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AUTUMN MEETING. JACK ASHORE WINS BIG EVENT. The Otahuhu Trotting Club could not have had better weather in which to commence their summer meeting. The track was in splendid condition, too, and the fields were good, while the times registered were distinctly creditable, the racing generally being interesting. There was keen speculation, too, and by the end of the day no less than £12,282 had been handled at the toatlisator windows, this being an increase of £1774 10s. over the doings of last year. There were thirteen starters for the opening event, the Special Handicap, which was won by the limit mare Salvie Dash, who got the mile and a-half in 3.54 4-5, or in quicker time by over llsec. than the limit fixed. She was probably lucky, as Auckland G'.rl, rhe favourite, broke repeatedly. Blackthorn, the scratch horse, got third, atker gaining 6sec. on the winner and 2secs. on Auckland Girl, who made up 4secs. of her handicap on Salvie Dash, the latter paying a nice dividend to start the meeting with. Erin’s King, a three-year-old son of Hal Zolock (imp.), was made favourite for the Newmarket Handicap, and won after a good race with Huon Patch (a three-year-old son of Sweet Patch), Franzaine being a good third. The winner covered the mile in 2.31 1-5, Huon Patch did 2.32 2-5, and Franzaine 2.30, the limit being 2.40. The Dominion Handicap produced a nice field of twelve, Jack Ashore, Stop It and Steel Bell carrying most money. Walnut, who was fourth in demand, led off in great style, and stuck to his work well, keeping Jack Ashore very busy all the way, and only just suffered defeat by a small margin. They each

did over Bsecs. better than they were handicapped to do. Lady Wilmington, who was fifty yards away, also got well within what she was set to do. St. Ursula, Stop It, and Steel Bell followed the placed horses home. Wild Maid was a pronounced favourite for the Manukau Handicap, in saddle, with Teddy McKinney next in request. They practically ran each other down, first one and then the other breaking, while Tableau pursued the even tenor of his way and beat them home in 4.58, Teddy McKinney being three or four lengths off, while Wild Maid was about half a dozen lengths further back. Kirikiriroa, Edward R. and Syren finished in order. The Governor’s Handicap was thought to be a good thing for Lady Tempest, but she started very badly, and Gray W. falling stopped some of those coming behind a little and hindered the favourite. Floranz, the second favourite, bad a comfortable win of several lengths from Lieutenant, Sundial being a very good third, each of the placed norses doing better than they were Handicapped to do. There was a splendid finish between Huia Grey (the favourite), Victor G. (third favourite) and Linotype in the Sylvia Park Handicap. The last-named made nearly all the running, but was passed by Huia Grey and Victor G. along the back, and they fought out a neck and neck go to the end all down the straight, Huia Grey winning by half a head, whilst Linotype was fast catching them again, and was only two lengths off. Our Aggie was made favourite for the Mount Albert Handicap, Ludski, Reuben and Normintson being next in demand. Phyllistina went to work so well that site kept Our Aggie busy all the way and was only beaten by a half-length in the run home, Alf. McKinney being twenty yards away. Normintson anc|

