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Pah.4. EAR COUSIN KaTE.— y«MS I ¥ for that pretty y-»m seat ■ er* ? way ®c- p**-x«*d u- see ay f * ? * s See**? is the “Graphs*' f J Mother and Ralph went w the '**>— Anck'and ®hc-w tost week. I had b**p ia is**T« ’«•** «bi> were away, •*: 1 had a-:-: tisse fo write t.? yos before. Grand sut :« \«2Biaf :«> stay with ns for a little wail* after Chrastaaa®. a«d we are ail «k» gtod. Thea we are all getog IdAsHriafid for a week &f two. I will n»>t write asy more tonight. as it to tote. <Joed-fciehc. Whs ?ser: love fr^xn —Co®<3 KN ID. ~ Poneto Eftid-—I aas *> pleneed fhai ye-i liked the l-adge. A&i iecters <fo Barer to print. do they not? I wo«M, rather wait for ev "ester a litrie. yon b*’p fo let yc-vr nether bare • eA*»-re—«e<be** *fo so ieed a change A very happy <_’hr=stajx*. deaj Said. —<•>»•» Kate.} f * * T-.aal. T>e<r Cowxa Kaier—May 1 hecocse «* ©f year e&BsEas? I i— Sc. Standard V., a&d like reedtarc she res«l&<' setters- I have * t-K »■£« seized Aanelia- We have three pet kictewei y«« please rrve fee a few I hsve i«u easier*, a&d <-se i>r z tse r. My h.'rthday is oa the Ssti of We ir* lorely weather wow. I like i red hedge, p’eafre. vwvass Kate. —From c*wek3 AUCE. fDear Coesca Alice.—l s= pleased te weieone ye« te •'t’' Sceiecy.*’ T« are fortasate ia pets aad pLajmstes. -Bas three sajates is a Sarge ertier aii al ea-** TTaw Ffo. Scamp,, *sd Trixie de’ I wiah y« =tay ==tppy retards, dear Owfa A’sce.— Kate.) 1 4r Osa t*. Vy F»*ar C-ws;® Kase.- H->w are yoa prttrag os? We h*v» a turtle Meek poppy. He has we tail.. Aad we have got a HU!e powsy «.TLl>d NMEger. We Jure ais*? a Sreheewe wagioa. Father aas go: no w -rl for them. Father tana'i hees working for foir E»-?c.thsL My sister asd I go to th* ***'•'. every day I m la IV_ aed aay wswter ia in Scasdard 111. How is %ae we-Mber ap y-«r way? J; very hot Ur&sberw We had three s.-seers wh- Itai* goae t<> bra rew Gom>2 &ye and Gei &iesa JW4.—Tourw truly, Cwszw MAGOIE rr-*ar Cewatw Maggie. —I d> h:«pe y-xir f*t x *r M« w-xk by &-vw It k>: auke »vi a 4-Fereore to him. beiwg oat •< werh. It is h»>t here to»v "H-w many b*j yeu beK* Ceaeia Maxxte —tea? Write triA >ac «Mk e<e- *»<>e I>' the piper only, p.eas* —Coonf* Kate.) » ♦ * :>-/ - Tu-j. r...i.’n K»t»— Ta, ■»■« «!stak I ■». * x «>rae w-ui«jc asaia. Sat I bare •c: S -x. :Le, TYil, jr«a f» tSe a».<r I bate S-; a m b# aea(

