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Personal Paragraphs

AUCKLAND PROVINCE. Mr. and Mr<. A. Rees. of Gi-borne, have gone to Napier for a short trip. Mrs A. M. Myeis left on a short visit to Sydney b\ the Mokoia on M*m l<iv. Mr I. |\ Masefield return from Gisborne by the Mokoia on Sunday. Mr and Mrs H. Bn it returned from the South by the Mokoia on x. Mr. J. Murg.itroyd wa< a p.i-senger for Auckland by the Jakapuna "n <unday. Miss Frances Boylan, who has been staying with Mrs. Pavitt, Kaiti, Gisborne. has returned to Auckland. Miss Cousins, of Auckland, is at present staving with Mrs Brooks at “Jesmond,” < am bridge. Mrs Hope-Gibbons, of Wanganui, was in Cambridge last week as the guest of Mrs James Hal.'y, of “\almai.” Miss Dagmar Gilfillan has returned to Auckland after a Hirer week-’ visit to -Mrs Wei’s, of “Oakleigh,” Cambridge. Mr. C. H. Smith, chief «krk in the Customs Department in Wellington, is •p a brief visit t» Mr. 11. King, of the Union Bank, Gisborne. has left on a six months’ trip to England. Mr. ami Mr-. Masfen, of Lake Talcpuna. Auckland, leave Wellington at the end of the month for England. Mr. ami Mrs. T. W. Leys, of Herne Bay. Auckland, left for Rotorua on Wednesday on a fortnight's visit. Mrs Coney, of Parnell, left on AVedne.sday for Rotorua, where she is going to spend a mouth’s holiday. Mrs Woolcombe and her little daughter left Auckland for Sydney by the Mokoia la-t Monday. Mrs Arnand (nee Miss was a passenger to Sydmy by the Mokoia on Monday last. Dr. and Mrs Breffault returned to Auckland by the Manuka last Sunday from their visit to the Old Country. Mr. G. W. Murray has been elected in place of Mr. R. 1). Stewart, resigned, to Ihe executive of the N.Z. Etlucational Inst it ute. Mr ( has. Rlnxles, attorney of the Waihi Gold Mining Company, was last week on a visit of iiisp«<ti< n of the company’s works. Mr W. B. Buller, ma nag r of the Bank of New Zealand at Auckland, with Mrs and the Misses Buller, left Wellington for J.ondon by the Av i shire. Messis F. Roberts and W J. Wallace, members of the “All Black” team, left by the Rotoil i last week f<»r the South. Mrs and Miss (juelliam New Plymouth). who have been staying with Mrs Horrocks, Parnell. left on a visit to Rotorua last Sat unlay. Mrs. John Watt, of Wanganui, is at present on a visit to Auckland, and is staying with her daughter. Mi- Han\v Marsack. Parnell. Mrs Symmir Thorne Geoigo rime •down from Rotorua last Wrdm -dav f«»r the Citizens' Ball, ami returned to Rotorua mi riiursrlay. Mr W. R. Wilson has b« «*n ap}u*lnted to Ihe directorate of the South Brit-i-h Insurance (‘ompany. Am klaml, in place of Mr. C. C. MvMiEau. who resigned M»ine time ago. Mr. R. B. Ilvrri<»tt, heailma-ter of the Remuera Public S<-ho<.|_ i« retiring from tin* servi.-e of the Board on May Ist under the (cachers* superannuation scheme.

