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Orange Blossoms.

NOTICE TO OCCASIONAL CORRESPONDENTS. All copy intended for publication, in these columns must reach the office, not later than Saturday morning, in order to ensure insertion in the current issue.

NICOLL— MASTERS. Of F VERY pretty wedding was solfl I emnised at Havelock on May 29, a f A the contracting parties being Miss Emily Emma May Masters, daughter of Mr. W. Masters, of Havelock North, and Mr. George A. Nicoll. The wedding took place at the residence of Ute bride’s parents, Te Moe. The . Rev. T. J. Wallace officiated. The bridesmaids were Misses Myrtle Masters, sister of the bride, and Miss Minnie Nicoll, sister of the bridegroom. Mr. L. Nicoll supported big brother in the capacity of best man. The bride was charmingly attired in a grey silk poplin dress, trimmed with fringe and tucked net. She also wore the customary veil and orange blossoms and carried a shower bouquet. Miss Myrtle Masters, chief bridesmaid, wore a white embroidered muslin frock, and Miss Minnie Nicoll was dressed in white silk. Both parried crooks ornamented with long streamers. The bridegroom's present to the bride was a gold watch and to each bridesmaid a gold pendant and chain. GRI EG —H EN DERSON. A quiet but pretty wedding was solemnised at St. John's (Siurch, Wanganui, recently, when Miss Ruby Henderson, only daughter of the late Mr T. G. Henderson, of St. John's Hill, Wanganui, was married to Mr M. M. Grieg. ' The Rev. Cyril Harvey officiated. The bride, who was given away by her brother, looked charming in a beautiful grnvn of white charmeuse, with chiffon and lace on her bodice. She wore a flowing veil of white tulle and a coronet of orange blossoms. A reception was afterwards "held at. Mr Bignall’s residence, when, in a happy speech by the Rev. C. Harvey, the health of the bride and bridegroom was honoured. They left by the midday train en route to South Africa, which is to be their future home. LAWSON—HURFIT. A quiet but pretty wedding was solemnised on May 22 at- St. Luke's. Rotorua, the bride and bridegroom being respectively Miss Hazel Kathleen Hurfit, only daughter of the late Mr G. Hurfit. and Mrs Hurfit, of “Glenesk," Valley-road. Mount Eden, and Mr Dean Wallace Lawson, eldest son of Mr H. Wallace Lawson, of Symonds-street. The Ven. Archdeacon Tisdall officiated at the ceremony- The bride looked smart in a tweed travelling costume, and brown hat, and carried a lovely shower bouquet. The happy couple are spending their honeymoon at Rotorua, and leave for their home, Mount Elen, next week. HUGHES— Iock. A very pretty wedding was solemnised List Wednesday afternoon in the Baptist Tabernacle, Auckland, the contracting parties being Mr Charles Henry Hughes, of Mount Eden, to Aliss Cassie Lock, elder daughter of Mr Jethro Loc-k, of Auckland. The Rev. Knowles Kempton, assisted by Mr John Bissett, officiated. The bride entered on her father's arm. Bhe wore a eharming dress of cream silk eolienne. richly trimmed with lace and pearls, with the orthodox veil and orange blossoms, and carried a magnificent shower bouquet. She was attended by her sister. Mias Elsie Lock, as bridesmaid, who wore an exquisite dress of pale grey silk voile, prettily trimmed with cream lace, with large black hat, relieve 1 with pale pink. She also carried a shower bouquet. Little Miss Eileen Clark, in a dainty dress of shell pink, carrying a pretty basket of flowers, preceded the bride as she left the church. Mr Hughes was attended by Mr J. Toibet as best man. After the ceremony the guests were entertained by Mr and Mrs Lock at the Queen's Hall, where a sumptuous repast awaited them, and a most enjoyable evening followed. The happy couple left for Sydney on Monday by the Maheno.

