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r Th>;e paper has been appointed the official organ of the Ladies* Golf Union, tfew Zealand branch.

Secretaries of ladies* golf clubs are invited io forward official notices, handicaps and alterations t results of competitions, and other matters of interest, to teach the publishing office not later than the Saturday prior to date of publication.

Auckland. THE third round of the Ernest Bloomfield Vase match was played at Middlemore Park on Saturday. The weather was Beautiful. Mr. Mclnstosh and H. Kirkcr tied with net scores of «6. Other scores lUere: Dusk, net B 7; Bamford, B 7; Ball, $7; P. Upton, 87; H. Horton, 87; Bruce, 89; Kings well, 89; Lambert, 90; McCoranick 92; Pierce, 94; Jackson, 94, and McFarlane, 99. The first round of the club’s championship, which was to have been played on next, has been altered owing to ihe departure, during the week, of a •Ucam to play Wellington on Saturday next, 'rhe first round will be played on Saturday week. MAUNGAKIEKIE. The ties in the bogey match were Iplayed off on Saturday, and resulted as follows: Miss Martin, 4 down; Miss Gorjlie, 5 down. In the men’s match: A. G. Cooke, 3 down, beat G. George, 5 down. fPlie prizes for these matches were presented by Mr. H. Marrin er.

Wellington. * An interesting three-ball game was played last week at Heretaunga between Arthur -Duncan (amateur champion of New Zealand), Clements (open chain ?>lon), and Watt (the Wellington Golf dub’s professional). Neither player was seen at the top of his form, yet [the really high-clans golf that was shown was much appreciated by the crowd who followed the match right /through. Curiously enough Arthur Duncan, who went round in 79—one under bogey—defeated both Clements and •Watt by exactly the same margin throe lip and two. Clements’ game was not quite up to the high standard which Enabled him to win the open championship at Auckland last year, and this was most noticeable in his short game, •which wa«s decidedly patchy. At a general meeting of the Waiwetu Golf Club, held at Lower Hutt, ..Mr. ■H, C. Kirk, who was presiding, congratulated the Club on its success up to Jthe present time. He reported that Satisfactory arrangements had been concluded with the Hutt.Park Committee, for the use of the Links, and . that the present membership was now ,56. , The following officers were elected for the ensuing year:—President, Mr. R. C. Kirk; captain, Mr. A. Macaskill; lion, secretary and treasurer, Mr. W. Gardener; general committee, Messrs. Hawkins, Hancock, Pringle and Camk; ladies’ representatives on the ' committee. Messrs. Kirk .and It would not be too much to «ay, perhaps, that Mr. IL C. Kirk, the first president of the newly formed Waiwetu Golf Club—who is connected with more societies, institutions, clubs, etc., than can be numbered on the fingers of both bands- has done more for golf than liny .man in Wellington. Whatever he lakes up, he goes into thoroughly, and (there is no keener enthusiast for the welfare of the Royal and ancient game than Mr. Kirk. Just one instance of his Jputhuxiasm may Im* shown in the fact that when the Hutt Golf ( lub was more <»r less of a minor quantity as regards players of any calibre to represent them in foreign matches, hi* uoed to hold classes and give lessons to members once or twice a week. Both by theory and example he improved the standard of play considerably, and many members of the chib owe the fact that they are flow short handicap men to his teaching. Me is president of the Waiwetu (’lub, captain of Otaki, and ha«s held all offices from president and captain to present committee-man of the Hutt Club. The Wellington Club’s Mac Neil Fourgomes Competition has l»een advanced another stage, and some favourite pairs have been beaten, notably A. J. Abbott

and Miss Hannay and E. S. Pearce and Miss A. Pearce. The latest results are: J. B. Mae Ewan and Miss R. Simpson beat A. J. Abbott and Miss Hannay; L. C. Hales and Mrs. Collins beat A. McCosh Clark and Miss Tolhurst; W. E. Fussell and Mrs. Freeth beat E. 8. Pearce and Miss A. Pearce. The following remain in the semi-final:—J. B. Mae Ewan and Miss R. Simpson; W. E. Fussell and Mrs. Freeth; L. C. Hales and Mrs. Collins; and the winnei' between J. Carne Bidwill and Miss Russell and T. Young and Miss E. Stafford.