Mrs Percy Dufaiir, Cleveland-road. Parnell, left by the Mokoia on Monday last on a trip to Sydney and Melbourne. She intends being about three months away from Auckland. Mi>s Leyland, daughter of Mr. lx*yland. Marine Parade, Pon-onby. Auckland. left Wellington last week on an extended vi*it to England and th.* Cnn* tient. ( aptain Drewettr. chief oliicer of the Mokoia. ha- lieen appointed master of the Koonya. The chief officer of the Mokoia i- now Mr A. F. Hird, late of the Oonali. Mi ami Mr-. Wall and Mi— Wall, of Gisborne, leave for England in about a fortnight's time. Miss Wall i- to be married to Mr. Fred Barton. ami he.* future home is to lie iu England. Mr I>. Cumming, chief po-tma-ler at Auckland, has received holiday leave of two months. Mr. E. V. Senn will act as chi“f postmaster, and Mr A. I*. Dryden a- chief clerk during his ab-eii e. Mi— Malul Brooke-Smith, who has b.-er spending a few weeks with her |»arenl- in Parnell. Xuckland. has been appointed matron of the Waihi Hospital out of In applicants. Mr Scanlan, who has been c > tweeted will the Waiotapu Prison for the past 10. years, a- chief gaoler, has been transferred, and will henceforth be located in Auckland. Mr lioltcrls. from Ilanm r Prison, succeeds Mr Scanlan. A cable message has b?en receiv'd from Mr. Bush, the newly-appointed city. engineer for Auckland, accepting the position, and -tatlng that be would leave England on May 4th on the steamer Orient. Mr. d. W. El ms lie. well known as "Waikino*- piper, was recently presented with a silver teapot ami gold albert from the Bidet lub and a number of his friends on the occasion of his leaving the district Mr Newton, late headmaster of the ’la rare School, was the recipient last week of a silver cake basket from the pupil- and their parent-, on the occasion of hi- leaving the school after sixteen years* service. At a recent meeting of parishioners of the Church of England at Ng aru iwahia opportunity was taken to present a silver iug t< the organist/ Mi-s Soper, who i- leaving, the district slurily. to be married to Mr IL De Montalk, a late ir.embei of the choir. Mi- Kathleen Aickin. assistant teaciiei at Mount Eden public -cho«d. who is retiring from the profession, was presented last week with a gold pendant. ].• klet and muff (bain, from the pupilaitd teachers of the school, with which Miss Airkin ha-* been connected as teacher anti -vhoiar for sonic 21 years. Mr and Mr- .1. R. Bloomfield ami Mrs Harr\ Bloomfield, who have recently been down the Wanganui River, cro-scd to Napier and coached to Taupo, where the* wen- joined by Mr ami Airs Geo. Bloomfield, and are camping there for the present. At a meeting held at Dargaville last week it was agreed that the long and faithful services of Dr. Norton t< the immunity of the Northern Waidemand -jKuial recognition, and a committer was appointed to deal with the matter. Mr. R. R. Masefield, of the firm of Me-r-. Ma-efield ami Co.. Albert street, was prorated last week by the employee? of the firm with a set of silverinounlcd pipes, as a token of esteem, ami lor hi- exertions in connection with thi firm’s annual picnic. The presentation was made by Mr. F. E. Jackson. Mr John Anderson, purser of the s.s. Ni ana pou ri. died froiii pneumonia after the steamer arrived from Auckland ami the Islands at Sydney last week. Mu Andersoi. who was a native of Scotland. had Im*vii for some years in the employment of the I nion Company, rkielly a- a—istant-purser and purser if. tht Auckland and l-lamls trade. He va.« unmarried.

