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JI. F reach has? blistered Sedition. and the Jon of Boult Is to be treated to a rest. Out of 20 nominated for the Stewards* Handicap at Takapuua only two are Weighted above 7.12. It is stated that unless something nn“oreseen occurs. Bliss will be a sure starter in the Wellington <*up. The gelding Bright Star -was brought <rt>m Wanganui recently, and has gone into '•» Chaafe, Jun.'s, stable. Sir George Clifford will have eight horses to carry his colours at the Wellington meeting, which opens on Saturday next. The gelding Westerly has made his reappearance at Ellerslie, and has gone ba*'k Into hU old quarters at T. A. Williams. The filly by Hierarch Agatha, purchased at the recent Cambria Park sale by Mr W. £ u L l . U * ** lv icto J - <baa*e, juar. s •table. W. Mobberley has Just taken in hand a »**-year-oid gelding by Salradan—Cloud, which is probably the biggest a: EUerslle. I'nor to being sent back to New Zealand, the San Tra neisev mare Crueiuelhi was mated with Alawa. The Kara mu horseman. 1.. Wilson has peen offered the mount ou I adecided iu the n eilingtoa Cup. After winning -the Mexican I.erbr, the fitly Shooting Star had placed round tier neck a huge floral horseshoe. The gelding by Merriwee—Maxime, which reeeuCy joined J Rae's stibie is now a tegular attendant on the tracks at Edersue. The Auckland horseman B. Deeley will ff~ e „r r .‘d ce S?oult in his engagements at tne nel.lngton Ra.'.ug tiub’s Summer Meo*Lag One of the first horses to be supported la tne South for the Wellington eun is Endecided, which -was w ell l>:<- x a ou Saturday for the event. The pony Makings was a big order for the Kensington Handicap a: Wbangarel on the opening day, but the best she could co was to run third in a field of five. It is stared that the pocy Park R.we is to be shipped t:• Sydney shortly. Park Kose is engaged iu several events a: the Taka pun a J.c. Summer Meeting. The amount p t through the mi hi e on the opening day of the Whangarei Meeting, J- •SWT ll> . is £KW c ore than the sum handled t>u both days last year. ’■ Cup winner Cair.eeu is leaving promising stock. Strange t«> say. his are The Bluejacket gebiing Dunborve, whi-'h has been enjoying a I r.gthy spell. has been taker, in band again bv F. S*enuintf, t«» be prepared for the Winter Meetings The horses. Mildura and Master Theory, were companions tn a gallop ov-r the s h 1ln? hurdles at Ellerslie last ve>'k, the latter giving the better display of the pair. L». Moraghaa left for Wellington by rati on Monday with Prince Boult. During his absence in the Kouth W. Vivian will b? in charge of the remainder of bls team. The Bluejacket mare Sphinx is to be tried at the jumping game, and la her ini: lai disp ay last • •.-’4 showed a lot of dash and ■tribes one a> being a natural jumper. *1 he trotting horse Grampian was ■ land Trotting t lab’s Simmer Meeting. The hurdle h>*rse Hawick. which conpet«*il at the A.R.C. Sommer meeting, la eta‘ I to h.i*»- badly affr ted in the wind aud L- to i*e thrown out of work. Acceptances f-.»r all events on the opening day of the Taka par. a J.C. Kummer meeting clofte with the Secretary (Mr It. Wynyardj on Friday next, the M»th last., at 9 p.m. The gelding Adherent, by Gluten— Fly was offered for sale by euetioa at Messrs A Buckland and Sons* yard* on i'rlday, but failed to find a new owner.

