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Turf Gossip.



FIXTURES. &lay 23 and 24 -Wanganui J C. Winter •June 1 and 3 Dunedin J.C. Winter June 1,8, 5 AR.C. Winter V. Coleman will ride Master Theory In the Great Nuri hern Hurdles. r l lie Blue’ight gelding T ight Blue is no.V being trained at Ellerslie by R. Hall. . <F. Howard his been engaged to ride J ley ds lu the Great Northern Hurdles r .i he Highden pair. Boanerges and BiakeXiey, were shipped to Sydney. , The much discussed Napper is the Hon. 0 D. Ormond's sole representative in the Northerns. - A Attwood, the I’eilding trainer, has left i?r Sydney with the horses Keuniac and laptuhi Bell. promises 1 » be a big cxodu* of local jpyrtsnien to Australia after the A R.C. Winter Meeting. JV “ * "The full sister to Ruatangata, in E. rope’s charge, will in future be known B-? Carpal his. s A gelding which has had the now historic fl .-line of Titanic bestowed upon bin is the Jatest add:: ion to Frank Ross’ team. . The Now Z vi’and owned horse Bridge is feinted to be progressing satisfactorily in his Schooling at Caulfield. « The s • gelding Sedition has been flrod |«y l»r. Ring, .rd wi?l t in consequence, have to be treated t » a lengthy spell. •Xi he jumping horses Ileyboy and Ronnie Jean are at presen: working at Ellerslie Lader the charge of Frank Ross Tj he S« ' . pony Pairawaatu has again rit In in appearance a: Ellerslie, this lime under the charge of G. Malcolm. Th? Glads'one fiily Eady Gladstone, formerly trained at Ellerslie by A. Robertson, Is now a:i inmate of J. Rae's stable. The 4w«> year-old I annaeost was added ta the Jis' on Monday, and will in future figure in the nominations as a gelding. The Spalpeen gelding The Celt, recently purchased by Mr K. Walker, has gone into J. Cbaafe, juur.s, charge. | A g _ In t ntime, Mann- ' ■ ' - t o V g iul in com X’auy w.'.'a Sphinx. by C. Coleman. ’ Sah idan horse Armagh, whlc h •it s I g, is 1 L-V-t'd f . A R.C Winter Meeting. T;te . ory f S rplus a! TTawera does riot g: - him :ny ex*ra ; • •tad.ige i-r the Great N . a.-: a H. : j| es . y.-. I* La* despaired of get'• ng a ra-'e ■ King, and has i re t.rued bis oane:. EviF o lander Is to brought from J?.? ‘ his engagements at is 1 F.weral ?: the minor events at the gathering. A'ick'■»: i horsemen ridii g.• Ilawera were pretty s-.c..v-sfu:, B. Deeiuv l( >d J. c> sh-a 1 - S D" rs mquest fend W. P ' Toe I -, p. ; -’• ■Hug G»id,'i; i..»*p ’< one of the . nts for jumping honours, r.nd F : »rt--d to be making sausfa-.tory progress in his schooling. The s’ i’<e • ojupd-oiis B Mountain and Hutter -a er- sen a round of the schooling 1 ird les a: 1. • :*iie uu Thursday morning, the pa;r r«».:nd with-.’:: mishap. ‘The i stallion Sir Ln J 10. whLh Was r- -ntly l-K-ate-l at •oe M.inawatu K't.'l • »inp t s farm, ha* b**«*:» shipped t« Sy J ney. The Spt' : a gehl'ug The Ce’:. which \ « - hands, h;> new < ■ e ug M R Walker. A u I *>a ;mr‘ha* r from Australia w.i< ' ’ ' ’ reldi ng Jack iM.'ars! b an-wer. f» ir figure-, d. i Dot l-«d -j any business. Tip a a.- - h..»lrd over the bigger hurdle •»’ J • - .»n Thur-d iy n» •rwtng, lit 'Ci: ■< u> y * ■'. Bonny. Both f<*rv«»d wpR ♦ the la-t hurlle w is r«*arhe*l, wh; h Tlpoa . k bard, but did n ». lw<. her feet. T !*e Vi- k 1 h »r« • nan J. I»*erey w J . i •> • . W Qgiiini • » ride s<andy 1n • Ger -t HuMl-s. and wfl! nl* Lsv» «h* mo :»t on thA son of St. Paul lu th- G ra* Northern Hurdles Th -e< New Zealand Jo-key I V H witt. the Ciu* t Mi’tea Slake* on th* final

day of the Lincoln Spring Meeting on Eord Derby’s colt The Bauu, a son of the •Hobaitville sire, Merman. Hewitt also hart the mount on Mr 'l'. R. Dewar’s iiliy. by Forfareihlre from Kilkenny, which iinlsavd third to Air Leopold Rothschild’s 1 0.0-uiutn, uiutn, which is the first of Radium’s stock ta race.