hat. Sls-*e I wrote last we lure had owr srhK- 'i -examine 00:1. ac. 4 I passed. We are pm-:lsinx for i school coeeerc now. R es to be ib CMrisczaxs week. Dear Cassia Kate. I eoaid a>: ge: a pec lamb, bat I b±v* i nice li««Ie red heifer calf. WiHl yea pßease give me i aarne for it? I was s: * wed-lang ia Septezki£-er—ay uacLe's. We dv gssdempg at ini I iive a ■iee vegefcibse garden toe*. Cecsin oely dres a few ehiins iw*y from oar place. We often puty toeezher. Have y-xu ever been co Tikjeka. CewsiZk Kite? I mast thoee’ now. with love co you ac«i al: the ’>xi«»EiSL WisiitEg yea i Merry Christmas* when it eomes.— Cousia DENNIS. p S —Caa nay of the cousin® answer this ridd?e?—"A r~_nd beggar had i bre-tner. and -be brother died: what reiacioa was ck-e *•’. .z-2 *t-»gxar to the brother that died?” (Dear C -asris Deanis, —I am so pleased t£ hear tbat you have passel. I havea’* tee- :t- Txkak.l. hot I think the Chrsstroas doii»9s in die eooßtry are joily: cbe conn cry ■he oae enjoy things s»x I'd Hke ? -nr vegetables. A very Christmas. —Coosm Kate. P-S- —Ci— ? jarred heifer “‘Rosie-” —C.K_] ± ± Oijtnm i ?. Dear CocssSb Kate.—l was looking in the ’‘Graphic.“ a_>i n<sti:~-i the cooslEss" eorre«s>j<nden >r. nn-i Tht*crhr that I w«>cil-l like t.? write too. Last year I Mai a pec iamb, sot zfe:* year I have not got c«ne. I am IX and is Standard V. I think I would like a badge, please. So g*»l-bye. —Cassia CLARA. [Dear Cfcoain Ctari_—l im very pieased to have yo® for a -eoasis- t*ot 1c wocid be * great eonwenience to —? if my little ftieuds woald remem ter to write thecr address on it and eneleese it. as we ask them to do. Thi® _ woald not take : -’-3srer than writiag it oe their .etters. 1 hope yoc rike yeor badge.—Cossin Kate.} ± £ i RockvSle. r*ea? Ccnsln Kate.—lt Is a k«ng tit&e sLae* I last wrote. I received ay budge a good while agwu Thank yon very aeceh for sending it. Y*a asked me in yoer last letter if Deris was ny sister. She is 1 will send ny letter in th* sass* envelope a« hers. I liked the Ensa&e that yoo gave see for sy do-2. I will now el»*se. with ieve te yourself and all of the eowsna.— From Cotssa ANNIE. {Dear Coasis. Annie.— * Better late than newer.” I vhooght you woutd be maters. I aa» pleased that you liked the name. I w4«a we eosld ehoewe car own nnme-s. doa*t you? —«?owss Kate.] * * * Roekri:;. f — 1 tkite Is i» aNxzt ti®e I WT<K* ~o »gai»- I w*s s« very wrry wtea I Jefs aetete. My R?>r wiß be boffie is *boa: sfeyee wees* fee ie? I ree»sred tsy te;?gs= ab«T a ferttigte age-, aw! was ieey witfc IS. We teve a very aiee Sewer gasaea sew. ft te« heea a iery wars day te-day. aad »ery witey uw Aaaie M ■alrtßK a yasß sow. aad ate is tryiag to gee it fcssted by <7b raaua. I w£l sow eiuee. witk love to ycoraeif aad tie eeasta*.— Ttots Cowls BORIS. P-S.—Mj sistet tel ww tee e«®ti»»tio», ate ate tes asottes yea? at CoUege.

