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F.1.C., Chemist to the Department

As might be expected from the great variety of the rocks from which the soils of the Nelson District have been derived, such considerable differences are exhibited both in the chemical and in the mechanical composition of these soils that one might, with only this knowledge, have predicted what actually is the —that crops of very different types . and farming of very different kinds . would be found in close proximity.

Thus a very large amount of undulating and low hilly country on a subsoil of granite gravel of the Lower Moutere is devoted to applegrowing, the soils of this type being generally the poorest in phosphoric acid of those analysed ; but in spite of the deficiency of phosphates the generous amount of sunshine and rain enables apple-growing to prosper where other forms of farming previously failed. On the other hand, hop-growing, which requires a rich soil, is one of the staple agricultural industries of Nelson, where it is followed on the rich alluvial silts of the province ; and it must be remembered that in England there is no other form of agriculture more effective in maintaining the rural population than hop-growing, by which too acres will easily carry twenty men all the year round. Some of the Waimea flats grow good crops of wheat ; and some of the higher terraces excellent barley, early potatoes, or green peas. On the hillsides, however, when cleared of the “ birch ” forest, danthonia and other poor pasture will only support sheep, and even much of the flat alluvial lands nearer the sources of the rivers is merely poor sheep-country.

One curious feature on the Nelson soils, which finds its maximum expression in the Dun Mountain and Kohatu flats, is the preponderance of magnesia. The colour of the Dun Mountain is due to its sterility to the ordinary vegetation. Nevertheless, even here a scanty specialized vegetation has developed, and is enabled to persist doubtless owing to the bountiful rainfall, without which probably more desert conditions would result. (See Journal for December, 1915, page 493.)

Magnesium is an element which in the development of the plant moves to the seed, and seems to be necessary for the formation of oil. Oil seeds are richer in magnesium than starch seeds ; but an excess of magnesium in the —if not too great an —may be counteracted by the application of lime in the form of carbonate. What is an excessive .amount of magnesia in the soil is a matter of doubt, but there is no doubt that some of the Nelson soils do contain an injurious excess. It is probable that a great proportion of Nelson soils contain magnesia in optimum amounts for seed and fruit growing. Its apparent influence on the production of oil seeds suggests that such crops as linseed, sunflower-seed, and rape-seed might be more generally grown with advantage, and even peanuts (Arachis) might be experimented with. Most of' the soils and subsoils the results of which are given in the accompanying tabular statement under the letter “J ” were collected by

the writer in December, 1917 ; a number, however, have been collected by him in previous years. The Stanley Brook soils were collected at the request of the local branch of the Farmers' Union. The 1917 samples were in every case taken with the use of an iron soil-sampler ; several (three to six cores) were collected to a depth of 9 in.,; and the subsoil to a further depth of 9 in., although where the nature of the subsoil prevented the use of the sampler a spade was used. In collecting the samples the writer was fortunate in having the co-operation of Mr. C. C. Empson, the local Stock Inspector, who was able to.point out the leading types of soil, so far as his knowledge served. The methods of analysis used are those of the United States Official Agricultural Chemists’ Association for the hydrochloric-acid extract ; while Dyer's method, as modified by Hall, is used for the available plant-food determinations. In the mechanical analyses Hall's method is used. In the designation of the soils the United States official classification has been used ; but it must be remembered that their names refer to the material which passes a 2 mm. sieve. If a designation is required for the soil as it exists in situ, in many cases the word “ gravelly ” will 'have to be' prefixed to the designation. A reference to the column stating “ Stones and Gravel ” will show where this is necessary. In reference to these mechanical analyses, the remarkable fact that there is no clay fraction recorded becomes apparent. The Nelson District is not the only one where true clay soils are exceedingly rare ; many of the soils popularly known as clays throughout New Zealand are merely fluviatile, lacustrine, or estuarial silts. '


J 510-16. —These are the Stanley Brook valley soils, land which originally grew Nothojagus (“ birch ”) forest, and which, after clearing, was laid down in what is known as English pasture. Some of the hillside soils are changing to native vegetation—fern (Pteridium csculentum), piripiri (Acaena), and danthonia pasture mixed with poorer grasses, such as sweet vernal. All of these soils would greatly benefit by liming with ground limestone at the rate of 2 tons to the acre.

