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Personal Paragraphs

AUCKLAND PROVINCE Major Shepherd mt Sooth on Sunday by the West Coast boatMr. A- T. Pittar was a passenger frost Sydney by the Waikane on Monday. Mr. J. AfcCosb Clark arrived from the South on Sunday by the Pateeua. Mr. Robert Black (Gisborne > has gone on a visit to the Fiji Islands. Miso Metcalfe. who has been on a holiday to Gisborne for some weeks, has returned to Auckland. The Hen. Seymour Thorne George was a passenger s*-«th by the Pateena oa Monday. Dr. Melhrwell. of Auckland, has been notified that he has received the MIX degree of the University of Edinburgh. Dr. East, of the Great Barrier Island, Auckland. is st present on a visit to Dunedin. his birthplace, and other parts of the South Island. Mr. Horace Hunt son of Mr. R. Leslie Hunt, has received intimation that his “ Exercise ~ has been passed by the Home examiner. This completes the course qualifying for the degree of Bachelor of Musie. Mr. Baker, from the Thames branch, will succeed Mr. A. F. Stee-iman as accountant anj assayer at the local branch of the Bank of New Zealand, says our Coromandel eorrespondent. Mr. E- A. Hvllett. manager of the Imperial Paper Company. left with Mrs. Hallett by the Rotoiti fgor the South last week. Mr. Hallett was married os June IS to Miss Webbe. daughter of Mr. Webbe, of Oak House. Mr. John Greenhough has returned to Riverhead, after an absence of two years, during which he has been in charge of the paper mills at Mataura. His soa. Mr. Edward Greenhougli. succeeds him in charge of the Mataura mills. Mr. W. Taylor. manager for K--p----thorne. Presser, and Co.. left by the M lower.: on Monday upon a combined bust■es, and hefiday visit to Australia. Mr. Tax’- t. who was accompanied by Miss K. Taylor, will be absent frees Auckland for about a month. The death of the late Mr. NV. McEa rghlin. of Papa toitai. was feelingly referred to at the meeting of the Auckland A. and P. Association's executive last week, and it was decided that a letter of condolence should be forwarded to Mrs. McLaughlin. The many friends of Mr. Cart Seegner, Imperial German Coß will be sorry to 'earn that a serious accident happened : Im a few days ago. On alighting trim a ear at tae top of St. S-:ephen*h-avenue. Mr. Seegner lost his footing and fell, injuring .ne shoulder and arm seriously. He is now stiffertug from shock. Dr. Marsaek is attending him. Alt. I. Errs", honorary secretary of the Auckland Wednesday Afternoon Trades Football I nien. was tendered a farewell smoker at the Foresters' Hall, Newton, last week. Mr. Frost left Auckland on Sundav fc.r Wellington, where he has. obtained s n appointment with a legal firm. Mr. H. Poland. MH .It for Ohinemuri. was t entiered a social by his T» Arena sttpfHTirters last week, a large number of eh tors being present. Jin Poland's he.',:f was enthusiastreally toasted. »»1 he made a neat speech in reply, thanking his supporters for their efforts on his behalf. Mr. J. A. -J. McLaren. who for the last five years has been manager of the New Zealand Portland Cement Company’s works at Limestone island. Whangarei, was presented last week by the employees with a handsome gold albert and sovereign purse. A number of residents of Whangarei presented Mr. McLaren with a ne watch, suitably inscribed. On Sunday an old colonist, Mrs. George Bagnall. died. aged eighty-thren years. The deceased lady came to Auckland with her husbund and family in May, lSt»4. from Prince Edward Island. Canada. In eoatm»>a with many other settlers who immigrated to New Zealand in the early sixties. Mrs Bagnail shared with her family the usual riciaeitudes of colonial life. At Tania. >aere sue lived far mare than a quarter