A presentation was made last week by the employees of Messrs Wm. Phikox ard Son to Mr and-MrsT. Philcox, who left for England on Monday. The presentation, which was in the form <»f a travelling-bag and dressingcase to Mr Philcox and a handsome rug to Mrs Philcox. was made by Mr Alder-on. the ioreman of the firm, who. on behalf of the employee- wished Mi and Mrs Philcox a pleasant trip and safe return. TLcr following is a list of the visitors at the Hot Springs. Waiwera. for the past week- Dr. and Mrs. Hardie Neil. Mrs. Aii-kin. Auckland: Mr. and Mrs. Arnold Pike. Mi-se- Pike r2). Miss Goddard. England: Mr. \V. W. Smith. Wellington: Mr. Mills. Christchurch: Mr. B. Owen and Mr. J. O. Owen. Auckland; Miss Wrat ten. Hamilton: 1 i?ut. Arnaud and Lieut. Green. 11.M.5. Prometheus; Mr. Heron. Auckland: Mr. K. Campbell, Warkworth: Mr. ami Mr-. Waller. London: Mr. W. R. Mowbray. Parnell: Mr. Orr. Sydney: Rev. J. and Mrs. Latter. Ponsonby: Mrs. ami Miss William-. Tahiti; Mr. and Mrs. Spence. Suva: Mr. C. E. Horton. Mr. A. Secvombe. A. Chatfield. C. Richard-on. and Air. E. Smith, Auckland.

HAWKES BAY PROVINCE. Mr and Mrs W. Wool I Christchurch) are -pending some weeks in Napier. Mr- Saxby has returned to Napier after spending a week in Wellington. Mi— Todd (Wapawai is on a vi-it to Napier. Mrs and Miss Hamlin (Napiers are spending some weeks in Auckland. Mrs and -Mr- Banner, formerly of Napier, have returned to Sydney after spending some months in Hawke’- Bay. Miss Nevill has ’eft Napier for London. she intend- to spend a yeir away from the colony. Miss Monteith tJJannevirkej. who is on a visit to Napier, is the guest of Mr- Hill. Blurt Hili. Miss Tripp (Christchurch) is sp n ling some weeks in Napier. She is the gue.-t ot Mrs Stopford. Mr and Mrs B.ctU of Aucklan 1 -pent some days in Napier on their trip homewards f■ om Christchurch. TARANAKI PROVINCE. Mr-. Broham (New Plymouth i has gone for a tr«p to the Old Countrv. Mi-s Brown, matron of New Plymouth Ho-pital. is on a visit to Auckland. Misses Buss r2i. Feilding. are visiting Mrs. David Laing. New Plymouth. Mrs. Tonk-. of Hawera. is on a visit to New Plymouth. Mrs. Hugh Baily. who has been on a visit to Wellington, ha- now returned to New Plymouth. Mrs. Fitzherbert (New Plymouth) is vi-iting her relatives in Palmer-ton North. Miss Maud Perry (Gisborne) is visit ing her cou.-in. Mrs. Clem Webster (New Plymouth). Air-. Cashel, who ha- l»een visiting her daughter. AbAlt Bayly ( Stratford i. has returned to Auckland. Mr. Morgan, of Uie Uiw Court. New Plymouth, has been trun--ferred to Christ church. Mrs Skeet and Al is- Dalziel (Wellington) are at present visiting New Plymouth. Mrs. Allen, wife of the manager of the Bank of New Zealand. Nelson, is vi-iting her relative- in New Plymouth. Mr. W. Brennan and Air. G. AlcGregor (Maxweßtown. W anganui), who have been vi-iting N<*w Plymouth, have returned home. Ali.-se- K. ami AL Humphries, who have been for -«»nie time .visiting Napier ami it.-borne, have returned to New Plymouth. Mr-. .Mannering. who has Iwen vi-it-ing her relatives in Ha-ting- <m account of htw health, ha- returned to New Ply rnioiith. looking much Inuter for the •hauge. . Malcolm Itos--. T. < . Fyfe, and George Smith, who ><tui»e<l to Wellington tlie other d.iy from a visit to r.u ihaka and Menn ! j m>n’. explored' ■uiib' intere-tiii" < •iihtry on the >ontll-w<-t -ide of the mountain." and made an ascent by a new route.

