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r " This paper hat been appointed the official organ of the Ladies' Golf ®7ew Zealand branch. Secretaries of ladies’ golf clubs are invited to forward official notices, handicaps and alterations, results of competitions, and other matters of interest t» reach the publishing office not later than the Saturday prior to date of public* tion.

AUCKLAND. THE members of the above club enjoyed favourable weather conditions on Saturday, when the second qualifying round of the club's championship was played at Middlemore Park. Owing to the wet weather interfering with the work, a number of the greens were very heavy. The following are the particulars of the scores returned, the first eight qualifying to play in the championship-.—J. C. Burns, 95 —85—180; D. McCormick, P 3 92—185; C. Nettleton, 94—92 —186; j. B. Lusk, 91—98—189; H. S. Stringer, 99 93 192; E. A. Dargaville, 99 —96 - 195: H. D. Bamford. 100—95—195; \\ . B. Colbeek, 103—92—195; P. T. Upton, 106—90—196: G. A. Miller. 100—99-199; .1. W. Hall. 104—95—199; W. A. Carrick, 105 —94—1(19 : H. Foster, 107 —95—202: H. C. Clark, 103—100>—203: E. Horton, 100 —100 —206; H. Richmond, 108 102 — 210. The first round of the champions.up will be played on Septewlier 16. the draw being as follows: —C. Nettleton plavs H. D. Bamford. W. B. C ollieek plays J. B. Lusk. D. MacCormick plays E. A. Dargaville, and H. G. Stringer plavs J. C. Burns. In the play-off of the tie for the final of the Sir Logan Campbell shield (bogey) .1. C. Burns, two down, beat P. Laurenve, six down. •Junior members of the elnb are reminded that entries for the junior championship close at noon on Friday for the <pialifving round. The conditions are medal’ play, the first 16 to qualify. Members with a handicap of 13 and over are eligible to take part. Waitemata. Tn the final for the club’s championship, played on Saturday. Penman beat Houston, one up. In the third round of the Nursery Handicap, Jeffries Tieat Sherriffs. three up and one to play: Haddon beat Atkinson. 1 up: Hal! beat Farrar. 3 and 2; Sommerville beat O’Donnell. 4 and 2: Le Sieur beat Kallendar. 4 and 2; Bush beat D. Macky. 3 and 2: Norton beat Ward, 5 and 4: Leckie beat Meikle, 1 «PMaungakiekie. Tn the mixed foursomes handicap, played on the One Tree Hill links on Saturday by the members of this club, the following were the best scores handed in:—Miss Eileen Barstow and E. Gardner. 57 (10 holes):.Miss Eva Cumming and Kirker. 59: Miss Yonge and C . Gardner, 63: Mrs Ball and Ball. 63: Miss Carr and Carr, 67: Miss Hellahv and Binney. 68: Miss Sellars and Cooke. 70; Mrs Ridings and Ridings. 72: Miss Souter and Hay. 73. TE AROHA. The results of the matches played for the club’s championship are as follows: Men’s Novice Championship.—C. IL Richardson beat C. Scott in the final. Indies'.—Miss D. Edwards beat Miss Fitzgerald, and Miss Wild beat Mrs McDonald in the semi-final, leaving the final to be played by the Misses D. Edwards and Wild. WELLINGTON. Wellington t. Wairarapa. (By Telegraph —Own Corresooudent.) WELLINGTON, Ratui day. The annual match lietween Wellington and Wairarapa Golf Clubs was played to-day at Heretannga, and resulted in a win for Wellington by 11 games to 3. Following are the detailed results. Wellington players being mentioned first in

