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Personal Paragraphs

AUCKLAND PROVINCE. Rev. and Mrs C. Tisdall- (Rotorua) have gone to Tauranga for three weeks. Rev.. Stoops, B.A. (Onehnnga), is visiting Rotorua. Mr and Mrs -Savage (Auckland) have just paid Rotorua a visit. Mr and Mrs Pridham (New Plymouth) are visiting Rotorua. Mrs Dodwcll (Wellington) is in Rotorua holiday making. Mr. and Mrs,, John Mills, of ..Christchurch, are on a visit to Auckland. Dr. Reid and Mrs Reid went South by the Rotoiti last week. Mr and Mrs Lawson ami the Misses Lawson (2) (England) are staying at Lake House Hotel, Rotorua. Air and Mrs Arch Clark and family, of Remuera, Auckland, are staying at Waiwcra House, Rotorua. Mr B. T. Chaytor (Otamarakau), who has been visiting Rotorua, has returned home. Mr W. H. Phillips, of the Thames, who has been fishing in Rotorua, has returned to the Thames. Mrs C. A. Luxton Loney, of Sydney, is at present on a visit to her father, Mr Justice Edwards, Auckland. Mr I. Hopkins:, Government Apiarist, is making a tour of inspection of the apiaries of the Auckland province. Canon Haselden was a passenger to Auckland by the Aupouri from the Great Barrier last week. The Hon. S. T. George, M.L.C., accompanied by Mrs. George, returned from the South by the Rarawa last week. Dr. Pabst, who has been on a lengthy visit to Australia, returned to Auckland on Sunday by the Manuka. Mr and Mrs R. McCallum (Blenheim) have just paid Rotorua a visit. They returned home, via Taumaranui and the Wanganui river. Miss Dobson (Hobart) and her friend, Miss A. Thomson (Christchurch) are staying at Brent’s Bathgate House, Rotorua. Mr W. D. McLean, manager of the Onehunga branch of the National Bank of New Zealand, left for New Plymouth by the Takapuna last week. Mr S. Goldreieh, a member of the central executive of the International Zionist organisation, is at present in Auckland on behalf of that body. Mrs B. Ireland (Auckland), who has been staying at Waiwera Mouse, Rotorua, for some time, has now gone to Tauranga. — -

