Dear Bee, Dec. 31. Owing to the holiday rush all my Society News was crowded out last week, the most important being a delightful dance given by Lord and Lady Plunket at Government House, as a farewell to Admiral and Lady Fawkes. The I»allroom looked charming with easy chairs and cool-looking palms artistically arranged round it, and the floor and the music were so perfect that even theweariest could not resist them, and everybody danced merrily in spite of the heat. The supper table was charmingly decorated with pale pink roses and shaded sweet pea. The garden and verandahs, which were very well patronized, were prettily lighted with Japanese lanterns and fairy lights. Lady Plunket was attired in an exquisite Empire gown of buttercup chiffon over taffeta with real lace on bodice; Lady Fawkes wore a lovely white brocade with j.awelled lace and touches of silver; Hon Kathleen Plunket was beautifully gowned in ciel blue chiffon over white taffeta with bands of silver tissue; Mrs Myers was wearing a beautiful toilette of white glace wailed with chiffon, embroidered with lovers’ knots in gold; Mrs Bridson was tastefully gowned in pale grey taffeta with sprays of blue; Mrs Halsey, white corded silk with frills of cream lace; Mrs Seymour Thorne Georg,e wore a lovely black embroidered chiffon over white taffeta, with touches of silver; Mrs W. Bloomfield, blue and white floral tafi'eta with panel of jewelled laee with lovers’ knot design worked in bln?; Lady Lockhart was gracefully gowned in white tucked mousseline de soie over glace relieved with blue and silver; Mrs Boscawen was wearing a white and pink floral chiffon Empire, gown with white glace foundation; Mrs MacMillan, handsome black brocade with bertha of real lace; Mrs L. R. Bloomfield wore a lovely white taffeta softened with lace; Mrs Lyons was becomingly gowned in a primrose brocade with vest of Irish la«?; Mrs A. Ferguson was in a pretty blue and white figured silk with tucker of cream lace; Mrs Duthie was daintily attired in a pale blue chiffon embroidered with silver; Mrs H. R. Hughes was gowned in white with white lace; Miss Brigham wore a pretty white mousseline de soie with bretelles of white taffeta; Mrs George R. Bloomfield, white and blue taffeta softened with lace; Mrs C. Seegner wore a handsome gown of figured silk with folds of chiffon outlining bodice; Mrs Drummond Ferguson was daintily attired in white mousseline de soie over glace with white lace tucker; Mrs H. R. Bloomfield, lovely white crepe de chine with delicate green leaf design;Mrs Nelson, handsome gown cf black brocade relieved with white lac?; Miss Nelson was prettily flocked in a white and blue floral silk with vest of real lace; Miss K. Nelson, blue-grey taffeta with tucker of laee; Mrs Steele was gowned in black taffeta with black lace and silver embroidery; Miss Steele (debutaonte) wore a lovely white chifion taffeta with white flowers on corsage and hair; Mrs J. Dawson, black taffeta with touches of white; Miss Dawson, dainty gown of white silk with white lace and pink velvet; Mrs John B,?ale, black chiffon taffeta with medallions of cream lace, cream lace vest and sleeves; M’iss Beale wore a pretty pale blue chiffon over glace with frills of Valenciennes lace; Mrs W. Thomas, white taffeta softened with lace; Miss Ncsta Thomas looked charming in a white chiffon taffeta with clusters of wife lilies of the valley on corsage and in coiffure; Mrs Devore wore a lovely black chiffon and lace gown over white glace; Miss Devore, pretty blue and
white check silk; Miss Katie Devore was becomingly frocked in a pink and grey striped silk with tucker of lace; Miss Douglas, in a dainty pale blue silk softened with chiffon; Airs. Greig, black chiffon taffeta with vest and sleeves of white embroidered net; Miss Greig, pretty white crepe de chine, with white lace and pale blue; Mrs. Gore Gillan, electric blue silk veiled in black sequined net; Mrs. Hodgson, Empire gown of white corded silk; Mrs St. Clair was gowned in black and silver embroidered net over white; Miss St. Clair, pretty pink Oriental satin, with vest of white Valenciennes lace; Miss — St. Clair (debutante) wore a charming gown of white chiffon taffeta, softened with lace and a corsage bow, bouquet of white flowers; Mrs. C. Owen, pretty blaek and white