. Smith’s St. Lambert’s Bell, leader of the four-year-olds, while the outstanding new performance is that of Pretty’s Flirt, whose yield of 1,010-49 lb. of butterfat in the mature class (constituting her champion Jersey cow of New Zealand) will be difficult to displace. Pedigree notes and general comment on all four new leaders were published in the Journal for November and December last. The class-leaders as they stand at the close of 1923, are as follows : —

Jersey Class-averages.

The Jersey classes for 1923 include the records of 569 cows, as against 397 for the previous year. With the exception of the four-year-old all classes are considerably stronger numerically, the largest increases, as might be expected, falling to the junior two-year-olds and the mature cows. The junior two-year-olds have increased by sixty-two, and, despite the large percentage of cows whose records fall into this class, the average of all certificates issued to the breed since the commencement of the system has increased (for the year) by 8-31 lb. butterfat, bringing the present average yield to 428-52 lb. butterfat, in an average milking-period of 343 days for 2,391 certificates issued.

For 1923 the average C.O.R. Jersey yielded 455-13 lb. butterfat, from 8,177-4 lb- milk, in 348 days ; the corresponding averages for 1922 were 443-75 lb. butterfat, from 8,007-5 lb. milk, in 344 days. Individually as well as collectively the class-averages have increased. Regarding the junior two-year-old class, it may be stated that the average age at commencement of test was 1 year 353 days. Thus, working on the usual basis of 240-5 lb. butterfat as minimum standard, the average of 238 heifers in this class was 157-32 lb. butterfat above the requirement for certificate.

Jersey C.O.R. Bulls.

The list of Jersey bulls which have qualified for the C.O.R. class now includes 140 names, representing 1,113 cows, or more than 50 per cent, of the cows of the breed which have gained certificates. On account of the large number of names involved it is impossible to make individual comment. The Jersey Cattle Breeders’ Association, however, has what they name a champion butterfat bull class, and four of the bulls in the appended list are entitled to inclusion in’this class. In order to qualify a bull must have five certificated daughters from different dams, each daughter at least doubling her butterfat requirement for certificate. The four bulls referred to are Bilberry’s Twylish, with seven such C.O.R. daughters Belvedere Sun Prince, six daughters; Grannie’s Knight, seven daughters ; and Sunflower’s Perseus, five

daughters. The conditions are severe, and those bulls successful in qualifying for this class may be considered as outstanding animals which have demonstrated their power of prepotency, one of the most desirable qualities of a dairy sire.



The year 1923 has brought four changes to the leaderships of the seven classes of the Milking Shorthorn breed. As with the new leaders of other breeds, notes have appeared in the Journal regarding the performances of these four record-breakers. . Although the highest class-leaders for this breed fall considerably short of the best performances of the Jerseys and Friesians, their records are nevertheless very creditable, and it is pleasing to note an upward tendency from. year to year. The list is as follows :—-

Milking Shorthorn Class-averages.

Of the seven classes into which the Milking Shorthorn breed is divided only two—the junior two-year-old and the .mature —offer any opportunity' for comparison with the previous year’s results. Of the remaining classes the junior three-year-old and the junior -yearold have only two representatives, and each of the others only one. The junior two-year-old class comprises six records, and these average 459-69 lb. butterfat, an increase of approximately 145 lb. over six records in the same class for the previous year. In the mature class eight cows in 1922 averaged 444-28 lb. butterfat, and in 1923 sixteen cows in the same class are ' credited with an average yield of 474-65 lb. Thus each class shows a considerable increase in average production. The thirty Milking Shorthorns which gained certificates during the year

had an average yield of 11,737-1 lb. milk, containing 463-25 lb. butterfat, in an average milking period of 343 days.

Milking Shorthorn C.O.R. Bulls.

The Milking Shorthorn bulls which have qualified for the C.O.R. class now number three. The outstanding bull is Dominion Esau of Ruakura, bred by the Department of Agriculture at the Ruakura Farm of Instruction, Hamilton. He now has six daughters to his credit, including Matangi Quality 4th, with 591-89 lb. butterfat as a junior two-year-old ; Matangi Nancy 2nd, with 608-28 lb. as a junior four-year-old ; and Matangi Ruth 2nd, the' New Zealand champion of the breed, with 747-86 lb., as a senior three-year-old. All three of these high producers are owned by Messrs. Ranstead Bros., of Matangi. Each of the other two bulls of the breed to qualify— Orakau Legislator and Dilworth Baronetthas four C.O.R. daughters.



The list of Ayrshire class-loaders shows three changes from last year, Mr. W. Hall's two-year-old, Dimple of Edendale, going to the head of her class, and Ivanhoe Fancy and Ivanhoe Fillpail taking the lead of the four-year-old and mature classes respectively. Some comment on Dimple of Edendale appeared in the December Journal, while the other two animals just mentioned make their first appearance in the Journal in the appended closing list for 1923. Some brief pedigree notes concerning them are also given in connection with the list. The table of class-leaders is as follows :— .

Ayrshire Class-averages.

Twenty Ayrshire cows gained certificates during the year. These twenty animals gave an average yield of 498-76 lb. butterfat, frcm 11,865-5 lb. milk, in 359 days. It is pleasing to be able to report an increase over the preceding year for each of the four classes into which the Ayrshire breed is divided. The extent of the increases will be seen in the following table :—

Ayrshire C.O.R. Bulls.

For several years the Ayrshire ' breed had only one name in the C.O.R. bull class, that of King Cole. It is pleasing now to be . able to record five bulls in - this class. They are as follows : Dominion Netherton Good Bonus, seven C.O.R. daughters; King Cole, six daughters ; Ben of Glenariff, four daughters ; Jewel Prince of Waipapa, four daughters ; Maesgwyn Prince, four daughters. Now that the Ayrshire breed is securing so many fine records it is to be hoped that breeders will not be so tardy in entering their cows for C.O.R. test, and it is trusted that next year the list of bulls will be considerably lengthened.


