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The Rescue of Theophilus Newbegin



The Dingo was a oijp bunired-and-tweaty-two-foot gunboat, ?pi<-k and *pan from the t avile yard, lithe as a panther, swift as a petrel, gray as the mists off Ui-taisha—and she xvas his xery owji. The biggest, reddest day in all bis twen-ty-three years of life was when the Admirals order had come to leave, the Ohio, xxiu-re he ha. Parted as a sort of apotheosized me-senger boy and general escort to civilian*’ tat wives, and to proceed at once to Shanghai to attune command of her. provision and await further orders It hud «-ost him nine dollar* and sevcntvdive cents to cable the joyful news adequately to his mother in Baltimore, an I ii th' ugh the family resources were small —his lather had died a lieutenant-<«>m-mander the year before—she had cabled buck a “Good I'i.k ami God bless you! to him. He only got. as an ensign a paltry one hundred and twenty-eight dollars pei’ month, and out of it came his mess hills and other expense-. but for all that ho had enough to go down Nanking Road and buy his mother a handsome nuindarin cloak —Harry Dupont was going back on leave—and then to invite all the fellows he knew in Shanghai Harbour to a dinner at the dub. It was going on at the time this *toix opens, boisterously and uproariously. the blow-out of a twenty-three-v.eai-old ensign who has just, received hi* first command. The older civilians meiely shrugged their shoulders as an impromptu refrain rose louder and louder: „Here"s to the Kid and rhe Dirigo. He’s off fora cruise on the Hxvang-ho! The officers of the squadron, not wish ing i . spoil th" fun. slij ;e 1 off to tle billiard-room or the bridge-tables, or strolled back to the bar. Most of them had letters to write for the American mail which would leave the following morning, and more than one sighed a* bp glanced toward the upper veranda from below the chib-house. They knew how many and how long the years would be before anv of those boys would be. called •Captain"—well, let them enjoy themselves'. What was the use of croaking? There were compensations— ot a sort. Even if one's people were all on the other side of the globe, or migrating from boarding-house to boarding-house, in a vain endeavour to keep up with the changes in the billets of their husbands and fathers, one was still an officer ot Uncle Sam’s Navy. So reflected Follangsbee. executive officer of the flagship Ohio, which had slipped into Woosung. ten miles below Shanghai. just as the sunset gun on the fort* was echoing over the closely-packed junks along the water while the box - was engrossed to the extent of total oblivion with the dub .-toward over the decoration of his dinner-table. Fallingsbee. was a good sort, who had already’waited' thirty-live /(jars frfr hr'4 alreadv waited thirty-live years t<» get his battleshin and was waiting still, ami ho had seen" Jack Russell, the boy'.- father. die the vear before at Teng-chan of a combination <»f liver and disappointment ail too common among naval officers in the East. Follangsbee's oi n liver was non. of the the b.-l. His "'!<■ o,lt ™ th. Eniprrss of India next month, and ho hoped the Ohio wouldn't be ordered to Sulu or some place impossible tor net to follow him. That boy of Russell's— he liked .that hoy: he was all to the good. Knew his place, and kept his mouth shut, hollanostee. wasn’t going to butt in and spoil his fun. He remembered when he his first gunboat —thirty years ago. “ Whew! Folia ng»bee stared up at the veranda, then sighed again and started down the bund. Shanghai Harbour was alive with light-. The murmur of the city rose and fell on the soft, fragrant air. shockingly penetrated e.eiy now and then by the discordant -bricks of swiftly-hurrying launches The bund »S- crowded with coolies some toiling with heavy loads, others pulling their rickshaws. Here and there flashed the coloured lanterns ot pedesv tri ms Bevond the junks lay maliy crtliFers,'sweeping the starlit -ky with their quickly meting searchlights, Iten took him bang between the eyes, and he. Stumbled and fell against some oue coming up the walk. -Where the deuce ” shouted a clear voun „ voire angrily. Then the note'ed. -I beg yopr pardon, sir. lhese confounded lights—l didnt see you at all.*’ . , ■ Follangsbee returned the midshipmans salute. “Don't mention it.” he growled. But. what are ton doing ashore': 1 thought ■vou~hafl the deck. • •I did. sir. But I'm trying to find Bussell. The Admiral wants him. 1 took the ship's launch to the Dirigo, and they said there he had gone ashore-and had not left anv word—only that lie would be back late. Have you seen him. Sir’ ••Can't you bear him':'' inquired lollangsbee, laconically. A figure in white duck loomed suddenly into view on the veranda rail, shouting at the top of his lungs: “I’ve got command of the Dirigo. Au’ I'm off for a cruise on the Hwangho!” This was followed by a tremendous chorus, accompanied by unearthly yells. •■Ho I'" exclaimed the midshipman under hi - ii. "Is that him’" At i hll moment a searchlight illumined i quest ion. lln mid-hipmnn. ansxvering his own question. "Yes. that’s Imu,” scrambled on up the step.-. Follangsbee wondered how long it •would take to deliver the Admiral's order. and felt his way gingerly through the crowded street. When the midshipman burst panting upon them they were standing on their chairs, shouting the swinging chorus oft ‘•The good old sumnier-ti i-me! Oh, the good old summer! i-i ino! For she’s my tootsie-xxootsie in The good old suintnerti-i me’! ” ••Come on up! There's plenty of. room my chair!” cried u»e boy excitedly, at