toilette; Mrs. H. C. Fenton, dainty white mousseline de soie with silver embroidery; Mrs. Mahoney, black and white embroidered net over white glace; Mrs. Prickett, handsome Hack brocade with white lace scarf; Miss Prickett, pretty primrose silk softened with chiffon of same shade; Miss Dunnet was wearing black lace over white taffeta; Mrs. Price was gowned in white brocade with touches of silver; Miss Price, dainty white silk; Mrs. W. Lloyde, pretty white silk gown with white and silver embroidery; Miss Smith, white satin Romney frock, with cluster of roses on corsage; Miss Eva Smith, picture frock in pink Oriental- satin; Mrs. C. McCormick, white taffeta softened with chiffon and lace; Miss McCormick was prettily frocked in pale blue mousseline de soie; Mrs Raynor wore a striking gown of eream crepe de chine, embroidered in different shades of bronze blue; Mrs. Munroe Clarke, in a tasteful pink and black toilette; Mrs. J. Spicer was gracefully gowned in a pale grey taffeta with tueker of real lace; Miss Spieer, pretty pale pink silk, with bodice outlined with chiffon; Miss M. Spicer was daintily frocked in white; Mrs. Bourne, handsome black silk with silver and black butterflies on corsage; Miss Bourne was charmingly gowned in white crepe de chine with cream lace; Mrs. Bush, shrimp pink Oriental satin with white Valenciennes; Miss G. Denniston was gowned in a pretty primrose silk with black velvet ribbon; Miss Keep, lovely white Oriental satin Empire frock with gold tissue; Miss Lusk, white chiffon taffeta, with cluster of red roses on corsage; Miss Clarke was wearing white poker dotted chiffon over glace; Miss Paton looked charming in white mousseline de soie, with touches of pale blue; Miss Towle, white chiffon taffeta, with wreath of white flowers; Miss N. Thompson was daintily frocked in white mousseline de soie; Miss Reid, black chiffon taffeta, with tucker of real lace; Miss Mills looked graceful in a blue shirred silk; Miss Dargaville wore a lovely pink and white pompadour silk with lace bretelles, edged with pink velvet; Miss Nathan, pretty pale blue gown of tucked chiffon over glace; Miss Isaac was wearing a becoming blue silk frock with white lace berthe. DRESSES AT THE RACES. What Ascot is in England, and the Grand Prix in Paris, such in the Auckland province is “Cup Day” to the devotees of fashion. This year the display, though not by any means equalling those we have seen at the height of the “boom,” was exceedingly handsome and attractive; but there can be but little doubt that it will be excelled on New Year’s Day if the weather is fine, for the lowering view of the early morning sky yesterday no doubt preached caution to many, and some very smart toilettes are being held over for less dubious weather. Her Excellency Lady Plunket was simply but charmingly gowned in a white and pink floral muslin, elaborately trimmed with Valenciennes lace, and finished with a dainty reseda green ceinture; with this was worn a white chip straw hat, garlanded with shaded roses and bows of mauve ribbon. Lady Fawkes was gowned in a striking toilette of violet crepe de chine, daintily finished with a cream silk appliqued vest; her toque was composed of green leaves, with a cluster of roses at one side. Lady Ward wore a smart tailor-made gown of Nattier blue striped flannel, and wore with it a becoming blaek hat, ornamented with black ostrich feathers. Tlie Hon. Kathleen Plunket was strikJngly gowned in a white and grey striped Ninon de soie, with guimpe and bretelles Of exquisite white Irish lace, black cein-
ture, and dainty black hat, garlanded with roses. Miss Eileen Ward looked charming in grey and black striped summer tweed tailor-made costume, worn with a becoming black crinoline straw hat, with crown of shaded roses. Mrs. Arthur Myers was gowned in a beauuiully fitting tailor-made costume of dark cornflower ble cloth, with a plumed picture hat of same shade. Miss Gorrie was wearing a grey tailormade gown, with revers of Burgundy velvet, and dainty toque of same shade. Miss Gwen Gorrie, white and black striped flannel eoat and skirt, with very pretty black Gainsborough hat. Lady Clifford was gowned in a grey tailor-made gown, worn with a small black plumed hat; her daughters were in white and blaek striped flannel costumes, wtih