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Director of the Dairy Division

The appended list, comprising the records of 162 cows which received certificates during November, 1923, forms the largest number of certificates issued in any one month since the inception of the C.O.R. testing system in New Zealand. That quality is represented, however, as well as quantity will be apparent from a glance at the records —two cows having produced over 800 lb., four others over 700 lb., and fifteen over 600 lb. of butterfat. ...


Alfalfa Pansy.

In the junior two-year-old section for Jerseys appears Mr. F. J. Saxby’s Alfalfa Pansy, whose yield of 690-16 lb. butterfat places her at the head of that class. .But though she has displaced Aster’s August Child, the previous leader, the margin between the two records is only r-oi lb. fat. Alfalfa Pansy commenced her test at 2 years 4 days, as compared with 1 year 337 days in the case of Aster’s August Child. There is, therefore, a difference of thirty-two days in age, which at the usual rate of increase in standard for age would represent 3-20 lb. fat.

Alfalfa Pansy was sired by Waipiko Masterpiece, and her dam is Woodruffe, who at the age of 15 years 276 days commenced a C.O.R. test on which she qualified with a production of 436-01 lb. fat, a fine performance considering her advanced age. Another daughter of Waipiko Masterpiece is Alfalfa Cicero Fontaine (also owned by Mr. F. J. Saxby), whose record of 665-74 lb. fat at 2 years 69 days is not very far below that of the animal • under . review. Waipiko Masterpiece was sired by Eminent’s Fontaine, and his dam also traces to that sire. It would therefore seem that this source may be largely responsible for the merit of Alfalfa Pansy. Woodruffe, the dam of Alfalfa Pansy, was almost fifteen years old when this daughter was born, so that her ancestors had passed their prime before the certificate-of-record testing system was properly founded in New Zealand, and therefore have few records to show. However, such widely recognized individuals as Dry Monopole, Retford, Magnet’s Boy, and Grisette have doubtless left their mark.

It may be mentioned that Alfalfa Pansy’s highest month was the fourth one of the test, when she yielded 68-65 lb. fat, while for her final monthAugust — is credited with 56-90 lb. fat in 29 days, thus showing that she had the ability to maintain her • yield both against' the inclement months and advancing pregnancy clear demonstration of sound constitution.

Marshland’ Stylish Princess.

The November Journal’s list included, in the class for senior two-year-old Jerseys the name of Marshland’s Eminent, who, commencing test at the age of 2 years 328 days, produced 712-08 lb. fat, and of Marshland’s Stylish Princess, who yielded 715-75 lb. fat, commencing test at 2 years 353 days. Both these heifers are owned by Mr. W. J. Chynoweth, of Pukeroro, Hamilton,- and both have exceeded the record of the previous leader of their classnamely,' Lady Superior who is credited with 680-33 lb. fat in 365 days, commencing at 2 years 183 days. Marshland’s Stylish Princess, having the higher record, is, of course, entitled to the class-leadership, although on performance under test there is obviously little to choose between these two high-yielding youngsters.

' Marshland’s Stylish Princess is by Briar’s Twylish, who has four other C.O.R. daughters to his credit, all with worthy performances. Briar’s Twylish is by Lord Twylish (imp.), who has eight C.O.R. daughters, and from Briar Rose, who, in the first year of C.O.R. testing in New Zealand, gained a certificate for 464-14 lb. fat in 334 days, at 7 years 308 days. Briar Rose is by King Thistle (two C.O.R. daughters) from Orange Rose, with a certificate for 553-01 lb. fat, at 10 years 333 days, gained in the second year of the C.O.R. system. She is by Belvedere Bobs, who has four C.O.R. daughters. The dam of Marshland’s Stylish Princess is Glenwood’s Princess, who has earned two certificates, one for 412-84 lb. fat as a senior three-year-old, and another for 484-84 lb. fat in 300 days as a mature cow. It will thus be seen that Marshland’s Stylish Princess has a strong butterfat-record backing. ■

Space will not permit treating the pedigree of Marshland’s Eminent, whose name was doubtless suggested by her paternal grandsire Eminent’s Fontaine, but it may be mentioned that the only similarity in breeding comes from Briar Rose, already ,referred to, who is the dam of Marshland’s Eminent and the granddam on the sire’s side of Marshland’s Stylish Princess, the new leader.

