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Subscriber.—Royal Soul-t won tbe Spring Handicap, one mile, run at tbe Takapuna J-C. Spring Meeting of 1908. Punter. —St. Wood started twice on the second day of the South Auckland meeting—in the County Handicap and Welter Handicap. In the last-named event he <eli. * Mr. R. J. Dent, secretary of tbe Wliangarei Racing Club, is at present on a visit to Auckland, Horses that fell on the second day of the South Auckland meeting cost backers just over £560. T. A. Williams left Manurewa behind at Hamilton, it having been decided not to persevere with the daughter of Musketry. The Te Arolia .Tockey Club’s Annual Meeting opens on Monday next, and everything is iu train for a successful gathering. Mr. W- Montgomery, the wen-known local owner, left for Sydney, via Wellington, on Wednesday. Miss Mischief was sent out favourite for the Wanganui Cup. with Merrivonia next iu request. After riding at Te A rob a, A. Julian leaves for Napier to fulfil riding engagements at the Napier Park meeting on the 10th and 17th iust. During the week several horses have ween schooled over hurdles at Ellerslie, among the number being Luxton, Excalibur, and Maykoff. The name of Tragedy King has been claimed for the Soult —Romola colt, purchased at the recent Gleuora Park sale by l>. Moraghan. Mr. 11. H. Hayr leaves for Brisbane, via Wellington and Sydney, next week, to inspect the electric totalisators in work there, on behalf of the Auckland Racing Club. During the week J. Deere y received an addition -to his team in the shape of a five-year-old mare by Cordon Rouge, which look# like going under the pony standard. After riding in the first race at South Auckland on Saturday, one well-known rider refused to get in the saddle again, as he did not consider the course safe. The Avondale Jockey Club discussed the tenders for their new totalizator house last evening, and probably one will be accepted in the course of a couple of days. J. Buchanan, tbe local rider, left for Wanganui after the South Auckland meeting to fulfil riding engagements at tbe Wanganui Cup meeting. Goodwin Park, which ran second in the Wanganui Cup, is by the Auckland-bred Sylvia I’ark. from Vivat. a grey mare that used to race in Auckland some years ago. Word from Napier states that there seems very little prosp et of <'alif«M*nia ever racing again. The crack son of Ban Eran was mated with a number of mares last season. Miss Mischief is stated to have had a very bad run In the Wanganui Cup, receiving a nasty bump at the home turn, which probably settled her chance. Kir George Clifford’s filly Madam Madcap wa* sem out a red-hot favourite for the Flying Handicap at Wanganui, but got chopped out at tbe start, and was never prominent. Tbe Moult horse Elysian is progressing *atisfactorily iu hi* work at Kllerslie, and ueems have forgotten the little trick* b<- bad liefore be retired wme fifteen months • go. There is every probability of the Multiform horn** Multiple being across to Australia with Mr (I !• Donnelly’s horses, •nd if tbe trip eventuate*, he will go up for sale. Tbe latest. addition to the ranks of jumpers in tbe Humbler man* in P Conway’s charge, which wa* tried over th* •malt fpu'c» st Ellerslie on Thursday morning aha ping well fur a beginner. The Alexandra Ita iug Club have lodged tri appeal against tbe deHson of the M tro rx>litan Commit re* In th* Caruso c*mc. Th* Bearing wifi probably take place at Napier Best mouth

The winning horsemen at the recent South Auckland meeting were: A. Whittaker (4), J. Conquest (2), F. Coleman (2), C. (Brown (1), L. Morris (1), P. Brady (1), J. Buchanan (1), M. Ryan (1), B. Deeley (1). The largest dividend at the recent South Auckland Meeting was paid by Urekehu, which ran second in the Flying Handicap on the opening day. The price returned was 25 per cent more than paid by any winner. The Auckland horseman B. Deeley left for Wanganui on Sunday last to fulfil riding engagements at the Wanganui meeting. Deeley will have the mount on Mendip in the Cup, and will also ride 'Mulga Bill and Con the Shaughran in their engagements. A number of the jockeys riding at the South Auckland Racing Club’s Annual Meeting had a lot of their gear stolen. The room vvas open to all and sundry, and was packed with numbers of people who had absolutely no right there. Mr. W. Lyons, who has been recuperating in Auckland for some months, leaves for Sydney on Monday week. The veteran sportsman has greatly benefited in health during his sojourn in Auckland, and is now as well as ever again.