Kopane la being tried at the illegitimate game, and mt Thursday morning was given a turn over the small hurdles, with F Howard in the saddle, bis display being batisfactory.

Old Omati is standing up to bis work %U right and on Thursday morning at Ellerslie was seent a schooling galop over a round or the hurdles in company with Blue Mount both feucing well.

IHie Southern trainer T Wilson, who recently purchased liady Georgia, has also secured a gelding by Maniapoto from Air. Goodwin, of Ilawera. and intends leaving for Melbourne with the pair at «n early date.

It is something of a surprise to see ITaniums name figuring in the nominations for the A R.C. Winter Meeting. It was thought that the last had been seen ou the turf of the daughter of l.eolantls some time ag».

In view of the approach of winter several new aspirants for jumping honours are being schooled at Ilawera, among which may be mentioned Park Tide, St. Toney, and Clemency, The former is said to shape well. It has been decided not to persevere with Dunborve over the big country, and iu future his work wilt be over the smaller fences. Dunborve alone was schooled over Ihe hurdles at Ellerslie the other morning, fencing slowly. The latest aspirant for jumping honours is Hyperion, which was schooled over the small hurdles lately at Ellerslie by F. Howard The sou of Soult does not show a great liking for the game, but got over the obstacles all right. A'. hougQi nothing definite has been decided upon, there is every probability of I>. Moraghan taking a trip to Australia in the spring, iu which case Prince iSoult and the 45ouR —Hotcherina and the Hierarch— Gweniad colts will be taken across. The appearance, of the weights for the Great Northern double has livened up interest in the events of a little. Presently and fhe Native are the favourites for the Hurdles, with Corax m. Antarctic, and Parttutu in most for the steeplechase. Mr IE R Mackenzie has disposed of the fcalvadau gelding Black Northern to Air. W Montgomery, the pri c paid being 4’»gns. Black Nurtheru will fu.lil his engagements at the A R.C Winter Meeting, and will then probably be taken across to the other When he was put up f »r sale at Randwick last month, Ireland was passed tn tit 7’JO guineas, Rud it was given out that the reserve on him w is 1000 guineas. Since then cable communication bus been entered into with the owner of the Kilcheran colt, and It is quite on the cards that a sale msy be reported any day now. The Monoform mare Monoplane is under offer to an Australian buyer. If no deal < omes off, Monoplane will be sent to the other side in charge of T A. Williams. Air. Mackenzie expresses his disgust with certain happenings re eiitly. and has determined not to race in New Zealand again until stipendiary stewards are appointed. At the end of April Hie leading sires in Australia and the amounts won by their stock were: —Maltster, £.*40,193; Wallace, £25.740; Flavns, £14.081; Ayr Laddie, Bobadil. £12,264; Positano. £9178; St. Alwyn*, £9IGO; and San Francisco, £Bir»S Maltster’s won 126 races and Ayr Laddie’s 118. Word from Napier’states that Continuance is putting in work over the big fences a? the Park. The Napier writer, ‘Tt: ' Squire.” says:—‘The son of Sabretaxhe makes light of his tasks, for he skims th** obstacles like a bird on the wing, and go.** on solidly with his galloping ju>t as if tber-* was no exertion required to get t.» the other side of th.? fences. The horse Master Suult was offered f »r sale at by the N.Z. Loan and Mer -autile < •>. yesterday, and at 135gns was knocked d iwu to Nir C, H-xklna, of Waiuku At the price Master Sou It is the cheapest proposition In h-»r>eflesh s«>ld in Auckland for some time, and it is only a year or ago that 2«>»gns was refused for him Th* H r bki-s hors- Martella, which hn st the etud for Lho past three seasons. Is again in work at 1 -ibling, and Is, so far, standing well to his tasks. In bls day Martello whs a smart colt, ’»«it he went wrong on the ere of the New Zealand Cup whh h w.i-. won by ’Frisco, and since then ha- been at the stud. A.iuouga Antarctic does not Inspire confidenfe wh-n he I?, walking, the eon of S.»lvadan i* getting through hh allotted task*

iu good style at Ellerslie under bis owner’s supervision. Yesterday morning be was schooled over the big fences in the centre of the course at Ellerslie iu company with Tui Cakobau, when he fenced with his oldtime dash, aud pulled up quite sound. It is understood that A. Julian, who was to have ridden Antarctic at Wanganui, will not be available for the sou of Salvaiiau.

