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Turf Gossip.



'Lloyds and Master Sly, separately, were •chooled over the hurdles nt Ellerslie last Week, both fencing well. _ An Auckland sportsman offered 550 gs. for the Soult mare, Jolie Fiile during the Rotorua meeting, but no business resulted. The pony Master Dix has been purchased by a Sydney buyer, and will be shipped to Australia either on Monday or Monday Week. The gelding Rakau was schooled at Ellerslie last week over the small hurdles and the steeplechase fences, fencing in good style. The mare Bow Bells has been purchased by a patron of A. Barron’s stable, and was brought from the South by the Barnwa ou Thursday. J. Williamson shipp'd the ge’.dings Mahuku and Squatter to Gisborne last week. The latter is to race at the Tologa Bay meeting. The two-year-old Prince King, which was Operated on about a month ago. has resumed work again at Ellerslie under J. Chaafe’s charge. It. Hall. in addition to a number of mee horses. has eight trotters under his charge, and is now superintending the work Of a fairly large team. While running in the hurdles at South Auckland <»n Friday. Westerly struck himself l*adly. and was very lame when he returned tv the paddock. By winning the Oakleigh Plate on Saturday Queen o' Scots has incurred a 51b penalty. which will bring her weight in the New market Handicap up to 9.5. Ait bough no official information has been seceived in Auckland. Mr Donaid McLeod faUu rms me that lie withdrew Kakama from ber Wanganui engagements a week ago. Mr. W. Ring passed through Hamilton with the Wanganui Cup candidate Domino, and the son of Freedom should arrive in the Southern town. The celt which is stated to be a full brother tv Leonator has made his appearance at Ellerslie, where he Is being exercised under the supervision of F. G. Malcolm. M. Ryan, who will have the mount on Maxweil in the Wanganui t up. has won the event twice previously, steering Nouette to victory iu and Mars in th? following year. A. Whittaker was iu good form at South. Auckland yesterday, riding three winners—--Bt. Amans in the Cup. Je&a in the Claudels nds Handicap, and Ngatirauru in the Settlers* Handicap. Mr H. R. MacKenzie has decided to ship the Soult—Lady Hester colt to Sydney about the middle of next month. Mr MacKenzie will leave for the other side him•elf about the end of March.

The San Fran horse. Goldfiuder. is back •gain at Hastings, under W. Whittaker’s charge. The sou of San Fran xs stated to bare lightened up considerably as a result of hte racing at Christmas.

The black horse Tobias was l*onght at the ronelusioß of the Taranaki Meeting by a patron of w. Sharpe's stable, and the sou iff Cordon Rouge is n*»w a regular attendant on the track, at Ellerslie.

The Soatt er Mine Maxwell, which Is to be ridden iti the Wsnrnnni Cup by M Ryan, wan shipped l>y the Rarawa on SumLiy to fulfil hL* engagements at the foul hern fixture.

The Auckland horseman B. IkTley left fee the south «»u Monday night to fulfil riding engageiDenU at the Woodville Meeting. Deeley in time fug the South meeting

The griding Royal Armour wan disposed of at aortion by Mmr* A. RnckJand and Form an Friday last, being kuorked down St Tig** tn Mr J Williamson. The io«i of <*«irw*der wiM be seen ont »u the hauling field next orison.

Tiro fit. .‘Ambrose gelding Virtue wns.opcr. ntert on lust week )»y Dr. c. Ring, when several splints were removed. Virtue fans improved out of ail recognition during the spell he has been indulged in. and may yet repay for past disappointments.

The Wellington Racing Club has decided to increase the stakes for its Autumn Meeting by 375sovs. It has also been decided to alter the distance of the Autumn Handicap from a mile and a quarter to a mile and three furlongs.

The Bluejacket mare Sphinx, with Westerly as a companion, was schooled over a round of the hurdles at Ellerslie last week. Sphinx shaped well for a beginner, but tired somewhat towards the finish and struck the last two fences pretty bard.

The connections of Santa Rosa and Waimaugu have definitely decided to abandon the trip to Wanganui, and they have l»een allowed to drop out of the Wanganui Cap. Waimangu is at present on the easy list, haring struck himself while working recently.

The successful horseman B. Deeley hurried back from Woodville to catch the first day s racing of the South Auckland meeting, but though he had a ride in alt the flat raves, he only succeeded in catching the judge’s eye once, on Lucille iu the Flying Handicap.

During the progress of the Taranaki meeting the Auckland sportsman, Mr J. Jacksou, purchased the gelding Silver Cluse, and he has gone into J. Delaney’s charge at Wellington. There is every probability of Silver Ciuse being taken across to Australia in the fall nf the year.

The Wanganui Cap candidate Maxwell is to be shipped South by the Rarawa tomorrow (Sundayl. F. McMauemin has not yet decided whether he will leave with the son of Soult or travel down later. If the Ellerslie trainer is unable to get away. Maxwell will go down iu charge of M. Ryan.

W. Orange is one of the best riders of a trotter yet seen at Epsom, and seems to have the knack of getting the very last ounce out of his mount. At the Otahuhu Trotting Club’s recent meeting he had 12 rides, and returned a dividend on six occasions. A sovereign invested on each of his mounts would have shown a profit of £4 5/.