th* sight of the midshipnaan. “We’ve only jusr begun! “ '<>h. the good summertime! Oh, the good old——-’ ■ Here, what’s the mater with you? Let me alone. What?” He dropped hi- arm- anil climbed down to the veranda floor, while his <<>mrad**s continued .their refrain. “Orders! From the Admiral! Is he here? 1 didn’t know that the Ohio had come in. With you in a jiffy.” “Don’t wait.” urged the midshipman; “it’s important!’’ The boy turned white. “It isn’t—bad news?" he asked apprehensively. ' No. no," answered the other quickly, remembering the news the boy had gotten the year before. “Just orders." “Well, 1 won’t spoil their fun." said the hoy, echoing the -entiment- earlier expressed by Follangsbee. "Back in a minute, fellows. I’w got to telephone! On with the dance! Let unionAs they slipped through the door the <horu.* changed again, and as the boy seized his cap, .-prang down the step-, and started for the launch landing, high above ami behind, him he could still hear them singing: “Here's to the Kid and the Dirigo. He's off for a cruise on the Hwang-ho!’’ IL “You seni for me, sir?” Jack Russell stood in the doorway of the Admiral’s cabin on the Ohio, cap in hand. The Admiral had been poring over some papers on his desk, and for a moment did not dissect the boy's voice from the whirring of the electric fan over his head. But as the boy took a step or two forward, ho turned and nodded. . “Oh, it’s you. Russell. 1 didn’t mean to disturb yon-on shore, but I've something for you to do. and .sooner yon start, the better.” The boy axvaitbd’his word- breathlessly—his first orders. "Its rather a mean job. but I've no body -Ise available. a J if you make good - -of course, you xvjjj make good. In fact, it <s rather a chance to distinguish your“Thank you. 1 ht-*- admiral paused as. if surely to observe the effect of his words. 1 A 'unt you to re-cue a coiqfle of missiona lies.” The boys countenance remained immobile. "I For-rived word this conf in-" ije-i pickjng pp $ hfllf- ( tn-, -'t'm rebellion hqs 'pi ead. into llu-pe.T and as far .-puth as Kui-.han. They have murdered three missionaries. of 't-he' 1 otje)- iiaxe escaped and hive been imported safe, but nothing can bp loarne<l of two ini-sionatips at Chang-Yuan - very esi unable people, highly thought of in their denominations.” Aes. sir. said, the boy. hi.- eves beaming on the Admiral. Aon are to ,-tart at once—at once, understand? And go up the river past Hankow and "i ochow. At Tung-an you reach the treaty limits, but you haven't 1 inic to explain, ami probably explanations wouldn’t do any good. There are two torts there, and you'll have ju.-t, to run by them—that’s'all'. ’ Tt is six hundred miles to Hankow. A\'ith luck you ■ can be there easily inside of four days. Bur Chan-Yuan isn't on the Y’ang-tse-kiang,—it son the Yuang-Kiang, somewhere on Lake Tung-ting. You've got tn find ir first, and the chart.- are of no use. The trouble is that the lake dries up in “winter and in summer overflows all the country round. If you can't get a local guide, who knows tlie channel, you will have to trust to luck. The fact that it's in forbidden territory adds one more difficulty. But, if I know Jack Russell’s .-on ", “Oh. thank you. sir!" cried the boy. “What a chance.’* he added, half toTiimselL. "Yes. it is a chance,” answered the Admiral, “and I'm glad you've got it. " But if you get aground among the rioting natives'. —well, it's got to-be done.” “1 have no interpreter, sir,” said the boy. “Smith has secured one,” replied the Admiral, “and through him as e have gotten a Shan si man who says he knows the river above Hankow and is willing to act as guide. They are on the lower deck, waiting. You will, of course, have the Government pilot as far as Hankow. Now. good luck to you. I expect to be here for two weeks, and you will report to me at once; on your return, your success or failure. ” He held out his hand. “Good luck tn yon again.” The boy shook hands with the Admiral, but still remained standing beside him. “Well." slid the Admiral, “is there anything'else?” “Yes,” replied the boy. apologetically, “you have'not given me the gentleman's name.” "Bless my soul! So I haven't! ” exclaimed the Admiral, fumbling among his papers; then, raising one to the light “The. Reverend Theophilus N<*w’begin,” he r ead slowly, “man and wife.” The boy saluted his admiral and retired with a respectful "Good-night, sir.” Once in the privacy of the wardroom companionway, however, he began to giggle. which giggle speedily expanded into a loud guffaw on his reaching the main deck. It sounded vaguely like "Newhegin.” He leaned against the forward awning-pole, shaking with laughter. “1 -ay. what’s the joke?” inquired the midshipman, approaching him from the shadow of the main turret. "Let a fellow' in. won't you?” Bqt the boy still shook silently without replying. "Oh, go on. v haft’s the joke?” repeated the other. "Did Whiskers give ypu a ’Laughing Julep?’ "Newbegin!” exploded the boy. "New‘"Now begin what?”‘persisted the midshipman irritably. “Have you gone dotty? 1 hope you didn't act that way in

Whisker*' ’ cagio. I believe you’re drunk!” The boy suddenly jerked himself together. "Look here, Smith, you shut up. I’m your rankin’ officer and I won’t have such language. I’ll tell you tlie joke—w. n 1 know whether it is one or not.” Smith made a face at him. "By the way, smarty.” continued the boy. “have you got two Chinks for me? If vou have, -end ’em along. I'm off to the Dirigo on the launch.” “Yes. I got em’ at the English Consol’s. Sav, what'* up? Can’t you tell a fellow - .'” "Mr Smith, send those two Chinks to the gangway,” thundered the boy. The niidi-hipman turned and walked hastily around the turret. "Here, you. Yen —come out of there!” he calle,;. Two Chinamen arose from the deck where they had been sitting cross-legged, leaning agin*t the turrrt, and shuffled .-lowly forward. "Here are vour Chinks!” growled Smith still aggrieved. The ensign paid no farther attention to him, but pushed the nearest Chinaman toward the gangway. “Get along boy.-,” be remarked. "Your uncle William is in a hurry.” As the smaller of the two seemed averse to haste lie gave him a slight forward impetus with his pipeclayed* boot. The two descended more rapidly, and he followed. A sudden regret took possession of him as ho thought of the possibility of his never seeing Smith again—of his dying of thirst, aground in a dried-up lake, or being tortured to death in a cage in a Chinese prison. "Good bye. Smithy!" ho called over his shoudder. But there was no answer. The launch was nobbing at the foot of the steps, its screw churning the water into a boiling froth that reflected a million strange gleans against the warship's water-line. The Chinaman hesitated. "Get along, boys,’’ he repeated, stepping into th” stern sheets. "We’ve got a. long way to go. and we might as well . begin—Newbegin.’* The Chinamen huddled under the launch’s canopy, the boy gave the word to go ahead. The hell rang sharply, and the launch started on its long journey up to Shanghai. Slowly the Ohio receded from him, sombre, implacable, sphinxlike. On her bridge a man was wigwagging to the Oregon with an electric signal. The. searchlights from the war-vessels rose ‘ a fief whv'ered like huge antennae, feeling for something through- the night, no\y and again paving a golden path ' from the launch to th" ships. The illusion was that the vessels were mov- - itig away from th* launch—not; the- • l.Ainch from them. Out of the zone of the searchlights the water was black and lonesome. Just sa soon as the ships got far enough away to appear stationary the launch seemed racing through the water at a hundred miles an hour. Other launches shrieked past, bearing officers who had just come down by train to Woosung to their ships. Up the Whampoa River, the ten-mile-distant lights of Shanghai cast a dim, nebulous glow against the midnight sky. Two hours later rhe little Dirigo seemed to loom out of the darkness and come rapidly towards them as the launch ran up to her gangway. "Is that you. McGaw " called the boy sharply. “Here are two Chinks —an interpreter and another -_>ne. Fix cm up somewhere. We start up the Tang-tse as soon as you can get up steam. I want to make Nanking ay day after tomorrow sunrise. Send ashore and get the pilot. Don't waste any time.” "All right, -sir." -the- midshipmen; we can start in half an hour sir.” The boy ran up the ladder, followed slowly by the Chinamen. At the cabin companionway he pau.-ed and looked at his watch. It was half past one o’clock. "Here, you boys,” he shouted after the Chinamen, "come down into my cabin bin. I want, to speak to .you.” The boy led the way down into his tiny wardroom and threw himself into a wicker chair placed at the focus of two electric fans. The thermometer registered 90 degrees Fahrenheit, but it was almost as hot on deck as below—and below thirst alleviators were at hand. Up beckoned to the Chinamen to draw nearer. The first was short, fat, and jovial, with chronic humour creases about his mouth, and his hair done in a long orthodox queue, which hung almost to heels of his welt slippers. The other, the man. was tall and square-shouldered, and he carried his chin high and his arms folded in front of him. His queue was curled flat on his head, and on his face was the expression of him who walks with the immortal gods. "What’s your name?” asked the boy, waving the Manila cheroot he w r as light ing at the fat Chinaman. The little man grinned instantly, his face breaking into wrinkles like an alligator skin wallet. ”Me Yen—Charlie Yen. Me belong good fella,” he added with confidence. "Mucha laugh.” “Who’s the other chap?” inquired the boy. “He no mucha laugh, eh?” Yen shrugged his shoulders and, looking straight in front of him. held voluble discourse with his comrade. "He no say.” he finally replied. "He velly ploud. He say his ancestors belong number one men before Uncle Sam make live. He say it maka no You in aka pay, he maka show. Name no matter.” “Well, I’m sort of*prbud myself,” remarked the boy, biding a smile by sucking on his cheroot. “Tell this learned oue that I know just how he feels. Tell him I’m call him Mr. Dooley, after the most learned man in America.” Yen a few to the Shan-si nqjP* who murmured something in rc Pb - “He tamra you.” “I suppose you're a Christian?” asked

