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Wellington Provincial Championships

Successful Tournament at Day’s Bay—Miss Travers Victorious



THE thirteenth annual to ornament of the Wellington Provincial Lawn Tennis Association was run off on Saturday, Monday and Tuesday, 20th, 22ud, and 23rd January, eight events being concluded on the Tuesday. Tire meeting was most successful from every point of view. The entries were very large, while the arrangements for the convenience of players left nothing to be desired. Although there was considerable disappointment at the absence of Miss P. A. Stewart, the Australasian and New Zealand lady champion at the last moment who was unable to compete, and the retirement of Miss K. AL Nunneley from the ladies' singles, the tournament was, nevertheless, noteworthy for some bright tennis, particularly on the Monday when the weather was at its best and the courts were in good order. A big crowd of people watched the tennis on that day, and were rewarded by fine displays on the part of Swanston (singles), Peaeoek amt Gore (doubles), and Mies Travel's and Mrs Goldie (doubles). The tournament was conducted under the personal supervision of the hon. secretary, Mr D. M. Kean, who was assisted by the following officials: —Management Committee: Messrs R. St. J. Beerc, A. G. Henderson, C. A. Jeffery, F. A. Lewis, C. A. Lawrence, W. J. Robertson, Dr. D. N. Isaacs: Match Committee: Messrs C. A. Jeffery, D. M. Kean and C. A. Lawrence; Referee: Mr H. Al. Gore; Handicappers: Messrs G. N. Goldie, C. A. Jeffery, and D. M. Kean; Hon. Treasurer: Mr J. W. Barclay. Competitors speak very highly of Mr Kean's management and one authority states confidently that the meeting was the best conducted affair ever held under the auspices of the WJP.L.T.A., and gives the hon. secretary unstinted praise therefor. As a result of the events decided, the following are the new provincial champions for 1012, while those of previous years can be seen in the tables appearing elsewhere in’ this account: — Men's Singles.—J. C. Peaeoek. Men’s Doubles.—J. C. Peaeoek and C. St. G. Gore. ladies’ Singles.—Miss Eva Travel's. Ladies’ Doubles.—-Alias E. Travers and Mrs G. N. Goldie. Combined Doubles: — Details of the several rounds in the 'hampionships and the scores of the semi-finals and finals of the handicaps are subjoined:— CHAMPIONSHIPS. Men’s Singles. (1911 champion: H. A. Parker.) Hirst Round.—F. A. de la Mare v. E. ■’■ Simpson, 6—4, 4—6, 6—4; R. N. K. Swanston v. S. J. Sampson, 6 —4, 6 —o; P. M. B. Fisher v. L. AV. Hawkins, 9—7, •’—4; P White-Parsons v. R, St. J. Deere, 6—4, 6—o; E. Salmond' v. J. B. Parker, 3—6, 6—4, 6—l; C. A. Jeffery v. G. AL Cleghorn, 10—8, B—3; H, AV. Brown v. W. iE. Crewes, 6—l, 6—4. Second Round.—R, N. K. Swanston ▼. T. A. de la Mare, 6—2, 6—l; F. M. B. l isher v. P. White-Parsons, 6—4, 6—B, t—6; E. Salmond v. C. A. Jeffery, B—l, 3; J. C. Peaeoek v. H. W. Brown, 6—l, 6—2. Semi-finals.—R. N. K. Swanston v. F. 'i. B. Fisher,, 6—3, 6—l; J. C. Peacock v. E. Salmond, 6 —2, 6 —O. Final.—J. C. Peacock v. R. H. K. hwanston, 6—7, 6—2, 14—12, 6—4. The result of the final, played on Saturday last -was to produce a new singles champion, J. Ct lheaoock never haring previously won the event. Ho started aggressively from the jump and