Miss Chrystal (Gisborne) has just returned to Auckland from a visit to Rotorua, and is staying with friends at Reniuera. Mr Guy 11. Scholefield. a member of the literary staff of the “New Zealand Times,” is paying a visit to Auckland on holiday leave. Mr Ponder, a member of the South Australian Parliament, is earning to New Zealand to investigate political anil municipal matters. Mr Ferguson, purser of the Talune, who lias resigned from the company’s service, has been succeeded by Mr M. P. Calfin, late of the Taviuni. Miss Draper (Reniuera). who has been on a long visit to.the West Coast, has returned to Auckland. Miss -I. Draper is visiting friends in Christchurch. Mr. W. IL Wanklyn, secretary to the Canterbury ■ Jockey Club, returned to New Zealand from a holiday trip to Australia last week. Mr. R. Turnbull, who lias been an overseer on the Paeroa-Waihi railway for some time, has been transferred to Taihape. Amongst visitors from England in Rotorua are Mr and Mrs Turner-Turner, Mr and Mrs Topham. Mr and Mrs Jose, General. Buckle, Mr Fletcher, Mr Polio k, Mr Watkin. Mrs Willoughby Kenny (Auckland) is visiting her sister. Mrs A. L. Wilson, at her residence “Tumai," Wellington. Miss Kenny is on a visit to Dr. and Mrs Kenny (Te Arolia). , Mr. G. F. Gray, (ho organiser' of the Liberal and Labour Federation, lias been spending a few days in the Northern Wairoa district as the guest of Mr John Stallworthy, M.11.R. Captain Turner, of Rotorua, who has been road engineer in the Public Works Department for some years, retired at the end of the year, and will net as engineer to the Rangitikci Board. Mr A. Hamilton, Auckland manager of the Westport Coal Co., left for Westport last week on a business trip. . Upon his return he will travel to the East on behalf of his company. Dr. Briiite, ex-Mt)deralorrGeneral of the Presbyterian Assembly of Australia, contemplates a visit to New Zealand. Notwithstanding his advanced age, he in still in active work. Mr J. E. Ilenrys, the well-known handicapper, is paying a visit to Auckland, and is going to Rotorua on Wednesday with Mrs Ilenrys, who accompanied him to Auckland. Major Nelson George, who recently returned to the colony from England, is at present in Auckland, but Mrs George is remaining in the South for a few weeks before coming North. Amongst Wellington visitors in Rotorua are Mr and Mrs 11. Morton, Miss Tolhurst, Miss Tnlley, Miss Walters, Mr and Mrs and Miss Wilson, Miss Coates. Among the passengers from Sydney by the steamer Manuka was Captain Edie, superintendent of the Department of Navigation in New South Wales, who is about to take an extended trip through this colony. Mr .lames Hay Paris, manager of the firm of Messrs 11. E. Partridge and Co., was last week presented by Mr 11. !•>. Partridge with a gold watch anil chain suitably inscribed, on the. occasion of the 25th anniversary of his joining the employ of the firm. Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Scott, of MountEden, celebrated the sixtieth anniversary of their wedding last week. A large number of friends and relatives gathered in the Masonic Hall to participate in the festivities, among the guests being the Rev. Gray Dixon, Mrs. ain<» Connor, the only liaugfi'cr of Mr. and Mrs. Scott, and a number of grandchildren. Mr F. 11. Wood, formerly auctioneer of the Wairarapa, and now a resident of Tauranga, has just returned from a month’s trip South, and finds considerable interest is being taken in Tan ranga land by settlers in Taranaki, Wairarapa and Canterbury, many of whom express their intention of investing in Bay of Plenty properties. Auckland visitors in Rotorua last week included Mr and Mrs Walker, Mis's Harry, Mrs Street, Mr and Mrs E. Anderson, Miss Rook, Miss Walker, Mr and Mrs O. Wilson, Mr Middrum, Miss Barry, Miss Browning, Mr Henry Miller, Mr and Mrs Young and family, Miss Horton.

Mr James Met.'ll Hugh, son of Ml McCullagh, of the firm of MeCnllagli and Gower, Queen-street, was a passenger by the Mukoia to Sydney, en route for Ixmdon, where he intends to remain for a few years to gain experience in a London drapery establishment. Constable Nixon S ott will resign from the police force it the end of February, after 31 years of continuous service," 27 of which have been spent on the Wairoa. Mr Seolt is having a residence erected at Mount Roskill, where he intends living after his retirement. His Excellency the Governor and lardy, Plunket, who have teen on a visit to the Northern islands and bays in the Tntanekai, visited Russell on Saturday, and returned to Auckland on Tuesday. While in Whangarei His Excellency stated his intention to officially visit the Northern centre. Miss Gertie Campion lias had another serious relapse since her return to Melbourne from South Afiiea. 1 he doctors have ordered her removal from .Melbourne, and Mr Bert Boyle has communicated with Sir Joseph Ward in an endeavour to arrange for admittance to I lie Cambridge Sanatorium for Consumptives. The Hon. Charles Milii'c Rainsay, Grand Master of the Grand Lodge of Scotland, has been pleased to confer on Bro. Win. McCullough. District Grand Master of the North Island of New Zealand (Scottish (’onstitbtion), the position .of honorart Grand Warden of the (Iriiiij Lodge of Scotland. Information of the conferment of one of the highest! honorary positions that Hie (Irand Lodge of Scotland liestows tame to hand by the last Frisco mail. At.a meeting of th? Council of the Vietofin Institute, London, held on Die 20th November, the ’’Gitnijing Prize.’’ of the. value of X‘4o, open for iimipetition. to all Members aid Associates, was awarded, to the Rev. John I ! r<iiilnu’t, of Auekland, New Zealand. The subject of essay was "The bearing of .recent Oriental discoveries on Old Testament History.’,’,, Six essays wore sent, in, and the second in merit, receiving an .lipiiorariiini of live guineas, was awarded to the Rev. A. Craig Robinson, Rector of Bally money, Co. Cork. It. is understood that the Rev. Percy Williams will accent the position of acting-Warden of St. John’s (’allege, whieli Ims been offered to him. Thu matter will come before the General Synod in HlO7. The Bev. Williams was born at. the Bay. of Islands and was educated at ( liristehmleh. New Zealand, and Cambridge University, where he took hi- M.A. degree. For some two years lie was curate of .Sa. Bartholomew’s, Smithfield, .'inti cn bin return to New Zealand n.TS curate of St. Sepulchre’s, Auekland. As a member of the Melanesian Mission his work in (he Islands was interrupted by an attack of fever for a time, though he subsequently returned to hi-? work. Some three monlbs ago he returned to New Zealand, and at present is staving in Hawke’s B.ty with relatives. The Rev. Williams takes considerable interest. in athletics and was a member of the Grafton Football ( lab. Bishop Stuart, of Persia, and formerly: Bishop of Waiapn, Xew Zealand, arrived by the Victoria fi-jin Sydney last