The gelding Crispinccr is now in work at Ellerslie under the car? of G. F Malcolm, and last week was schooled over the pony hurdles, fencing proficiently. The Cuirassier gelding Bon Jour is progressing satisfactorily in h’s schooling displays f»t Ellerslie, and during the week pleased greatly in a gadop over five fences. The mare Dot has thrown off the lameness That came against her on the eve of-the A.R.C. Summer Meeting, and is again doing steady work on the tracks at Ellerslie. The Government tax payable by the Auckland Racing Club over the recent Summer Meeting will total just al»ont £4600. The totalisator contributed £4422 of this amount. For the first time for many years the Porirua stable will be -without a represenT ' n s?. ve 1° T ke Wellington Cup. J. H. Prosser will have a team of ten horses competing at the gathering. The Gisborne horse Al oik‘go went badly etmiss while contesting The New Year Hurdle Race at the A.R.C. Summer meeting, and will probably not be seen under silk again this season. A colt by the ex-Auckland horse Notie-ve named Smoko was sent out favourite for ae Novice Handicap at Brisbane ou January 1. and won by two lengths after galloping a mile in 1 42. The Mu-ketry gelding Muskewa* was bady cal.ope: <<n while e»»ntcxt!ng the Bowen Handicap at the r»*oent Auckland Summer Meet me. and it will probahi v be sometime *efore he wits race again. A two-year-old filly by Lupin, from Integrity. arrived iu Auckland fr.»n: rhe West Coast last week, and has gone into W. J. ISarrou’s stable. The youngster is the largest two-year-old at Ellerslie. The Great Northern Steeplechase winner Corazon, which has been turned out for the past four months, has recently been casket: in band again t»y V. Colieilo in view of the for th'Com lag jumping season. It is understood that, lease to - Mr. Tiemi lure haring expired. Equity !e to be taken over to Svdney this aaTumn should stc make the trip, her mis>iou will i»e the shorter d >ranw f a events. (Jrf L «P?<-in e i.’eatly believe* Jn filling ni.. nurse plenty of racing, anfl be was ptilicl ont on no less than three occasions a; Whangarei on the opening dav one event, th Railway Han.ika;., f.iHing t J bls share. “ Trot ring men as a whole are notorious growlers, and now they have everything np-to-date as regards tracks, etc, an agitation Is on foot to hare the present system of starting altered and the Christcharch sty'e adopted. Bota or Col. Brown's castloffs, Veitalia and Fuss si- eeded in earning a winning bracket on the opening day of the Whangarei Meeting, the former accounting for the Settlers* Handicap, and the latter for the Whangarei Cup. The colts by Boult—Hotcherina and Hierarch—Gweniad, purchased at the recent sales by Mesdames Foss and Steuart, have had their first lesson at the hands of D. Mora chan. Both have been ridden, and are exceptionally tractable. The t Wc.-yesr-o 4 Prince Merriwee D at present under P. Con way a charge at Ellerslie. The same trainer has had another addition to hia team in a gelding by Spalpeen, which In appearance takes very much after his sire. There u every probability of the Auckland Cup winners. Banta Rosa and, being nominated for the Wanganui Cup. and If the pair are taken Svuth t: will t»e the first occasion on which they hare been seen away from Auckland. On© of the features of the Wellington ILa<*ing Club's Summer Meeting promises to t>e the meeting of the Auckland colt Trlnce Boult and the Canterbury crack Autumnna In the Wellington Stakes. Both at their l»«t. the contest will be a keen one. GolcUiae waa withdrawn from the Stewards* Handicap on the opening day of the Takapwna JC. Summer Meeting on Friday afternoon it was certainly a bit of flattery oa Mr Morae'a part to put the little eon («f GoLlsize within a pound of Royal Bouia

The withdrawal of Byron from the Wei! ington Cup will hit aom? of the double backers pretty hard, for in the South the son of Mariiu was a good favourite for the mile and a-half race. Byron has been left In the Telegraph Handi ap. in which he has 7.12.

The victory of Tipua in the Kensington Handicap at Whangarei, which by the way is the first registered by the daughter of Wariiki, has earned her a 71b penalty in the Ferry Handicap at Takapana, and she will now be required to carry 8-5.

The many friends of Mr. W. I vons wii! regret to bear that he is not progressing as favourably as could b e wished after hi> recent operation iu Sydney. The veter-an sportsmxr has had a very bad time, hut it is to be hoped he win pul! through and return to Auckland once more.