J 517.—This soil is fairly rich in available phosphoric acid and potash. It would require about 3 tons of carbonate of lime per acre to obtain the best results. The large amount of stones and gravel is noteworthy, and doubtless beneficial in keeping the soil “ ’open ” and well drained, besides keeping the temperature more uniformthat is, cooler in summer and warmer in winter. . The land grows excellent turnips. Owner, J. Russ.

J 518. —These salty flats, owned by Mr. F. K. Whetwell, originally grew a forest consisting of Nothojagus (birch), Podocarpus spicata (blackpine), Podocarpus totara (totara), Laurelia novae-zealandiae (pukatea), and a little Dacrydium cupressinum (rimu). The stumps of these forests were used for years for fuel by the farmers. The land is now covered with pasture. in which rye-grass, white clover, cow-grass, timothy, meadow-foxtail, DcyeuxiaForsteri, Alepocurus. geniculatus, Poa annua, and tall fescue occur. In the virgin soilwhich has not been grassed, owing to its liability to inundation by the sea, and therefore to its lower levelare growing native rushes, and the land presents the appearance of a typical breast-high juncetum, the interspaces being lower-growing

plants such as pennyroyal, docks, Hexham scent (King Island melilot), &c. Tall fescue flourishes in some parts, and in the most salty portions subject to constant inundation from the tides such halophytes (saltloving plants) as Cotula coronopifolia, Ranunculus sp., Samolus repens, Selliera radicans. Spergularia rubra, Salicornia indica, Lepturus incurvatus, Plantago sp. There are about. 800 or 900 acres of these flats lying between the road and the sea. Some parts of them were at one time peaty, but, by firing, the peat has been burnt down to the silt below. The interesting point about these flats is the large amount of available phosphoric acid which the soil contains. A glance over the column devoted to this constituent will show how much . these salty flats exceed the other Nelson soils in phosphoric acid. The same is true of other' soils in a similar relation to the sea, as has been pointed out with regard to the Hauraki Plains (see Journal for June, 1914) and other littoral soils. The sea is evidently a great factor in promoting the availability of the phosphoric acid, or in contributing fresh supplies from the decay of the marine life along the shores of this country. It will be noticed that the grassed paddocks show a lime-content of 0'59 per cent, and a lime-carbonate requirement of 0-29 per cent, (about 3 tons to the acre), whereas the subsoil. contains 1-63 per cent. The high amount of magnesia present, both in the hydrochloric-acid and citric-acid extracts of the soil, compared with the lime, shows that the lime-magnesia ratio is not in the best proportion for plant-life, according to Loew's theorv. ,

J 519. —In this— subsoil of J 518 — will be noticed that the lime and magnesia are much greater than in the soil itself. The occurrence of much larger amounts of magnesia m the soil of a sea-spray-swept locality- has been previously recorded by me in the peaty soils of the Snares Islands in “ Subantarctic Islands of New Zealand ” (Government Printer, Wellington, 1910), pp. 757 and 772. It is highly probable that the excessive amount of magnesia in the subsoils in these cases is derived from the magnesium chloride of sea-water. As to the utilization of these salty lands of Nelson, an interesting case is recorded in the Chemistry Division's annual report for 1907, page 20, where three soils containing the following amounts of salt were mentioned : G 369 contained 2-24 per cent. ; G 370, 0-588 per cent. ; G 371, 0-672 per cent. The owner was advised to plant .rye-grass on the two areas with the smaller amounts of salt, and mangolds on that area with the larger amount. He followed the advice, with gratifying results. A valuable garden crop which thrives well on salty lands is asparagus, and some salty estuarial soils at Napier are thus utilized.

