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(By “The Reefer.”)


From a sailing man’s point of view nothing could have been better than the weather on Tuesday for the big regatta, there being a crisp whole-sail easterly breeze, but the rowing folk had to go to the wall, the water being much too rough for the boats to compete, and these races were unavoidably postponed. The Huddart-Parker steamer Victoria, which acted as flagship, had plenty of patrons, and Captain Waller and his officers did everything possible to see that they were comfortable. Mr. Dacre, his committee, and the officers of the day worked hard to ensure success, and they must have been much gratified by the result. The sailing races were full of interest,, but want of space prevents any lengthy description. The traders’ race was not'so, ; successful as usual, there being but fiye starters, all of which were ketches,; The reason of this was that the genuine schoonerrigged scow has no chance with the ketch on a wind, and it might be advisable in the future to organise a second race. Something must be wrong when of all our big fleet of these vessels there was not a single starter. The first-class yacht race was robbed of much interest on account of an accident at the start, when Matangi and Hoana fouled, the latter losing her bowsprit. The race between Thelma and Ariki was a very pretty one, the former leading throughout. On the second round Thelma had Ariki pinned under her lee, both standing in towards the Devonport wharf. In a desperate effort to obtain the weather gauge Ariki got in too far, and took the ground for two or three minutes, and Thelma pulled out a lead, which Ariki soon reduced. She would have been closer at the finish, but on the final run set a ballooner, which was no use, instead of a spinnaker, and Thelma lifted away. In the cruisers’ race Rangatira sailed splendidly, and led all the way, winning without the handicap. All the other events were very keenly contested, some very even and exciting racing being seen. The results were as follows: — TRADING VESSELS. —Allcomers, any rig, excepting cutters; 20 tons register and upwards. Handicap. Course: Round Tiri. Entries and handicaps: Vesper, scratch; Albatross, scratch; Endeavour, 20min; Vixen, 20min; Tararawa, 30mm; Moonah. lhr lOmin; Fannie,