The St. Clement mare, Gladiole, is giving Mr. Morse some trouble to assess her form, for she has now won four races in succession under his handicapping. Her victory iu the Flying Handicap under 8.8 makes her out an exceptionally fine sprinter. The Te Aroh-a Jockey Club open their annual meeting on Monday next. In common with other country clubs arouud Auckland, 'the club have received exceptionally large acceptances, and as there is every prospect of big fields a most successful gathering should result. The Avondale Jockey Club have accepted the -tender of Mr. W. Casey for their new totalisator house, at a cost of just over £l3OO The new building, when erected, will be up-to-date in every respect, and will make the course one of the best-appointed in Auckland.

The gelding North-East must have cost his connection a fair amount of money since going into A. Hall’s possession. He was sent out an odds on favourite for the Stewards’ Handicap at Wanganui, but had to be content with second honours to St. Felix. The Racing Commission held a preliminary meeting In camera, at Wanganui, yesterday, Mr. J. McVay (Napier) taking the place of Mr. G. P. Donnelly, who resigned. The Commission decided to inspect the racecourses between Wanganui and New Plymouth on Monday. For three years iu succession the Waikato sportsman, Mr. J. McNicol. has won the District Hack Handicap at the South Auckland Meeting. In 1999 he won with Tattoo, last year with Haku, and this year with Sir Walter. The trio were all competing at this year’s fixture. While being operated on during, the week the rising two-year-old by Gluten-Gold Web, purchased at the last Glenora Park sale by Mr. J. Walters, struggled so hard that on being released it was found bp had broken his back. The youngster was highly thought of, aud was expected to turn out useful. Mr. IL R. McKenzie’s new purchase. Cloudy Morn, was tried over the big country at Ellerslie on Thursday morning. Notwithstanding ii was his first attempt over the bigger obstacles, and that he was alone, Cloudy Morn jumped clean aud straight, and may turn out useful over steeplechase country. 8. Lindsay leaves for Sydney on Monday fortnight with several ponies and the Soiilt - -Caller Ou and Soult—-Mom! colts and the Morri wee—Mlnola fll y- Lindsay has Just put Info work a useful-look Ing sort of a gelding by Salvndflii, which, during his absence on the other side, will be In charge of R. Hall. Mr. T. 11. Lowry Is going to give the Sydney market a test with « couple of the gets of Royal Fusilier, as h* Intend* this month to send The Great Mogul (Royal I-'u>i Her-Bijou) and the two-year-old full brother to B<*lluh i ßoyal Fustlier-LlHsudurn) over to the New Mouth Wales capital to 0* dispute d of by public auclluu.

Nominations for all event* at the Auckland Trotting Club’s Autumn Meeting, to be held on April 1, o and 8, close with the secretary, Mr. C. F. Marks, on Wednesday, the 15th Inst., at 9 p.m. Horseowners will do well to notice that the day of closing is Wednesday, instead of Friday, as is usual. A filly that is spoken of as likely to see a much better day is Piriwai, which ran second to Cou the Shaughraun iu the Petrie Hack Handicap at Wanganui. Piriwai is by Obligado, from Impati, and, according to the account of the race, she was unlucky to be beaten. Although B. Deeley made light of the mishap which befel him when Blue Rocket came down at Hamilton on Saturday last the Injuries were a bit more severe than he anticipated, aud he was unable to take his place in the saddle on the opening day of the Wanganui Meeting. The victory of Merrivonia in the Wanganui Cup was well anticipated, for the daughter of Merriwee was one of the fancies from the time the weights appeared. The race was a slow run one, the first six furlongs taking 1.21, the mile 1.47 1-5, and the full distance 3.5 2-5, the slowest since Nobility won in 1901.

The ex-Aucklaud horseman A. Ackroyd, who recently left for Australia, made his first appearance in the saddle at the Maitland meeting, steering Batrosa to victory in the Maiden Handicap. Batross started at au outside price, and it is stated that it was largely due to Ackroyd’s riding that CBatross got home by a head.

