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Dtur Bee, Aug. 13. As in previous years, the GARRISON OFFICERS’ CLUB “AT HOME” was a brilliant success on Thursday night, and quite the most elaborate ball of the year. The club is noted for its annual ball, and this year the members were congratulated upon all sides, for the decorations and ’arrangements made for the enjoyment of the guests were perfect, and the scene was not easily to be forgotten by those present. For some days the committee, assisted by a number of men-o’-war’s men, were busydecorating the interior of the building for the occasion, and the result of their labours was the transformation of the place into a superb ballroom -and winter garden, with delightfully cool retreats embowered in greenery. The gun-room was the ball-room, and its bare walls were hidden and beautified with a profusion of flags, foliage, and panel mirrors. At the end was a dais, comfortably furnished as -a drawing-room, and at the other end the Garrison Band. From a spectacular point of view the scene in the ballroom was beautiful, the mingling of the scarlet and blue of the officers’ uniforms, with their glitter of gold trappings, and the pretty dresses of the ladies, combining to ’achieve a truly brilliant effect. The delightful music—supplied by the Garrison Band—was quite q. notable, feature of the ball. The Drill Hall, which was connected with the ballroom by a covered and flag-draped avenug, was converted into a miniature palm forest, its walls being covered with many hued' flags and the concrete floors with crimson carpets. Guns and arms of various descriptions were arranged in pretty devices. Occupying a prominent position in the centre of the hall was the Buchanan silver cup, and the No. 1 Battalion colours guarded by a scarlet-clad sentry. Interspersed among the shrubs and palms were settees and rattan ehairs, and skilfully arranged cosy corners. Part of the Drill Hall had been partitioned off for the supper-room. The tables were prettily decorated with narcissi and violets by the Ladies’ Committee, which consisted of the following:—Mrs. Wolf, Mrs. J. R. Reed, Mrs. Major, Mrs. W. R. Bloomfield,. Mrs. Markham, Miss Shera, and Miss Dawson. In the opening set -were: Colonel and Mrs. Wolfe,' Major and Mrs. Myers, Capt. Elliott, Commander and Mrs Corbett, Major and Mrs Major, Major Wynyard. Lieut.-Col. Holgate, Lieut.-Col. and Mrs. Reed, Mr. and Mrs. N. A. Nathan, Mr. Justice and Mrs. Denniston, and Consul-General and Mrs. Prickett. The Executive Committee for the dunce was composed of the following offieers:—rdlol.- Wolfe (president). Major Wynyard, Captains Bloomfield, Knyvett, arid Murdoch, Lieut. Cumming, and Captain A. Plugge (Iron. secretary). Special mention has to be made of the work done by Captains Murdoch, Knyvett, Spinley, and Limits. Smythe and Hewson in the arrangement of the decorations, in whicii they were assisted by the yeoman labour of the contingent from the Encounter and the squad from the Permanent force. A great deal of the success of the arrangements of the ball was due to Capt. Plugge (secretary). Colonel aqd Mrs. Wolfe received the guests at the. entrance of the ballroom. The gowns were particularly smart. Mrs. Wolfe was attired in an elegant primrose yellow brocade with V composed of.white lace frills, and pale green bead applique outlining square ent corsage; the Mayoress, Mrs. A. M. Myers was exquisitely robed in a subtle shade of pale blue velvet, the skirt being full and plain, and the corsage swathed with blue tulle in fold* gracefully fol-