lhr 20min. Tararawa did not start. The finish was: —Vesper, 2hr Bmin 27sec; Albatross, 2hr llmin 12sec; Endeavour, 2hr 22min 12sec; Vixen, 2hr 31min 12sec; Moonah, 2hr 37min Isec. On time allowance the result was:— Moonah (A. Alison) 1 Endeavour (C. Kasper) 2 Vesper and Vixen a dead heat for third place. OPEN HANDICAP YACHT RACE (first-class). Course, 30 miles. Ariki, scratch; Thelma, smin; Rainbow, smin; Moana, 25min; Ngatira, 35min; Aorere, 38min; Matangi, 60 min. The finishing times were:— Thelma, lhr 43min 2sec; Ariki, lhr 44min 17sec; Rainbow, lhr 55min 57 sec; Ngatira, 2hr SOmin 41sec; Aorere, 2hr 32min 40sec; Matangi, 2hr 50min 56sec. On time 1 allowance the result was:— Thelma (Jagger Bros.) :... 1 Ariki (C. E. Horton) 2 Matangi (A. Alison) 3 FISHING BOATS. Handicap. Course, about 26 miles. Entries and handicaps:. Victory, scratch; Little Jim, lmin 30sec; Dolphin, 3min; White Heather, 4min 30 sec; Cooee, smin 30sec. The finish was: —Little Jim, 2hr 13min 7sec; Victory, 2hr 13min 25sec; Dolphin, 2hr 26min 19sec; White Heather, 2hr 29min 38sec; Cooee, 2hr 30min 12sec. On time allowance the result was:— Little Jim (T. Moody) 1 Victory 2 Dolphin 3 BONA-FIDE CRUISING YACHTS. Handicap. Not exceeding 30ft 1.w.1. Course: About 26 miles. Kotiri, scratch; Ladye Wilma, Bmin; Rangatira, Bmin; Thistle, 10% min; Windward, 11%min; Gloriana, 19min. The finish was: —Rangatira, 2hr 33min 9sec; Kotiri, 2hr 33min 40 sec; Ladye Wilma, 2hr 37min ssec; Windward, 2hr 41min 50sec; Thistle, 2hr 46min. Gloriana did not finishi On time allowance the result was: — Rangatira (A. W; Chatfield).... 1 Ladye Wilma (J. B. Graham)... 2 Windward (Adams Bros.) 3 HALF-DECKED CENTREBOARD YACHTS, 26ft overall and under, tuck stern. Handicap. Tere, scratch; Emerald, scratch: Glady, 4%min; Seagull, smin; Flora, smin; Maru, 6%min; Tiro, 7% min; Why Not, Olympia, llmin; Kamo, 15min; Mistletoe, 20min. The finishing times were: Emerald, 2hr 24min 2sec; Flora, 2hr 28min 13sec; Tere, 2hr 29min 23sec; Seagull, 2hr 35min 23sec; Tiro, 2hr 36min 4sec; Olympia, 2hr 35min 13sec; Glady, 2hr 40min 17sec; Maru, 2hr 40min 18sec; Mistletoe, 2hr 44min 43sec; Kamo, 2hr 48min ssec; Why Not, 2hr 56mm 35sec. On time allowance the result was: — Flora (E. Blackmore) 1 Emerald (A. Braund) ......... 2 Speedwell (W. A. Wilkinson) .. 3 YACHTS, not exceeding 26ft overall, keel (excluding yachts eligible for races Nos. 6 and 11. Handicap. Course: About 26 miles. ,>■ Wanderer, scratch; Bona, scratch; Rose, 3%min; Niobe, 6% min; Mavourneen, 12min; Mayo, 19min; Tukare, 27min. The finish was: —Bona, 2hr 48min 24sec; Wanderer, 2hr 50min 36 sec; Mayo, 3hr 2min 20sec; Rose, 3hr 40min 2sec. Mavourneen did not finish. The result on time allowance was: — Mayo (G. Franklin) 1 Bona (C. G. O’Brien) 2 Rose (Colson and Deacon) .. 3 DECKED OR HALF-DECKED YACHTS, 22ft overall amf under; bona-fide mullet stamp only. Handicap. Mowai, scratch; Hetty, 3%min; Essie, 6min; Seahorse, 9%min; Kowhai, 9% min; Maro, llmin; Princess, 11 min; Merlin, 12min; Roma, 12%min; Eileen, 13min; Rawhiti, 16% min; Ventura, 22min. A fine race resulted as follows: —Mowai, 3hr 4min llsec; Hetty, 3hr 9min 38sec; Essie, 3hr 23 min 28sec; Roma, 3hr 28min 3sec; Maro, 3hr 2Smin 15sec; Princess, 3hr 29min 35sec; Seahorse, 3hr 30min 14sec; Rawhiti, 3hr 31min 35sec; Eileen, 3hr 36min 2sec; Merlin, 3hr 36 min 23sec; Ventura, 4hrlOmin 4sec. On time allowance the result was:- — Mowai (A. Clare) 1 Hetty (C. Burke) 2 Rawhiti (F. J. Adeane) 3 OPEN BOATS, 16ft and under. Handicap. Laurel, scratch; Estrella, lmin; Lola, 2min Ailsa, 5% min; Romeo, 6% min; Mapu, 9min; Veldt, 9min; Isabel, 9min; Elsie, 9min; Rarere, 14 min; Maud, 15min.