A. Whittaker had a unique experience on the second day of the ’South Auckland - meeting. Ten minutes before'the advertised time of starting the first race he was informed that the disqualification imposed on the first day had 'been removed, and, hurriedly changing, he rode Taketumu. which fell. In all he had five mounts, winning three races and falling twice.

Word has been received of the death of the stallion -St. Peter, full brother to St. Paul, St. Clements, etc., which occurred as the result of an accident. St. Peter got very few opportunities at the stud, but that he was capable of getting speedy ones is proved -by the doings of his daughter Peggy Pryde, which, for her inches, is one of the best seeu in Auckland for some time.

The nominations received for the Ohine-mui-i Jockey Club’s annual meeting, which (takes -place on the 17th and 18th inst., are of a highly satisfactory nature, both from a numerical and class poiut of view. The class especially is much above the average usually found competing a-t country fixtures, and the gathering looks like be'ing a record one.

The Soult filly St. Margaret still continues to win on the other side, accounting for the Aspendale Handicap on February 8 and the Welter Handicap at Williamstown on February 11. St. Margaret is engaged in the Newmarket Handicap, which is run at Flemington on Saturday next, in which she has 6.10 to carry.

Mr E. Jackman has been appointed to officiate as starter at the Te Aroha J.C. Annual Meeting next week. As Mr Jackman becomes better acquainted with the boys and the horses he should be successful in the position and fill a long felt want amongst the country clubs with satisfaction.

Mr. W. Montgomery has been advised that his mare Lady Regel, which is at present in Napier on a visit to Birkenhead, is in a very bad way, and doubts are expressed as to her recovery. The complaint from which the mare is suffering is a most unusual one, and is diagnosed by the veterinary surgeons as strangles iu the udder, contracted from her foal.

The announcement that Dan Patch is likely to be brought to Auckland to make an attempt on the mile record for the purse of 500sovs. offered by the Auckland Trotting Club, will be hailed witli delight by lovers of the sport. The exhibitions given by Dan Patch on his last visit to Auckland, nearly twelve months ago are not likely to be forgotten for some time, and the prospect of seeing the champion again in action is a very pleasing one.

The ex-New Zealander Broadsword is evidently a good bit above bis N.Z. form at present, and it was hard hick for his owner to bump such a good one as Blafrgour, to which he was conceding lGlbs in the Caulfield Futurity Stakes. The pair meet in the Newmarket Handicap next Saturday, when Blalrgour carries 8.13 and Broadsword 7.13, the latter meeting his conqueror on 301 bs better terms.

The train authorities are so often growled at in connection with the transit of racehorses to and from race meetings that it Is quite refreshing to hear a word in their favour. This was in connection with the recent South Auckland Meeting, when not withstanding that, there wore some thirty horses to be brought back from Hamilton, the boxes were all attached to the special, and the horses were landed nt Rilerslie shortly after 10.39 p in., a good pi>rfoi*tnance on the part of the railway officials.

For some reason or other Bluemnunt, which won the District Welter Hack Handicap on the second day of the South Auckland Meeting, was entered on the official lace card without owner’s name, colours or breeding. Under the rules of racing these particulars must be given nt the time of nomination, but It was certainly negligence 'JjmL such did uot appear iu the card. Blue

mount, It may be remarked. Is. by the dual Cup winner. Bluejacket, from Mt. Zeeban.

The Auckland Racing Club Committee met yesterday afternoon, when the question of the totalisator was discussed. It was decided to make temporary arrangements for the Easter and Winter meetings, and that the Hon. E. Mitchelson and Mr. 11. H. Hayr visit Brisbane to examine the workings of the electric totalisators In use there. There is some doubt about the Hon. E. Mitchelson being able to make the trip, fu which case probably some other member of committee will be sent.

It is really funny at times to see the seriousness with which some of the country stewards regard their position. At the recent, South Auckland Meeting tbe officials adopted the antiquated system of holding the horses themselves when they returned to weigh in, instead of standing by -and directing the attendants of the horse. One steward was so conscientious that he refused to give up the horse even to the trainer until the secretary instructed him to do so. A little knowledge is a dangerous thing.