Zola of Rosy Creek.

Another new class-leader whose record appeared in last month’s list is Zola of Rosy Creek, owned by Mr. E. Joyce, of Kaponga. This young cow produced 741-20 lb. fat) thus defeating the record of Woodstock’s Baby, the previous leader of the three-year-old Jerseys by no less than 83-29 lb. It may be mentioned that 1923 has brought out a particularly strong class of three-year-old Jerseys. In addition to Zola of Rosy Creek, three others have defeated the previous champion for the class—Mr. E. Joyce’s Farce, with 691-54 lb. ; Mr. F. J. Saxby’s Twylish’s Daisy, with 704-24 lb.; and Mr. C. G. C. Dermer’s Waipiko Gerda, with 710-75 lb. fat.

Zola of Rosy Creek was bred by Messrs. A. and J. -O’Donnell, of Inaha, and is by Bilberry’s Twylish out of Zola. Bilberry’s Twylish has qualified for the special champion butterfat bull class recognized by the New Zealand Jersey Cattle Breeders’ Association is to say, he has sired five daughters which are from different dams and have doubled their butterfat requirement for certificate. The fact that he is now in this class must stamp ; him . as an outstanding sire

capable of transmitting his butterfat-producing qualities. He is by Lord Twylish (imp.)—sire of eight C.O.R. daughters — from Gould’s Bilberry V, a good old foundation cow, who was sired by the well-known K.C.B. Zola, dam of Zola of Rosy Creek, has a certificate for 472-26 lb. fat as a senior three-year-old. Her sire is Belvedere Sun Prince, who has sixteen C.O.R. daughters, and has also qualified for the champion butterfat class just referred to. Belvedere Sun Prince was sired by K.C.B. (twenty-nine C.O.R. daughters). Gloire de Dijon 3rd, the dam of Zola, was one of the first cows to be entered for C.O.R. test, and has a record of 293-40 lb. fat in 245 days at 3 years 32 days. She was sired by Blizzard, who has seven certificated daughters to his credit. Zola of Rosy Creek, therefore, has a very strong ancestry, particularly so far as males are concerned, and, properly mated, should be a link in the chain to still greater achievement.

. In concluding these brief pedigree notes on Jersey leaders it is gratifying to mention that so far this year four out of the five classes into which the breed is divided have had the previous leaderships surpassed; the record of Mr. A. J. Smith’s St. Lambert’s Bell, leader of the four-year-olds, being the only one that remains.

Pretty's Flirt.

We have pleasure in recording that Pretty’s Flirt, ' the 1,010 lb. Jersey champion, whose performance under certificate-of-record test was referred to in last month’s Journal, has now fully qualified for certificate by producing a heifer calf on 7th December. The calf was sired by Jersey Brae’s Progress, bred by Mr. T. Church, of Te Rapa, a bull 87 per cent, of the strain of Eileen’s Fox, a son of Majesty’s Fox, the well-known Jersey sire, who has thirty C.O.R. daughters to his credit. Although Jersey Brae’s Progress is very closely inbred, the strains represented are in no case the same as those contained in the breeding of Pretty’s Flirt. It will therefore be interesting to see how these two distinct lines will nick.


Mr. W. Hall, of Lepperton, has been successful in gaining the leadership of the two-year-old Ayrshire class with his fine heifer Dimple of Edendale, whose record of 529-46 lb. fat appears in the current list. She was sired by Dominion Beauty’s Bonus (bred at the Moumahaki Experimental Farm), who carries similar strains to Auchenbrain . Brown Kate IV, at one time the champion Ayrshire butterfat cow of the world. The same strain also appears on the dam’s side, though further back.

. The Ayrshire breed has proved its worth in many parts of the world, and here in New Zealand a number of good performances have been recorded. We have ' always regretted that Ayrshire breeders have not patronized the certificate-of-record testing in proportion to the entries from other breeds. We believe that the Ayrshire ranks high among the special-purpose dairy breeds, and only by means of authenticated butterfat yields can its breeders hope to gain that recognition, or the breed to secure that development, which the Ayrshire merits.