After a long spell of outs, the Auckland horseman J. Conquest managed to get his name on the winning list again, riding Plantation to victory in the Manaia Handicap, the principal event, on the opening day of the Ilawera meeting. After the race, the Auckland rider had to interview the stewards, it being alleged that he struck Con the Shaugliran Over lh e head with his whip when finishing. After hearing the evidence, It was decided that the eomplaiut was not borne out.

The Auckland horse Surplus succeeded hi winning his first hurdle race when he won the Manawapou Hurdles on the second day of the Egmont meeting. Surplus ran disappointingly on the opening day of the gathering, and It Is understood his connections were not prepared for his Improved form, and, as a cousequence, did not participate in the exceptionally large dividend paid by the son of Wairiki. One punter who follows the stable is stated to have gone on the blind, and invested a tenner on his chauee, and. consequently, got a return of well over a couple of centuries.

It is understood that at the forthcoming A.R.C. Winter .Meeting the steeplechases which were sot down as about two miles and a half w ill be started at the seveufurloiig post instead of at the five furlongs, ns formerly. It will be remembered that last year it was pointed out iu these columns that it was ridiculous that a steeplechase should be set down as about two and a-half miles when <t!ie distance was covered in 4.45, as against the smiu odd to run the -two and a half miles over hurdles, and it is understood that a rough measurement of the course showed It to be something like a quarter of a mile short. The starting from the seveu-furlong post will remedy this defect, and the distance wiil now be practically correct. The wiping out of Hie Takapuna J.C. Winter Meeting does away with an owner’s chance of getting a race into his horse before the Great Northern meeting, unless, of course, he is prepared to travel to Wanganui. In framing their programme. It is a pity the Auckland Racing Club nuthorifies did not consider the advisability of putting on a race on the first day of the meeting to enable owners with horses engaged in the Great Northern ■Steeplechase to give them a run. 'The Jumpers’ Flat Race could be easily altered to the first day and be replaced l>y the Hunt Club Hurdles, which would about fit 4he bill. I’robably some alteration will be made next season, if the present state of affairs stilt exists.

A lot of schooling work was witnessed at Ellerslie last week. Bonny and Baku were sent a round of -the hurdles. At the second obstacle Baku dislodged his rider, Bonny going on alone and fencing well. Haku was afterwards remounted, and got round without mishap, although he took a risk with several of -the fences. Presently and Master Theory did a similar task. The former did not jump as well as usual, while Master Theory, although he fenced al! right, was uot in a galloping humour. Sphinx and Fuss covered a round, Loth jumping iu good style, -with ihe former pleasing most. Lloyds and Tiri, separately, were schooled over a round, feucing well. Ttpua and Light Blue jumptM the pony bardies, the former jumping well. A correspondent has written to the ‘!Aust alasiaii” asking f >r an opinion as to the best 12 mares which have raced in Australia. He adds that he excludes brilliant two-year-olds of the Hortense kind, which did no good after their first season. It is rather a large order, says that paper in

reply, and there Is likely to be a good deal of dlfifercsice of views on the subject. Ons can think of a great many good mares which have at least raced well in thelc second season. On the whole, perhaps, n lot of twelve calculated to take Some beating are:—Wakeful, La Carabine, Lurllne, Gladsome. Cruciform, Quiver, B rise Is, Auraria, Lady Wallace. Maltiue, Petrea and Sweet Nell. One would have thought Solution would have found a place in the list.

The acceptances for the Great Northern double are very satisfactory, and on present appearances there seems every likelihood of large fields going to the post In each event. In the Hurdle Race the defections are Whakaweira, Idealism, Seaman, Merr|wai, I’at rebus. Golden Glow. Blue Mount, Omati, Te Whararoa, and Fuss, leaving a field of twenty-five. Of the defections, •Whakaweira, Idealism, nnd Merriwai are the most prominent, and the former In particular was sorted out as possessing a good chance. Whakaweira has been accepted for in the big steeplechase, and may probably be brought up for that event, but his name is missing from the maiden steeplechase, in which one would think he would be given a run. In the Steeplechase Black Northern. Presently, Merrlwal, Red AlcGregor, and Mildura are the only ones to drop out. leaving twenty-five, the same number as in the hurdles.