led 4 —o, only to lose the first set 5—7, a circumstance which pointed pretty strongly to Swanston confirming the general opinion by once more carrying off the championship. However, it was not to be, as Peaeoek played finely throughout the match, and after capturing the third set at 14 —12, was a certain winner. Even in this important set Peacock did most of the attacking, but after failing when leading 5—4 and 6—5 Swanston thereafter had several opportunities of winning it, leading continually up to 12—11. The ex-New Zealand champion then put in a finishing dash. Three successive games, and at 14—12 led two sets to one. The pace had been too w-arm for Swanston to stand a possible ehance of lifting two consecutive sets, and the match went to Peacock at 6—4 in the fourth set. (Games 31 to 27.) Both men drove splendidly throughout, but Peaeoek often -scored at the net, while Swanston seemed content to adopt baseline tactics. In fact, -Peacock’s volleying was one of the features of the match. The win was popular, though Swanston was generally expected to he victorious. Ladies’ Singles. (1911 champion: Miss K. Al. Nunneley.) First Round. —Miss A. AL Batham v. Miss K. Mclntosh, 6—2; 6 —3; Miss E. Williams v. Miss EL Molesworth, by default; Miss L. Van Staveren v. Miss AT. Simpson, by default; Miss E. Travers v. Miss E. Bennett, 6—l; B—6. Second Round. —Miss K. Al. Nunneley v. Miss M. Davis, 6 —l, 6 —o; Miss E. Williams v. Miss A. M. Batham, 6—-2, 6—l; Miss E. Travers v. Miss L. Van Staveren, 7 —5, 3—O, 6—l; Mi*. G. N. Goldie and Miss P. A. Stewart, by default. Semi-finals. —Miss E. Williams v. Miss K. M. Nunneley, by default; Miss E. Travers v. Mrs. G. N. Goldie, 2—6, 6 —o, 6—l. Final.—Miss E. Travers (Wellington) v. Miss E. Williams (Wellington), 9—7, 6—4. The two Wellingtonians, Misses Travers and Williams, had a very keen struggle for the championship honours, two sets producing no less than 26 games. Although Miss Williams did extremely well according to the scores, ■Miss Travers was just as hardly pushed in previous rounds, Miss Van Steveren running her to a closely contested threeset snatch, while Mrs. Goldie also captured a set in the succeeding round. Miss Travers has not taken too kindly to singles play of late, and the 1912 tournament bears out the suspicion that she has had nearly enough match tennis for the season; otherwise, she would not have experienced such difficulty in winning the event, every player fully extending her, including Miss Bennett. In addition to her success in the singles. Miss Travers annexed the doubles with Mrs. Goldie, and the combined doubles, so she will have cause to remember the latest Provincial Championship Meeting as one of the most successful in her career as far as results go. Men’s Doubles. (1911 champions: C. <*. Cox and G. G. Aitkin.) First Round. —R. N. K. Swanston and E. Salmond v. D. Cowan and O. Wellwood, 6 —2, 6—3 • H. AV. Brown and L. W. rtawkhis v. P. H. Putnam and G. H. Fell, 6—l, B—l. Second Round.—J. C. Peacock and C. St. G. Gore v. W. Crewes and H. Fathers. B—l, 6—6; R. N. K. Swanston and E. Salmond v. R. St. J. Beere and F. A . de la Mare, 6—4, 6—2; H. W. Brown and Ta. W. Hawkins v. G. M. Cleghorn and J. B. Parker, 8-6, 4—B. 6-4; F. M.