[Dear ♦msin Deris. —it levely ?« be expeezing people Waze nt Chriszau.®? 1 like eke badges, too. TkxMSgSs per Kips I ©nglrtn't c«» say §•>. I ±m so ghtd sister Sus AEaMker year.—Caessn Kite.) ± ± ± BZeshelaiMy Dear Consn Kare.—Miy I beeowe one of year c&usms? We get che ““Graphie"’ wearily every week, asd I £ike cot at the pk-CTSHv-®. I kave i UWe garden >f my :-wa_ and I nave i se: <*f vegetables is m. alsa flawexs. I have twe kittens; one I eatl Peter, aad will yas give me a name for the other v>ne? I els© have a large loi i :ri.-rv<>_ I miist eL-jse dear c:•««>. cc» see s&y letter in sex: week’s “Graphic.'' My sister is writing this Zee ter. a® I im only §ve year® Hoping yesa will aceepz this letter, wish foal; i?:her eoasas.—Frozei yiour fovzag Ora&n ROY. [Dear Roy.—l will iadeed accept ywar letter, aad y-.<i._ t c ». as a dear little e-j-asia. Y»?s a?e a sappy E::Ie laddie to Suave sz—’-M a iizl sister. Caki y<*ur eta er pasny "Piper."—CeaiLt Kate.) ± 1 * Takapana. Dear Ka:e- —Ttarnk® so for the badge. I *r well off for pees: I two little Sfeetiaizd p*:-zies. a dog. two v '_ siid a bantam r=e~- (toe eat Kt® seme little kittens. 1 Kid my takes os the f*:my sot .oag ago. s&d see came oat very well. Now. Cossir. Kate, I mast -say goed-bye.— With aove from tloasia RKGG4EL [l>ear Ct-esie Reggie.—How foad yea miasz be of the members of large fami--v *f pets. H-r-rses especially are rbke fceman heisgs. A very happy holiday time to v€»s, Reggie.—Gussin Kate.j ± i i DargaviE*. Dear Cocsxn Kate.—l received the badge yoe sett me. a»d I Bke ?t very xsch- We Weak wp for sx weeks’ hn&day ce the I7tk of this Do yc-a Like hoSday®? We axe harisf esr &saii ekanfcinaEea week. One of teachers is leaving this ®ch%»l a: Uhnstsaas. The weather is ve:y Sae up here. —Widi love fro-se, Coesin CKCUte [Dear Ctena «>vii. —E*< 5 like htdidays? trf ."vuars* ! co. Do yon think I shoaki Le St ie write esSdrew's set!ers if I dsds EE»o yr.a eiean up yonr desks with glass aad satr.d-ps.per. sx>2 wask-sp sSase®. a&rl shake aasd® wire yomaeives ge&ertLly at bi eat-ing-up? We Gsed to. Are :ime® as g<-.d bow?—Coasts Kate.] ± ± ± BtenkeanDear C-Ttsfn Kate. - Titask yos very zsireh for tnat nice badge. We are -o get a new hocse. ± two-storeyed o&e We have a rrxgi.- iar.rem. ±j=d we x?* soisg fo show it «©os. We have get eKerries. and r*d and white carmt&t# rfpe. We have go: seape of «ower< ent, sweet peast enenaiiocs. and a e-f ©there. We will soca he brexitiag sp new. It will be sere±y. I m fo Aserkßaad. CKristsx*® wiiu soea be here, won't it? I as so glad. I am not away ti« after <"Krisr,-gas—Yotzr knriag Consin MARJORIE[Dear Cocsux Marjoete.—What great doingn sa be ssrel New T.tfo lasiers eakitrtiers. trip® to A'aefcSard. It E»k*« vet fee? *jwf?e beHday iik* to tb»ek ©f is. I sfeonld like fo year gsrdec aad orchard. —Cenote Kate.j