All started except Isabel. The finish was: Veldt, 4hr 20min ssec; Lola, 4hr 21min 6sec; Ailsa, 4hr 26min 58 sec; Rarere, 4hr 34min 2sec; Mapu, 4hr 35min; Romeo, 4hr 37min 35sec; Else, 4hr 40min 15sec. The result was: — Veldt (J. W. Bruce) 1 Lola (J. Parker) 2 Rarere (R. H. Swales) 3 YACHTS OF PATIKI TYPE, 26ft overall and under. Handicap. Mohawk, scratch; Doreen, lmin; Aoma, lmin; Water Witch, 3%min; Valdora, 9%min; Wariho, lOmin. The finishing times were: Doreen, 3hr 27 min 25sec; Aoma, 3hr 34min 58sec; Water Witch, 3hr 38min 9sec; Valdora, 3hr 41min 17sec. On time allowance the result was: — Doreen (G. Mobberley) 1 Valdora (Fahey Bros.) 2 Aoma (J. T. Fearnley) 3 FISHING BOATS (motor and sails). Handicap. Trial, lhr; Vizandion, lhr 7min; Hero, lhr 9min 50sec; Kestrel, lhr lOmin. The finish was: —Kestrel, lhr 48min 6sec; Hero, lhr 50min 33 sec; Trial, lhr 53min 53sec; Vizandion, lhr 55min 7sec. MOTOR LAUNCH RACE (over 10 knots). Course: From south side of flagship between starter’s boat and flagship, thence round mark buoy near hulk Helen (flag), thence round mark buoy near hulk America, thence round Calliope Dock buoy, thence round mark buoy near mission vessel Southern Cross, finishing between markboat and south side of flagship. Twice round. Grey Witch (C. A. Whitney, scratch) 1 Slim Jim (T. M. Lane), 2min lOsec 2 Baby Lozier also started, but did not finish. Grey Witch won easily. MOTOR LAUNCHES (including steam). Open handicap. Over 7 knots and under 10 knots. Same course. Twice round. Zealandia (J. A. Gillett), 12min 50sec 1 Regal (T. Hunter), 9min 50sec.. 2 Shadow (D. Reid), lOsec 3 Kapai, Alleyne, Kotiro, Ripple, and Ferro also competed. Zealandia maintained the lead throughout, and covered the course in lhr 6min; Regal in lhr Bmin 34sec, and Shadow in 59min 12 sec. Kapai was fourth, and Kotiro fifth. MOTOR YACHTS (including steam), under seven knots. Same course. Once round. Ingred (W. J. Hicks), 6m 505... 1 Tempest (G. Sanford), scratch.. 2 Rangatira (Andrews and Lloyd;, 30sec .- 3 Billy Richardson, Talhoa, and L’Aiglon also started. Ingred was on the limit mark, and led all the way, crossing the winning line in 43min 50sec. Tempest took 37min 50sec to do the task, and Rangatira 39min 55sec.

The West End Rowing Club held very successful trial fours on Saturday, twelve crews competing, the final being won by T. Bell, C. Wykes, T. Bloomfield, and N. F. Cato (stroke). There were a large number of visitors present, who were hospitably entertained by a strong ladies’ committee. * * * * “ Stump trials” were rowed by members of the Auckland R.C., but lumpy water rather- spoilt proceedings. The winner of the final turned up in Hogan (4sec), who beat Jackson (30sec) by four lengths. The Royal N.Z. Yacht Squadron has on its programme for next Saturday a race in which a great deal of Interest is being taken. This is an ocean race, the course for which will probably be from Queen-street Wharf, round Canoe Rock (off Kawau), then across the gulf and round the Cow and Calf (off Coromandel), thence through the Sandspit passage, finishing at Mateatea. The distance is about one hundred miles, and it is probable that a good fleet will start. Entries close this afternoon at 2 p.m. at the Squadron Rooms. * » * * In comparing the two yachts, Rawhiti and Sayonara, it is interesting to note that their dimensions ' differ greatly. The Sayonara is the bigger boat. She is, however, older, having been built 10 years ago, while the Rawhiti has not yet been more than nine months afloat. The Victorian representative is a high boat, with high bulwarks, a typical cruiser, while the Rawhiti is a long, low boat. The fol-