one or two others got into trouble on the journey. Our Aggie got the mile in 2.16 2-5, Phyllistina broke 2.18, and Alt. McKinney was just over it. “The afternoon’s racing was brought to a close with the Railway Handicap, for which G.M. was favourite, with Lord John and Mintson next. Full Sail did not start. G.M. was overtaken by Annoyed, who showed rare speed, but Mintson came at them both and won nicely in 2.19 3-5 by three lengths, G.M. a similar distance off. Results: — SPECIAL HANDICAP (Harness) of 75 sovs; second lOsovs, third ssovs. One mile and a-half. 6 —A. B. Carley’s hr m Salvie Dash, by Young Salisbury—Balderdash mare, aged. 15sec (Hamilton) . . 1 1— Jas. Pettie’s b m Auckland Girl, aged. 6sec (Orange) 2 2 — T. S Kn'ght’s b g Blackthorn, scratch (Wyatt) , 3 Also started: 7 King’s Capitalist Ssec (Sommers), 13 Rothsch Id Lady 3sec (J. Paul), 9 King of Diamonds ssec (Richards), 10 Kotiri 7sec (Hird), 12 Lady Roberts 13sr?c (Malcolm), 3 Special Constable 13sec (Cunningham), 8 Congo 13 sec (Greenwood). 11 M'ss Hum. Junr. 15sec (Chatteris). 5 Lady Heiress 13sec (Baker'*. 4 Le Lawn 15sec (Freeborne). Won by seven lengths, same between second and third. Time, 3min 54 4-5 sec. NEWMARKET HANDICAP (Harness) of lOOsovs; second lOsovs, third ssovs. One mile. 1 — J. D Parker’s b c Erin's King, by Hal Zolock —8.J.N., 3yrs. 7sec (Bryce) 1 2— E. H Cucksey’s b c Huon Patch. 3yrs, Ssec (McMaster) 2 4 — R. Gibbons’ hr m Franzaine, aged, Ssec (Hird) 3 Also started: G Wap’ti Ssec (Cameron), 3 Belgian Queen Ssec (H. Price). 7 Spec’al Huon Ssec (A. Lowe). 5 George K. Ssec (Herbert). S Captain Rosier 9sec (Goldspur). Won by a length, four lengths separating second and third. Time, 2min 3— l-ssec. DOMINION HANDICAP (Harness) of 200sovs; second 20sovs, third lOsovs. Two miles. I—G. Watkin's b g Jack Ashore, by Albert Cheval’er—Moor mar , aged (Bryce) 1 1 — J Barker’s gr g Walnut, aged. 9sec (Richards) 2 9 —F. J. McCammon's b m Lady Wilm ngton. aged. 9sec (McCammon) 3 Also started: 3 Steel Bell scratch (Lynch), 8 St. Ursula Isec (Perrin), 2 Stop It ssec (Nicholson). 7 Prince Rufus ssec (Duffin). 12 Bell Gray Ssec (A. Lowe), 6 Wallace M. Ssec (T. Price). 5 Golden Rose Ssec (Julian). 11 Annoyed Ssec (Osborne), 10 Kempsey lOsec (Cameron). Walnut and Jack Ashore fought out a good finish, the latter winning by half a length Lady Wilm’ngton sixlengths off. St. Ursula. Stop It and Steel Bell next. Time, 4m n 39 3-ssec MANUKA IT HANDICAP (Saddle) of lOOsovs; second lOsovs. third ssovs. Two miles. 3—M. D. Moore’s b g Tableau, by Pirate—Gipsy, aged, Gsec (W. Orange) 1 2 — F Quinn’s blk g Teddv McKinney, aged, llsec (T. W Price) 2 ] —T Wade’s ch m Wild Maid, aged, 13sec (Scott) 3 Also started: 6 Syren scratch (Murtagh), 4 Kirikriroa 2sec (Hird), 5 Elward 14soc (Tozer). Wild Maid and Teddy McKinney each went unsteadily and were beaten by Tableau by three lengths, six lengths I'ctween second and third. Time. 4min 5 Ssec. GOVERNOR’S HANDICAP (Harness) of lOOsovs; second lOsovs, third 5 sovs. Two miles. 2 — Preece and Ham Iton’s hr m Fl. ranz, by Frank —Wild Cat, aged, 7sec (Hamilton) 1 5 — F. Weinc’s b g Lieutenant, syrs, 9sec (Hall) 2 3 — Mr. Remington's b m Sundial, 6 yrs, 6sec (Malcolm) 3 Also started: 9 Clive (McMaster), 10 Prince Berlin Isec (Holland), 7 Miss Dulce 4sec (Redshaw). 6 Resurrection (Cameron), 8 Gray W. 7sec (Robertson), 1 Lady Tempest Ssec (Bryce), 1 Autocrat lOsec (Orange). Autocrat led, but Lady Tempest, the favourite, broke up, Gray W. fell and Floranz won by three 1( ngths, Sund al five lengths off third. T’me, 4min 52 sec. SYLVIA PARK HANDICAP (Harness) of lOOsovs; second lOsovs. third 5 sovs. One mile and a-quarter. 1— Mrs. J. Hill’s gr g Huia Grey, by Specialist—Dolly Gray, 4yrs, 5 sec (Nicholson) 1 9 —S. Galbraith’s rn g Victor G., aged. 4sec (Lynch) 2 2 — C. Baker’s b m Linotype, syrs, 7 sec (F. Baker) 3 Also started: 4 Wereoa scratch (Duffin). 7 Lord Victor 4sec (Jul’an), 5 St. Trella 6sec (H. Price), 6 Ben F. 7sec (Hall), 8 Flora McKinney 7sec (Malcolm). Linotype led to the last turn, where Hula Grey headed her and Victor G. got up. Huia Grey, however, won by naif a head. Linotype two lengths away. Time, 2min 57 2-ssec. MOUNT ALBERT HANDICAP (Harness) of 150sovs; second 20sovs, third lOsovs. One mile. I—James1 —James Bryce’s ch m Our Agg’e, by Savoyard—Miss Louie, 6yrs. 6sec (Bryce) 1 7 —W. McFetridge’s blk in Phyllistina, aged, 7sec (Malcolm) ... 2 6 —G. Paul’s b g Alf. McKinney, aged. 6sec (J. Paul) 3 Also started: 13 Master Park scratch (Cunningham). 5 Dick Vly 4sec (W. Orange). 4 Normintson 4sec (Perrin), Silver Black 4sec (Hall), 12 Master Ham ssec (McMaster), Spec’al'st ssec (J. T. Paul), 2 Lud.iki 6sec (Julian), Uniform 6sec (Lynch), 10 August Child 7sec (Robertson). Won by half a length, Alf. McKinnev six lengths away. Time, 2min 16 ;-ssec.