Name of Cow and Class. Tested by Age at Start of Test. Fat Cert. Yield for Season. Days. Milk. Fat. Junior Two-year-old. JERSEYS. Yrs. dys. lb. lb. lb. Alfalfa Pansy F. J, Saxby, Ohaupo 2 ’ 4 240-9 365 10,898-1 690-16 Crofton Countess R. C. Jury, Tikorangi I 354 24O-5 365 10,874-3 677-01 Waipiko Jolly C. G. C. Dermer, WaiI 350 24O-5 365 11,512-9 610-40 piko I 35° 24O-5 365 11,512-9 610-40 Meadowvale Perfect piko E. O’Sullivan and Sons, I 345 240-5 365 9,322-4 574-76 . Day E. O’Sullivan and Sons, Tariki I 345 24O-5 365 9,322'4 574-76 Waipiko Carissima . . Tariki C. G. C. Dermer, WaiI 347 24O-5 365 11,605-6 55I-64 piko I 347 24O-5 365 11,605-6 55I-64 Alfalfa Madam piko F. J. Saxby, Ohaupo 2 3 240-8 365 8,530-9 526-70 Linden Grove Silver Mrs. M. A. Gadsby, 2 34 243-9 365 8,207-8 524-23 Bell Mrs. M. A. Gadsby, Stratford 2 34 243-9 365 8,207-8 524-23 Meadow vale EnStratford E. O'Sullivan and Sons, I 352 24O-5 365 7,855-2 523-89 deavour E. O’Sullivan and Sons, Tariki I 352 240-5 365 7,855-2 523-89 Spring Song of Rosy Tariki L. Kavanagh, Hawera I 347 24O-5 365 9,8l6-5 518-74 Creek Kuku Priscilla R. L. Horn, sen., Ohau ■ I 340 24O-5 365 10,214-1 49O-83 Rosy Creek Lingerie L. Kavanagh, Hawera I 337 24O-5 365 8,767-6 484-20 Meadowvale la GamE. O’Sullivan and Sons, 2 IO 24I-5 365 7,478-5 483-08 boge E. O’Sullivan and Sons, Tariki 2 10 24I-5 365 7,478-5 483-08 Ashton Lady Linda. Tariki R. L. Parkin, Fitzroy 2 12 241-7 3&5 7,672-9 477-41 Holly. Oak Genoeve G. B. Hull, Silver2 o 24O-5 365 -.9,177-7 474-89 stream 2 0 24O-5 365 9,177-7 474-89 Marina of Rosy Creek stream A. and J, O’Donnell, I 342 24O-5 365 9,532-8 473-65 Hawera I 34 2 24O-5 365 9,532-8 473-65 Grannie’s Joli . . Hawera A. J. Hale, Hills2 10 24I-5 365 6,926-2 47°'' I 3 borough 2 10 24I-5 365 6,926-2 47°-' I 3 Ashton Majesty’s borough R. L. Parkin, Fitzroy I 328 24O-5 363 - 7,744-7 467-07 Jewel Signor’s Fancy G. Buchanan, Paeroa I 314 24O-5 365 7,719-0 463-46 Maori Beauty’s Doreen W. T. Williams, PukeI 325 24O-5 365 9,537'3 460-45 hou I 325 24O-5 365 9,537'3 460-45 Meadowvale Liberty hou E. O’Sullivan and Sons, 2 20 242-5 365 8,530-7 456-70 Tariki 2 20 242-5 365 8,530-7 456-70 Te Maire Maid Tariki R. L. Tippler, Shannon I 364 24O-5 364 9,091-6 45f8i Meadowvale Genoa E. O’Sullivan and Sons, I 364 24O-5 364 9,091-6 45i-8i Meadowvale Genoa 2 6 241-1 365 7,444’0 440-45 Daisy E. O’Sullivan and Sons, Tariki 2 6 241-1 365 7,444-o 440-45 Mignonne’s Pride Tariki J. S. T. Short, Hawera 2 34 243-9 365 7,785-6 43I-83 Rockview Ruby W. H. Fitness, Rehia 2 6 241-1 353 7,294-9 429-05 Arrabelle’s Queen . . E. Bennett, Cardiff . . I 303 240-5 365 7,244-3 424-24 Realization E. Bennett, Cardiff . . I 349 240-5 365 6,665-9 420-46 Penrose Merry . . J. B. Clemow. Stratford 2 2 240-7 365 7,186-9 417-66 Te Matai Clematis . . L. W. and J. T. 2 26 243'1 3<>5 . 7,118-6 403-84 Prosser, Leeston 2 26 243-1 365 7,1 18-6 403-84 Miro Meadow’s CarnaProsser, Leeston A. A. Ward, Tariki . . I 277 240-5 365 7,487-9 399-17 tion Hurden Beauty ■ G. E. Cowling, Manaia I 336 240-5 365 6,460-7 392-46 Maori Butterfat H. B. Lepper, LepperI 357 24O-5 328 7,849-7 388-84 ton I 357 240-5 328 7,849-7 388-84 Brookley Gem ■ . . . ton W. Johnson, Ngaere 2 52 245-7 356 6,084-1 387-11 Hurden Goldsize G. E. Cowling, Manaia I 360 240-5 365 5,358-5 386-43 Solanine . . G. R. and H. Hutchin2 16 242-1 365 6,290-0 382-26 son, Auckland 2 16 242-1 365 6,290-0 382-26 Arthingworth Winnie son, Auckland E. Smallbone, RichI 350 24O-5 365 8,098-1 377-72 mond I 350 240-5 365 8,098-1 377-72 Silverdale Lucky mond G. Hodgson, WhakaI 289 24O-5 365 6,342-1 372-74 para I 289 240-5 365 6,342-1 372-74