At Ellerslie last week the horses Delegate, Webfoot, and Tul C’akobai> were schooled over the big fences, jumping the sod wall, double (twice) and stone wall (twice). The trio fenced in good style, and Delegate and Tui Cakohau promise to be welcome additions to the ranks of local steeplechasers.

Racing at Woodville and Dunedin to-day, when both the Woodville Cup and tne Dunedin Cop will be decided. The latter event is practically a dead letter as far an Auckland is concerned, only a passing interest being taken in the contest by Aucklanders. who have plenty of racing nearer home to occupy their attention. Mr. G. J. Parker, secretary Te Aroha J.C.. adrises me that the Club have made a number of improvements to their course and surroundings, and anticipate a record meeting. The nominations are exceptionally good, and the fields should be large. Mr. Edwards’ adjustments for the first day s racing are due on Monday next, the 26th inst. The announcement that a horse named Landlock had been killed while high jumping iri Australia recently has led a number of writers to the conclusion that the animal was identical with the Auckland horse of that name. This, however, is an error, for it will be remembered that the sou of Flintlock was killed some little time ago in the Ohinemurf district. , Prior to the commencement of the first day’s racing of the South Auckland Racing Club’s meeting the Freedom gelding Seldom was purchased by Mr. W. Montgomery, and he ran In his interest tn the Hurdle Race. There is every pn>l»ability of Seldom being taken across to Australia shortly, and iu the mennHine he la under G. Coleman’s charge.

The first cineinatttgraph picture ever taken of □□ Auckland Cup is Ix-ing shown at the Queen’s Theatre, and is a first-class reproduction. The Ellerslie <-ourse is faithfully pourtrtyed. and numbers of wellknown figures m the local racing world can be plainly seen. The race iUelf la also worth seeing, and the picture is one that should not l»e missed by sportsmen.

The ObUga«te- MUs Annie coit Anti phone, which unfortunately went wrong In his wind, was operated on last week by |ir. C. Ring for throat affection, and Dr Ring informs me that ho was a real rearer. Ant!phone shows a lot of pace in hi> work. and. if rbe operation has aa good effect rr in other mses of the Mime nature perfornaed by Dr Ring, should be a pa ya ide proposition next aeMon.

The mishap to the Son It gelding Sctrtrh at tbe South Auckland inerting on Friday will probably mean bis ret'Foment from the tujf. fccotcb was la a uhe pcaitlna wbeu

the field left the straight when he was suddenly seen to falter, and at first it was thought his leg was broken. An eamination, however, showed that the gliding had badly ricked his shoulder, and although an effort is to l»e made to Fave him he will probably never race again. Provided all goes well iu the meantime, the crack steeplechaser Antarctic will be taken across to Australia for the V.R.C. National Meeting. The son of Salvadan. which Is being trained by his owner, is progressing satisfactorily in bls work, and his first appearance under silk will probably be in the Wanganui The negotiations opened for the purchase of the horse by an Australian buyer di 1 not come to anything. If anything were wanted in the of an argument for the reducing of limits at the trotting meetings, the Alexandra Handicap at the Otahuhu meeting ou Saturday provides one. The limit in a mile and flhalf was 30sec.. and it was heartbreaking to see a game little mare like Monica chasing the limit horse. Mountain King. If the club -are anxious to get the best class of horse to compete at their fixtures, they should follow the example of the Metropolltou Club, and reduce the limits considerably. i i 1. TWO JOCKEYS SUSPENDED. CHRISTCHURCH. Monday. A special meeting of the New Zealand Trotting Association