MARR—HUTCHINSON. A pretty wedding was solemnised at Mimosa Dow ns, At alton. at the residence of the bride’s parents, when Mr. Erie Marr, third son of the late Mr. Charles Marr, Richmond, Yorkshire, was married to Aliss Abi Esther Hutchinson, thirl daughter of Mr. Charles Quinn Hutchinson. The Rev. C. E. Stewart, of Matamata, officiated. The bride was attired in a richly-embroidered linon dress, and wore a wreath and veil, and carried a shower bouquetof sweetpeas and Easter daisies. Miss Almo Hutchinson, bridesmaid. wore a white embroidered gown, with black picture hat, and bouquet. The bridegroom was supported by Mr. George M. Hutchinson as best man. After the wedding breakfast was partaken of, Air. and Airs. Alarr left by motor for Aforrinsviile. en route for Auckland. lhe bride’s going-aw.iv dress was a navy serge costume, with velvet hat en suite. BARLTROP—< LARK. A quiet wedding was solemnised at St. James's Church, W<4l:ngton--treet, last week. when Barbara Campbell, fourth daughter of Mr. James Clark, was married to Mr. Donald Barltrop. of New Lynn. Auckland. The bride was given away by her father. The bridesmaid was Miss Margaret L. Clark, sister of the bride, and her brother. Mr. Thos. R. Clark acted as best man. The reception was held at Air. Walter B'J.hanan’s rooms, when about 40 guests sat down to the wedding breakfast. The ceremony was performed by the Rev. Mr. Murray. DREW RAISE. On Wednesday morning, June 5. at St. Lake’s Church (Christchurch!, Aliss U. Raine, youngest daughter of Air. J. Raine (Timaru) was married to Dr. Drew, also of Timaru - The ceremony was performed by Canon Sedgewick, vicar of the parish. The bride and bridegroom left later in the day for Australia en route for England. KINDER—( RAIG. St- Paul's Church. Symonds-street, was the scene on Alonday, June 3, of an unusually large and interesting wedding. Long before the appointed hour the church was crowded with spectators, and the gathering overflowed on to the footpath and road outside of the church. The bride was Miss Hazel Craig, eldest daughter of Mr. J. J. Craig, one of the best known citizens of Auckland, and the bridegroom Dr. A. Kinder, of Hulme Court, Parnell. The church was decorated. and the ceremony, which was fully choral, was performed by the Rev. C. A. B. Watson, vicar of St. Paul's. The bride entered the church on the arm of her father, by whom she was given away, and followed by her four attendant maids, the choir meanwhile singing “The Voice That Breathed O'er Eden” She looked very handsome in a lovely robe of rich duchesse, cut on very plain lines, with court train; one side of the bodice was drafted with duchess point lace, the top of the bodice finished with a dainty wreath of tiny orange blossom buds and leaves; from the left shoulder to the end of the train was an effective drapery of this beautiful lace, daintily caught at intervals with wreaths of myrtle and orange blossoms, while the train was lined with the palest pink ninon, one comer of which was turned back, showing rucked pink ninon. A lovely veil of Limerick lace was arranged in the form of a cap, with a wreath of myrtle orange blossoms. and a shower bouquet of white flowers completed a beautiful bridal toilette. There were four bridesmaids, Miss Connie Craig (sister of the bride). Miss Nellie Waller. Miss Mary Oliphant, and Miss Jennie Niccol. who made quite a charming picture in their quaint toilettes, which wore somewhat reminiscent of the early Victorian period, made of palest pink charmeuse satin en Princess, the bodices cut low, and draped with fichus of JJmerick lace crossed in front and taken to the