Name of Cow and Class. Tested by Age at Start of Test. Fat Cert. Yield for Season. ;. Days. Milk. Fat jerseys— continued. Junior — continued. Yrs. dys. lb. lb. lb. Girl Grey . .• ... R. C. Leach, Woodville I 337 24 o -5 365 7,050-7 365-36 Roslyn Sweet Pansy J. Harris, Bombay . . I 353 24O-5 341 5.764-8 363-36 Silverdale Butterfly. . G. Hodgson, Whakapara I 212 24O-5 336 6,631-6 362-99 Hurden Queen G. E. Cowling, Manaia 2 5 241-0 357 5.591-6 357-84 Violet King’s LoveliJ. Pill, Hawera I 34° 24O-5 365 5.683-9 352-92 ness J. Pill, Hawera I 340 24O-5 365 5.683-9 352-92 Waikari Iris L. A. Higgins, Belgrove 2 15 242-0 365 6,963-2 347’74 Maori Butterfly G. R. and H. Hutchinson, Auckland I 328 24O-5 338 6,090-4 343’44 Ashton Prairie Belle R. L. Parkin, Fitzroy I 324 24O-5 365 6,174-4 342-94 Hurden Fury . . G. E. Cowling, Manaia 2 20 242-5 330 6,766-0 342'22 Hurden Rosebud G. E. Cowling, Manaia 2 14 24I-9 348 6,347’4 334-63 Waikari Jersey Queen L. A. Higgins, Belgrove I 344 24O-5 365 6,531-0 321-24 Kaucket Buttercup G. T. Gibbons, Ngaere 2 79 248-4 264 ' 5,262-7 279-71 Arthingworth Mina . . E. Smallbone, Richmond I 345 24O-5 365 6,199-6 263-91 Senior Two-year-old. E, Smallbone, Richmond I 345 24O-5 365 6,199-6 263-91 Happy Life E. Bennett, Cardiff . . 2 294 269-9 365 11,641-9 664-51 Jersey Brae’s Peerless W. H. Miers, Rukuhia 2 358 276-3 365 7,702-4 541-80 Brooklyn’s Cream Lady H. J. Lancaster, Glen Oroua 2 207 26l-2 365 9,988-2 532-35 Meadowvale Gambonia E. O’Sullivan and Sons, Tariki 2 312 271-7 365 9.107-4 516-89 Meadowvale Lovematch E. O’Sullivan and Sons, Tariki 2 267 267-2 365 9,065-2 496-07 Vulpe’s Flower Girl . . R. C. Leach, Woodville 2 337 274-2 365 7,759-2 480-06 Anchor C. Stevens, Maungatapere . 2 248 265-3 365 8,857-6 474’57 Meadowvale Solid Gold E. O’Sullivan and Sons, Tariki 2 no 25I-5 331 8,208-8 412-16 Holly Oak’s Laura . . A. J. Hale, Hillsborough 2 199 260-4 365 6,206-4 402-45 Silverdale Flora G. Hodgson, Whakapara 2 196 260-1 266 4,435'6 274-83 hree-year-old. G.. Hodgson, Whakapara 2 196 260-1 266 4,435’6 274-83 Waipiko Gerda C. G. C. Dermer, Waipiko 3 33i 310-1 365 12,375-9 710-75 Twylish’s Daisy F. J. Saxby, Ohaupo. . 3 350 312-0 365 ii,I75-i 704-24 Penrose Waif J. B. Clemow, Stratford 3 0 277-0 365 9,927-0 594’35 Rita Molina J. S. Rae, Taneatua . . 3 341 3 1 1 • 1 365 9,905-2 562-64 Laurel’s Shiny Gem R. C. Leach, Woodville 3 353 312-3 365 9,359-9 487-62 Brentwood’s Gem . . C. A. Willis, Pukekohe 3 327 3O9-7 364 7,954’7 486-33 Plymouth Rose H. P. Pickerill, Kelso 3 88 285-8 338 7,525-2 451’7 1 Star of Eve J. S. Rae, Taneatua . . 3 342 311-2 308 7,951-8 45O-36 Waikari’s Queen L. A. Higgins, Belgrove 3 352 312-2 365 10,056-6 446-96 Silverdale Biddy W. K. Mackie, Dargaville 3 4 277-4 365 7,526-2 444-11 Silverdale Nell G. Hodgson, Whakapara 3 1 277-1 360 7,960-6 436-44

