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Welcome and Farewell.

NEW ZEALANDERS TN LONDON MEET THE NEW GOVERNOR. BRILLIANT FUNCTION. RECEPTION BY HIGH COMMIS SIGNER AND MRS. HALL-JONES, t (By Our Lady Correspondent.) LONDON, May 6th. Not often is there such a brilliant reunion of New Zealanders as that of Wednesday night, when the High Commissioner and Mrs. Hall-Jones gave a reception at the Westminster Palace Hotel to enable the new Governor and Lady Islington to meet the hundreds of New Zealanders at present in England. It was a ease of ‘’welcome and farewell,” for Lord Islington leaves forthwith for the Dominion.

On the staircase and in the large haR New Zealanders delightedly hailed others not seen for years, and compared experiences. The buzz of conversation rose high above the music of the orchestra. "How long are you going to be here?” “When did you come?” “How are you enjoying it all?” "Where are yon staying?” and that always asked,, always carefully evaded question, “Which do you like best—England or New Zealand?” filled the air on all sides. A hundred people had a hundred different opinions, one found. Nearly all professed themselves . charmed with the fascination of the metropolis, but it was good hearing for an exiled New Zealander that many looked forward to returning to the Dominion.

A stalwart footman at the entrance to the reception room called each name, and the guests advanced in a queue towards their Excellencies and Mr and Mrs HallJones. while a Hungarian band played on a platform at the opposite end of the Toom. Lord and Lady Islington and their hosts came smilingly through the ordeal of something over 400 handshakes each. For there were about four hun--rlred New Zealanders in addition to other guests presents. The accommodation of the rooms was taxed to the utmost, but high spirits, smart frocks and jewels, brilliant lights, and gay music made a very merry scene, and everyone thoroughly enjoyed themselves. Lord and Lady Islington have made sun. excellent impression, and there is little doubt that they will win the hearts of sill New Zealanders when they reach the Dominion. One incident on Wednesday might will serve to show—to all the feminine world, at least—how charming—and how marvellously self-controlled, be if whispered I—is1 —is Lady Islington. As their Excellencies proceeded down the reception hall towards the supperrooai. an old gentleman crossing the room not only trod on Lady Islington's ((beautiful train, but absent-mindedly stood on it, with his back to the wearer, looking round for some friend. At this awful moment—when a gentle feminine profanity could not help but ariot in every be-trained woman’s heart — the intruder was nudged off, and the incident passed over with the sweetest of smiles from Lady Islington! Many well-known people were present, fine familiar figure was that of our forjmer Governor, Lord Ranfurly, looking W.ery pleased to find himself once more Surrounded by New Zealanders. Most' of ♦he Australian Agent s-General were <here. One noticed, also, the veteran fhr Valter Kenmiway and Lady Kenuatvay, Sir .Montague Nelson, Dr. Chapple, jf-i’., Major and Mrs. J. G. Hughes. Lady ♦stout, Mr. Justice Denniston and his wife •nd daughter, Major and Mrs. Nelson

