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Dominion Meteorological Office.


From returns already to hand for the month of May rainfall was in excess in all parts of the Dominion except the towns of Auckland, Inglewood, and New Plymouth, as' well as the Southland District. The north-east coast of the South Island registered what so far constitutes a maximum for those parts, and' this was chiefly accounted for by the downpours which fell between the sth and Bth inclusive. The average for the stations within this region runs between 3 in. and 4 in. for the whole month, while some typical records for the four days in question show the falls which accounted for very heavy floods and much damage, as follows : Station ■ ' sth. 6thth Bth Inches. Inches. Inches. Inches.' Picton .. . . . . .. .. i-86 2-45. 3-21 o-88 Spring Creek, Blenheim .. .. .. 0-73 4-00 2-50 0-05 Avondale .. .. . . . . 0-63 3-20 2-25 0-82 Hapuku, Kaikoura . . .. . . • 2-00 13-57 10-31 0-82 Stag and Spey .. .. ... .. 3-60 'l9-69 10-83 2-67 Keinton Combe . . . . . . . . 2-28 14-40 10-17 i-88 Waiau .. .. .. .. .. 1-27 9-54 6-50 1-70 Highfield .. .. .. .. 1-50 9-55 7-78 2-26 The downpour was caused by a cyclone impinging on an anti-cyclone which passed in the south. The “ edge ” of the cyclone therefore accounted for these phenomenal rains. Hawke’s Bay was threatened, but escaped damage. Another, disturbance passed in the north between the 18th and 21st, and an extensive westerly low-pressure followed, which accounted for very unsettled conditions, especially in and southward of Cook Strait. The monthly temperatures recorded were above the average, and the general character of the month may therefore be described as dull, mild, and moist, the ground consequently being soft and muddy. Dairymen were glad that the season was practically over, and farmers and pastoralists had plenty to do in coping with damage and changes from the storm.

— D. C. Bates,



The Fertilizers Act, 1908, requires every vendor of fertilizers to register his name and address before offering any fertilizer for sale, and thereafter on or before 1st July in each year. The Act defines a vendor as any person who, either on his own account or on behalf of any other person, sells in the ordinary course of his business any fertilizer. Storekeepers and others who act as agents for manufacturers and mixers of fertilizers are therefore “ vendors.” Vendors who carry on business at more than one address are required to register each address. It is sufficient if the addresses of all the branch establishments are stated on the head office registration forms. ,

It. should be noted that, where a vendor has already registered a fertilizer during the current year, it is not necessary again to register the same particulars on 1st July. Many vendors are evidently under the impression that the registration year commences on 1st July, and that all fertilizers must then be registered afresh. This is not so. A second registration during any year (January to December) is necessary only where the previously registered particulars of a fertilizer require amendment.

On each sale of 5 cwt. or more the vendor must supply the purchaser with an invoice certificate showing the true particulars of the fertilizer as registered. All packages must be clearly and distinctly branded with the registered brand, provided that where any mixture is made up according to the written instructions of the purchaser it is sufficient to brand the packages “Special mixture.”

Following are some of the more frequent errors made by vendors in completing the registration forms. Attention to these points will avoid a great deal of correspondence.

(l.) Omission or incomplete particulars of brands. The brand of each fertilizer must be clearly stated. Vendors frequently register fertilizsers as "Not branded." It is an offence under the Act to offer fertilizers (other than “Special mixtures ” as above) in unbranded packages.

(2.) Entering the analytical figures in wrong column of the registration form. This is a frequent error on the part of agents and storekeepers, and is usually due to carelessness in copying the particulars from the manufacturer’s invoice certificate. The Act provides for a penalty of £xo for failure to supply the correct particulars of any fertilizer.

7 Vendors are requested to fill in the columns “ Name of Manufacturer or Firm from whom the Fertilizer was obtained,” and “ Price per Ton." This information is of great value to the Department, and it should be understood that the statement of selling-price does not commit the vendor in any way.

Every vendor of fertilizers should be conversant with the requirements of the Fertilizers Act, a copy of which, price 6d., may be obtained from the Government Printer, Wellington. Forms of registration will be supplied on application to the Chemist, Department of Agriculture, P.O. Box 40, Wellington, or to any office of the Department.