lowing the figure; Mrs. J. Rankin Reed looked exceedingly well in black peau de sole, with white tucker, while a cluster of crimson roses lent their floral aifl to the left side of corsage with excellent effect; Mrs. W. R. Bloomfield w’.is very handsome in white and pink rosebud Pompadour silk, with side panels of silver tissue caught on either side with large palp blue ribbon velvet Louis Seize bows and straps; Mrs. Denniston wore a recherche brown silk toilette, with cream lace; Miss Helen Denniston was in a soft cream point d’esprit frock; Mrs. Corbett looked very pretty in paTe blue chiffon taffeta; Mrs. Markham’s black crepe de chine with point d’esprit sleeves, was brightened with La France roses; Mrs. Major was picturesque in a lovely black Brussels net robe with white embossed chiffon roses and white silk tendrils; Miss Dawson was dainty in an ivory accordion-pleated chiffon frock; Mrs. F. W. Dawson wore a black silk toilette; Miss Shera was prettily frockcd in white silk, with touches of black; Mrs. Eliot Davis looked wonderfully well in a black net robe., elaborately embroidered with paillettes; Mrs. 11. Bloomfield was pretty in black point d’esprit gown, and silver tissue Josephine scarf; Mrs. Buckleton’s pink and white painted chiffon over pink glace, with silver sequin berthe, was very effective; Mrs. E. Horton was attired in a lovely pale blue shimmering satin, with bolero and berthe of white lace embroidered with tiny pink sequins, and wreathlet of white roses in her coiffure; Miss Dolly Metcalfe was sweetly pretty in a golden brown chiffon glace, • with painted chiffon lace round decolletage, caught with tangerine roses; Miss Towle looked dainty in white chiffon taffeta, and a white Hussar aigrette in her coiffure; Mrs. Alfred Nathan was exquisitely gowned in black Chantilly lace, inset with wide white filmy lace with lovers’ knots design, mounted over a white glace foundation; Miss Roie Nathan looked pretty in white tucked chiffon taffeta, with, gold tissue band round chiffon bodice with an Empire effect; Mrs Buddle’s effective white chiffon gown, with a tracery of black lac? design on the hem, was mounted oh a pink glace foundation; Miss Biss wore a black point d’esprit frock and jiink wreathe ’ in her hair; Airs? * 1 feftz looked extremely well in black crepe de. chine, with jet on decolletage. ami white ;:Pa puli se feather in het 'coiffure; Mrs 's). “W.Mputhie wore a creanj. saiut:g<rtv’h brocaded with- an grape- design, the corsage softened with cfiiffoh; Mrs Lucas Bloomfield’s black. satin toilette was brightened with black and silver sequinned net Josephine scarf, and white heath arranged in tiara effect in her coiffure; Airs Ware was attired in black and crimson radium silk; Miss Ware looked pretty in black Oriental satin, with white lace V, and applique on kimono sleeves; Mrs Chaliuor Purehas wore white and pink rosebud painted chiffon, with pink silk bands and while lace, over a pink glace foundation: Miss Buckland wore a dainty confection • f white chiffon over white silk, with corsage bouquet of large pink roses; Mrs A. AL Ferguson looked exceedingly well in an orchid mauve brocade, surmount d with ecru lace frills on Sleeves and V of corsage, and orchid in coiffure: Miss Devereux wore white silk with silver sequinned lace b.