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Progress in Science.

Harnessing the Sun's Rays.

¥IJ AE pc>s.MWisy of . «fee t t2se - rsf- f«jf> to fa -z*-a«L for > .. LEFmb 3R.:3ft.»jr-3 -’y JSJt?- >'•• ' tj* dream o? fertile bs*c.-4- fe* beast ye-it-. We?J *5.1 j.4*a • - wvre <•'." *v£ •' •■»ps'st3K the ?: as; *- r -’' -*r at£f*e-»ofVH. ? jrjrxre* t-I fee - -* ■ ??< ray-< -.*.- *eac * ie*« >•- •?." water-tmtehd so that it m£»ht be eo®i e :• c e> 1 into y4h»«u W k «ec to work, startlm* fetres and stones ’*—-i‘ ,uJ toll- of the work. tbey weie atctoaßatstdT the svetamaieiejH* of the t r*g’.,.'-jr.- ?b she- >..; . *■ • i- .'C3'->’L Bsrt -■- ■<■- c-rte* wtaei - . - -■ -. - r.r.'ias uM bo* a m*&a.ise. "£.’•■ ■ ■-, t*t* p'-t’TTs .«;■_ the work •:• * ■ . : a> -' ' , - - t-i J-t fr**as :..-.e liifc3ire:>i -< ~ i. ■' tae ide** were worthies-.. T>e wji !'•£» pLanz azser planT -.i. v. *—.t t-i. s = resapsei.’i < lh?.-.- ■_‘.><.ic- : - as '-■ s I-'-- . . ’ - - is. tie air sc 'iz-bJessiy. Yer sheer ..!*■♦*. »*;? sc-s ; i la the ''’ “ — tJ-15 W •.s■*• 3.t-_ lcil.S 213* r»>*a prwed eone-i k- >f-_ Fr?-n:£ Sr.?- | ‘ ’ r * lears ag» ±e wa? Eiscinasiedi wttfc titis >' ’ • ■. .. '. - - - • .. . - ss<i 1 a&isiae- c-it . ; ; aIMia*.,-..'. -.-• ■ se»fe : ..• power. jfh-st. be »«cer«amel P*. ere r*.—* s £>r»> Seessiag S&eir es|««iaseEt.<. and Je-Ser-WHaei te pewit Frews ta»r a«*- -V.i. <.. ed - r ■ ' '~‘- ' r - • - ; - t.rer». Ht leaded town -ae dr-t ;fc»e tie igl£ia. ostSay _sx «=l :>f* etLscj-tl.Atexxt akefcrt fce <,> ;,-w Eiat tie oa tie i stSf's l dotK» not tender SS .•■ . aEy acjwaßfcibie. Thee st i,t.? to be esseEtiailr f-r-i- :>aL He kept tie-e tae® beiors »t. had wte . * ■“ -■"-- '*-* : efeo ':..ZL ? i,i <re- - ; e ..•- a . emau - - roadL set te ■■.<_■< to ere < ,i eosspiete pSaet spon. 6hwp-ia-fee evoftel. T*> kftr been eoapieted at Tasomr. jnst oatSete and here, whes tis-e eease;-, i - ;■:. ; : , ; r-. i; - tssl;--t ? water into ~tesH* £*>r eirsvsai The settaatioa ot the is boe ideal- If it srere sea re: tee >u( tr&ere the ~sn pours down iatessely for day after day. t'w resalts aehiered wwi&i acere dritar but Taeocy is ..osveaieat to the fiaan-Sal centre, and does sot estaii a jour, ney toe port of tiose interested to i=.eestiga-e the -.stsj-ret for taeittse’s'es.