Four, Red Polls gained first-class certificates-of during the year, and all are from the Central Development Farm herd of the Department of Agriculture at Weraroa. Individual records were published in last month's Journal. Each animal passed by a satisfactory margin the minimum butterfat requirement for her class. Two junior two-year-olds (one calving under two years of age) averaged 323-65 lb. butterfat, a junior three-year-old gave 322-99 lb. butterfat in 300 days, and a mature cow 468-40 lb. in 335 days.


The second-class certificates-of-record issued during 1923 were distributed as follows : Jerseys, 21; Friesians, 6 ; Milking Shorthorns, 2 ; and Ayrshires, 1; making a total of 30. . This number is so small, comparatively, as to represent an almost negligible percentage of the total certificates issued. ’ It would appear, therefore, that breeders are making every endeavour to have their cows comply with the rule which provides that in order to gain a first-class certificate a cow must calve within fifteen months after the date of calving for commencement of test.


The exports of purebred dairy cattle for 1923 totalled 203 animals, valued at a total of some £8,650. This represents an increase in numbers of 88, although in value there is an increase of only about £150. This lower average value is probably partly accounted for by the general decline in cattle values, and partly because a large proportion of the stock exported was comprised of calves and untested heifers. Judging by the figures for the past several years it would seem that New Zealand has now established the foundation of a fairly substantial export trade in dairy cattle. While we regret the loss of so many fine beasts, it is pleasing to recognize that the bulk of the stock leaving the country is of such quality as to build a sound reputation for New Zealand purebreds in the importing countries.


The measure of success which has been attained by the C.O.R. testing has been largely contributed to by the co-operation of the several breeders’ associations, of which the testing breeders are members. Much of the work of the breeders’ associations in this connection must necessarily devolve on their secretaries. The Dairy Division’s cordial acknowledgment of valued assistance cheerfully rendered is due to Messrs. W. M. Tapp, secretary, New Zealand Jersey Cattle' Breeders’ Association ; J. M. Thomson, secretary, New Zealand Friesian Association ; William Hunter, secretary, New Zealand Milking . Shorthorn Breeders’ Association ; and R. H. Spencer, secretary, New Zealand Aryshire Cattle Breeders’ Association.


The appended list was intended to finish the publication of records completed during the calendar year 1923. Owing, however, to the tardiness of some breeders in returning forms of declaration of milk-weights, &c., it may be necessary to publish a few outstanding names in a subsequent list.

Apart from Pretty’s Flirt, whose record of 1,010 lb. butterfat has been previously noticed, the outstanding feature of this closing list is the appearance of two new class-leaders for the Ayrshire breed. Ivanhoe Fancy, with her fine performance of 713’93 lb. butterfat, becomes not only leader of the Ayrshire four-year-olds but champion of the breed in New Zealand. Ivanhoe Fillpail, in the mature class, has gained a certificate for 646-31 lb. butterfat, entitling her . to the leadership of that class. She has also achieved the distinction of having given the highest milk-yield16,362-7 lb.for any Ayrshire yet certificated in the Dominion. These two animals are herd-mates and half-sisters, and are owned by Mr. A. M. Weir, of Menzies Ferry, Southland. They are the only two certificated daughters of Hindsward Jimmy of Townhead, who is by the imported bull Oxhill Jimmy. The dam of Ivanhoe Fillpail is Ivanhoe Curly 2nd, who has not been tested, but is sired by King Cole, a well-known Ayrshire bull who has sired six C.O.R. daughters, including Minnie of Glen weir, who has a certificate • for 528-92 lb. butterfat. Ivanhoe Fancy is from Cole’s Fancy of Glenweir, who has a .certificate for 514-87 lb. as a mature cow. Cole’s Fancy of Glenweir is also by King Cole, so that there is 75 'per cent, similar breeding between these two cows. Mr. Weir is to be congratulated upon the success of the breeding plan which has resulted in these two outstanding individuals.

Seed Research Work carried out at the Biological Laboratory, Wellington, is summarized as follows in the annual report of the Department of Agriculture for 1922-23 : Research work upon the cause of and - overcoming the loss of vitality in Chewings fescue seed during and after overseas shipment is still being continued. With the data attained from experiments carried out in co-operation with the United States Department of Agriculture, together with that from a series of experiments now being commenced, it is hoped that the New Zealand Department will very soon be in a position to advise merchants, so that they may ship Chewings fescue with confidence. Various other researches in matters relating to seed work generally have been carried out as follows : Increasing germination of rye-grass by drying process ; storage of Chewings fescue under cool storage and subsequently higher temperatures ; improved methods of testing peas and beans ; co-operation with English seed firms in research into the loss of vitality of seeds during import and export; standardization of source-indicators of agricultural seeds (in co-operation with the Seed Control, Station, Zurich, Switzerland) ; standardization of methods of seedanalysis (in co-operation with the Royal Seed Control’ Station, Copenhagen, Denmark) ; statistical study of seed impurities and germination behaviour of New-Zealand-grown agricultural seeds.

* First entry of bull on list, f Also one second-class certificate daughter.

* First entry of bull on list. t Also two second-class-certificate daughters. f Also one second-class-certificate daughter. ■ ' • •

*JCow milked three times daily during whole lactation period, t Milked three times daily during part of period.