Mr Morse kept his weights for the Great Northern double back until the due datq before making them public, although there was nothing to prevent them appearing at the same time as his Wanganui adjustments. In the Steeplechase Mr Morse has started with Corazon at 12.6, which weight by the way has never been carried to victory in the event, and Sir William Russell’s representative is one of the favourites. Antarctic has been let off with 12.1, and Continuance with 11.12, but probably the pick of the handicap is i’aritutu (10.10), and why Pleiades and »Sol should be called on to concede him weight is hard to understand. Several among the lighter division are nicely handled, but at first blush few would go outside Corazon and Parttutu to pick the handicap. In the Hurdle Race Mr Morse has started low with Black Northern at 11.9, and consequently the handicap Is of the flattering order. Whakaweira 10.13,

The Native 10. tl, Woolloomooloo 10.*4 IJoyds 0.12, ftandy Paul 9.9, and Napper 9.11 are al! well treated, but the event is one of possibilities, ami further developments will probably take pla«.e as the day draws nearer. The Auckland Racing Club contemplate a big programme of improvements, and, as a result of a visit to the course by the Works Committee yesterday afternoon a number of recommendations will be laid before the full committee at its next meeting. From what can be gathered it is understood that the principal work will be in connection with the entrances from the Greenlane side, and if the proposals are put Into effect there will be four separate roads leading to the course, a road for foot passengers, a motor drive, a members’ carriage drive, and a public drive. This will necessitate considerable alteration inside the course, and the saddling paddock is to bo enlarged, while the members* carriage paddot-k will be moved, and the present one available for the public. The lotalisatnr house is to be enlarged and shifted further ba< k, which will necessitate the lawn accommodation at the back of the main stand being extended, and preparation has been made in the scheme for this. The enlarging of the ”tote’* house will be compulsory, owing to the purchase of the electrical machine, which Is to be installed in time for next season. Altogether the scheme is a most progressive one and when completed, which it is expected will be in about two years’ time. Ellerslie will be one of the finest courses In Australasia. 4» 4* 4* TURF TALK FROM THE SOUTH. The Ashburton race meeting last week attracted a good deal of attention among local sportsmen, Riccarton stables being strongly represented. Many well known horses were among the competitors, and there was some very interesting racing. In winning the Ashburton Cup, Tannhauser made some amends for many failures earlier in this season. As a two-year-old he showed very smart form, winning four races, and last spring groat hopes were entertained as to his prospects. He failed badly several times, however, prior to his success In the Dunedin Publicans’ Handicap in February, and the Ashburton Cup marked his second win as a three-year-old. His display was very attractive, as he was running on strongly at the finish. His elder brother, Soldiers’ Chorus, has improved a lot with age, after being of little use as a two-year-old, and Tannhauser looks as if he also would Improve a lot yet. In the Autumn Handicap, the son of Martian ran a decent race under a substantial burden. Sea King, which won the Autumn Handicap, never gave his opponents a chance, jumping off very quickly and easily holding his own to the end of the mile. Evidently he is in form just now, as he won the principal sprint* race of the meeting on the Thursday. The son of Sant Ilario also won this race last year, and he has had quite a large share of success on the Ashburton track. Until yesterday, his public form had been disappointing for some time past, and his running suggested that ho is at his host when allowed to run along clear of Lis field. A feature of the meeting was the double win of Probable, which created a big surprise. When owned by Mr. G. Palmer, Probable won a number of good races, and in the season 1908-9 he was successful in the Ashburton County Racing Club Handicap. Geraldine Cup, Mosgiel Handicap, and Peninsular Cup, and he was afterwards raced for a lengthy period by the Riccarton trainer 11. B. Emmerson, who failed to score a win with him, and finally passed him on to his present owner a few weeks ago, the price paid, it is understood, being £5. He showed quite a surprising return to form on the first day, the field he beat including several smart gallopers, and on the second day he put in a remarkable run ot -the finish of the Winchmore Welter. The son of The Possible is now at an age when most stallions have outlived their usefulness on the track, and his rejuvenation is astonishing. The success of Steperina in the Trial Handicap at Ashburton was no surprise to those who had witnessed his smart performance on the second day of the South Canterbury meeting a fortnight earlier. He was, however, very lucky to beat Ceylon, who, after getting well away, dropped back into au apparently hopeless position, but finished with a brilliant run that just failed to land her in front as the winning post was reached. Had Ceylon been at all handy when the straight was reached she could not have been beaten, and her performance was a very meritorious one. The Signalman filly was more fortunate on the second day, winning the Moreton Handicap very easily. Judged on her Ashburton running, Ceylon is a very capable back. Among the horses which finished behind Ceylon was Stephanos, which won a hack race on the first day. This filly is a half-sistc-r to Gangway, which has been racing lately over hurdles. She is by Clanranald— Stephanie. The form shown by Stephanos was an Improvement on anything she had previously displayed in public. Genius, which has just reappeared after a long spell, showed a lot of pace In the early part of thia race, and should soon be In good order again.