-rthe; Mrs C. Law ford was wearing an opal-tinted : ilk with lovely lace on decollet age; Mrs Spinley was attired in a black gros grain silk, with pailletted net entredeau and full sleeves; Miss Minnett was charmingly frocked in a heliotrope chiffon, taffeta, with Irish lace bolero and berthe; Miss Eva Kinder looked winsome in white silk and a chine silk ceinture; Miss N. Thompson was in her lovely white silk debutante’s frock; Miss Ida Thompson wore a very pretty white pAlnt d’esprit frock strapped with chine silk knd bands of rose Du Barry Velvet; Mrs Guinness’ graceful white silk was gauged at the waist, which had a princess lobe effect; Miss Pay ton wore her debutante’s white silk frock; Miss Isaacs looked pretty in pale blue crepe de chine; Mrs \\. R. Holmes was distingue in white and pink rosebud pompadour silk, with rose pink ribbon vrlv< t >ll corsage; Miss Eileen Macfarianv’s ran de nil crepe de chine gown, with lovely lace berthe bordered with moss green velvet, was of much distinction; Mrs A. Foster wore a lovely stiell-prnk chiffon taffeta* with -ceinturv of velvet **ef a darker. ton. : Mrs D.udrr wa* attired in a 'black chiffon toilette; Miss Dialer looked grmefnl in blue Oriental satin, with la»go American beauty idee on cor-

sage; Miss Sybrl ( :.. was daintily frockcd in <amcu ] ink clu.7 n glace, with point lac? berthe; wore white Oriental sat n, with La Franc* roses; Miss Brookfield was becomingly frockcd in white and pink disc spotted chiffon over rose pink glace, with garniture of pink Dresden china roses roun I decolletage;. Miss Lloyd wore a hand* some black pailletted net robe; Mrs Goetz wore a black pailletted net robe; Miss Northcroft was wearing white silk; Miss Smith wore white Oriental satin; Miss Eve Smith was in a chic rose pink silk, with white lace on corsage; Miss Jameson wore a soft white silk; Miss Benjamin was frockcd in white crepe de chine; Mrs Noyes was graceful in Quaker grey velvet and pink roses; Miss Myra Reid was in pale blue silk with inset of V Lice frills; Miss and Miss Daisy Mclntosh’s whit*? chiffon taffeta frocks were much admired; Miss Pearl Gorric looked chic in a pretty pale blue chiffon glace, with groups Qf violets round berthe; Mrs. Pilkington was attired in white chiffon with puffings of the samp filmy material; Mrs. Oxley w ore black chiffon taffeta: Miss Mills was in soft white silk: Miss Dyer was attired in a soft and graceful eau de nil crepe de chine; Miss C. Dyer wore daffodil ninon de soie; Miss ILiulfain was dainty in black point d’esprit. with spray of Virginian leaves on corsage, and a coronet comb of brilliants; Miss Nicol wore soft white tucked silk, and pink chiffon rosette in coiffure; Mrs. Greig Shaw was also attired in white, silk; Mrs. Mackay’s; graceful black satin gown had cream lace and crimson roses; Miss Morton’s white silk frock was worn with a silver sequin corselet belt; Mrs. Gaudin was attjred in black silk marquisette over .cardinal silk, and jet on corsage; M*iss Primrose (debutante) was charmingly frdeked in white mousseline de soie; Miss Simpson, an effective salmon pink Oriental satin with silver applique; Mrs. Hazard wore a laee overdress mounted on lemon silk and a floral sash;, Mrs. 11. Harm well was in black velvet; Miss Marjorie liar rowell wore a dainty white mousseline de soie; Miss E. Willis, was attired in a white be-ribboned net over silk; Miss Hodgson wore black with Maltese lace befthe; Mrs. W. Firth was .in white crepe de chine. invitation List. Mr and Mrs E. AhilorArttiLieut. Burgess; (’apt. and 1 