WELLINGTON PROVINCE. Miss Armstrong (Palmerston North) has gone for a short visit to Dannevirke. Mrs Gould (Palmerston North) has returned from Rotorua. Mr Morton Jones, of Wanganui, has returned from his visit to Wellington. Mrs Oldham, of Taihape, is on a visit to Auckland and Rotorua. Mrs Lontax. of Wanganui, is on a visit to Auckland. Mrs and Miss Bamicoat, of Wanganui, are at present on a visit to Wellington. Mr Gaisford (Hawke’s Bay) was a visitor to Pahnerston Not th last week. Miss G. Reid (Wellington) has left on a trip to the Old Gauntry. Mrs Foster (Blenheim) is in Wellington for a short visit. Dr. and Mrs Bennett have returned to Blenheim after a stay in Wellington. Mrs J. E. Smith and the Misses Smith (Wellington) have gone to England for a trip. Mrs Warburton (Palmerston North) is in the Wairarapa visiting Mr and Mrs J. Cotter, of Greytown. Mr and Mrs C. Louissen (Palmerston North) have gone on a vi-it to Christchurch. Mrs Corliss (Dunedin) is in Wellington for a time, staying with her sister, Mrs Findlay. Mrs E. Riddiford is l ack in Wellington after a short stay in Palmerston North. Mr D. Abercrombie (Wellington) left by the Corinthic for a holiday trip to England. Mr and Mrs Guthrie-Smith. of Hawke's Bay. are the guests of Mr and Mrs W. Empson, in Wanganui. Mrs and Miss Dodgshun. of Wanganui, have returned from their visit to Wellington. Miss Hudson, of Nelson, is the guCst of Mrs H. J. Christie. St. John's Hill, Wanganui. Mrs John Watt, of Wanganui. Fas returned from her visit to friends in Wellington. Miss Stella Dranstield has gone to England for a trip. “ She: will • probably be away from Wellington about a year or so. Air and Airs John Stevenson, of AA anganui, accompanied by their son and daughter, are on a visit to Auckland, whence they proceed to Rotorua. Mrs Howie (Te Rangi Pai), who has been spending two or three weeks in A\ ellington. has gone South to Christchurch and Dunedin. Air. Gresley Lukin, editor of the Wellington "■ Evening Post.' - left for Sydney and Alelbourne by the Alaheno on Saturday. Air and Airs G. Andes son and the Alisses Anderson iChristehutcls > spent a few days in AVellington before leaving for England. Miss Hunter-Browne (Nelson) spent a week or two in Wellington with her sister Airs Pollen, prior to leaving for a trip to England. Air At'. 11. Hales, late engineer-in-chief for the colony, and Airs Hales, will leave AVellington in a tew days on a visit to Canada and Europe. Dr. and Airs Hassall (AVellington) are taking a trip Home shortly. They travel by way of Fiji and Canada, and are among the many passengers who will embark in the Alaheno. Dr. C. Prendergast Knight has gone to Alelbourne for a visit. AVhile there he will represent Victoria (ol lege (Wellington) at the festivities in connection with Alelbourne University. ( aptain and Airs Todd and Aliss T< dd (Napier) were in Wellington for a few days lately. Captain Todd left for London by the Corinthic. Airs Tedd and her daughter are |»tying visits to friends before returning to Napier. Mr A. Duncan, the New Z aland golf cluinipion. has undvigone an < potation for' iippendieitis. His mafic ' friends throughout the colony will be"glad to learn that the operation wos sueee-sfuL Alt W. AL Haimay, secretary and gvnSral manager- ofc the Welltitgton and AGuawutu iiailway Company.* lias received six months' leave of absemv, and is leaving on a visit to the Oi l Country.