white gem hats. Mrs. Lowrie (Hawke’s Bay) wore a graceful gown of dove grey embroidered chiffon over grey glace, very pretty grey picture hat, with long grey ostrich plumes. Lady Lockhart was gowned in a pretty white and black striped marquisette, with a pretty pink floral design, finished with bands of black satin and touches of pale pink, dainty net guimpe and sleeves; the costume was completed by a white crinoline straw hat, trimmed with foliage; Mrs. Thorne George, effective gown of black souple cloth, with white vest, and dainty white and black toque; Mrs. L. R. Bloomfield, striking toilette of navy and white striped Ninon de soie, with white vest, large black picture hat; Mrs. Duthie was wearing a white and blue taffeta, with white lace, and a becoming white and black hat; Mrs. Ruck, grey summer tweed tailor-made costume, with black toque; Mrs. W. R. Bloomfield was gracefully gowned in white and black striped Ninon de soie, with Tuscan straw hat with black ostrich feathers and white roses; Mrs. Mills wore a beautifully fitting grey taffeta, with V-shaped yoke of white lace, black and white plumed hat; Miss Mills, dainty white inserted muslin, with white and black hat with black and white roses; Mrs. George Bloomfield wore a becoming toilette of vieux rose Ninon voile, with cream guimpe and sleeves, smart black plumed hat; Mrs. Harry Bloomfield, a dainty gown of pale grey eolienne, with encrustations of lovely shaded medallions outlining the lace vest, charming grey hat, smothered with grey Bird of Paradise plumes; Mrs. Holgate, rich reseda green taffetas, relieved with cream lace, black hat; Mrs. E. W. Alison wore a lovely gown of black chiffon patterned with heliotrope flowers over heliotrope glace, the bodice toned with white Irish lace, deep heliotrope hat, with ostrich plumes; Mrs. Ewen Alison, smart grey and white striped toilette, with dainty white and blue hat; Miss Ivy Alison, ivory embroidered chiffon taffeta, and pretty violet hat; Miss Berry, dainty pink and white striped embroidered cambric, black hat; Mrs. Halsey, ciel blue eolienne, with cream yoke, and large black hat; Mrs. Sharpe, grey tweed coat and skirt, with white embroidered vest, crushed raspberry hat; Mrs. Hughes, black Shantung silk, with insertions of black lace, black hat; Mrs. Mackie (Wanganui), blue and white toilette, white and black hat; Mrs. Devore, black and pink floral chiffon, inset with black lace, mounted on shrimp pink glace, dainty ivory and black bonnet, with touches of pink; Mrs. Collins (New Plymouth), dainty pale green costume, worn with a pink toque; Miss K. Devore, pretty pale blue Sieilienne, with picture hat to match; Mrs. Buckland, black silk toilette, and blaek toque relieved with touches of white; Mrs. Tonks was wearing white, with a blaek hat; Mrs. Foster, ivory Sieilienne, with touches of black velvet, black hat, wreathed with roses; Mrs. Elliott Davis’s gown was of dainty cigar-brown taffeta, with a cream lace vest, cream hat garlanded with shaded roses and black ribbon; Miss Rubie Seddon (Wellington) was wearing a dainty costume of white and blaek pin striped cloth, and a pretty Copenhagen blue hat; Miss Louisson (Christchurch) wore a white inserted muslin frock and a white hat with pale pink roses; Miss Pearl Gorrie, cream cloth coat and skirt, and smart pale blue hat; Miss Dolly Scherff, dainty ivory cloth Eton costume, with becoming black hat; Miss Kathleen Hill, white inserted muslin and pale blue hat; Mrs. Dargaville was gowned in black, relieved with white, black and white toque; Mrs. Robert Dargaville, effective black and grey toilette, with white vest and sleeves, green
hat wreathed with roses; Miss Dargaville was prettily frocked in a blue and white striped taffetas, with white lace guimpe and sleeves, Leghorn rose trimmed hat; Mrs. Derry was wearing a pretty green and white invisible check gown, with yoke and sleeves of lace, cream hat brightened with touches of eherry velvet; Miss Thorpe’s toilette was a white and pink floral silk, with a cream hat: Miss Lily Thorpe wore white inserted muslin, and white hat wreathed with Copenhagen blue roses; Mrs. Arthur Lewis (Wanganui), pale grey tai-lor-made costume, and small red hat; Mrs. Wallace Lawson, dainty cream pina over white glace, hat en suite; Mrs. Fred. Yonge was