The published statement that the borss Blue Rocket had to be destroyed after falling in the County Handicap on the second day of the South Auckland Racing Club’s Annual Meeting turns out to have been premature. At first it was thought the horse’s back was broken, for he was unable to get up, and when his trainer, F. Tonge, arrived on the scene, everything was ready for the horse to be destroyed. His trainer, however, would not allow this to be done until he was satisfied there was no hope, and after working with tbe son of Bluelight for about ten minutes he got him on his feet again, and he was afterwards taken into Hamilton, where he is at present in charge of a veterinary surgeon.

As there seems to be a general Impression that the disqualification imposed upon A. Whittaker by the South Auckland stewards was for not riding his horse out, It is only fair to that horseman to give full particulars of the occurrence. When the barrier lifted Haku whipped across Mighty Atom, which, It may be remarked, had stood like a sheep at the post for about ten minutes, while the others were twisting and turning, and both were badly left. When they left the mark the field was over half-a-furlong away, and as the race was only a four-furlong •cramble, neither Whittaker on Mighty Atom or R. W. Brown on Haku made any attempt to go after them, which, under the circumstances, would have been very foolish. After the race Whittaker was singled out, and taken before the stewards and disqualified for a day, which w T as afterwards removed, but Brown was not asked to appear. If Whittaker’s offence was deemed sufficiently bad to merit disqualification, Brown was equally as bad, for the cases were on all fours. At the meeting held on the second day the stewards reversed their decision, but fined Whittaker £2. but some of the stewards for some reason or other are not satisfied, and are making an effort to have the case reopened. The matter ought to be investigated by the Metropolitan authorities, and some protection afforded the rider, who I am satisfied, after witnessing the race, was entirely blameless. i i i SALE OF STUD HORSES. INVERCARGILL, Tuesday. Agriculturists from all parts of the South, together with many Australian horse buyers, assembled to-day at Clinton, on the occasion of the disposal of Mr. J. R. Mackenzie’s well-known Popohanga stud of Clydesdale stallions, yearling colts, mares, and fillies. The sale was one of the most important of the kind ever held in the Dominion, and the big total of £4105 10/ rwas secured for the 31 horses offered. Amongst the stallions the top figure was 650 guineas for Baron Bald, aged, who was bought by Mr. Jas. Patrick, of Outram. Royal Marcellus, 3yrs, recently imported, was purchased at 540 guineas by Mrs. Jas. Blakie. of Ryall Bush: and Abbot was bought by Robert Kennedy, of Drummond, for 530 guineas. Five stallions in al] realised 2030 guineas, and 21 mares and fillies fetched £1472. The best prices for the latter were 165 guineas for a six-year-old mare, purchased by Robt. Cleghorn, of Balfour, and 135 guineas for a two-year-old filly bought by Mr. H. Clarke, of Edendale. Canterbury, Otago, Southland, and Australian buyers were equally concerned in the purchases made. Four yearlings produced 262 guineas, the highest figure being 93 guineas for a black colt by Baron Bald, which was purchased for Thomson and Co.’s Wairongda stud farm. The thoroughbred aged'stallion Pallas realised 146 guineas, the buyer being J. Williams, of Kelso. 4: £ 4 TURF TALK FROM THE SOUTH. CHRISTCHURCH, Thursday. Formless won her two races in decisive fashion, and it would appear that the speedy daughter of Multiform—Dreamer has benefited by her recent work. She looks like ieproducing the form with which she has been credited in her track efforts. Kostroma chased her borne all the way on the first day, and showed a lot of pace in the straight. Murray Hobbs, the well known Riccarton trainer, put up a fine record at Timaru. He took only two horses to the meeting, Chief Lochiel and Crosbie, and each landed a double. Another great record was that of the jockey, R. Hatch. He had six mounts, and all six were winners. A local sportsman was negotiating for the Purchase of the Rothschild horse, Dan Patch, but business is off, and it is reported that the champion pacer will probably be taken from Sydney to Auckland to try for the purse of oOOsovs offered by the Auckland Trotting Club to any horse doing 2.8 or better. The winner of the tw’o Hack races, Crombie is a three-year-old colt by Lupin, from a Vanguaid mare. He had winning form in Dunedin to recommend him, but he improved on that considerably. He is distinctly a promising colt, who should be heard of again before long. Master Paul, formerly owned in the Waikato, fan home behind him each day. The son of St. Paul had been very unfortunate since he was purchased by Mr J. Masou last August, but he seems to be going on the right way now. A curious incident happened in connection with this race on tile second day. The tapes weie carried away at the start, and Hack, Master Paul’s rider, finished the race with them round his neck, and trailing on the ground. Had another horse trodden on them there would have been serious trouble.

