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Personal Notes

THE members of the Poverty Bay Club last week farewelled Mr. E. J. Lysnar, an ex-mayor of Gisborne, who has left on a visit to England. The president (Mr. A. H. Wallis) presided and presented Mr. Lysnar with a handsome travelling rug. Mr. Wallis and several members paid high tributes to Mr. Lysnar’s personal qualities, and referred to the manner in which he had devoted his time to public bodies. They hoped that he and Mrs. Lysnar would have a most enjoyable trip, and would safely. return to Gisborne. Mass Virtue, of Auckland, is spending a few weeks with Mrs. C. V irtue, of Te Awamutu. . The death occurred at Nelson last Fri-

day of Henri Mat nga Waipunaahu (James Martin), a n >ted chief, and husband of Huria Matenga, or better ’-n w-n as Julia Martin, the Grace D u’in* of New Zealand, who predeceased him by two years. Matenga was a m mber of the Nelson Anglican Synod for many years. The Rev. Mr. Sedgwick and Mrs. >e.!g wick, who were married at Wellington last week, left for England by the R mu era. Mr. W. D. Webster and Miss Winfred Webster, of New Plymouth, and Mrs, R. B. Lusk, of Auckland, left last week on a trip to Sydney. Mr. Norton Francis, ex-Mayor of Waimate (Canterbury), sailed by th - Moana last week for Sydney, where he w .11 catch the. outgoing boat for London

Kir. Fr*n«i< expects to be away about btx months. Mr. and Mrs. A. Anderson, of ( hristrliuiih, who have been on a six months’ holiday visit to Egypt, Europe, and England. returned Last week. Mr. J. S. Brass, a prominent bowler of Gore, has removed to Palmerston North, and was the recipient of gifts amt £ood wishes on the eve of his dopa rture. Mr. Sydney Swan, son of Mr. George Henry Swan, formerly Mayor of Napier, but now resident in Wanganui, will leave shortly for England to continue his training in electrical engineering. I’he Rev. .1. 1). Mill, of Hamilton, ha’ r.t.eptvd ’ < ill from Oarnaru congregation to the pastorate of the Baptist Chinch, as successor to the Rev. F. G. Binkingham (says the ••Oarnaru Mail"). Mr. Mill has done excelfent work in connect ion wi’h the establishment of the ( huivh at Hamilton during the past five year". He is expected to be in Oarnaru about the middle of .lune. Miss Wilson. M.A.. uf Napier Girls’ High School, has accepted the position ol teacher of mathematics and English in th? Invercargill Technical College. Mother Marie St. SchoJastica’s appointment as manager of St. Mary’s Industrial School at Nelson has been approved by the Minister of Education. Dr. ( hes>on has been permanently appoint d to the Public Health Department. Mr. Greig, owing to a sudden seizure of | iralysi<, has been compelled to relinquish iiis duties as clerk to the Mabel’. •> Town Board, an office he has h 1 I c-muin u>us|y for over twenty-six years. He i" leaking slow progress towards re- ( aptain Finnis, of the Christchurch Pvivnee Otlice, has been granted sir months’ have of absence, as he is sutler ing from eye "train. Captain Kvlsall has taken oxer the area group work, and Lieut. Burn will act a" adjutant of the l<‘ Keu’iment. lh Rev. P. T. Jones, curate of St. Paul’s. Dunedin, has been appointed viur of Gladstone, ami the Rev. Angus Tb‘s<. curate of All Saints’, has been made vicar of Tapanui. « Mr. J. Henley, who has occupied the position of coaching foreman at the PalNorth railway station for the past twenty years, has retired on supcrjinnuei<m. \dviee has been received by cable that Kir. l>.dand Maunder and family, of Pahi.'rston North, have arrived at Plymouth. England. They were passengers by the Rotorua. Mr. B. G. Synall. assistant clerk to the Rang'd ikei County Council for nine years, has been appointed clerk and treasurer to the \\ airoa County Council. Th tic were 122 applicants for the po-i-Mr. ’nd Mi". T. 11. Brown, of Winton. have left on a prolonged tour. They will spend a few week" in the North Island prior to their departure for the • lorn J-. nJ by th" Remuera. 'they go via N ath \uivriea. and intend visiting Engl . iL Ireland, and ScotUnd. They will i« :rn via South Africa. I’he liev. 7L A. Thomson, who has aea call from th? congregation of the Eoxton Presbyterian Church, arrived in Foxton last week and was tender d a welcome social. Mr. B. Howell has relinquished the c hairmanship an I membership of the Timaru High School Board after being < i.n t d with it from its incorporation about 30 years ago. Th? Board has appointed Mr. Montague Ongley. of Auckland City High School, as third assistant ami ".-‘ence master. Mr. F. B. Manson, of the Nelson I '.an- h of the l*ub!ie Works Department, who is Inking transferred on promotion to the head office. Wellington, was pre"♦nt d with ? handsome marble clock by tlc.‘ Nehon "taff. A cable n e"sage re.eiveJ from London "tat- - that Miss Van Staveren. of Welling t* n. a!i ! a daughter of the New ZeaI>' ' ‘ h r Rabbi, ma I • her London debut at *ue performance at Covent Gaidvn «»f the opera "(Airmen.’’ Mr. E’w » Harlan I Dean, of the legal ' in of Bi own and Di an, die ’ at his nsN d»ne. 2t». Giant-road. Wellington, last week. Mr. D*an h . I "U (Tired from heart tioublc for tie last »ix month, .nil lately pneumonia *r.p rvtnvd. Th? deceased h l r«-il- I in Wellington for th’rzy-four years. He leaves a widow an I »»iie daughter (Mr*. IL F. King, of Wellington), end two «on« (Lieutenant Dean, of the Dor*et'diire Regiment, now statkned at P onah, India, and Mr. Roy Dean, of Wellington). Mr. Dean. who came to New Zealand in 1868, from New