B. Fisher and P. White-Parsons v. S. J. Sampson and E. R. Kirk, 6—l, 7—5. Semi-finals. —J. C Peacock end C St. G. Gore v. R. N. K. Swanston and E. Salmond, 6—l, T —s; F. M. B. Fisher and P. White-Parsons v. H. AV. Bro«a and L. W. Hawkins. B—6, B—6.8 —6. Final.—J. C. Peaeoek and C. St. G. Gore (Thorndon) v. F. M. B. Fisher and P. White-Parsons (Thorndon) 6—4, 4 —6, 9—7. Charles Gore, member of the New Zealand representative team which visited New South Wales in 1904, partnered by Peacock, another more famous player of that combination, defeated swrh strong pairs as Swanston-Salmond (easily) and Fisher-White-Parsons, so that the performance was full of merit. On paper ■Swanston and Salmond looked good enough to win the event, but though a fine double player Salmond was out of practice and they fell in straight sets. Not eo Fisher and White-Parsons, however, this combination making themselves felt before disposal at 6—4, 4—<>, 9—7 (19 games to 17). Ladies' Doubles. (1911 champions: Misses K. M. Nuime ley and M. Simpson.) First Round.—Mrs F. Grady and Miss Al. Clark v. Misses P. A. Stewart and M. Molesworth, by default; Mies E. Travers and Mrs G. N. Goldie v. .Misses D. Atmore and O. Caverhiil, 6—2, 6—o; Misses K. M. Nunneley and E. Williams v. Misses L. Van Staveren and M. Davis, 6—2, 6—2; Misses M. Simpson and A. Brewster v. Misses N. Curtis and V. Beunett, 6 —4, 7—5. Semi-Finals.—Miss E. Travers and Mrs G. -N. Goldie v. Mrs F. Grady and Miss AL L. Clark, 6—O, 6—2; Misses K. Al. Nunneley and E. Williams v. Aliases Al. Simpson and A. Brewster - , 6—2, 86. ■Final. —Aliss E. Travers and Airs G. N. Goldie (Wellington) v. Miss K. Al. Nunneley (Thorndon) and E. Williams (Wellington), 6—4, 4—6, 6—4. Contrary to general expectations, the 1910 champions. Misses Nunneley and Williams were defeated by Miss Travers and Airs Goldie, in a well fought three set eucounter. Somehow or other Misses Nunneley and Williams do not combine too well and the writer - remembers the difficulty this pail - had in beating Miss A. Al. Batham and Mrs R. A. Holmes two years ago. Had it not been necessary to abandon the match when first started (owing to bad light) and replay it a ed days afterwards the chances are that the Thorndon ladies would have won on that occasion. The noteworthy feature of this year’s event is the writing of Mis Goldie’s name on the championship roll of honour for the first time. The Brougham Hill lady played like a champion throughout the meeting and fully deserved her success. Combined Doubles. (1911 champions: F. M. B. Fisher and Miss R. E. Well wood.) First Round.—F. A. de la Alare and Aliss A. M. Batham v. R. N. K. Swanston and Mrs G. N. Goldie, 6 —3, 9—7. Second Round.—’F. Al. B. Fisher and Aliss E. Travers v. B. L. AVarJ and Alias M. Molesworth, by default; P. WhiteParsons and Aliss A. Brewster v. F. A. de la Alare anil Miss A. Al. Batliam, 6—3, 6—4; E. Salmond and Miss E. Williams v. H. AV. Brown and Miss P. A. Stewart, by default; J. C. Peaeoek and Alisa Al. Simpson v. G. M. Cleghorn and Miss 1.. A’an Staveren, 6—2. 7 —5. Semi-finals. —F. M. B. Fisher and Miss E. Travers v. P. AA’hite-Parsons and Aliss A. Brewster, 6 —3, 6—2; E. Salmond amt Aliss E. Williams v. J. C. Peaeoek and Alias At. Simpson, 10—8, 6 —4. Final to be played later. HANDICAPS. Mfen's Singles—First Grade. Semi finals.—S. J. Sampson (12) v. W. E. Crewes (10), 60—47; >L. 8. Curtis (20) v. J. B. Parker (10), 60—49. Final.—B. J. Sampson, Brougham Hill (12) v. L. 8. Curtis, Petone 120), 60—47. Men’s Singles—Second Grade. Semi-finnls. — E. Reeves (8) v. C. Giblin (16) 60—58; R. Rnwnsby (12) v. C. H. Andrews (owe 2) 60—36. Final.—E. Reeves, Brougham Hill (8), v. R. Rawnslev, Brougham Hill (12), 60—A8. Ladies' Singles. Semi-finals. —Miss N. Curtis (S) v. Aliss Rigg (24) 50—46; Miss K. Mclntodi (6) v. Miss A. Brewster (wr.) 52-50. Final.—Afiss N. Curtis, Prtone (8), v.