The South Canterbury Jockey Club’s meeting this week was in some ways rather disappointing, the tota lisa tor turnover being smaller than had been hoped for, and the atteudanaces not so big as usual, though largo fields contested most of the events, and the racing was good. A feature of the meeting was the fact that it produced four double winners—Chief Lochiel, Formless, Kilts and Crosble. Chief Lochlel’s wins in the two big races were quite impressive) performances. In the Timaru Cup, Fasnakylo who had given him a atone and a over a mile at Dunedin, could not near the son of Finland at a difference Of 13!b. The Clanrnnald mare was not judiciously ridden at Timaru, but though she Is in good form now. Chief Lochiel would have beaten her under any conditions. My Lawyer, which ran second, and Chief Lochlei, in the Autumn Handicap, also coffered from injudicious riding, and the Dunedin-owned horse is evidently getting back into fornu

WANGANUI RACES. WANGANUI, Thursday. The totalisator investments on the first day of the Wanganui Jockey Club’s Autumn Meeting amounted to £16,127, as against £11,791 for the corresponding day of last year. Stewards Handicap of IflOsovs., 1 mile.—St. Felix, 6.13, 1; North East, 8.1, 2; Mataari, 6.10, 3. Scratched: Lethean and First Battery. Time 1.43 2-5. Won by a length. Petre Handicap of lOOsovs, 6 furlongs.— Con the Shaughran, 8.5, 1; Plriwai, 7.0, 2; Esmeh, 7.2, 3. Scratched: Bow Bells. Won by a head. Time, 1.15. TAYFORTH HACK HURDLE RACE of lOOsovs. About one mile and threequarters. Ribstone Pippin, 9.4 (Coleman) . 1 Torbelle, 9.0 (T. Pritchard) 2 Euroco, 9.0 (C. Cochrane) 3 Also started: Te Whetu, Waitapu, Chase Mab, Finnesseur, Astraea. Won by three-quarters of a length, there being several lengths between the second and third horses. Time, 3.19. WANGANUI CUP of 675sovs. One mile and three-quarters. J. Aines’ br m Merrivonia, syrg, by Merriwee—Livonia, 8.5 (A. Oliver) .... 1 A. Alexander’s b g Goodwin Park, syrs, 'by Sylvia Park—Vivat, 6.7 (C. Emmerson) ‘ 2 G. D. Greenwood’s b m Miss Mischief, ayrs, by Treadmill —Delusive, 8.13 (H. Gray) 3 Also started: Mendip 8.7, Kopu 8.6, Parable 7.11, Shining Star 6.10, The Reiver 6.7, Mallet 6.7. A splendid start was effected. The first to show out was Parable, but she quickly gave place to Shining Star, with Goodwin Park next. Coming round the bend into the straight the first time Shining Star was in front, with Mendip, pulling hard, close up, and Parable and Goodwin Park following in the order named. Shining Star and Mendip were still in the van at the six-furlong post, where Kopu ran up and shortly afterwards took command, followed by Shining Star. The latter was now tiring, and, as they raced round the bend, gave place to Miss Mischief, with Goodwin Park next and Merrivonia coming on the outside. Merrivonia cut down Kopu, who was in the lead, at the distance, with Goodwin Park and Miss Mischief close up. A fine finish resulted in a win for Merrivonia by half-a-iength from Goodwin JPark, Miss Mischief being four lengths away, third, and Kopu fourth. Time, 3.5 2-5. JUVENILE HANDICAP of 150 sovs. About five furlongs. E. D. Watt's br f Winning Post, 3yrs, by Merriwee—Victoria Cross, 8.3 (C. Jenkins) 1 Hon. J. D. Ormond’s ch g Bootle, 2yrs, 8.11 (F. D. Jones) 2 ■Highden’s ch f Bronze, 9.0 (A. Oliver) .. 3 Also started: Grandee 7.5, Sir Moutoa 7.5. Bronze jumped to the front, but only retained her position for a moment, Winning Post passing her, and holding the position to the finish, winning by a neck, there being a head between the second and third horses. Time, 1.2. WIRITOA HACK HANDICAP of lOOsovs. One mile. Kauroa. 8.2 (Campbell) 1 Brown Trout, 8.2 (M. Champion) 2 Ladrone, 7.7 (H. Gray) 3 Also started: Sinilax, Meroze, Attention, Leoianter, Kilosteri, Laius, Waiototo, Mill ura.