Name of Cow and Class. Tested by Age at Start of Test. Fat req’d. Cert. Yield for Season. Days. Milk. Fat. j vs -continued. Three-year-old— . . Yrs. dys. lb. . lb. lb. Pretty Maiden G. A. Gamman, Marton 3 29 279-9 365 8,332-5 428-71 Lady Charlotte M. Devenish - Meares, Te Puna 3 352 312-2 365 6,845-8 383-66 Myrtle’s Pet J. S. Rae, Taneatua . . 3 125 289-5 365 8,113-8 374-86 Royal Patritia . . C. Stevens, Maungatapere 3 50 282-0 365 4,855-3 349-io Glowing Embers G. E. Cowling, Manaia 3 282 3O5-2 320 6,028-9 3I5-76 Broady's Princess . . Mrs. M. A. Rogers, Katikati 3 47 281-7 279 5,5i5-4 295-69 Four-year-old. Mrs. M. A. Rogers, Katikati 3 .47 281-7 ,279 5,5i5-4 295-69 Twylish: Rosebud R. L. Tippler, Shannon 4 305 344'0 365 9,072-9 536-32 Magnolia Lady Hope C. Stevens, Maungatapere 4 3i« 345-3 365 8,194-8 501-70 Mignonne’s Pet J. S. T. Short, Hawera 4 309 344’4 362 8,523-2 494-26 Silver Leaf ' . . B. E. Veale, Tirohia . . 4 3i 316-6 365 9,334'2 447-70 Rose Hellier G. E. Cowling, Manaia 4 10 3I4-5 342 8,760-1 447-13 Silverdale Heather . . G. Hodgson, Whakapara 4 281 341-6 338 7,043-6 427-87 Silverdale Maid G. Hodgson, Whakapara 4 216 335-1 365 8,152-2 4O4-43 Mature. G. Hodgson, Whakapara 4 216 335’1 365 8,152-2 4O4-43 Cherry’s. Pet W. Miskelly, Eltham. . 7 19 350-0 365 i4,5i4-5 726-06 Mifanwy . . A. ; and J. O’Donnell, Hawera 6 277 350-0 365 10,872-9 663-50 Golden Fernleaf C. Stevens, Maungatapere 7 299 350-0 365 11,130-4 652-22 Wheriuku Bell Bird . . T. M. Remington, , Westmere 6 334 35o-o 365 12,166-5 652-07 Richwood Snow Pet G. R. and H. Hutchinson, Auckland 6 2 35o-o 365 10,160-4 617-67 Sweet Lucy Grey . . K. M. Stevens, Maungatapere 6 231 35o-o 365 12,839-2 601-82 Golden Wonder C. Stevens, Maungatapere 6 24 350-0 365 11,717-2 597-02 Glendernal’s Dolce . . Mrs. M. A. Gadsby, Stratford 9 3 350-0 357 9,583-4 562-75 Queen Patritia C. Stevens, Maungatapere 7 363 350-0 365 9,939-1 555'73 Stromna’s Buttercup G. Hodgson, Whakapara 6 73 350-0 346 8,899-4 548-I3 Almadale Queen W. H. Miers, Rukuhia 5 295 350-0 365 9,335'3 54I-5O Glenmore Flower A. C. Lovelock, Woodville 5 35 350-0 349 9,747-2 539-25 Mercedes Noble Lady A. C. Lovelock, Woodville 6 34 35o-o 365 8,310-3 536-73 Glory’s Pride J. S. T. Short, Hawera 7 353 350-0 365 11,183-4 536-35 Rewa Ixia . . . A. Hazelton, Waihou 7 253 35o-o 360 10,258-4 5I5-O7 Cambridge Ne Plus B. E. Veale, Tirohia . . 7 42 350-0 364 8,423-2 512-30 Ultra ■ B. E. Veale, Tirohia . . 7 42 350-0 364 8,423-2 512-30 Roslyn Genoa Flower A. J. Harris, Bombay 6 8 35o-o 354 9,010-8 504-23 Munster- . . F. J. Wyatt, Towai 7 325 35o-o 365 7,109-1 484,34 Liryclear Lassie G. Milligan, Hastings ■■ 9 33 35o-o 365 8,257-0 474-05 Stromna’s Blossom . . G. Hodgson, Whakapara 5 101 350-0 360 7,485-4 467-29