The once brilliant Ashby, win -h was purchased cheaply at the < aiuhria Park sale last week, has gone into J. Chiafe. jun.'s. charge. If Ashby strikes his two year-old form, and thete is n<» reason, if he stands, why he should not. his new owner will not resret his purchase

The Summer Meeting cf the Auckland Trotting Club just concluded was easily the best yet held by the club from every point of view. The new track made a wonderful difference to the racing, and better all roui 1 trotting lias never been .ilncssed in Auckland, while most of the events wer • keenly

The ex-New Zealand horseman H. Cairns is blamed for The defeat of the favourite. Paymaster, in the New Year Hurdle race at Flemington. It Is alleged that ho rode over-confidently. and so allowed Rettewynd. with another ex-New Zealand rider in J. McGregor up. to snatch a half bead victory.

The early withdrawal of Masterpiece and Counterfeit from the Wellington Cup will relieve double backers of a lot of anxiety The latter was one of the aud would probably have taken a hard iu the finish, but evidently Sir George Clifford is of the opinion that the pair are enti'led to a rest.

The full brother to Hiinakaha. which is under the charge of T. A. Williams at Ellerslie, has had the name of Atahaerc claimed for him. In company with Crispiueer the gliding was schooled over a round of the hurdles at Ellerslie ou Thursday morning, the former appearing re most advantage.

The Wanganui trainer A. Hail h negotiating with Mr. T. H. Lowry for the lease of The Great Mogul, the fu?. brother t> Cullenan and Kohinoor. The colt it will be remembered was taken to Sydney for sale by auctior last autumn but failed to reach the reserve and was brought b.-rek t > the Dominion.

E. D. O'Rorke. who Is nt present on his way to England, writing from th#» P and O. steamer Mooltan. sends New Year

greetings and thanks to the farmers over whose country he hunted while Master of the Pakuranga Hounds, and expresses the hope that all will have a prosperous -nd happy New Year.

After being out of tuck for smie time the Greenlsnc trainer. K Ilan succeeded iu lauding a double on the opening day of tl»e Wlmugarei Meeting, the Keusingtou Handicap with Tipua. and the Flying Handicap with Firelock. Nv one will begrudge Hall his success.

Owing to A. Julian beiog absent at the Whangarei Meeting, the inquiry which was to have been held yesterday by the committee of the Auckland Trotting <’hib into his handling of Lord Victor in the Park Handicap on the concluding day of the Club's Summer Meeting was postponed until to-day.

The colt Rat Idea, by Royal Fusilier — Lissaduru. sent to Sydney last autumn and sold at the yearling sales on behalf of the Hawke's Bay sportsman Mr T. H. Lowry, still keeps on winning, and at the recent Rand wick meeting won the Juvenile Stakes Mr I-owry will prolisbly send another draft of youngsters across for sale this autumn.

The Soult horse Master Theory will probably make his debut over hurdles ou the opening day of the Takapuna J.C Summer Meeting. Mr. Morse does not hold a very high opinion of the class Master Theory will have to meet in the Hauraki Hnrdies. for be has only made a difference of a stone between the fifteen nominated, and Master Theory is within 2tbs. of the minimum.

Since going into Mr H. R. Mackenzie's l»ossession some twelve months ago. the gelding Black Northern has been something of a disappointment, but on the opening day of the Whangarei Meeting managed to break the list of defeats registered against him. winning the Hurdles very easl’y. Black Northern also wcm on the second day. He was ridden by the successful horseman, A. Julian.

So far Mr H. R Mackenzie has not disposed of the yearling full brother to Prince so«lt. Master SoulL etc., nor does he appear to be very anxious to do so. There are one or two buyers keen -to get him. but if Mr Mackenzie's price is not reached it would occasion no surprise were he found amongst the yearlings offered for sale ia Sydney in the autumn.

Stewart Waddell, private trainer to the Hon. J D. Ormond, has been suffering somewhat from rheumatism, and at the close of the A.R.C. Summer Meeting paid a visit to Te Aroha. He returned at the <»nd of the week much improved, and left for the South by the Wimmera yesterday His horses were* taken South or. Saturday i»y the Mokoia iu charge of I'. Jones.