each instance:—A. Duncan beat I. C. Bidwill, 6 and 5; A.. J. Abbott beat W. E. Bidwill, 4 and 2: R. L. D. Kidston beat W. H. Robieson. 5 and 3 : A. E. iVhyte lieat A. B. Lawrence, 7 and 5: W. E. Reid beat F. H. Eleoate, 2 up: C. St. Cl. Gore beat A. B. Balfour, 1 up: A. McQ. Clark beat W. H. Booth. 6 and 4; L. C. Hales beat A. R. Sclanders, 1 up: A. s. MacShaiie beat G. Hume. 6 and 4; R. (V. Kirkby beat R. S. Steele. 3 and 2: H. 3. Didsbury beat B. Booth. 1 up; K. I). Duncan lost to G. F. Fenwick. 4 and 3; M. B. Lees lost to C. Perry. 2 and 1; 11. S. Pearce lost to A. J. Toogood, 2 and 1. NGAMOTU. On Saturday afternoon the Ngimmtu Club played the first qualifying round of 18 holes for the club championship. Twenty players entered, and the nine Ipslt (cards were as follows:—W. C. Weston 86, H. H. Ward 88. F. S Johns 88. IV. Bewley 88. A. H. Glasgow 88, •I. S. S. Medley 90, E. Bary 90. T. Paton 92. P. M'Cord 92. The westerly wind rather interfered with the play. CAMBRIDGE. There was a large gathering at the golf links on Wednesday to see the lilials of local championships played, when Miss K. Willis defeated Miss Lundon. 7 up and 6 to play. Mr. Middleton defeated Mr. I. Banks, 2 up. on the 18th green after a most exciting game. Dr. Cox, one of Tiinaru’s best golfers, is here at present, and intends going to Wanganui next week for the golf meeting there. Mr. A. 11. Ni -oil and Mr. M. Wells, of this club, intended going also. HAMILTON. The four-ball match, which was played on the Hamilton links on Saturday, resulted as follows:—Mrs. Douglas and Miss Gillespie 56. handicap 18 —38; Mrs. Yule and Miss Bayly. 69—18-51: Mrs. Hollowav and Miss Furze, 64—13—01; Mrs. Kerr and Miss MeAllum. 66—la--51; Miss Wilkinson and Miss Cussen, 64 —11—53; Mrs. Bennett and Miss O'Neill, 86—27—59. Shepherd and Dodson, handicap 87— 17 —70: Hume im Worslev. 94—14—80: Mears and V*, 110— 23 —87; McLeod and Hanna. 116— 25—91; Swarbrick and Dabv. 109 92; Jordon and Whitelaw. 118—L> ti; Anderson and O'Grady. 132 2.- -J■->. HAWERA. The results of the third round of the men’s senior championship are a* fallow.—Kitto beat. Ryan. 5 up U Turton beat Treweek, 2up and 1; '■ '• laghan plays Turton, and the omi. r plays Kitto in the final. ? In the junior. Gibson beat 1 1 ■ 1 up and 1; Mason beat Bassett. 1 upMASTERTON. Mr. A. D. Gillies’ trophy, pi ' for the best eclectic card taken f." two qualifying rounds of the championship, was won by Mi. ' __ Magson (85). the various scores l.eyie: A. H. Magson 85. G. W. Arlidge 91 " P. Fenton 91. H. I. Francis 91. I. Jilne 91. .1. G. Bee 95. IL W. RisbuoHh P. L. Rollings 96. D. Caselberg »». "• W. Gabites 102, C. N. Haslam 105 The following are The scores in th* third round of the Bogey »!>. played at Highfield last week ( ** l in parentheses);—C. Hayter (H' ■’ J' C. T. H. Perry (8) all square. G. (18) 1 down, L. Barker (i) i a ° *