WAIRARAPA NOTES. Walrarapa horses secured a fair share of tho stake money ftt the Marlborough meeting. Sinapls won £250, I.eapukl £l5O, Bally Shannon £9O, Toney £l<X and Fu reshot £7. For the second year In succession tho Marlborough Cup has fallen to Walrarapa horses. Sinapis was the winner thte year, while last year Gunboat, which is now making a name for himself on the turf in Australia, annexed tho event. Siuuuls ie a three year-old bay tiliy by St. Ambrose— Prologue, by Catesby Rosalind (dam of

Rosea!, the Canterbury Derby winner), by Albany from the Traducer mare Red Rose. Slnapis was bred by Mr T. Shannon. Killaloo, which has not been raced during the past twelve months, hae< been put in hand again, and is in J. Phillips’ stable at Lansdowne.

Bally Shannon was not long In giving Mr 11. Hodge a return for the outlay in acquiring the gelding. At the Marlborough meeting he wou the Seymour Welter, and was third in the Vgbrooke Handicap, winning in all £9O. Bally Shannon is by Morri wee—The Shannon, by Torpedo—Rivulet, by Javelin—Cascade. Bally Shannon is therefore a half-brother to Mr J. R. McDonald's speedy two-year-old Styx. Miss Ambrose has shown signs of unsoundness, and has been thrown out uf commission for the rest of the season. A number of Lethe horses were sold at Masterton on Saturday, but the prices obtained were poor. One or two of the horses were out of well-bred mares, and look like making jumpers. Most of Lethe’s stock have shown a liking for the sticks. Sir Lethe is bowling along splendidly in his jumping exercises at Clarevflie, and should be in tip-top form for the coming steeplechase season. Hill Lass and Nedr.i, two other horses from the same stable, are also shaping very nicely in their work. Gaelic is the only hurdler in work at Opaki. The gelding has a long list of engagements to fill this Jumping season. The late Mr IL 8. Wardell, who died in Wellington on Monday last, was the foundir of the Wairarapa Racing Club, and was patron up till the time of his death. * * *

EGMONT RACES. FIRST DAY. HA WE RA, Wednesday. The totalisatnr investments at the Winter Meeting of the Eemunt Racing Club to day amounted to £9959, being an increase of £1428 when compared with the first day of last year’s winter meeting. Results: — Tongahoe Handicap Hurdles, one and ahalf miles.—Silver Cluse, 9.5, 1; Seaman, 10 9. 2; Cornelian, 11.10, 3. Scratched: Bismarck ami Rawinia. Won easily by four lengths. Time, 2.52 2-5. Ta whit i Scurry - Galtoe 1, Gordon Bell 2 Park Tide 3. Scratched: Surplus, Silverhope, Princess Flo. Idealea, Allandale, Our Silver, Fox. Erato. Won by a length. Time, 1.4 S-5. Railway Handicap, six furlongs. — Draft, 7 1,1; Eastwind, 7.2. 2; Kiwatahi. 7.2. 3. Scratched: Miss Roberts and Conney. Won by half a length. Time, 1.18 1-5. Manaia Handicap, seven furlongs.—Mr J. McCarthy’s Plantation, 8.3 (J. Conquest), 1; Con the Shaughraun, 7.10 (E. Lowe), 2; Ngatiruanul, 7.8 (L. Nodder), 3. Also started: Stoney 9.0, Mendip 8.9, Red Lupin 8.0, Te Roti 8.0, Smilax 7.12, Koran 7.9, Royal Marine 7.5, Overtime 7.5, Afterthought 7.3. To Roti showed out first from a beautiful start, but with a furlong gone had been supplanted by Afterthought. With half rhe journey covered Plantation was in front, ami. stalling off a determined challenge at the distance from Con the Shaughraun, won all out by a head, two lengths separating the second and third horsts. Time, 1.31 2-5. Ladies’ Purse Handicap, one mile.—Mr J. 11. Evans’ Aviatrix, 10.8 iMr G. Clout), 1; Princess Flo, 10.7 (Mr F. Higginson), 2; Comedian, 10.7 tMr P. Shields), 3. Also started: Awahou 10.10, Red Coral 10.10, Nebulous 10.8, Tirohanga 10.7. AV on comfortably by two lengths and a-half. Time, 1.51 1-5.

