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WELLINGTON. Thorndon's Annual Meeting. THE principal matter dealt with was the question of entering teams fur this season’s interclub competitions. After considerable discussion, it was decided by a majority of one not to defend the title to the men’s senior championship, held Iby Thorndpn, but to enter a ladies’ team as usual for tin* shield (also held by the club). The election of officersresulted as follows:—President, ‘Mr. K. M. Simpson; vice-president, Mr. L. G. Mackay; committee, Misses W. Ilarmay and B. Miles, Messrs. P. 11. Putnam, (J. F. Smythe, and A. Young; lion, secretary, Mr. .1. Carter; hon. treasurer, Mr. G. H. Fell; hon. auditor, Mr. C. A. Richardson. With the exception of Miss B. Miles, who replaces Mrs. R. A. Holmes, the executive is the same as last year’s. A hearty vote of thanks was passed to the latter lady for the untiring energy she has devoted to the dub’s affairs, and her intention to retire was viewed by the meeting with much regre t i Mastertou Indignant. The Masterton Lawn Tennis Club is right on the warpath, and strongly resents the action of the Wellington Provincial Lawn Tennis Association in applying to the N.Z.L.T.A. for22 2 23 January for the annual provincial championship tournament, the Masterton (lub having held its own tournament on these dates for the past eighteen years. The Masterton people say that the attempt to jump their dates can only be explained by the .fact that American and Australian lawn ten iris players will be visiting New Zealand, ami that the W.P.L.T.A. is anxious to have them compete in Wellington at the provincial tournament. However, a strong protest has been made, and' a deputation from Masterton waited <»n the Management Committee at its >meeting •on Tuesday night. The Masterton ‘Club cannot understand the Wellington Association’s action in view of the support accorded to the Masterton Club last yeau. when the Dannevirke Club attempted to seize the dates. The Masterton '("nib is probably the strongest in the province (numerically), having now one lihndred and seventy members. This question will be discussed in next .issue. At the present it only be said that the Da linevirke piu-b"altered its from those of Masterton solely to secure those players—-Parker, Brown, iFishc®, Misses Nunneley, Travers, and \\ el Wood —who were competing in ’tlie Wellington provincial championships held last January under the auspices of the Masterton Club! Would the Mastertonians be still further angry ' were Dannevirke also to apply for these identical dates. 20. 22. 4‘» January?. Again, suppose the Wellington Association, choose January Ist and’ 2nd for its tournament, or even ‘Christmas, 'would the N-.Z.L.T. A. be justified in refusing to authorise-t in* meeting, because Pahiatua or Palmerston North Clubs had selected those dates? Finally, for the' sake of argument, suppose 20, -22,’ 23' January had been selected for Davis 4'up contest, would the Masterton Club have protested in ‘that cast*? 't he principle is exactly the. samp. ; ‘ ROM ULUS ’* New Zealand Lawn Tennis Association. ‘ The annual general meeting of the governing body of lawn tennis in the Dominion will be held on Tuesday, 31st Ortolwr. The annual report and balancesheet were circulated last week* aipl'ttie following extracts are taketi, Ulerefro.m : The ' New Zealand Chaippionship Tournament, held at Blenheim, was favoured with fine weatheV. ‘ The on-' trie-, wore not large, hut the standard of pltiy was up f<» that of former years. Altlsmgh the attendance nf (he public was small, great - by the H)*ectatorn’ was evident throughout flic meeting. The Marlborough Lawn Tennis Association went to great trouble in prs-

paring for the meeting, and it is to be regretted that tlie result from tlie financial aspect was not more satisfactory. After all expenses had been met, ties sum of £7 8/6 remains for division lietween the Marlborough Association an 1 this Association. Your Association decided to refund its share of net proceeds towards assisting the Marl borough Association to meet the loss sustained in holding its local tournament. The meeting was well managed, ami credit is due to the committee of the Marlborough Association for the time and trouble spent in providing for th<» comfort and entertainment of the visitors. The events resulted as follows:—Men’s Championship Singles: Won by J. C. Peacock from .F. M. B. Fjsher. 6—l, o—6, 6—l, 7—5.

Men’s Championship Double: Won by I’’. M. B. Fisher and J. C. Peacock from H. A. Parker and T. R. Quill, 6 —3, 6—3, 6—2. Ladies’ Championship Singles: Won by Miss E. Travers from Miss R. Well world, 6—2, 6 —l. Ladies’ Championship Doubles: Won by Misses E. Travers and It. Wellwood from Misses K. N. Nunneley- and E. Baird, 2—6, 6—4, 6 —3. Combined ; Doubles Championship: Won by jiliss..i‘. Well wood.and 11. A. Barker from Miss -.E./Travers and F. M. B. Fisher, B—6,8 —6, 6—l. The Banner was won by Wellington with 16. J points. Hawke's Bay secured three points, and New South Wales IJ.

