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Orange Blossoms.


All copy intended for publication, in these columns must reach the office, not later than Saturday morning, in order to ensure insertion in the current issue.

WALKER-COLES. WEDDING that attracted con / | siderable local interest was celebrated at iSt. Luke’s -Church, Mt. Albert, last Wednesday, when Miss Florence Coles, fourth daughter of Mr. and Mrs. G. A. Coles, of “Harrowden,” Mt. Albert, was married to Mr. Edwyiie J. W. Walker, youngest son of the late Captain A. H. Walker, of the ‘’Kopjes,” Mt. RoskilL The ceremony, which was attended by a large of relatives and friends of the young couple, was performed by the Ven. Archdeacon Calder, assisted by the Rev. Lionel D’Arcy. The service was fully choral, Mr. Gilfillau officiating at the organ. The bride, who was given away by her father, was charmingly attired in an elegant costume of white chaemeuse, veiled iu chiffon and beautifully embroidered in white roses, with the bodice of magyar style cut low at the throat, and with a square panelled embroidered train. She wore the orthodox veil and orange blossoms, and carried. an exquisite bouquet composed of white flowers and fern. Miss Lizzie Coles and Miss Winnie Coles (sisters of the bride), and Miss Daisy Carter, were the bridesmaids, and they were all similarly attired in pretty dresses of wedgewood blue crepe de chine, trimmed with inchings of the same, and lovely

fichus of white tulle, wearing also large white hats, lined with blue tulle and trimmed with blue laee feathers, aud carrying beautiful bouquets of pink carnations, sweet peas and ferns. Mr Harold Clay acted as best man, with Messrs. Arthur Coles aud Lewis Chambers as groomsmen. After the nuptials, a large number of guests were tmtei-tained by Mr. and Mrs. Coles at “Harrowden,” where breakfast was served in a large marquee 'weeted on the lawn. The tables were tastefully decorated in the palest shades of pink and white, relieved with maidenhair fern and trails of asparagus fern, w'hiie the bridal table was attractively adorned with white roses and sweet peas. The bridegroom’s present to the bride consisted of a handsome diamond and ruby brooch, and to the bridesmaids each pretty turquoise aud pearl broodies. The newly-married pair were the recipients of a large number of valuable and serviceable wedding gifts, including a lovely beaten-copper jug from the members of St. Luke’s church choir, of which both were members. They left in the afternoon on a honeymoon trip to Rotorua. Taupo, and the Waitomo Caves. The bride’s travelling dress was a neat mole-coloured costume. and with it she wore a large black crinoline straw hat, lined with blue, and trimmed with handsome plume of the same colour.

■Mrs G. A. Coles-(in<ith<-r of the bride J, wore a iMudsonte aofl black satin gown and blaek .toque with blue Lane, r plume, ami carried a lovely bouqiwt of purple asters; Mrs Walker (mother of the bridegroom), black silk gown mid pretty black bonnet with white o-preys; Mrs G. E. Coles, heliotrope satin, ninon overdress, smart black hat with purple plumes; Mrs C. W. Coles, tussore silk, nattier blue bat, lovely blaek lace plumes; Mrs Howey Walker, handsome white embroidered mousseline, blaek and white chip hat; Mrs Douglas, blaek bro cade, smart bonnet; Mrs Dixon, smart linen costume, stylish hut; Mrs Eckley, black silk, handsome creme laee; Mis Page, grey, with smart hut; Miss Robertson, white embroidered linen; Mrs Attwell, creme silk, lovely lace, blaek hat with Lancer plume; Mrs Brown, blaek silk; Mrs Grosvenor, green charmeuse, smart toque to match; Miss Reid, Quaker grey, large white hat; Mrs t*utterson, creme with blaek and white trimmings, smart black bat; Mrs D'Arcy, pretty flowered voile; Mrs Penman, blaek silk; Mrs. F. Smith, brown satin, black scarf, brown toque; Mrs. Carter, black silk; Miss Walsh, dainty flowered mousseline; (Mrs tussore dress, stylish hat; Mrs Whittaker, pretty white hailstone muslin; Miss Eckley, creme silk erystaline. Oriental trimmings, pink crinoline, straw hat; Miss Curtis, dainty white niusliu; Mrs I’. Douglas, creme and blaek hat; Miss Brown, flowered voile; the Misses Lambe, creme, with

■mart hats; Miss M. Lambe, grey, with pretty hat; Mrs Lucas, dainty creme dress with lace; Miss Page, ereme crystalline, pretty hat with cerise; Miss G. Curtis, pale blue crepe de chine, pretty hat; Miss Penman, white muslin; Miss Robinson, white embroidered muslin, black hat; .Miss Grosvenor, creme silk, dainty hat; Mrs Smith, black silk, smart bonnet; Miss D. Eckley, pink crystalline, crinoline hat with pink roses.