J 520. —In this soil, which was taken from the most salty flats, it will be seen that the available phosphoric acid is present in the remarkably large percentage of 0-069. tn both the soil and subsoil the percentage of lime is high, and no lime is required ; indeed, the subsoil even gives up lime to the solution used, or, as it is shown in figures, it gives a minus result. .

J 522-23. —This soil, on a gravel subsoil, is one which has been cultivated for about seventy years, and is partly in orchard, seven years old, and partly in pasture and crops. The treatment in the past has included liberal dressings of phosphates. The results show that the total and available potash and phosphates are both present

in satisfactory amounts ; but the amount of magnesia relative to that of lime is high, both in the total and available columns. The limerequirement figure is high, pointing to the advisability of using at least 2 tons per acre of carbonate of lime to obtain the best results. Owner, Mr. Allport. . . '

J 524-25. —This is a similar soil in the same locality as J 522.. The gravelly nature of the subsoil of this and the preceding will be noted from an inspection of the amount of residue on a 2 mm. sieve. J 526-27. — similar soil to those preceding, but deficient in total and available phosphoric acid. This land tends to “ pack.” It has been cultivated for about twenty years, mostly for turnips. It would benefit by phosphatic dressings. The original vegetation was • flax (Phormium) and raupo (Typhd). About 2 tons of ground limestone per acre are required. Owner, Mr. G. Saxton.

J 528. —A somewhat different type of soil, having a larger proportion of coarse sand than the other Nelson soils. The amount of gravel separated from the fine soil analysed is very large, so that in referring to this land as a whole it might be called a coarse sandy gravel.” The subsoil is gravel. While the amount of total and "available phosphoric acid is high, the limAmagnesia ratio is unbalanced, and about 2 'tons of ground limestone per acre are required. • Owner, Mr. Jessop. ' . . -

J 529-30. —This soil is similar to the preceding, but contains a higher percentage of silt particles, which places it in a different class. The proportion of available and total phosphoric acid is still very good. The land is situated on a terrace well above the valley-level, and grows excellent barley and early potato crops, and is not subject to frost. Early peas are also a favourite crop on this terrace. The analysis shows that this soil is an exceptionally good all-round one, both the soil and subsoil being well provided with plant-food, but 11 tons of limestone*would improve it.

J 531-32.- —A good wheat-growing soil, but would benefit by 1 ton of ground limestone per acre and phosphate dressings. Owner, Mr. Palmer.

J 533-34-- -This is an example of poor, light, grey-coloured soil, densely packed and difficult to sample, and growing Agrostis and other poor grasses. It is deficient in total and available phosphoric acid, and requires draining, followed by liming at the rate of at least 3 tons of carbonate of lime to the acre. Land all level, and ploughable, but neglected and in bad condition. ’

J 535-36. —This is a most important soil, as it represents some thousands of acres of poor Moutere Hills adapted for apple-growing. It will be noted that the available and total phosphoric acid is present in low amounts, and is such as would ■ justify it being classed as deficient for ordinary farming purposes. The total and available lime and magnesia ratios are unbalanced, and the lime-requirement figure denotes that over 3 tons of carbonate of lime per-acre, would be required to- give the best results ; - but it is very questionable if these standards, which are applicable for ordinary farm crops, apply to a crop such as fruit-trees, which, it has been proved, will grow on exceptionally poor soils, chemically speaking, if the right moisture conditions are assured. Owners, Bisley Brothers, Section 4, Block XVI, Motueka S.D. Compare the figures given with those of the orchard soil . (a sand) of

Hawkesbury Agricultural College, N.S.W. (see page 105, 1907, Annual Report of Department), where the loss on ignition was 0-48 the total nitrogen 0-0028 ; available potash, 0-0022 ; and phosphoric acid, 0-0046. . • .