Rotorua. The ladies’ approaching and putting ■competition was won by Mrs. C. Kusabs in the play off of a tie with Mrs. Groves. The following are the scores: Mrs. Kusabs Ist 3, 2nd 4, total 7; Mrs. Groves, 3, 4. 7 ; Mrs. Sheriff, 4,4, 8; Mrs. Worthington, 4,5, 9; Mrs. Dyson, 5,5, 10; Mrs. Bonnett, 4,7, 11; Mrs. Urquhart, 9,9, 13; Miss Pownall, 4,9, 13. Tn the play off Mrs Kusabs put up a score of six as against Mrs. Groves’ 10, and was declared the winner. The gentlemen’s approach was from a distance of 115 yards, the roadway and two fences constituting a hazard. The event was won by Mr. Thacker. The

scores were: Thacker, 2.4, 6; G. Empson, 4,3,7; C. Kusabs, 4, 4,8; C. Worthington, 3,5, 8; C. McFarlane, 3,7, 10; Cherry, 6,4, 10; Groves, 5,5, 10; Redwood, 0,5, II ; Hawkins, 8, G, 14; Robieson (not out), 10. Hamilton. The weather has been very bad the last ten days or more, heavy rain, with an occasional few hours’ fine weather, alternating with thick fogs lasting untir midday, and leaving the ground sodden everywhere. Notwithstanding these drawbacks', a fair number took part in the match on Saturday week. The following are the scores:— Ladies, over nine holes.—Miss Wilkinson. GB. 20 —42; Miss Swarbriek, 69, 22—47; Mrs. Douglas, 57, 9 —48; Mrs. Gillies, 88, 40—48; Mrs. Ward, 84, 25 — GO; Miss Primrose, 87, 29 —G 3. The gentlemen’s scores over 18 holes were: W. 11. Worsley, 98. 18—80; F. Edgecumbe, 97, 14—83; F. Swarbriek, 99, 10—89; 11. Gillies, 90, set—9o; U. F. Bond, 100, 5—95; G. McLeod, 120, 22— 98; J. Hill, 120, 16—104; H. Hazard, 140, 26—104; 11. Dodson, 145, 30—115; C. Holloway, 165, 26—20.

Cambridge. Tlie men’s foursomes for the captain's prize was won on Wednesday by Mr. R. Ferguson and Mr. G. Simpson, with a net score of 87. The committee of the Cambridge Golf Club met on Tuesday evening, when it was decided to hold a South Auckland golf championship in Cambridge on August 17, 18, and 19. Encouraging sup port has been promised by the other clubs, and a good programme of events has been drawn up, and it is hoped a successful meeting will be held. We are very pleased with the very creditable stand our lady representative (Miss K. Willis) made in her match for the Auckland championship. Considering the strong opponent she met, and the disadvantage of playing on strange links, she did well.

Stratford. Ladies’ Medal Round, A Section.— Miss Fussell, 109—8—101; Miss Orbell, 110—8—102; Mrs. Robinson, 120 —8— 112. B Section.—Mrs. Glasgow, 99 —24 —- 75; Mrs. Young, 133—24—112; Mrs. Copping, 138—24—114. Men.—H. L. Betts, 107—22—86; F. P. Uniacke, 100—6—94; N. Black, 96—2— 94; S. Spence, 98—4 —94; J. 11. Thompson, 104—8—96; F. N. Fussell, 100 —4— 96; Dr. Menzies, 111 —12—99; W. Reader, 117 —42—105. On Saturday week a match was played against the Haw-era ladies, resulting in a win for the visitors by 6 games to 3. Tlie scores were as follows, Stratford names being first in each case: Miss F. Orbell (1) v. Mrs. R. McLean (0); Miss Fussell (1) v. Mrs. Hawken (0) ; Miss Orbell (1) v. Miss Hamilton (0); Mrs. Robinson (0) v. Miss Caplen (1); Miss Davis (0) v. Mrs. Rintell (1); Mrs. Johnston (0) v. Miss Glenn (1); Miss Black (0) v. Mrs. Harrison (I); Mrs.

Menzies (0) v. Mrs. Bennett (1); Miss Wake (6) v. Miss E. Caplen (1). Totals—Stratford, 3; Hawera, 6. New Plymouth. The second rounds of the ladies championship and the junior competition were played on the Nga Motu Links last week. In the championship round Miss Brewster beat Mrs. Paton, 7 up and 6 to play; Miss Stephenson beat Mrs. Johns, 7 up and 5; Mrs. Gunson beat Miss Fitzherl>ert; Miss Standish beat Miss Read, 7 up and 6. The semi-finals were played on Friday, when Miss .Stephenson met Miss Brewster, and the jnateh resulted in the former winning by 5 up and 3, a score of 46 for the first round; Miss Standish beat Mrs. Gunson, 5 up and 4. In the junior competition Miss McKellar beat Miss Blundell, 2 up and 1; Miss Bewley beat Miss F. Evans, 7 up and 6; Miss Jackson beat D. Simpson. 8 up and 7; Mrs. Jones beat Miss Kirkby. In the junior competition on Friday Miss McKellar met Miss Jackson, which resulted in the latter winning, 7 up and 5; Miss Bewley and Mrs. Jones have still to play. The play-off for the tie in the mixed

foursome between Mrs. Johns and W. CL Weston and Miss Fitzherbert and H. B. Armitage resulted in the former winning. The Nga Mbtu men’s championship and junior competition will commence on