Be-;des. the fa<: that it workjw - -: ' at . ' serves to emphasise its »a!-.e. At Ta <■:■;;; . : . ... . - . •_. - ... .. . jgia> ers Jw- ssvs jMHEr.'i* w-:-'r to « t. : >:rty-three Sw-t. it r;. - <»f SS»* »a;’.i-s }s>,- 3;;. ■z- - •’ - ■ . --. --" ■ - _ EHfcMhre freiE -■-:-*■{ sz-" - '- rays. - e-'s *-'■•; hl. y fe- fji 7-,-. ■• _ - _ - ■ ’ - — ’'■:■ - ‘ ’ -. s--.i.i'. i • • ;•■• az. ?.. : £.-’ '.-•?• '.= .'•■ ’ •x'--;-. Tll-? . I- -• *-:=■• -

£" as the pita” —-’ _ ” - - iSSL>- LZ£ re*.?'.!: m "x' TT- - r?XLStlE4 sSeHJk W3~:es iz. shat .v : ie".’~Is Eggqpf ■*•: the yr-—er.: fjy :•£ i-y puoßgHag £* o3c ■i.e-’-sr ' •* -z: : -~ 1".StiM pejtWerfiEE 3Z.-1 ir zs coaßpstrri a none less resraaerati <

13 water Wy <k£» netbod. TS—* w >rk*r* wj| ve» tY» istroeH. rfee of ?&<* sc_* eegpec witli bj_v-i a ?<3g!e t? *n of ’ *;3e of the *. i • * ef :**<e > > Sex Determlzxatiesu F ; >r zsjay rear-i .* 7<*9£k ’-.3 • ■. i ’.rjb' <ieeo tares'<«asi>d» tae of t-i- Jeter?autiU-?3 •?: - e:«-. p-r’•'?-• i-A-y •, ;.prj.y~> z;:y • - - . • - - furrult-- d -■ - . J <1- _•---. - ■ ; - - - , - ■ - 5 •- <- --is .1 . --1 "-'•i-'s i-j is -- - in- - : v ? r<’as. a-4 ~-tf ;*2-?s t--*'’--: ' ’ ? i - s>y t£’ ’ ’ :':-£oxed \t s™ st xk I ~-~i-rs xs.-i :j_i: G-.’r-’jr

-••S-c i-rl’ S Q Sl-iV*? si-rki r E^3i’ T *rr ->f -. .. _ - - Bre»MtS|f «■•>: iMt-eials will ft* * > * A Deep Bore. ■ -Jis - 70 ih* deepest • - t -' j-‘ ‘.hi hees saoJk xt : _ : • for srsentifie stndhr. The bore is IT 1-3 in-hes 23 dtinieXer 37 the noath and i short of I - • - The ex*' t depgh c»f the hole is ? << be T3IS fee:. F«>r a di-taoee of 654& feet i> is Wnesi with irow Fh-* ev _ " * ‘ : ■ - . - - with the b*>re *q*x this the Semiiefwtore « t-i- 1 earth i:i>-rwa«es 3: -.;-?■ rate of ose «legree £^fc’esifeei 3 f« •■ sell seetioc of B fee r _ _ - . - IWL3 feesValae of Wireless. xsereral of Entr: ■:■!■» Irire of late ',. means ->f a?reless newsa«e«, but the bb antbiti*fos at-t-w»p* of ui- njf.rr* Ea* »‘i’* talc*-'* •- Pjri- *n.i Torus wireJe** r.injr two e2ot*ks. o - th* Fiffei T->w-r anl the -r at Tami~ <.>m;««r>•»♦•»« of whE h m—i *he TW travelled « ; - wjwrtte dt-:a?i-'e ja *ee>.»nd B ’■ »j h oiits At nearly 2OO.«i>*) miles 1 •• Sir Airy. Acrooo-r’-**r det- .wf ionjtit?] I- •* tletttl. (be little i*‘.t4bd o«a l’ie •’.•o? of Kerry where tbe Vlanti ent. ; the -wA. he hid no fewer than thirty rhr«>»'>«net*r- arrioi h« kward* »n I for wants bHweea Valewtia an i Greea rirli (M*-*tTaferj it iim-> \-f .* he waa fied.