of a century, with most of her family rotin J her. she did much to promote thbest interests jf the little community both socially and religiously Mrs Bas nail was a descendant of Scottish parents who emigrated from Scotland t- Can ada early in the last century, from whom she inherited the best traits of Scotch people as well as being tratnei in those eharacteristi's of piety and deep religious sympathies so often met with in the colonial descendants of the race from which she sprang. She was a humble and consistent follower of the Master, and will be remembered with affection by all who had the pleasure of her acquaintance. Iler husband, the Ute Hou. Georgs Bagnall, predeceased her by sixteen years. She leaves a large family to nourn their loss. Her sons are Mr I_ J. Bagnall, of O'Rorke street. Messrs. W. H.. A. E_. ami R. W. Bagnall, of Turua. and Mr H. X. Bagnall, of College road. Her daughters are Mrs S. T. Whitehouse, of Thames. Mrs. A. Herbert Jones, and Miss Maggie Bagnall, of Shelly Beach-road. Her remains will be deposited beside those of her husband in the Thames Cemetery. At the Publie Worts i.iffiee on Monday Mr. C. R. Vickerman. who is leaving for Wellington as superintending engineer in the Department there, wi. presented by the staff of the Auckland district with a gold watch, albert, ani sovereign ease, suitably inscribed. Mr. Blow. Under-Secretary for Public Works, presided at the ceremony, the presentation being made by Sir. Ross, who referred to Mr. Viekermaa's long and arduous official career of over 30 years, almost all of which had been spent in the Auckland province. Mr. Viekerman was appointed district engineer st Auckland in IS9I. in succession to Mr. Hales, who held the position of engineer-in-chief. Most of our readers know that in the country pest mistresses perform nsamy duties outside actual postal work, one of their privileges, the power to attest sig natures, shared with J P.'s, was the cause of a very pieasautly-pUsmed little ceremony one recent Sunday in Kaeo. when Mr Joseph Hare, on behalf of the Hare and Ratjen Copper Company. Lind ted. presented Mes-dames Taylor and Boardman. posrsnisares.-es at Whangaroa and Kaeo. each with a very handsome set of fish earvers in case, engraved with name and compliments of the company. The two ladies had been invited by Mrs Hare to dine with her. nothing said about the eontesnplated presentation, the large Sc rty of guests assembled created no surprise. for the hospitality of Mr s»i Mrs Hare is noted throughout the district, but when Mr Hare, at the conclusion of dinner. rose and spoke of the kindness of ’Ae postmistresses of Whangs roa and Kie. those two ladies cid look surprised, at still more so when Mr Hare, who is a capital speaker, wee- en to say he its* I been asked by the directors of his om pony to thank th** ladies for their assist anee in attesting signatures »f natives from whom the Copper Company had purchased more land, to enable it to -x---ten-1 operations. and to ask their a"-r-t M'.s of the present selected by him. and rea-i a telegram from the chairman. Mr Buttle- H? said many interesting thing* about the native rare, and those present thought what a good member of the House f Representatives he would make, so fully understanding native affairs. Mr Taylor returned thanks for his wife an<l Mr* Boardman. the party was then divided, half going on the river in Mr Hare's launch. the other taken for a drive up the fa- valley, returning in the gloaming to tea and musie. all deciding tb-’v had spent a very happy lay. and that the Hare-Rat jen Copp*r Companv -i.'-erved all sue.-es*. Opport nity was taken by those present to wi--b good-bye to Mr- Tayl- t. • a s. she was leaving for Kihikihi. HAWKES BAY PROVIJiCE. Mr*. C. MargidioW.u. of Xapier. is visitins irieais lb ’he • ..>un:ry. Dr. and Mrs. Findlay, of Wellington, have been in Xapier for a few -lays. Mrs. J. R A'Deane. of Ash'ot. was in Xapier for the Jockey Club meeting. Mr. an-i Mrs. Hunter, of Porangahau. were in Xapier for toe races. Miss Speedy, of Herbert rille, is on a visit to Xapier. Mrs. Van Dadel*zen is th* guest of Mrs. W. Dtawiddie. Bluff Hill, Napier. Mr. and Mrs- Armstrong, of Porajgafeiu. have been staying at the Masonic Hotel, Xapier.

Mis» Ella Burke has returned to Hawke’s Bay. after -pemiing week* in Gtsbome. Mn, Gore in I her daughter Mt*s Mabel Burke, are spending ->>me lavs i* Hasting*. Miss W ia;t -. who hi- been -jw n some weeks in Napier, has returned to Welling: n. M>' - " staying with Mi-s Ki vu Brathwaite. Hasting*. Mis* Kitty Wood * paying a v»it to her s.- *r. Mrs. E. Ha ifield. ton. TARANAKI PROVINCE. Mrs. D. Hut.-her. of New Plymouth. is on a visit to her relatives in Wellington. Mr. and Mrs. Blundell. of Eei? lin-. are visiting the !at*er*s parents* Mr. and M.*. E. Morsbea 1. of New Plvmouth. Mrs. -James Paul, who has been away for some mantas. visiting her relatives in Mrs. Bennett, of Blenheim. has now returned to her home ia New Plymouth. WELLINGTON PROVINCE. Ml— P. Keeling Palmerston* has gone on a visi: :o Wellington. Mrs. Le-kie • Wellington» is visiting her mother. Mrs. Tap-Sin. Pasmersun N nh. Miss Ida * deriige > hick in Wellington after a visit to ITawke’s Kay. Miss Fee has returned to Welling. »n after a stay in the RangitikeL Miss Harding Wellington? is v;-i?iag Miss Fowler < Mas tert <M: ■». Mrs. D. Menzies is back «a Wellington again oa a short visit to Great ford. Mrs. and Miss Elder have gone to Sydney for some weeks. Mrs Fairclough » Wellington i aas gone io the >o«ilh Island for a visit. Mr. and Mrs. Chatfield have returned from a trip to rhe South. ' Mr. (. Finch has retamei to Nelson after a stay in Wellington. Mrs A. Webster - Wellington • spent several lays last wit i Mrs. A Guy Palmerston . Mr. W. '.ampbell Hunterville was rhe g-sest : Mrs. MeKnight Palmerston) during show week. Miss E. F *->kes New P’;ym -uth) is the guest of Mrs. Filzherbert Painserston North . Mr. Standish R spending a roliday with his parent-. Mr. and Mi. R. R. Reed. Palmerston N orth. Mr. Blundell • WanganoiJ was a visitor to the Winter Show. Palmerston North. The HWalter Johnston and Mr;. - i settled in Weffingt n for the winter months. Mi-s Martin. who has been a«v y in Hawke's Riv. has now returned ta Wellington. ’ Mr. and Mrs. C. Paarazyn fLonga . Feathers >n> were in Wellington ’aiely fvr .» few days. Mr. and Mrs. Batkin have left Weilingmean to spend in Brn-kine. Mrs. >■ pt?r»l Auckland- a* presen: rb ’ ari-* 4 -? of Mr. and Mrs. Ihruuse. •’Crieklew»> >i.” Wellicgt on. Mrs. an.i Misses are at pr*spend some mouth-. Mr. Abercrom re uas relumed : - Wellington after a visit of some werfes in Austra:ia. Mra. • Gillespie FeiUing ms staying ui:her -i»ter a: Khanddlah - . Mi-s Gertrude Reid i Wellington) aa* been -taring * i:h **r Mr. W. xrang Palmers: ‘Ft'. / Rd ah in Weihi»j»ton. has 2 *ae to Neison and other place- in tae S*>u<h Inland. The H*n. I>r. Findlay anl Mr-. Findlay ar-» baek in Wellington after a Miss PhylE- Keeling Palmerston! is the guest »f Mr-. BuehMy Wellington) for a week or two. Mis* Buchanan Christchurch) is Maying with Mrs. Arthur. Hobson-street, WeHingtoo. Mi*» Margaret Waldegrave «Paiaier atoa> is in Wellington al pre«ent staying with Mr. and Mrs. Amelias Smith.