Totals Jersey Friesian . . Milking Shorthorn.. Ayrshire . . Red Poll . . Shorthorn Breed. xi , I • • tO • "ooxi 19133 ? 0 3 Jersey Friesian; .. .; Milking Shorthorn.. Ayrshire .. .. Red Poll . . ■ Breed; g> to • 1913h • On O Gn • kj 4* Ordinary. H ch I ’ ’ CA ’ Ordinary. VO to | • • M H Repeat. -b Ch • • M ChVO xj | • • to tO tO H Ordinary. VO -£ 1 • • h ' vo Repeat. CA ’ CA 1 • • -U kO 1 • • 'C XI 4- -4 Ordinary. VO 5, 1 : : : : o. « Repeat. s> 1 • • to ChVO • • -4 H Ordinary. vo W I' • • • -fx CO Repeat. VO • • 10 (Jl H Ch I • • to XI Co Ordinary. VO s 1 • • . . • qo Repeat. CO si • • to co 4- o Ordinary. VO to - £ • H H Repeat. ’ • • • co xi Repeat. CO I to xr • • ca co to CO | • • Ca VO tO XI Ordinary. vo cn • • . to CO co | • • • to co CO Repeat. to p H •• H M CO to CO VO | • to O H COO Ordinary.. vo -5 1 s On'O H • 4x to • Repeat. to • tO X CO Ordinary. cn ‘ co | Cn CO COCH Ch H Ordinary. VO CO I • CO cn to 'bJ ”ch Repeat. -£ 1 o H • O A Repeat. •r 1 co i •O IO W Ordinary. On Cn H • O CO Repeat. Ordinary. co IVO 10 On CO h to Ordinary. <O 4- • co Repeat. co ! CO CA O H CO Ch tO H Repeat. co io cn ; h . •h to\IW ; Ordinary. OO 5 s Repeat. 03 • Gn Ordinary. <0 . 0 Co • xj Repeat. to . - Gn 00 tO Gn co to VT Ordinary. • -? -4 uo ;<£■ to to CO Repeat. . H GO * M H GO 10 CO to O H 00-0 Ordinary.. . 5 to go tO 4~ Repeat. ’ , H GO H tO CO Gn Cn 00 GOGH On H Ordinary. w to OO ■ , co 4- • CO Cn to tO On ■ Repeat. 5 • \o Cn H 10 Ordinary. H W O OO • wen 1 O HW Cl W H Repeat. 2

Name of Cow and Class. Tested by Age at Start of Test. req’d Fat Cert. for Yield for Season. Days Milk. Fat ' Junior Two-year-old'. Monavale Queen Bess T. H. Richards, CardiffYrs. dys 2 16 lb. 242-1 365 lb. 20,501-1 lb. 740-50 . i ■ Senior Two-year-old. N etherland Princess 4 tl John Donald, Westmere 2 34 1 274-6 365 19,621-6 805-77 Junior Three-year-old. Monavale Queen Bess T. H. Richards, Cardiff 3 56 282-6 365 21,609-3 800-18 Senior Three-year-old. Manor Beets Daughter 2nd of Ashlynn C. A. Hopping, Palmerston North 3 96 306-6 365 18,733-9 863-51 Junior Four-year-old. Westmere Princess Pietertje John Donald, Westmere 4 156 329-1 365 24,199-0 939-7 Senior Four-year-old. Bainfield 27th ~ C. H. Potter, Pukerau 4 351 348 6 365 23,203 3 .910 74 Mature. Alcartra Clothilde Pietje Vernon Marx, Mangatoki 7 355 35°-o 365 3I.3I2-5 1,145-24

Class Number of Cows. Average Yield for Season. Days in Milk. • . Milk. ■ Fat. lb. lb. Junior two-year-old 50 345 lb. **,435’4 lb. 406’27 Senior two-year-old ■ . . 16 34 *4,343’4 497’45 Junior three-year-old 15 347 12,5727 445’2* Senior three-year-old ' 11 . . 355 16 253-1 583’27 Junior four-year-old 12 353 . 15,885-1 55 iSenior four-year-old 17 357 *7,516-6 604-07 Mature 41 353 17,878-2 616-19 Junior two-year-old, . 1922 67 343 ' 11,421-1 4 o 4-32 Senior two-year-old * 15 352 12,382-3 419-29 Junior three-year-old . . 14 358 *5,779’2 528-94 Senior three-year-old 17 345 228-2 480-59 Junior four-year-old ' . . 9 . -346 14,361-6 508-51 Senior four-year-old ■ 8 346 ' 16,423-1 57I-56 Mature . . . . . . 38 341 15.615-3 ■ 541-40

The class averages for 1923 and 1922 are given in the following table :—-

Name of Bull. Total of Daughters. Number Daughters qualified. during Name of Bull. Total C.O.R. of Daughters. Number Daughters qualified during 1923. Cliffside Laddie 20 O Black and White King 5 4 King Segis Wild Rose 20 I of Ashlynn* Homestead Colantha Pontiac 5 I . Colantha Pontiac 5 I Woodcrest Joe 18 0 1 Colantha Johanna Lad 5 0 King Fayne Segis 2nd -16 I i Colantha P i e t e r t j e 5 O Sir de Koi Inka Pie16 0 Count de Koi . tertj e Dominion de Koi Do5 O Prince Pietj e Paxton 14 2 mino Woodcrest Hengerveld Mt I Dominion Dutchland 5 0 Mechthilde Friesland Dirk* 5 2 De Koi Pontiac Burke 13 I King of the Black and 5 I Kruger 2nd 13 0 Whites Paul Pietertje 13 0 King Alcartra Rose de 5 I Bainfield Dutchman 11 + 3 Koi Longbeach Van Tromp II 0 Longbeach Big Patch ■ 5 I Grace’s Netherland of 10 0 Medbury Prince 5+ I Riverside Marquis Segis Colanfit 3 + Mutual Piebe of Rock 10 0 tha* Nazli de Koi 10 0 Rex de Koi of Sunny5 0 King of Dominos 9 3 croft Mutual Piebe de Koi 9 0 Salma Torohunga No. 1 5 • 0 Netherland King of 9 I Woodcrest J a n n a . 5 0 Rosevale Pontiac . . - Longbeach Primrose 8 0 Canterbury King of 4 I League Kingsbrook* i Mutual Mercedes Pie8 9 Colantha Johanna 4 0 tertj e Cordyline Hero* 4 9 R 0 s e v ale Korndyke 8 9 . Dominion Domino 4 0 Sylvia Posch Dutch Boy Royal King Champion 8 ' 3 Friesland Gem* . . . 4 4 Sir Colantha Korndyke - 8 0 Friesland Colantha Lad 4 0 Rag Apple Friesland Park von 4 I Woodcrest Pietj e Pon8 I Bulow* tiac Holland Queen’s Son 4 0 Edinglassie ... 7 0 Indi Paul of Lakeside 4 • 0 Dominion Oak de Koi 7 0 King Laddie* 4 I 2nd Homestead King Segis of Friesland 4 0 Fobes Park Rosevale King Sylvia* 7* 4* Longbeach Dutchman 4 0 Bainfield Prince 6 . 0 Longbeach Major . . 4 0 Colonel Manor of River6 0 Marquis Piebe de Koi* 4 4 side Netherland King 4 0 . Cordyline Colantha 6 4 Oakwood Holland 4 0 Hero*' King Dominion Woodcrest 6 4 Pietertje Boy ' 4 0 Piebe Mercedes* Pareora Bindal 4 0 Felix de Koi of Mona- - 6 4 Ro zine’s Butterboy . . 4 0 vale* Soldene Grace* . 4 2