Name of Cow and Class. ■ '1 Tested by Age at Start of Test. req’d Fat Cert. . Yield for Season. ' Days. Milk. Fat. "jerseys— ■continued. M ature -continued . "jerseys— -continu ed. Yrs. dys. lb: - lb. . lb.. • Grafton Peppercorn. . A. A. White, Auckland 5 360 360 350-0 350'0 335 335 ■ 10,335-7 10,335’7 467-01 467-01 Mermaid’s Lark S. R. Lancaster, PalIO 312 350-0 354 8,819-2 466-74 merston North 10 312 350-0 354 8,819-2 466-74 Eunice of Bulls J. H. Sherrard, Otaua 5 231 350-0 353 9,363-9 453-38 Royal Jenny A. C. Lovelock, Wood5 255 350-0 306 8,773-8 447‘3O ville 5 255 350-0 306 8,773-8 447-3° Flair . . . . J. S. Rae, Taneatua . . 5 348 350-0 365 8,881 -4 442-01 Patty ... G. E. Cowling, Manaia 13 149 350-0 365 7,532-3 402-77. Richwood Snow Lass W. H. Fitness, 1 Rehia. . 6 114 350-0 283 8,447-6 396-97 Maxim Maid’s Glory ' F. J. Wyatt, Towai . . . 8 7 35o-o 360 8,035-8 389-74 Golden Swan’s Gem W. Bullock, Buckland 7 250 35O:o 364 8,534’7 383-43 Jacob Irene K. M. Stevens, Mau8 312 350-0 242 6,664-0 38I-9O ngatapere 8 312 35o-o 242 6,664-0 38I-9O Tyrone 6,476-0 Tyrone ... A. A. White, Auckland A. A. White, Auckland 8 8 92 92 35o-o 350-0 319 319 6,476-0 38I-39 Sweet Irene C. Stevens, Maungata11 271 350-0 365 6,858-3 378-3O . pere FRIESIANS. 11 271 350-0 365 6,858-3 378-3O Junior Two-year-old. Bainfield Topsy 12th W. D. Hunt, Waikiwi 2 34 243-9 365 15,110-5 65I-38 Princess Johanna J. Court, Auckland . . 2 64 246-9 365 18,897-1 594-83 Mercedes Nepian Lady Burton T. Henderson, Okaiawa 2 12 241-7 365 12,586-6 548-06 de Koi May Egmont de Koi J. Stables, Riverlea . . 2 44 244-9 365 13,552-2 5I3-O8 May Pontiac Mooie . . J . Court, Auckland . . 2 68 247'3 365 15,695-6 5O5-IO Cluny Pietje Lulu . . Piri Land Company, 2 145 255’0 . 365 11,581-3 437-79 Auckland 2 145 255-o 365 11,581-3 437’79 Oaklea Julip Pietertje Auckland N. P. Nielson, TiakitaI '353 240-5 359 12,357’5 394’79 huna I 353 24 o -5 359 12,357’5 394’79 Ashlynn 139th Piri Land Company, 2 37 '244-2 339 9,243-0 354-7O Auckland 2 37 244-2 339 9,243'0 354'70 Clevedon Princess N. P. Neilsen,-Tiakita-I 326 240-5 365 11,210-8 335-92 Kroons 11 N. P. Neilsen, Tiakitahuna I 326 240-5 365 11,210-8 335’92 May Mischief Alcartra S. Andrew, Kaikoura 2 5 241-0 310 8,325-3 312-57 Rosebud Alcartra W. H. Madill, AuckI 339 240-5 287 7,812-1 303-19 Beets • - W. H. Madill, Auck- • land I 339 240-5 287 7,812-1 303-19 Senior Two-year-old. Westmere Anna Patch A. Burgess, Rongotea 2 264 266-9 365 16,948-4 510-45 Ryvington Thorn T. O. Hodgson, Tama2 349 275-4 365 11,173-2 442-99 here 2 349 275-4 365 11,173-2 442-99 Junior Three-year-old. Mary Alcartra S. Andrew, Kaikoura 3 31 280-1 365 14.893-9 477-84 Fencourt Pet J. H. Jamieson, Cam3' 8 277-8 365 10,237-1 311-07 bridge 3 8 277-8 365 10,237-1 311-07 Clevedon Dorothy . . P. F. Boucher, Kumeu 3 91 286-1 292 7,294-7 290-25 Senior Three-year-old. Regina Sadie de Koi J. McAnulty, Ashbur3 . / 349 311-9 365 •18,274-4 688-24 ton 3 349 3H-9 365 18,274-4 688-24 Ashlynn 47th ton Piri Land Company, 3 354 312-4 365 13,019-6 510-47 Auckland 3 354 312-4 365 13,019-6 510-47

