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Personal Paragraphs

AUCKLAND PROVINCE. Mr. C. J. Tunks went South on Sunday by the West Coast boat. Inspector Cullen has returned to town from a visit to the Rotorua district. Miss D. Bright (Gisborne» is on a visit to Napier. Miss De Lautour (Gisborne) is visiting friends in Wellington. Dr. Eleanor Baker left on a short holiday visit to the South by the Kara wa oh Sunday. Mr and Mrs W. H. Hemingway arrived last week from an extended tour of the South. Miss K. Speight has returned to Auckland after an enjoyable visit South, including the Exhibition in Christchurch. Miss 1\ rry and Miss E. Wavhsmann (Gisborne) have gone on a visit to Hawera. Captain Hazard. of the Garrison Artillery. was a passeng r from New Plymouth by the Rotoiti last week. Mr. and Mrs. C. F. Bennett returned from a visit to the South by the s.s Rotoiti last week. Mr. and Mrs. Masfen. of Auckland, are among the passengers for New Zealand of the Mongolia, which arrive I at Fremantle last week. Air.' Tegetmeier. chairman cf. directors of the Auckland Electric Tramway Company. left by the Taka puna last week on a short visit to Wellington. Mr N. A. Winter. 8.A.. who was recently appointed as hoadm; "t;*r oL the Thames High School, returned by the West. Coast boat last week from a trip to the South. Nurses Heath ami Bell, r.f the Waikato Hospital, were among the s uccessful candidates at nurses’ examinations. Mr. A. Hamilton. Auckland manager (of the Westport - Coal Company, returned last week by the s.s. Apart ma from an extended business tour of the East. Mr. Grierson, the Auckland representative at the Christchurch Chess Tourney. returned from the South on Sunday. Dr. Keith, who took part in the Taranaki tenni" contest. returned by the Taka puna from New Plymouth on Sunday. Nurse Ernestine Parker, of the Auckland Hospital, achieved the honour of securing first place in connection with the recent State examination for nurses. Miss Grant, of the New Plymouth High School, who has been on a visit to the Old Country and the Continent, returned to Auckland on Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. Stanley Monek (Christchurch). who arrived from South last week, have bought Mr. XV. Richardson’s property in the Wahnata, writes our Gisborne Correspondent. Mr. E. A. Pavitt, formerly of Wellington, has been appointed to the charge of the Lands and Survey Departmen of British North Borneo.* Mr. C. B. Rogers. Auckland manager of the Gewan, Accident and Guarantee Corporation. Ltd., arrived from the South last week by the Takapuna. JMr. E. J. Oslrorne, manager of the New Zealand Boot Company. Ltd., accompanied'by two of his sons, returned to Auckland last week by the Rarawa from a visit to Christchurch. Herr and Madame Wielaert left on Saturday by the Mokoia for the Christ cliureh Exhibition, where they will be engaged in the concert given by the Auckland Orchestral Society. At the Pitt street Methodist Church to-morrow evening, several Fijians will sing a number of their favourite solos, and a returned missionary will address the audience. Mr. John Fuller. Jun., who has l>een managing the Dunedin circuit of Messrs. Fuller and Sons’ theatrical business, intends leaving for England at the end of this month, with his wife, for a six months* holiday. During his absence Mr. G. Hoskings will take over the management at Dunedin. Mr. IL Rowan, Government stock inspector. arrived from New Plymouth yes-