NEW ZEALAND CHAMPIONSHIP . MEETING, 1911. It has been decided that the N.Z. Chanipionships be held at Christchurch on the 23rd, 26th, 27th and 28th December, 1911. A visit to Christchurch by ■Mr. Fisher on behalf of the Committee resulted in oilers being received from the Lancaster Park Board for the use of pai't of the goriruds of the Lancaster Park for tlie purpose of tlie Championship Meeting. A site has been reserved adjoining the Davis Cup Court area and four Courts will lie available. The Committee lias entered into an arrangement by which the Company is to prepare the grounds for play and to receive 20 per cent, of the gate takings, after tlie gatekeepers’ wages have been deducted. The Association is to bear the cost of ereibt-. ling stands, fences, gateways, faying cm Of water and any other expense necessary.

FINANCIAL. The statement of accounts submitted show a loss on the year’s working of £25 19/9. It will be noticed that the income from all sources for the year amounted to £B5 5/9; that the management expenses amounted to £B3 15/9, and presentations, subscriptions, and donations for various purposes amounted to £27 9/9, leaving an excess of expenditure over the income for the year of £25 19/9. The position of the Association’s actual working has been submitted in a form clearly disclosing gain or loss. Under Rule 37 the subscription for the year 1910-11 was fixed at Id for each member of Clubs affiliated to the various Associations. Until the Rule came into operation by means of registration, and to enable the Committee to meet its financial demands, a sum of £3 3/ was collected from each Association, the amount being subject to adjustment when the actual subscription for the year was ascertained. A reference to the balance-street discloses that tlie sum of £1 0/8 is due to be refunded to several Associations. Your Committee suggests that the amount may be held and

set against the respective Associations’ subscriptions for the year 1911-12. An estimate of the expenditure for the year 1911-12 is submitted herewith:—■ Salary Secretary, £5O; rent of room for meetings, £3; printing, stationery, etc., £2O; subscriptions. £5; postages, telegrams, and petty expenses, £lO. Total £BB. It is expected that a levy of 2d per member of Clubs affiliated .to the several Associations will be sufficient to meet this expenditure. - - APPOINTMENT OF PAID SECRETARY •It was on the 14th of October last, decided by the Council that a salaried, secretary should be appointed and your committee decided to appoint the under

signed at a salary of £5O per annum. Amongst the duties scheduled for the secretary it is stipulated that should he ' be required so to do ho will devote a ' fortnight to the management of the < hampionship Meeting and your Committee has instructed me to be in Christchurch on the 18th December and carry out alt arrangements for the meeting. The Committee has written to the Canterbury Association liespeaking its syiu- , pathy in this new departure in the man- > agement of the meeting and has asked that an advisory committee of three ; Canterbury gentlemen be appointed, to - assist the Secretary, Mr. A. ,1. Petherick. The committee ddsires to thank the various secretaries of associations for their assistance during the year; the Press, for their prominence given tiF i notifies of spout;-to Messrs. Ayres, Ltd.; (pi>r Messrs. Alcock and C0.,-.Lt4, sole : agenfs for N.Z;), for' their gift’of sufficient bulls for the championship meeting:

and a Tian'some r.ose bowl for competition; and to the donors of trophies for the 19114 meeting. . ■ EXTRACTS FROM FINANCIAL STATEMENTS. Income and Expenditure Account. Income: Subscriptions from associations £47 12/6. half proceeds N.Z. championships 1910 £3 14/3. sale of India £33 |4/ ( sale of handbooks 5/ —£85 5/9; expenditure ; Management expenses £B3 15/9)presentations. subscriptions and donations £27 9/9 —£111 5/6. Excess of expenditure (year to 3ffth “September, 1911) £25 19/9. . ' N.Z. Championships at Blenheim. Receipts £lOO 6/6, expenditure'£92 18/1; iialance (profit) £7 8/5. ’ Balance-sheet as at 30th September 1911.—Assets £l5O 17/7, liabilities £bj 4/1 ; excess of assets £134 13/6; Thomdon’s Roll of Honour. The annual report of the Thorndon Club 'congratulated its members on tlie excellent playing records achieved throughout the season, and particularly emphasised the successes gained by several members at the big tournaments held throughout the year. Those who brought honour to tlie Club in this direction and their respective performances are appended: — J. C. Peacock—New Zealand Championships:— yen’s Singles, and Doubles (with F. M. B. Fisher). F. M. B. Fisher.—New Zealand Championships:—Men’s Doubles (with J. C. Peacock) and runner-up in Singles. South Australian Championships: Men’s Doubles (with H. A. Parker; N.S.W.), and Combined Douldes (with Miss Stew art, Victoria). Wellington Provincial Championships: Combined Doubles (witli Miss II;. [EI. W|llwood). Djunnevirke Championships: Combined Doubles (with Miss E. Travers), and runner up in Singles (to H. A. Parker). Manawatu Chariipoinships: Men’s Singles ami Doubles and Combined Doubles. Wellington Covered Court < hampionship: Men’s Singles. Geelong (Vie.), ( haurpionships: Men’s Doubles, Miss K. M. Nunneley.—New Zealand Championship.;: Runner up in both Ladies’ Singles (to Miss F' Travers) ami Doubles. Wellington Provincial Cham pionships: Ladies' Singles and Doubles (with Miss M. Simpson). Marlborough Championships: Ladies’ Singles ami Doubles (with Miss E, M. Baird), Combined Doubles (with II; W. Brown). Also Ladies’ Handicap Singles. Dannevi-rke Championships: Ladies’ Singles; and runner-up in Combined. Doubles (with H. W, Brown). Miss M’. Simpson.— Wellington Pro vinoial Championships: Ladies’ Doubles (With Miss K. N. Nunneley).. Also Masterton 'Club’s Handicap Singles; at same tournament. Marlborough Meeting: Ladies’ Handicap Doubles (with Miss A. M. Batham). Miss A. M- Batliam.—Marlborough Meeting: ’Ladies’ Handicap Doubles (with Miss M. Simpson), ami Combined Handicap Doubles (with F. P. Wilson). General Notes. The Hutt and Oriental Clubs opened their season last Saturday under favourable cireumstanees. There were representatives of various city and .suburban flubs present at both functions, -which passed oil very enjoyably. The last of the local club openings take place this week, when Thorndon and Muritai commence o](t'rations with, the usual formality. The retiring Management Committee of the, N.Z.L.T.A., which has done excellent work during its tenure of office, consists of F.M. B. Fisher (chairman), R. fl. 3. Beere. H. M. Gore, T. Gray, G. A. Hurley, B. Ke’es-ing, and P. 11. Putnam. The entries for the inter-club competitions close on Friday, 2(ftli inst., anit must be considered as not only satisfactory, but a clear indication of the growing popularity of lawn tennis. Seven clubs entered four or more teams for the respective grades:—Victoria College (10) Brougham Hill (8), Newtown (71, Trinity Church (6), Pet-one (5), and Wellington (4). 'Tlmrndou's club events last season were won by the following players:— Men’s Championship Singles: R. N. K. Swanston; Ladies’ Championship Singles: Miss K. M. Nunneley; Ladies’ Handicap Singles: Miss K. M. Nunneley: Ladies’ Handicap Doubles: Misses K. M. Nutlheley and H. M. Butterworth; Combined Hhndieap Doubles: Q. I’rbiise and MfiSs K. M. Nunneley'. At the quarterly meeting of the N«< Council recently held in Wellington the following was the business transacted: — (1) Plans of the courts at Lun aster . Park. Christchurch, proposed to be used for the New Zealand Championships 123rd, 20th, 27th and 28th December) were considered, and the site •set apart for the courts approved. (2) Advice was received that there is every prospect of the invitation sent to the Australasian Association to send a team of six Australian ladies to play a match 111 Wellington either before or after the Davis Cup Contest, being accepted. The Management Committee of the N.Z.L.T.A. Ims undertaken to provide accommodq-ta-n for the ladies of the visiting team during their stay in Wellington., (3.) A subcommittee was set up to ascertain what New Zealand players ''ill be available to accept an invitation from the Philippine Carnival Committee for a visit of three of Australasia’s leading players to Manila. The ( Qinival Loimnittce provide travelling expenses and accommodation. (4.) The ,Vanterlmry Association. Las, leen.reqpested to nominate |hree gentlemen willing to act in conjunction with Ihg executive. in connection with the New Zealand Championship at Christmas, and act as an advisory committee

AFFILIATED ASSOCIATIONS. ■'1911-12 Clubs-Members /- 1908-9 Clubs Member 1909-10 Clubs Members .1910-11 . . Clubs Members Auckland 14 717 20 1395 . 1450 1540 Canterbury' ..... 19 1192 24 1523 "*?T 1747 1734 Hawke’s Bay ... . • . 15 698 17 792 • 17 ■ ■ • • 793 • ■ 14. - 792 Marlborough 4» 335 7 396 . . 39G. . 1 - -128 •Nelson •» 125 3 04 115 3 .1151 Otago 30 1102 30 1142 .... 1100 28 1200 Southland —— — — — IO 437 11 4711 Taranaki .... .... 12 571 12 595 15 7fto to 663 Wanganui ..... -— •— — . — .-r 340 10 OH Wellington 1862 43 2194 41 2011 41 20. ;o West Coast r. 230 6 281 . i 258 .'!O3 . i . — — — —— . — — . ■ ■■ — Totals 140 6832 162 S412 177 !I3« 6 182 !H».» i

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New Zealand Graphic, Volume XLVI, Issue 17, 25 October 1911, Page 10

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LAWN TENNIS. New Zealand Graphic, Volume XLVI, Issue 17, 25 October 1911, Page 10

LAWN TENNIS. New Zealand Graphic, Volume XLVI, Issue 17, 25 October 1911, Page 10

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