Name of Cow and Class. . Tested by Age at Start of Test. Fat required Certificate. Yield for Season. Days. Milk. Fat. Junior Two-year-old. Alfalfa Pansy F. J. Saxby, Hamilton ’ Yrs dys. 2 4 dys. lb. 4 240-9 lb. 240-9 365 lb. 365 10,898-1 lb. lb. 10,898-1 690-16 lb. 690-16 Senior Two-year-old. Marshland’s Stylish W. J. Chynoweth, 2 353 275’8 365 9>9 2 7.-7 7I5-75 Princess W. J. Chynoweth, Hamilton 2 353 275’8 365 9,927-7 7I5-75 \ Three-year-old. Zola of Rosy Creek . . E. Joyce, Kaponga . . 3 43 281-3 365 12,478-6 741-20 Four-year-old. St. Lambert’s Bell . . A. J. Smith, Cardiff . . 3 43 281-3 365 12,478-6 741-20 -j 2 s Four-year-old. St. Lambert’s Bell .. A. J. Smith, Cardiff . . 4 283 283 341-8 341-8 365 365 I4,423-I i4.423.-i 78O-32 780-32 Mature. Pretty’s Flirt . . W. H. Miers, Rukuhia 6 353 353 35o-o 35o-o 365 365 16,684-1 16,684-1 1010-49 1010-49

Class. Number of Cows. Average Yield for Season. Days in Milk. ■ Milk. Fat. 1923 lb. lb. Junior two-year-old 238 348 ' 7.1227 397’82 Senior two-year-old ■ 63 344 7,991-2 457’13 Three-year-old 99 350 8,636'8 ' 482-08 Four-year-old .. 45 345 9,044-9 499-06 Mature . . ■ . . . . 124 350 9,614-4 526-63 1922. Junior two-year-old . . 176 342 . 6,950-4 390-17 Senior two-year-old 4i 350 7.8l5’2 427-75 Three-year-old 57 337 8,342-8 462-10 Four-year-old 37 348 ■ 8,869-7 498-37 Mature . . . . 86 349 9,669-5 525’38

The figures for 1923, together with those for 1922, are as follows : —-

Name of Bull. Total , of C.O.R. . Daughters. Number of Daughters qualified during 1923. Name of Bull. To tab of C.o.R. Daughters. Number of Daughters qualified during 1923. V Total of C.O.R. Daughters. Number of Daughters qualified during 1923. Name of Bull. Total of C.o.R. Daughters. Number of Daughters qualified during 1923. Eminent’s Fontaine . . 33 5 Oculist 12 th ' 8 O Grannie’s Knight 3 r t . I 7tPeggy’s Campanile . . 4 0 Majesty’s Fox 30 0 Rainbow’s King 8 • 3 K.C.B. . . . . . 28 2 Admiral 7 2 . Sultan’s Disdain ' 26f 12$ ' Beachland’s Com- ' 7 6 Noble Twylish 20 5 mander* Fancy’s Lord Twylish 21 2 -Brighton Twylish 7 0 Roberts 19 0 Blizzard ... ' 7 ■ 0 Admiral of Puketapu 19 2 Charm’s Lord .. . 7+ 7+ 2 .2 Belvedere Sun Prince i8i ' 5 + Eileen’s Fox* 7 3 Proud Fox* I5t' i3t i3t Goddington Goddington 7 7 ' 0 0 Golden Swan 13 2 Genoa Nelson Chase 7 ’ 2 ' Holly Bank Squire . . . 13 8 Masterpiece of Meadow7 I 1 Mona’s Ally 13 7 brook Bilberry’s Goddirigton 12 0 Maid’s General 7+ 1 Neathead’s Majesty* 12$ . 9$ Marcus 7 I Sunflower’s Perseus . . 12 ■ 0 Silverlock’s Duke 7 2 The General • . . 12 J it Stevenson . . ■ 7 0 v.c. .. ' ■.. 12 5 ■ Twylish Hope 7 2 Exile of Oaklands nt 4 Belvedere Sunset 6 0 Good Luck II 1 Beachland’s White 6 5 Renown of Meadow11 2 Swan* brook 1 Belvedere Butter Boy 6 0 Sweet Fox of Colling1 1 5 . 1 Flower Boy 2nd 6 2 wood 1 Grannie’s Campanile 6 3 Te Rapa Lad* . . 11 8 Sultan* Bilberry’s Twylish . . 10+ 4 Golden Fox 2nd 6 0 Campanile’s Sultan . . IO 0 Grand Duke . . . 6 0 Farleigh Fox 10+ I Maori Captain* 6 5 Lady’s Duke lot I Meadowbrook Nobility 6 0 Molina’s General 10 2 Mabel’s Dairyman . . 6 0 Rainbow . . . . 10+ • O Mountain ■ View’s 6 3 Soumise Tom . : 10 2 Rioter* Viola’s Golden Laddie IO ■ ' 4 Oakvale’s Red Line . . - ■ 6$ I 1 Belvedere Bilberry’s 9 - 3 Pride of Egmont 6 0 . Last Sherry’s Fox of Col6 4 Bush Boy . . 9$ 4 lingwood* Charm’s Lord Twylish 9 ■ 0 ■ Sunglow*" . . 6 2 Lord Twylish 9 ■ I ' ’ Belvedere Star* 5 . 2 Mermaid Sultan . .-. 9 I . Blondin . . ... 5 0 M.L.C. . 9 . ■ 0 Eileen’s Fox 2nd* 5 5 Petune’s Noble ... .9t . 4 Flandrine’s Swan . . 5 1 Rozel’s Sultan . 9 0 . ' Gavotte’s Hero 5 + 4. Soumise Majesty . ; . 9 0 ‘ Hawkesbury Black 5 0 Sunlight’s Noble Gene-' 9 . .2, . Prince .. ral r . Ivondale’s Rainbow* ' 5 4 ' Starbright . . 9 ■ 0 Juno’s Laddie 5 0 The Owl’s Victor . 9t . I. King Twylish* 5 . . 2 Belvedere Jersey Boy.8’ 3- ■ Lord Nelson ■ 5t 0 Friskey Campanile . . ■ -8 - 0 • ' Lord Lepperton . 5 0 Hawksbury Emperor . 8 I Lord Gamboge* ‘ 5 + 2 ■ Heather Boy . . . 8 . 0 Mona’s Campanile 5 ■ 0 Miro Meadow Star . . 8 4 M.H.R. 5 0