terday, with Mrs. Rowan and family, to take up his new duties in Auckland. Before leaving New Plymouth Mr. Rowan was presented by the local people and officers of the Stock Department with handsome testimonials of esteem. Mr. Arthur Rosser, president of the Auckland Jailoresses* Vnicn, was last week presented with a splendidly mounted opal address and watchguard, in recognition of his services as president of the union. The address was the work of the Sisters of Joseph, St. Benedict’s Convent. Mr. Thomas Hodgson, manager of the Northern Boot and Shoe Co., Ltd., is leaving shortly for a trip to England, having obtained a well-merited leave of absence for six months, after twenty-five years’ service with the company. Air. Hodgson will be accompanied by his wife and daughter. Oversea visitors at the Auckland Tourist office during the past week include Air. John N. Keith, of Capetown, Air. W. Blair Hickman, of Sydney. Air. H. Lees, of Sydney, Air. N. XX . Tiraperley, of South Perth, W.A., Aliss R. E. Spong, of Hobart, and Air. D. Wallace, of Niue Island. Dr. Mason, chief health officer, arrived from the South by the Takapuna on Sunday. He goes to Cambridge this week to inspect the sanatorium, and upon his return will probably proceed South again immediately. The special object of his visit to Auckland is to confer with the Hospital and Charitable Aid Board with regard to the provision of shelters for consumptives in Auckland. At the XX'aite:nata County Council meeting last week, the chairman. Air. J. H. O’Neill, moved that a letter of condolence be written to the widow of the late Air. Hugii Campbell. Air. Campbell, he said, had been the Council’s solicitor for a great many years, and they had suffered a great loss in losing such an able gentleman. The resolution was unanimously carried. The Ponsonby Regatta Committee made a presentation last week to Captain Moffat and the chief officer of the Alamari in recognition of their courtesy in placing the vessel at the disposal of the committee during the regatta. The presentation, which took place on board of the Alamari, was in the shapo cf handsomely framed views taken during the-progress of the regatta. Air Stuart—Stevenson. ?L.i.. who has been associated for the past vine years with the teaching staff of Prince Albert College, last year as .headmaster, was last week entertained by the Prince Albert College old boys at the Strand Cafe. In the course of ‘die evening the guest was presented with a handsome set of pipes and a tobacco pouen by the Prince Albert College Old Boys’ Association. Air Johnston, the f.i-c-nlent. making the presentation. The following guests have been staying at Waiwera during the past week; — Air. and Airs. Gilbert and family. Air., Airs, and Aliss Gilfillan. Aliss Long, Alaster J. Overton Smith. Master T. Baiter. Airs. H. T. Gorrie and Alaster Gorrie, Alaster Webster, Air. Chas. Ross. Airs, and Alaster Scrubv. Aliss Little. Air. and Airs. Geo. Hill. Airs, and Aliss A. Clarke. Air. Clarke, jum. Dr. and Airs. Savage and family. Airs. Larner and family. Mr. and Airs. Brookman and maid. Air. S. J. Dunford, Airs, and Aliss Heather. Messrs. AlcDermott. Airs. Clayton and family, Aliss Priestly. Airs, and Aliss Cocke. Mrs. McGarvey and family. Air. XX'in. Mowbray. Air. John Mowbray, Air. and Mrs. Steele. Air. Louis Nathan. Air. Ulrich. Air. Cranston, Rev. AlcWilliams. Dr. and Airs. Roberton and family. Air. and Mrs. Payton and family, Mrs. Tole and family’, Air. AlcCaw and family. Air. and Airs. John Seceonibe and family. Airs. Henry AValker and family. Airs. T. Gilfillan" Air. 11. Alowbray. Ah. Hill. Air. V. McCormack. HAWKE'S BAY PROVINCE. Airs. Levien has returned to Napier after spending a holiday in Palmerston. The Rev. Canon Mayne lias left Napier for a holiday in the South. Air. G. P. Thompson is on a visit to Wellington. Mrs. Kennedy, of Christchurch, is in Napier. Aliss Waterhouse is spending a few days in Napier. Miss Shepherd, of Napier, is on a visit to Rotorua. Mrs. Von Dadelyzen, of Napier, is spending some weeks in the country.

