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April 16. Croquet and Tennis. The erocfuet courts are now closed for the winter months. On Saturday a progressive- tournament was played on the lawns. Mr. C. Campbell was first, Mr. Izard second, and Mr. R. Stevenson third. During the afternoon the popular secretary, Mr. S. Gordon, was presented by the members with a smokers’ outfit and a silver ami ivory-mounted walking-stick. Amongst those present were:—Mr. Stevenson, Mrs.' Greenwood, Mrs. Levin, Mrs. Porritt, Mrs. Innes, Miss Scott (Gisborne)Mr. and Mrs. Napier (Auckland), Mrs. Gertz (Auckland), Mr. and Mrs. Sargeant, Mrs. Fairburn, Mrs. Blundell (Nelson), Mrs. Dodgshun (Gisborne), Mr. and Mrs. Gordon, .' Miss’ Reiehart, Airs. Lhmax, Airs. Bayley, Airs. O. Lewis, Airs. Allison, Miss Brewer, Aliss Hawk'en, Airs. Afoore) Airs. Harper, Air. Izard and others. There was a large number of,,players and onlookers at the Queen’s Park and Campbell-street tennis courts during the Easter tournament, aiuf many’ of the sets were very interesting to watch. Amongst those present were: —Mr. and Airs. Lacy Peake (Cambridge), Dr.- and Mrs. Christie, Dr. Wilson, Miss Christie, Miss Blundell (Nelson), Miss O’Brien, Air. Bill (Rangitikei), Air, and Airs'. Hutton, Aliss Krull, Aliss P. Jones, Aliss Christie, Aliss W. Anderson, Aliss Cleghorn (Wellington), Air. G. Dodgshun (Gisborne), Aliss Moore, Airs. Good, Aliss Wilson (Bulls),.Aliss Loughhan (Palmerston North).,-, Aliss Brewster (New Plymouth), Aliss Simpson (New Plymouth), Aliss Powdrell, Airs, C. Jones, Mr. \\ illis, Air. Lomas. Air. Take, Air. Strouts, Air. Anderson, and others. The College Sports. On Saturday afternoon a number of the heats for the College Sports were run. Amongst those on the grounds were:—Air. and Airs. Peake (Cambridge), Air. and Airs. Napier (Auckland), Air. and Airs. Empson, Miss Empson, Aliss Acland, Airs. Gertz (Auckland), Aliss Blundell (Nelson), Aliss AV. Christie,* Aliss Hamner (Canterbury), Aliss Williams (Hawke’s Bay), Aliss J. Cleghorn (AVellington), Aliss Nixon, Mrs.’A. Williams. (Hawke’s Bay). Easter Monday proved a glorious day, and as the rain came down in torrents all Suiiddy it was a great relief to many to see a fine morningl The College Sports commenced in the morning. Amongst those watching were: —-Mr. and Mrs. Empson, Air. and Airs. F. Lysaght (Canterbury), Airs. Dunn (Canterbury), Aliss Aelan’d (Mt. Peel), Aliss Empson, Air. and Airs. Williams, Air. and Aliss Aloore (AVairarapa), Airs, and Aliss Blundell (Nelson), Airs, and Aliss Ashcroft, Aliss Humphreys (Palmerston North), Aliss Loughnan (Palmerston North), Aliss Aloore, Aliss Anderson’ Aliss Cleghorn (Wellington), Air. and Airs. H. Johnston (Wellington), Airs, Godwin, Airs. A. Izard. A farewell lunch was given by the Old Boys to Air. and Airs. Empson in a large marquee erected on the College grounds. Airs. Empson was presented with a beautiful silver salver suitably Inscribed, and Aliss Empson with a silver tea-service as a wedding gift from the Old Boys. There was a very largo attendance at the sports in the afternoorf,’ and it was most difficult to see everybody. Mr#