J 537-38. —The Lower Moutere flat is similar in composition to the hills, but richer in available phosphoric acid, though the amounts for both total and available are what would be deemed deficient in an ordinary farm soil. The lime-requirement figures indicate that from 2 to 3 tons per acre of carbonate of lime would give the best results for ordinary crops. Owner, Mr. Best, Section 4, Block VII, Motuaka S.D. -

J 539-40. This is a rich Riwaka River silt flat, and, judging from the composition of the subsoil, the richness is inherent, not induced. The amount of phosphoric acid available and total is high, and the potash is present in good amount. The lime-magnesia ratio is better balanced, although this sample was collected in a paddock down in English grasses, the adjoining property, which was evidently similar, was growing a good crop of hops and raspberries. About 1 ton of limestone per acre would improve the soil. Owner, Mr. Ryder, Section 76, Block IX, Kaiteriteri S.D.

J 502-9. —These soils are from the property of Mr. McConochie, and are the site of certain field experiments being conducted by the Department. Numbers J 502-7 are from the west side of the Hope River, near the Glenhope Railway-station, and are situated on granite country, while J 508 and J 509 are from the east bank of the river, and overlie sedimentary rock.’ They should be compared with E 207 (1 to 4), which are on similar country. E 207 (5) is on sedimentary rock. The whole of this upper alluvial country was clad with “ birch ” forest, and is now being converted into pasture, mostly of a poor type. It will be- noted in nearly every case that the soil has a greater limerequirement than the subsoil, from 3 to 6 tons of limestone per acre being required. ■'

E 207 (1 to 3). —These are from S. H. and G. H. Kidson’s property ; E 207 (4) is from Mr. T. H. Bromall’s ; and E 207 (5) is from Mr. Paige’s property. The mixed origin of these Sherry River and Wangapeka River soils is indicated by the fact that within a few miles drained by these rivers are Pliocene, Miocene, Cretaceous, Ordovician, granite and basic rocks.

J 704/5/7/9/11/13/14.These are various soils collected by Mr. G. de S. Baylis on the Wangapeka Survey District, Blocks XI and XV. The amount of magnesia yielded by them to hydrochloric acid is always much in excess of the lime, but extraction with weak acids (citric acid and carbonic) and water reverses the ratio, and more lime ;s extracted than magnesia. The soils are. from Wangapeka Settlement as follows : 704/5 — XV, Sect’ons 21-29, Mr. Cameron, owner; 707/9Block XI, Section . 19, Mr. Wattie, owner ; —-Block XI, Section 28, “ Green Hill,” Sherry River Flat, Mr. Hewitt, owner ; 713 — Block XV, Bell Claim, Mr. Cameron, owner; ■ 714—Block XI, , Sections 22 and 23, terrace east of Sherry River, Mr. Corrigan, owner.

J 657.This is a Tadmor soil from land owned by Mr. R. A. Oldham. K 576 (This from Ellis Bros., Kohatu) ■ is the very . interesting soil upon which plot experiments were conducted at the Laboratory. (See 1909 Annual' Report, pages 461 and 466.) In this soil the magnesia

is dissolved by hydrochloric-acid treatment to the ratio of 5 of magnesia to 1 of lime, and in the citric-acid extraction about 2-4 to 1 of lime. This soil was undoubtedly infertile owing to the presence of magnesia, and will not grow ordinary crops ; but does so when liming is practised. To what extent the citric-acid extraction may be depended upon to give reliable warning as to whether magnesia is present in injurious quantity is a matter for further research. For a full discussion of the subject see Journal for December, 1915, page 493, where the Dun Mountain soils, D 1024, E 207/8, are described.

(To be continued.)

* Clay is present only in negligible amounts.