Mrs’Bosw'orth : Mitts* D..' Benjamin; (’apt/ aiTU Mrs Bosca wen-? • Consul and Madaifte Bomfve; Mr P. F. Batt ley; Miss Buddle; Mr and Mrs C. Bud lie; ( apt. and Mrs VV. R. Bloom-’ field; Mr and Mrs J. L. R. Bloomfield; Mr W. Benjamin; Dr Eleanor Baker; Mi<s Baker; Mr Butler; Lieut. Bodie; Miss Maud Buckland; Mojor Bartlett; Mr and Mrs 11. R. Bloomfield; ('apt. and Mrs IL 11. Browne; Mr Biss; Miss Biss; Mr J. C. Burns: Miss Brookfield; Mr and Mrs 11. Buckleton; Mr Carl Buddle; Miss Butler; Miss Oberlin Brown; Miss Hazel Buckland; Sir John and Lady Campbell; Miss Caselburg; Lieut. Cooke; Miss Cooke; Miss Colledge; Mr Colledge;. Lieut, and Mrs Cumming; Mr and *Mrs Arch, ( lark; .Miss ('lark; Capt. and Mrs Coutts; (apt. and Mrs Carpenter; Inspector and Mrs Cullen; Mr and Mrs W. Coleman; Colonel ami Mrs Collins; Coiu-inis-icnrr ami Mrs Corbett: Mr Justice and Mrs Dennis! mi; Miss Denniston; Air and Mrs \V. 11. Derry ; Mr E. A. Dar gavillv; Miss Dargayille; Colonel IL H. Davies; Miss Devereux; Lieut, am? Mrs E. IL Davis; Air V. Duniu*; Mr and Mrs i). \V. Ihilbie; Mr Dr Lisle; Airs and the Misses Dyer; Mr J. Davis; Air and Mrs E. Davis; Mrs ami Miss Dawson; Capt. Dawson; Mr Robt. ami Miss F. Duder, Air Denniston; Mr, W. Endean; (’apt. Elliott and Officers ILM-S. Encounter; Mr B. F. Finn: Mrs Firth; Mr R. Finlay on; Miss Firth: Capt. and Mrs Fcrins: Li. ut. b'reney; Mr A. T. Firth; Mr \V. ami Miss Fra ter; Mr and Mrs Alfred Foster; Mr and Mrs Ferguson. Mr. S. George. Miss N. Gr<*ig, Capt. Grant. Mrs. Goetz, Lie-ut. and Mrs. Greenhough. Mr. A. J. Gkissbh, Mi*s Grey, i aptain and Mrs. Gaudin. Colonel nnd Mrs. Goring. Mr. R. Grierson, Miss P. (Jorri *. Mr. Grey George, Dr. Goldstein, Mr. \V. (.orrie, Dr. ami Mrs. Guinnew*. Mr. IL Griffiths. Mr. S. llarrowidl. Mm. A. Harrowell, Lieut. Hewson, Mi<« Hartland. Miss A. B. Hodgson. Lieut .-Colonel and Mr*. Holgate, Mr. ami Mrs. \V. R. Holmes, Dr. and Mrs. Hertz. Miss llaultatn. Mr. ami Mrs. J. F. Hartland, Mr. and Mr«. E. Horfnn, Miss Horton, Mr. D. Hay. ( apt. H nd Mrs. Hazard, Mr. L. Hirdir. Mi** B. Ilojge, Mr. Hamish llrii<hison, Mr.

P. Hanna, Mis* Harrowell, Miss M. HarTowell, Miss E. Hewson. Mr. Irvine, Mr. 11. E. Isaacs, Mias Isaacs. (.'apt. and Mrs. Johnson, Mrs. W. Jaggar, Miss Jameson. (apt. and Mrs. Knyvett, (Aipt. Kay, Miss KeeMmg, Mr. anil Mrs. Kronfeldi. Miss Kinder, Mr. J. Kettle. (apt. Lascelles, Bishop Lenihan, Mr. and Mrs. (.'. Lawford, Miss G. Lloyd, Mr. and Mrs. W. B. Leyland, Mr. R. Lambert., Miss Lawler, Capt. and Mrs. Murdoch, Lieut. Morton, Miss Morton, Lieut. Morran, Miss Morran, Major and Mrs. C. T. Major. Mr. Moore. Mr. K. G. B. Moss, Miss Mclntosh, Miss D. Mclntosh, Mr. W. Mowbray, Mrs. Markham, Miss D. Metealfe, Major ami Mrs. Arthur AL Myers, Mrs. Louis Myers, Mr. Ben Myers, Sir David and Lady Masson. Miss Masson. Mrs. Jas. McFarlane. Miss F. McFarlane. Mrs. Mills, Miss Mills. Miss W. Mason*. Miss Minnett. Miss A. Niecol, Lieut. H. Nathan. Miss Nathan. The Bishop of Auckland and Mrs. Neligan, Mr. and Mrs. N. A. Nathan. Captain and Mrs. Noyes. Mr. D. L. Nathan, Miss Northcroft, Mr. Louis Nathan. His Excellency Lord Plunkett and Staff, Captain and Mrs. Pilkington, Con-sul-General and Mrs. Prickett, Miss Payton. Miss Pitts, Capt. A. Plugge, Dr. and Mrs. Purehas, Dr. and Mrs. Purdy, Miss Primrose. Mr. Graham Reid, Miss Reid. Dr. and Mrs. Rayner. Mr. and Mrs. Rathbone, Mr. J. S. Rutherford, Misses Richmond, Mr. and Mrs. E. Russel. Lieut .