Name of Cow and Class. Tested by Age at Start of Test. Fat Cert. Yield for Season. Days. Milk. Fat. friesians — continued. Senior Three-year-old-— continued. Yrs. dys. lb. lb. lb. Carlowrie Lady R. K. Macdonald, Edendale 3 336 336 310-6 310-6 365 365 14,055-0 I4>o55-o 476-82 476-82 - Junior Four-year-old. Daisy Bell 3rd R. Wylie, Seaward Downs 4 22 22 315-7 3I5-7 287 287 I3,564'O 13’564-0 444-13 444-13 Ashlynn 24th Piri Land Company, Auckland 4 15 15 315'0 315’0 320 320 12,820-3 12,820-3 439-65 439-65 Senior Four-year-old. Marchioness o’Gowrie T. Henderson, Okaiawa 4 333 333 346-8 346-8 365 365 25,463'4 25.463-4 852-85 852-85 Dominion Corona R. A. Cameron, Para4 255 339'0 365 18,263-1 6ii-35 paraumu 4 255 339’0 365 18,263-1 611-35 Woodcrest Inka Pietje paraumu G. A. Marchant and 4 240 337’5 365 13,861-5 496-25 Sons, Cardiff 4 240 337'5 365 I3,86l-5 496-25 Mature. Westmere Netherland W. D. Hunt, Waikiwi 5 32 32 35o-o 350-0 365 365 23,758-0 23,758-0 878-61 878-61 1 Princess Princess Gem James Hart, Tatuanui 7 363 35°'O 365 23,455'2 794-84 Riverdale Snowflake James Hart, Tatuanui E. F. Peacocke, Hamil7 7 363 280 35o-o 350-0 365 365 23,455-2 18,145-5 794-84 628-88 ton 7 280 35o-o 365 18,145-5 628-88 Weston Lea Fancy de E. F. Peacocke, Hamil5 46 350-0 365 15,293-0 609-42 Koi E. F. Peacocke, Hamilton 5 4 6 35o-o 365 15,293'0 609-42 Alcartra G a 1 a t e Marchant and Sons, .9 3 35o-o 365 13,885-1 5I9-77 Rose Marchant and Sons, Cardiff 9 3 350-0 365 13,885-1 5W77 Clevedon Pearl P. F. Boucher, Kumeu 7 163 35o-o 36.5 i3,i7O'9 443-69 Queen Tirania Segis P. F. Boucher, Kumeu P. F. Boucher, Kumeu “7 ..7 163 200 O 6 6 365 288 13,170-9 11,683-0 443-69 400-95 MILKING SHORTHORNS. 7 200 RNS. 35o-o 288 11,683-0 400-95 Mature. Newstead Lucy E. Ridgley, Waiuku . . 35o-o 365 16,116-8 631-02 Sinai Riri . . . . E. Ridgley, Waiuku . Ranstead Bros., Mata<0 o 6 6 365 365 16,116-8 i3,458-3 631-02 551-26 ngi 35O-o 365 i3,458-3 551-26 Sinai Rangi ngi Ranstead Bros., Mata-350-0 342 10-531-6 439-05 ngi 35o-o 342 10-531-6 439'05 Daisy 3rd .. R. Peach, Ashley Bank 350-0 305 10-064-9 436-60 Hamilton Pansy ngi R. Peach, Ashley Bank Ranstead Bros., Mata-35o-o 350-0 305 353 10-064-9 9,254'2 436-60 408-41 ngi 35o-o 353 9,254-2 408-41 Tainui Violet ngi Ranstead Bros., Mata-350-0 365 9,820-1 390-98 ngi 350-0 365 9,820’1 39O-98 Glenbank Ruby ngi A. D. Bell, Clevedon 350-o 365 9,765-2 387-73 AYRSHIRES. Two-year-old. A. 15. Bell, Clevedon AYRSHIRES. 35o-o 365 9,765-2 387-73 Dimple of Edendale. , W. Hall, Lepperton . . ‘ 2 327 327 273'2 273-2 365 365 13,063-3 13,063-3 529-46 529-46 Four-year-old. Eliza B of Ayrshire Litchfield Bros., Tirau 4 339 347'4 365 10,633-8 486-05 Downs Litchfield Bros., Tirau 4 3'39 347’4 365 10,633-8 486-05 Mature. c Bertha of Ayrshire Litchfield Bros., Tirau 5 17 35o-o 365 i3,33o-6 584-76 Downs Litchfield Bros., Tirau 5 *7 350-0 365 i3,33o-6 584-76 Generosity of Woodlands Robertson and Blackley, New Plymouth 5 290 290 350-0 350-0 361 361 11,764-6 11,764-6 552-68 552-68

