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Personal Notes

THE death occurred at Palmerston •North last week, after two days’ illness, of a very old colonist, Mr. Charles Price, at the age of ninety-three. He arrived in New Zealand in 1844. and had an adventurous career. In 1846 he established a timber yard at Pipitea Point, Wellington, and later went to the Victorian goldfields. He was shipwrecked twice, and on another occasion a terrific explosion wrecked the vessel, the crew having a miraculous tscape. There were twenty-one children in his family, but only two survive. The deceased never had a day's illness, and had never required the services of a doctor till the day before his -death. Mr. D. M. Horne, a very old resident of Woodville, but who for the last ten years had been fanning at Ballance, died last week from an attack of pneumonia; aged sixty-eight years. Deceased and his family arrived in the colony in the City of Auckland, which was wrecked at the mouth of the Otaki river, but all the passengers were safely landed. Th s was in the year 1878. The Hon. Janies McGowan, Minister for Mines in the Seddon and Ward Alininistrationß from 1899 to 1998, was found dead last week in a lavatory outside the Royal Hotel, Thames, where he had resided for many years. The deceased appeared to be in excellent health. He attended a farewell “social" to Mr. John Watson the previous night. A commercial traveller, who went to the lavatory, found Mr. McGowan. Life was then extin t. Heart disease was the cause of death. Mr. MeGo van was seventv-one years o" age. and unmarried. As showing the general esteem in which the deceased gentle nan was held and the genuine sympathy ,<f those with whom he ha-1 come, into contact in life, the funeral was the largest and most representative yet. seen in the district. Cabinet Ministers, members of Parliament, members of the Masonic fraternity, representatives of lo?al bodies, police, miners, and others workers, th? general public, and senior boy scholars of the school with which the deceased gentleman had been associated, all attended to show the last tribute of respect and esteem of one who stood high in the opinion of his fellowmen. The Hon. J. Colvin Mines) represented the Ministry, and the Hon. T. Thompson, Mr. Rhodes, M.P, Mr. Chas. Matthews, formerly Mr. McGowan’s private secretary and now Under Secretary for Justice, were present. The service was opened in St. James’ Church, where tii? Rev. Milne preached an eloquent sermon. The cortege then formed, and on arrival at the grave the Ma«wi. .eremony was proceeded with. Rev. Brother Cusa k. of the Christian Brothers, who has been in Dunedin for the past 14 years, has been transferred to Gympie, Queensland. Brother Cusack showed himself to be a zealous and successful teacher, and was very popular with parents and pupils. He took a very keen interest in the niti-kal training of the pupils, an I the school choir attain? 1 a very high stat? of effl.ieney under his conductorship. Lieutenant E. Ci. R. Ci. Evans, R.N., of the British Antarctic Expedition, Mrs. Evans, and Mr. Francis Drake, R.N., secretary to the expedition, left Lyttelton last week for Sydney, where they will join the Orontes for Europe and London. Lieutenant Evans and Mr. Drake are going to England on business connected with the expedition, and will

return to New Zealand in time to go south with the Terra Nova to relieve Captain Bcott and the other members of the shore party. Lieutenant-Colonels Bauchop and Abbott, who were sent Home for farther military training, will return to New Zealand about June 24. The former will take charge of the Otago Military district, and the latter will be commanding officer in the Auckland district. Mr. Janies Shepherd, one of the oldest residents of Timaru, died last week. Deceased came out to New Zealand in the Gloucester, landing at Port Chalmers in 1858, and, with a spirit which characterised the pioneers, he walked from Port Chalmers to Timaru. Mr. L. M. Barr. F.Z.S.. late of Mataura, has left for America to interview the owner of an estate of 75.000 acres on Coney Island, which it is proposed to turn into a game preserve. As Mr. Barr has a wide technical knowledge of these matters, it is understood that he will be offered the position of manager. Mr. and Mrs. J. R. Page, of Tauranga. have left to take up their residence in Auckland. Mr. Page will ioin the Auckland branch of the Survey Department. The Hon. George Fowlds. ex-M.P. fur Grey Lynn, is to visit Timaru shortly in the interests of the United Labour parly. Mr. A. W. Hogg. ex-M.P. for Masterton. and a number of prominent M.P.'s connected with the Labour movement, will probably visit Timaru at the same time. Mr. A. MeCosh C lark received a present- from the Wellington staff of Archibald Clark and Sons, l td., prior to his departure for London, via Auckland. In making the presentation. Mr. Ross, on behalf of the staff, referred to the harmony prevailing in the firm, and wished him God-speed and a safe return. Mr. C lark, in responding, thanked the staff for their expressions of good feeling. Mr. 11. L. Michel has been re-elected chairman of the Hokitika Harbour Board. Mr. J. B. Murray elected chairman of the Wanganui Harbour Board for the eighth time, and Mr. J. B. Connett re-elected chairman of the New Plymouth Harbour Board Mr. George Ball, an old resident of Wanganui, died last week. Mr. Hogan, ex-M.P. for Wanganui, has left on a trip to Sydney. Mr John R. Russell, of Dannevirke. leaves on a trip to England on the 17th inst. Air. J. R. Lennie, a prominent settler in Southland, passed aa ay la~t week in Lis 77th v ar. Air. W’. Purcell, connected with the Tourist Department at Rotorua for many years, who is retiring on superannuation, was the recipient of several presents from his fellow-workers at Rotorua last week. At a meeting of the Masonic Grand Lodge in Dunedin, Bro. Thomson, of Invercargill, was elected Grand Alaster. At Eltham last week Mr. C. A. Wilkinson was farewelled at a social gathering by a number of townspeople, who wished him and Miss Wilkinson a pleasant journey to America and a safe return. Mr. Wilkinson has long Iwn identified with the progress of Eltham and district. Air W. C. Davies, who has for the last seven years been agricultural instructor to the Wellington Education Board, has been selected to succeed Mr C harters as headmaster at the Grevtown District High School. His Excellency Lord Islington goes to Wellington on May 30. and will give an official full-dress dinner on the evening of