RAILWAY HANDICAP (Saddle) of 100 sovs; second lOsovs, third osovs. One mile. 3 —E. Payne’s b h Mintson, by Papanu:—M.nt, 4yrs, ssec (Bowden) 1 11 —C. H. Brewer’s b m Annoyed, aged, Isec (Osborne) ■ • 2 I—A.1 —A. Tims’ gr g G.M., syrs, Ssec (J. T. Paul) 3 Also started; 12 Grampian 2sec (Julian). 10 Mattie 3sec (Malcolm), 4 Lord Specialist 4sec (Collins). 5 Lady Rosier 6sec (G. Malcolm), 2 Lord John 7 sec (H. Price), 9 Jungle 7sec (Cameron), 6 Selkirk 9sec (Nicholson), 8 The Scout 9sec (Dye), 7 Full Sa.l Usee (Harford). M ntson passed into the lead in the straight and won by three lengths, witli the same distance between second and third Time, 2min 19 3-ssec. SECOND DAY. The meeting was concluded on Saturday. There were excellent fields and the track was in fast order, and some very fine work was executed by a number of the performers, Master Park s second in the President’s Handicap in saddle in which he registered 2min 14 3-ssec, being one of the outstanding efforts. The sum of £14,9(8 was put through the totalisators, bringing the amount handled for the two days to £27,260 10s. The club decided to donate their gross commission from the totalisator on their chief race to the Belgian Fund and as a lesult about £l5O will be handed over. The management throughout was good, but there were apparently a few horses at the meeting that were being got ready for another occasion, a number that were not too well handled that might have done better, and a few horses that broke up badly and spoilt their chances. Some of the dividends were surprisingly good. The best went to one of the oldest trotting horse enthusiasts in the Dominion in Mr. Chatteris, who has had trotting horses for about forty years. rhe big field of seventeen started in the Trial Handicap Trot, in which race Miss Huon .Junr., and got her into Miss Huno, Junr., and got her into second place with the result that she paid a splendid second dividend. The second favourite, Springbok, also by Capitalist, and ridden by his owner, W. A. Scott, won somewhat easily however. In the next race, the February Handicap, Lady S., driven by A. J. Paul, won, but it was only after a good race with George R. and Huon Patch. Backers went solidly for Steel Bell in the Otahuhu Cup, Stop it and Annoyed, each carrying a lot of money, being the next in request. Stop It looked to have a good v. inning chance in the straight the last time for home, but when leading left her feet, and Walnut and then Wallace M., who had lost his place, came again and won handsomely, this pair being the least supported. Hova finished well and got third place, Lady Wilmington, Stop It and Steel Bell next. Lieutenant, after a fine race with Erin s King, defeated that colt, who was favourite, by about a length and a-half for the Ascot Handicap, Linotype being double that distance away. Sundial did not run up to form. The favourite, Blackthorn, by Willowwood, won the Alexandra Handicap easily enough from Clive, the scratch horse, Kirikiriroa being third, but all three might have been beaten by Auckland Girl had she been more steady. She seems hard to handle. Alf. McKinney, the scratch gelding and second favourite in the Papakura Handicap, in harness, won meritoriously enough from Lady Wilmington, to whom he was conceding 4sec start, and both Phyllistina and Huia Grey, who ran a dead heat for third money, each put up a good go. Floranz, the favourite, was unlucky or might have been the hardest Alf. McKinney had to beat. Ludski, the favourite, put up a pleasing performance when he led Master Park and Casling home in the President’s Handicap, as he did his work impressively, though the honours of the race rested with Master Park. Another scratch horse in Mintson acquitted himself well by winning the Farewell Handicap in good style. Next to the Otahuhu Cup, this event resulted in most speculation. Results: —■ TRIAL HANDICAP (Saddle) of 75sovs; second lOsovs, third ssovs. One mile and a-half. 2—W. A. Scott’s ch g Springbok, by Capitalist—Gazelle, aged, Gsec (Owner) 1 12—H. Chatteris' b m Miss Huon, Junr., Gyrs. lOsec (Owner) .... 2 4 —D. May’s b g Galoola, Gyrs, 9sec (Owner) 3 Also started: 9 Lady Meldon scratch (T. W. Price), 10 Salvie Dash scratch (■Hamilton), 8 Miss Marvin Downs Isec CH. Price).. G Kotiri Ssec (Julian). 15 Myrie 9sec’ (J. Cockerton). 13 Roan Lady 9sec (Cameron). 1 Singlet 9sec CRedshaw), 15 Favour Royal 9sec (H T. Mason), 16 Lady Roberts 9sec (Malcolm), 14 Seachild 9sec (W. J. Greenwood), 5 Special Constable 9sec (Cunningham), 3 Striker 9sec (J. Parsons),