the boy, suddenly recollecting the object of hig expedition. *‘l belong Clistian, allasame you!" answered Yen. assuming a quasi-devout expression. "Me believe foreign man joss allight.” The boy regarded him thoughtfully. "Me b’iieve Chinee joss pigeon, too,” added Yen cheerfully. "Me mucha b’iieve. B’iieve everyting. Me good fun.” “Yes,” said the boy. “How about Dooley? Is he a Christian?” Y>n turned, but at his first liquid syllable the man from Shan-si drew himself up until it seemed that his shoulders would touch the cabin roof, and burst forth into a torrent of speech. Yen translated rapidly, scurrying along behind his sentences like a carriage dog beneath an axletree. No. he was no Christian. The sword of Hung-hsui-chuen had slain his ancestors. Twenty millions of people had perished by the sword of the Taipings. The murderous cry of “Sha Yao”’ had laid the land desolate. Hp was faithful to the gods of his ancestors. "Tell ‘Dooley’ I lika him. Say I think he's a good sport.” said the b<»y, nodding at the Shan-si man. "He say mucha tanks," translated Yen. "Ask him if he knows Lake Tung ting.” Mr. Dooley conveyed to the boy through Y'en that he had been once to Chang-Yuan. The lake was wide in summer, and he had been thorp at that tiinp. He took pleasure in the service of the American Captain. Rut the Captain must bp patient. He was a maskbuyer, buying musk in Western Szechuan on the Tibetan border. Two years ago he had saved five hundred taels and returned home to bury his family—nine persons, counting his wife—all of \\!.<uii had perished in the-famine. The famine was very devastating. Then, he married again, one whom he had left at home. He allowed her ten taels a year. She could live on one pickle of wheat, and she had the. rest tn spend as .she liked. He preferred better thp musk-buying, and returned. He gave the Captain much thanks. "That is very intt?.;- sting." said the boy. "You may go." There was a trenn-idous rattling of chains along the side? the steam winch began to click, and tie two Chinamen vanished silently up tie companion wax. The boy leaned back -h- his wicker chair and gazed contemplatively about him — at the shotgun and ‘.- -orting rifle over the bookcase, the piles of paper-covered novels, the pointer dog coiled up on the transom, the lithographs fastened to. the -walls, nhd the photographs 6f<his. father and mother. He thought of. how proud his father ; .xytndd.-.hii-Ye been to hii» : rhifi first command. He had t-lip happj^-wOnsiriout-ness of having done- xvell. and he was going to make good —the Admiral had said so. Hp had had a bully time in the East so far. way ahead of what he had dreamed when at the Naval Academy. That xvinter at Newchang —racing the little Manchurian ponies over the springy turf of the polo ground, shooting the big golden pheasants, xvandering on leave through the country, stopping at Chinese inns and taking chances among Hanghousers. It had been great. Hongkong had been great. It. bad been good fun to play tennis and drink tea with the pink-and-white-faced English girls. Well, he was off! His naval career had really begun. He lit another cheroot and strolled leisurely on deck to superintend the operation of heaving up the anchors. Slowly thp Dirigo floated away from the lights of Shanghai, fell her way cautiously down the Whompoa to AX'uosung *“‘f*lay- the Idotators-

and into the broad expanse of the Yangt«e. An<h<»red well out from the •bore lay the Ohio, black against the coming dawn. A baud of vrimaun «l<»uds swept the lowland* to the east, and between them the tide flowed ia an oily, purple flood. 111. A heavy jar. followed by a motionless silence, awoke the hoy at ten o’clock the next morning. The electric fan* were still going, and he had a thick taste in his mouth, but he had hardly time to notice th«s»- thing* before he dashed up the companionway and out upon the deck. To starboard the water extended to the horizon; to port a thin line of brown, a shade deeper in colouy than the water, marked the bank of the great Alongside helplessly floated a junk '■ with a great :z'.*h in her starboard beam. She w.:- 10. ’ ! •*-th <ro kery. and sev- ■ era I bn’es oi bluo-and-white rice-bowls . had tumbled into th' water, their con- } tents bobbing about like n flock of clay pigeons. The boy saw instantly that, owing to the fa<t that the junk xvas built in compartments, she was in no danger of sinking and could easily reach i shore. L Her captain, a half-naked man in a straw hat the size of a small umbrella, was : chattering like a monkey at ( harley Y’en. and a Chinese woman with a black-eyed ■ baby of txvo years or thereabouts sat t idly in the stern, evincing no particular i interest in the accident. ; The man at the xvheel explained that i the junk had suddenly tacked. The boy • felt in his pocket and. pulling out a ; Mexican dollar, tossed it. to the junkman. who, having rubbed it on his sleeve I and bitten it, began to chatter anew to ■ Charley Yen. I "What, does he sav?" asked the box-. "He say Captain belong number one 1 man—he mucha tanks.” answered Yen - with a grin. “What a waste!” he added. The fellow had sailed on the feast day of : Sai-Kao. because then the Likin, or na- ; live customs, were closed. The gods had punished him. He had no complaint to make and had made none. As the Dirigo ’ shot ahead the junk-man sprang into the • water and began rescuing his rice-bowls. • They passed no other junk that day, i and the leaden sky did not change its t shade. Save for the driving of tlie » screw they might have been anchored in - the midst of a coffee-coloured' ocean. Not - even a bird relieved the eager search of i the eye for relief from the immeasurable j brown. Ihe heat continued intense, and - was ex'en more unbearable than when the ■> sun's rays created a fictitious contrast of i ' shadow - . ■ Early in th* l afternoon Yen called the 1 hoy's attention tn a couple of dolphins . which wore following them, racing first •» with the Dirigo and then with each 1 oilier. Indeed, they xvere all three xery . much alike, and the majestic sxveep and , rush of the grey-white sides as they rose i from the water inspired him with a sQnse of companionship. How far xvould j they follow, these faithlessly faithful wanderers of the sea? t At sunrise next morning they picked i up Nanking, and the river gave more i evidence of life, but they kept on, and . soon the city and its xvalls faded behind r them. At noon they passed Wu-hu, at - the same hour next day Kui-kiang. and r when the bov rose on the morning of the 1 third day out the black mass of croxvdedi .up country junks-on .the water-front of e Hankow , swarming like mosquitoes- or r walerfijes. a.lx*nt -a.stagnant pool, doomed into view. The river xvas. full of .eamr pans and fishing boats.t , ... The Adan -from »>ha.n-.>i,. whp ..had .not - spoken since the- night in the cabin, - raised his arm. and, pointing to the I pagoda of Wuchang opposite, repeated ? to Y’en the words of the ancient Chinese I proverb: s "‘Abow is Heaven'.* Hall. Below are the cities of Su and Hang.’ ” ‘ During the day they passed Kia-yn J and Su-ki-kan. and late in the afternoon - swept into sight of Yo-chan. The Shan- ;• si man announced that Tung-ting xvas > not so xery far away. He even volun- • teered that this xvas the greatest country under '‘Heaven's Hall" for the cx- • portation of bristles, feathers, fungus, t musk, nutgalls, opium and saffloxver. The - place presented a croxvded if not parti- > cularly ambitious appearance. The shore was jammed, as usual, xvith thoux sands of junks, and above the town the . muddy ■ banks were lined xvith Hunan r timber and bamboo rafts. From the bridge of the Dirigo the boy caught from time to time sxviftly-shift-ing views of x-ast swampy piains, with a