June 3 to commemorate the King’s Birthday. It will be similar to the dinner given last year to celebrate the Coronation. Air. A. D Campbell, the well known English angler, who visits the Dominion periodically in sear h of sport, left by the Wimmera for Sydney. Miss Ethel Black.’ who has acted as organist for Holy Trinity Church, Strut ford, for some years. leaves shortly for Auckland to take up her residence in that citv. Mr. T AL Wilford, M.P . with Mrs. and Miss Wilford, were to lease 1... n lon for New York by the steamer Baltic on April 25th. They are due in Auckland on June 4th. Mr. 11. B. Cooper, for many years with the Sun Eire Insurance Co. in Auckland, has been appointed secretary and surveyor to the Auckland Fire Underwriters’ Association. It is genearally understood that in the event of Mr. Wm. Jennings not contesting Taumarunui at the next general election, Mr. A. Scholes (chairman of the Waitcmata County Council) will be a candidate in the Government interest. Mr. G. E. Haggitt has been promoted from the position of manager of the Waipawa Branch of the Bank of Aus tralia to the Feilding Branch. The death, at his residence at Wellington, last week of Mr. H. S. Wardell, aged 82. is announced. Deceased came from England to New Zealand in 1.855. He was appointed resident magistrate that year, and became district judge in 1861, retiring in 1888. Deceased was for many years president- of the New Zealand Academy of Fine Arts. He was chairman of the Police Commission in 1898. and was a member of the North Island Representation Commission. Mr. J Webb-Johnson, a former resident of Palmerston and a member of the hval Borough Council, who died at Auckland recently, has made a bequest of £5OO to the Palmerston Hospital. Mr. W. M. Stewart has been appointel by the Otago University Council as assistant to the lecturer on Latin. Ex-Police Inspector Black, of Grey mouth, who recently retired on superau nuMion. and Mrs. Black, have left on a 12 months’ holiday trip round the world. Mr. IL I). Bedford, of Dunedin, an ex-M.P.. has announced liis intention of throwing in his lot with the unity cam[•signers of the New Zealand Labour party. A private cablegram received in We! lingtou announces the death hi London of Mr. Robert Staines, one of ‘he foun dera of the firm of Kirkcaldie and Staines. Mr. Stainer wa.s seventy years of age.