Empson wore a most becoming gowu of petunia-shaded silk, with cream net and lace on the bodice, and large black picture hat; Airs Dove (England), stylish Directoire frock of heliotrope cloth, with ornamented buttons and fancy braid the same shade, large hat the same shade, with wreath of heliotrope roses and foliage; Airs F. Lysaght (Canterbury) wore a pale grey crepe de chine with net and lace in the bodice, black hat with ostrich plumes; Airs Aloore (Hawera), black serge coat ami skirt, white blouse, black hat; Aliss Aloore (Hawera), grey skirt, white blouse, and blaek hat with chiffon and quills; Airs Dunn (Canterbury) wore a very becoming frock of pale grey with Oriental shaded embroidery and touches of gold in the bodice, black picture hat with plumes; Airs 11. Johnston (Wellington), navy blue coat and skirt, with buttons covered with the material on the skirt and coat, cream net vest and ruffle, smart fine large straw’ hat with chiffon and blaek and white wings covering the erown; Airs Loughnan ( Palmerston), blaek and white coat and skirt, white vest, black hat with wings; Airs F. Loughnan (Palmerston), rose pink cloth gown, sealskin eape, blaek hat with feathers; Aliss Loughnan (Palmerston), pretty pastel blue coat and skirt, white vest, Merry Widow’ hat, with blue wings in it; Airs Blundell (Nelson), dark green coat and skirt, braided in fine blaek military braid, with net vest and ruffle, green straw hat with green silk and touch of blue, green shaded quill at the side; Aliss Blundell (Nelson) wore a becoming pastel blue cloth Empire frock with yoke and sleeves of tucked net and wide ruffle, the sleeves and bodice had blue and gold embroidery with Empire sash of black satin at the side, very large black Merry Widow hat, with pink shaded roses and autumn foliage; Mrs Fairburn, pale green striped tweed coat and skirt, dull blue silk, vest, and blue straw hat with shaded blue roses; Mrs,Homan (Palmerston), blaek and white costume, black hat with plumes: Airs L. Skerman (Levin), .green coat and skirt, green straw hat with shaded (lowers hi it; Airs Knight (Dannevirke), green doth gown with lace, green hat with flowers; Airs IT. •'Cooper (Dannevirke), heliotrope cloth. coat and skirt with blaek military braid, large silk hat with heliotrope roses round it: Airs A. Williams (Hawke's Bay), greenish shaded tweed coat and skirt, hat to match with quills; Airs Hole, grey and blue striped tweed coat and skirt. blue straw hat with flowers: Mrs Hawke, green striped tweed coa,t and skirt, cream vest, green hat with wings; Airs. McGrath, grey tweed coat, and skirt, cream vest, black and white hat; Aliss Moore, pastel blue cloth coat and skirt, very becoming blaek and white striped hat with ostrich plumes; Airs. Good, heliotrope cloth costume made in Empire style, with velvet a darker shade, vest of tucked net, large Alerry Widow hat of heliotrope straw with heliotrope ami pink shaded stocks; Aliss Aloore (Wairarapa), pale grey Eton eoat and skirt, with revers of white cloth, vest of cream net, large fine black straw hat. with wreath of pink and heliotrope roses and foliage; Airs. James Watt wore a white muslin frock with lace and insertion, blaek crinoline straw hat with chiffon and ostrich plumes: Airs. Lane (Rangitikei), blaek serge eoat and skirt, black hat with wings; Airs. H. Sarjeant,- smart electric blue cloth Directoire gown, with net vest and gold thread embroidery, blaek satin sash at the side, large blaek hat with ehiffon and wings; Aliss Christie, old rose crepe de