ragged line of mattered, distant mountain*. 1 hen they passed beyond the bend in the river and suddenly entered what seemed another ixtaii —a northue>t passage to Cathay. As far a» the eye could reach stretched an illimitable void of water*, turbid, motionless. A rocky point, feome fen feet higher than the surrounding plain, ju»t gaxe a loothold for a small temple, a twoatorey l ing tse or pavilion, and a lighthou*e shaped like a square paper lantern. Ten minutes later it xvas a Mark spot in their boiling, brown wake. They were in Tung-ting, that, desolate waste of mud, water and sandhill islands, half swamp, hall lake, that rises into being by virtue of the expanding spring torrents and sinks into spongelike alluvial bed as mysteriously as it comes. “Whew!” whistled the boy; “I only hope Dooley knows where he’s at I wish we’d taken on a ‘lao-ta’ at Hankoxv. This hole must he a hundred miles long and it's just about ten feet deep!” In fact, the quartermaster had already called the boy’s attention to the long grasses that swung idly upon the top of the water and to the fact that here and there patches of bottom could be seen. “Where is Cang-Y’uan in all this mess?” he inquired of Dooley, xvho xvith Yen occupied a place beside him on the bridge. The Shan-si pointed to a conicalshaped island several miles distant which raised itself steeply out of the water, on which, the boy could see through his glasses, clung a Chinese village. Flocks of wild fowl speckled the nuudle distance. “He says,” interrupted Y'en. “Simu have got on that, island. This place belong very good for Chinaman—have got plenty rice. Plenty water summertime. Wintertime water all finish. He sax she no think enough xvater for this boat. Little more far—about thirty li—have got ’nother island—after while catchee Chang-Yuan.” "Ask him how fast this bioomin’ lake is drying up.” directed the hoy. The Shan-si man shrugged his shoulders. "He says,” answered Yen. “if fish belong thirsty they drink xvater plenty quick. Fish no thirsty, • plenty water. Sometime fish drink one foot water in four days.” The sun. xvhich up to this time had been visible only as a dim qircle in the grey xvestern sky. suddenly broke through with scorching intensity, and at the same moment the Dirigo slid graceful I.x upon a mud-bank, half turned and slid gracefully off' again. The boxbit bis lip and stared hopelessly at the yellow plain of water all about him. Then shook his fist at the Shan-si man. “Tell him," he roared, “that if xve get aground in this infernal lake. I’ll hang him up bx- the thumbs and cut off his head.” Yen conveyed the message. "He says." reported the interpreter, “that the xvill of the Captain is his will, and hi* head is at the Captain's service. But even the gods cannot prevent the fish from drinking up the lake.” IV. "Ugh! What, a toxvn!” exclaimed the boy as the Dirigo dropped anchor Sunday morning a hundred yards off the embankment of Chang-Yuan. A broiling sun beat pit-ilessly upon the deck of the gunboat and upon the half-mile of mud and ooze which lay along the water-edge of the town. Even in summer Chang-Y uan w as well ah<)x:e Hie water, the.#horepitching steeply to the.level of The lake. Dow’n this incline was thrown all the xvaste ami , of., the -.tQvrn,. and io the. .slimegrubbed and rooted a horde of Chinese dogs and pigs and a score of human sea x engers. Just above the Dirigo hung a house of entertainment, from the rickety balconv of which a throng of citizens stared dow n inquisitively. To the left stood a guildhouse and a pagoda, and five noble flights of stone steps crowned xvith archways led from the water to th' roadway, but these last were so covered with slime that climbing up and over the muck seemed preferable to risking a fall on their treacherous surfaces. So this was Chang-Yuan! The crowd on the embankment was growing momentarily larger—a silent, slit-eyed crowd of uncanny yellow faces. Beyond and under the distant, line of blue hills thin columns of smoke marked the sites of the towns devastated by the inconsiderate Wu. One of Yen’s friends had told the latter all about it. He had come aboard and had breakfasted, and for five hundred cash had been induced to admit that at the present juncture Chang-Yuan xvas a moat unhealthy place i for missionaries, that the inhabitants