wearing a grey floral mousseline and rose wreathed hat; Miss Ailie Yonge, white embroidered muslin with a pretty pale biue hat; Miss Violet Gray, soft white muslin, white hat swathed with a pale blue scarf; Mrs. Hodgson (Eng.), navy blue cloth tailormade gown, and small pale blue hat; Mrs. Hartland wore a graceful mauve floral ninon de soie toned with lace, and pretty hat to match; Miss Hartland wore white, cream hat with a large ribbon bow; Mrs. Percy Butler wore an effective gown of grey and white striped Marquisette with a cream vest, becoming pale blue hat; Mrs. Henry Nolan wore a lovely gown of heliotrope chiffon taffeta, with a smart hat of same shade; Mrs. Bodie’s gown was a black lace inserted pina mounted on white glace, dainty white rose wreathed hat; Mrs. Baker, black silk with black and white vest, black and white hat to match; Miss Daphne Bilker wore white muslin and a white hat garlanded with blue hydrangea; Mrs. Thornton (Cambridge) was gowned in a champagne embroidered eolienne, Manila straw hat garlanded with roses; Miss Worsp, white embroidered lawn over pale blue, blue and white hat; Miss Draper, pretty floral muslin with pink ceinture, dainty blue hat; Mrs. Savage looked charming in a lovely mignonette green ninon-de-soie and a becoming plumed hat of same shade; her sister wore a picturesque gown of white embroidered lawn lavishly trimmed with butter-coloured Valenciennes lace, brown hat with large bird in front; Mrs. Drummond Ferguson, black and white stripe marquisette, and pretty white hat; Miss Craig-Baird (Victoria), was wearing a pretty blue and white floral silk, and hat to match; Miss Audrey Stubbs wore white, with a Leghorn hat crowned with roses; Miss Forbes, pale grey toilette and pretty hydrangea blue toilette; Mrs Hume, dainty white muslin and blaek picture hat; Miss Little, soft white gown and pale blue hat; Mrs. Ranson, black and white toilette, black and white hat brightened with touches of eherry colour; Miss De Camp, navy blue and green embroidered eolienne, hat en suite; Mrs. Leckie, green silk toilette with white vest, hat to match; Mrs. Neill, dainty biscuit-coloured ninon voile, with floral ceinture, cream crinoline straw hat; Miss Hay, white linen costume and Manila straw hat; Miss Helen Hay wore white muslin with pale blue sash and hat; Miss Mabel Hay was in white, with a white hat finished with a large ribbon bow; Mrs. Louis Schatz (Christchurch) wore an effective blue Shantung silk, witii smart hat to match; Mrs. Gore Gillan, white cloth costume with blaek picture hat; Mrs. Caro, black eolienne over white with a black and white toque; Miss Caro, pretty figured silk with vest and sleeves, and a becoming flower hat; Miss Cotter was in a charming gown of pale grey iiinon voile, very pretty grey picture hat; Mrs. Ralph, navy chiffon taffeta with vest and sleeves of cream lace, and a navy hat to match; Miss Ralph, pink and blue floral chiffon banded with pink taffeta, blue and pink hat to match; Mrs. John Reid, black chiffon taffeta with cream lace vest, black toque; Miss Jessie Reid, dark blue taffeta with vest and sleeves of white lace, white hat with garland of green leaves; Mrs. Harry Marsack, cream cloth coat and skirt with white and pink hat ; Mrs. Herz, black and white cheek costume faced with white, with smart black and white hat to match; Mrs. Charles Brown, pretty cream, muslin gown with a blue and green hat ; Mrs L. Berryman wore a navy taffeta with real lace and a black toque; Miss Daisy Benjamin, cream Sicillienne coat and skirt, white hat with shaded roses; Mrs. E. Benjamin, pretty green eolienne costume hat to match: Mrs. O. Phillips, can de nil silk banded with velvet of a deeper shade and bretelles of white lace, Tuscan hat with white and green; Miss Isabel Clarke, grey and white striped taffeta, with a black ami white check coat, black hat swathed with black tulle; Miss Roie Nathan was dain-