The regulations of 8th June, 1922, under the Meat-export Control Act, governing the election of producers’ representatives on the Meat-producers Board, have been revoked, and the following new regulations issued under date 7th June, 1923

1. In these regulations " the Board ” means the New Zealand Meat-producers Board; “producers’ representatives” means the persons to be elected pursuant to these regulations for appointment to the Board as representatives of the persons carrying on the business of the production of meat for export “ sheepfarmer ” mean a person owning not less than 100 sheep, and includes a company or other corporation.

2. (1.) For the purposes of the election of producers’ representatives a meeting of delegates (herein referred to as “ the Electoral Committee ’’), elected as hereinafter provided, shall be held in the month of August, 1923, and in the same month in each year thereafter, on a day and at a place to be from time to time fixed by the Board. (2.) The Electoral Committee shall comprise twenty-five delegates to be elected by sheep-farmers. -

3. (1.) For the purpose of the election of delegates the Board shall divide New Zealand into such number of electoral districts as it thinks fit. (2.) Each electoral district shall consist of one or more counties.

4. The Board shall prepare, or cause to be prepared, for each electoral district a list of sheep-farmers within the electoral district. ’

5. The number of delegates to be elected for each electoral district shall be determined by the Board, and shall, so far as practicable, bear to twenty-five the proportion that the number of sheep in the district bears to the total number of sheep in New Zealand.

6. (1.) No person shall be eligible for election as a. delegate unless he has been nominated by a sheep-farmer and his nomination has been seconded by another sheep-farmer, and he has accepted nomination in writing. (2.) No person may accept nomination as a delegate for more than one electoral district. (3.) The form of nomination may be in the form No. 1 in the Schedule hereto. (4.) Nominations shall be received at such time and in such manner as the Board shall determine.

7. If no more persons are nominated as delegates in respect of any electoral district than are required for that electoral district they shall be deemed to have been duly elected.

8. (l.) If more persons are nominated as delegates for any electoral district than the number that has been determined by, the Board for such district, then the electors of such district shall' elect the required number of delegates by postal ballot to be conducted by the Board. (2.) If any question arises as to the validity of the election of any delegate it shall be determined by the Board, whose decision shall be final. The Board may in any case, if it thinks that the election of any delegates has been irregular, require a fresh election to be held.

9. (1.) The Electoral Committee shall meet in the month of August on a day and at a place to be fixed by the Board. (2.) At that meeting the Chairman of the Board shall preside. If the Chairman is also an elected delegate, but not otherwise, he shall have a deliberative vote on any question before the meeting. In the case of an equality of votes on any question he shall have a casting-vote, whether he is an elected delegate or not. (3.) The Chairman shall submit to the Electoral Committee for its consideration the report .and balance-sheet of the Board's operations for the previous year.

10. (1.) No person shall be eligible for election as a producers’ representative unless he has been nominated by a sheep-farmer and his nomination has been seconded by another sheep-farmer, and he has accepted nomination in writing. (2.) The form of nomination may be in the form No. 2 in the Schedule hereto. (3.) Nominations shall be received at such time and in such manner as the Board shall determine.

11. If no more persons are nominated as producers’ representatives than are required to fill the vacant positions on the Board they shall be deemed to be duly elected. .

12. (1.) If more persons are nominated than are required to fill the vacant positions on the Board, the delegates comprising the Electoral Committee shall proceed to elect by ballot from among the persons duly nominated the number of producers’ representatives required. (2.) At such ballot no voting-paper shall be valid unless votes are recorded for, the full number of persons required to be elected. (3.) If at such ballot two or more candidates have received the same number of votes, then, if it is necessary for the purposes of the election to determine their order of preference, and so often thereafter as it may be necessary to determine the order of preference of any candidates, a further ballot shall be taken of those candidates 'only: Provided that if no order of preference is indicated with respect to any candidates in two successive ballots the Chairman shall determine the order of preference by lot. (4.) Subject to the foregoing provisions, the number of candidates required to be elected who have received the greatest number of votes shall be declared elected.

13. The Secretary to the Board shall be the Returning Officer for the purposes of any ballot conducted for the purposes of these regulations.

14. The names of the persons who have been selected pursuant to these regulations as producers’ representatives shall be forthwith forwarded to the Minister of Agriculture, and shall by him be submitted to the Governor-General for appointment.