was held this afternoon. The president said the meeting was a special oue to consider the report of the Licensing Commit tee on the action of two men licensed by the committee, namely. Freeman Holmes aud K. Smith. The x-eport of the committee was as follows:—“Iu connection with the recent assault case and the suspension of Freeman Holmes’ and K. Smith’s licenses, we have to report that at a meeting on the 12th inst. both parties were called together and examined. In submitting the evidence attached hereto, we recommend that the suspension of K. FI. Smith’s license be removed as from the 12th inst.. and that Freeman Holmes’ license be cancelled for three months from date." The report was adopted. The Forbury Park Trotting Club wrote stating that after the Dunedin Cup the owner of Adoniss made a verbal complaint against Smith for interfering with his horse. The complaint not being in writing, no meeting was held, but the chairman of the club heard the statements of Smith and Holmes, and cautioned Smith. Subsequently a written complaint was made by the owner of Adoniss. The club then decided to hold a full inquiry. It asked the association to take the evidence of Christchurch drivers and forward the evidence to Dunedin to be considered along with that of the Southern witnesses. Correspondence regarding the running of the Dunedin Cup and containing complaints against other drivers was read. The president said very serious charges were made, which, if not cleared up, were calculated to do the greatest harm to the sport. The fullest possible inquiry should, be made. If this sort of thing was allowed and did go on. it was a wonder to him that the stewards on the track at Forbury did not see it. If other people could get information as to alleged fraudulent running, a club eonld get it too. If the charges were true, somebody should be made a very serious example of. He was not going to sit there and hear those charges without lending his best effort to have them cleared up. Mr. Duncan agreed with the president’s views. He said it was another example of what he stated two years ago—that trainers were in the habit of pairing offThe president said the committee had dealt with Holmes In regard to misconduct, but it was possible that full justice had not been done in regard to the race referred to. It was resolved to procure evidence relating to the complaints. * £ £ WAIRARAPA NOTES. {From Our Special Correa pond ent.) Lady Kilrheran and Merrironia are doing exceptionally good work on the track, and both are much fancied in their respective events at the Wanganui meeting. The Waikanae horse Kilmeadon (K!l--cheran—4 ourronei won the Stewards Handicap at the Canterbury Park (New South Walesi meeting recently, carrying 8.8 and doing the mile hi 1.43. Mr. W. A. Donald’s hlaek gelding Aboriginal, which won the Winter Cup iu 19U6. is to be pur into commission again at Tauherenikau (South Wairarnpai. The R«»n of Merriwee and Polly has not aaorted silk since the winter meting of the Otaki Raring Club Ln 1910. when he broke down while •‘onresting the Kanginru Handicap. The Masterton horse Merrie Zealand was to have l»een put up for sale at auction at M*4bourne on Monday last. A very nice filly by Sylvia Park—Vanity has been placed iu T. Catt’s hands to train. She was taken in hand fow months ago. but, niifortunately. met with an accident just before the summer meeting, which necessitated her toeing placed <»n the easy Itet for a short period. The filly wilt he seen out at the forthcoming Walrarapi meetings. The ex-Ma>rtert<»n gelding Gunboat figures amongst the acceptors for the Australia** Cup to be rm* on March sth. his weight being 7.12. Watata. who formerly rx-cd In Walr«rapa. and at other North Ldaad gathcringa. and was aubaeqneutljr taken to Melbourne by A. Peter*, rrrmf’e non a race at the Fitxroy meeting.