were quite ready io join Wu, and that when he arrived there would be the Chine** devil t«» pay. He utfvr«-d lor five hundred »a.*h more to a< t guide u> the erfu’s. On the whole, it M-etned de.*irable to accept hi* proposition. Half an hour later a h-»at put off from the Dirigo containing th* Ijo>. Yen, the friend, and four bluejackets. The crowd on the embankment almost pushed un* another off the edge in their eagerness u» watch the whit' devils climbing up the step*, and hardly allowed room lor the hoy and hi* squad to force their xxay through them. ( hang Y’uan wae a typical example of an inland Chinese town, with dirty, narrow streets, swarming with human vermin. A throng folio aed close at the Americans’ heels as they marched to the erfu’s house, hut quailed before the bodyguard who rush'd out threateningly at them. It took half in houj before the orfu could rei-eixe them, and then th»-y were ushered into’a dim room, whore a flabby old man. with a six, xacant face, sat cross-legged hr for • a <-urt:iin. Through Yen the boy explained that he had called a* un act of official court4-\v. that lu- had come to remove certain American missionri's from danger which he understood existed by virtue of the proximity of the rebel, \\ u. The erfu listened without expression. Then he spoke into the air. He was much honoured at th* visit of the American naval officer. But what could a poor old man like himself do against the great Wu? He had no soldiers. The toxvnsfolk xx - ere ready to -join •he rebels. It xvas only a question of time. He could do nothing He regretted extremely his inability to furnish assists an<-e to the American*. The boy asked if it xvas true that the rioters xxere on their xvay and might reach the town that afternoon. The err'u said it xvas even so. Then, after warning him that th? United States Government would hold him responsible for the hxes of its citizens, the buy iviin-!. convinc'd that the sooner he got his missionaries away the better it xvould be for them. V. The Reverend Theophilus Newbegin had jusr concluded divine service upon the xerandah of the mission. Beyond the iron gatexvay a crowd of twenty or so onlookers still lingered commenting upon the performance they had witnessed, and jeering at the Chinese women xvho had hurried away. Txvo ef the women ■were carrying babies, and all had had th? cholera the season before. Because they had not died they attended service, and xvere objects of hati i to tnoir re’aThe Reverend Mr Ncxvbegin closed his Bible and xviped his broad, shining forehead with a r?d silk handkerchief, lie xvas a large man. xvho had once been fat and xvas now thin. Owing to the collapse of his too solid flesh his Chinese garments hung baggily upon his person, and gave him an unduly emaciated appearance. Mrs Newbegin was still stout. Ten years of mission life had not disturbed her vague placidity, and she sat as contentedly upon the verandah in ChangYuan as she had sat in her garden sum-mer-house in distant Bangor, Maine, whence she and her husband had come. The fire of missionary - zeal had not diminished in either of them. The xvord had come to them one July morning from the lips of an eloquent local preacher, and? full of inspiration, they had responded tu the call and departed "for the glory of the Lord. - ’ And China had swallowed them up. Twice a year, sometime* of toner, a boat, brought bundles of i. a nd. magazine.*, and.a barrel . or txvo. containing all sorto of valueless odds and ends, antiquated hook*, games, and ill-assorted clothing. These barrels xvere the great annoyance of their lives. Often as he dug into their variegated contents the meek soul of the Rev trend Theophilus rebelled at being made the , repository of such junk. "One would think. Henrietta." sadly • sighed Newbegin. "that the good people at. home imagined that xtp spent our time playing Parchesi and The Mansion of ■ Happiness, and reading Sanford and Merton.” Once came a suit of clothes entirely bereft of buttons, and most of the inider- , garments xvere adapted to-persons about half the size of-the missionary and'his • wife. But the Reverend Mr Newbegin : had a little prix-ate fortune of his own, and it cost very little to live in Chang- ' Yuan. I The crowtl at the gate had been bigger L than usual this Sunday, and during the > service had hurled a considerable qiianJ tity of mud and sticks, aud a few dead i animals, which now remained in the s foreground, hut. this xvas due entirely

Lo the new hatred Qt the foreign devil* ?ugendeied by the rioters, and many of Lhoo** who now howled at the gate of the "ompound had been glad enough six months before to creep to the verandah *n<l l>eg for medicine and food. Now all was changed. The victorious Wu was «*oming to drive these childwaters from the land. Already he had laid the country waste for mile* to the north and went, and had ‘slain three witch d<Htors and hung their Itodies upon pointed stakes before the temple gates. He was marching even now with his army from Tung Kuan —a distance of fifteen miles. Nominally loyal to the dynasty, the inhabitants of Chang-Yuan, eagerly awaited his coming. The white devils pretended to heal the sick, but in reality they poisoned them and caused the sickness themselves. Those who survived their potions had an evil spirit. The crowd at th® gate licked its lips at what would take place when W u should arrive. There would be a fine bonfire and a great killing of child-eaters. Their hatred even extended to the daughter of the foreign devil —her whom ones they had been wont to call "The Little White Saint." who had nursed their children through the cholera and brought them rice and rhubarb during the famine. W u would come during the day, and then ! The uproar at the gate grew louder. Newbegin laid his moist hand on that of his wiTe and looked warningly at her as there came a rustle of silk inside the open door and their niece made her appearance. Margaret Wellington, now eighteen year.- old. had lived with them at ChangYuan for ten years. The daughter of Newbegin'* deceased only sister, her father, ji naval officer, had died the year they had come out from America, and they had picked up the little girl at Hongkong and brought her with them. Since then she had been as their daughter. working with them and entering enthusiastically into all their missionary labours. Sometimes they regretted not being able to give her a better education, and that she had no white companions but themselves-, but. the girl herself never seemed to miss these things. ami they believed that what was best for them was best for her. Were they not earning salvation? And was she not also? Was it. not better for her to live here than to dwell in the tents of wickedness? Great as was their love for her, it was as nothing to their love for the Lord. For that they were ready and eager to lay down their lives —and hers. •Chi says the rioters are coming.” said Margaret Her hair was done in the Chinese fashion, and she was clad in Chinese dress from head to foot. ••Yvs. dear." answered her aunt. "I -He says they w ill kill us." continued the girl. She articulated her English words in a way peculiar to herself—due to her strange upbringing —but there was no fear in her brown eves, and the paleness of her face was due only to the The mob at. the gate set up a renewed yelling at sight of her. Dear, dear!*’ said her uncle irresolutely. "I don’t believe it will be as bad as that. They will calm down, by and bve." He really felt very badly about Margaret. To be killed was all in the day’> work so far as Henrietta and he wore concerned. They had anticipated it sooner or later, almost as a matter of course. But Margaret ! A stick hurtled across the compound and fell on the verandah at his feet. He knew that, it would take but little to excite the mob at. the gale to frenzy, but he had made no preparations to defend the compound, for it. would have been quite useless. In that swarming city what, could one aged missionary and two women do to protect themselves? Chi. the only male convert, was hardly to be depended upon, and all the rest were women. No. when the time came they would surrender their lives and accept martyrdom. It was that for which they had come to China. Newbeginmind worked slowly, but he was a man of infinite courage. •‘Dear! Dear'." he repeated, looking toward the gate. "Cowards!’’- cried the girl, her eyes flashing. "Ungrateful creatures! They will kill us. and Chi. and Chu. and Su and the other women and their babies. We must do something to protect them.” "Dear me! Dear me!" stammered her uncle again, rubbing his eyes. The crowd at the gate had fallen back, and a strange vision had taken its place. Involuntarily he removed his hat. The girl uttered a cry of astonishment as the gite swung open and a young man in a white duck uniform entered the compound. followed by four erect, figures also in white and carrying rifles on their "Bless me!" exclaimed Newbegin. "It looks like a naval officer!’’ The boy came straight to the verandah and touched his cap. "Are you the Reverend Theoph&lus Newbegin?" he inquired. "I am." answered the missionary, holding out his hand. "J am John Russell. Ensign in command of the United States gunboat Dirigo. I have been sent by Admiral Wheeler to assist you to leave ChangYuan." -Bless me!" exclaimed the Reverend Theophilus. "Very kind of him, I’m sure! And you. too, of course. And you, too. Henrietta, let me introduce you to Ensign Russell. Er —won’t, those ’ —or —gentlemen come inside and sit down ?" he added, staring at the squad of bluejackets. "Oh, they’re all right!" said the boy. shaking hands with Mrs Newbegin. and wondering what sort of a queer old guy this was whom he had been sent to rescue. "Beastly hot. isn’t it? Do you have it like this often?” "Eight months in the year." said Mrs Newbegin. "But we’re used to it." At this moment the boy became con scions of the presence of one whom he at first took to be the prettiest Chinese girl he had ever seen. "Let me present my niece—Ensign Russell." said Newbegin. The bov held out his hand, but the girl only smiled. "Jt is very good of you to come so fai to help us,"' said the girl. ‘Oh, no trouble at all!" exclaimed thf boy. without taking his eyes from het fare. "I’m glad I got here in time." he added. "Did you come on a ship?" asked the girl. "Just a little gunboat." he answered. “But i hat makes me think. This plagued lake is sinking all the time. I got aground in half a dozen places. We’ve got to start right along bark. I’m by no means sure we can get out as it is but it’s better than staying here. You'd oblige me by packing up as quickly a? possible."’ "Eh’:” said the Reverend Theophilus with something of a start. “What’i that?" “Why, that we've got to start right along, or we’ll be stuck here and won’l be able to get away at all”