George, Lady and Miss Mills, the Hon. 8. Thorne-George, the Hon. C. Louisson, Sir W. H. Preece, and Dr. and Mrs. McArthur, to mention only a few of the well-known New Zealanders at the reception. A list of those who accepted invitations is appended. Mrs. Hall-Jones and Lady Islington received the guests, who then passed on and shook hands with Lord Islington and the Hon. W. Hall-Jones. Lady Islington looked very beautiful in a gown of white satin and silver, Empire style, and with a long train. She wore a magnificent diamond and emerald tiara and diamond ornaments, and carried a white bouquet. In attendance on her was Miss Pauline Cotton, in black velvet. So dense was the crush that I found it almost impossible to identify gowns and wearers with each other; when the gown was visible the wearer’s head was not, and vice versa. The dresses were beautiful, and New Zealanders ob all sides were excitedly greeting one another, so that, fortunately, the crowd kept moving. Mrs. Hall-Jones was in. dove grey eharnteuse with wide panels of enam tucked efeitloo, trimmed with grey irridescent embroidery; Lady Beatrice Clark (wife of Eis Excellency's private secretary), blaek satin and diamonds, diamond tiara; Eady Stout, heliotrope stencilled chiffon and pearls, a silver spangled shoulder scarf; Miss Hall-Joues, white ehiffon and chiffon lace with a wreath of pale blue: Miss Rosa HaH-Jones, azure ehiffon, trimmed with gold; Mrs. Christie, pink charmeuse, veiled with a tunic of smokeeotoured chiffon; Miss Hattie Hall-Jones, pale pink chiffon, trimmed Lhneriek lace and black spangles; Mrs. Nolan (Auckland), black spangled gown, ruby ornaments; Mrs. Wray Pailliser, peacock charmeuse, veiled in a tunic of black and gold;, white chemisette of tulle; Miss Palliser, white satin with silver spotted tunie; Mrs. John Ross, pale green ninon de soie; Miss Lilian Whitson (Dunedin), Wack glace, trimmed cream silk, Maltese lace; Mrs. Callender, pale grey Louisine gown; Miss Palmer (Wellington), black spangled net over glace; Mrs. K. Long (Dunedin), black lace over white silk, and silver trimming; Mrs. Emery (Dunedin), black silk; Miss Janet Stout (Wellington), cream satin; Mrs Betty Brooke (Christchurch), black spangled lace over royal blue charmeuse; Miss Evans, apricot crepe de chine, trimmed gold and white chiffon; Mrs. Rous-Marten, black silk trimmed white lace; Misses A. and M. Emery (Dunedin), black glace silk; Miss Addie Van Staveren (Wellington), cream satin; Miss M.- Van Staveren (Wellington), white silk, gold spangled shoulder scarf; Airs. Knight (Auckland), black silk; Miss Dorothy Knight, claretcoloured silk; Miss Muriel Knight, white; Lady Mills, black silk, corsage garniture of dull gold; Mrs. Percy Harris, heliotrope chiffon covered with a tunic of latticed gold beads; Mrs. Creighton Hale, black velvet; Mrs. Kettle ( Christehurehj, wedgwood blue charmeuse veiled in golden chiffon; Mrs G. H. Scholefield (Dunedin), pale blue charmeuse; Miss Christmas (Dunedin), white and gold; Mrs. Batkin, blaek silk trimmed dull sage green; Mrs. GoreMartin, black spangled net; Mrs. Wolf •Harris, blue beetles’ wing-spangled gown, diamond necklace and earrings; Mrs. Arthur Ballance (Wellington), golden brown charmeuse; Mrs. Heeles, white trimmed with silver; Mrs. Jackson, white satin veiled in ninon; Miss Brock, strawberry taffetas, trimmed chenille and sequins to match; Mrs Arthur Pearce, blaek satin; Mrs Louisson (Christchurch), smoke coloured ninon over rose trimmed pale blue; Miss Griffin, white satis, trimmedl guipure lace and floral silk; Mrs Tegetmeier (Wellington), black spangled net; Miss Laing, pale violet chiffon; Mrs Hamer, black silk, irridescent trimming and chemisette of white chiffon; Miss Noel Richardson (Hawkes’ Bay), pale blue charmeuse; Miss —. Richardson, white silk; Mrs A. Michie (Dunedin), grey chiffon over charmeuse, Limerick lace scarf; Miss Michie, coral coloured charmeuse, coral necklace; Mrs Ritchie, black crepe de chine, trimmed blaek lace; Miss Henderson (Dunedin), pale pink chiffon; Mrs Reynolds, black chiffon over white silk; Mrs Hutchins, black lace over white satin; Miss Mosh Davis, pink chiffon: Miss —. Moss Dav is, pale blue chiffon; Miss Scholefield, white silk; Miss Fenton, black net over black silk. The following is the list of those present:— Miss Andrews, Miss Allen, Mr F. A. and Miss Abbott. Mr and Mrs Frank Allen, Mr and Mrs F. Anson and Miss

Anson, Mr and Mrs Gilbert Anderson and Miss G. Anderson, Mr Hubert Akers, Miss Allen, Miss Arrow, Mr A. L. Alexander, Major Dudley Alexander, Mr W. Acton Adams.