-Colonel and Mrs. J. R. Reed, Colonel Robins, Dr. and Mrs. Reid, Mr. A. Reid. Lieut. R. B. Smythe, Lieut, and Mrs. Sherson. Consul and Mrs. Seegner, Capt. and Mrs. Spiuley, Mr. Shetland. Dr. and Mrs. Savage, Mr. A. Saunders, Miss Seale, Capt. Smith, Mr. and Mrs. Struthers, Mr. J. Sims. Miss E. Smith. Miss F. Smith, Captain F. Stuckey, Colonel and Mrs. Shepherd. Mr. Storey, Mies Symon. Mr. and Mrs. Shaw, Mr. and Mrs. Simpson. Capt. Tapper. Mr. arid Mrs. P. Tapper. Miss M. Towle, Miss Thompson, Miss N. Thompson, Mr. F. Thorne, Miss Thorne. Mr. F. G. Turner, Miss Tennant. Miss Urquhart, Hon. the Defence Minister and Ward. Miss E. Willis, Capt. Whyte, Miss "Whyte. Mr. Woodward, Miss Williams. Mr. and Mrs. Ware. Miss. Ware, Mr. "Wigmore. Colonel and Mrs. Wolfe., Colonel and Mrs. Webb. Mr. H. Winkleman. Major Wynywrd, Mr. Wilks, Lieut. Wyman. Capt. Voting. “AT HOME.” Airs. Percy Dufaur, “Clay brook,’’ Bright on-road, gave a large and most enjoyable “At Home” on Thursday last in honour of Mrs. Cromwell Tewsley and Miss Doris Tewsley. of Wellington, who are at present visiting Auckland. The weather w-as most unpropitious, but in spite of that very few of Mrs. Dufaur’s guests were absent. During the afternoon Miss Ivy Cooke sang several charming songs, and at intervals the Bavarian Band, stationed on the verandah, played selections from some of the modern operas. The excitement of the afternoon was a fortune-teller and palmist, who was really a very clever character reader, and gave many of us a chance “to see ourselves as ilher* see us.” which, though good for us, was not always quite to our liking. The floral decorations were chwnning, a dainty profusion of spring flowers everywhere, anil after all there are no prettier flowers than violets, daffodils, anil snowflakes. A delicious afternoon tea was served in the dining-room, so you see. Mrs. "Dufaur had forgotten nothing which might add to the enjoyment of her guests. Mrs. Dufaur wore a graceful gown of black chiffon taffetas, with tiny V-shaped vest of ivory silk Maltese laceMiss Kidd, dainty white silk blouse, inset with lace, and reseda green skirt; Mrs; Tewsley. lovely crushed raspberry chiffon taffeta tinrshel with lace bretelles, smart velvet toqne to match; Miss Doria Tewsley wa* prettily frocked in a navy corduroy velvet pinafore gown with giiitnpe of white lace, dainty, pink hat •toned with darker wings ami shades of velvet; Mrs. Houghton, pretty violet doth costume. Mack picture bat with pink roses under the brim; Mr*. Rose t Wellington), tailor-made Eton coat and •kir* of grey eheck cloth, small green kat. Mr*. Gnnc, grey Uulor-rna le gown end pretty little grey hat to correspond; Mwa Elsie Greig. teotvn costume and rery P r «t-J *due M, *> Cowper

(Wanganui), dark wine-coloured toilette with small hat to correspond; Mrs. Stubbs, navy cloth tailor-made with white veal. Tuscan hat wreathed with green leaves; Miss Audrey Stubbs, dark blue jacket and skirt with velvet fueiugs, blue hat with cluster of peacock’s feathers at one side; Mrs. Smith, dark blue toilette with touches of white, green hat ; Mrs. Brown, heather mixture twee.i tailor-made gown, smart green hat; Mrs. Leatham was wearing black witli very pretty periwinkle blue hat; Mrs. .Heed Bloomfield wore ,a . very handsome violet chiffon taffeta with dainty velvet bonnet to match; Miss Reay wore a pretty shade of green cloth, with small green hat to match, relieved with touches of brown; Mrs. Goodhue. black with black hat; Airs. Robert