Name of Bull. Total of Daughters. of Number Daughters qualified during Name of Bull. Total of C.O.R. Daughters. Number Daughters qualified during 1923 Miro Meadows Maori 5 0 Fancy Carnation’s Fox 4 • 0 Boy General Noble* 4 I Protection of Meadow5 ' 0 Golden Swan’s Lad* . . ‘ 4 4 brook Glory . . 4 0 Ro s e’s Attraction’s 5 5 Knight Commander . . 4 0 Fox* Lord Maitland 4 ■ 0 Silver Conqueror 5 1 Mayflower Magnet 2nd ' 4 0 Senor 5 I Maid’s Noble General 4 0 Shamrock of Beach5 3 Melia Ann’s Sultan ■ . . 4+ 0 lands* Meadowvale Conqueror . 4 3 Silver King (Stuckey’s) 5 0 Mere’s Conqueror* . . 4 2 Signor* .. ■ . . 5 3 Miro Meadow’s Dick* 4 4 The Squire (1272) 5 0 Miro Meadow’s Paddy* . 4 2 Briar’s Twylish* 4 0 Napper* 4 2 Butterman Lad 4 0 Nestor of Willowbank . 4 0 Black Swan 4 0 Noble Sultan* ... 4 ■ 0 Belle’s Arclight Knight 4 4 I Noble Warder . . 4 0 Belvedere Sun King* 4 I Prince Enid* . . 4 - i Bonnie Mac* . 4 4 Rarity of Meadow4 ■ ■ 1. Brentwood Gallant* 4 1 brook* Chief of Jersey Mea- ■ 4 3 Shamrock’s Sweet Lad* 4 • 4 dows* Starlight 2nd 4 0 Defender of Meadow4 0 Una’s Nobility "4 . 0 vale Vulpes of Bulls*. 4 I Floss’s Starlight* 4 1 Yankee Sweet ' . . • 4 . 0 Fairy’s Campanile 4 0 Young Emperor 3rd - 4 0

Following is the complete list of Jersey C.O.R. bulls:-

Name of Cow and Class. Tested by Age at Start of Test. Fat required Certificate. Yield for Season. Days. Milk. , Fat. Junior Two-year-old. Yrs. dys. lb. lb. lb. Matangi Quality 4th Senior Two-year-old. Ranstead Bros., Matangi 2 109 251-4 365 14,572-8 59I-89 Birkland Dainty Junior Three-year-old. G. N. Bell, Palmerston North. 2 281 268-6 365 11,616-9 459-98 Dominion Carnation of Ruakura Senior Three-year-old. Ruakura Farm of Instruction, Hamilton East 3 9 277-9 348 9,942-6 439'20 Matangi Ruth 2nd Junior iFour-y ear-old., 'Ranstead Bros., Matangi 3 304 3O7-4 365 14,032-7 747'86 Matangi Nancy 2nd . . Senior Fourty ear-old. .-Ranstead Bros., Matangi 4 • 3 313 8 365 15.591-6 608'28 Sweet Garnett 2nd of Cornwall Park R. S. Allan, Hatuma. . 4 359 349’4 365 16,260-3 5I4-I9 Mature. R. S. Allan, Hatuma. . 4 359 349'4 365 16,260-3 514’19 ■ ■■ .1. . Maniaroa Princess . . Ranstead Bros., Matangi 35o-o 365 I5.95I-7 700-76

. Class. ■; Number of Cows. ■ Average Yield for Season. Days in Milk. ' Milk. Fat. I923lb. ' lb. Junior two-year-old . . 1923. 6 352 lb. 12,145-8 lb. ' 459'69 Senior two-year-old 2 • 336 8,750-3 337'39 Junior three-year-old 2 301 7’945'4 • 3°9’97 Senior three-year-old I 365 14,032-7 . 747’86 Junior four-year-old 2 365 ,892-0 494-14 Senior four-year-old I 365 16 260-3 514’19 Mature 16 340 11,860-7 474'65 1922 Junior two-year-old . 1922 6 358 7,681-4 314-27 Senior two-year-old 4 331 8,085-0 312-84 Junior three-year-old 4 326 9,238-0 378-5I Senior three-year-old 2 ‘ 333 ■9,257-2 358-26 Junior four-year-old 2 340 9,569-2. 368-14 Senior four-year-old ■ I 365 10,963-1 418-04 Mature , . . . ■ • 8 34° 11,200-3 444-28

The class-averages for this breed for 1923 and 1922 are as follows :-

. Name of Cow and Class. Tested by Age at Start of Test. Fat for Yield for Season. Days. Milk. Fat. ■ ■>. Yield for Season. Days. Milk.' Fat. Two-year-old. Yrs. dys. lb. lb. lb. Dimple of Edendale W. Hall, Lepperton . . Yrs. dys. - 327 lb. 273-2 365 lb. 13.063-3 lb. 529-46 T ear-old. Greenfield’s Ina C. E. G. Webb, KopuC. E. C. Webb, Kopu3 345 3 II ‘5 365 I3.958-3 566-02 " taroa Greenfield’s Ina Four-year-old. 3 345 3II-5 365 I3.958-3 566-02 Ivanhoe Fancy . : taroa A. M. Weir, Menzies 4 308 344'3 365 14,207-7 7I3-93 Ferry 4 308 344'3 365 14,207-7 7 I 3’93 Mature. ■ Ivanhoe Fillpail Ferry A. M. Weir, Menzies Ferry 35o-o 365 16,362-7 646-31