Miss Gleeson, of Christchurch, is on a visit io Napier. Mrs. and Miss Macfarlaiie. of Napier, are spending a holiday in i-e country. Mrs. Bremer has returned to Dunedin from a holiday in Napier. Miss Bright has returned to Gisborne, after spending a few days in Napier. Miss Crawshaw. of Timaru, is on a visit to Napier. Mr. and Mrs. W. Dinurddie have returned to Napier, after a few weeks in Taupo. Mr. and Mrs. G. Walker has ,eft Napier for Rotorua, where they intend to spend some weeks. Mrs. Rutledge, of Gisborne, who is on a visit to Napier, is the guest of Mrs. Berneau. Mr. \\ . C. Hewitt, an old Napier High School boy. now wici a firm of solicitors in Stmt ford, has received word that he has passed hrs final solicitors’ examination. TARANAKI PROVINCE. Mrs. Sam Holford (Wellington) is on a visit to friends in Auckland. Mr. W. Brown and Miss Cdy. Auckland tennis players, are on a visit to Patea and Wa verier. Miss K. AleKellar. who has been on a visit to New Plymouth, has returned to her home in Wellington. Miss olive Graham, of Hamilton, has been visiting Mrs. AlacDiarmid (New Plymouth), but has now returned. Aliss Myra Kerr (New Plymouth) is the guest of Mrs. Whit-onihe. Christchurch. Airs. Penn. Aliss E. Penn, an 1 Miss Tayler i New Plymouth i are on a visit to the Exhibition. Air. Edwards, of the electric power house. New Plymouth, left last week for Dunedin. Air. Blundell, manager of the Bank of New Zealand. New Plymouth, i eturned last week from Rotorua. Airs. Eric Bayley, with Dr. and Mrs. Christie (Wanganui), left New Plymouth last week to join the Waikare in the Sounds trip. Air. D. Phillips, of the Afagistrate’s court house. New Plymouth, has gone on sick leave for a month’s holiday to his home at Greymouth. Air. A. H. Johnstone (Malone. Anderson and Johnstone, solicitors). New Plymouth, has returned from Australia after a most enjoyable trip. Mr. M. L. Fitzherbert has returned to New Plymouth after his pleasant trip to Dunedin. Timaru and Christchurch. WELLINGTON PROVINCE. Aliss Martin has returned to Napier after a short visit to Wellington. Airs, and Aliss Milner have gone back to Nelson after a stay in Wellington. Airs. H. Blundell (Wellington > and Aliss Blundell have gone to Christchurch. Aliss Hayward (Palmerston North) has gone to the Christchurch Exhibition. Airs. Tripe (Palmer-ton North) is visiting in Wellington. Ah. Sydney Fitzherbert (Feihling) was a visitor to Palmerston last week. Air. and Mrs. F. Moore, of Wanganui, have gone to Wellington for a visit Air. and Mis. A. Sherri IT, of Wanganui, are at Rotorua. Air. and Airs. Barnard-Brown, of Wanganui. are staring in Auckland. Airs, and Ali-s Ala.son, of Wanganui, are visiting friends in the Wairarapa. Air. and Mrs. Parnicoat. of Wanganui, have returned from their visit to Napier. Air. and Airs. Caselberg « Wairarapa) have been visiting Wellington. Ali"S ( rosby (( hrNt; hurch) has gone to England for a year or so. The Misses Putnam (Wellington) are paying a visit to Sydney. Mr. and Mis. Phillips and Mi-s C. Phillips (Glasgow) have been making a stay in Wellington. The Rev. A. Robinson is Imck in Wellington after a holiday trip of some weeks to Sydney. Miss Rarnicoat, of Wanganui, is staying at “ The Point,” Canterbury, with her aunt. Mrs. Phillips. Miss Moore, of Wanganui*, i- staying in Wellington. From there -she goes to Christchurch.