chine gown, with cream net, feather boa, •blank hat with phiuirs; Mrs.. Strang (Palmerston), past q hhip doth eoat ami skirt, with never* embroidered in fancy braid, white feather boa. brown fur, toque with wings at the side; Mrs. K. Lilliton (Waitotara), navy blue Kton coat and skirt, white vest, navy blue and white hat: Mis. Wilford, black cloth coat ami skirt, with revers and cuffs of pale heliotrope cloth braided in black, heliotrope felt hat with coque feathers the same shade: Miss Wilford wore a very stylish blue serge coat and skirt with buttons and military braid, navy and pastel bine hat with wings’; Mrs. H. Wilson, smart .crimson striped tweed coat and skirt, crimson straw hat with silk the same shade swatheil round it and quill wings at the side; Mrs. Sanderson, greenish tweed coat and skirt, cream vest, green hat wtih quills; Miss Mason (Hawke’s Bay), wore a very smart cream coat and skirt, with ornamental buttons anil braid, large cream hat with tulle and coque feathers; her sister wore a pale pink floral muslin, with How'ered silk sash, mole coloured hat with pink wings; Mrs. John Stevenson, black striped silk eolienne, with lace on the bodice and old rose velvet, large black hat with chiffon and feathers; Aliss Ida Stevenson, tobacco brown crepe <l( k chine, with yoke of tine lace and chiffon ami touches of pah' bine, pretty pale blue hat with wings the same shade; Miss Carew (Dunedin), cream coat and skirt with silk braid on it, cream hat with chiffon and wreath of shaded flowers: Miss Krull, groeni<h tw’eed coat and skirt, green hat with silk and wings; Mrs. O. Lewis wore a smart navy blue little coat and skirt with high-waisted effect, the revers and £iitfs braided in black, brown straw bat with silk swathed round it and quills at the side; Mrs. McNaughton Christie, cream serge coat and skirt with braid, cream vest, large heliotrope hat. with wings to match and chiffon; Mrs. H. E. Christie, cream gown over green silk, the skirt and bodice lining profusely trimmed with silk lace, straw hat with blue roses. The Prize-giving In the evening the prizes were presented in the Drill Hail, there being a very much larger gathering than usual, • owing to .the farewell to Mr. and Mrs. Empson. After the prize-giving there w r as a reception to the Rev. Dove and Mrs. Dove, of England, who arc succeeding Mr. and Airs. Empson. Mrs. Empson wort* a beautiful black sequin gown with wide V-sbaped vest coining to the waist of cream tucked net ami chiffon; Mrs Dove, pale pink eolienne gown, with lace; Aliss Empson. white silk, with lace on her corsage; Airs Cordon, white silk, with bands of insertion and lace, black brocade skirt; Airs Napier (Auckland), white silk gown made in Empire style, with silk embroidery and tucked net; Mrs Gertz (Auckland), black vhilfon, with jet on the bodice, ami cream opera coat with lace; Mrs O'Rorke (Auckland), black charmeuse gown, with lace: Mrs 11. Wil son, cream silk, with bands of tine insertion and lace; Miss Wilford. eream eolienne gown with rope of lace; Aliss Willis (Great ford). black silk withchiffon. long grey opera eoat ; Aliss N. Wilson (Bulls), pah' pink striped chiffon taffetas, with lace; Airs Abraham (Palmerston) wore white silk, with touch of pale blue; Aliss Russell (Palmerston), old rose silk gown, with vest and sleevec of cream tucked net; her sister wore a white silk gown with lace; Airs Blundell (Nelson), black silk gown, the bodice was made with shoulder straps

of black embroidered silk lace, and \est and sleeves of net: Miss Blundell (Nelson). white muslin, with beautifully enn broidered crimson flowers on it. and Empire sash of crimson silk; Mrs Good, old rose chiffon iaffetas, with Limerick lace M»arf: Miss Stewart, pair blue silk blouse, with yoke of hue, black skirt; Miss Robinson (Palmerston), cream net and lace blouse, cream skirt: Mrs IL Sarjvant. old rose chiffon taffetas, with Maltese silk lace on the corsage; Mrs Fairburn, black silk, with rream lace on the bOdicb and jet trimmings; Miss Loughnan ( Palmerston).’pale pink silk gown, with ci earn lace: Mrs If. Johnstoj ( Wellington), beautiful cream Empir

gown, with lace and touches of old rose velvet on her corsage; Miss Moore (Wairarapa), black velvet gown, with berthe of laee; Mrs Godwin, black silk, with cream laee; Miss Anderson, white silk, with bands of insertion and laee; Mrs Barnicoat. black erepe de chine frock with lace; Mrs Wall, white evening gown with lace and net; Aliss Moore, white muslin frock, with bands of insertion and lace; Mrs Montgomerie, black silk gown, wi'h laee on the bodice: Mrs Elder (Wellington). black silk, with touches of jet sm the bodice: Mrs Corry, black silk, With cream laee; Mrs Izett. black silk, with berthe of cream lace and cream shoulder scarf. Personal Items. Mrs Miles, of Wellington, is the guest of Mrs Griffiths, in Wellington. Dr. Marshall, of Dunedin, has been Staying in Wanganui for Piaster. Mr and Mrs Harold Johnston, of Wellington, were staying in Wanganui for taster. Mr and Miss Denniston, of Canterbury, have been visiting Wanganui for Easter. Mrs Bey, of Grey town, is the guest of Mrs John Anderson, in Wanganui, Mr and Mrs Napier, of Auckland, have been staying in Wanganui. Mrs Gertz, of Auckland, was in Wanganui for Easter. Mr and Mrs 11. Lysaght, of Haweta, sire in Wanganui. Miss llanmer, of Canterbury, is the guest of Mrs thristie, St. John’s Hill, Wanganui. Mr and Mrs Battley, of Mohanga, are at present in Wanganui. Mr and the Misses Mason, of Hawke’s Bay, were in Wanganui for Easter. HUIA.

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New Zealand Graphic, Volume XLII, Issue 16, 21 April 1909, Page 67

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WANGANUI. New Zealand Graphic, Volume XLII, Issue 16, 21 April 1909, Page 67

WANGANUI. New Zealand Graphic, Volume XLII, Issue 16, 21 April 1909, Page 67

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