When Bon >f he Marsh returned to •scald after winning TacrersalFa -Club Cup at the A.J.C. Summer Meeting, the colours were greeted with some hooting The party who led off the hostile demon-STmtlua was subsequently brought before «he committee of the club, and apologisel for his action, stating 4bat he had lost money when che horse gat beaten in the Grand Stand Stakes at rhe A.J.C. December Meeting.

Although the lawns and c ’ Idling paddock at Ellerslie show the eff< is of the enormous attendances at the recent Auckland meeting, the course proper looks beautiful

•M green. and one ronld hardly iMigin*' that it had stood four hard days’ racing, to aav nothing of the work registered on the astride l>efore <he meeting opened. The track to bow being top-dressed, and should be In perfect order for the autumn fixture.

The committee of the Taka puna Jockey Club met on Thursday afternoon. Tha eta lenient of aeeomits showed that notwithstanding the Government tax over the Spring meeting amounted to £703. The club made a substantial profit over the fixture. The committee have in contemplation the enlarging of Che course, and in the utPitntime the turns are to be well banked and this work is to be put in hand at once.

At the A.J.C. Summer Meeting at Randwick l‘anopa was credited with winning ♦be Novice Handicap of seven furlongs in 1.26, which is Che fastest time the distance has yet been run iu. Some doubt, however, was expressed as to the correctness of the time, and rhe official announcement in regard to the matter was that the raeecouse chronometer refused to act. whereupon the operator in charge took the time with an ordinary stop-watch. The Auckland Racing Club intends embarking on rather a -large scheme of improvements and although nothing definite has been decided upon, it is understood that the totalisatur house will be considerably enlarged, as will the present saddling paddock, while considerable improvement will be made to the present members’ stand. I’robabiy better facilities will also be given to the outside public for viewing the races, when the details of the scheme are finally drawn up. TUBE TAXJL FROM THE SOUTH. CHRISTCHURCH, Tuesday. The conclusion of the Aorta Otago Meeting last week brought the holidays racing to a close, so far as local sportsmen are eon’*erned, and the trainers who have been away hi the South have returned to Kic-<-artou with their teams. One of them (Cotton) is to make only a short stay at home, as on Friday he will leave for Foxton, where Kohinoor and Sapience claim engagements. The Royal Fusilier horse has been showing fine winning form, and should do well, but Sapience has been a very disappointing performer, and is bearing a very light appearance. The gentleman who races as Mr C. Machell has purchased Bellah from Mr T. H. Lory, and <3. A, Tine, who now trains for Mr Maehell. has left for Wellington to take charge of the recent purchase. R, D. OTXmnel, in charge of Los Angelos and Culprit, returned from Auckland. R. J. Mason and H. Cutis, who are remaining north with their teams until after the Wellington Cup. broke the return journey at Palmerston North, and they will take advantage of the good tracks at Awapuni until a few days prior to the meeting, when they wiirl journey to Trentham. Sir George Clifford’s team at Trent ham will probably number seven, as Autumaus and Heatherbrae are booked to make the journey north in charge of E. Cutts, and they will join Counterfeit, Winning Way, and company during the early part of next week. Tannhauser, who has been enjoying a respite during McGrath's absence in Dunedin and Oamaru, has again joined that mentor’s active brigade. This colt, whose preparation has been a series of interruptions, has built up during his rest, and is now looking very well, and if he is trained on the right way should perform more creditably during the autumn racing. The retirement of a very useful performer to threatened. Mr C. G. Dalgety’s fine mare Prim having gone amiss. Her trainer (G. M. Aynsley) is afraid the injury is one of a serious nature, in the event of which she will retire to the stud. As a two-year old I‘rim developed an infirmity in one of her joints, but a brief respite enabled her to appear again as a three-year-old, and she • chi les ted the Oaks Stakes, but as the unsonndness had again developed prior to that meeting she could not do herself justice, and had to be content with second honours. Mr H. A. Knights filly Mercy scoring rather decisively. With further rest and care Prim outgrew the weakness, and has been wonderfully sound up to the time of the present mishap. She has been a good stake-winner, and has several very attractive performances to her credit, and over a mile and a-ha If course was certainly one of our best handicap performers. Such a beautifully bred one as the daughter of Pilgrim's Pro gross—Nantes should do further good service for her owner at the stud. Her record is quite an interesting one. In her first season she began well by winning the Stepnlak Stakes at Oamaru, and though she had only moderate success as a three-year-old she won some good races in the following season, among them the Dunedin Cup and the C.J.C Midsummer Handicap. As a five-year-old the Pilgrim’s Progress mare started* nine times, and only twice ran unplaced. Her only win was the Dominion Handicap at the Christchurch Racing Club's Summer Meeting, but she was second to Aberl)rothock iu the Fendalten Handicap at Rlecarton, third to Aberbro(.lM>« k and Ringdove in the Metropolitan, and second to Penates in the Great Eastern. As a s!x-year-old she won the Metropolitan, and was -coond in the Great Autumn, and thia sea -on «he ran fairly well at the Metropolitan Meeting at Rirrarton without lifting any of the prise money. Bonny Glen, which has been doing a light season at the stud, has rejoined Murray Aynaley’a active brigade, and Stepnlakw unlucky non la bowling along freely In Ms tanks. Martian Maid, which has been troubled with a prolonged attack <rf lafluenxs, Is again lu commission, and T. Hhewnan will endravonr tn get a race out of her befoM* the dene of rhe oeawon. Manter Paul baa been sent to his owner’s place, wferre the son of Kt. Pan! wIU be UetHad to a wetl-earwod respite.