"But I can't abandon the mission!” I saki Ney begin in wonder. g > "Certainly notechoed his wife pla- ; cidly. "Alter all these years we cannot S i desert our I» "But the rioter*!*’ ejaculated the boy. h » "You’ll l»e murdered. Wu will be here ■ before night, they tell in*, and there was * I a precious crowd of ruffians at the gate • • as | rame along. Why, you yan't stay to fi ‘ be killed?” » Newbegin shook his head. w • "You do not understand," he said p i slowly. "We came out here to rescue fr, i these people from idolatry. Some of a » them have adopted Christianity. There c | i. are forty women and children converts, y » There are others who arc almost peri suaded. If we abandon them now we e 1 should undo all our labour. No, we f • must stay with them—and die with a them, if necessary; but we cannot go s away now!" r i "Great Scott!" cried the boy. "Do ] f* you mean to say that ■ . * "\Ve cannot desert our post." repeated f - Mrs Newbegin, looking fondly at her r ft husband. I ft -But—but " began the boy. t r “Even if we die, there is the example," t said Newbegin. The boy was puzzled. Of missionaries t 1 he had a‘poor enough opinion in general, and this one looked like a great oaf. and fl . so did his fat wife, but in the most f f ordinary way. and with the commonest t r of accents, he wu- talking of "dying for c e the example." Then his eyes returned - to the girl, who bad been watching him } intently all thezt-ime. ii "But.” he exclaimed, "certainly you r - won't place your niece in such danger .” f "No." said Newbegin, "that would not - b? right." 1 r "No." repeated the wife, "she had bet1 ter go back." . ( t -I will not go back." cried the girl, £ i. "unless you go, too. This is my home. ] • Your work is my work. I cannot leave , g Om and Su and their babies.*’ j y -Good Heavens!" muttered the boy t hopelessly. "Don't you see you must f i, come. You can't stay here to be murs dered by the rioters. I can't let you. f f On the other hand. I can only stay here j d an hour or two at the most. The Dirigo j r is almost aground as it is, and we shall 1 t have the dev—deuce of a time getting t t out of the lake." $ e "Well,'’ said Newbegin calmly. "I have , i- told you that we cannot accept your of- -, fer. We are very grateful, of course, but e it's impossible. It would not do. No, d it would not do. A missionary expects f -. this kind of thing. I wish Margaret t ” would go. but what can I do, if she s n won’t go?" n "I want to stay with you," said Mar- ] garet. taking his hand. T will never ) j leave you and Aunt Henrietta. ’ i The boy swore roundly to himself. < The crowd of Chinese had returned to , I the gate, and the air of the compound j • stank in his nostrils. He took out his j 5 "It’s eleven o'clock." he said firmly. ] "At five I shall leave Chang Yuan. Till , e then you have to make up your minds. , 1 will return in an hour or so." ' Newbegin shook his head. "Our answer will be the same. We ’* are very grateful. 1 am sorry not to , seem more hospitable. Have you seen 3 ” the temple and the pagoda?" "No.” answered the boy. "I suppose ■ ie I might as well do the town now I'm ® here.” "I will show you the temple.’’ said ( ’/ Margaret timidly. "They know me • • there. 1 nursed the. child of the old ; n priest. I will take you." I "Yes." said Newbegin, “they all like ; b Margaret—and I seem to he unpopular : e now. Will you not take dinner with us?" II "Thank you," said the boy: "take din-. '■ ner with me. Perhaps Mrs Newbegin - would like to-see the gunboat, and I lune ° some photograph.- of the new cruisers.” ie Margaret gazed beseechingly at her. ’• "Very well." said Newbegin: "if you n will stop for us on your way back from 1 the temple we shall be quite ready, but lt I must return at once after dinner in ’ order to assemble the members of the s mission." Th? girl led the way to the gate. o "I'm sure you will not need the soldiers.’’ she said. "It is but a short dis's tance" The crowd, observing that the y bluejackets had remained inside, the comu pound, crowded close at the boy’s heels '• as they threaded the streets to the temple. 'r "I spend a good deal of time here." d said the girl; "sometimes it is the only a cool place." t' The boy paid th? small charge for ad mission, and followed his guide up the it, dim, winding stairs. It was dank and n quiet. The priest had remained at the i- gate. From the blue-green shadows of o the recesses upon the landings a score ir of Buddhas stared at them with sightless eyes. Suddenly they emerged into It the clear air upon the platform of the. top story, and the girl spoke for the h first time since they had entered. "There is Chang-Yuan," she said. is The boy gazed down curiously. Below them blazed thousands of highly-finished j. roofs, picturesque enough from this height, while beyond the town the soup1 . coloured waters of the lake stretched lt limitless to the horizon. He could see ,] the embankment and the little Dirigo at anchor, around which the sampans were s still swarming. To the south lay a country of swamps and of paddy fields; to the north the line of hills and the smoke j of the burning towns. ?e They sat down on a stone bench and gazed together at the uninviting prosit pect. He was beset with curiosity to ask her a thousand questions about herself, yet he did not. know how to begin. She solved the problem for him, however. 4 "I have lived here since I was eight v years old." she remarked, apparently being unable to think of anything else to u byTile boy whistled between his teeth. ■s "Do you enjoy it?" he asked. "I don’t know." she replied; "T don’t i- know anything else. Sometimes it seems >e dull, and one has to work very hard, but -e 1 think I like it.” "But what do you do,’’ he inquired, ;n "to amuse yourself?" "I read,’’ she said, "and play with ie Om and Su. I have taught them some American games. Do you know Parchesi ir and The Mansion of Happiness?" "Yes, I’ve played them," h? admitted >? cautiously. "But do you never see any *r white people except your uncle and ie aunt?" "Why, no." she said. “Two summers ie ago, after the cholera, we visited Doctor Ferguson at Chang-Wing—that is over L there. He is a medical missionary. But d ] did not like him because he asked me >t to marry him. He was sixty years old. re Do you think it was right?" •y "Right!” cried the boy. “It was a s. wicked sin." ’<l “Well, h? is th? only white man I have is met except you.” said the girl. “Of course. I can remember a little playing s, with boys and girls a long, long time 's ago. Where is your ship?" “That little white one down there, it Can you see?" said th? boy. pointing, ’t “Oh. is that it?" she asked. “Where is its sails?”