Clay only

No. Locality. Volatile Total Nitrogen. Citric-acid (“Available Plant-food); Extract Hydrochloric-acid (“ -food). Lime Require ment (Percent age CaCO). 3 At C. On Ignition. Lime (CaO). Magnesia (MgO). Potash (K Phosphoric Acid (P2O5). Lime (CaO). Magnesia .(MgO). Potash (K Phosphoric Acid (P2O5). J Glenhope I9-I7 I3-I6 0-239 0-034 0-043 o-oii o 0-26 0-70 0-09 o 0’5° J of 502 11-96 6-12 0-092 0-024 0-037 0-009 0-007 0-32 0-99 ■ 0-06 0-04 0-24 J Glenhope 12-56 10-14 0-216 0-062 0-060 o O’OIO 0-25 0-66 0-05 0-08 0-30 J of . 5-60 5-38 0-130 0-036 0-051 0-005 0-005 0-28 74 0-03 0-02 0-16 J Glenhope . 23-58 27-71 0-696 0-027 0-073 o-oio o 0-22 1-07 0*07 0-15 °-55 J Subsoil 506 18-01 14-06 o-437 0-030 0-056 0-009 0-015 0-29 i'43 0-06 O-II o-54 508 J Glenhope 18-35 15-42 0-260 0-054 0-041 0-012 0-009 1 0-28 o o 0-44 J Subsoil 508 13-96 6-40 0-080 0-052 0-035 o 0-007 0-62 0'47 0-05 0-04 0-29 J Brook Valley, S.D., Motupiko Riding 6-25 9-10 0-152 0-161 0’020 0-040 0-023 o-93 0-56 0-29 0-19 0-21 J of 7-83 6-72 o-ioo 0-028 0-018 o-59 0-62 0-14 0-15 0-17 J Stanley •5-08 4-01 0’121 0-041 0-017 0-037 0-006 0-84 0-62 0-32 0-05 0-23 J of 1-67 i-68 0-045 0-024 0-005 0-70 0-63 0-20 0-05 0-02 J Brook Stanley 4-64 5’15 o-ioo 0-030 0-029 0-85 0-53 0-22 0-18 0-21 J Subsoil 3-77 3-14 0-044 0-018 0-016 0-72 0-72 0-15 . 0-06 0-26 J Stanley . 9-23 7-38 0-148 0-027 0-026 0-94 0-64 0-20 o-ii 0-18 J Rail- near way-station 7'73 11-64 0-201 O-I33 0-087 0-033 0-022 o-8o 0-63 0-26 0-12 0-31. J (cultivated paddocks 9-98 10-19 0-336 0-144 O-IIO 0-024 0-044 o-59 o-43 0-56 o-io 0-29 J of 7-48 2-26 0-063 1-63 i-6o 0-51 o-ii 0-08 e y 1-63 i-6o 0-51 o-ii o'-o8 J paddocks 9'4° 3’97 O-III 0-152 O-I32 0-037 0-069 i-55 1-46 0-37 ■ 0-15 Nil - ; flats 9-4° 3’97 O-II I 0-152 0-132 0-037 0-069 i-55 1-46 0-37 - 0-15 Nil J Subsoil ... 7-61 2-88 0-036 1-71 1-40 0-40 0-14 0-02

NELSON DISTRICT SOILS.—CHEMICAL ANALYSES. Results are percentages of the soil dried at 100° C., except first column under “ Volatile Matter.”