WOODVILLE RACES. WOODVILLE, Wednesday. At the autumn meeting of the Woodvill® Jockey Club,, the sum of £10,069 was pat through >the totalisator, as against £8604 for the corresponding day last year. Maiden Plate of 65 sovs, six furl ngs.— Haskayne 1. Master Kilcberan. 2. Lockwood 3. Won very easily by three lengths. Scratched: Miss Jexin. Jockey Jack, Katlpo, Blue Blouse, and Merrintare. Time. 1.18. Hack Hardies of 85 soys, one and threequarter miles.—Stevms. 9.3. 1; Cauadmn. 9.0. 2; Waiputere.* 1013, X All started. •Won comfortably by a length. Time. X 22. Woodville Cup. one mile and a-qnarter.— 11. Nee’s Sir Knox, 3yrs, 8.3 iB. DeeleyU 1; Cork, 2; Ariom. 3. Vi was scratched. This was a magnificent race, nearly all the horsea being bunched. At The entrance to the straight Golden Loop and Ariom took command. and raced and neck to wrthiu 30yds of the post, when Sir Knox and Cork came through, the former gaining the verdict by haif-a-length. Ariom was a ieftgrh away, third. Time. 2.9 4-5. Cooney Hack Race, six furlongs.—F. Dorset’s Sir Solo (B. Deeleyi, 1: Glenfern, 2; Thrave. 3. A splendid finish. Won by <t short head, with a length t»etween the second and third horses. Time. 1.1? 3-5. President’s Handicap, seven furlongs.— F. S. Easton’s Lady Moutoa. syrs, 8.8 (Deeley), 1; Master Sylvia. 2; Seatondale, 3. ■Rill was scratched. A few yards from the post Lady Moutoa got Through on the rails and won by half-a-legnth. Time, 1.30. Victoria Hack Race, one mile.—€’. Kingston’s Merrie Lad, syrs. 8.13 <C. Jenkins). 1; •Merrie Emerald. 2; Matlow. 3. Scratched: Stevens. Loch Mabin, Strategist. The liozses were together coming down the straight. A few yards from home Merrie Lad got in front and won by half-a-!ength. Time. 1.45 2-5. Telephone Handicap, five furlongs.—A. D. Durrant’s Sinapsis. 3yrs. 7.8 rMcMHlaul. 1: Khamsin, 2; Ascalon. 3. Scratched: Labour Day, Master Sylvia. Ineuru. Parakin. Attcar and Rangia-tua led the field into the straight, when Sinapsis and Khamsin came through, the former winning by half-a-length, with the third horse two lengths away. Time, 1.3 2-5. SECOND DAY. WOODVILLE. Thursday. The second day of the Woodville Racing Club’s Autumn Meeting was held to-day in delightful weather. The attendance was good and speculation brisk. The sum of £9536 was put through the machine, making £19,605 for the meeting. This is £4317 in excess of the investments at the corresponding meeting last year. Results ar® as follows:— Kumeroa Handicap of 75 sovs. five furlongs.—lreuru 1. Glenfern 2, Leapuki X •Scratched: Makara and Happy New Year. Won by two lengths. Second Hack Hurdles of 85 sovs. on? mile and a half.—Waiputere, 11.12. 1; Stevens 10.12, 2; Merrie Lid, 9.10, 3. All started. Won by two lengths. Enja and Sapience felL Ballance Hack -Welter, seven fnnongs. — F. J. Attfield’s Bonnie Boy. 8-9 (Meagher), 1; Moahau 2, Field Fare 3. Scratched: Fashion Plate. Won by a length, with a short head between the second and third horses. Time, 1.31 2-5. Autumn Handicap, one mile and a distance. —J. M. Cameron’s Seatondale, 7.0 Cfricklebank), 1: Bally Shannon 2. Merrie Emerald 3. Scratched: Golden Loop. A splendid race. British ttaid, accompaniei by Merrie Emenid, led the field for threeparts of the distance. There was a desperate struggle down the straight. Seatondale getting the best of it and winning by twa lengths, half a length separating the second and third horses. Time. 1.57. Settlers’ Hack Race, six furlongs.—F. Dorset’s Sir Solo. 8.2? (A. Oliveri, 1; Makara 2, Good Form f. Scratched: The Nut. Won by a good length. Time. 1.16 Shorts Handicap, five furlongs.—Hon. J. Ormond’s Altcar, 7-9 (L. Watsooi, 1; Rangiatua 2. Full Rate 3. Scratched: Longstep, lueuru. Altcar got away with the lead and was never headed, winning by a good length. Time, LI. Hack Scarry, five furlongs.—J. Mann’s Lord Renown (B. Oliver), 1; Asternoun 2, Letes 3. Scratched: Miss Jean, Miss Roberts, Waerato. Won by a good length. Time. 1.4 1-5. Maharahara Handicap, oue mile. —Greenside and O’Neil’s Meremere. 8-2 (C. Price), 1; Eclogue 2. Matlow 3. Scratched: Composed. Matlow led the field well into the straight, when he was challenged by Meremere and Eclogue, the former getting tho verdict by a ne- k. a length th® second aud third horses. Time, 1.53 1-5 ♦ * SOUTH AUCKLAND R. C. AUTUMN MEETING. The South Auckland Racing Club its annual meeting ou the Claudehwds course at Kirikiriroa yesterday, when there was a large attendance, which iuclwled visitors from the surrounding districts,and also a number from An<*klaud. The weather was uvernwt, and during the afteruoeu showers fell, but they were fortunately not heavy enough to interfere with the racing. Since last set*sou the course has been rafted right round, which is a roueidereHe improvement. but if the club wants te keep Iu the front rank of country clubs a number of other works will have to be undertaken at no dtetaut date. The track wawts seeing to, for a little way ont from the rail* It Im very rough, and aU against a Uerse having to ra*‘e on the outiode. Better heoHiimodstl.iu is ah*o wanted for the srgre I ary, and the weighing--oom is »ito®ether too small, while rome slight provision br maite !««• have ta take tkrtr cbaaee «at-