Class.» Number of Cows. Average Yield for Season. Days in Milk. Milk. Fat. 1923 ' lb.' lb. Two-year-old .. .. 1923 • ' 4 ■ 365 lb. 10,986’1 lb. 438-63 Three-year-old . ' 2 36.5 11,036’2 458’4O Four-year-old ... 4 365 11,166-2 500’52 Mature . . . . .". 10 353 12,663’0 530’19 * 353 12,663-0 530-19 1922. Two-year-old - . . . . 1922 4 342 8,981-7 384-7I Three-year-old 6 348 8 ,679-1 368-27 -Four-year-old . . 2 354 1,266-9 487-55 Mature 11 345 . 11,797-2 486-58

Name of Cow and Class. Tested by Age at Start of Test. Fat req’c for Cert. Yield for Season . Days. Milk. Fat. Junior Two-year-old. Erinview’s Treasure . . JERSEYS. John Murray, Woodville . . Yrs. dys. 2 15 lb. 242-0 365 lb. 474'5 lb. ■ 552-37 Koro Koro Buttercup R. W. Southee, Kiwitea I 363 24OT 365 9,055-7 520-93 Fair’s Cherrymaid . . James Nicolson, Kaupokonui I 318 24O-5 365 9,302-5 500-13 Anzac’s Heroine H. J. Berry, Kaupokonui . . ■2 2 240-7 365 8,391-3 494-98 Ohio Bilberry . . A. H. Guy, Mangatoki 2 50 246-1 365 7,642-2 490-06 Koro Koro Nellie R. W. Southee, Kiwitea 2 34 243-9 365 8,443-4 485-27 Koro Koro Pansy R. W. Southee, Kiwitea 2 62 246-7 365 8,264-1 470-46 Wairua Frano A. L. Dermer, Stanway I 34i 24O-5 365 8,499'3 460-09 Raithwaite Superior. . H. H. Buxton, Auroa I 330 24O-5 365 8,775’0 452-43 Meadowvale Uniform F. A. Corney, Egmont Village 2 ' 47 245-2 365 8,958-5 446-47 Raithwaite Briar’s Girl H. H. Buxton, Auroa I 352 24O-5 365 7,737-0 4O5-59 Waipiko Madge F. E. Mills, Stan way . . 2 22 242-7 312 7,876-4 401-62 Tirohanga Lady Gold E. C. Houchen, Hamilton . . 2 41 244-6 365 7,720-1 382-93 Orielton Sunshine B. Tripp, Gleniti . . I 358 24O-5 365 7,153-7 368-34 Raithwaite Rose H. H. Buxton, Auroa I 250 240-5 329 7,142-3 364-16 Ohio Golden Lenora. . A. H. Guy, Mangatoki 2 61 246-6 352 6,746-8 361-67 Niobe .. C. Parker, Hairini , . I 340 24O-5 342 5,880-6 354' 10