Miss S. Brandon (We^ingtblrt , ' leaves next week for /Sydney and Brisbane en route to She will spend some time .in C anada before, going on % to the Old Country, where she will be met by her sister, AlisS _ A. Brandon. ’-s Mr. P. R. "Skeates.' of Palmerston North, is the first gentleman to take a motor car to the mountain house of Alount Egmont, driving the whole four miles from the radius lin? in his 12 h.p. Darraeq. Air George Hartshorn, of the Napier branch of the Bank of New Zealand, was recently the recipient of a silvermounted meerschaum pipe, as a token of esteem on the occasion of his transfer to the Hastings branch. The honorary staff of the Wellington Hospital for the next two years will consist of Drs. Adams. Henry, 11. J. AlcLean. and Herbert (physicians). Collin*, Faulke, James, and A'oung (surgeons), AL Kendall (ophthalmic surgeon), and Air. R. C. Bulkier (dentist .surgeon I. A Press Association telegram from Wellington states that Air. A. E. Gibbs, secretary for New Zealand cf th? Colonial Alutual Life Assurance, and a member of the City Council, has l>een appointed manag*/ in England of the Colonial Mutual. He leaves iu five weeks’ time. Air. Gibbs is a well-known association football enthusiast. Airs AVhitehouse. who has been visiting New Zealand for six months or so. has leturned to Scotland. She came out for the marriage of her sister. Dr. Isabel Watson, to Dr. Crosby, w'.ikli occurred last year, and since then has l>een staying about at various places. She will probably go on to India after a time. Air and Airs Alan Strang were in AVellington lately for a few day- before leaving for England in the Corinthic. Air Alan Strang is one of the three brothers who have won fame on the polo field. For many years their team iOroua) was the chainpion of the colony. and in consequence they held the Savile Cup. At the recent tournament, however, they were defeated by Rangitikei. Mr Alan Strang is taking several of his polo ponies with him. ami expects to plav a good deal in England. Among the successful AA ellington niurie students who passed the recent Trinity College examinations were the following pupils of Airs. G. Alaekay : Practical. Aliss E. L. Alellwraith: intermediate gold medal for piano presented by the local committee. Aliss A era F’ogellierg: junior gold medal for piano (Martha Alyers memorial). Aliss Aland Phillips, who obtained the maximum number of marks (100 per cent) in the theoretical examination, and won Mr. C. D. Mackintosh's prize to the candidate obtaining highest percentage of marks, and also Dr? A. K. Newman's prize for the best junior candidate. SOUTH ISLAND. Aliss Graham. Dunedin, is visiting Airs C. Cooper. Christchurch. Mr. and Mrs. F. Al. B. Fisher have left Christehurclt for AVellington. They intend to -live there during the session. Airs. Napier Bell, who has been spending a few weeks in Christchurch, has gone to Dunedin. Air. and Aliss Alurray-Aynsley (Christchurch ) have gone* for a Southern trip in the Ruapehu. Air. and Airs. T. Cowlis’iaw (Christchurch,) have left for England via Sydney. Air. and Air-. IL Brett, who have been spending a few days in Christchurch, have returned to Auckland. \(i-.. Gorrie (Am-kland). who has been stavino with her sister. Airs. A. Borthwick. at Andover-street. Alerivale, lias returned home. Air. anil Mrs. Lee and Aliss Joan Lee. who have Iteeii spending the summer in ( hristcliurcli as the guests of Air. and Air-. Joseph Palmer, have returned to Australia. Mr*. J. T. Peacock hri*tchurj:hi set out last week for Invereargill in her motor car. accompanied l»y a friefut,b ith whouL.slie intends to make a tour round the world: writes oin-wasrreapoudent. The. Ilannen J-Eng-1.- - -ir.- • -!.<y i>u Willi Ah. Gmt! 1, ( obriubo ■yns' -t.. 1 htfsfCn>re:i. Airs. n'l-.h ).-t to. ' Ennlwu I with t hiuu in May. .cliielij ou aecvunUof her health.

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New Zealand Graphic, Volume XXXVI, Issue 14, 7 April 1906, Page 41

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Personal Paragraphs New Zealand Graphic, Volume XXXVI, Issue 14, 7 April 1906, Page 41

Personal Paragraphs New Zealand Graphic, Volume XXXVI, Issue 14, 7 April 1906, Page 41

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