Walker, beautifully fitting Heather mixture tweed costume wiAi brown velvet facings, brown and green toque; Miss Florence Walker, navy tailor-made and green straw hat; Mrs. Montague was charmingly gowned in a dark tailormade costume, and very pretty green hat wreathed with berries: Mrs. Devore, handsome black silk gown, and becoming eherry and black bonnet; Miss Devore, rough tweed Eton costume, with white vest, and small green hat; Mrs. Louis Myers was handsomely gowned in black with black and white silk revers, blaek and white toque to correspond; Airs. Coleman, graceful dark blue gown, with becoming blue hat; Mrs. Barnard, handsome black brocaded silk, black bonnet with cluster of crimson roses at one side; Miss Millie Barnard, brown Eton costume, small black hat with blaek ostrich feathers; Airs. Robert Neill wore dark blue with white vest, hat en suite; Airs. T. Neill was wearing a dainty cheek tweed coat and skirt, white felt hat; Aliss Hay. navy blue toilette and blue hat; Airs. Charlie MeConniek, dark blue cloth tailor-made coat and skirt, and pretty navy hat with shaded ostrich feather; Aliss Marjorie McCormick, pale grey with small white felt hat and white furs; Airs. Dargaville. grey tweed coat and skirt braided with blaek. small blaek toque; Aliss Muriel Dargaville. old rose costume, with net guimpe. white hat with old rose trimmings: Mrs. R. Dargaville, navy costume with hat to match; Airs. Metcalfe, blaek silk with cream lace, black plumed hat; Airs. Horrocks, dark blue tailor-made gown and blaek hat; Airs. Harry Marsaek. pretty old rose Eton coat and skirt with white vest, white felt hat trimrjied with emu feathers: Mrs. Cooke, grey tweed costume with .white felt hat; Miss Ivy Cooke, plum-coloured cloth gown, with white furs and becoming black velvet toque with cluster of rose: Airs. Knight, navy coat and skirt, white vest, embroidered in pale blue, dainty toque to correspond: Airs. Pollen, black chiffon taffeta with white A'-shaped yoke, pretty white and heliotrope hat; Airs. Nicol, pale grey sac coat and skirt, and small navy hat; Airs. Bertram, white handsome black silk gown, and mantle, black bonnet with touches of pink; Aliss White wore a dark blue tailor-made gown, hat en suite; Mrs. Leeee, rich blaek silk, and black bonnet; Airs. Herbert Kissling, green tailor-made gown, green and brown toque with cluster of emu feathers at one side; Airs. Gore-Gillon. dark heather mixture tweed tailor-made, and becoming white felt hat -. Airs. Pritt, black ehiffon taffeta, and black plumed hat; Airs. Morris was effectively gowned in black with very pretty peach-coloured velvet hat; Airs. Ferguson, dark blue tailormade and small hat to match; Airs. Roberts, black silk with cream lace vest, black hat; Mrs. Renell, rich black silk toilette relieved with touches of white, black toque. Amongst others I noticed, Mesdames Horace Walker, Friend, Beale, Thomas. Hanna, Roberton. Nicoll, Bruce. Pavitt, Pabst, Arnold, Rathbone, Al isses Mac Andrew, Gore-Gillon. Metcalfe (2). Phillips, Beale. Thomas. Lusk (2). Alulvaney. Gill. Binks, Rich (2), Peacocke, etc.


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New Zealand Graphic, Volume XXXIX, Issue 7, 17 August 1907, Page 51

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AUCKLAND. New Zealand Graphic, Volume XXXIX, Issue 7, 17 August 1907, Page 51

AUCKLAND. New Zealand Graphic, Volume XXXIX, Issue 7, 17 August 1907, Page 51

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