Lab. Soil. Sieve). Stones and Gravel above mm. Remarks. Fine Gravel. Coarse Sand. Fine Sand. Silt. Fine Silt. Clay.* Moisture, &c. J sandy 2-7 l6’3 26-5 16-1 4-0 33'8 Nil flat. J sandy Nil 23'7 33’2 17-8 4’7 20-0 9'2 River flat. 504 sandy 2-0 42-3 21'1 jo-7 i-6 23'9 10-4 River flat. . J J I-I ■51-1 15-6 17-4 2'3 I 4 20-3 River. Hope between Swamp 2-3 43’2 4’5 3’6 i-3 45-o Nil J 3’° 47’2 7’5 5’6 3’5 30-8 if roadside. by 508 J i-o 10-2 16-3 27’3 8-9 33’8 30-4 Fine sandy silt . . I'O ' 10-2 i6-3 27'3 8-9 33’8 30-4 J o-4 3'4 29-2 33’7 10'7 15’8 9'7 Fine sandy silt . . 0-4 3'4 V 29-2 33’7 10-7 15'8 9’7 5 Sandy . 2’3 46-7 25’4 9'4 15’8 9'9 granite J5H 3’3 48-2 25’3 7-i 14-8 n-7 W. I 5'° above land, J o-i 59’6 i8-8 io-8 8-9 Stanley Brook; in Agrostis pasture. }> o-i 59’6 18-8 io-8 8-9 J Stanley Brook; in Agrostis pasture. J • • >> 3'4 72-3 ii-i 6-i 5’2 n-7 ( Mr. Owner, J J J Nil •I 26-9 16-9 1-2 ii-i a 53'5 21-6 14-5 8'2 6-i I 5O-Q 21'7 14-1 I2-I 42-0 J Owner, Mr. ft. and gravel above J Medium sandy 5-i 31-2 17-6 17-5 7’5 21'6 28-2 J silt . sandy Nil 5-2 15-1 37'9 18-4 21'6 5'7 VI, Salty 40-44. J i-i 24-2 40-7 18-3 13-6 Nil flats. J 2-6 26-8 41-8 io-6 16-9 >> J ■ 5-3' 34’7 35-6 10'0 13-6 _ • ; ,, 5'3 34'7 35’6 xo-o 13-6

NELSON DISTRICT SOILS.-MECHANICAL ANALYSES. All results are percentages of the air-dried soil.

No. Locality.. • Volatile Total Nitrogen. Citric-acid i-per-cent. (“Avail-' able Plant-food). Total Plant-food). requirement (Percent age ). 3 At 100° C. On Ignition. Lime (CaO). Magnesia (MgO). Potash (K0); Phosphoric Acid (PaO 5 Lime (CaO). Magnesia (MgO). Potash (K Phosphoric Acid 0(P J Waimea Stoke seventy years) 4-61 7’35 0-195 0-127 0-102 0-013 0-016 x-47 i-6x 0-25 0-15 0-21 J Subsoil ... 522 5'37 11-49 0-136 1-04 0-87 0-18 0-09 0-24 J locality as 4’53 10-30 0-152 0-145 0-052 0-015 I i-35 1-04 0’33 O-II 0-20 J Subsoil of 524 3-76 8-o8 0-073 o-97 0-64 0-20 0-09 O-IO 526 J Waimea (next freezing-works) 8-41 6-20 0-164 0-094 0-052 0-009 0-004 1-25 °-75 0-30 0-08 0-19 J Subsoil of 526 6-40 4-09 0-083 ' 1-02 0'77 0-20 0-07 0-20 528 J Township 5-i7 xi-68 0-301 0-197 0-070 0-024 o-o 1 2-18 2-46 0-40 0-23 0-22 J Hope 4-7i 6-00 0-242 0-256 0-053 0-017 6-014 1 1-20 1-02 O-38 0-14 0-16 J of 529 4-19 6-50 0-181 1-09 0-92 0-27 0-15 0-22 J Waimea 2-84 5'22. 0-141 0-190 0-037 0-015 0-009 1-05 o-55 0-26 o-xo o-io J Subsoil of 531 2'43 2-89 0-106 1-20 0-67 0-29 o-io 0-07 J Valley 3-°3 5-83 0-090 0-057 0-037 0-016 0-003 0-65 °-53 0-26 0-05 0-26 J of 533 3-°8 5-17 0-099 0-78 °’53 0-27 0-05 0-21 J Hills . 2-61 4'94 0-168 0-043 0-041 0-008 0-003 0-16 0-27 0-18 °*°5 0-32 J of 535 3‘95 4’71 0-070 0-18 0-33 0-09 0-04 0-40 J land) 2-59 5-46 0-127 6-112 0-066 0-008 0-008 o-66 ’ 0-50 0-17 0-05 0-23 J Subsoil 3'07 . 4-12 0-054 o-54 0-40 0-13 0-02 0-21 J silt River 4-66 5-19 0-150 0-221 0-085 6 o-o 0-063 0-85 o-57 °’37 0-23 o-io J of 6.58 3-39 0-117 0-82 o-44 . 0-27 0-28 0-07