«>ack and finished with long ends, hel* in place with buitches of cerise satir berries. Fascinating mob caps of L : ; erick lace with bands of mink f ir an clusters of cerise berries, delight i: round posey bouquets of shaded p:n’. flowers, made a charming finish. Thbridegroom presented the bride with lovely diamond and pearl earrings, an ' • the bridesmaids with daintv silver cha r ■>ag». The bridegroom was attended bv Dr. Fenwick as best man, am' Drs \\a! ton and Tewsley and Mr. F. Viekermar ■were groomsmen. The bride’s travelling frock was in a lovely shade of paste! pink cloth, the corsage trimmed with handsome Oriental galon and fine lace: a tunic skirt opened in front, showing a soft silk sash of palest pink a lovely hat in a soft shade of nattier blue grey tagel straw sharply -turned up at the back, lined with pink roses and massed with the same lovely flowers and a superb mole coat, the gift of the bride's father, was a lovely finish to this charming toilette. After the ceremony a very large num ber of invited guests drove out to “Oman*,” Mountain road, residence of the bride's parents, where a reception was held. “Omana" is a charming house for entertaining, possessing as it dees a fine ballroom approached by a covered way prettily decorated with psl.os and ferns. The guests upon arrival were received by Mr and Mrs Craig, who stood just within the main hall and then pass ed on to the drawing-room, where the bridal pair, surrounded by their attendants, stood in a large bay under a lovely floral wedding bell, receiving the congratulations of their friends. The lovely collection Of wedding presents were arranged in the dining-room, and among the gifts was a grand piano from the bride’s mother and a niimler of cheques, including one from her father. Tlie ballroom was converted into a cosy drawingroom, where in the centre a dainty wedding tea table was Hid, with the massive cake in the place of honour. The customary toasts were honoured. The Rev. Canon Mac Murray proposed the bride and bridegroom, an 1 Hr Kinder made a happy response an 1 proposed the bridesmaids, to which Dr Fenwick responded in a happy vein. The Rev. MacFarlane proposed the bride's parents, and Air J. J. Craig responded. Boon after the happy couple drove a«-jr amidst a shower of confetti. Mrs Craig wore a very handsome frock t>f pale mauve charmeuse satin, with overdress of ninon beautifully embroidered in a raised design of amethyst, reseda green toque to match, and a lion

quct of roses completed her toilette; Mrs Craig, sen., grandmother of the bride, •wore a handsome black silk gown with touch of white, and a black bonnet; Miss Kinder, sister of the bridegroom, mole cloth coat and skirt. Mack picture hat ■with Mack laineer plumes, and fox furs; •Mrs John Kinder (Gisborne),hirbwn cloth coat and skirt, black hat with white plumes; Mrs Ernest Craig, grey eharmeuse satin frock, black hat: Mrs 11. Craig, smart, eroam cloth coat and skirt finished with Oriental trimmings, and a pretty hat; Mire Craig, nattier blue crepe de chine, and hat to match; Mrs Brabant, grey crepe de chine, pretty grey hat; Mrs E. Islnrie, smart navy blue coat and skirt, black beaver hat; Mrs Hood; Mrs .Arthur Myers, smart green Rattean coat and skirt trimmed with skunk fur, large black velvet hat with white plumes, and lovely black fox furs; Mrs J. 11. Upton, black silk, and a toque of dark blue velvet, and funs; Miss Nellie Upton, cream cloth coat and skirt, mole hat with saxe blue wings; Mrs Murdoch McLean, dark coat and skirt, black and ■white hat; Miss Stella McLean looked charming in a smart blue coat and skirt, and a lovely blue hat massed with shaded red roses;* Miss Bertha Butler wore a pretty brown frock with hat to match; Miss Nation ; Wellington). smart blue tailored suite, and a becoming little fur hat with lace frill; Mrs Lucas Bloomfield wore a lovely grey crepe de chine frock, the bodice had blue embroideryon it veiled with grey ninon, and a prettyhat io match; Mns W. R.Holmes wore a pretty- black and white toilette with touch <>f Oriental embroidery, black hat with white plumes; .Mrs Harry Bloomfield wore a smart frock in a soft shade of nattier blue velvet, the bodice .was composed of pale blue and gold embroidery veiled with ninon, a blue hat with deep cream osprey ft: Miss Grierson, soft shade