Won by three lengths, there being half-a-length between the second and third horses. Time, 1.45. FLYING HANDICAP of 300sovs. Six furlongs. T. O’Neill’s ch f Gladiole, 4yrs, by St. Clements—Daisy Clipper, 8.8 (C. Lowe) 1 C. Mabin’s b f True Shot, 4yrs, 7.10 (C. Brown) 2 Highden’s br c Boanerges, 4yrs, 8.10 (A. Oliver) 3 Also started: Madam Madcap 8.7, Irish Rifle 8.5, Vice-Admiral 7.8. St. Toney 7.8, Mulga Bill 7.1, Kareroa 6.12, Montiform 6.11. Humming Bird 6.10. After a very long delay a good start was effected. Gladiole going right to the front unil holding the position to the end. True Shot was a good second. Gladiole won by a length, there being a length between the second and third horses. Time, 1.15. WANGANUI, Saturday. The Wanganui Jockey Club’s Autumn Meeting was continued to-day. The weather* was dull and threatening, with a cold wind. There was a good attendance. Results are as follows: — Autumn Handicap, one mile.—Humming Bird. 6.7. 1; St. Felix. 7.11, 2: North-East, 8.5. 3. All started. Won all the way by a length. Time. 1.43 2-5. Matarawa Hack Handicap, six furlongs.— Jack Pin. 7.13. 1: Con the Shaughran. 9.4, 2: Winning Post, 8.12. 3. All started. Won by half-a-length. Time, 1.15 3-5. Jackson Stakes. —Vice-Admiral 1. Petrone 2, True Shot 3. Scratched: Gold Bondi Won by a Time, 1.14 3-5. Fordell Hurdle Race, one mile and threequarters.—Hydrant. 9.6, 1; Maid!, 10.5, 2; Xavier, 10.3, 3. All started. Won by two lengths, the same distance between second ami third. Playmate broke a fetlock. Time, 3.30. Okoia Hack Hurdles, one mile and five furlongs.—Ribatone Pippin, 10.3. 1; Mahirta, 10.6, 2; Awtraoa. 9.1, 3. All started. Won by a length, a length between secund ami third. Time, 3.4 2-5. Wangnnn! Stakes. — Lady Medallist 9.10, 1; To Pula. 6.9. 2: Miss Mischief. 9.0. 3. Scratched: Sir Prize. Won by a length and a half, a length between second and third. Time. 2.35 15. Harrison Hack Handicap, one mile and a diwtance.—(Mot'one, 9.4. 1: Mallet, 8.9, 2; Laius, 7.9. 3. All started. Won by a length. Time, 1.58 4A