WORSP—BISS. St. Mark's Church, Rerauera, Auckland, was the scene of a quiet, but very pretty, wedding when Miss Dorothy Biss, youngest daughter of the late Mr S. M. Biss and Mrs Biss, Remuera, was married to Sydney VVorsp, son of the late Captain "Worsp. The bride was given away by her brother, Mr Noel Biss. There were two bridesmaids, the Misses .Maud and Constance Biss, sisters of the bride, and the best man was Mr W. A. Beddoe. The church was prettily decorated, and crowded with interested spectators. Miss Dorothy Biss made a lovely bride, and it is not often one sees such a charming trio as these three pretty sisters made. '4?he bride wore a bridal robe of while eharmeuse satin, made quite plainly, fitting close to the figure, with a long narrow train. Over this was a tunic of ninon, reaching just below the knees, clasped up, giving a panel effect, and bordered with wide embroidered ninon worked in a simple key pattern; the bodice had dainty finishings of pearl embroidery and was, of course, collarless. A dainty cap of orange blossoms, from which hung the tulle veil, looked very pretty, and a lovely bouquet of white Howers completed an ideal bridal toilette. The bridesmaids wore frocks of eharmeuse satin in a lovely shade of sea blue; made on similar lines to the bride’s frock, but the tunics were of the finest French iniislin~with an embroidered border, and made with an allround effect. Smart black tagel straw hats were worn, and shaded pink bouquets made a charming finish. Mrs Biss, mother of the bride, wore a grey toilette of cloth, beautifully braided, and a black , bonnet with white (ospreys. Mrs Edward (Morton wore a very pretty frock of pale blue silk with a tunic of black and white ninon, bordered with steel embroidery, smart black hat, and carried a. bouquet of shaded hydrangeas. The bride’s travelling frock was very smart, being a coat ami skirt of silk shantung in a'pretty shade of grey. The rolled collar and mills were of spotted lawn edged with Valenciennes. A bunch of cerise roses at the waist made an effective touch of colour. With this was worn a lovely white tagel straw hat with white wings, black cord rosettes, and lined with black. The tout ensemble being most charming and becoming. Mrs Harry 'Worsp wore pale blue silk veiled with. grey ninon, and a blue and white hgl; Mrs .Vaile wore a black toilette; Mrs Herbert Vaile wore, a very pretty white frock with smart tomhes „f black, and hat to match: Mrs R. Biss, white embroidered muslin, and a black hat;. Mrs Beatty ■wore grey and white with hat to match. H AZ I.EWOOD— MOR R | S. At St. Mark's Church. Wellington, last week. Miss Stella Morris, second daughter of Mr E. < . Morris, of Kilbirnie, was married to Mr Alfred Hazlewood, Newtown. The Rev. ('. Askew was the officiating clergyman. The bride wore a pretty gown of cream satin eharmeuse, with pearl trimmings on the corsage, yoke and sleeves of cream silk net bordered with fringe. She also wore a Juliet cap of pearls, long tulle v< il. and small spray of orange blossom. Iler bouquet was a ehower one, composed of white heather, loses and maiden hair fern. rhe bridesmaids. Miss Dulcie Morris (sister and Miss Maud Morris (cousin of the bride) Were dressed differently, the former wearing a simple but effective gown of shell pink Oriental satin, the latter silver grey marquisette. They also wore Juliet caps of silver, ami their bouquets were of pink roses and carnations. The brides' mother wore mole velvet, with Oriental embroideries, grey satin toque with lancer plume, ami she carried a bouquet of roses. Mrs Evatt (sister of the bride) wore French grey coat and skirt, grey picture hat with plumes. Her bouquet was of pink dahlias and earnations. After the ceremony a reception was belli by the bride's mother. The tables Were arranged with white flower* and

ribbon streamers, from which hung silver bells.