Saturday, 23rd inst. Poverty Bay. _ The mixed foursome tournament commenced on Saturday week for trophies presented by Mr W. R. Barker, proved a popular event-—32 pairs competing. The result of Saturday’s play was as under: —Miss H. Nolan and G. Millock (5), beat Mr and Mrs Bull (2) ; Miss F. Davies and Dodgshun (2), beat Mr and Mrs Burke (7); Miss N. Davies and Busby (9), beat Miss Nolan and C. Morgan (8); Mrs Barlow and Parker (scr.), beat Mr and Mrs R. Barker (8); Miss Adams and Anderson (3), beat Miss Bull and Keiha (2); Miss Murray and Chirnside (4), ■beat Mrs Preston and Muir (14) ; Mr and Mrs .Morgan (3), beat Mrs Scott and Tiiodey (8); Miss E. Barker and Smith (7), beat Miss Sweet and Brown (3); Miss Wachsmann and P. Barker (8), beat Miss 11. Brown and Gully (10); Mr and Mrs Traill (2), beat Mrs King and Howie (3) ; Mrs Cole and N. Bull (1), beat Miss Seymour and R. Willock (4) Miss L. Barker and Hamilton (12), beat Miss Taylor and Preston (14); Miss Chrisp and Bennett (9), beat Miss •Foster and Murray (7) ; Miss Ferguson and H. Barker (7), beat Miss M. Barker and Jeffries (10), Mr and Mrs Willock (6), beat Miss Mac-Lean and Fenwick (5) Mrs O’Meara and Gibson (3), beat Miss M. Brown and Evans (18). The one-club .match, for the trophy donated by Mr C. A. Fenwick, was played by the ladies on Monday week'. The unfavourable weather affected the number competing. Mrs O’Meara (scr.) and Mrs Barton (scr.) tied with 72 each; Mrs Cole (scr.),. followin'/ closely with 73. Mrs O’Meara and Mrs Barlow will therefore play off for the trophy.

Nelson. A bogey competition for a prize, presented by Mrs A. P. Burnes, was played for ‘by the ladies of the Taliuna Club, and resulted in a win for Miss Bell. Miss L. Ledger being second. The captain of the club (Mr J. IL Cock) presented two trophies to be competed for by the ladies, one trophy in each grade. The following ladies’ matches have been arranged:—July 15. Mrs C. IL Fell’s prize; July 18, Mr J. H. Cock’s prize; July 20, Qualifying round for ladies* championship, first eight to qualify, and first round to be played on the 25th July. A men’s .bogey handicap match was played last week, and in the A grade, Messrs. Price, T. Houlker, and 11. Cock, all tied for first place. In the B grade, Mr Frith came first.

Picton. On Saturday week last the men competed for the president’s trophy. Tlie result, was a very popular win for Mr. A. J. Wicks with a net score of 88. Other players close up were:—A. O. •Seymour, net score 90; H. O. Western, 92; W. H. Vickers, 94; W. F. Shaw, 96.

The Blenheim Club will probably visit Pie ton on Saturdays They are sending eight ladies and eight men down, weather permitting.


Last Saturday week a fair number of members journeyed out to the Riverhead Golf Links. The attraction was the Mixed Foursomes. The match was won by Miss C. (Houston and A. Davey, whose score was gross 100, handicap 9, net score 97. Next came Miss Ross and A. Mortimer, gross 100, handicap 2, net 98.