Farewell Handicap. six furlongs.—St. Rill, 7.9, 1; Lady Moutoa, 6.9, 2; Boanerges, 8.1. 3. Only starters. Won by a bead. Time 1.15 2-5. * * * NAPIER PARK WEIGHTS, WANGANUI, Thursday. The following weights have been declared for the Napier Park Autumn Meeting:— Hack Hurdles, one mile and three-quar-ters. — Donsel 10.0, Dorunda 9.10, Illustrious 9.7, Burton 9.5, Kildonan 9.3, Rabbiter 9.3, Kohupatikl 9.0, Artie 9.0, Cauldron 9.0, Woollongong 9.0, Merrle Messenger 9.0. Esk Handicap, five furlongs.—4'ullinau 9.6, Winning Post 8.13, Bunkum 8.9, Blrkline 8.5, San Pluie 8.0, Kathara 7.13, Magnets 7.9, Miss Sylvia 7.7, Eiya 7.4, Allurement 7.3, Bandalero 7.0, Hotana 7.0. Ngakan 6.12, Mountain Shrine 6.12, Perceler 6.9, Waitoke 6.7, Wee Rose 6.7. Napier Cup, one mile and a-quarter.— Sand st ream 9.0. Kopu 8.11, Sir Tristram 8.4, Parable 8.0, Rnupuraha 8.0, Wood hey 7.13, 'Fort William 7.12, Iney 7.10, Vi 7.8, Arlutu 7.2, Julian 6.9, Voetgang 6.7, Moree 6.7, Peacemaker 6.7. All Trumps 6.7. Welter Handicap, seven furlongs.—lney 9.121, Toauga 9.2, Lamsdorff 9.1, San Lass 9.1, Golden Water 8.12, Cheddar 8.12, Julian 8.10, Moree 8.7. Falsetto 8.7, All Trumps 8.7, Hirini 8.7, Erin 8.7. Sapping Stakes, five furlongs.—Bootle 8.13, Belah 8.5, Altear 7.12, Blue Lake 7.10, New Guinea 7.8, Royal Scotch 7.8, Our Queen 7.7, Gold Bond 7.5, War Scare 7.5, Livinia 7.5. Redlock 7.0. Redclyffe Welter, one mile.—Floater 9.0, Composed 8.10, Raupare 8.8, Obscurity 8.7. Melologue 8.6, Virtue 8.6, All Blue 8.6. Ardfert 8.4, Useful 8.2, Stour ton 8.2, Manupal 8.2, Po-lynices 8.1, Entente 7.12, Merry Lad 7.10, Prowess 7.10, All Trumps 7.10, Fleet Week 7.9. Teel 7.7. Boyne Water 7.7, Kohu‘patiki 7.7, Ultimatum 7.7, Manitou 7.7. Flying Handicap, six furlongs.—Lord Soult 9.0, Wimmera 8.10, Fort William 8.5, Faunus 8.2, Cullinan 7.13, Lord Possible 7.9. Humming Bird 7.6, Moreykoff 7.3, Tlnatoa 6.12, Tigerine 6.12. PPP OPUNAKE MEETING. The following handicaps have been declared by Mr. Pollock for the Opunake Racing Club’s meeting: — Handicap Hurdles.—Waitapu 10.10, Sir Prize 10.10, Kota re 9.12, Te Roti 9.10, Clemency 9.8. Zante 9.8, Lothair 9.3 Mississippi 9.0 Master Lethe 9.0, Loch a rd 9.0. Silver Cluse 9.0, Lady Heroine 9.0, Silver Slipper 9.0. Flying Handicap, six furlongs.—Valentine 9.0. Bay Paul 8.7, Ambergris 8.7, Sandy Paul 8.3, Lady Loo 8.3, Clemency 8.0, Ravinia 8.0, Makahu 7.10, Bonny Lass 7.10, Watine 7.7. Joey 7.7, Cornelian 7.7, Pavo 7.7, San Pan 7.7, Silver 'Spur 7.7, Sinn Fein 7.7. Opunake Racing Club Handicap, one mile and a-quarter.—Mallet 9.0, Valentine 8.7, Tam Glen 8.0. Monsieur Soult 8.0, Manawakaha 7.12, Clemency 7.10, The Reiver 7.10, Lady Heroine 7.3, Darby Paul 7.3, Royal Arms 7.0, Sinn Fein 7.0. The Mystery 7.0. Welter Handicap, seven furlongs.—Mallet 10.2, Ambergris 9.6. Monsieur Soult 9.4. Bay Paul 9.4, Lady Loo 9.2, Tam Glen 9.2, Sandy Paul 9.2, Manawakaha 9.0, Clemency 8.13, Kota re 8.12, Ravvinia 8.12, Bonny Lass 8.10, Silver Slipper 8.7. Maroo 8.7. Silver Cluse 8.7, Silver Spur 8.7, Haydn 8.7, Park 8.7, San Pan 8.7, St. Venton 8.7, The Mystery 8.7, Dover Straits 8.7. Sinn Fein 8.7. Maiden Handicap Trot, one mile and abalf.—‘Erin’s Tracy scr., Pihama scr.. (Echuca 3s, Alpenstock Bs, Virago Bs, Flywheel Bs, Kaiwarra Bs, Cliff Bs, Night Light Bs. Lady Rose Bs. Little Maid Bs. Dolly W. Ils Baron D. Ils, Iluon Berlin Ils, Vanity V. ’lls. Kate Allerton 11s. Ella Bell Ils. Handicap Trot, two miles.—Murad scr., ■Nancy Till Bs, Mersey Bs, Flasher 10s. Elsie’s Child 10s. Erin’s Tracy 20s. Pihama 20s. -Erliuea 245. Night Light 30s, Lady Rose 30s. Flywheel 30s, Virago 30s, Alpenstock 30s, 11 non Beilin 345. Katie G. 345, Katie Allerton 345, kinglet 345, Ella Bell 345. P P P AUSTRALIAN RACING. AUSTRALIAN CUP ACCEPTANCES. MELBOURNE, March 2. The following acceptances were posted to-day:— THE AUSTRALIAN CUP. a handicap of 25sovs each, with 1250sovs added. Two miles and a-quarter.