tily frocked in white, muiUn tucked and inserted, and a white and black hat with blaek ostrich feathers; Miss Browning, pretty white embroidered muslin with crushed raspberry straw hat with black rim and lar.y black bow; Miss Douglas, dainty white Swiss muslin with a becoming pink hat; Miss Walker wore a lovely grey taffeta with white lace, black picture hat; Mrs. H. Keesiug, dark green chiffon taffeta, with white lace vest and a green toque with green and white tulle; Miss Beryl Keesiug, pretty pink and white floral muslin, with pink cienture and a pink and white hat to match; Mrs. Grant was wearing a blue and white check taffeta with a pretty blue floral hat; Mrs. Raynor, deep rose pink chiffon taffeta with cream lace vest, black hat with drooping white plumes; Miss Ida Thompson, very picturesque gown of ciel blue muslin, large blue hat to match; Miss Nellie Thompson’s simple frock of white poker dotted muslin had touches of blaek velvet and was worn with a daisy wreathed hat; Mist Baffin, pink ftoial muslin with pink cienture, pink hat with pink roses and large bow of black ribbon; Mrs. Sweet, black chiffon taffeta with sleeves and vest of cream lace, blaek plumed hat; Mrs. J. Collins, pale blue ehiffon taffeta with silver and pink embroidery, blue hat wreathed with forget-me-nots; Miss Peacoeke. cream cloth costume, white and blue hat; Miss L. Peacocke, white and bluo floral muslin with blue hat wreathed with pink roses; Mrs Geoffry Bacon (England) wore a becoming toilette of vieux ro’e ninon voile trimmed with cream lace, black plumed hat and white feather boa; Mrs .1. Roach, smart gown of black and white strijied voile trimmed with narrow velvet ribbon and Valenciennes lace, green straw liat with green and heliotrope ribbons and a cluster of pink roses; Miss Percival, navy Sieilienne costume,eream lace vest, becoming hydrangea blue hat; Miss Eva Percival, blue taffeta with white lace and smart blue hat to match; Mrs Mahoney was striking gowned in a blue taffeta, shot with champagne, black hat with shaded plumes and blue roses; Mrs Hamby was wearing a striking gown of champagne tinted chiffon taffeta, with a tiny brown stripe, with bretelles cf Honiton lace and b ud, of golden brown velvet. Tuscan and brown straw hat with Bird of Paradise plumes; Mrs Duder, moss green eolienne with eream lace vest,green hat to match; Miss Duder, cream cloth eoitume, pretty bine hat; Miss — Duder was daintily frocked in white, with white hat garlanded with pink roses; Miss Dunnet, blue doth braided with black,’ blaek and white hat; Mrs. Martin was wearing black with vest of Irish lace, becoming black and white toque; Miss Martin, blue and white striped costumes' blue and white hat to match; Miss Spicer, pretty pink floral muslin, with pink flower wyeathed hat; Mrs. Mackay, navy blue tailor made ecstume faced with white, smart black toque; Mi s 11. C. Fenton,pretty greeney-grey summertweed with sillk facings, hat en suite. After the brilliant crowd present at the races at Ellerslie on Boxing Day, the lawn looked comparatively deserted last Saturday, when THE SECOND DAY’S RAI ING eventuated. The weather was perfect, and there were some very pretty toilettes worn, which I muse do my best to describe to you. The Hon. Kathleen Pluuket was gowned in a dainty white embroidered lawn brightened with rosepink ceinture, Manilla straw hat garlanded with pink roses; Mrs. Hodgson wore a navy embroidered pina over white taffeta, with a vest of cream lace, and a pretty Tuscan hat trimmed with black velvet and shaded roses; Miss Gorrie was effectively gowned in a lovely shade of periwinkle blue, with touches of cream, and becoming rose-wreathed hat; Miss Gwen Gorrie wore a dainty toilette of green taffeta with white guimpe and sleeves, black picture hat; Miss — Gorrie, pretty white muslin, inserted with lace, Tuscan hat; Miss Bagnall, blaek and white striped marquisette, white hat, with large black and white bow: Mrs. McDonald, rich black silk inset with lace medallions mounted on white glace, white and black bonnet, with cluster of pink roses at one side; Miss McDonald, very pretty pale blue gown ami pale blue hat to match; Mrs. Holgate was gowned in white, and wore with it a black plumed hat; Mrs. Ross (Cambridge), dainty white muslin and lace, white hat with pink roses; Mrs. Mackie (Wanganui), white ami blue floral mousseline gown with encrustations of lace, white hat trimmed with shaded roses;