Form No. 1 : Namination of Delegate to the Electoral Committee

Electoral District.

Candidate [Name in full, address, and occupation']. Nominated by [Name (signature), address, and occupation]. Seconded by [Name (signature), address, and occupation]. Nomination accepted. " [Signature of. candidate.']

Form No. 2 : Nomination of Producers’ Representative on Meat-producers Board. Candidate [Name in full J address, and occupation]. . Nominated by [Name (signature), address, and occupation]. Seconded by [Name (signature), address; and occupation]. Nomination accepted. [Signature of candidate.]

Correction. Jersey cow shown on page 201 of the April Journal as St. Lambert’s Bell is Lady Quickstep. Conversely the Jersey appearing on page 308 of the May issue as Lady Quickstep is St. Lambert’s Bell.

Station. Total Fall. Number of Wet Days. Maximum Fall. ; Average May Rainfall. North Island. Kaitaia .. .. . . Inches. Inches. 7'98 20 Inches. 1-90 Inches. 5'°6 Russell 8’75 18 2-36 3'53 Auckland .. .. Hamilton . . . . Kawhia . . . . . . 4-12 4-72 4’99 26 25 23 0-58 0-84 0-62 4-42 4-41 4'77 New Plymouth .. 6-i6 New Plymouth 6-o8 6-o8 23 23 1*02 1-02 6-x6 Inglewood .. . . . . 8-32 27 1-44 10-31 Whangamomona . . 7-27 27 1-23 . 6-59, Tairua, Thames . . • .; 6-46 15 1-20 6-ii Tauranga . .. .. Maraehako Station (Opotiki) 5-84 8-60 24 21 I-OI 1’34 5-02 4*82 2'30 5’50 0’92 3-60 5’02 5-3-60 3-87 3’75 3’9i Gisborne .. .. .. Taupo 7-06 5-06 14 19 2-30 0*92 Maraekakaho Station, Hastings . . 6-6i 19 2-10 Taihape .. . 5’73 24 1-08 Masterton .. .. 5’73 8-96 . 24 20 1-08 2-30

Station. Total Fall. Number of Wet Days. Maximum Fall. Average May Rainfall North continued. Inches. Inches. Inches. Patea .. .. . . 7'38 21 2-07 3-91 Wanganui . . 277 IO 0-50 3'4° Foxton . . . . ' 4-31 17 0-94 2-38 Wellington 9-48 21 2-00 4-73 South Island Westport . . . . . . 6-6.5 20 O-92 6-58 Greymouth . . . . 7-88 18 i-35 8-39 Hokitika 11-20. 17 1-84 9-90 Arthur’s Pass . . . . 16-86 14 2-90 10-93, Westland . . . . 12-40 18 2-16 n-6o Collingwood z .. . . io-8o 22 1-28 10-18 Nelson .. .. r. JO-3 21 3-42 3-12 Spring Creek, Blenheim 11-42 19 4-00 2-49 ' Tophouse . . . . . . 7-89 20 1-20 5-46 Hamner Springs . . • . . 19-68 14 6-72 3-52 - Waiau ... 23-36 13 9-54 3-12 Gore Bay . . . . • . . 0-27 ' II 5-15 3-43 Christchurch • . . 6-8o 17 3-40 2-56 Timaru . . . . . . 4-64 15 2-36 1-27 T.ambrook Station, Fairlie 5-28 12 i-8o-1-28 Benmore Station, Omarama 4-40 16 1-73 1'75 Oaroaru .. • • , 3’03 12 0’54 1-58 Queenstown .. . . 4-05 11 o-8o 2-71 Clyde.. 2-07 11 o-6o o-97 Dunedin .. 4-4 10 1-26 3'22 Gore .. 1-96 la o-35 2-84 Invercargill .. .. 2-20 18 0-40 4-64


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Bibliographic details

New Zealand Journal of Agriculture, Volume XXVI, Issue 6, 20 June 1923, Page 393

Word Count

WEATHER RECORDS : MAY, 1923. New Zealand Journal of Agriculture, Volume XXVI, Issue 6, 20 June 1923, Page 393

WEATHER RECORDS : MAY, 1923. New Zealand Journal of Agriculture, Volume XXVI, Issue 6, 20 June 1923, Page 393

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