(Xnngw<iM& Dear Combs Kate.—T an very ;>age< with the badge yon sen: me. and wtsa tn thxrk you for it. Tae «ek«.’ holidays eomWbenee in nine more days, and then w* will not start seavoi again Till Febrnary. I will he thirteen years old before we cosimea<e s*booL I have a bicycle, atd have *t»3t three miles to go to sebc-x. There are several place® of interest to :->uri®Ls round iere. There are ihe "Devii ® Moots," which are ’ike hege boots placed npelde down on site The cave® are il®.-. very Laierestiag, Itot not e-> beaatsful ’® they used to t-c- because people are breakii.g pieces :-at of theta, and «.:ra;.-c..c.g :l.e_r-.-..j i mes cq the ®MeSu Tier* are dreiges. sStti'iag-cIAiHBB. and sdwmitfcs arousd here, and also plenty •■■? bash oeeaery. I: is very p - tsir: to go for a walk in the bash, where you hear the birds siiLglzg. and a pieasaat perfume aS® the air. A.® i cannot think of any more. I remain, with fore to all the and yourseZf.—CoesiE GEOBGE. P.S.— — Whes is a -ioor not a door? v . - I- - U . X - - have birds* eggs to exc&aage. as I am a eaOeetor, and wish to exchange. [Dear Cocsm George.—lsr’r it a shame. *&d isn’t it rwfieuio®? that pesapL-? are s-?- foad of carrisg their i&ssgnifieaat aames is such places as your eaves? I heard the :m slagtog in the Waisakere ranges the other day. "Wses it es ajar.” dear *>usto. Coes is knows something iNx: birds’ but I doß't know whether she gees in for marry varieties. If y-'t wo-ld like to ><KSB3C3d’ra:e wi:h her I would sead a letter on to her for you. provided y?~ ener-3«sc it to me in a stamped envelope, er. if you prefer it, I will publish your foil address?, asd a>riy ewasto who Li® eggs to exchange caa write to you.—Cossia Kate-1 4 i i CtniJbridgeDear Cousls Kate. —1 suppose you have <f2ii:e forgotten C«s®in. Beatrice now. having eothmg of much interest to write at present? I wish yon a Happy a-id Pr-sp-ertrz® New Ycar. Wosted yoo kinrtiy t-b-llge me with Cousra AtK.-o‘s‘ address? — I remain, your® m&-cere-iy. Cousin BEATRICE. [Dear Conssn Beatrix —We do sot readily forget, but it a® qnite a _ieng rime since yo<a wrote. 1? i: not? Which Acssoa dn yes mexs. the one who west to South. Wri-ee* Did you see the no rice abont the * 1 * Mt. A hert. D«r Kate.—We ret "The Graphic*’ weekly, aud I alwwy® like reading rhe •*<iGSXBS’ letters, ard woald so nsoch 3«ke to become a eoasia.. I am years >f age. sad am ir. S:aad-2?d V W« have baths at th* ®ehr<n I atteu-L and I have learned, to grar-r Please wHS yes ®en.d me a btnb. badgeu— love, from C*ss®'ls JANET, / [Dear Cousin Janet.—Certainly jeaasjift be a consin. seeing y 3 *-? st* an iatefe-este-i rea«ser »>f oer Yogare wise io sear® to ®w.m_ —Coussn Kate.) ill: Rirawn. ... Dear Ce«s-s Kate.—l wa® very to see my le::er .l the “Graphic- My srs:er xsd do n-*: Ehiaeg a® Parnell school.' «*’&r little kb sri£ as fenny a® ever We are golag to. treak np for •■- r _r «t Thursday. 5 like livisg out at RemwaA better fe i*am*H We are able to keep a pc-sy wk*-?*- we are living now. tsd we will be able :o go fer drives. We have Er -.e =<— e C?xrL®rmas cards seat out from Engiand. aed ‘kty are very pretty-. €*n Saturday my si*:er asd I wool to o«r SgFte~f ■»y sf'-rztf*-- p'••-it.'.’-- whiefe was very nice, aadwe g« ver f < sunburnt. *&4 they are very We wish yc-s xad all the eeusise s Merry Christmas and a Bright New Year.— With lore, Ct-nsai HAZEL[Dear Consia TTizel.—Tec wiH both get to like yeuz sew sc&«e4 zs<-re a® yon ka»w it better. At any rate, half th* battle » to making ap your to iike it as such aa ever <ean. Kests-era is a Lovely place. I don't wonder y->u etsjoy :ke roe® there; betog aide to keep a pony is so xiee. So hi 4 we «rt=s* c*rd« f?s« Hex*. Thask you. a*4 the same to yew little cow**&.-*• Ccuesr. Kate.) i i * SLA. Dear Coaain Kate.—l war to ante yte ate ail tte eesszaa a teppy ate aaiaaiag aad gate ssek for I&ML If tte