Although the majority of the Riccarton enjoyed the sweets of at least one or more victories during the holidays' racing two of their number failed. 'These were M. Hobbes* and 11. B. Emmerson’s stab'.es. The former had five representatives at the southern fixtures, but his luck was right out, and although Peg and Nyx each ran creditably second honours were the best they could obtain. The disappointments were undoubtedly Rose Noble and Crombie, and it is evident that the Medallion horse has gone off since he scored so decisively in the Fendalton Handicap here iu November, but he can be retied upon to retrieve his reputation ere the season closes.

Crosbie, whose only victory this season was against a weak field at Hororata, has failed so far to upheld the good opinion that he won amongst many followers of the sport last autumn, and the sou of Lupin is on a fair way to forfeiting any further claim of their good opinions. If one omits Rose Noble’s victory here in November, M. Hobbs has experienced a consistent run of ill iu<*k with his team.

A southern sportsman states that Oiyol stripped big and lusty for his ra<'es at Oamaru, but seems sound. He is evidently in good heart, and it will not be surprising to find him getting amongst the winners before the season closes.

Some of the hurdlers had a bad time in the south. G'enfieid broke down badly when running at the Dunedin meeting. Milo was also very lame after the meeting, and Gold Pin struck himself on the first day of T -he meeting, and hence was withdrawn from his engagements on the second day, and also at Oamaru.

Contendent, Adage. Buff Gauntlet, and King Try were submitted to auction last week, but failed to find new owners. The unlucky postponement of the first day of the North Otago Jockey Club's Meeting left a number of visitors with a long day to get through, but Mr J. Buckley, the popular president cf the club, carried four motor loads of them out to Redcastle. where an enjoyable afternoon was spent in lojking over the stud. The stock left by All Red created a very favourable impression, and. as far os one can judge by the appearance of the foals, who are all good strongbacked sturdy sorts, the dual winner of the Auckland Cup will make a name as a sire.