of xieux rose; Miss Betty Grierson looked pretty in grey cloth, white fur hat ; Mrs I’. Oliphant wtne a smart black cloth frock, with bodice of gold net veiled with black ninon over white, black hat: Mrs Lindsay wore grey charmeuse and hat to match; Mrs Waller, sen., wore sx mole frock, smart black charmeuse coat, ami a small hat of deep amethyst velvet ami fur; Mrs Fred Waller wore a mole cloth skirt, smart mole velvet short coat with lovely lace revers, black hat . overml with one lovely white Lancer plume; Mrs Nelson wore a black toilette; Mrs L. J. Bagnall, mole cloth with black and white bonnet, lovely grey ostri.h feather boa; Mrs Braithwaite, ere.nn cloth coat and skirt, black hat; Mrs 11. Bagnall, eream cloth, black and white hal : Mrs Edmund Mahoney, smart putty soloiireil cloth frock handsomely braided, nattier and mole charmeuse hat: Mrs Greig wore grey; Miss Nesta Thomas. stone grey cloth trimmed with fur. Mack <atin hat; Mrs Edmiston wore a lovely toilette of blue; Mrs ElHott Davis wore a -mart blue and red froek. Wa.k hat covered witli feathers; Mrs Noel IGmford. amethyst cloth coat and skirl, amethy-t and xieux rose hat; Mrs Louis Aly er,-. black and handsome sable fur-: Mi-- Kuby Uoleman, .ream cloth and hat. to match; Mrs Buckleton, dark tailored to-tumc. smart hat; Misses Towle; Mrs Eowhl-, dark eoat and skirt; black hat: Mrs K. Isaacs looked smart in a grey < oat and skirt, black hat with white plumes; Mrs Holgate, smart blue coal and -kirt. and a black toque with white h-.itherw: Mr- Baker, iron grey and a hat with white plumes; Mrs ,1. M. •Brigham, nattier blue cloth, with hat of lh< -amt .olour trim me I with wing-: Mrs < -petall.l -avage. -mart tailored blue •oat and skiit. ha: with fur and lace and a tom-1 of ' ri-c. ami handsome fur-: Mr- V\ . Elliot, grey frir k, hat with lovely nattier blue plume; Mrs Harold Gregson. -mart navy blue eoat and skirt, blank liat with fu and bum lies ~f violets; M’. Grant, mole cloth beaut i fully emir..:.l. piettx hat to mat h *» ,:i ' - Mints M.’j Ml-- D11..H1. Nolan wore a -mart . ream eli.tli fi<,.k. beautifully braided, 1.1 a k Velvet hit, ,i. 1.1 whit,. t,, x f llrs: xjiss A ‘ ami, ah.l ~ pretty 1>»: \!.. Wat-.-n. lavender grew radminre mid a 1.l , k and white i.'Mr- W. < . ... .. , 1 , • cloth coat an.l skirt .in.l hi; to’h; Mr« Rdoh ,l,rk I ’■ -■ brown fu, ' Mrs I la g .- I the 1()s and g.roiHu-no n to dinner at the Grand Hotel, ami afterwards to a theatre natty. The folio,ting night a verv jollv impromptu Jan e wa- given at “tinfana ” which was a great eircvess.

BATES—CAM PBELL. A very pretty wedding wus celebrated at St. Barnabas’ Church, Mount Eden, when Elsie May, eldest daughter of Herbert’Campbel I, late of Toorak t Melbourne, and John E. Bales, eldest son of John Bates, of Christchurch, were married, the ceremony being performed, by (he Bev. J. MeFarlande. The bride* who was given away by her father, wore an uncommon gown of white charmeuse, the front panel ornamented with sprays of handmade water lilies, the centre being <»f tiny seed pearls; the long court train lined with shell-pink satin and ornamented the same way. turned.up at oir* corner with a spray of orange blossom; lhe cross-over bodice was finished with Mechlin hue and a girdle of orange blossoms; the tulle veil was worn over a jnob cap of Mechlin lace and orange blossom. She carried a sheath of lilies in silver holder. The bridesmaid was her only sister. Miss Irene Campbell, who wore a shell-pink charmeuse. with tunic of pink ninon bordered with tiny rosebuds and a girdle of the same. She wore a mob-cap of ’shell-pink tulle bordered with rosebuds, and carried a sheath of roses and ferns; an I wore a gold bangle (the gift of the bridegroom. Mr. R. Mc- ( lenan/of Christchurch, was best man. After the breakfast the happy couple left for Rotorua, the bride wearing a purple velvet frock and hat to match, their future home will be tin Christchurch. 11U—KIRJ<. A wedding of much interest at Petone took place there at St. Augustine\s < harsh on I uesday last, the bride being Miss Janie Kirk, eldest daughter of Mr. ami Mrs. C. Kirk, and the bridegroom Mr. Denis Hursthouse, Jx>wer Hutt. The Key. <l. Stephenson, vicar of the parish, assisted by the Rev. Joshua Jones (Hutt) officiated. The service was a choral one; Mr. Andrews was at the organ. The church had.been prettily de-