"There aren't any," he answered. “It goe» by ateaui.’’ "I have read of the Voyage of the Sunbeam*” ah* »aid. "it in a beautiful btiok. It cante out la»t year in a box. I have nearly twenty book» in all.” The boy bit his lip». H? was getting angrx—angry that an American girl should have been imprisoned in such a hole all her young life—such a girl, too! What right had an elderly man and woman, even though they enjoyed th? privilege of consanguinity, to exile a beautiful child from her native country and bring her up in a stewing, stinking, cholera-infested, famine ridden, Chinese vilbigr ? "It in strange to find you here," he said finally. “I expected only some freckle faced woman, who would tumble all over herself to get away.” She looked at him puzzled for a moment. and then burst into a ripple of laughter. "What funny things you say!" she cried. "I suppose it is strange to find me here, hut whj’ should I have freckles? But my being here is no stranger than that you should be here. I have often wished some young mail would come. You are the first I have known. I am tired of only women.” For a moment he was almost shocked at the open implication. But her frank eyes and matter-of-fact tone told him that the girl could not flirt. It was out of her sphere of existence. "Would you like to get married?" he hazarded. "Oh, yes!” she cried—"to a young man!” "But suppose you had to go away?" She looked a little puzzled for a moment. "Of course. I should not like td leave Om and Su. and I wouldn't leave uncle and aunt, but sometimes—sometimes I have wondered if one couldn’t serve God in a pleasanter place, and do just as much good.” "Are there any men converts?’’ he asked. "Only Chi." she replied. And I am quite sure he is an idolater at heart. Besides,” she added with a droll look in her eyes. "Chi is a gambler, and is always drinking samshu. He had been drinking it this morning. I have often spoken to uncle about it. but. he has not got the heart to send him away. The boy laughed. "I have a certain amount of sympathy with Chi." said he. "If I lived here I should be as bad as he is. . I should think you would die of the heat and the smells, and never seeing anybody." "Oh. it's not so bad," she said spiritlessly. "You see, I have to work pretty hard. There are nearly twenty families now where there is sickness, and in case of anything contagious 1 go there and nurse. Sometimes 1 get tired, but it keeps me occupied, and so I suppose 1 don’t think about—other things." "It's terrible to think of leaving you here," he said. "Can't you persuade your uncle and aunt that their duty does not require that they should lay down their lives needlessly?" "No." she answered; "nothing would persuade them that it was not their duty to remain—nothing could persuade me of that." "And you would not leave them?" he urged, almost tenderly. "Oh, how could I! I must stay with them! Don’t you see ?’’ She took hold of his hand and held it. It. was quite natural and totally unconscious. "That is what missionaries are for." A thrill travelled up the nerves of his arm and accelerated the motion of his heart. "That is not what you are for," he said quietly. T mu.-t! 1 must!" she repeated. “Oh. I should like to go with you. but I can't!" "But think of yourself.’’ he cried harshly. "Your uncle and aunt can die if they choose, but they've no right to let you die, too. just out of loyalty to them. It’s cruel and wrong. It makes me, sick to think of you penned up here in jLhis nasty, yellow place, all tbe.-e yens, when you ought to have being going to schcol. and riding, and sailing, and playing tennis. and having a good time." "Oh!” she protested. "No. hear me out!" he insisted. "And having a good time! You can servo God and yet be happy, can’t you? And your place isn't here, in the midst of cholera and famine and malaria. It's different with people who have lived their lives: hut with you—so young and fresh and pretty! ’’ "Oh!" she cried joyfully. "Do you think I'm pretty? I'm so glad!” "Do 1 ?’’ he replied hotly. "Too pretty to lie allowed to go wandering around these crooked Chinese streets— ’’ He checked himself. "I say. it's a shame! and now to come here after all. to be butchered!*’ He jumped to his feet and ground his teeth. She gazed at him, startled, and said reproachfully: "I don’t think it is right for you to say things like that. ’Whoso loseth his life for 3ly sake shall find it.’ Don't you remember ?" He made no reply, realizing the hopelessness of his position. "Come,’’ he said, '’let us go back." She was afraid she had offended him. but was too timid to do more than to take his arm and let him lead her gently down the winding stairs. At the gate of the temple they found the crowd augmented by several hundred persons, who closed in behind and marched along to the compound. Mr. and Mrs. Newbegin were waiting on the verandah; the boy was by no means unrelieved to have the company of his escort for the rest of their walk, and the party made good time to the Dirigo. The Bund was alive with spectators. and so was the whole long line of shore. There were Chinese everywhere. On the beach, on rafts, in sampans. swimming in the water—all around wherever you looked, there were a dozen yellow faces—waiting—waiting for something. Even in the broil of that inland sun the chills crept up the boy's spine. The Reverend Theophilus and his wife were much pleased with the gunboat, and sat in the cabin in the draft of the two electric fans, sipping lemonade, while the boy showed the girl over the Dirigo. He had made one last passionate appeal to the missionary and his wife, who had again flatly refused to leave the city. Margaret, had likewise reasserted her determination not to desert them. Tho boy was in despair. He was showing the girl his little state room with its tiny bookcase and pictures, and she had paused fascinated before one which showed a group of young people gathered on a smooth lawn, with tennis racquets in their hands. All were smiling or laughing. Margaret could not tear ‘herself away from it. “How happy they look!” she whispered. "How fresh and clean and cool everything is! What arc those things in their hands?” "What do you mean?'’ he asked. “The round things that look liko nets," she explained. The boy gasped.