11 Special Bloom lOsec (J. Findlay), 9 i,e Lawn lOsec (C. T. Leonard). Won easily by 20 yards, a very close third. Time, 2min 57 2-ssec. FEBRUARY HANDICAP (Harness) of lOOsovs; second lOsovs. third ssovs. One mile. 5—A. Paul's blk m Lady S., by Specialist—Victorme, syrs, . vsec (J. T. Paul) 1 I —A. Mattson’s b c George K., 3yrs. 9sec (Herbert) 2 3— E. 1-1. Cucksey’s b c Huon Patcii, 3yrs, 4sec (McMaster) 3 Also started: 1 Mount Albert Csec (Hird), G Miss Lonsdale 9sec (Bottomley), 2 Belgian Queen 9sec (11. Pricey 10 Captain Rosier lOsec (Goldspur), < Special Huon lOsec (Osborne), 9 I'oung Specialist lOsec (Harrison). 9 Derby i.Hlon lOsec (Robertson). Wen by three lengths, half a length between second and third. 'lime, 2mm 32sec. OTAHUHU TROTTING CUP HANDICAP (Harness) of 250sovs; second 35 sovs. third 15sovs. Two miles. 9 — J. Molloy’s b g Wallace M., by Wallace L.—Eladarat, aged, Ssec (T. W. Price) 1 10 — J. Burke’s gr g Walnut, aged, 4 sec (Richards) 2 7 — Geo. Paul’s blk h Hova, aged, 10 sec (Owner) 3 Also started: 1 Steel Bell scratch (Lynch), 4 Jack Ashore 2sec (Bryce), 2 Stop It ssec (J. Nicholson), 8 Prince Rufus ssec (Duffin), 3 Annoyed Ssec (Hill), G Lady Wilmington Ssec (McCammon), 5 Mattie 9sec (Malcolm). Won by a length, Hova three lengths away, with Lady Wilmington and Stop it. who broKe a hundred yards from the post while leading, fifth. Time, 4 min 44 4-ssec. ASCOT HANDICAP (Harness) of .100 sovs; second lOsovs, third ssovs. One mile and a-half. 4 — F. Weine’s b g Lieutenant, by Commander —'lender, syrs, 12sec (It. Hall) 1 I—J. D. Parker's b c Erin’s King, 3 yrs, 12 sec (Bryce) 2 G—C. Baker’s b m Linotype, syrs, 9 sec (Baker) 3 Also started: 9 Miss Dulce Ssec (Redshaw), 3 Sundial 9sec (Julian), 7 The Scout 12sec iC. Malcolm), 5 Flora McKinney I2sec (G. Malcolm), 8 Ben F. 13sec (W. Shaiii), - Silver Grid . ssec 1 Richards) 10 .Moorish Chief 151-ec (J. T. Paul). Won by a length and a-lialf, Linotype three lengths off, Miss Dulce fourth. 'Lime, 3min 33 2-ssec. ALEXANDRA HANDICAP (Harness) of lOOsovs; second lusovs, (bird ssovs. t wo miles. 1— 'l'. G. Knight's b g Blackthorn, by Willowwood —Wattle. Gyrs, 1-lsec (Wyatt) 1 9—J. Burke's b g Clive, scratch (McMaster) 2 8 — It. Gibbons' b g Kirikiriroa, aged, 7sec (Hird) 3 Also started; 7 Gray W. 7sec (Robertson), 4 Autocrat lOsec (Orange), 5 Stranger Usee (Cameron), 10 Lady Love 12sec (Malcolm), 11 Robex 13sec (A. Paul), 2 Auckland Girl IGsec (Jas. Pettie). 3 Edward R. 17sec (Tozer), 5 Miss Marvin Downs 17sec (Hamilton). Blackthorn led, followed by Auckland Girl, who broke coming into the straight, Blackthorn winning by five lengths from Clive, Kirikiriroa a fair third. Auckland Girl fourth. Time. 4min 57sec. PAPAKURA HANDICAP (Harness) of lOOsovs; second lOsovs, third ssovs One mile and a-half. 2— -Geo. Paul's b g Alf. McKinney, by