lowing are the respective dimension*' of the yachts:—Sayonara: Length overall, 56ft; waterline, 36.9 ft; beam, 10.5 ft; draught, 7.7 ft; her total sail area is 2200 square feet. The Rawhiti’s measurements are: Length overall, 54ft; waterline, 36.8 ft; beam, 9.7 ft; draught, 7.2 ft; and a sail area of 1580 feet. The mainsail of the Rawhiti contains 913 square feet, against 1100 square feet on the Sayonara. The Rawhiti’s rating is 41.5, and the Sayonara’s 42.4. * * * « The Sayonara Cup is a big tree that has grown out of a small seed (says the Sydney “ Mail.”) A jocular remark, casually thrown out by a visitor from Sydney, when out for a sail in Port Phillip with Mr. Gollin, on the Sayonara, was the foundation of the whole matter. Report hath it that this remark, uttered in fun, was to the disparagement of the speed of Melbourne boats, but it was as a match to gunpowder. Within a few months a cup had been put up by the two Sydney yacht clubs, the Royal Sydney Yacht Squadron and the Prince Alfred Yacht Club, and the challenging Sayonara was in Sydney Harbour. We know the result of the three races that took place between her and Mr. Herbert Binnie’s Bona, flying the burgee of the squadron. On the Sayonara’s return to Melbourne, with the cup in her locker, Mr. Gollin presented it as a perpetual challenge cup, to be raced for by yachts not exceeding 52ft, linear rating, belonging to the Royal Yacht Club of Victoria, and the two Sydney clubs above mentioned. The deed of gift closely follows the American document; the condition as to sailing to the waters of the defending club being included with a further condition to the effect that challenges must be sent in before April 1 of the year preceding that in which the contest is to take place. This last condition was generously waived by the Victorians in the case of the present contest. The match is now over, and the Sayonara, who won the Cup for her club three years ago, has successfully defended the attack that New South Wales has just made upon it. This vessel, which was built more than ten years ago, is still a champion. It has .been said by one who knows that “Willie Fife, of Fairlie, never built a bad boat,” and it may perhaps truly be said that he never built a better one than the craft under notice. Measuring a linear rating a little more than the Bona and the Rawhiti, she is, unlike them, a ship which can take the sea without serious discomfort to her crew. High-sided, of big depth, and of great stability, she is one of the best representatives of a wholesome and seaworthy craft; and the speed element has not .been neglected, as is shown by her two victories. Just when it was not wanted the wind breezed up hard on Saturday afternoon, and this rather spoilt the 30-knot race for the Standard Cup, the course for which was from Queenstreet Wharf round Motutapu and Rangitoto and return. The entries were: Regal, Kapai, Alleyne, Emerald, Geisha, Tawhiri, Ripple, Kaitere, Standard, Camper, Shadow, Ferro. Geisha and Ferro did not compete. The times of starting were: Regal, 2hr; Kapai, 2hr 2min 30sec; Alleyne, 2hr smin; Emerald, 2hr Bmin 30sec (50sec late) ; Tawhiri 2hr 14min 30 sec (30sec late); Ripple, 2hr 22min 30sec; Kaitere, 2hr 22min 30sec; ■Camper, 2hr 26min; Shadow, 2hr 28 min. Good speed was made out to the Motutapu passage, where a considerable sea was encountered, the result being that Alleyne, Camper, Emerald, Kaitere, and Tawhiri retired from the race. Regal stuck to the lead, but at one time it seemed as though Shadow would catch her, but the latter had a mishap to the engine. The finishing times were: Regal, shr 58min ssec; Shadow, shr 58 min 30sec; Kapai, 6hr 3min lOsec; Ripple, 6hr 4min 12sec. ■» * * * In the race for the Porter trophy the entries were: Ta wiki, Iri, Venture Sunbean, Edna, Zealandia. Rangatira, Tempest, Eagle, Taihoa. Venture, Zealandia, and Eagle did not compete. The times of starting were: Tawiki, 3hr; Iri, 3hr 2min 55 sec; Sunbeam, 3hr lOmin 2sec; Edna, 3hr 12min 32sec; Rangatira, 3hr 17 min 12sec; Tempest, 3hr 17min 44 sec; Taihoa, 3hr 19min 34sec (lmin late). This was over a seven-knot course, Tempest scoring a good win. The order at the finish was: Tempest, 4hr 21min Bsec; Iri, 4hr 22min ssec; Edna, 4hr 24min; Sunbeam, 4hr 24 min SOsec; Tawiki, 4hr 25min 30sec; Rangatira, 4hr 26min. Tempest therefore wins.

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New Zealand Illustrated Sporting & Dramatic Review, Volume XV, Issue 882, 31 January 1907, Page 12

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AQUATICS. New Zealand Illustrated Sporting & Dramatic Review, Volume XV, Issue 882, 31 January 1907, Page 12

AQUATICS. New Zealand Illustrated Sporting & Dramatic Review, Volume XV, Issue 882, 31 January 1907, Page 12

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