castle. New South Wales, was in his fiftyfirst year at the time of his death. Mr. Francis .Simpson, late-Commissipn-er of Crown Lands in Taranaki, died at New Plymouth last week, aged 66. lie retired from otlice twelve months ago. 'Die late Mr. Simpson was born in Lancaster. in 1846, and came out with his parents to New Zealand at the age of seven. He was educated at Wesley College. and the Church of England Grammar School nt Auckland, and adopted the profession of land surveyor. He joined the Government Service* in 1875, and four years later was appointed a district surveyor. In 1892, he became chief draughtsman in the Hawke's Bay office, an<l in 1904 be went to New Plymouth as Chief Commissioner. He held a commission in the Second Waikato Company during the Maoni war. Mr. George IJII, who has been farming in Dunsandel (South Island) for the past thirty-five years, is retiring from the* land, and will take up his residence in St. Albans. Christchurch. Mr. and Mrs. 11. I . Pearson, of Springston. are leaving the district to settle in Hawke's Bay. Mr. Pearson has been a director of the Springston

Hall Company since it was formed, and was for many years secretary and treasurer to the company. A large number of the friends of Mr. and Mrs. J. C. Wilson met in the Kaikorai Presbyterian Church Hall last week to bid them good-bye on the eve of their departure for the Homeland. Mr Wilson has recently been superannuated from the Railway Department after 33 years’ service. 31 of which he has spent in the Kaikorai. Hr. J. H. Thompson, who has teen teller at the Bank of New South Wales, dimaru. for some, years, has been promoted to the position of accountant at the Dannevirke branch. At Waitara last week Mr. W. T. Jennings, ex-member for Taumarunui, was presented with a purse of 100 sovereigns by his old constituents. There was a very large gathering, including Mr. Laurenson and Dr. Buck, who made congratulatory speeches. Mr. Jennings announced that he would contest the seat again-t all-eomers at the next election. The Rev. Canon Eccles, vicar of Woodville, is suffering from a break-down in health, and his medical adviser has recommended a complete rest from his duties for at least two mouths. He has left on a holiday to Melbourne. The death occurred in Feilding last week of Mrs. Harriet Gould, at the age of 75 years. Deceased was the relict of Mr. Wm. Gould, who landed in Feilding in January. 1880, from Dudley, Worcestershire. England. Five sons and four daughters survive. The sons are; Messrs. B. Gould (Feilding), John Gould (Apitl), Joseph Gould (Rnngotea),James Gould (Hawera), and William Gould (Perth. West Australia); and the daughters Mrs. Print (Bunny thorpe), Mrs. Pemberthy. Mrs. Bitekendahl (Wanganui), and Mrs. Cockburn (Marton). There are fifty-two grau'cliil Iren ant ten great-grandchildren. The death occurred la-t week of Mrs. Monson, wife of Mr. R. W. Monaon, manager of the Union Steam Ship Company's Nelson office. Mr. H. Holland, who stood as labour’s nominee for the Christchurch Mayoralty, and secured a win over Dr.

Thacker and the retiring Mayor, Mr. J. Dougal, was a colleague and co-worker with the late Mr. T. E. Taylor, and was in sympathy with the policy which"' fie inaugurated while Mayor of Christchurch, and was unable to complete before his death. Mr. Holland was vicepresident of the last Primitive Methodist Conference, and three years ago represented New Zealand at the British Conference in London. He is a wellknown preacher in Primitive Methodist circles in Christchurch.