corated for the occasion. The bride. who was given away by her father, looked extremely well in her bridal gown of cream satin, which was veiled in ninon and had touches of silver on the bodice; her veil, worn over a small coronal of orange blossoms, was a line lace one lent by a friend, in whose family it is an heirloom. The bridesmaids, Alisa. Wardrop and Miss Barnicoat (Palmerston North), wore pretty frocks of soft satin, one being pale pink, the other pale blue; and with these were worn fichus with apron effect of heliotrope chiffon, while their Dutch bonnets were carried out in the same tones and were most becoming. They both carried posies of violets. The bridegroom's present to the bride was a turquoise and diamond ring, ami to the- bridesmaids gold drop earrings. Mr. Callender (Napier) was best man.

A reception held after the ceremony by Mrs. Kirk at her residence. Although so late in the year, there were quantities of Howers- hydrangeas and late chrysanthemums, ami not a few primroses ami violets. Mrs. Kirk’s gown was of shot watered silk, mauve and rose being the predominating colours and toning' in with the bridesmaid’s dresses; her hat was of mole velvet with rose ami mauve plumes. L-ITTLE—TOWNSEN D. Tin- marriage of Miss Freda Town>eml M*cond daughter of Mr. F. Townsend, of Wellington, to Mr. Ernest Little took place at St. Mark s ('hurch on the.Hth June. I be K»w . F. Askew, otliciatc<l. The brill- . who was given away by her father, won* a handsome gown .of cr<-.mi satin with j>earl embroideries and of lace; Iht tulle veil was worn over a -mall wreath of orange blossom, and sir* carried a shower bouquet of white How••rs and maiden hair fern. The bndesmaids were Miss Ethel Townsend (chief), Miss Recti ♦ New Plymouth), and) Miss <ibidy< I’ownsemi. Hie two cider bridesmaids’ tKH-’ks w. re made of cream «harme>i«e wit li over-dre*s of ninon, one icing trimmed with silver and bead eml»roid»*ries and fringe, the other. being in the -ante fashion, but carried out in gold. I heir hat* wen* of black wlvei with garniture of *ilv*T lace am) r<»*<*- on one, on the other gold lare 'and a black vsprev. Little Mi** Gladx* f’owiiseml’s frock was • •I whits* crepe de -bine; with thb» she wore a pearl Juliet < ap ami earrit <1 a basket »*i viol *t«i. The la**t man was Mr. Douglas Litth* and the* grooiiiHiueu Mr. Harold Towiiaend and Mr. Weir. The In iilegnsmi’s present to the bride and hridt -iii Mid were diamond, wrings and to the other bridesmaid* gold b.»ngl***. Mi%

Townsend, the bride’s mother, wore a • gown of grey rharnteuMp with steel embroideries, grey stretched satin hat with black lancer feather ami large crims:o?i rose; her bouquet was of red carnations. Mrs. Aldridge (aunt of the bride) was in black silk voile with cream lace, white hut with black plumes: Mrs. Bartley (aunt of the bride) saxe blue velvet coat and skirt, blue hat; Miss Fabian, grey frock, grey hat with plumes; Miss Amy Barber, brown crystalline, brown hat. A reception was held during the afternoon at the residence of Mr. and Mrs. Townsend, Brougham-street. The house was beautifully decorated with flowers, over 200 guests being present. In the evening there was a dance. 'There were many beautiful gifts, including two presentations—one from the staff* of Messrs, rownseml and Paul. a. handsome silver rose-bowl; and the other from Messrs. I. Nathun and Co., silver tea and coffee service and entree dishes. Both -bride and bridegroom received a, number of cheques. When Mr. and Mrs. Little left on their wedding journey by motor the bride wore a brown cloth tait r-made braided in brown ami a brown velvet hat with roses: her furs were a stole and muff of seal.

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New Zealand Graphic, Volume XLVII, Issue 24, 12 June 1912, Page 61

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Orange Blossoms. New Zealand Graphic, Volume XLVII, Issue 24, 12 June 1912, Page 61

Orange Blossoms. New Zealand Graphic, Volume XLVII, Issue 24, 12 June 1912, Page 61

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