baM twrrs*** aeit year n rapHty i« ft ka* 4«n»< IM*. y->*a w«x't be able te renaeatber ’be new fr->m tbe oM ■>wis.a? I am acre fh»e who were e> X--. 1 to Violet Tate will be nwry tn bear tbat sbe died a few mowtte* <<’ I nmly beard last week, ta: I wooM bare written io yea before, e-s ease any of tbe tn think of sendiac tbe little girl anytbinc. Violet was always so tbeerfsi and happy, aad nerer gram Me- to me. or eomp’a-ned is anyway, and her mather says she died Qnite happily. - 1 know tie letters and papers sent by the edasSns were her greatest pleasure, aad I wish to 'htnk them ega_i for their ktadttess. We hare had

•neb a treat lately. hearing '.he Besses o’ th’ Barn Band p«*y t ag in oar big City Hall. We hear! such si3>er>aj aecounts from New Zealand that we were over*>yed when the band at Um vKted vbe Cape. On M-wdiy < their Um hy here for a line. as they go raaad the coasu they played Chopin's ""Funeral la memory >f Mr Hofmeyer. wh> w« buried to-day. Y»x> most n-x mnd if yvi receive a disjointed letter. as I am writing in she library. which is a->x: to the «»m, where bj sister is making hideous noises in her effx'« t> practise fusing Unf-»r-taaare'y for The family. she is raking iesI li ;?-» we hsre your sympathy! My

brathev and 1 hare lately taken up the art of Ishiag. - The rewsi: is that after four hours* hard work we return with not more than six small ish_ We cycle round by the sen till we fiad a spo: where the tide Is aoc too r-xigh. aor toe fall of kelp. We hide oar cycles under bashes. I gather s'Jefcs for the Sre. which my xseful brother sets r-.dag quicker than anyone I ever saw We bat! oar beloved bißy for tea. having fctii oar leech, we prx'ec’i io Ssh fn>m the rjcks. *: great nek of falling into Lhe seu each uaie a big ware dashes over. I am asaally iaeky ea>ugh to catch one fish : > erery Lae I >se. We always find a great leal of wreckage whi-rh has

washed tp from Waeri ar the whxeh west aahore quite near here. They were awful wrecks* ind *> door to port. Perhaps fa y**F* a !igh:h>>ese may be ereeTed on xir very dangerons It ha< been petitfaned for oftea eaxigh. The "Graphic’*"’ repr-*ds>*l»as of the pictures of :s* Maori wreck were better than the original in oar ptpe* Everybody is risking asai jnst now Has the nraala reached yon yet? W- have a fine nnk quite near anr house. 1:- faces the sea. and s y s.tnated. aai • :ght to w e*»: ea?-gh a . the year W* bare only jntst begun, so i wxt’t g «e yon a a' --uat ••f ’j-ir szy’e. I htre r : real b > ; tly.