Mi« Cornwall MelUmruev. who is VMittag Me4h n *tos. i-» j» present Uar ii* With Mr*. Murton. i-road Miss Nancarmwr. who h.i* been v:*. i» f. tends in Wellington for the pj>l .*o or taree ni’-nias. tea* returned to Lkr U church. Mrs. aud M»<* Hunter Brown Xei-on*. whu ha*e . uie to Wdlrtg’.va to have taken r.**'u> at Mr*. M ug-LevyV in Hobs •n-strev’. Mr. A. Bures. subeditor c* 'he I arhichurvh “Press.” » well known journalist, formerly tori ,• - . •»;» tM Press Assort t io®. ha* I-* ap tainted sub-editor of the ~ We. is 2 • News.” Mr. W. !>rk Palmer-* »:i* >.i- g«>ne vious to his depart are. he wa* pre*cn ed g d lea ling eitizrus. M:. and Mr*. F M. i». F.- _?p 7. ~p m >l to We! ..j “ list *eei site- a ; . >r I. . . - at s stee .mj.-ortaat meeting* connected vrith Temperance affairs. The engagement is an of Miss Linda McLean. daugister f Mr. and Mrs. N. McLean. Wellington. to Mr. Ernest BlundeH. eidesi son o: the late Mr. Henry BL m :eli < Wetiinsto&i. Mr. Ernest Liddle teas returned from his trip to Ausiraha. Wiufe in Adelaide he was present it the marriage of his sister. Miss Lucy Liddle. 10 Mr. F. G. Grave, of Melbourne. Ansister »f Mr. - Mm (. urk-< sehnltxe. whs been hvsn> ia Adelaide tor the past se* years. SOUTH ISLAND. Mrs Wardrop <hr:*t tmrchi is spending the winter at Sumner Mr* C. Gresson T...urw is staying at the Deanery. Christchurch. Mr* Murray Aynsley and Mrs Gerart ft.-rri'-eh’ireht hare re? om-M from their vjsii ro Dunedin. Miss < • vasbaw K arsstch--:s tn - . ■ ' ' . ’ " * ILi ’ t ray. Mr and Mrs E. Wilder have left Chrislvhur\ h tor the North Island where they intend to re*?de. Mi*s K. Fitageraki WeTington) k the Sliest of M's C. (Christchurch} St. Albaus. Mis* Russell and AL** An!er?oa 1 Christ church» are at ‘.hr guests of Mrs Beaeey Mr and Mrs Ranald Macdonald <<hris?ehureh) gone to Ihinedic to visii i heir sister. Mrs '*iaete. i r-Thom-Mrs R. Westerns Isas arrived ju Christchurch from the North Island, and i* staying *ith Mr* R'-nal !* M >ntretlMr and Mr- *- Wi dur*.»n «Gi<onJej, who have been slaying for some time in Christchurch with Mrs Elworthy, have left on a v;-i: to South Canterbury.

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New Zealand Graphic, Volume XXXVIII, Issue 26, 29 June 1907, Page 45

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Personal Paragraphs New Zealand Graphic, Volume XXXVIII, Issue 26, 29 June 1907, Page 45

Personal Paragraphs New Zealand Graphic, Volume XXXVIII, Issue 26, 29 June 1907, Page 45

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