Young McKinney—Wairere, scr. (J. Paul) 1 3— F. J. McCammon's b m Lady Wilmington, aged, Isec (.Owner) ... 2 4 — w.’. McFetridge’s blk in PhyllisLina, aged, scratch (G. Malcolm) * 9—-Mrs. J. Hill’s gr g Huia Grey, 2sec (J. Nicholson) * Also started: 8 Wereoa scratch (Duffin), 1 Floranz ssec (Hamilton), 5 Pearl D’Or ssec (Gladding), 6 Kirikiriroa 8 sec (Hird), 10 St. Trella Ssec (1-1. Price), 7 Resurrection Ssec (Cameron). Won by two lengths, Phyilistina and Huia Grey, who ran a dead heat, very close up third. Time, 3min 29sec. PRESIDENT'S HANDICAP (Saddle) of 150sovs; second 20sovs, thud lOsovs. One mile. I—F. Martin's blk g Ludski, l:y Specialist —Eady Hinton, aged, Gsec (A. Julian) 1 4 —R. Gibbon’s blk g Master Park. aged, scratch (Cunningham) .... 2 7 — H. Swaflield’s b in Casting, aged, 4sec (Hall) 3 Also started: 6 St. Ursula Isec (Knight), 9 Annoyed 3sec (Osborne), 8 Stop It Isec (J. Malcolm), 5 Dick Ely 4sec (Orange), 10 Bell Gray 4sec (C. Lowe), 11 Silver Black 4sec (Hall). 12 Master Ham ssec (McMaster), 3 Uniform Gsec (J. T. Paul), 2 Reubin 7sec (Bowden). 13 Miss Dulce (Redshaw). Won easing up ny four lengths, same between second and third. Time, zmin 19 2-ssec. FAREWELL HANDICAP (Harness) of lOOsovs; second lOsovs, third ssovs. One mile and a-quarter. 1— -E. Payne’s b h Mintson. by Papaimi—Mint, lyrs, scratch (Richards) 1 2 — S. Galbraith’s rn g Victor G., aged, Ssec (Lynch) 2 8— Mr. Mahurangi’s b m August Child. syrs. 3sec (McMaster) 3 Also Started: 5 Grampian 2see (Julian). 9 Lord Specialist (F. Martin). G Lady Rosier ssec (Macpherson), 7 GM. ssec (J. T. Pa£l), 10 Jungle Gsec (Cameron). 3 Floranz Gsec (Hamilton), 11 St Trella 7sec (H. G. Rae), 4 Ben F. Ssec (Bryce). Won by three lengths, two lengths between second and third. Grampian- a peer fourth. 'lime. 2min 5 4 l-ssec.

At the annual meeting of the South Vtairarapa Trotting C’.ub all '.he officers of last year were re-elected. Mr. W. W. Bicknell was elected treasurer. The stakes will be £5OO, as last year. During the year great improvements were made on the course. Twenty-five pounds were voted to the Belgian Fund. The club have a credit balance of £lll, and propose doing more improvements before next races.

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New Zealand Illustrated Sporting & Dramatic Review, Issue 1297, 4 March 1915, Page 17

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OTAHUHU TROTTING CLUB. New Zealand Illustrated Sporting & Dramatic Review, Issue 1297, 4 March 1915, Page 17

OTAHUHU TROTTING CLUB. New Zealand Illustrated Sporting & Dramatic Review, Issue 1297, 4 March 1915, Page 17

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