Telegraph Handicap, five furlongs.—Mr IT. Bertram’s Piiiwai, 8.1 (W. Young). 1: Lord Lupin, 7.0 (C. Monk), 2; Lady Volga, 8.5 (L. Nodder), 3. Also started: Handsome Maid 7.11, Miss Roberts 7.11, Gleufern 7.11, Royal Dragoon 7.9, Galtce 7.6, Patronita 7 7, Silverhope 7.0, St. Luap 7.0. Won comfortably by three lengths. Time, 1.4 4-5. Waihl Handicap, one mile.—Mr T. Hopeful's Muleteer, 8.7 (A. Oliver), 1: Strategist, 7.13 (W. Young), 2; The Native, 8.5 (C. Jenkins,) 3. Also started: Avaunce 8.8, Patrobus 8.4, Master Tupuhi 8.6, Millbanks 7.3, St. Prior 7.1. A good finish. Won by a neck. Time, 1.48. SECOND DAY. HAWERA, Thursday. The attendance was very good and the racing of an interesting character. The totalisator investments totalled £11,330, ami for the meeting £21,289. an increase of £BOB9 over the corresponding meeting last year. Manawatu Handicap Hurdles, one mile and a-half.—Surplus, 9.0, 1; Seaman, 10.13. 2; Dogger Bank, 10.6. Also started: Kauroa, Silver Cluse. Clemency, Bismark. Rawinia, Te Waharoa, Coronetted, St. Prior. Forward. Won by three-quarters of a leneth. Time, 2.51 1-5. Borough Handicap, seven furlong” — Nsratiruanul, 10.4, 1: Draft, 9.5. 2: East Wind, 8.12, 3. Also started: Muleteer, Strategist, Master Tupuhi, Awahou, Squireen. Wou by three parts of a length. Time 1.33. Shorts Handicap, four and a-half fnrlontrw. —Prosper. 8.7, 1; Lady Fran. 9.7. 2; Sweet Breeze, 8.7, 3. Also started: Park Tide. Princess Flo, Haerrmai. Retriever. Kavelah, Crawford. Allandale. Wat Rose. Sylvan Glade, Floss. Won hy two lengths Time. 1.5. Meßne Memorial Handicap, one mile and fl-qunrlcr.—Mr J T Goddard’s Mulga Bill (B. Doelev). 1: Coromandel. 7 13 (B Emerson), 2; Mendln. 8 6 (T*. Price) 3. Also started: Manawakaha R.B. Con the Shauehraun 8.1. Red Lupin 7 13. Koran 7 6. Avaunce 7.0, Coronetted 70 Red Lunin was the first to break the Hue. and led past tho stand and along the back from Avaunce and Coromandel. The pony was first Into the straight, but. in the run home Mulga Bill came through from behind and won comfortably by a length. Three lengths separated the second and third horse*. Time, a 14. Ngamutn Handicap, six furlongs.-Mr R. Fltt’a G leaf era, 7.8 (O’Shea), 1, Royal

Simon. 7.12 <Deelcy), 2; Lady Volga, 8.6 (Nodder), 3. Also started: Dover Straits 8.11, Aviatrix 7.8, Miss Roberts 7.8. Minora 7.7, Kiwitahi 7.5, Silver Rose 7.12. Tirohanga 7.11, Glen Tulloch 7.7, St. Luap 7.0. Won by a neck. Time, 1.18 2-5. Corinthian Handicap, one mile and a distance. Mr G. McCarthy’s Comedian, 10 9 <.Mr P. Shields) 1; Nebulous, 10 7 (Mr Bruere). 2; Red Coral, 10.8, 3. Also started: Milibauks, 10.9. Won very easily. Time, Opeke Handicap, four furlongs and flhalf.—Mr J. Coleman’s Lady Volga, 8.11 (Young), 1; Gal tee, 8.7 (C. Price) 2; Katua, 7.12 (Deeley), 3. Also started: Royal Dragoon 8.7, Ohinee 8.12. Lady Loo 8.6 Handsome Maid 8.1, Gordon Bell 7.13, Nukuhau 7.13, Silverhope 7.12, Patronatn 7.7. Wee Paul 7.7, Opeke 7.7. A good race. Won by a length. Time. 1.1. 1 ± ± A.R.C. ACCEPTANCES AND GENERAL ENTRIES. The following acceptances ami general entries have beeu received in connection with the A.R,C. Winter Meeting: — ACCEPTANCES. GREAT NORTHERN HURDLE RACE.