In the medal match played on Wednesday, the following are the results: — Class A: Miss H. Anderson, 127—40 —87, first; Miss Darley, 112 —21—91, second; Miss Parsons, 135 —40—95, third. Class B: Miss Harper, 102—25 —77, first ; Miss P. Nixon, 100—20—80; Mrs. W. Paterson, 120—40 80. On Tuesday, July 12, a team of the following ladies from the Wanganui Ladies’ Golf Club went to Palmerston North to play the Alanawatu ladies: — Miss Cowper, Mrs. Good, Mrs. Sarjeant, Mrs. Izard, Mrs. Lomax, Mrs. D’Arcy (captain), Miss Parsons, Miss H. Andereon, Miss Stevenson, Miss Nixon, Miss P. Nixon. It is also hoped to play Dannevirke and Napier. The Wanganui and Manawatu Golf Clubs met on tire Belmont links on Saturday, Wanganui winning by 11 to 1. Following are the particulars: — G. Saunders (Wanganui) (1) v. A. Strang (Manawatu) (0); I. Saunders (1) V. H. Moore (0); D. Meldrum (1) v. McHardy (9); A. Lewis (I) v. Harden (0); Butterworth (1) v. G. Moore (0); Earle (1) v. L. Stedman (0); Howarth (1) v. Young (9); Harrison (1) v. Jouneaux (0); R. Dalgety (1) v. Cook (0) ; Cameron (0) v. Slack (1); Paterson (1) v. Abraham (9); F. Dalgety (1) v. O’Reilly (0); D’Arcy (1) v. McLennan (0). Totals, Wanganui 11; Manawatu, 1.

The Amateur International.

The international match played at Hoylake seems to point the moral that English youth has at length been served. The selection of the English side in each of the two or three previous years had invariably been greeted in certain quarters with more or less rude ’remarks about “anno domini,” “old man,” and so forth. But the long-hoped-for dawn was coming, and daylight at last burst upon, the vision of the English selectors. Three charges were made from the nine so soundly beaten last year at Muirlicld, and the new trio were all young men with their thirtieth year well ahead of them. Mr C. V. L. Hooman citme in oa the strength of his magnificent golf wbi-.h he had shown on the Hoylake course lor Oxford against Cambridge early in April. Mr A. Mitchell, of Forest Row, was chosen presumably on. the reemunendation of Mr. Horace Hutchinson, and Mr. F. A. Woolley, of King’s Norton, on that of Mr Charles Palmer. The selection of Mr Mitchell was parti ■nlarly welcome, as showing a breaking away from hidebound tradition, and a tardy recognition of the claims of the artisan golfer for inclusion in a representative side.

In the result of the contest the new order of things was abundantly justified, Since all three of the fresh choices emerged successful, and their play may, without fear of contradiction, be said to have turned the scale in England’s favour. England: Mr John Ball, 0: Mr H. H. Hilton (3 and 2), 1; Mr E. A. Lassen; Mr A. V. Hambro, ?d.P., 0; Mr B. Darwin, 0; Mr C. V. L. Holman H hole), 1; Mr A. Mitehell (7 and 5). 1; Mr F. A. Wooley (7 and 6), 1; Mr E. Martin Smith (9 and 8), I—s points. Scotland: Mr R. Maxwell (8 and 0), 1; Capt. C. R. Hutchison, 0; Mr J. Graham, jun. (8 and 7), 1; Mr R. Andrews (5 and 4). I: Mr J.E.Laidlay (7 and 6), 1; Mr. E. Blackwell, 0; Mr Guy C. Campbell, 0; Mr R. Harris, 0; Dr. F. H. Scroggie, o—40 —4 points. Playing in the order they are named.

The Open Championship of France.

The fifth open championship of France, which took place on the picturesque links at La Boulie, Versailles, was won by James Braid, out of an entry of all the leading British and French professionals. J. H. Taylor and Arnaud Massy had on two previous occasions won the event. The champion, who was present, never got on. to his proper game, ami occupied the novel position of bottom on

the list, with a score of 313 for four rounds. James Braid won with two strokes to the good of Massy. Braid’s rounds were 76, 76, 75, 72, total 298. SOUTH AUCKLAND CHAMPIIONSHIP. Tlie committee of the Cambridge Golf Chib have decided to hold a meeting there on August 17th. 18th and T9th. I feel sure the meeting will be a great success, ami well attended. The course is a very interesting one. and is in good condition. A number of Auckland' golfers intend to take part. Unfortunately, the New Zealand Undies’ Golf Championship starts about the same time, and most of the leading lady players are competing at that meeting.

NOTE. An article of interest to golfers, entitled "Curiosities oi the Links,’* will be found on page 42.

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New Zealand Graphic, Volume XLV, Issue 3, 20 July 1910, Page 10

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GOLF New Zealand Graphic, Volume XLV, Issue 3, 20 July 1910, Page 10

GOLF New Zealand Graphic, Volume XLV, Issue 3, 20 July 1910, Page 10

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