Lab, Soil. Description Mechanical Analysis Fine Sieve). Stones and Gravel above mm. Remarks. ■ Fine Gravel. Coarse Sand. : Sand. Silt. Fine Silt. Clay.* Moisture, &c. J sandy . . ' Nil 8-3 I-I 4 28-5 23’2 13’9 40-0 and gravel. J >> 21-2 18-5 25'4 > 18-6 18-5 76-9 ,, ,, 21’2 18-5 25’4 > 18-6 18-5 76-9 J 10-9 17-5 33-7 23-4 ■ 16-3 15-5 Similar to 522. J i6*8 31-2 28-4 n-5 14-1 58-3 • • ■ >> ■ >> 16-8 31-2 28-4 ■ ii-5 14-1 58-3 J ,, 8-4 17-1 30'3 30-0 15-9 18-7 ; 77 527 silt n-5 19-9 27-6 29-0 12-7 54’° ) ? n-5 19’9 27-6 29-0 12’7 54-° J n-5 33’7 9’3 17-2 io-5 17-7 59'2 . in comes gravel J sandy 7-8 24-0 13’3 27-0 13'7 12-2 38-7 soil J 6-4 27-6 8-6 1 27-3 8-9 n-3 41’5 J 3'1 27-1 30-1 19-0 9-8 10-0 2I-I Wheat land. Fine sandy silt ,.,. 3’1 27-1 30-1 19-0 9-8 10-0 2I-I Wheat land. J 2-1 17-4 40-0 15-2 15’9 9-i 22-2 Fine sandy silt . . 2*1 17-4 40-0 15-2 15’9 9’1 22-2 J I-I 15’7 27-5 26-3 19’3 10-4 i6-6 A poor soil, requiring heavy dressings of lime and phosphates. >> I-I 15-7 27-5 26-3 19’3 10-4 i6-6 A poor soil, requiring heavy dressings of lime and phosphates. J 534 o-i 1 -4 22-0 28-5 25-0 I2-I 37’5 J 535 Nil •17-0 26-8 26-1 20-1 9‘3 19-1 ; originally manuka. J >> 14'9 24’5 22-7.. . 25-3 io-8 35’3 Yellow subsoil of shotty nature, owing to small stones. ,, ,, 14-9 24'5 22’7 25-3 io-8 35-3 Yellow subsoil of shotty nature, owing to small stones. 537 0’2 21-9 26-2 24-4 16-3 I2-I 2I-I contains more phosphates. 538 J O-I 20’0 30-7 21*8 i6*6 9’4 22’6 Yellow subsoil. ,, • • o-i .20-0 30’7 . 21-8 i6-6 9’4 22-6 Yellow subsoil. J sandy Medium 5'6 ' 37-4 31-2 ii-4 ■4-2 10-7 6-o hops and J silt 2’3 47-8 27-4 9-0 2-5 . 10-7 6-o