Miss K. Mclntosh, Victoria College (6), 52—50. Men's Doubles. Semi-finals.—H. AV. Brown and 1. - . W. Hawkins (owe 16) v. G. M. Cleghorn ®ad F. A. de la Marc (8), 70- 66; AV. J. Robertson and O. H. Taylor (26) v. D. Cowan and O. Wellwood (10), 70—63. Final.—lf. W. Brown, Wellington, and L. AV. Hawkius, Brougham Hill (owe 16) v. W. J. Robertson and C. H. Taylor, A'ictoria College (26), 70 —63. Ladies' Doubles. Semi-finals.—Misses L. Van Staveren and M. Davis (2) v. Misses M. McLean and V. Veitch (24), 60—51; Misses E. AVilliams aud A. M. Batham (owe 10) v. Misses D. Atmore and O. Caverhiil (12), 60—44. Final.—Miss L. Van Staveren and Miss AT. Davies (2) v. Miss E. Williams and Aliss A. M. Batham (owe 10), 60—40. Combined Doubles. Semi-finals. —W. E. Crewes and Aiiss M. Davis (10) v. D. Cowan ami Aliss L. Turton (8), 60 —55; H. W. Brown and Aliss A. Brewster (owe 10) v. F. A. de la Alare and Miss A. Al. Batbain (8), 60—58. Final.—H. AV. Brown, Wellington, and Aliss A. Brewster, New Plymouth (owe 10), v. W. E. Crewes, Trinity, and Miss M. Davis, Brougham Hill (10), GO —43. Winners of the Wellington Provincial Championships. AIEN’S SINGLES. 1900— F. Laishley. 1901— F. Laishley 1902— C. C. Cox 1903— C. C. Cox 1904— C. C. Cox 1905— C. J. Dickie 1906— H. Al. Gore 1907 — C. C. Cox 1908— R. N. K. Swanston 1909— H. Rte® (New South Wales’, 1910— R. N. K. Swanston 1911— A. Parker (New - South Wales) 1912— J. C. Peacock. MEN’S DOUBLES. 1900— F. Laishley and 0. F. Adams 1901 — F. Laishley and C. F. Adams 1902— F. .Laishley and C. F. Adams 1903— C. C. Cox and R. N. K. Swanston 1904— C. C. Cox and R. N. K. Swanston 1905 — C. J. Dickie and A. G. Wallace 1996 —F. M. B. Fisher and A. Young 1907— C. C. Cox and F. M. B. Fisher 1908— H. Al. Gore and G. G. Aitken 1909— IT. Rice and H. W. Brown 1910 — C. C. Cox and R. N. K. Swanston 1911— C. C. Cox and G. G. Aitken 1912— J. C. Peacock and C. H. Gore LADIES’ SINGLES. 1900— Aliss Cave 1901 — Mrs. Payne 1902 — Airs. Payne 1903— Aliss Ix'Powalrell 1904— Aliss L. Powdrell 1905— Miss E. Travers 1906— Miss A. AA'ard (Mrs. A. .1. Fernie’ 1907 — Aliss K. AT. Nunneley 1908 — Mrs. AV. R. S. Hickson 1909— Miss K. Al. Nunneley 1910— Aliss K. Al. Nunneley 1911— Aliss K. Al. Nunneley 1912— Miss E. Travers KADIEB' DOUBLES. 1909 —Misses Gore and Kennedy 1901 — Ah’s. Marchbanks and Aliss Gore 1902— Mrs. Payne and Miss Cave 1993-—Mrs. Payne and Miss Cave 1904— Airs. L. Pearce and Aliss L. Powdrell 1905— Misses E. Travers and E. AVilliams 1906— Misses L. Powdrell and E. Travers 1907— Misses L. Powdrell and B. Travers 1908 — Mrs. Hickson and Miss iE. AVilliams 1909 — Misses E. Travers and A. Gray 1910— Misses K. AL Nunneley and E. AVilliams 1911 — Misses K. M. Nunneley and M. Simpson 1912— Miss E. Travers and Mrs, G. N. Goldie COMBINED DOUBLES. 1900 C. St. G. Gore and Airs. March l>ankw. 1901— F, l.aishley and Aliss Kennedy 1902— JL M. Gore and Miss Gore 1903— H. A. Parker and Miss Kennedy 1904— F. Taiishley and Mias N. Marchant 1905— F. Laishley and Alias N. Marchant 1906 IT. W. Brown and Miss K. Travers 1907 -C. F. Adams and W«s K. AT. Nunneley 1908 R. N. K. Swanston ami Mrs. Hickson

1909— F. M. B. Fisher and Miss A. Batliam 1910— H. W. Brown and Miss K. M. Nunneley 1911— F. M. B. 'Fisher and Miss R. E. Well wood . 1912— To be played.

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New Zealand Graphic, Volume XLVII, Issue 5, 31 January 1912, Page 9

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LAWN TENNIS. New Zealand Graphic, Volume XLVII, Issue 5, 31 January 1912, Page 9

LAWN TENNIS. New Zealand Graphic, Volume XLVII, Issue 5, 31 January 1912, Page 9

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