ting a view uf a race. The inaßagem nt wm hard!j as satAsfactsr) as could be wished, and it was just vu s 5 minutes pas. the advertised time of cloning toe ter when the last race was started.

Mr A. J. Storey officiated as judge. Mr J. Jackman as starter, the latter gen lie u>a n being very successful with bis dispatches. The secretary (Mr W. I. Conradi) worked hard to make the gathering a success, and with the exception of the tate starting his offer to were satisfactory. Speculation on the machines during the afternoon was brk*k, the staff of Messrs W. Blumfield and Co. handling the sum of £5905 10/ as against £3517 10/ on the opening day last year. An innovation was mad? this year, the inside tickets being £1 and the ent side 10/.

The racing during the afternoon was of an interesting character, Mr Wynyard scoring a decided success, only two first favourites being successful during the afternoon, while several long-priced outsiders scored, the winner of the Hurdle Race and also the second paying exceptionally long prices tv their few supporters. Proceedings opened with the Tria! Handicap, for which Manuwera was made a better favourite than Rutter in a field of nine, the only others to meet with any decent support being Caedmon and Zuieima. The start, which was a flag one. saw Caedmon bop out smartly, followed by Kaween and Rutter, and there was little between the trio as they turned for home, with the favourite, which was badly chopped out cressing the top, about three lengths away. At the distance Kaween had shaken off Caedmon and Rutter, aud looked as if she would win easily, but the favourite coming with a well-sustained run on the outside, Kaween had to be hard ridden to win by three-parts of a length. Rutter was third, two lengths away, but the judge placed Pukewera in that position. The son of Explosion, however, was fifth, just behind Caedmon. Kaween paid a double figure dividend. Eleven came out in the Ciaudelands Haadicap, aud Peggy Pryde was made a better favourite than Bogey, with Jena also well backed, but Firelock was allowed to go out, paying a false price. Jena, Peggy Pryde, Coolstream, and Bogey comprised the leading division till they were well in the straight, where Jena drew out, and had an advantage at The distance, but Firelock, which was badly placed in the early stages, came with a great run, just failing to get up, Jena lasting long enough to win by a neck. The favourite was half a length away, third, just In front of Bogey and Bine Mount. The Smith Auckland Cup produced the good field of 11, and it was a good betting race. Maheno wound up favourite, with St. Amans second fancy and Jolie Fille and Master Jack almost evenly backed, but outside these some good prices were going. The race was an interesting one. They were let go on even terms, bnt there was a bit of bumping before they settled down, whea Taketnmu was iu the lead, and showed the way past the stand, just clear of St. Amans aud Waiotahi, which were together with Jolie Fillo, Scotch, and Master Jack following, and Maheno, Fuss, and Sir Artegai next, the last pair being Veltalia and Zinnia. Taketnmu and St. Amans were still the pilots going along the back, bat crossing the top the latter dashed into the lead, and piloted the field round the home turn, where Sir Artegai was his nearest attendant, and ’Waiotahi and Jolie Fille at the head of the others. In tho run to the judge Sir Artegai and Waiotahi challenged, but could not reach St. Arnaus which won nicely by a length and a-half from Sir Artegai. which was eased in the lact bit when his rider found he could not reach the leader. Waiotahi was third, a neck behind Sir Artegai. with Jolie Fille, -Taketnmu. Maheno. Master Jack, and Fuss finishing in that order, the last -pair being Veitalia and Zinnia. Scotch faltered just after they left the straight, and it was found that he had ricked his shoulder badly. Only two. Westerly and Ambergris, found backers to any extent in the Hurdle Race, for which nine ran. The race was the surprise of the day. Bonnie Jean, Ambergris, Boil Cyr, and Mavourneen were in the lead until the third fence was reached, when Ambergris and Bon ('yr came to grief. The mishap left Bonnie Jean and Mavourneen in the lead, and they showed the way across the top, where Westerly ran up to them, and looked as if he had them in safe keeping, but he struck himself badly, and dropped away again, and the finish was left to the -two outsiders. Bonnie Jean and Mavourneen, the former winning easily. Seldom got third. The Trot w.’te looked upon as a good thing for Lord John or Ghoam, but the race did not produce a great deal of Interest, and the club would do well to consider the advisability or otherwise of retaining it on the- programme. The race was practically a match between Savanna and Lord John, the former winning by three lengths. <‘nce again Watch chain found a lot of support, and he was sent out favourite for the Publicans* Purse, with Admiral Souit a good second fan-y, none of the others being backed with confidence. The race was another surprise, the little fancied Manurere, jumping to the front after half a furlong was covered, and making every post a winning one. struggled homo a head in front of Admiral Soult, which finished with great dash after getting a bad run in the early stages. Watch Chain was prominent in the early stages, but failed to see it out, finishing fourth just behind Impulsive. Xian mere paid a double figure dividend. The District Hack saw Ngatimuru made a good favourite in a field of 14, the largest of the day. and the good thing eventually won after a good race with Spalfi<h. which second favourite. The concluding event of the day, the Flying Hand leap. brought out a dozen. Lac I lie bring installed a strong favourite, with Surplus next iu request lauly French and Lu< ll)e were quickest to begin, but when It came to ;.< tual racing there was only one tn It, Lucille winning easily from Surp.’u*. With Hnrenoa tl rd aud Lady French fourth.