f ten •**» 9 *• IjUs> a Jtor* ef v»r* t« ’> eeatrv ef to** croeW< wart fir » gatorr. I as a 4>fcKk»i at aevxas- I A» reaZj efeoe at it. P has taaea aw two watte to gez n>aa4 th* h—ro tar*. «s 4 I hare rwaranieed co *&i*h u by Chrwaaas: ec mw harry tt •a a«ar. Boreiy yaa syaftttoe snua s*. • a.l vtß exeoae ttee *i.>rta*£S *>4 4a.l2.ess •C »▼ teeter, whi-’h I «ead with rery best <’ftr-*waa« wwaes *W saeh tore. —Fraat ALiSON. FEWr «r*a®a Alisc®.—l ti se Had ta bear y<x We are ak p,«*xs*'i to >e of j*ar k-a-i whiles- which w* heartily reeipraeate. I *r*>pe. =y dear ec ;si3. that the bind will iaerease. Oae ©f et eharaetertatiea is that I like * pl rat y,’ aad if yoa eoaod oa.j see Lie P' ’i-S»as gnvd) of vnri as 4 c«-w»xry p'-p-rbr*joa hi the D-wniatoa. you woaid say thee the ewad aagat to toereoie. P«-:< liule V»iet Tate. I is indeed syrry zo "hear ef her as I am acre the e<'CL?ias wil. be al-sso. Brave little gSrli I am «n-» it will be as iaspirazieQ to is 12 to remestther her tom rode. I rm «L*d the o:as-.Bs had ie privilege cf sbeertog her bit days with their 3ixj> t-v-aA. Fazwy y.MX? fe.ea.riar the Besses o’ th Bin. I save sever beard asydns? else like ix. I: was trans***a«Lewt- I would fexve ioved to hear diesi piay Cbwpta s k * Funeral Marek. "* As it waa, their perf. ■ - 7?a3**e here woes a thiax to rementi-e r to • s*« last be-zr. W&*a it was over we er’>wd©d zp. j®*t to bear theca tjrkrag Loorsriire. My sisters qaakxies to staging pru-'ziee are staea to»re serwos than yoors. Fer atsfy. Aliaoc.. they are otohssz fataS. fee aLr»st when site ree» -r- xiewes praetiee s* takes 12. wb>-i -mposes an laterval of siiewee. after w0..--h she has aaocaer try with aaweh she e-ime resal’t. W- are gettiag <jwite stspers:?r -w» abwat it. Yewr littSe exewrssewa soixd »ielLxs-.faL I dad aot kwow •hat liiiixs »oveu as axrw-y with yo« ever th— i« they do here. We badly vis: a variety of tkiaxv here which we taves t g. -. I thiak the "Orap>hi*r rs i?£xstrrti«nM are :h»>sah pe-rU-cx* I awt to ■ay s*v There’s box wi«eh talk of her* i®« ww. 1 hope y®« <ae?e*ded la Hr. <hing the Haes work. I «vm parhise bewrxixy. With e«r ssJ.:ed besx wishes. —»'<wsza Kate.) 1 t i D*>wr Cewsiß Kate.—l received try badx* a aad thask y*?s very asci f«* it. I thnft U as very pretty. Owr eeheet cog.eert vis a swTres*. and the »■ < * wemt o« gra»d:y. We were escored. a■ . had te tew back aad «hh? > part of it ever Oar soeg wxs a Eopsy-xarvy f< '.g. We had te have hr*»ts and sxeefcrag* < * '•owr to rr-tke beJieve w» were at.iadsar oe owr head*. Sdaae of the g.r*> «i.d i-aw&beJ ese?*?ise. xad the boys c ii roe drill. It was ®y little sister Allee's b/r'hday last Wednesday. S&e wz« fewr jr.urs ©id, iz.d gr«t six. sweh pretty p< t> : eard». W* iuki a hoisday f-ocs schooi V -Liy for the st-ow. bo: I dad sot ec*. It wats jwst as w*lL is it evaese oe *:■ wet. I wrri-M *-{««© ttow. is I getxxag so tired. V/ - • Mre o>d be-sx wishes to ±ad a :&e ocher ewasiaa.—Fre-sa E'E-Xa. Dear Kdsa —I ie se pleased fha": y.->« Liked the badge. How f®H&y r -.'t all hive Socked. I»id it aaake y«5« feet f irfveted? Give ilrtie Alice my >we. isd t» her I vbeff wot her for i f?oesa by-ard-ty. Mary Chaska. Oxasrn Edaa. amd Im. ; to y©«.—*Cswkr KaZC. j * t i New Ply-ahJ-wtSL. ’"'*or Cc-esia Kate.— An I act dosig is I • i ; wrifiiag n-?o freqpeewtiy? I am qpsite pi - **d. is «mr school broke tecst Moac.:? f*.< the Cbris.tntx.s holiday*-, tad I fe- €• - -J. js i prize for obtoiwißg the highest f asarks is oar e£ass. x book eaLlei *-’■ ■ -’a.” Have y- - -»i ever read ir? CtexDsln a ad I aave the gwhxisiLiix t * ."Bee er twice this season. I iatewd F x «y*tea now I have txiy ho&iiy*. £ y**- ptay t-esjs? We- have a teazls L* b-<xt I mM-x piay. i 4SI gei&g to r : -irn. With .-j-ve to all the • ‘v-ao.ant-f y . seif.— FTk®* cowsia &ATa. t-v-ar Rata.— Yes. yoo are i g+»l f co yoiir fcad pevxs»- so weH. I - oad y-xr M. WWn w st by? glad ▼- ~ wen 'c ryvm.-n-r ». ee« d exevYtop, a ad a w*efal sport. I 4» aw< T ?■ t>nais. ;a»TCih I if we oa-i i c -t. Best w»h-***.—Cswsta Kate.) i * * PaK.i. V Ctariw K .<: I wwwld Kke to bec >ee of yon- >ewtoa. I wEI be II 7 * ■ E3> -'' i *‘-:ben I&d X I Eke to w-.-e to y*"n. as •&■=■ is w • ..-ig. Mother >u«gh« me a pair of w : -r wtogs fro® Awektoßd, and X am Jeartowg *o swha with laetxi Enid and I Kxve S.HD-* sl'kw-’ -Tna We keep tbecs la a <!><*• case, o that we ti wairh then %<.- help me to *ake aid aame a ';>d c . • <l* n Wl-ch ’>.•«*. — Fr. Oi voer eovieg C -n HAROLX*. ' C*x.sia H: rofd. —I am delighted ta fc. End’s brother f >r a eewsia. But aext time yew boeb write pot the '-v Ba ooe> *Hv-4epe aa<i save > pea-ay t. u.>*4* d't-flg ap tfttie mapia. of wh - h I Skosx toterewxed to b*-ar — C «e Ka:*._P s —Maay happy retarwe a «e nhday jzac ?•>•*-—C.K j * * * r -xr «-na»>» Ka».—May I *o» •* ?«r -*sna»7 1 aa la *taa«*»n* V. at a - .4 I M T * cat a aad enl-d. F>a«e jaa*i t -■ a aiae iadge. I hal aa oul pva?. feat b- Uu*e oc fear week* ajo. We will •X i k« haviac aor ra»»er kaUCara. I k.« 4 a *at h»aeb- bat it waaM aat tnek r.:A. ~ 1 1 ■-: {«.—l resu..a, jaan era./.