p o. Wright (2) 2, J. Keinpthorne <('•) 2. R. L. Fisher (8) 2, \V. R. McLaren (12) 2. A. Seymour (4) 3, G. IL fssher <7), 3. C. H. Gresson (8), 3, W. W. Baxter (8), 3, W. D. Revell (10), 3, T. W. Lynch (3), 4, X. K. Cox (4). 5, J[. J. Knubley (12) 7. L. O'Callaghan (10) 8. F. Clissold (18) 9, 11. L. Betts (18) HNAPIER. The third club competition (handicap bogey) was played on the Waiohiki links la-t week, and resulted in a win for P. 11, Kelly in the A Class, who, with a handicap of 8. was 4 up on bogey. The individual scores of the best cards handed in are as follows: — A Class. P. 11. Kelly (8) 4 up. G. Kelly (9) 3 up. H. J. Smith (3) all square, A. F. Roberts (scr.) 1 down, G. F. Thorburn i2) 1 down. \V. Kettle (8) 2 down, T. Rome 19) 2 down. R. D. Kettle (9) 3 down. A. O. Russell (9) 3 down. G. X. Pharazvn (5) 4 down. 11. F. Bernau (S) (j down. B Class. A. XI. Retemeyer ill) 2 down. H. von Dadelszen (12) 4 down. P. S. MeLean (]i 5 down, F. Logan (15) 6 down. TAIHAPE. I> ■■ . aids handed in for last week's r-onie competition were:—Boy I and Shergold, 96i—231—721; V. and Eiby, 105 —27 —78; Garratt .. i Xichol, 107—281—781; Champion and Moffat. 107—271—301; Davies an I !’.«•l'. 108 —22—86; Ryan and Garner, I! first round of the championship >■-. c.e.l as follows: —Garratt beat. r. Xeagle beat Shergold, Xii’iol beat t , in;n. Ryan beat Dyinoek, Moffat Bei .m. Todd beat Evans, Garner V . f'i i If, Bovd an 1 Eibv have still to POVERTY BAY. . i iPoverty Bay Golf Club’s links koi a • • k the second round of the men’s c'. ini, i-nship competition was played, res. j- follows:—W. Gibson beat No*?l E r!. 4 ap and 3 to play ; G. \V. AA'illock W. Hamilton Irvine, 6 up and 4 to j .iy: F. H. AV. Traill beat J. liovvie; 1 up: M. Dodgshun beat L. T. Brown. G up and .5 to play. One of the best cont’.'t' «ji the afternoon was between 1■ / ai l Howie. Traill, who during thv •’fk had put up a record for the ]aik-. doing the round in 78, met a strong <• ; oih . : in Howie, and only managed to are vi torv by 1 up. Howie played u C . I form. L. T. Brown, who 4■’-••• •-4 for 16th place, defeated A. 11. ibi* ) s It!l } )V oup during the week, and c.i Mt irday played Dodgshun, but. as v ‘‘' y to be expected, Dodgshun was lh • : 1 good for his opponent, and had * ■ • i'-v win. G. AV. AVillock, as was I ' d. won comfortably from HamMgii lrv;ng. the -core showing that there ” ' i doubt AVillock was the better ! • ■ surprise of the afternoon v . defeat of Noel Bull by AV. Gib- •’ 1 played poorly, whilst Gibson y A> * best form, and thus managed x * c - an easy win. HASTINGS. x o:i , good cards were handed in for * ' Ih'-Gngs Club’s stroke competition * ' being:—O. AVelhvood, , S hep. 5, net 73; D. Banks. SO— Fenwicke, 89—8—81; P. H. onioana. 89—5—84; F. A. Cameron, 103 ? X > . : W - A - Kiely, 94—8—86. The b ?° 4»alifying rounds for the club’s cham- ) up resulted as follows:—D. Banks o. Wellwood 172, P. H. To moa n a i * ' , n ' v *cke ISO. XX’. A. Kielv an I Ra > bow 192, J. Fraser 194, A. L. Andci-,.n 197. NELSON. A bam of Blenheim golfers have P'S'ol a Xel-on team on the Tahuna t''. th ' le The members of full n ' le * m t ea *” were = —Messrs. Masew.' Horton, Reed, Sharp and si ' a k er ' Those who played for Xel'l were: —> Messrs. J. Wood, Cock, Ti h J" Brown and Hair, matches were as folkl | ” ood (Xelson) lost to MaseWiA. o'? Bum™ (Nielson) lost to kr, n W ">; T ' Houlker defeated ' Pi Broun defeated Horton; Cock de-