Week. He resigned hi* colonial bishopric in 1894 in order to tqke up mission work in Persia, where hf* has lad a m<»>! interesting career. In 1850 he went out to India with French to found St. John’s College. Agra, after which he joined Kebsch at Jubl iilpore. and started the C.M.S. High School there. Bishop Stuart was secretary for 1 lie North India Mission fi < m 1891 to 1872. Ju a recent letter th* venerable missionary says: ‘*My daughter and I returned last week from a tour of over one thousand miles in our own conveyance in this roadless country, where the only good driving was over the deserts, where there was only a mule’s or a camel's track. But through ‘journeying mercies’ we got safely through, with only two accidents, in which only the phaeton sustained damage, and we escaped unhurt. \\ e visited both Tezd’ and Kerman, our mission stations between this and India, being away half of March, April. May, and June.” The following have been staying at Wai worn for the holidays: From Auck-. land —Mr. Geo. Jackson, Mr. T. M. Jackson. Miss Smith. Mr. Arnold, Mr. Lyons, Jnnr.. Mr. Turner, Mr. Belstan, Mr. and Mrs. J Kei<l, Mr. and Mrs. Frater. Misses Frat er, Mrs. Maclean, Colonel and Mrs. Abbott and child. Miss Ritchie, Miss Savage. Mr. Cunningham, Mr. and Mrs. Samuel Jackson, Mr. and Mrs. Thornton Jackson and child. Mrs. Proude. Masters Fronde, Mr. and Mrs. Blair. Mr. and Mrs. J. R. Reed, Misses J. R. Reed,' Master Reed. Mr. and Mrs. Carr, Masters Curr. Mr. and Mrs. Spragg, Miss Franklin. Mr, iWigg. Mr. Mogenie, Mr. and Mrs. Hodgx sou aj|d. child, Mr. and Mrs. Maguire.. Mi - Shaw, ,Miss Alderton, Mr. Jacobson, Miss 'l’aylor, Mr. 11. Gillies. Mr. Robertson. Mr. Finn, Mr. John Mowbray, Mr. U. R. Mowbray, Mr. Swales, Mrs. and Miss W hitson, Miss Edwards, Mr. Raynor. Mr. Greig. Messrs. Norton. Mr. Dawdon. Mr. and Mrs. Bloomfield, IMlss Bloomfield, Mr. and Mrs. Giltillan, Miss Lloyd. Mr. and Mrs. Wheeler, Mi-s Knapp, Mr. Brown, Mr. Lewis, Mr. Turner. Mr. Brodie. Mrs. lohn Menzies, Mr. Jim Menzies. Mr. and Mrs. Hill. Mr. and Mrs. Murchie. Mr. J. Mnrebie, Mirs Mur©•hie. Mr. ami Mrs. V. J. Larner and family. Mr. Gel-ton, Mr. and Mrs. Bach and child. Mr. and Mrs. J. I). Jones, Mr. and Mis- Brodie, Mr. Atkin-on, Mr, Lloyd, Mi. McQueen. Mr. Finlayson, Messrs. Hellaby, Mr. Morley, Messrs. Drummond, Mr. Dalton. Mr. Houghton, Mr. Carter, Mr. Robertson. Mr. Smith, Mr. and Mrs. Hanna ami family, Mrs. Payton abd family. Mr. and Mrs. Bewes, Mr. and Mrs. Taylor. Mr. ami Mrs. 11. Walker and family. Miss Mowbray, Miss Mary Mowbray, Mr. Douglas Mowbray, Master Bob Mow? bray. Mr. ami Mrs. Evans, family and party (121, Mr. and Mrs. J. Seccombe amt family. Mrs. laiurie, Mr. W inks Mowbray. Master E. Mowbray; from Cambridge, Mr. Falls, Mr. and Mrs. Hally, Mis.rcs 11 ally. Masters Hally, Mrs. Gibbons. Mr. and Mrs. I’aylor; from Wellington. Mr. Justice Cooper, Miss Cooper, Mi>s Dawson. Mrs. 11. A. Waters, Mr. Ci Ros .Mr. A. E. Potts, Mr. W. Thomson; from Waihi. Mr. W. M. Jack?on; from Shannon. Mr. Fred Ro-s; from Papatoitoi. Mr., Mrs. and Miss McLaughlin; from Pokeno, Mr. ami Mrs. Larsen; from Fiji. Mr. John Murchie. HAWKE'S BAY PROVINCE. Miss Goldsmith (Napier) has gone to ’Wellington on a .short holiday. Miss M. Dinwiddle (Napier) is spend iug a holiday in Dunedin. Mrs Sainsbury (Gisborne) has been staying a few days in Napier. Mrs Henley (Napier) is at Pohui, where she is staying for the holidays. Mis ( . Cato has returned to Napier ’after spending a fortnight at Pohui. Mrs Cargill and family (Napier) are spending a holiday in the country. Miss Fell (Nelson) is staying in Napier with her sister (Mrs Lindo Levien). MLs Hewlings, of Napier, is spending a few months in the country, and is the guest of Mrs Saunderson (Patoka). Mrs and Miss Rawson have returned to Wellington after spending a few da vs in Napier. Mis* Hind marsh, who has been spending a few months in the country, has returned to Napier. Mrs Perry, of Master! on. who is on a Visit to Napier, is staying with her sinter (Airs Mackay).