The best man was Mr Hobday, and the groomsman Mr L. A. Moore. During the afternoon the bride and bridegroom left for Rotorua, where the honeymoon is to be spent. Mrs Hazlewood’s travelling gown was a navy blue tailor-made, grey hat with shaded roses.

LOCK—PATTON. A wedding of considerable interest was celebrated at St. John's Presbyterian .Church, Methven, Canterbury, when Miss Florence J. Patton, daughter of Mrs. M. J. Nee, "Three Springs,” was married to Mr, Harold E. A. Lock, of “Zeltheim.” The Rev. G. K. Aitken performed the ceremony, and the bride was given away by her brother (Mr. G. Patton). The church was prettily decorated by friends of the bride, and the impressiveness of the ceremony' was further enhanced by the presence in regalia of the members of the Masonic Lodge of which the bridegroom is a prominent member. The" bride looked charming in a cream dress of poplin de soie, and wearing a wreath and veil; she carried an exquisite bouquet, which completed an elegant toilette. The bridesmaids — the Misses Marr (friends of the bride) and Miss Lock (sister of the bridegroom)—wore pretty dresses of eream striped delaine, trimmed with soutache, and cream hats to match. There were also two pretty little maids (nieces of the bride), wearing dainty white frocks of embroidered muslin. and carrying baskets of flowers. Mr. J. Gillanders was best man, and Mr. F. Stone groomsman. After the ceremony the party, numbering about two hundred, adjourned to the Publie Hall, where a sumptuous wedding breakfast was provided. The presents to the bride and bridegroom were numerous ami handsome. After the wedding Mr. and Mrs. Lock left by motor-car on their honeymoon trip. GODBY—SYMES. The wedding of Miss Dorothy Symes to Mr. Michael Godby was solemnised at the Church of St. Michael and All Angels, ' Christchurch, on Wednesday last. The marriage ceremony was performed by . the Rev. 11. D. Burton. The bride wore a handsome gown of ivory satin, with corsage and tunic of lovely Limerick lace, 'and court train of white brocaded satin. Her veil was of tulle, held in place by a becoming halfwreath of orange blossom, • and she •.arried a beautiful bouquet of stephanotis and white roses. The: bride was accompanied by four bridesmaids —-the Aliases Park, Ogle, Cracroft \A ilsou. and Beatrix Pyne, all of whom looked charming in simple frocks of white taffetas, with fichus of blonde net, edged with Fuellings of silk, and hats of white straw with quillings of pale pink tulle, lined with pink satin. They carried bouquets of pink carnations. A email train-bearer, Miss Shona Rhodes, also accompanied the bride, wearing a frock of white satin and guipure lace, with bonnet to match. The bridegroom was supported by Messrs. R. Brittain, J. Anderson, Nancarrow’, and A. Rhodes. After the ceremony the guests were entertained at “Riecarton House,” the residence of Airs. John Deans, aunt of the bride. Mrs. Symes wore a gown of iblai-k and white cheek foulard, with corsage and tunic of black ninon, bordered with handsome Royal blue and gold bead embroidery, black tagel hat, with a touch of Royal blue, bouquet of crimson roses; Mrs. Deans, a handsome gown of black crepe de chine, relieved with gold and black embroideries, black toque, with ostrich feathers, and bouquet of cream roses; Airs. F. Harris, frock of pale grey crepe de chine, large black hat with cluster of small Howers; Aire. G. Rhodes, cinnamon brown filet net over white satin and guipure insertion, large picture hat with shaded brown feathers; Airs. J. Perry, of Auckland, gown of pale grey sptin, black crinoline hat; Airs. Thomas, of Timaru, pearl grey satin, veiled in white ribbon, small black hat; Aliss Rhodes, reseda green marquisette over apricot satin and Oriental embroidery, Tuscan hat lined with ’black; Airs. I.' Deans, pale blue and white cheek muslin, relieved with laeej" large white hat with blue roses; Mrs. Cracroft Wilson, blaek Ottomali silk coat and skill braided, small black hat With ostrich feathers; Airs. G. Ronalds, pale grey floral muslin, with fichu of cream lace, itagel hat with purple pansies; ■ Afra. Pyne, French grey silk crepe frock, mauve hat; Aliss Pyne, white ninon over satin, with shadow sash of floral