CONCLUIHNG DAY. HAMILTON. Saturday. The South Auckland Racing Ulao’s Auuual Meeting was concluded on Saturday in fine weather. The attendance was much larger than oh the (opening day, and included a large number of Aucklanders -who arrived by special train. There was again a lot of delay in gelling off the various events, and it was just on six o’clock when rhe laat rare finished, with the result that t} I .*.*(*’>* *** train, which was timed to leave Kirikiriroa at 6.10 p.m., did not get away till 7 p.m. This delay caused considerable inconvenience to Aucklanders. who did not get back to town til! after midnight, when, the cars had ceased running, if the club are anxious for the patronage of Aucklanders. an improvement will have to be effected. Speculation was brisk during the afternoon. the staff of Messrs. W. Blom field and bon handling the sum of £so6l io which makes a total of 113,Sts 10 for the meeting. The opening event, the Maiden Plate, attracted eleven runners, and Ma.ruwer-b was backed as if it was ail over. Kaween being the only other to get any decent, support. The start was nor a good one Mauuwera. Rutter, ami Mina roe getting the best of it. ami they made the running for about three furlongs, when Kaween moved up, and was alongside Mauu-wera when they turned for home. In the rua to tho post Maunu er a drew out. tfii.l eventually won easily by three lengths from Caedmon, which finished fast ami beat Kaween a neck for second honours. Pukewera was close up. fourth. Mighty Atom was made a very hot favourite in the Shorts Handicap, with Bogey second fancy, while Surplus also bad friends. Surplus gave a lot of trouble at the poet, bolting before the start and performing all sorts of circus tricks, tho held eventually leaving without him Mi-htv Atom began quickly, and led across the top, a length clear of Bogey and Vittoria, which were together, with Hyperion at tho head of the others. Mighty Atom still bad charge when they reached the distance, where Bogey challenged, and Hvperton also joining lit, a great race was witnessed. Bogey getting the verdict by a neck from the favourite, with Hyperion a similar distance away, third. Fremantle was fourth. Seldom was made one of the hottest favourites that ever started for a hurdle race In a field of five that contested that event. The favourite eut up very badly, and after striking the paling 'by the seven-furlong post hard, fell at the hurdle in the top stretch. Mavoyrneen made, the early running, bnt when it came to actual racing Bonny Jean took charge, and never letf the Issue in doubt, winning by three lengths, with a similar distance between second and third. The Waikato Handicap was the best betting race ef the meeting. Admiral Sonlt being a shade better favourite than Maheno. while good support was also forthcoming for -Sir Artegai. Taketnmu. and Waiotahi, but Miss Livonia was neglected on the machine. There was a lot of trouble at the post, and when the tapes lifted Admiral Soult and Taketnmu were quickest out, but when they settled down Taketnmu was in the lead, just clear of Miss Livonia, with Peggy Pryde and Admiral Sonlt next. The latter lost his position, and when they turned for home was a long way back. Taketumn and Miss Livonia were first into the straight, followed by Waiotahi, Peggy Pryde, and Sir Artegai. Miss Livonia bail ketumu beaten at the distance, bnt failed to stall off a strong run by Sir Artegai, •which won by a length. Admiral Soult came with a great run from a long way back, but just failed to get up. being beaten for second honours by a neck. Waiotahi was fourth. In the District Welter TTa renoa was a better favourite than Ngatimuru, Spalfish being the best backed of tho others. Ngatimuru and Harenoa made the early running, but when fairly In tho straight Spa’.fish came through, and, outstaying Harenoa. won by a neck, with Hemisphere, which finished fast, half-a-length away, third. In the Welter Handicap Invader was made a better favourite than Manuwera. the pair carrying the bulk of the investments. The favourite was In a handy position entering the straight, and, stalling off a strong run by Zinnia, won by half-a-length, with a neck between second and third. Hyperion, fell in tho straight. Tn the Handicap Trot. Alf. McKinney and Ghoam (bracketed) were made favourites, with Step It next in request. After Doris, Salisbury and Macquarrle had made the early running. Stop It Cook charge three furlongs from home, and won nicely by four lengths from which was a similar distance in front of Macquarrle. The final event was a groat betting race, Lucille being a shade better favourite than Jena, with Mahinga almost as well backed. Jena and Manurere were in front till the straight was reached, when Jena drew our. but failed to stall off a strong run by Bogey, which won by half-a-length, with Rlnenionnt tfiird. Mahiuga fol] after going n coup’e of furlongs. + + + WANGANUI ACCEPTANCES. The fol low lug aeceptanees have hern received for the Wauganni Jockey Clnbs Autumn meeting to be held on February 211 aud March 2nd:— Stewards’ Handicap, 1 mile. — Flo tralioff 9.2, (*or«>inaH<l»| 8.10. Plantation 7.12. Sea Queen 7.10. Rill 7.10. Rauparaba 7.8, Jargon 7.8, Monrlform 7.8. Sr. Petersburg 7.7. Kauroa 7.1. Kohlnoor 7.1. Sr. Felix 7.0, MU< al 0.12, Golden Loop 6.10, Red Lupin 6.1 Q, Mon Anal 6.7. Westmere Hurdles, about 2 miles,— Reumac 11.0. Watßutlre 10.12, Leolanter dll, < ’apt a in 9.9. Xavier tKS, .('apt a in Beil 9.5, Darby Paul 9.U. Fly lag Handicap. 6 furlongs. R.>anergs 8.3, Rwyai Scotch 8.7. Gipsy 11 8.6. Theodore 8.5. Crown Peart 8.4 »including Tibs penalty), labour Day fi.2. Master Sylvia

