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The popular Winter fixture of the Wanganui Jockey Club was opened on . Queen’s Birthday, with somewhat indifferent weather. During the previous day and night, and also on the morning of the Birthday, rain fell in considerable quantity; but towards the time for starting the programme the clouds broke, and fairly good weather was experienced for the rest of the day. The wet made the track somewhat slow, but was not sufficient to deaden it, and hence the times were not so slow as one would imagine, considering ,the circumstances. This year the Club excluded bookmakers, their clerks, or agents. A portable stand was made for the convenience of Stewards appointed to watch the running, but I did not see it in use during the day. Messrs Naylor and Spirggens worked the totalisators, and during the day manipulated the sum of £6,906 with promptness and despatch. The sum put through on the corresponding day of last Winter Meeting was £5,064, so, therefore, the Qlub this year show the substantial increase of £1,842, All the officials of the Club worked with a will to ensure the success of the meeting, and as a consequence everything passed off smoothly. The racing during the day was of an interesting nature, and in a couple of instances rattling good finishes were witnessed. Details of the events are given below. The Wanganui Garrison Band interpreted a nice programme, and helped materially to make the time pass in an enjoyable manner. The following are the details of the day’s running : — The programme was opened with the Flying Handicap, for which all the acceptors (12) went to the post. The public fancy was Toa, who carried £249 on the machines, with Return (153), and Female Franchise (117) next in order. The others were all standing to pay good dividends — Light being the complete outsider of the mob. There was a little .delay at the post, Light evidently being a bit disinclined to face up to the barrier. When the tapes finally went up the grey mare (Female Franchise) took command with The Hempiej the others close up, bar Indian Shot, who got very badly away, and occupied the year position throughout the journey. Female Franchise stuck to the lead, being closely attended towards the bend by Aquatic. Once heads were turned for home, the field closed up, several being under the whip, and the. race looked a good thing for Femalp Franchise, but when fair into straight Leda—with a bandaged foreleg— shot up on the rails, and settling Franchise’s pretensions, won without any great effort by fully a length and a-half from the grey mare, with Toa a fair third. The distance was covered in Imin 19 3-ssecs

which must be considered a satisfactory go, considering the wet condition of the track. The little daughter of Castor and Welcome Katie paid the nice dividend of £l9 17s, in which, I understand, the owner and trainer (Mr W. Davies) participated. I believe this is the first evenf Leda has won over six furlonge.

The Steeplechase was a really fine and pretty race throughout. The whole eight figured on the card went to the post, and after a little delay Mr Chavannes despatched them to an excellent start. Muscatel went to the front, but Johnson soon steadied her. The field jumped beautifully for the first round, Hilda 11. leading past the stand, with the rest handy, bar Bradshaw, who was second last, Whangaroa making a faulty jump at the gorse leading into the straight and dropping back last. At the water jump in the middle of the course both Bradshaw and Hilda 11. went out, but fortunately their riders were uninjured. The other six then took compact form, with Kanaka and Tally-ho in the lead, the others handy, Muscatel last. On the second round, of the double in front of the stand, Kanaka going strong led with Tally-ho next, the rest handy, Muscatel last. Going on the last round Johnson began to send Muscatel along, and just after leaving the straight bend the mare had joined the others, making a regular compact lot. There was not much change till the gorse jump near the straight was reached, when Kanaka fell, and Tally-ho came to grief through falling over the black horse. Whangaroa then had command, and coming into the straight it looked a good thing for him, but Muscatel here put in her claim, and both ran to the hen coop (the last jump) together. Both cleared well, but Whangaroa, when he landed, appeared to have had enough, for he made a bore in. Cochrane, however, quickly straightened him up, and an interesting finish seemed in prospect, but Johnson drove along Muscatel with the whalebone, and drawing away from the fast tiring Whangaroa the Foul Shot mare won by clear two lengths, Bradshaw a good third. Kanaka was ridden in by an out eider. The dividend was £6 7s. Whangaroa (415) was favorite with Kanaka (383) next in favor. The ti e was 6min 29secs When the winner returned to scale Johnson received three hearty and well deserved cheers. The same mare with the same pilot up won the same event last year. Kanaka was badly cut on the off stifle through the fall he sustained. Muscatel had been under offer to an Auckland sportsman for some time, and negotiations were conducted rig it up to the morning of the race, but the parties could not agree as to the price, and the sale fell through. To show ho« far negotiations went it might be stated that Mr Marsack, the Wanganui vet, examineJ the mare in her box at the Criterion Hotel at 10 o’clock in the morning of the race. After the event it was reported that it was no race, on the alleged ground that the wrong course had been taken ; but the stewards soon dispelled any doubt by orderi g the “pay out” within a few minutes after t he finish.