Maiden Steeplechase.—Welleast, ITunakaha, Mozart, Appin, The Spaniard, Taiaha, Rebel, Ben Jonson, Tui Cakobau, Commander, Rawinia, Armagh, Hautere, Wlrihana, Beeline, Glenmore, King, Golden Glow, Romp, Dorando, Forward, Zante. Jervois Handicap.—Delilah. Mavourneen, Soultiform, Draft, Cuckoo, Worcester, Light Blue, Nimrod, Sea Pink, Lady Betty, Avalon, Invader, Hemisphere, Watchehaln, Taikgiwai, Rnarangata, Maui Nina, Manuwera, Merrimax, La Reina. Whakarewa, Manitou, Goodwin Sands, Flipflap, Warea, Clare, The Native, Royal Irish, Sir Rupert, Ngatimuru, Tobias, Repeal, Taku, Glenfern, Cloudy Dawn, Ben Tulloch. Maiden Hurdle Race. —Rutter, Pip, Seaman, Hey«boy, Tipua, Kokako, The Chef, Bonny, Hyperion, Glonafric, Blue Mount, Sphinx. Fuss, Uranium, Darby Paul, Napenape, Te Puia, Surplus, Idealism. Bollin, Beeline, Kauroa, Ambergris, Penfold, Te Waharoa. Hunt Club Hurdle Race.—llildur, The Reckoner, Hina, Golborne, Galvata, Ratanui, Sky High, Tumatahl, Merry Dancer, Red Seal, Hakari, Rakau, Comrade, Tiri, St. Peer. Joe, Dunrobin, Forward, Drudgery. Hunt Club Cup.—The Reckoner, Master Phaeton, Hina, Golborne, Galvata, Sky High, Tumatahi, Merry Dancer, Red Seal, Hakari, Comrade, Tiri, Joe, Dunrobin, Forward, Drudgery. Members’ Handicap.—Lucille, Ileyboy, Goldsize, Urukehu, Tangiwai, Maul Nina, Waiowera, Bow Bells, Th rave, Allegation, Pairawaatu, Lady Dot, Blue Garment, Solitude, Kohinoor, Crown Pearl, Altcar, Bogey, Irish Rifle, Sir Rupert, Taketumu, Naumal, Wee Olga, Gibson Girl, Jena, (Mighty Atom, Smilax. Orakei Hurdle Race.—Rutter, Pip, Seaman, Hoyboy. Bonnie Jean, Tipua, Kokako, The Chef, Bonny, lipperlon, Glenafric, Blue Mount. Miidura, Sphinx, Uranium, Fuss, Napenape, Te Puia, Flare, Surplus, Lloyds, Idealism, Cornelian, Wirihana, Hakari, Ambergris, Joe, Golden Glow, Penfold, Te Waharoa.

Remuera Hurdle Race—Blue Mountain, Wa’putere, Master Theory, The Chef, Dunborve, Leolanter, Presently, Black Northern, Ben Jonson, Don Quex, Darby Paul, Napenape, Woolloomooloo, Bully. Coronetted, Surplus, Sanjy Paul, Idealism, Bollin, Cornelian, Gaelic, Waterworks, Koran, Outlander. Ranfurly Welter. Draft, Nimrod, Sea Pink, Lady Betty. Invader, Watchchain, Tangiwai. Pyralls. Glenafric, Ruatangata, Mnnuwera. Merrimax, I.a Reina. Whakarows. Countree, Kaweeo. Manltom Goodwin Sands, Waren, Clare, Royal Irish, Sir Rupert. Falchion, Arawa, Glenferr, Kopane, Cloudy Dawn. Ben Tulloch.