UMlglO * •» « Run March 7.) VICTORIA RAC ING (LUBS AUTUMN MEETING. SYDNEY, March 4. The Victoria Ra< inc: Club’e autumn meeting opened at Flemington this afternoon. Results are as follows:— PINER HURDLE RACE. II wo miles. <E. A. Connell’s br m Royal Fleet, by Fleet Admiral—-Indolence 1 D. O’Brien and J. T. Ixmghlin’s br g King’s Ransom 2 R. M. Hawker’s eh g Hayrick X ST. LEGEH STAKES. One and threequarter milt's. Colts or geldings, 8 10; tildes, 8.7. J. WII son’s (jnnr.) b r Danns, by Roba dll—D<naido 1 <'. L. Mao! mmld’s b c Grafton A nr us 2 J. Wilson’s (juur.l Bobadya. by Robadil Aide* •

NEWMARKET HANDICAP. Six furlongs A K. t’liirnsidr a bl m Queen of Scots, by Wallace-Tortile, 7.9 1 C. Richards’ ch f Desert Rose, by Malster—Mangosteem, 8.5 > R. A. Rawdon’s b h Broadsword, by CJanraua Id—Safeguard, 7.13 a SIRES’ PRODUCE STAKES. Six furlongs. H. Power’s b f WHari, by WallaceMurna j K. S. MacLeod's Sconser, by Malster— Warfare 2 J. TurnbuH’s b or br c Flalth. by Bobadil- Our Queen 3 ESSEN DGN STAKES, U miles. 8. Green’s bl h Comedy King, by Persimmon—Tragedy Queen, 8.11 1 P. and W. Mitchell's ch h Trafalgar, 9.3 2 M. Gordon’s b or br h Alawn, 9.3 .... 3 THE BRUNSWICK STAKES. One mile and a-quarter. E. <E. D. Clarke's b h Eye Glass, lyrs, by Isinglass—River Trent, 7.12 1 8. M. Wilson and C. Reginald’s Loyal Bine. 7.13 2 E. A. Connolly’s blk h Chauvelin, 7.8 • W. T. Nolan’s Adagio. 7.8 • Ten horses ran. Won by a neck. Time,

st . lb st . lb. ou roo .... R Tierova 6 7 <I*a trona t us S 1 'Flavian 3 Diabolo 7 13 •Obi 7 1 13 Bobadea 12 'Something Irish c> (Apple Pie ... 7 10 •Bolan 6 13 The Parisian 7 Miss Flora nee « 11 Prizefighter .. 7 7 Iliad 6 9 <onge d’Eslire 7 7 Aurofodina . . 0 7 (Adglo 7 Mnemon « 7

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New Zealand Graphic, Volume XLVI, Issue 10, 8 March 1911, Page 12

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TURF GOSSIP New Zealand Graphic, Volume XLVI, Issue 10, 8 March 1911, Page 12

TURF GOSSIP New Zealand Graphic, Volume XLVI, Issue 10, 8 March 1911, Page 12

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