A dinner party was held at Government House last week. the. following receiving invitations: —Mr W. F. Massey, M.P.. Hon. A. M. Myers. Rev. Canon MacMurray, Colonel Holgate, Hou. Sir George Maurice O'Rorke, Hon. E. Mitehelson. Mr. J. Cullen (Commissioner of Police). Mr. C. J. Parr. Mr. IL M. Skcet, Mr. J. P. Ridings, Mr. Thomas Hall. Mr. W. Bowles. Mr. J. E. D. Spicer, Mr. F. D. Holdsworth. Mr. F. W. Lang, M.P., Mr. J. H. Bradney, ALP., Mr. W. A. Bed doe. Mr. E. K. Mulgan. Dr. Makgill. Mr J. H. Gunson. Mr P. M. Maekav. Mr G. J Garland. Mr G. Elliot. Mr H. Brett, Mr. IT. Horton. Mr H. W. Wilson, Mr D. Goldie. Dr. Valintine. Dr. Cleary. Roman Catholic Bishop of Auckland, left Sydney by the Wimmera on Wednesday, and reached Auckland on Nunda v.

The promotion of Captains E. V. Bevan (N.Z. Garrison Artillery) and G. J. Rastrick (Kith Waikato Regiment) to the rank of major is announced in the latest “Gazette.”

Air. L. T. Symes, manager of the Gisborne section of railway, is retiring from the service, in which he has been for 28 years. He intends to settle at Tauranaa.

Air. W. A. Beddoe, Canadian Trade Commissioner, left by the Main Trunk express last week for Pahiatua to address a meeting on matters affecting the welfare of the Empire.

At the end of last month Captain Alitehell, who has seen twenty years of service as superintendent of the Dunedin City Fire Brigade, relinquished that position. He is now at the close of a creditable and honourable record of 37 years’ continuous service in fire fighting. Air. T. Roberts, late executive officer under the Tongan Government, left Wellington by the Aorahgi for Vancouver, en route for England. Colonel A. W. Robin. C. 8., left by the same steamer for the purpose of undergiong a course of military training at Home.

The Hon. Win. Pitt, the well-known Melbourne architect, arrived in Wellington from Sydney by the Maunganui last week, with the plans for the new theatre to be erected in Manners-street East by the AVellingtou Opera House

Company. Air. Jas. Mackenzie, who has been appointed Surveyor-General, presided over the monthly meeting of the Wellington Land Board last week for the last time. At the conclusion of the business the retiring Commissioner was presented

with a framed photograph of the members of J he Board. -i» . A pleasant gathering was held on Wednesday oi“iirng In EllersHe Town Beard office, wnen the late clerk, Air. Ross, who has taken the position of elerk to the Otahuhu Road Board, was presented with a testimonial and illuminated address on behalf of the chairman and members of the Board. Lieut. A. D. Reid, of D Company 6th (Hauraki) Regiment, has been appointed to the New Zealand Staff Corps, and took up his duties on Alay Ist. The Rev. J. M. Saunders, AI.A., of St. David's Presbyterian Church, Khyber Pass, has been gazetted an officiating minister under the Marriage Act. Mr W. F. Grace, general manager of the Waihi Grand Junction Gold Mining Company, who left Waihi on Thursday, en route for England, was presented with a handsome travelling case by the employees of the Company. Mr Grace will be absent about six mouths. Air. AV. A. Holman, president of the Australian branch of the New Zealand Institute of Architects, leaves Auckland shortly on an extended tour of the United Kingdom and Europe. The following appointments are gazetted:—Messrs. IL J. 11. Blow, 1.5.0., and John Strauchon. members of the Public Service Superannuation Board; Mr. Alfred Hodgkinson, district surveyor; Air. W. D. Arniit. assistant surveyor; Air. Andrew Bieker (at present a temporary officer), assistant field instructor in the Department of Agriculture: Air. R. Mar-

tin, deputy registrar of marriages, etc., at Ohakune. It is feared, but not witl» certainty, that Mr t’eo. Beetham,’ one" of the Beetham family of Wairarapa, was aboard the wrecked Titanic. The last letter received by his friends in New Zealand stated that he was looking forward with interest to the first trip of the mammoth liner. Mr. R. Heald, formerly stationmaster at Carterton, Wai rarapa, is also supposed to have been a passenger on the ill-fated steamer.