Mr, Mrs and Miss Batkin, Miss S. Brock, Mr H. R. Butterworth, Mr J. J. Boak, Mr and Mrs Mark Brumfit, Mr B. J. Boys, Mrs Bone, Mrs A. M. Buckley, Mr and Mrs J. H. A. Burnes, Miss Burnes, Mr R. Burnes, Mrs C. M. Brook, Captain Beamish, Miss Billinghurst, Mr and Mrs Arthur Ballance, Mr and Mrs J. R. Boosey, Mr and Mrs Burt, Miss Barnicoat, Mr R. Bowen-Hogg. Mr and Mrs Patrick Campbell, Mr Robertson Kerr Clerk and Lady Clark, Captain and Mrs Muirhead Collins, Commander Crutchley, Mr T. R. Cooke, Mrs A. Copeland, Mr, Mrs and Miss Callender, Miss Cadman, Mrs Crichton, Mr and Mrs C. J. Cowan, Mr and Mrs R. Chase-Mor-ris, Mr J. Carruthers, Mr and Mrs Gilbert Carruthers, Mrs and Miss Caldow, Dr. and Mrs Chapple, Mr and Mrs W. B. Craig, Mr H. C. Cameron, Miss E. Chilman, Mr and Mrs G. Coure, Mr N. Collie, Mr A. Crabb, Mr H. D. Cook, Mr F. A. B. Cameron, Mr E. W. Christinas, Mr W. Ching, Mr Herbert Cowell, Mrs Henry Cooper, Mr and Mrs Treacher Collings, Misses Coleridge (2). Captain Dawson, Mr and Mrs T. E. Donne, Miss E. Deverell, Mr H. T. B. Drew, Mr, Mrs and Miss Moss Davis, Dr. W. W. Dunkley, Mr C. L. Donne, Mrs and Miss Desborough, Mr R. Deacon, Dr. J. J. Dixon, Mrs Danbury, Justice and Mrs Denniston, Miss M. G. Dall. Captain and Mrs England, Lieut, and Mrs E. R, G. Evans, Mr J. Duncan Elliott, Mr H. W. Ely, Miss A. Edwards, Air, Mrs and. the Misses Emery, Mr H. W. Eve. Dr. and Mrs. Fitzgerald, Mr. and Mrs. and Miss Felton, Mr. R. E; and Miss Fenton, Mr. T. Falvey, Miss Vera French, Mr. Joseph Feil, Mr. and Mrs. S. W, Fitzgerald, Mr. and Mrs. N. Fitzherbert, Mr. Fraser, Mr. John Gell, Mr. IL J. Gibbs, Mr. and Mrs. Gray, Mrs. and the Misses Govett, the Misses Grimson, Major Nelson and Mrs. George, Mr. E. V. J. Grigg. Mr. H. D. Henderson, Mr. F. Hyams, Mr. and Mrs. Wolf Harris, Mr. C. Hale, Mrs. A. Creighton Hale, Mr. and Mrs. G. B. Holmes, Mr. and Mrs. H. L. Hayman, and Miss Hayman, Mr. and Mts. M. G. Heeles, Sir F. J. S. Hapgood, Dr. Hogg, Major and Mrs. J. G. Hughes, Mr. and Mrs. T. Hamer, Mr. and Mrs. W. Henderson, Miss Haise, Dr. and Mrs. Haines, Mrs. Holwood, Mr. W. Hutchens, Mr. F. Hutchens, Misses Hitchings (2), Mr. R. C. Horton, and Miss M. T. Horton, Miss K. Hindle, Mr. and Mrs. Hammond, and Miss Cook. Mr. M. M. and Miss Irving, Miss Isaacs, Mr. C. S. Jameson, Mrs. Mack Jost, Mr. A. L. Jones, Dr. Johnson, Mr. and Mrs. W. Johnson, Mr. and Mrs. H. W. Just. Mr. G .L. King. Mr. and Mrs. KempWelch, Mr. and Mrs. E. M. Kenneway, Mrs. and the Misses Knight, Mr. J. L. Kirker, Mr. and Mrs. A. Kay, Sir Walter, Lady and the Misses Ketmaway, Mr. A. B. Keith, Mrs. and the Misses Kettle, Miss King. Mr. C. D. Kennedey, Mr. J. C. Lovell, Mr. T. B. Lightfoot, Mrs. W. H. Levin, Mrs. K. Long. Miss Laxton, Hon. C. Louisson, Mrs. and Miss Lucas, Mr. and Mrs. Alex. Lyon, Mrs. Lake, Mr. Chas. Lang, Mr. Magnus de Laing, Sir Chas. L. Loess, Dr. E. H. T.evioge. Mr. C. EX Ligbtbaad, Mr. and Mrs. and the Misses Laing. Mr. R. Mrfntyre, Mr. L J. Mato*, Mr. and Miss Montgomery, CoL and Mr*. W. Bl March. Captain R. S. Matthews, Mr. and Mrs. X A. Mason, Mr. R. Marie, Mr. L. H. McHardy. Mua M. Agnes Murphy, Mr. and Mrs. A. Marks, Dr. John and Miss MeCall, Lady and Miss Mfllh. Dr. and Mrs. J. M. Mason, Mr. and Mrs. Angus MeNah, Mr., Mrs. and Miss Michie, Mr. W. MeCußough, Dr. and Mrs. Bernard Myrea, Dr E. L. Marchant, Mr. C. Freeman Murray, Mr. L. J. Ma ton. Dr. and Mrs. McArthur, Mts. and Miss Gore Marten, Mr. M. G. and the Misses McGregor. Mr. F. H. Nading, Mr. M. Nathan, Mr. and Mrs. A. Nathan, M». and Mrs. Nathan. Dr. and Mrs. J. A. Newell, Mr. and Mrs. H. O. Nolan, Sir E. Montagne Nelson. Mrs. H. Olive, Miss O’Hare, Mr. and Mrs. Ostler, Mr., Mrs. and Miss O’Brian. Mrs. E A. Phlmer, Mr. J. A. Potter, Mr. J. Potter, Mr., Mrs. and the Misses Ponsonby, Mr. L. G. Purnell, Miss F. E I’reeee, Mrs. A. Ptaakei, Mrs. A. Pndney, Sir W. R and Eady Perceval, Sir W. H. Preece, Mr., Mrs. and Miss Wray-PMli-eer, Dt. and Mrs. T. W. Parkinson, Dr. C. A. Purnell. Mr. and Mrs. J. S. Ross, Major-Geul. Robley, Mrs. C. Rankcn, Mr. and Mrs. F.