St. Aidan and Champagne are doing easy exercise, and so also is Peter Pan. Champagne is a favourite with his owner, and the son of Charlemagne II. —Hermosa is a really fine looking two-year-old. He is at present showing marks of a blister on the near knee, but walks quite sound, and it is hoped will train an to fulfil some of his engagements this season. Mr Buckley has a very fine yearling brother to Champagne, and a raking big yearling by Martian from Siberia. All Red is looking particularly well, and is so muscular and healthy that many owners would feel strongly Inclined to put him in work again. His foals are. however, so distinctly promising that there is no chance cf him carrying silk again. Some idea of the high estimation in which Mr Buckley holds Champagne can be gleaned from the fact that at the termination of his racing career he intends breeding to him some Ait Red fillies. i 1 * WAIRARAPA NOTES. The win of Sir Knox in the Wairarapa Cup is the first occasion since 1878 that a three-year-old has won the chief race in the Wairarapa. Bhe stable bad a good ’•barvest” over the victory of the Sir Lad do cott. Sir Knox has paid his w-ay this season. Out of six starts he has been twice first and three times second. He scored a first and second at Clareville, first and unplaced at Tauherenikau, second at M oodville. and second at Master ton. The Masterton horse Gunboat, which won the Hopetouu Cep at Melbourne, has been sold by Mr M. McGrath to Mr E. A. Connelly, of Melbourne. The horse ran in the latter’s name in the cup. Gunboat was a familiar figure on the various racecourses in the Southern portion of the North Island, and now that be has changed ownership the old battling ground will know him no more. Daunton, by winning the Pirinoa Handicap at Tauherenikau, repeated his performance of the previous year. T. Pritchard was a very successful rider on the second day of the Wairarapa meeting, piloting four horses to victory. The Merriwee gelding Wee Rose, which was galloped on in the Ruamahauga Hack Handicap at Tauherenikau, is still very lame. . The amount put through the totausalor 3t the Wairarapa meeting (£22,545) was a record in the history of the club, being £5OOO more than the previous best year, and xDOCO more than last year. The ’Masterton Racing Club lost £33 12/7 over its December meeting, while the Government tax came to £ll3. This caused a steward at the monthly meeting on Saturday to remark that the club had been running the meeting for the benefit of the Government. Nat Williams is getting Full Rate into good form for the Trentham meeting. The Master ton horses Afterthought and Ix>rd Palmer will compete at the Foxton races on January 20 and 22. The (iovenmient will benefit to the extent of £l2OO In trrtalisator tax over the "tfamrwata Racing Club's meeting at Awtpunl. Aberbrotho«-k. winner of the Masterton Cup, Is undergoing a npeeinl preparation for the Wellington Cup. The non of Papaknra 4s much fancied In mtny quarters. Mira, which ran ro disappointingly at Woodville, and whk-h has failed to show bls <mck form when sporting Kilk, will be atnog the con train nt s at the next 'rrentham meeting. Stevens has been tried ever sticks and bas turned out a anreesa. Consequently be will be aeen competing In bnrdle events for awne time •< any rate. Wrleht bus the chestnut in tip-top form *nd will start kins In the hurdles at Foxton. Mr H. McManaway, the ertmrbile W«A*

rarapa sportsman, baa a fairly good horse in Strathmoira. end should pick tip a etake or two at the forthcoming meetings with the Soult gelding, which 11. King tra uer) has in satisfactory form.