feated Reed. In the four-ball match the ‘results were:—Wood and T. Houlker defeated Wicks and Reed : Burnes and Hair defeated Dr. Walker and Horton; Cock and Brown defeated Masefield and Sharp. In the ladies’ championship match Miss Ethel Ledger defeated Miss D. Hair by 7 up and six to play in the final. In the final for Mrs. Fell’s trophy in the C grade. Airs. Horn defeated Miss A. Ledger. A team of lady golfers from Miramar, AA'ellington, will play at Nelson this week. N.Z. Championship Meeting. Already nine professional golfers, including J. A. Clements (the ex-op»*n champion) have entered for the N.Z. championship meeting to be held at AVanganui. Professional golfers from Auckland, Gisborne, Palmerston, Wellington. Wanganui. Christchurch, and Invercargill have sent in their entries; while the amateurs are also a very strong entry, including, as they do, Arthur Duncan, of Wellington (the present open champion) ; H. B. Lusk, of Christel urch (the present amateur champion) ; Wright, of Christchurch: Burns, ’ of Auckland: T. C. Bidwill, of Featherston; Pryde, of Feilding; and K. Duncan, of Wellington. Amongst the Wanganui golfers, the following strong players will also compete: —I. Saunders. G. Saunders, Butterworth. Lewis, Meldrum. and J. Goss, jun. Many other players from ami with small handicaps have al*o entered, so that spectators may expect golf of a very high quality, while it would be a very difficult task to pick the winners in the different events. 1 he committee of the Wanganui Golf ( lub have a large stall of men working on the links, and the preparations for The great event are already well forward. The course is a long and difficult one. and will thoroughly test the golfing qualities of the competitors. The French Open Championship. Four years ago, when Massy won the open championship, the triumvirate with a lighting tail of the younger school went over to gay Paree on retaliation bent. The French championship had been instituted in the previous year, but by common consent it was at that time promoted to the position of an unofficial repetition of the championship for the purpose of correcting any little mistake in the results of that event. The English pro.’s failed then to wrest the title from Massy’s competent hands, but the attempt gave to the French open championship a prominence it has never lost. In the three years Taylor has won it twice and Braid once, so that in fact for three years out of four the open ehanupionship and French championship have been won by the same person. This year the fact that Massy came within an ace of winning the open chapipionuhip for the second time lent additional interest to the event, and of the

most prominent English professional*. Herd alone was not among the starters on the course of the Societe de Goli de Paris at La Boulie. near A’ersaillos. Massy was for several years professional on this (0111*0. and of coin * * played with all the confidence born of local knowledge. The course no doubt I’ on the easy side, but even *o Massy’s four rounds in 284 —an average of 7i—• border on the marvellous. Never on any course has so low a score been returned for four rounds, and it is no wonder that he won by 7 clear strokes from Ray, his nearest opponent. putting wa* very fine, and his last round of 69 was absolutely irresistible, the details lieing: Out—3. 4. 5. 4. 3,5, 3. 4—36. Home—3. •*>, 4,3, 2.4, 3, 4—33; total 69. Massy, 284: Ray. 291; C. IT. MaVo 292; TI. Vardon 293; Mr. Chick Evans was 306. and beaded the amateur*. Vardan and Massy tied in the open championship, which was played at Sandwich, with a ecore of 303.

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New Zealand Graphic, Volume XLVI, Issue 9, 30 August 1911, Page 10

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GOLF New Zealand Graphic, Volume XLVI, Issue 9, 30 August 1911, Page 10

GOLF New Zealand Graphic, Volume XLVI, Issue 9, 30 August 1911, Page 10

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