Mrs. and Miss Hewitt have gone lAck to Christchurch after a stay in Welling ton. Miss Wahh'grave (Palmerston North)’ has been staying with Mrs. Amelioft Smith (Wellington*. Mrs. Frceth and family (Palmerston North) have left for Mastertmi. Thc|| expect to be away about a month. Mr. Maurice Waldegrave ( Palmerstoj) North) has returned from the Christchurch Exhibition. Mr. and Mrs. Bruce Beale have returned to Palmerston North from theftg weddingtrip to Australia. Miss Keelirg, Palmerston North, fil visiting her sister, Mrs. C. C ox (Mastax ten). | Mrs. A. Guy (Palmer-ton North) & away on a visit to relatives in Hawked® Bay. i The Misses Blackett (Wellington)} are leaving for England early in I'ebru* ary. travelling by Sydney and Sucx. Mrs. W. Keeling and children 'Palmerston North) are away it Plimmer* ton. the seaside resort near Wellington. Mr. and Airs. F. Aicken and Mr. and Mrs. Scott (Palmerston North* have gone to the ( hri-tehurch Exhibition. Air. and Mrs. A. Izard, who have beeflj staying in Christchurch, have returned to Wanganui. Mrs. G. Marshall, of Wanganui, who has been staying in New Plymouth, ha£ returned home. Mr. and Mrs. Colin ( ampbell, of Wanganui, hav' returned from their holiday in Auckland. Air. and Airs. James Watt, of Wanganui. have returne<l from theii visit to the Auckland district. Aliss Lambert, who ha< ju>t returned from England, is the guest of her sister, Airs. John Mason, in Wanganui. Air. George Humphreys, of Wanganui, is "tayi’ig with relations in the Wain> rapa districts. The Rev. T. H. Spr< ft and Mrs. Sprott have gone to Dunedin for a week or two in connection with tin* meeting of the General Synod. Aliss Fowlcts (Auckland) is spending a few weeks in Wellington, staying with her father, the Hon. G. Fowlds. at th© Empire Hotel. Mrs. Alontgomerie f Wanganui > is going to England for a trip early next month. Aliss Anderson (Wanganui) is travelling with her. Major 11. S. E. Hobday. Active T.i-t (Unattached), New Zea la ml Volunteers, has been awarded the Colonial Auxiliary Forces long-set vice medal. He has been in the service for over twenty years. Airs. Fitzherbert and the Alisscs Lori© and Sybil Fitzherbert (Palmerston North) are vi-iting friends in Hawke’s Bay. Miss Fitzherbert has gone to Carterton for a fortnight. Mr. G. A. Wilson, of the ( ivil Service Board. Sydney, was a visitor to Palmerston North on Thursday, and was the guest of Mr. J. M. Johnston, president of the Chamber of Commerce. Mr. and Mrs. Mandel are back in AVellington after a round the world trip of over a year. A good deal of their time was spent in Austria, which is Mr. Mandel’s native country. After visiting many places of interest on the Continent. they returned via Suez. The Bishop of Wellington ami Mrs. Wallis have gone to Dunedin for two or three weeks to attend the General Synod, which is being held in that city. Air. and Mrs. Tringham (Wellington) are paying a visit to Christchurcfi to see the Exhibition. Dr. and Mrs. Findlay are back :n Wellington after a holiday \ isit in th© North. Dr. Findlay leaves for the South Island immediately, as minister in attendance on His Excellency the Gov* « mor. The trip will include an elaborate tour of the West Coast, and smn© weeks in the Otago distri t. Miss Maclean. M.A.. lias left Wellington for a trip to England, having ol> tained long leave of absence from th© Girls’ College, of which she is headmistress. Miss Maclean received sew* oral farewell presentations, among the*

being one fi< in the Young Women’-* Christian Association, which* owes vouch to her influence and enthiis.asiu. Miss Marleau’s >istrr accompanies her on the voyage. SOUTH ISLAND. Mis George Rhodes (Christchurch) has gone on a visit to Napier. Mrs Empson (Wanganui) is in Christchurch, the guest of Dr. and Mrs Acland. Mr and Mrs Beswirk have returned to Christchurch from their visit to Dunedin. Mrs S. Thorne George (Auckland) is visiting Christchurch. She is staging at **Fas>ifern.” Papanui-road, Merivale. Miss M. P’nillamv (Sydney) is the guest of Mrs G. G. Stead at “Strowan.’’ Mr and Mrs John Stud ho) me (CohlFtieani) have taken College House, Christchurch, for a few weeks. Mr< and the Misses Sanders (Christchurch) have gone on a visit to Auckland. Mr and Mrs J. D. Ormond (Hawke's Bay) arc the guests of Mr and Mrs Wilder at Kernside. Mis S Ruby Seddon (Wellington) is the guest of Mrs C. C. Louisson, Glou-cester-st reet, Christchurch. I'lie Hon. 11. W. Wigrain and Mrs Wigrani have returned to Christchurch after spending the Christmas holidays at Riverton.

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New Zealand Graphic, Volume XXXVIII, Issue 3, 19 January 1907, Page 41

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Personal Paragraphs New Zealand Graphic, Volume XXXVIII, Issue 3, 19 January 1907, Page 41

Personal Paragraphs New Zealand Graphic, Volume XXXVIII, Issue 3, 19 January 1907, Page 41

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