; 11. RIH 7.11. Sea Quern 7.11, Hyron 7.11, Bootle 4.1<». Lady Mouioa 7.5. Ngatiruamu 7.2. Izidy Lado 7.2, Raugiatua 7.1. Merry Frank 6.12, (’leiuoes 6.7, Overtime 6.7, Plr ; - wai 6.7. Petre Hack. 6 furlongs—Cietnoe* 9.X (including 7ib penalty*. Ngatiranni 9.3. Matlow 8.11. St. Gate 8.10. Ineuru 8.13 (including 71b penalty). Aloha 8.5. Dirge 8.4. Mallard 8.2, Ohlnee 7.7. Royal Simon 7.5. Nukuatu 7.5. Handsome Maid 7.5. Glenfern 7.3, East wind 7.2, Bayadere 7.0, Government 7.0, Avatrix 7.0, Silver Rose 7.0. Moirette 7.0. Tayforth Hark Hurdles. 1-J miles. - Stevens 10.9 (including l(»lb penalty*, Cornelian 9.11, Rawinia 9.11. Seaman 9.9, Muleteer 9.9, Sandy Paul 9.9. Bismarck 9.9, Brilliancy 9.5, Shining Star 9.4. Clemency 9.2, Chase Mab 9.0. Maisonette 9.0, Loopline 9.0, Sapience Wanganui Cup. 1} mile. Undecided 8.5, Bronze 8.3, Midnight Sun 8.2. Domino 8.2, Mertvonia 7.12. Dearest 7.1. Maxwell 7.7, Lady Mensvhikoff 7.9. Idealism 6.8. Goodwin Park (5.7. Kauroa 6.7, Royal Arms 6.7, Uhlando 6.7. Juvenile Handicap. 5 furlongs. Sanguinary 8.3. Outward 8.2. Sryx 7.12. Stepney 7.8, Lady Volga 7.0. Bonfire 7J‘. Lo<*kwood 6.11, Topic 6.11. Wiriioa Hack. 1 mile. —St. Petersburg 9.6, Manawakaha 9.4. Matlow 8.10. Muleteer 8.5, Merrie Emerald 8.2, Master Tupuhi 8.1, Minora 8.0, Lady Kilcheran 7.11, Tiwari 7.10, Moutoa Girl 7.10, Fashiou Plate 7.8, Bonnie Boy 7.8 (including 71b penalty), Leonta 7.3, Grandee 7.0. 4? + ’b D.J.C. AUTUMN MEETING. DUNEDIN, Wednesday. The Dunedin Jockey Club were not favoured wrth partieuJariy fine weather today for the opening of their au-tumn meeting. rain fatting In showers throughout the day. 'The attendance was good, but was hardly up to the opening day of last year’s Cup meeting. The racing throughout was interesting. The sum of £15,115 was put through the totalizator, as against £14,814 10/ on the corresponding day last year. Wheeler, the rider of Black and Brown in the Hurdle Race, received nasty bruises as the result ef a falL Autumn Hurdles of 115 sevs, one mile and three-quarters.—Gold Bird, 11.5, 1; Finul, 9.8, 2; Rifle Range. Jd.9, 3. Scratched: Jack Ashore. Won by three quarters of a length. Time, X 29 1-3. Gladbrook Handicap of 160 W*, seven furlongs.—Duringdaie, f 1.4, 1; Peertese, 8.3, 2: Herotne, T 7, 3. Serateteed: Thrax and I. Won comfortably by nearly two lengths. Tinae, L 34. DUNEDIN CUP* ef fiMsavs. One a-haif. W. « rossan s Parable, TJQ a. McCombe) 1 J. A. Furaea OtMUuder, <ll tEmmer D. S h! The cirnet, il3 (Strafford) Alsa started: Masterpiece 9.0, Soldiers’ Chorus 8.9, Otyoi 8.8, Rose Noble K 7, Martine 8.0, Mumura 7.10, Odessa 7.10, Medallist 7.3, Routine 6.10, True Knight 6.7. The field got well away together. Parable and True Knight took up the running from Outlander and Soldiers’ Chorus. Racing past the stand Outlander was leading Farable and True Knight, Routine being last, half-a-dozen lengths behind Oiyoi. As the field swept into the back stretch Outlander and True Knight were a length in front of Parable, who was two lengths dear of Soldiers’ Chorus. Odessa then moved up info third place. Going round fer the turn Outlander showed the way to Soldiers’ Chorus, Odessa, and Rose Noble,Masterpiece being in the middle of the field, and Mumura second to last. Parable took charge before reaching the straight. Soldiers’ Chorus lying third. Parable maintained command, aud won by four lengths from Outlander, who beat Th-.* Cornet by half-a-length. Then came Soldiers’ Chorus, Odessa. Mumura, and Medallist. Masterpiece and Martine being last. Time. 2.395. Medallist and Outlander were bracketed ou the totalisator. APPRENTICES’ PLATE, of 125sovs. Six furlongs. T. Likens ch g Windward, aged, by Euroelydon—Confidence, 7.7 (A. Stratford) 1 C. Clarke s Officious, 7.7 tF. Downey) .. 2 E. McDonald s Cashier, 7.7 (Andrews) 3 Also started: Bolt from the Blue 7.7, Cnirosettia 7.7, Portfire 7.7. The winner jumped out at the start, and, leading all the way, won by six lengths from Officious, who was three lengths in front of Cashier. Time, 1.215. STEWARDS’ WELTER HANDICAP, of 150sovs. One mile. — Graliam’s ch g Waikaraka. aged, by Waiuku—Misrra, 8.9 <F. Waddell) . . 1 Welfare aud Thomson’s Obolns, 8.7 (A. 11. Wilsoni 2 11. A. Knight’s Troou, 8.6 (E. Griffen) .. 3 Scratched: Effort. Waikaraka went to the front in the straight and wu» by three length«, Troon being a similar distance away, third. Time, I. BERWICK HANDICAP, of IGOsovs. Six fn rh>ngs. H. Harding's ch g Bcnxowon. syrs. by Benzoin —Wattle Bird, 8.12 <F. Waddell) 1 A. B. Armour’s Humco. 8.11 di. Gray) .. 2 11. Cunningham’s Buff Gauntlet 9.9 (L. Hegarty) 3 Woa by on two lengths. Rimso beat Buff Gauntlet by half a length for third place. Time, 1.19. PUBLICANS’ HANDICAP, of 25<Mtvs. Six furlongs. J. F. Bm-banan's Taitnbausrir, 3yrs, by Martian Grand Opera. 7.9 HL Gray) 1 F. Moore’s Gold Sall. 7 4 <F. Wnddelb 2 F. Nell igu h’s Oratava, 6.10 (Stratford) 3 Tan nhu user shot to «fhr front before reaching the distauee, and won hy two irngfb« from Gold Sail. Oratava being eloaa up. Uurd. Time, 1.18 23.