Mrs Bowen and family are away from Napier for a week or two, spending a ludiday in the South. Mr and Mrs Adair Blythe have returned to Napier after a long visit to the Old Country. Miss Ethel Simpson has returned to her home in New Plymouth after having spent a short holiday in Napier. Lady Campbell and her two daughters have gone to Wellington, where they intend spending a few weeks (writes our Napier correspondent). TARANAKI PROVINCE. Miss V. Miller, of Christchurch, is visiting her New Plymouth friends. . The Misses Kent, of Auckland, are visiting Mrs W. H. Skinner, New Plymouth. Mrs and Miss Cuthbertson, of Nelson, are spending a few weeks in New Plymouth. Mr Monroe, of Wellington, has been spending a few days with his relative. Miss Buchanan, New Plymouth. Judge and Mrs Kenny have left Nelson for a while, and are staying in New Plymout h. Mrs Alan Douglas and Miss Douglas, New Plymouth, have gone to Christchurch for a few weeks. Mr and Mrs A. C. Fookcs, New Plymouth, have gone for a trip to the SoulJiern Lakes. Mr and Mrs E. Rawson, of Masterton, are staying for some weeks at the Terminus, New Plymouth. Mr G. G. Shaw, of Cambridge, has been spending his holidays in New Plymouth with his mother, Mrs Courtney, Miss D. Bedford has returned to New Plymouth from the North, where she had been for the Christmas vacation. Miss M. Evans has returned to Wellington after spending two weeks in -New Plymouth. Mrs and Miss Graham are here from Palmerston, and are staying at Niger House (writes our New-Plymouth correspondent). Mr F. liaise and Mr J. Dewar, both of the King Country, are spending their holidays in New Plymouth. Miss Williams (Cliristeliureh) is at present the guest of Mrs White, at Ha were. Miss G. Shaw's many friends.will be pleased to welcome her back from Wellington, where she has been spending a year in studying at the School of Art (writes our New Plymouth correspondent). WELLINGTON PROVINCE. Captain Hughes was a visitor to Palmerston North at Christmas. Miss N. Abraham has returned to Palmerston North from Christchurch. Miss Waldegrave (Palmerston North) has gone on a visit to Christchurch. Mr Grey (Palmerston North) has gone for a trip to Rotorua. Airs A. Blundell, of Wanganui, is staying in Palmerston North with friends. Miss Cottcrill, of Cliristeliureh. is the guest of Mrs G. Saunders, in Wanganui. Mrs and Miss Earle, of Wanganui, are staying at the Royal Oak in Wellington. Miss Cameron, of Wanganui, has gone to Pietou for a short visit. Mr. and Mrs. W. Watson are staying at Kenepuru, Pelorus Sound. Mr. F. Rollcston (Timaru) has been paying a visit to Wellington. Miss Baker (Wanganui) is making a .stay in Wellington. Mr A. Sherrill' and his two sons have gone to Rotorua for the holidays (writes our Wanganui correspondent). Mr and Mrs J. A. Young, of Wanganui, have returned from an enjoyable trip to England. The Rev. T. Poiritt, of Greytown, is staying in Wanganui with his son (Dr. Porritt). Mrs Oldham, of Taihape. is the guest of her sister (Mrs John Stevenson) in Wanganui. Mr and Mrs C. J. Greenwood and family, of Wanganui, have returned from their visit to Mangahiahu.