Name of Cow and Class. Tested by I Age at Start oi : Test.; Fat Cert. Yield for Season. Days - Milk. Fat. jerseys— continued Junior Two-year-old- — Yrs. dys lb. . lb. lb. Anzac’s Maid : H. J. Berry, Kaupokonui . . I 312 24 O 365 6,225-2 35D7I Pine Bank Silver Link J. Meuli, Norman by .. I 261 24O-5 365 5.5OO-I 33 I- 3 O Colleen Machree . . C. Stevens, Maungatapere . . di 356 24O-5 3 6 5 6,378'6 321.17 Tinsel’s Lady Twylish Edgar Hofmann, Katikati. . I •313 24O-5 365 . 5,542-0 319-02 Cruiskeen’s Majesty . . C. Stevens, Maungatapere . . I 361 24O-5 3 6 5 5-570’4 3W65 Celebrity’s Darling . . '. A. Mouldey, Tirau . . .'. 2 61 246-5 358 4-739-9 3O9-34 Victoria of Bull’s ... W. J. Spooner, Awapuni .. . 2 3i 243-6 348 6,052-0 306-66 Powhiri ........ . O. Morirad, Palmerston N. . I ■326 24O-5 336 5,4 I 4'7 306-58 Sunny Meadows Eve - F. J. Wyatt, Towai ' ". . I 334 '2.40-5 355 5-357’5 303-76 Fox’s Nobility. Pearl . . W. H. Jakins, Christchurch 2 5 241 -o 365 5,241-4 290-67 Springbank Dorothea E. S. Holdaway, Ballance . . I 325 240-5 35 1 5-357’0 288-69 Springbank Ally’s Hope E. S. Holdaway, Ballance . . I 336 240-5 323 ' 5,967-1 276-19 Springbank Lady E. S. Holdaway, Ballance'. . . .. I 349 240-5 294 •5,223-8 262-52 Springbank Kitten . . ' E. S. Holdaway, Ballance . . 2 0 240-5 311 5,077-6 .259-68 Springbank Jocelyn . . E. S. Holdaway, Ballance . . I 347 240-5 ,365 4,,688-4 249-78 Senior Two-year-old. Genii C. Stevens, Maungatapere . . Genii C. Stevens, Maungatapere . . 2 354 275-9 365 8,159-1 459-7 1 Beauty’s Mignonne . . D. L. A. Astbury, Mangatoki 2 349 275-4 330 6,686-4 436-73 Springbank Re Veale E. S. Holdaway, Ballance . . 2 ■263 266-8 275 ' 5,146-4 281-92 Three-year-old. Marjorie’s Twylish . . John Murray, Woodville . . 3 342 311-2 365 11,388-5 655-45 August’s Cherrybud . . J. Nico Ison, Kaupokonui . .• 3 ' 54 282-4 365 *10,333-4 634-45 Comely of Rosy Creek L. Wickham, New Plymouth 3 20 279-0 358 ■ 11,218-5 616-94 Erinview Queen John Murray, Woodville . . 3 19 278-9 365 10,154-0 535’93 Abberly. Naomi H. E. B. Watson, Fendalton 3 43 281-3 365 10,516-4 531-49 Arietta Dr. H. O. Washbourn, Rich3 56 282-5 365 10,790-3 510-90 mond Roslyn Sweetest T. Brownlee, Pukekohe • . . 3 56 282-5 365 10,790-3 -510-90 mond Roslyn Sweetest ’ . . T. Brownlee, Pukekohe 3 90 286-0 365 ' 8,445-9 487-39 Lassie Lucerne . . W. McGowan, Papatoetoe 3 240 301-0 34 1 8,626-5 428-73 Lakeside Magnet V. W. Nowell, Hawera . 3 6 277-6 321 6,953’0 425-98 Woodstock’s Leitha . . Banks and Son, Kiwitea . . 3 76 284-6 365 7,137-4 394’62 Woodstock’s Zara • . . Banks and Son, Kiwitea . . 3 65 283-5 365 7,748-7 370-02 Springbank Faith:... . . . E. S. Holdaway, Ballance .. 3 190 296-0 ■293 5,668-2 299-79 Venus’s Delight Edgar Hofmann, Katikati. . 3 12 278-2 338 5,797’4 286-71 Springbank Duchess. . E. S. Holdaway, Ballance . . 3 50 282-0 323 6,056-3 283-66 Four-year-old. Best of All . . H. H. Buxton, Auroa ... 4 53 318-8 342 10,697-2 582-15 Aster’s Rainbow J. Nicolson, Kaupokonui. . .. 4 78 321-3 365 10,253-4 521-60 Rewa Saint . . W. H. Booth, Carterton 4 35 3WO 365 10,344-2 507-30 Waipiko Leonne . . C. G. C. Dernier, Waipiko. . 4 46 318-1 365 9,410-1 495-81 You’ll do Soumise A. H. Guy, Mangatoki 4 . 6 3I4-I 365 9,689-2 494-99 Majesty’s Orange Fox F. S. Veale, Cambridge 4 41 317-6 342 9,058-3 440-67 Rewa Maycan H. E. B. Watson, Fendalton 4 11 3I4-5 261 6,726-6 401-04 Broady’s Tinsel Edgar Hofmann, Katikati.. 4 108 324-3 306 5,326-8 327-80 Mature. Pretty’s Flirt* W. H. Miers, Rukuhia ....:. 6 353 350-0 365 16,684-1 1010-49 Frances A. L. Dermer, Stanway 6 5 350-0 365 11,889-7 735-51 Koro Koro’s Silky . . R. W. Southee, Kiwitea 5 346 350-0 365 I1 >45 1 '3 612-57 Flotsam . . ■ . . . A. L. Dermer, Stanway 9 146 350-0 365 11,962-2 599'74 Waipiko Caress C. G. C. Dermer, Waipiko. . 5 5i 350'0 365 9,279-4 567-29 Laurel’s Dove John Murray, Woodville . . 5 25 350-0, 360 10,211-0 550-62

Name of Cow and Class. Tested by Age at Start of Test. io for Cert. Yield for Season. Yield for Season, ri Days ■ Milk. Fat. jerseys— continued. Mature- -continued. jerseys— continue 7. x . ■ Yrs. dys Yrs. dys lb, lb, lb. lb. lb. lb. Ethel’s Creamy Lass L. K. Tarrant, Ngaere 7 55 35o-c 292 9,248-6 536-I8 Oakvale’s Grace A. H. Guy, Mangatoki 6 96 350-0 365 8,940-2 516-05 Golden Fern C. Stevens, Maungatapere. . 9 109 350-0 365 10,150-6 489-49 Olga’s Darling A. Mouldey, Tirau 8 38 350-0 355 8,974'8 486-24 Waratah Tinsel E. Hofmann, Katikati 6 24 350-0 365 8,924-9 484-11 Laurel’s Bright Hope John Murray, Woodville . . 7 44 350-0 365 7.923-5 480-61 Pretty Lass John Hale, New Plymouth 6 7 350-0 365 8,351-4 472-21 Cowslip 9th W. T. Williams, Pukehou . . 9 120 350-0 365 9,557’5 469-49 Lady Joffre E. L. Roose, Pukekohe 7 326 35o-o 364 9,946-2 439’45 Middlewood’s Queen Banks and Son, Kiwitea . . 6 104 350-0 365 6,763-9 394-72 Victoria’s Success B. Tripp, Gleniti. , 9 339 350-0 298 7,032-3 387-72 Lady Swan A. Best, Bombay 11 83 350-0 365 8,350*0 374'52 FRIESIANS. 11 83 35°-o 365 8,350-0 374'52 Junior Two-year-old. Bainfield Topsy 13th* W. D. Hunt, Waikiwi 2 34 243-9 365 15,061-0 641-88 Bainfield Pansy 3rd* W. D. Hunt, Waikiwi 2 174 257-9 365 14,708-8 609-34 Dominion Queen Olga Central Development .Farm, 2 57 246-2 365 12,985-7 460-12 Weraroa 2 57 246-2 365 12,985-7 460-12 Tokaora Beets SunH. E. Johnson, Tokaora . . 2 35 244-0 365 10,455'7 458-47 shinef Oaklea Creamelle* . . R. A. Wilson, Turakina 2 82 248-7 365 14, 033-1 439'94 Tokaora Netherland H. E. Johnson, Tokaora 2 77 248-2 327 12,358-2 436-26 Rosef Tokaora Manor Beets 5 H. E. Johnson, Tokaora . . 2 80 248-5 336 ii,59i-7 4 I 3‘57 Countess Ena Herof. . N. P. Nielsen, Tiakitahuna 2 53 245-8 365 12,090-6 411-01 Oaklea Mercena Lassiej R. A. Wilson, Turakina 2 22 242-7 292 8,866-7 374'53 Ashlynn 118th J. H. Jamieson, Fencourt . . 2 4 240-9 365 9,036-4 364-71 Oaklea Pauline de Kolf Knight and Sons, Ongarue 2 96 250-1 336 9,964-3 360-87 Lady Van Cleve Gem J N. P. Nielsen, Tiakitahuna ' I 295 240-5 364 IO >575' 1 343-07 Mahoe Nancy Leef . . R. A. Wilson, Turakina I 251 240-5 322 10,057-5 333'75 Dominion Spot 6th . . Central Development Farm, 2 66 247-1 343 8,315-8 330-38 Weraroa 2 66 247-1 343 8,315’8 330-38 T u n a n u i Domino R. A. Wilson, Turakina I 309 240-5 318 9,333-i 325-52 MechthildeJ Oaklea Minto MillKnight and Sons, Ongarue 2 54 245-9 285 8,277,-6 288-48 brookj Penrest Daisy of Fen-: J. H. Jamieson, Cambridge 2 18 242-3 360 8,497’4 253-83 court. Senior Two-year-old. Knight Pauline S. Andrew, Kaikoura 2 217 262-2 365 13,769-6 439’94 Alcartraf Junior Three-year-old. Monarch Queen Jessie W. D. Hunt, Waikiwi 3 5'1 282*1 365 14,728’6 i 578-08 Duchess Abbekerk 2ndf Voss Bros., Longburn 3 107 287-7 355 10,010-3 368-24 Senior Three-year-old. Pauline de Koi Fayne* R. A. Wilson, Turakina 3 245 301-5 365 15,523’3 598-48 Dominion Miss Mierlo - Central-Development Farm--3" 352 312-2 314 -17,106-5 579-69 ■ Weraroa - ■ ■ Junior Four-year-old. Central Development Farm, Weraroa 3 352 312-2 31-4 17,106-5 579’69 Friesland Model Maid* A. S. Elworthy, Timaru 4 152 328-7 365 13-668-5 394-76