Jumpers’ Flat Rare.--Omatl, Blue Mountain. Pip. Seaman, Master Theory. Kokako. Dunborve, Explosive, Presently, Mi’dura, Black Northern. Bphlt»x, Tul Cakobau. Don Quex, Te Pula, Bully, Coronetted, Surplus. Sandy Paul, Lloyds, Bollin, Cornelian. Kauroa, Arrrbergrls, Denbies, Koran, (JuHailler. Te Waharoa. Ladles’ Bracelet.—Prymont, Delilah, Romantic, Mavourneen, Worcester, Hemisphere, Watchchain. Pyralls, Ruatangnta, Maul Nina. Manuwera, La Reina, AHega tlon, Fllpflap, Slang, The Native, Royal Irish, Manitou, Ngatimuru, Taketumu, I‘Xowcrette, Ben Tulloch. Ta ma k I Steeplechase. Wellcaar, ITunakflha, Mozart, Illua, Bonnie Jean, Ajtpin, The Spaniard, Rebel, Blue Mount, Ben Jonson, Tul Cakobau, Commander, Rawinia, Armagh. Hanterr. Wirihana. Henine. Glenmore, King, Joe, Golden Glow, Romp, Zante. Carnubrll Hurdle Handicap. -Omatl, Seaman, Blue Mountain, Waiputere, Master Theory, Kokako. The Chef, Dunborve, Leo-

lanter, Presently, Miidura. B>ack Northern, Sphinx, Don Quex, Darby Paul. Napenape, Te Pula, Woolloomooloo. Bully. Coronetted, Surplus. Sandy Paul. Lloyds. Idealism. Bollin, Cornelian, Gaelic. Waterworks, Kauroa, Kmau, Outlander. Te Waharoa. Farewell Handicap Lucille, Heyboy, Marangal, Urukehu. Tangiwai. La Reina, Waiowera. Salute. Bow Bells. Lady Dot. Blue Garment, Solitude. Flipflip. Kohinoor. Crown Pearl, Altcar. Bogey. Irish Rifle, Sir Rupert, Parapara, Taketumu. Naumai, W«*e Olga, Taka, Mighty Atom. Cloudy Dawn, Jena. Ben Tulloch. Fitzroy Welter. Lord Delava 1, Vestal, Pyrniont, Mavourneen. Romantic* Soultiform, Cuckoo. Worcester. Light Blue, Bonny, Nimrod, Sea Pink. Lady Betty, Hemisphere, Watchvhain. I’angiwai, Ru»u tangata, Ilaronoa, Maui Nina. Manuwera, fMerrimax, Whakarewa. Manitou, AllegiVtlon, Pairawaatu. Goodwin Sands, WareA < I a re, Slang, Royal Irish, Sir Rupert, Ngati* inuru, Tobias, Repeal. Taka, Gibson Girl, Arawa, Glenfern, Cloudy Dawn, Flowerette, Ben Tulloch.

st. lb. st. lb. Bia* k Northern 11 9 Waterworks . . 9 9 Presently . . . . 11 1 Corneliar .... 9 9 Waiputere . . . 10 12 Sandy Paul . . 9 9 Pari tutu .... 10 9 Bully 9 4 The Native .. 10 rt Gaelic 5 3 Don Quex . . . 10 6 Blue Mountain V 2 a 1 t* *4 O 10 3 Outlander . . . 9 2 Woolloomooloo 10 2 Master Theory 9 0 The Chef 0 0 Lloyds 9 12 Coronetted 9 9 Nipper 9 11 Darby Paul . . 9 0 9 9 Mildura 9 0 Antarctic .... 9 9 GREAT NORTHERN STEEPLECHASE. st. lb. st. lb. Corazon 12 (> Appin 9 1 I Antarctic 12 1 Taiaha 9 10 Continuance . . 9 10 Sol . . 11 7 Winiata 9 9 Pleiades 11 6 Hunakaha . . 9 Paritutu ... 10 10 Blue Mountain 9 a Whakaweira . . 10 S Hautere .... 9 7 Loch Pyne .. 10 4 Tai Cakobau . . 9 7 Okaihau 10 4 The Spaniard. 9 7 1 lorando .... IQ 0 Commander . . 9 7 Woolloomooloo 10 0 Golden Glow. . 9 7 Beeline *.) 13 Zante ...... 9 7 Glen more .... 9 13 ENTRIES.

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New Zealand Graphic, Volume XLVII, Issue 20, 15 May 1912, Page 12

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Turf Gossip. New Zealand Graphic, Volume XLVII, Issue 20, 15 May 1912, Page 12

Turf Gossip. New Zealand Graphic, Volume XLVII, Issue 20, 15 May 1912, Page 12

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