SECOND DAT DUNKDIN, Thursday. The Dunedin Jockey Club’s Autumn Meeting was continued t« day. The weather was overcast and light showers fell Iq the norning. Ibe attendance was not so large ue* yesterday, ami the course was slightly ° u th<? °P cll ’wg day. The sum €»r £H.»,LI9 in was put through th e totalizator, as a gains. £9392 10/ on the second day of last year’s meeting. Hlndou Hurdles of 115 WV s OUe threequarter miles. Gold Bird, 12.10, Ja. k Ashore, 9.13. 2. Pinnl, 9.13, 8. AH started, lion by half a length. Time, 3.30. Henley Handicap of I<M> so vs, seven furlongs.—Muircock, 1; Hessione. 8.0, 2; Daringdale. 10.6, 3. Scratched: Thrax. Won by a length and a half. Time, 1.33. Anniversary Handicap of 31. M) sova, one mile. -Odessa. 7.12, 1; Orotava. 6.11, 2; The Corner, 7.4. 3. Scratched Effort. Woa by a neck. No time was taken. RAILWAY PLATE Oi *sosovs. Five furlongs. A. McAuley br f Lourdes, by Grafton. 6.11 <R. Berry 1 j F. Moore’s Gold’ Sail. 9.4 (L. Lloyd) ...» 2 H. Whitney’s Naumai. 9.7 iS. Prit.hard) 8 Also started: 8.11, May Dalrymple 7.0. Naumai and Lourdes landed in th® straight together, and inside the distance Gold Sail put in a claim. In a good finish, Lourdes won by a short neck, a similar distance separating the second and third horses. Time, 1.5. OUTRAM HANDICAP ef lOteevs. Six furlong®. 11. Cunningham’s b h Buff Gauntlet, 4yrs. by Red Gauntlet —St. Ouida, 9.9 (Hegarty) j J. A. Holmes’ Pleasure Bent, 8.13 (R, King) 2 A. McFarlane’s Kihneuv. 7.10 (Berry) .» 8 Also started: b’o. Taft 9.0, Otakeho 8.3. Mahuri 8.2. Miss de Vere 7.12, Bucc® 7.7. Buff Gauntlet was the first into the straight and won comfortably by twe lengths. Pleasure Bent beating Kilmeny by two lengths for second place. Time, 1.29. DOMAIN HANDICAP of loOsove. Btx furlongs. 11. BeniungtOH*e> blk g Gapou, aged, by Stepniak—Lady’s Maid, 7.5 <C. Emerson » 1 J. W. Lowe's Effort, 8.9 (H. Gray) .... 2 W. T. Hazlett’s Dlrertolre, 7.4 (Griffen) 3 Also started: Lnpullte f 1.13. Armstrong 6.11, Ard Reigh 6.7, Thistledown 8.10. Before reaching the (list a nee Effort wa< putting in a good run. Gapon went on and won by a length and a-half. Effort beating Direetoire by half-a-length for seeoud place. Time. 1.17 1-5. CITY HANDICAP of lOOsove. Five furlong®. C. G. Dalgcty’s b f Stardancer, by Martian— Stepdanoer. 7.5 (C. ivmvrsou) ~ t J. Brlend’s Ngatapa, 7.8 (Anderson) .... 2 E. A. McFarlane’s Peppin. 7.0 (R. Berry) 3 Also started: Scottish Star 8 3, Edith T. 9. Inside the distance Stardancer went ahead and won comfortably by a length and a-half, Peppin Iveing four lengths away, third. Time, 1.6 1-5. SUBURBAN WELTER HANDICAP of 135sovs. One mile. G. Dempster’s <h g Waljn. aged, by Waiuku Julia. 9.2 (F. Carr) 1 J. A. Furze’s Medallist. 9.1 (11. Donovan) 2 li. Whitnev’s Tuma. 8.10 (T. Pritchard) 3 Also started: Oblius 8.2. Fisticuff 8.2, Trn® Knight 8 2. From a good start Medallist and Fisticuff led round the first turn. At the home, turn Oblius, Tuma, and Waiju joined Fisticuff in the lead. Waiju drew out and won by a short length. Turna being two lengths away, third. Time. 1.46 1-5. FINAL DAY’S RA( ING. DUNEDIN. Saturday. The weather was fine for the <-on< ludinj, day's races at Wingatui. but the going is heavy. Results:— OWHIRO HURDLES of 115sws. One mile and a half. Fisticuff. 10.7 4Black and Brown, 9.0 2 Piunl 9.13 3 All started. Won anyhow by a length aud a quarter. Time, 2.58. IVA I HOL A HANDICAP, of 160 Five furlongs. Ruff Gaauth-t. 10.9 1 Safety Fin, 9.3 2 Caraid Di leas. 7.7 3 All started. Won by a length, lime, 1.4. ABBOTSFORD WELTER, of 130 BOVB. Seven furlongs. Waikaraka, 8.12 Kitnoua, 7.9 Merry La«s, 7.9 3 Scratched: Medallist, Fisticuff. Saa Severn ami PeerlrsM. Won hy half a iength. Time. 1.34 1-5. WARRINGTON HANIM CAP of KMteOVS. Six furlongs. Peerless, 8.11 1 Beuzoweu, 9.13 . . Kilmeny. 6.9 All started. Won by a head. Time. LA» 1-5. JOCKEY CLUB HANDICAP «»f H<*soyb. One mile and a <imirter. Routine. 8.9 1 Outlander, 7.6 - The Cornet, 7.13 9 Al! started. Won by two lengths. Time, 2.16. HOPEFUL HANDH’AP of 14650 v». Five furlongs. Ngatapa. 7.13 1 Peppin. 7.0 J Lourdes, 8.4 9 AU vturtvd. Won hy three Time, 1.6 14J. WINGATUI HANDICAP of 100*ov*. Sewn fnrlong>*. Turirti 1 Kffo-t t I'roon S Scratched: < 't»nut<-rminv and Klltn. Won by half a-lenglb. Time, 1.32 13.

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New Zealand Graphic, Volume XLVII, Issue 9, 28 February 1912, Page 12

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Turf Gossip. New Zealand Graphic, Volume XLVII, Issue 9, 28 February 1912, Page 12

Turf Gossip. New Zealand Graphic, Volume XLVII, Issue 9, 28 February 1912, Page 12

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