Raopnraha appeared to be very sore when ruuniug iu the Wairarapa Cup. and will require ro show much freer action if the Fox ton Cup is to be placed to his credit. However. Trainer J. Cameron hopes to have the Seaton !><!.»v;4 gelding in firstclass form by January 20. Fllngoc, which wc.« the Foxton Cup last year, will be among the contestants this year. Mr. Pascal’s gelding is doiu satisfactory work in his training opera!*' ns. Royal Marine, which did not run up to track form at the Tanherenlkau meeting, is to be given a ••fly” at the Trentham gathering this month. The bookmaker still flourishes in V. airarapii and at the Ckireville, Masteiton and Tauherenikau meetings a gond deal of bookmaking was carried on, often under the nose of the detectives. At -the Masterton meeting a member of the club is alleged to nave been seen laying the olds, and be has been called upon to resign. Lady Laddo, which followed up her double w n at th? Masterton meeting by securing the Terrace Welter Handicap at Awapuni. was disposed of by Dr. Newman ■to Mr. A. N. Wright of Foxton for £l2. The mare has proved a failure on the course and this prompted Dr. Newman to sell her. However, since the Foxton ownertrainer has Kid I Aid y taddo, she has apparently •’come hack’* and is provli*~ a good investment. totalisator tax ia connection -with the Wairarapa meeting amounted to £578 15.7 Brown Trout is making a satisfactory recovery from the accident which he met with during the running erf the last Mana watu < up. The gelding should be ready ior the Foxton meeting. ± * 1AUCKLAND METROPOLITAN COMMITTEE. a we isng of the Metropolitan Committee was held last Thursday, Mr JI. T. Gorrie ptcfem.n.,. McoAcs. »»eie granted as follows: —Trainers: E. Davis, D. Tye, W. A. Brown, H. Stewart, jockeys: C. T. Batkin and W. G. Koss lot ualance of season, and A. H. Eiivrm. Gen demen riders: John Hedley and S. Petrie. Te Puke Jockey Club was given permission to race on Marek. 30. Toe programmes of Te Arolrn Jockey Club (March 4 and 5) and Ohinemuri Jockey Club (March 17 and 19) were approved. At a subsequent meeting of the A.R.C. Committee (Mr Gorrie presiding) a rough statement of accounts in connection with the summer meeting, showing a satisfactory profit, was laid ou the table aud approved. Mr C. D. Halstead was appointed an hon. veterinary surgeon to the club in place of the late Mr E. D. II ato lead. One new member was elected. Accounts totaUhig £9en were passed for payment. It was decided to take steps at once towards further Improvements and extension of premises at the racecourse.

The following transfers jvere approved — R. D. O’Donnell to W. G. and G. L. Stead, Los Aiigems; T. H. Lowry to H. D. de Lauiour, Sea Piuk; G. F. Moore to A. Alexander, ch f, Boniform—Helen Portland; J. F. Reid to Mr Higbdeu, br c, Vasco— Madder; J. F. Reid to O. S. Watkiue, br c. Charlemagne ll.—Stepniak mare; J. F. Reid to J. Monk, ch c, Vasco —Belle Clair; J. F. Re.d to E. J. Watt, br c, Charlemagne ll.— Elysium; J. F. Reid to F. J. Barton, b or br c, Sarto—Reel; J. F. Buchanan to H. Friedlander, br f, Martian—Everlasting; J. F. Buchanan to A. Alexander, b f. Martian — Mary of Argyle; J. F. But-iianan to G. D. Greenwood, b c, Martian -Grand Opera: J. F. Buchanan to F. S. Easton, br f, Martian —Assegai; J. F. Buchanan to G. D. Greenwood, b c, Martian—Stephanie; J. F. Buchanan to Sir Geo. Clifford, b f, Martian — Hebrew Maid; J. F. Buc tauan to J. W. Skinner, b f, Martian—Fireside; J. F. Buchanau to Mr Hlghden, br f, Martian—Cuiralba; W. G. and G. L. Stead to W. Nidd, b f Peroneal (Achilles —Prelude); J. B. ReM to L. C. Hazlett, br f, Charlemagne 11-— St. Regis; J. B. Reid to Mr Hlghden, br f, Charlemagne II. —Conroune; J. B. Keid to G. D. Greenwood, ch r, Vasco—Silkgown; J. B. Reid to Mr Highden, b f, CharieiFagne IL—Annabelle; J. B. Reid to D. Rutherford, br f, Charlemagne II - Happy Valley; Sir Geo. Mel.esn to C. North, b c, Sarto— Komuri; Sir Geo. McLean to William Gardiner, b c, Sarto — Brisa; J. B. Reid to G. C. Hamilton, b f, Charlemagne 11. Martin.

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New Zealand Graphic, Volume XLVII, Issue 3, 17 January 1912, Page 12

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TURF GOSSIP New Zealand Graphic, Volume XLVII, Issue 3, 17 January 1912, Page 12

TURF GOSSIP New Zealand Graphic, Volume XLVII, Issue 3, 17 January 1912, Page 12

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