Name of Cow and Class. Tested by Age at Start of Test. Fat req’d for Cert. Yield for Season. Days. Milk. Fat. friesians — -oontinued. Senior Four-year-old. Yrs. dys. lb. lb. lb. Monavale ' Dairymaid W. D. Hunt, Waikiwi . . 4.36i 349’6 365 20,146-3 712-10 Paxton* Longbeach Transvaal J. H. Grigg, Longbeach ’4 304 343’9 364 21,126-0 584-76 Princess* J. H. Grigg, Longbeach 4 304 343'9 364 21,126-0 584-76 Mature. Rosevale Stella* North and Sons, Omimi .. 6 63 350-0 365 22,002'7 743-17 Eileen Girl* A. W. Chapman, Gordonton 8 23 350-0 365 21,085-5 704-93 Clothilde Alcartra A. W. Chapman, Gordonton 7 IO 350-0 365 20,566-3 654-57 Fayne* Pauline Acme 3rd* . . G. F. Court, Panmure 10 271 35O-o 365 21,593'2 633-58 Tinie Grant 3rd* G. F. Court, Panmure 7 6 350-0 365 19,640-9 632-04 Jules Colantha of John Stables, Riverlea 9 4 35°-o 326 12,716-7 524-61 Friesian Holm* Monavale Evergreen S. Clements, Rototuna 6 85 35o-o 302 13.293-8 506-52 Paxtonf S. Clements, Rototuna 6 85 35o-o 302 13-293-8 506-52 AYRSHIRES. Three-year-old., • Zandie of Waipapa . . Fred. Mills, Waipapa . . 3 .311 301-1 365 10,316-5 419-01 Four-year-old. Ivanhoe Fancyf A. M. Weir, Menzies Ferry Ivanhoe Fancyf A. M. Weir, Menzies Ferry 4 308 344’3 365 14,207-7 7 I 3’93 Mature. Ivanhoe Fillpail* . A. M. Weir, Menzies Ferry 35o-o 365 16,362-7 646-31

Name of Cow and Class. Tested by Age at Start of Test. Fat Cert. Yield for Season. Days. 'ield for Season. Milk. Fat. MILKING SHORTHORNS. Junior Two-year-old. Yrs. dys. lb. lb. lb. Pine Farm Harriet ist James Parkinson, Opotiki . . 2 6 241-1 365 15-273-3 552-85 Senior Two-year-old. Dilworth Eclipse J. W. Robinson, Runciman 2 339 274-4 345 7-777’3 311-95 ■ Junior Four-year-old. Hukerewai Rona J. W.. Robinson, Runciman 4 .19 3i5'4 365 10,192-4 379’99 Mature. Ardwell Dolly J. W. Robinson, Runciman 350 295 10,306’0 376-34 Second-class Certificates. JERSEYS. Three-year-old. Rewa Arabis G. B. Hull, Sil verstream . . 3 28 279-8 365 9.255-3 475-45 Mature. Caprice A. L. Dermer, Stanway . . . 6 243 35o-o 365 . 8,403-1 506-93 FRIESIANS. Senior Two-year-old. Rai Alcartra* S. Andrew, Kaikoura 2 289 269-4 365 14,076-2 455-07 P a r e o r a Transvaal ' A. S. Elworthy, Timaru 2 314 271-9 365 II,744-5 45O-42 Fancy* ■ MILKING SHORTHORNS. Mature. Hoeka Mary Ranstead Bros., Matangi . . 35o-o 365 13,678-9 498-51 Matangi Geraldine . . Ranstead Bros., Matangi . . 350-6 365 11,471-0 437-96


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New Zealand Journal of Agriculture, Volume XXVIII, Issue 2, 20 February 1924, Page 104

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TESTING OF PUREBRED DAIRY COWS. New Zealand Journal of Agriculture, Volume XXVIII, Issue 2, 20 February 1924, Page 104

TESTING OF PUREBRED DAIRY COWS. New Zealand Journal of Agriculture, Volume XXVIII, Issue 2, 20 February 1924, Page 104

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