Mrs Mowatt, of Hunterville, was in Wanganui for the Brough - Flemming Company’s season. Mrs A. Sherriff and Miss Page, of Wanganui, are staying with friends in Rangitikei. Mr. F. Jackson and Miss Jackson (Wanganui) are on u short visit to Wellington. Mrs. and Miss Black (Wanganui) are spending two or three weeks in Wellington. Mrs George Humphreys and her children (Wanganui) are spending the holidays at Plimmerton. Mr Fairburn (Wanganui) has returned from his visit to Auckland and Rotorua. Mrs and M iss Moore, of Wanganui, has gone to Christchurch to visit relations. Mr. H. Arkwright, “Overton,” Marton, has returned home after a stay in Wellington. Mr. and Mrs. Turnbull are back in Wellington from Featherston, where they have been staying for - the races. Mr and Mrs Imlay Saunders, of Dannevirke. have returned to their - home after - a visit to relations in Wanganui. Dr. and Mrs. C. Prendergast Knight are spending two or three weeks at Port Underwood. -y Miss Fitzgerald (Wellington) has gone to the Wivirarapa to visit Mrs. John Barton. Mr. and Mrs. Atkinson and Misses Atkinson and Hursthouse are camping out in Queen Charlotte Sound. Captain .and Mrs. Gisborne (England) have gone to the West Coast Sounds on the Waikare’s excursion. They return to Wellington in a few weeks’ time. Mr A. E. Remington, M.H.R., has retired from business with a view to devoting the whole'of - Itis time to his Parliamentary duties. • Miss Sutton (Napier) is at present in Wellington staying with Mr. and Mrs. Ewen. The Misses FNtetl arc spending the holidays at - Port jUnderwood, where there is a large party.camping out. The Hon. T. Ogilvie-tlrant and Mrs. Ogilvie-Grant lately arrived in Wellington from Christchurch.' They are at present in lodgings, white they look about for a house. Mr. and Mrs. Arthur Hume are at present staying with Colonel and Mrs. Hume. Wellington. They arrived from South Africa last month, and intend to live in New Zealand. Mr. and Mrs. A. Crawford and Miss Crawford (Wellington) are going to England in a few months’ ..time. It .is still uncertain how long they mean to be away. Mrs. Westall, Miss Todd, and Miss Fannin, who came from Napier for the lawn tennis championship meeting, have returned home after a stay of a fortnight or so (writes our Wellington correspondent). Mr. and Mrs. Ward and Miss Ward left Wellington by the lonic for a trip to England. They will probably be away about a year. During their absence Mr. and Mrs. Finch will occupy their hause on Talavera Terrace. Miss hedger (Nelson) goes to England with them. The Misses II: re nit arc hack in Wellington after some weeks" in Australia. ■While in Sydney I hey were present at the marriage of their brother, Mr. S. Harcourt, and Miss Deans. From Sydney they went on to Melbourne for a week or two,, and then left for Auckland. where they spent Christinas before returning home.