Name of Cow and Class. Tested by Age at Start of Test. req’d Fat Cert. Yield for Season. Days. Milk. Fat. ' Second-class Certificates. JERSEYS. Junior Two-year-old. Second-class CertiJ JERSEYS. icates. Yrs. dys. lb. lb. lb. LadyjTwylish of Rosy Creek Yrs. dys. lb. lb. lb. A. and J. O’Donnell, Hawera 2 7 241-2 365 10,506-5 528-13 Holly Oak Bo-Peep M. V. ReeveAria 2 II 241-6 365 8,955*3 483-26 Te Matai Ruby H. J. Lancaster, Levin i 294 24 o -5 365 7,112-5 35°-95 Three-year-old. H. J. Lancaster, Levin 1 294 240-5 3 6 5 7,112-5 350-95 Perfecta R. L. Tippler, Shannon 3 334 310-4 365 11,709-8 551-26 Four-year-old. R. L. Tippler, Shannon 3 334 310-4 365 11,709-8 551-26 Maria Louisa < .. F. J. B. Ry burn, Paterangi 4 344 347-9 365 12,115-3 623-80


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New Zealand Journal of Agriculture, Volume XXVII, Issue 6, 20 December 1923, Page 391

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TESTING OF PUREBRED DAIRY COWS. New Zealand Journal of Agriculture, Volume XXVII, Issue 6, 20 December 1923, Page 391

TESTING OF PUREBRED DAIRY COWS. New Zealand Journal of Agriculture, Volume XXVII, Issue 6, 20 December 1923, Page 391

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