Lab. Locality. . Matter. Total Nitrogen. Citric-acid -per-Cent. -food). ” Total Hydrochloric-acid Plant-food). requirement (Percent1 age ). 3 \ • At At C. On Ignition. Lime (CaO). Magnesia (MgO). Potash (K 2 O). Phosphoric Acid (P 2 O 5 ). Lime (CaO). Magnesia (MgO). Potash (K 2 O). Phosphoric Acid (P2O5). ioo° C. On Ignition. Lime (CaO). Magnesia (MgO). Potash (K 2 O). Phosphoric Acid (P 2 O 5 ). Lime (CaO). Magnesia (MgO). Potash (K 2 O). Phosphoric Acid (P2O5). 1091 Nelson 2-89 6-50 0-187 0-014 0-019 I-o8 80 J Wangapeka : . . 10-62 8-75 0-227 0-106 0-027 0-013 0-012 0-30 0-51 J 10-03 8-26 0-217 0-056 0-020 0-014 0-030 0-28 0-62 ,, 10-03 8-26 0-217 0-056 0-020 0-014 O-O3O 0-28 0-62 J 6-62 11-24 0-239 0-068 0-027 0-014 0-029 0-20 0-48 J .5-38 6-89 0-215 0-058 0-024 0-017 0-034 0-12 o-6o J 7 7' 8 5 9-68 0-250 0-059 0-018 0-019 0-021 0-26 0’33 ,, 7-85 9-68 0-250 0-059 0-018 0-019 0-021 0-26 o-33 * J io-47 12-46 O-I95 0-052 0-024 0-023 0-007 0-15 0-25 J 4 7 7’32 7-87 0-196 0-054 0-018 0-016 0-025 0-24 0’45 - ... 7’32 7-87 0-196 0-054 0-018 0-016 0-025 0-24 0-45 J Tadmor 5-06 I2-II .0-191 0-015 0-026 0-30 0-26 576 Kohatu 8-44 7’92 0-236 o-ioo 0-240 0-016 0-020 2’00 10-95 K 701 Appleby . 2-31 7’02 0-182 0-012 0-020 1-40 2-40 0-36 0-15 L Braeburn 6-38 8-70 0-210 I 0-009 0-40 o-54 0-22 0-08 L Lower . 3-18 7 0-150 0-012 0-004 0-16 0-22 ■ 0-15 0-05 228 v Braeburn . . 2-40 5-20 0-118 0-012 0-006 0-26 0-16 O-II , 0-06 L 229 Lower . 4'3° 6-20 0-132 I o-oi 0-007 0-28 o-45 0-16 0-07 L895 Hills. . 1-14 3-46 0-084 o-oio 0-009 0-07 0-06 0-06 0-04 L 896 i-35 3’44 ■0-115 o-oio Trace 0-14 0-14 0-08 0-04 * * * 354 Nelson 7’92 9-64 0-220 0-014 o-oii o-37 0-46 0-18 0-17 i.- .. . 0-014 o-oii 0’37 0-46 0-18 0-17.. B 914 Kohatu 2-6i 8-71 0-241 o-oio 0-019 o-34 0-24 0-13 0-13 • O-OIO ' 0-019 , 0-34 0-24 0-13 0-13 D 1024 Mountain Dun 9-90 I3-9I O-I9O 0-083 0-303 0-002 Trace 4’7° 15’33 0-04 0-009 E 21-28 12-38 0-167 o-ioo 0-250 o-oio 0-003 2-91 13-86 0-04 0-04 207-8 20-14 16-46 0-023 o-i 0-050 0-030 0-004 68 S’ 2-14 0-13 0-05 207-1 River Sherry 28-29 13-94 0-257 o-oii O-OII 0-14 0-12 0-04 0-05 E 207-2 22-47 10-24 0-190 0-023 0-008 0-16 0-09 0-06 0-03 . . . ■ 22-47 10-24 O-I9O 0-023 0-608 0-16 0-09 0-06 0-03 E 207-3 17-22 6-85 6-064 I 0-003 o-ii 0-05 0-04 0-02 E .26-08 12-49 O-265 0-016 o-oio 0-15 , 0-06 0-05 E 207-5 20-08 13-79 0-266 1 0-015 0-013 0-29 0-22 0-06 0-04 20-08 13-79 0-266 0-015 0-013 ■ ■ ■ : 0-29 , 0-22 ■ .0-06 0-04 ,,


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New Zealand Journal of Agriculture, Volume XIX, Issue 2, 20 August 1919, Page 76

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SOME TYPICAL NELSON SOILS. New Zealand Journal of Agriculture, Volume XIX, Issue 2, 20 August 1919, Page 76

SOME TYPICAL NELSON SOILS. New Zealand Journal of Agriculture, Volume XIX, Issue 2, 20 August 1919, Page 76

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