Mwfoy Cwrioadtie*. I*a xii-rrtk-: w’i> ev> t*tA.x'rAßjjpei >f : X’*:/r Per. a-J a it sererat speefes of umboo the WI •■* iateraode—pan, of the stems W- : ' • -m zu- «ft re<l va:’-. T'e <yf -. • s mi* 4 *- he of great service Ex. as. emergeoey. Mr. Vi.-? . « .’ ... . - Beaverx Work. ‘ - - - ’ _ 1 - t >kr !7. - - . c . - . - - - tied • _ i , . w<t . - - - - -' t v-.-wdesg :■ ' r : 4r ' i... , s - » j ■ - ' : ' • -. ; . , ”• ;■• A’'.'! it.— -•' ” .. t . ..: ... ■ _ s . - - - ■ - - - - - - - _ CsspiAM Oil Wells Threatened- r A P--- --< : ::.-g : -= - n '-■ - J ft iT7,<- - U ; . . A . -■ " - - ‘ ■• ' ■ - ' *.5 ' - ~'_ . .-■«•■ ■*’".k. Zu-.e :Li: : .e . :- - - .• .' ' ' _ - ■> -••*«< jr-»: -viky ’ i is s _ - - - _ k-4 ’ v . a *...>■■•. _ ?-. .3, -* -... ? filter, -v i_‘'- -- - _• •• ►■ - . -j_ ,- -■• - ■■. ' : ■ I-'i^g r A S'...'-.-. 3' y .JJ. - --- ' ' • -' ~ ‘ ’ t-is* Imperia ’. «K.-erv»•? 77. ; .t- *'.-*•■>- >_> b h *--•-■■ e u _■' —. .1 j “ ,S( --'st _ .. - ... cure i'i'.iTlel by s-»ane : - - ' a ' of * - - z-i :: mi “ »-* abbsal withdrawn! 4 - ?- - »«s

That A aim al 4 Wear. A painter hs* rtvered that Xaiwro herself is the Mrst -.-f au p-. aiers ani v*>pyi<s of natural seenes. Natrtr*** €»?oars are ta-* pigment* ia bird** feather*, b'jlterries" > asi as--ha’-** for. Her of her chiMrea. S.» that they may l»e t’onceale*! frost their enemies, -he paints isw>& them y< lores of sunshin-- and shad. w. of moootaiit< and valieys f-»r--est*. skies, waters, jnngfes bush, -zr and desert that .he pieSares —to spesk in .- paradox—are even ne>-er 1- tbr* troth than th* orisfitt*!'*. '“he ■ -- - nsliine ant shadow >n a e.»and in svßlight-dapp!**d r h- :• snlisibfe >he pt*Wr»>s the sky in white tail of * rabbit. *- I as*;®*? th<* sky ji > tail is to be seex *»u an owT* Iwiek and she ; - - ■ -. w '-sUad *>-op that the ferm f the owl is b»*t to the eye amid th* leaves and branebes of the wood. The terrace: J»«k the pAtnter's ev* *av tS.»* fr«r«n the s»>!d*r green 4 the ! »re»<*s - f light through al! th* dark tfr.ts J leaves jn sha<!>w. an! th* and pit- h—- of Mini .bt t'n l<ark a . I gt-wnl. all r«ragin«Ne forest touew ar* l»v Nature in ths* Ihi Cs r! .•- -■. -r i.t th* forest h* melts j-»«> an! NeiwU wi’.h th- *eme in a way m> mag K* |-a-» und*r-t nding It is thr > igh - ' « ye that *h* .Am*rs an -rti-* and nafor- • 5 dt*. over- « bather". » taar* «g** *ed la* 4 one-' . •,.

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Bibliographic details

New Zealand Graphic, Volume XLVII, Issue 19, 8 May 1912, Page 43

Word Count

Progress in Science. New Zealand Graphic, Volume XLVII, Issue 19, 8 May 1912, Page 43

Progress in Science. New Zealand Graphic, Volume XLVII, Issue 19, 8 May 1912, Page 43

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