Mr F. W. Haybittie, a leading Wellington citizen, when in Fremantle met Mr Harold Beauchamp and the Hon. C. J. Johnston. There was a reasonable distance of sea water between them, for they were on the Malwa, which had a case of smallpox on board. Mr Haybittle spoke from a hulk, and gathered that Mr Beauchamp was remarkably well and quite recovered from the breakdown which caused him to take a change. The quarantine regulations required that the Malwa passengers should be 21 days under observation from the outbreak on board, and that had been discovered just before the Malwa reached Fremantle.

Mr. Albert E. Thode, who died last week after painful illness, was for 14 years connected with the Citizens’ Life Assurance Company in Auckland, and latterly as assistant superintendent. Mr. Thode took an active interest in yachting and volunteering, and was formerly a sergeant in the Mounted Rifles. He leaves a widow and two children, for whom much sympathy is felt. Mr. Thode was one of the N.Z. Contingent who went to the opening of the Commonwealth Parliament. The sterling services rendered to the backblock settlers by Mr. William Jennings, who formerly represented Tailmarunui in Parliament, were recognised at Te Kuiti last week, when advantage was taken of the presence of several Ministers to present him with a purse of sovereigns, containing £220. and he was also presented with souvenirs for Mrs. and Miss Jennings. At the Addington Saleyards last week, a presentation was made to Mr David Matson, of the firm of Messrs H. Matson and Co., who is about to leave for a trip to the Old Country. The presentation was made by Mr Harry Stuart, on behalf of the farmers, butchers, pig buyers, and attendants at the yards. It consisted of a gold albert, sovereign case, r.nd pendant. Mrs T. S. Williams, accompanied by Miss E. Williams, and Mr Harold Wiilianis, of Gisborne, last week joined the New Zealand Shipping Co.’s steamer Remuera at Wellington on an extended visit to the Old Country. Mr Howard Wood, of the stall’ of the Invercargill branch of the National Mortgage and Agency t 0., has been transferred to Christchurch. Mr Wood has been a prominent member of the Invercargill Cricket Club and the Star Football Club, and has made himself very popular in business, sporting, and social circles. Mr L. J. Watkin. director of the T'eilding Technical School, who has been appointed organising, art instructor under the Wanganui Board, and who is leaving for Wanganui to take up his residence, was the other evening the recipient, in conjunction with his wife, who is instructor in art needlework under the Board, with a solid silver inkstand and silver cake-stand, both suitably inscribed, in recognition of the valuable services rendered by them in the promotion of technical education. The recent arrivals who aie staying at Glrnalvou include: General and Mrs Godley. Captain Spencer Smith. A.D.C., Captain e.ud Mrs Stopfbrd, (H.M.s. Pioneer). Captain and Mrs Hickley (H.M.s. Encounter). Dr. and Mrs. Whitwam (H.M.s. Encounter). In commemoration of hist long an t valuable services as Mayor of Tiinarn, the Borough Council presented Mr. James Craigie, M.P., and Mrs. Craigie with some handsome pieces of silver plate as farewell gifts. Mr. W. Eyre Kenny, senior mining warden of the Federated. Malay Slates, will shortly,be visiting Auckland on his furlough. Mr. Kenny is a New Zealander, the son of Mr H.' Eyre Kenny, S.M. (retired). He was born in New Plymouth, and educated in Auckland. Mr. IL Morris, who for the past twelve months has been connected with '- the stalT of the -Magistrate's Court, JVaihi, has received notice of his transfer to Hamilton. His place will be taken by Mr. O. f>. Thorinirn. of TLvWera. Mr. Jesse stoer a commuhiealion from the Masonic Grand Secretary in London, notifying his appoint-

went as District Grand Master of Westland, vice Mr. John Bevan (deceased). On his retirement, after ten years’ service, Mr. Lockie Gannon, of the engineer’s staff of the Auckland Harbour Board, was entertained by his fellowemployees on Friday, and presented with an office desk and a copy of a standard work on civil engineering. Mr. Gannon is setting up for himself as a civil engineer in the city. The Rev. J. Dawson, secretary of the New Zealand Alliance, left Wellington for Sydney by the Tahiti on Saturday. He will attend the annual convention of the New South Wales Alliance, and will probably speak at various centres in the State later. Mr. Dawson will be away for about a month.

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New Zealand Graphic, Volume XLVII, Issue 18, 1 May 1912, Page 5

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Personal Notes New Zealand Graphic, Volume XLVII, Issue 18, 1 May 1912, Page 5

Personal Notes New Zealand Graphic, Volume XLVII, Issue 18, 1 May 1912, Page 5

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