C. Richardson and Mils Richardson, Mn. Rous-Marten, Mr. and Mrs. Bose, Mr. John Rom, Mr. A. R Rose, Mrs. Malcolm Roas, Mrs. G. Ritchie Mrs. A. Rawson, Mr. and Mrs. A. 8. Row, Mr. and Mrs. M. Reeves, Mrs., the Misses and Mr. Rhind, Earl of Ranfurly, Hon. W. P. and Mrs. Reeves, Mr. and Mrs. R. C. Ruseell, Mrs. E. J. and Mias Riddiford, Mr. and Mrs. J. W. Raymond, Mr. and Mrs. VV. C. Robinson.

Mr. and Mrs. Shelmerdine, Mr. and Mrs. W. Stewart, Mrs. B. Somerville, Mr. and Mrs. Scott, Mr. E. H. Short, Mr. and Mrs. Simpson, Dr. Jessie Scott, Mrs. and the Misses Scholefield, Mr. and Mrs. G. H. Scholefield, Mr. and Mrs. L. Stone, Mr. Robert and Mr. T. D. M. Stout, Mr. H. F. Sibbert, Miss Sutton, Mrs. Storie, Mr. and Mrs. Statham, Mr. H. G. Simms and Miss Simms, Lady and Miss Stout, Mr. R. and Lady Samuel. Mr. C. G. Tegetmeier, Mr. G, W. Thomas, Mr. and Mrs. R. C. Travers, Mr. J. B. Tunbridge, Mrs. A. Todd, Hon., Mrs. and Miss Thorne-George. Mr. P. A. Vaile, Miss Wood, Mr. Welsby, Mr. L. W. White, Mr., Mrs. and Miss Witt, Mr. J. P. Whitelaw, Captain and Mrs. McKellar Wix, Mr. and Mrs. F. Waller, Miss L. M. H. Whitson, Mr. and Mrs. J. H. Wallaee, Mr. G. Woolley, Mr. and Mts. F. A. G. Ware, Mr. and Mrs. J. Wood, Mr. H. H. Webb, Miss J. Yates, Mr., Mrs., and the Misses Wray. Mr. and Mrs. D. Ziman,

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New Zealand Graphic, Volume XLIV, Issue 25, 22 June 1910, Page 52

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Welcome and Farewell. New Zealand Graphic, Volume XLIV, Issue 25, 22 June 1910, Page 52

Welcome and Farewell. New Zealand Graphic, Volume XLIV, Issue 25, 22 June 1910, Page 52

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