(Daar Coaaia Uasie.—l aa plraatl ta have yaa three aaaten far eoaaaaa. Bat why M yaa aot aea4 all year Iruera ■ aae eaveiof>e. aad aaee the aeuafa? Yea woold auea roar old roar —pacues are saeh Coad eeaepaaioaa. I hope joar cold >a better.—Coasa Kate.] * * * TtaaL Dear »? carta Kate.—May I >«t«t aaa ef roar -waxs I go to ar n eel, aad aa ie -S-xotSsird VII. We hare a pet dore. My elater and I aUk the eowa whes father l.t away. There are II eotas to ear eehoeL The sehocl is hxif a atSe frets car plaee. We have a Sot of Trait. I have a eegeta&le gardes aad a Sever gardes. I eoiieet h-e.’s. The a very hoc Fleas•esd me a h’ae bodge.—vloassa JBSBIE. [Deer Cotssia Jessie.—l saf>poae yea are the wb»ie ataedard eoaraelf? That leaves joa no teastrtatioa to talk, ot eearae—eitept to the teaeher. I am pieased to have yoa for a eoasin. Yea Meat have a ossy life. I think it ia alee to be Okie to I Araid lie to see year gardes#. —Ceacia Kate-]

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New Zealand Graphic, Volume XLIV, Issue 1, 5 January 1910, Page 58

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COUSINS’ CORRESPONDENCE New Zealand Graphic, Volume XLIV, Issue 1, 5 January 1910, Page 58

COUSINS’ CORRESPONDENCE New Zealand Graphic, Volume XLIV, Issue 1, 5 January 1910, Page 58

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