Mrs. Herr, helio, and white floral ninon, with lace vest, black hat; Mrs. Hartland, black taffeta voile, with cream lace vest, cream hat with touches of brown; Miss Hartland, pale pink figured cambric, green hat, with pink and green chine ribbon bows; Mrs. Ralph, black silk with white lace vest, smart violet and green toque; Miss Ralph, heliotrope and white floral mousseline and small hat to match; Mrs. Hamley, black chiffon taffeta toned with white, black plumed hat; Mrs. Harry Marsack, pretty pink embroidered cambric and a green hat; Mrs. Alison, rich black chiffon taffetas, with bretelles of very handsome gold embroidery, black and gold hat; Mrs. O’Rorke wore a becoming toilette of black and white striped marquisette, with a blue hat; Miss Shepherd, black chiffon taffetas with white vest, black and white toque; Mrs. Waller was charmingly gowned in white chiffon and lace over glace, black net hat brightened with rosettes of ciel blue velvet; Miss Zoe George was daintily frocked in shrimp pink muslin, Leghorn hat massed with pink roses; Miss Lily Kissling wore a pretty heliotrope muslin, and a heliotrope rose wreathed hat to match; Miss Williams wore a beautifully embroidered Manilla cloth Empire gown with lace guimpe and sleeves, large periwinkle blue hat, with drooping ostrich plume; Miss —. Williams, very pretty smoke blue ninon sleeves, large periwinkle blue bat, with droopinsjdrooping ostrich plume; Miss Williams, very pretty smoke blue Ninon, toned with white lace, rose-wreathed hat; Mrs. George Bloomfield wore a dainty shrimp pink eolienne and Tuscan hat; Lady Lockhart wore a charming gown of black chiffon taffetas, with cream lace V-shaped vest outlined with ■pale blue, blaek hat; Mrs. H. Kissling’s gown of blaek chiffon taffeta had a vest of white appliqued chiffon, and was worn with a blaek and white hat brightened with gold tissue; Mrs. Drummond Ferguson, dainty white chiffon over white glace, white hat to match; Miss CraigBaird was in ivory, cloth with a pretty lace blouse, Tuscan and black hat; Mrs. Lowrie, smart grey figured eolienne with lace vest, grey plumed hat and a pink scarf; Miss Walker, grey and black striped marquisette with a white vest, Leghorn , hat with buttercup's, black silk bows and wreaths of buttercups; Mrs. Donald was gowned in an ivory cloth costume, with a'Tuscan hat; ■Mrs. Dargaville wore black with a black and white toque; Miss Dargaville, white inserted muslin and a white hat with pink roses; Mrs. Pittar, handsome black silk with white lace vest and a black hat; Mrs. Johnson, white embroidered muslin with a smart brown hat; Mrs. Jones, white embroidered linen with a black hat; Miss Davy, cream Sicilienne costume faced with black, black and ■white toque; Mrs. Devore wore a grey eolienne with vest of white lace, black and white bonnet with touches of pink; Miss B. Devore wore a dainty pale blue muslin with blue hat to match; Mrs. Collin, ivory Sicilienne Eton coat and skirt, and a black hat; Mrs. Gordon, black and white striped ninon with white lace, small black hat; Miss Percival, dainty floral ninon voile with becoming blue hat; Miss Devereux, pretty white embroidered muslin, Incoming green hat; Miss Dunnett, black and White striped ninon voile, and a black hat with shaded roses; Mrs. Tonks. white cloth skirt, pretty cream lace blouse and a black hat; Miss Hazel Buekland, dainty blue and white muslin, white hat with blue rcses; Mrs. Ludlow rich, cream cloth tailor-made, with a brown and cream hat; Miss Rich, white inserted muslin, black picture hat; Mrs. Hausen, black and white striped summer tweed, and a black and white toque with rose; Miss Buller, pretty green silk muslin with a blaek hat. An al fresco CHRISTMAS TREE in aid of St. Peter’s Church, Lake Takapuna, was given by Mr. ami Mrs. Henry Brett, “Te Kiteroa,” on Friday afternoon before Christmas. There were about 200 present, and a sum of £9 was realised. A marquee was erected in the grounds where the ever welcome afternoon tea was served, while to the delight of the juvenile members, each child was presented with a present off the Tree. Mr. and Mrs. Brett, with a number of lady assistants, were most assiduous in attending to visitors, ami the. children had a really good time of it.
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New Zealand Graphic, Volume XL, Issue 1, 4 January 1908, Page 52
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4,273AUCKLAND. New Zealand Graphic, Volume XL, Issue 1, 4 January 1908, Page 52
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