Miss Holmes, who has been away from Wellington for over a- year, has returned again. While away she visited Australia, Europe, India, and Burma, besides other places in the East. After a short stay in Wellington she went on to Dunedin to see her friends and. relations there. While in the South she intends going the West Coast Sounds trip. Visitors to the Palmerston North races ineluded Mr Gaisford (Hawke's Bay), Mr and Mrs F. Waldegrave (Wellington), Mr and Mrs Godfrey Pharazyn (Feilding), Mr and Mrs Godfrey Baldwin (Levin), Mrs Dan Biddiford (Marton), Mrs and Miss Bennett (Hawke’s Bay), Mr and Mrs Cato (Hawke’s Bay), Miss 0. Smith (Wellington), Mr and Mrs Blundell (Wellington). SOUTH ISLAND. Miss Deans, who has been the guest of Mrs. Fraser, St. Clair, Dunedin, has returned to Ricearton. Mr. H. Abraham is staying with Mr. Justice Denniston and Mrs Denniston, at Armagh-street, Christchurch. Mr. George Humphreys and his daughters leave Christchurch early in the year for a trip to England. Miss Sommervile (Wellington) is at present staying with Mrs. Deans (Ricca rton). Mr. and Mrs. Henry Cottcrill and family, of Christchurch, are spending the holidays in Timaru. . The Misses Mears (Christchurch) are staying at Mount Grey, where Mrs. Ensor is entertaining a large party. Mr. and Mrs. J. D. Ormond (Hawke’s Bay) are staying with Mrs. Wilder, at Fernside, Christchurch. Mr. and Mrs. It. Goring Thomas (Auckland) are spending a few days with Mr. and Mrs. J. C. Wilkin, at Merivalo, Christchurch. Mr. and Mrs. Otterson have arrived from England, on a visit to Christchurch. Mrs. Otterson is staying with her sister. Mrs.' Ranald Maedonald, at Hambledcn. Mr and Mrs George Helmerc and family, who have recently returned from their visit to England, intend residing in Christchurch. Mr Hejmore still retains his practise in Rangiora, and will also practise here, writes our Christchurch correspondent, Mr. and Mrs. J. C. Wilson (Cashmere) have gene to Culverden with their family for a holiday visit, lasting some weeks, during which time Mr. and Mrs. Polhill will stay at Cashmere, writes our Christchurch correspondent.

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New Zealand Graphic, Volume XXXVI, Issue 2, 13 January 1906, Page 43

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Personal Paragraphs New Zealand Graphic, Volume XXXVI, Issue 2, 13 January 1906, Page 43

Personal Paragraphs New Zealand Graphic, Volume XXXVI, Issue 2, 13 January 1906, Page 43

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