It i* understood t*i it M i?«>r-General Finn (ex Inspector-Gen»Tid of the t om monwealth Forces}, Mho arrive! in Wei lington from London recently, .•■mtemjdates t iking up land in New Zealand Ix»rd Islington has consented to ex tend his patronage to the IL.vke’s Bay Art .Society, having ar-opted the p mi tion of patron. Mr. John R. Russell, of the IHnue virke ‘'Advocate** proprietary, and Mrs. Russell, leave on a trip <> Eni*land this vcek. They will travel to Sydney by the Mauiiganui, and to London by the Omrah. Mr. Fred -J. Leighton, of Mu» k.itharra (W.Aj, has been having an t xtended tour of the Dominion f<»r the p irpose of selecting a good i.-.rin, and he h is practically decided on one near Gisborne, lie is much impressed Aiih the land in the Dominion, and considers that no better agricultural ground could t»e pro cured. The climate in Western Xus’ralii is not conducive to the health of Mrs. Leighton, hence the de ision to settle in New Zealand. Mr. Leighton was very well pleased with the scenic resorts of New Zealand, and was greatly impressei with the apparent prosj»erity of the jwo pie. Mr. T. S. Foster, who has been for many years a menilwr of the Canterbury College Board of Governors, has resigned Owing to his temporary appointnieifl priir ipal of Christch.ii i Normal School Training (College. Mr J. H. Walker has been elected chair man of the Otago Harbour Board, de feating Mr. Belcher, the retiring ihaiiman, by seven votes to six. Mr. Frank C. Hay, assistant engineer In the head office of the Public Works Department, was a passenger on the Zea landia, from Vancouver, returning from an extended tour in Europe and America. Mr and Mrs G. J. Ellert>e<k, of Au kland. left <»y the Makura, en route to England, whence they piir|H»se returning via Suez next year. Mr. Frank Jxiwry, ex M.P for Parnell, was presented by his friends and

©l<! • ♦•nst.’tuenls with a handsome iliuminatv.i add re-s and a of sovereigns at a social held in Ellerslie Parish Hill iu 1h ik) nr of his 7 Ist birthday. Mr. Alex. Fyffe, metallurgist of the Grand Junction <i..\l. Companv, has left \Kai l i f« i Cobalt. Ontario (silver mining distrivt*. He has been presented with a g«dd uaUh by the Junction Company, and a purse of sovereigns by the Mr. \\ . E. Hutchison has been granted tl r»-e months* leave of absence by the Auckland Harbour Board in tonaequence if a proposed visit to in • on^evpie?’.o of .< propo*»sl visit to Australia. While in the Commonwealth Mr. Hur- - n aal in>pe> t some of the large-t harbour works over there. Mi . nl Mrs L Iu lock, well known residents t Gisbonx district, left with their family by the Makura last week Ivr < anada. where they purpose settling. Mr Per. y Ambury, who lias been a A ■ Iu 1 Ba pt st Ta be ■ epted i Bengal, 1, after a t f st e will ka . • i< i Brahmanbar..i. Eastern Eenga’. rhe King si eased ■ : . ♦ f i.< r» :•’*it>'■< < z t!ie title of "Honourv Sir J _ K ' . -- 1 : i three years as t’.‘ E\- < - :»• ; . f D ■li ;i l of N\ . z. I? ?. ■'' ' . ' t-I - < • ■ : '. ' l Mast S _ • ’- • . - f Vgi iltu . has V-1 - - I. - : :r. \ . has ■ ■ I - ■- ■ ■ 1 the Pub) Works . - s- ■r- .i.. ; l 'lee. r-. M - V !e K./-. rt—n. of Bai,k-- ■ ■ - taking steps to Crtab -■ -i laim to the Gran-berry estate. - - : ■ ' ■ years Mr». Robertson • - en* of Wellington since ■ ' ' a ■ . M< ■- - -■ i next t Csk r W gton’r resentat if vos ssoetated with the H •’ A M • /- plans. Mr. McKenzie rci * . ' was i . . . . :.. • . F°' s foot Te Knits to pre = : i s stanl I estimon It R< R ' . • - • •• . tl - ... . . - • - ■ ■ - . K ■ md in the « - day - . - I. , - . • to al :■ - | n -S-.. i i. -• la. cbso-. ks. .iiv i y settlers in - of - kness *■ '• ■ g . 1 to avail themselves of I - us-., al knowledge. • .• r.ews hr.« ’een received of the • • ' I- .■1 the P. aji.l Q. steans-r M. i-.z. . .. on Friday last, of Mr. Walter ins E kland. of Manukau-roa-l. h , ■ J ieeeased, who was 42 yean ot s-_re »• the time of his death, was a *- '• Mr. Alfred Bn Hand, of the an tioneering firm, an t wa- in-.lf .. y pipular as a w elder ot t' - S-. . . .. I*'en - .tT.r-rz frcin ill-health, and went 11-oi. •' hope ol benefiting from the ’•-s ti ;■ Mr B ■ a i was iiunarried, si lived with : - nurther. He was a : r AaeMand Raeii«g * tub. ai:.l h.s early death will he re- - ■ - rrle of friends m aH pat - ■ ’-e provin e. through.- t whiiti he a.dely kno«n and generally l.»e-f.

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New Zealand Graphic, Volume XLVII, Issue 20, 15 May 1912, Page 5

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Personal Notes New Zealand Graphic, Volume XLVII, Issue 20, 15 May 1912, Page 5

Personal Notes New Zealand Graphic, Volume XLVII, Issue 20, 15 May 1912, Page 5

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