Four out of nine acceptors went out for the Hunter’s Steeplechase —namely, Electro (Mr J. Bull, junr.), Robin Hood (Mr J. B. Vallance), Stilts (Mr D. Christie), The Clown (Mr W. Gordon). The Clown lost his chance at the first jump by unseating his rider, and Electro fell at the gorse jump leading into the straight on the first round—this left Stilts and Robin Hood in the race. Stilts led Robin Hood all the way. Coming to the hen coop (the last jump) both horses were close together. Stilts led over, and coming on under the whip w on by three lengths. The Clown was remounted and completed the course. Time, 7mins lOsecs. Dividend, £3 Is. The eight on the card went out to contest the Hurdle Race. The field was despatched to an even start. Nipapu at once went to the front, and led over the first jump, closely followed by Flying Shot and Hangfire. Troubadour jumped wide, and at the second jumpTataramoa fell. Nipapu still showed the way on the first round, and passing the stind her nearest attendants were Marina and Hangfire. Going round the far side Marina and Hangfire joined Nipapu, and dispossessed her of the lead. Marina then led, closely followed by Hangfire. The last jump Marina cleared in good style, but Hangfire —who was running close under the whip—struck, and partially unseated his rider, W; Scott, who hung on for a chain, and then made a good landing on his feet, pulling the horse up at the same time. Marina won easily, with Nipapu se. ond, and Nayborn third. Social Pest held a rear position nearly all the way. Flying Shot fell back beaten a bit over the 1 miles. lime, 4mins 8 l-ssecs. Dividend, £2 17s. Tne winner was the absolute favorite, with Hangfire next, and Nipapu third in demand. There was no doubt but that Marina was given a great cha l ce when she was weighted at 9st 51bs. Seven went out to contest the Hack Hurdles, Tangahoe and La Volta being scratched. When the field had gone a bit over a mile Derry, Wo> loomooloo, and Frost singled themselves out from the field. At the last fence the trio rose almost simultaneously, and once landed whips were out on all three, but Derry stayed best, and drawing out won by half a neck ; same distance between second and third. The Fox fell at the back, but neither mare nor rider was hurt. Derry was favourite, with Wooloomcoloo next in demand. The dividend was £3 Bs, and the time 2mins 56secs. Kanaka, Barbarossa, and Bradshaw were struck out of the Suburban Steeplechase, leaving five to contest the event Watershot soon put his backers out of court by falling at the first jump, a gorse fence leading to the bend in the straight. Faughaballagh, Venture, and 'lhe Friar then raced in order, Highlander lying fourth a good w~y behind. Much the same order was maintained till passing the stand the second time, when Friar was sent along, and rounding out of the straight he took command, Venture next, and then Highlander, who made up ground rapidly, with Faughaballagh handy. Nearing home Highlanfer ran up to Friar, and hung to him for a time, but could not sustain the effort. At the last jump Friar led, but once over Venture put in a challenge, and

Johnson had to lightly touch-up Friar, who won by two lengths ; Highlander ran third. Time smins 43 l-ssecs. Dividend, £3 7s. The six named on the card went out for the Hack Flat. Whitney and Carronade raced away for six furlongs, when Southerly Buster and Coralinn joined issue. Once in the straight Dartmoor shot up under the whip, and collaring the leaders a couple of chains from the post ran home by half a length from Southerly Buster, who was a length ahead of Ooralinn. The dividend was £2 18s. Time, 2min 17sec.

Second Day—Thubbday, May 25.