silk, white hat; Mrs. Allen, blaek and white spotted foulard, with hat to match; Aire. G. Gould, black and white spotted silk and guipure insertion, black and white hat w.ln feathers; Alias Gould, blue and white spotted ninon, large white hat; Airs. Julius, black lace gown over deep eream satin, black hat; Mrs Julius, blue and white mislin, blue hat; Airs Wigram, black and white silk gown, small blaek hat with black mount; Aliss Wigram (of England), black and white spotted foulard and lace, white hat with shaded roses; Airs T. Cowlishaw, black and white striped ninon, white hat with violets; Airs C. Reid, royal blue satin veiled in black ninon, large black hat with pink roses; Airs Vernon, black and white silk muslin, black hat with lace feather; Airs Stead, grey crepe de chine bordered with fringe, hat with white ostrich feathers; Airs G. Stead, black satin coat and skirt, mole liat with shaded blue and mole feather; Airs H. Cotterill, blue serge coat and skirt, black and white toque; Aliss Cotterill, blue linen coat and skirt, black hat; Airs Beals, white nitron froek, white hat; Airs Rice, black silk with lace coat, blaek hat with white flowers; Airs AV. Fox,- blue cloth coat and skirt faced with blue, black hat; Airs Nancarrow, grey crepe de chine, grey hat with black feathers'; Aliss Nancarrow, frock of white silk crepe, white satin hat with lace bow; Airs Denniston, Coronation blue figured silk, small blue toque; Aliss Denniston, white embroidered muslin over pink, leghorn hat with velvet feathers; Airs Alellwraith, black silk, black bonnet; Airs Neave, pale grey gown, grey bonnet; Airs G. Merton, pearl grey satin, picture hat with feathers; Airs Stevenson, sapphire blue ninon over white lace, blue and white hat; Airs Thomas, white satin veiled in blaek ninon, large blaek hat ; Aliss Thomas, bright pink poplin relieved with emerald green satin bands, blaek hat; Airs J. Anderson, black and white voile, black chiffon turban with white mount; Alisses Anderson, white embroidered muslin frocks, oyster grey hats, with white feathers; Aliss Kitson, white muslin, blue hat with flowers; Airs. Blunt, grey cloth gown, black hat; Airs. 11. Reeves, white embroidered muslin, blaek hat with white ostrich feather; Airs. Macdonald, black ninon over white satin, black hat; Airs Afaedonald, white broderie Anglaise frock, Leghorn hat with pink roses; Airs. Bowden, black cloth, black bonnet; Aliss Bowden, white crepe de chine, floral hat ; Airs. 11. Lance, black gown with white applique coat, blaek and white hat; Airs. Wall, cream flannel coat ami skirt, white hat with pink and red roses; Aliss Boyle, white spotted foulard with overdress of white ninon, tagel hat; Airs. J. Vernon, cream muslin hemmed with blaek silk, black and white hat; Airs. J. Hall, blaek and white striped ninon, black hat; Airs. J. Palmer, sapphire blue satin coat and skirt, small blue hat; Airs. 11. Wood, maize satin with Oriental embroidery, tagel hat with black feathers; Airs. ■Wilding, mauve silk, mauve hat; Airs. Wigley, mauve silk eoat and skirt, blaek velvet hat with shaded roses; Aliss Humphreys, saffron coloured and white figured silk crepe gown with cream lace, blaek hat; Aliss Burton’, dark blue coat and skirt, blaek hat with white feather; Aliss A. Humphreys, cerise ninon with fringed tunic of dull blue figured ninon, large black hat. pink and white ostrich (feathers. Others present were: Alesdames Hamner, AV. AVood, Harper, Donald, Johnson, Manning, Anderson (2), Turnbull, Prins, Louisson, Phillips. Butterworth, A. Campbell, Lucas, Pascoe, Knight, Nedwill, Quarterly Broderick, ■Cay, Harris, l-isher, and Alisses Anderson, Hamner Turnbull, Wood, Prins, Knight, Neave, Phillips, Broderick, Rusell, Alerton” Labart, Nedwill.

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New Zealand Graphic, Volume XLVII, Issue 7, 14 February 1912, Page 61

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Orange Blossoms. New Zealand Graphic, Volume XLVII, Issue 7, 14 February 1912, Page 61

Orange Blossoms. New Zealand Graphic, Volume XLVII, Issue 7, 14 February 1912, Page 61

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