"Tennis racquet*? Do you mean to say vou've never *e?n a tennis racquet ? ‘ "I don’t think so.” >he hesitated. "Perhaps ever »o long ago—when 1 was a little girl. But I've forgotten." The Isjy’s anger flamed to a white heat as h«* glanced out thnuigh the stateroom door to where the Reverend Theophilus and his wife sat stolidly luxuriating in the artificial draft. "When I was a child *<• lived for a while in Shanghai. My father s ship was there,” she added. "Your father in th? navy?” cried the boy eagerly. "What was his name’" "Wellington,” sh? answered. He was a commander He died at Hongkong ten years ago.” "Wellington! Richard Wellington’ H? was in my father’s class at Anna polis!" cried the boy. Then he groaned and bit his lips. “Oh!—oh! Its a crim?!" H? dropped on on? kne? and took her hands. “Poor little girl!" h? almost sobbed. "Poor little girl! Think of it! Ten year*! Poor child!’’ Margaret laid one hand on his head. "I am quite happy,'* she said calmly. "Happv!” He gave a half-hysterical laugh and shook his fist at the porthole. Then he leaned over ami whispered eagerly: "You’re tired, dear. Lie down for a few minutes and rest. Do —to please me!” She smiled. "To plea>c you. ’ she repeated as she leaned ba< k among the cushions which he placed for her, and he closed the door. ••Your niece is going to take a little nap!’’ h? explained to the missionary. "Here are some prints of the new battleships. I must ask you to excuse me for a moment. 'Saki will serve dinner diOh. certainly, of course,’’ murmured Newbegin. recovering from semi-con-sciousness. The boy sprang up the hatch. "Here, "McGaw !" he ejaculated, rushing to where his midshipmen stood watching the swarm of sampans that covered the lake around the Dirigo. "Get up steam! Do you hear? Get us steam as fast as you can. I’m going to hike out of this!" "All right, sir." replied McGaw in a rather surprised tone. "We can't get off any too soon to please me. Did you ever see such a hole? Hello! What’s all that?" He pointed to a highly-decorated sampan coming rapidly toward them, before which the others parted of their own accord, making a broad lane of water to th? Dirigo. "By Godfrey! It's the mandarin!" cried the boy. "Where's Yenf Here you. Yen. Go and make mucha laugh for th? erfu!” The sampan, however, turned out not to contain the erfu. A small, fat Chinaman in th*> mandarin's livery stood up and bawled to Yen through his bands. "Hp say." translated Yen over his shoulder, "Wu no come. Viceroy soldier man make big fight —kill plenty—Wu finish. Allight now everybody. Missionary come back. Wu no make smoke, anyway. H? long, long way off. This fella lika Melican naval officer maka HI kumshaw (gratuity) for good news—for maka mucha laugh.” "What!” roared the boy. "Pay him! Tell him to go to ” McGaw watched the boy as he stamped up and down th? deck, running his hands through his hair, and wondered if he had a touch of sun. The mandarin's messenger still remained in an attitude of expectancy in the bow of the sampan. Suddenly the midshipman saw his superior officer rush to the side of the Dirigo-and throw a Mexican silver dollar at the China naan, who caught it; with surprising dexterity. "Tell him." shouted the boy tn Yen, "to say to the erfu that he could not find us. That we had gon? away before he could deliver his message!" The fat Chinaman prostrated himself in the sampan. "He say allight,’’ remarked Yen. "Do you believe what he said?" demanded the boy threateningly of McGaw. "Sure." said the midshipman. "That’s right enough! That, old friend of Yen's was out her? again about an hour ago — snooping around—drunk as a lord. He'd been loading up on samshu ever since he went ashore. He says that Wu was killed over a month ago, that his head is on a temple gate five hundred miles north of here, and that the smoke over there is caused by burning brush on the hillsides. The rebellion is all over until next. year. It’s a great note —for us—isn’t it?" But the boy made no reply. H? was staring straight through McCavv out

arroA» th? lake. Suddenly he stepped « los»- to the midshipman and muttered *1 quietly: t “Say. old man, for the sake of old time*, can you forget ail that?” & “Sure." gapped Mctiaw, convinced that s hi* previous autspiciun* had been correct. 1 "Then forget it! And get up steam!” t said *he boy, turning sharply on his heel, j VI i Th? click of the anchor engine was followed by th? throbbing of the Dirigo’A screw, hut both th? Reverend Theophilus and wife supposed them to be the whir of an unseen electric fan. Saki’s dinner was exceptionally good, and there was a cold bottle of Vichy for th? missionary, a who lingered a long time after th? cof- c fee to t?H -about the ravages nf the c cholera the year before. When at last they ascended to the deck there was nothing to he seen of Chang-Yuan hut a 1 glare of tile roofs on the distant horizon. J "Bless me!” remarked the Reverend 1 Theophilus, gazing stupidly at the coffee- ’ coloured waves about them. "What is 1 the meaning of all this? Where are we i going? I must go ashore. I have no time for pleasure-sailing.'’ “Certainly not!" echoed his wife. ( "Kinuly return at once! Why, we are I miles from Chang-Yuan!" And then it was, according to McGaw, f that the boy more than rose to the occa- 1 cion and verified the prophecy of the 1 Admiral, though under a somewhat different interpretation, that he would ’ "make good”; for. standing by Mar- • garet's side, he saluted the missionary, 1 and with eyes straight, to the front de- ) livered himself of the following pre- i posterous statement: — "I exceedingly regret that my orders do not permit me to exercise the discretion necessary to return as you request. The Admiral commanding the Asiatic Squadron specifically directed me ? to proceed at once to this place and res- < cue the R.-verend Theophilus Newbegin and wife, f was given no option in the ’ matter. I was to ‘rescue’ you. that js all. I received no instructions as to what, to do in the event that you pre- 1 ferr?d not tn be rescued, and 1 interpret my orders to mean that I am to rescue ‘ you whether you like it or not. Everything will be done for your entire com- ‘ fort, and Saki has already prepared my stateroom for Mrs Newbegin. I trust you will not blame me for obeying orders.” / “Bless me!” stammered th? Reverend Theophilus. “Dear me! I really do not know what to say! lam exceedingly disturbed. It seems to me like an unwarrantable interference —not on your part, of course, but on that of the Government. But.’’ he added apologetically. “ve cannot blame you for obeying orders, can we. Henrietta ? ' But Mrs Newbegin’s ordinarily vacuous face bore a new and radiant expression. • I see th? hand of Providence in this, Theophilus!” she said. •Yes. yes!" he answered, wiping his forehead. “He moves in a mysterious wav—in an astonishing way, I might say." He looked regretfully over his shoulder toward the fast - vanishing Chang-Yuan. Margaret slipped her hand into his and laid her head on his arm. "I am so glad. Uncle!" she whispered. He patted her cheek. "Yes. ves! It is probably better this way." he sighed. “Henrietta, let us retire to the cabin and consider what has happened. My young friend, be assured we bear you no ill-will for your involuntarv action in this matter." ’ Four evenings Jater. under the snap1 ping stars of the midsummer heaven. 5 Margaret Wellington and Jack Russell sat Xide by side in two camp-chatr-s on the bridge of the Dirigo. Below in the ’ hot cabin sat. the Reverend Theophilus : and his wife reading The Spirit of slis--5 sions. "And now," said the boy. as he drew ' her hand through his. "you are going to be happy for ever and always. Th? world is full of wonderful things and nice, kind people, who are trying to do • good and yet have a jolly time while ’ they arc doing it. And you will have > the dearest mother a girl ever had. How proud she’ll be of you! Now promise to 1 forgive me! ‘ You know why I did it? J Do you suppose I'd have dared to do it 5 if I hadn't . ’ I "Yes,’’ she answered happily. “I knew » why you did it. And I forgive you! ■ Only, of course, it really was very • wicked! But " I Th? sentence was never finished, to ■ the delight of the Government pilot behind them. » “What do you think my uncle will j sav when we tell him?" she laughed. ' 1 ..

"He’ll Blew me! Dear me—l <lc»n’l knou!'” answered the boy, and they both giggled hysterically. Abaft the black shadow of th? smokestack Yen and the Shansi man stood in silence, watching th? two on the bridge. The Shan-si raised hi* arm once jn«»r? in th? direction of Wuchang and mad? a joke "•Above is Heavens* Hall!’" said he. “Below are—the two most foolish things in all the world—a boy and a girl!”

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New Zealand Graphic, Volume XLII, Issue 1, 6 January 1909, Page 46

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The Rescue of Theophilus Newbegin New Zealand Graphic, Volume XLII, Issue 1, 6 January 1909, Page 46

The Rescue of Theophilus Newbegin New Zealand Graphic, Volume XLII, Issue 1, 6 January 1909, Page 46

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