The weather for the second day wss showery and threatening, and the course was much heavier than on the first day. Proceedings opened with the Winter Oats Handicap, one mile and a half, for which the eight acceptors went out. Toa was favorite, with Leda and Rubin the next fancies. From a fairly even start Taplow, the stable mate of Rubin, went to the front, with Return and Light next, and the others handy. Taplow held a commanding lead past the stand, with Return next, and Light third. At the far side Taplow still led, but at the far bend he gave way to Return, who shortly afterwards put a break on the field, and entered the straight with a clear lead. Once heads were turned for home Return still held a good lead and appeared to be winning easily, when Leda came with a run, but could not quite get up, Return winning by about a ength, with Light a good third. Toa, Bona Fide, and Rubin close up The mile and a half was covered in 2min 50sec, and tho dividend was £2B ss. There were twenty-four investors on the winner. Five went out for the Second Handicap Hurdles, two miles. Marina was installed favorite, with Hangfire next in order. At the itart Nipapu was taken to the front, and continued there till the first jump was negotiated, when she was displaced by Tataramoa A couple of furlonge further on Nipapu again took the lead, and the order past the stand was —Nipapu, lataramoa, and Marina, with Nayborn and Hangfire haady. At the far side Marina went to the front, and Hangfire improved his position, eventually taking second place on the bend for the straight. Marina came on full of running, and won easily by several lengths, a gap between second and third. Time, 3min 59sec. The total on the machine was 872, and the divided £1 17s. Eight went out for the Grandstand Steeplechase, Bradshaw being the only absentee. From an even start Barbarossa went to the front, the others being handy, Watershot last. Going out of the straight Barbarossa, Whangaroa, Hilda IL, and Muscatel were in the order, with the others handy, bar Watershot, who baulked at the jump before the water was reached. Jumpiig out through the plantation Hilda 11. unseated her rider, and doister broke down about here. Coming pistthe stand again Whangaroa led from Barbarossa, Tally-ho, and Muscatel. Going round the far side aily-ho.wrested the lead from Whangaroa, who with Barbarossa began to fail. Muscatel here ran into second place, and took after Tally ho, who was going well. Tally-ho led over the gorse, the second to last jump, with Muscatel handy. Racing to the hen-coop Muscatel, under the whip, reduced the gap. Tally ho jumped the hen-coop just ahead, and looked to be winning easily, but Johnson sat down on Muscatel and drove her along, compelling Redmond, on Tally-ho, to work hard, the latter winning by about two lengths, Barbarossa a good third. Whangaroa collided with a Chinaman who, having invested a ticket on the winner, foolishly attempted to run across the straight to see about the dividend as the horse was being eased up. The Celestial was winded, but not seriously injured. He was attended to by the hon. surgeon of the club, Dr Tripe, and his ambulance corps. The race was run in smin 21sec. Dividend, £5 Ils. Cloister broke down in the race. The nine figured on the card went out fur the Hunters’ Hurdles. Mangamahu led for about one and a-half miles, when b tilts collared him, and took the lead over the second last jump. Stilts held his advantage over the last fence, when Mangamahu made some semblance of an effort. Robin Hood was third; the others nowhere. Both first and second prads were in the nomination of the same owner, but they were not bracketed in the machine. When the horses returned to the enclosure to weigh in there was a wild demonstration against them. The dividend was £6 6s, and the time was 4mins lOsecs. Mangamahu was a red hot favourite in the betting. Five went out to contest the Hack Hurdles, Derry being the only absentee. The race is easily described. Frost held a good command half-a-mile from home, > nd kept it to the post, winning by several lengths fiom Silver Ray, with Wooloomooloo third. The dividend was £2, and the time was 3min 3secs. Seven went out for the Final Steeplechase. Friar and Faugh-a-ballagh went off - ith the lead, the others haniy. Faugh-a-ballagh led at the second jump, where Barbaroosa fell, and brought down Ihe Friar. Passing the stand Faugh-a-ballagh began to drop back. Venture was in the lead over the double, which Faugh a ballagh struck hard. The water jump proved fatal to the chance of Hangfire. VVhen the field came into view after pissing behind the plantation Sir Athol was in the lead, and maintaining it to the post, won by four or five lengths from Venture, who was some thiee lengths in front of Faugh-a-ballttgh ; Bradshaw fourth. Tin e, 4mins 22 2-5 secs. Dividend, £l3 Is. Seven was the main for the Hack Flat, Dr. Bill and Matarawa being scratched Dartmoor was fractious at the post,, and delayed the start, but Mr Chavannes finally got the field away on even terms. Dartmoor drouped back last, and going down the far side it looked as if he would never make up the ground. However, with a strong run he collared the leaders before the straight was reached, and coming away won all out by a couple of lengths from Whitney; Coralinn, third. Time, Imin 52secs. • Dividend, £2 10s.

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New Zealand Illustrated Sporting & Dramatic Review, Volume IX, Issue 462, 1 June 1899, Page 12

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WANGANUI JOCKEY CLUB’S WINTER MEETING. New Zealand Illustrated Sporting & Dramatic Review, Volume IX, Issue 462, 1 June 1899, Page 12

WANGANUI JOCKEY CLUB’S WINTER MEETING. New Zealand Illustrated Sporting & Dramatic Review, Volume IX, Issue 462, 1 June 1899, Page 12

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